Grow smarter with yoga :

Grow smarter with yoga

Grow smarter with yoga
Updated Mar 17, 2021, 2:52 pm IST
Yoga specialist Namita Piparaiya suggests few yoga techniques that help supercharge your brain for success
Looking at yogis contorting themselves into unthinkable postures, wrapping their limbs around like they were made of rubber, it is easy to imagine that yoga benefits only if you do the impossible. In reality, though, yoga is a far more inclusive practice that everyone can benefit from. More importantly, it is a practice that can transform and supercharge your brain, making you more productive and efficient in your everyday life.
In fact, regular yoga practice even helps increase your grey matter in areas responsible for memory retention and rational thinking. That is why consistent yoga practice improves focus, helps us control our emotions, reduces impulsive behaviour and improves decision-making.

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Namita Piparaiya , Sama Vritti Pranayama , Ardha Chandrasana , Anuloma Viloma Pranayama , , Dancer Pose , Half Moon Pose , Yoga Nidra , Crocodile Pose , Dead Body Pose , Sun Salutations , Yoga Asana , Yogi , Meditation , நடனமாடுபவர் போஸ் , பாதி நிலா போஸ் , யோகா நித்ரா , முதலை போஸ் , இறந்தவர் உடல் போஸ் , சூரியன் வணக்கங்கள் , யோகா ஆசனம் , யோகி , தியானம் ,

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