Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

together with his coral reefer band buffet recorded hit songs , including margaritaville come monday and cheeseburger in paradise. wasted away. yes, i am. right now. it's not clear how buffett died. however he has struggled with health health issues starting in 2022 when he was hospitalized and forced to cancel several shows than in may and june of this year, he canceled more concerts after revealing he was quote back in the hospital to address some issues that needed immediate attention. it was a striking admission from the road warrior whose summer tours attracted swarms of devotees, often known as parrotheads again. if you're just joining us iconic singer songwriter jimmy buffett has died. he passed away peacefully last night, surrounded by family and friends. buffet best known for songs like margaritaville cheeseburger in paradise. and many, many more. buffett was 76 years old. i'm marianne rafferty, now american raffertt back to regular programing already in progress. >> it's that they are stopping the flow of drugs. investigators say had they not stopped this drug trafficker, 290,000 fentanyl pills were destined for shoreline seattle burian and white center. >> prosecutors say the suspect ,originally from mexico, claimed to be part of an unnamed international cartel. en that's hardly the only major drug busts we've seen recently , . >> in fact, more than $20 million worth of methd and cocaincocain at the e were e the border. and get that, it was justthis in three days. that's right. just 72 hours. r,and this summer, officersy intercepted nearly £900,000 of fentanyl pills. kareenen, as a as a former whita house press secretary. >> i'm really tryingt yo to fige out what you mean here, but i'm at a loss for words. bide even the way you tried to explain how biden was stoppingn the flow. >> it was pure gaslighting. i will say the this the presidet has done more to secure the border and ttiono deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else. >> he really has. >> he's the best ever. i seem to remembersident a prest who actually did do more to secure the bordeitr, and it is n president biden. it's a president who wanted to putflow eve a wall in place e the flow even more house tried to continue that earlier this year. but toou w that you were told r another tall tale. >>ep a how republicans are morea interested in campaigning on immigrationct then actually solving it. it would waste taxpayer dollar s on, an ineffective wall again, an ineffective wall thatt even can't even withstand heavy winds, let alone sophisticatedid criminal smuggling networks. t i it's just the wind. come on.the it. can't. the wind. right. she always blames the wind. remember when she blamed the wind forwind falling? biden falling up the stairs of air force one? it was the wind. but even ts know democrats knowalling you have a problem now. the dem governor of massachusett ithes is calling it national guard and new york city mayor eric adams. this is a sanctuary city. mayor adams, we could even call him. he's begging for help. >> we need the national government stand up. this is not a new york citya na issue. tionis a national issue. >> and it must be resolved. >> joining us now is stephen miller, former senior adviser to president trump and founder of america first legal. and chad wolf, former acting u.s. secretary of homelande my security, both of whom were my former colleagues f. stephen, it is unfathomable to me the lies coming from the podium, from karine jean-pierre when juxtapose, let's saym when i wa, there and shared science from the podium about schools, schools reopenins being, kidsmif being affected less by covid. you know, that was all spreading misinformationorhn . >> but she can say this totally unaccountable. ephen.stephen. >> yes. a ll, simply put, she's a liar . this administration is filled with inveterate liars. i haiarsd the privilege of workg with our other guest, chad wolf, duringg wi his as secretay of homeland security under president trump. and achieving the most secure border in american history on presidenton watch in 2020. we had t months where the number unaccompanied minors crossing the border were in the hundredsh ,not the thousands, not the tens of thousands. the hundredsreds . and those hundreds were then dismptly returned to their home countries, disrupting lingand dismantling these evil child trafficking networks. noorksw, see, in august, the highest number, the highest number of family unit crossings in the of our country.d. and i would argue in the history of the world. i why? because they are resettling illegal immigrantsiscountry. thc country. they are continuing and completing the carteartel pipeline, taking illegal immigrants smuggled by these orga on tosay toations the destination of their choice. and i would sahis isy to this it only a policy that is deadly and. you give the example of the school bus where you have an illegal alien driveier, th presumably illiterate in our language, doesn't know the rules of the road and unguided, plows into a bus, kills an 11-year-old kid. it's criminal. killadministration is doing andi would argue a future d.a. canle chargeadin the individuals leadg this policy, including president biden, with a number of crimes that tough but necessary words. >> you know, secretary. i have to know what you think s when you heaay thir say this. d i'll quote her directly. the president has doneeath thise secure the border and to deal with this issue of immigration than anyone he really has. >> what do you think when you hear that? so, kelly, to say it's frustrating is an understatement. obviously, if you're measuring success by letting a record number of illegal aliens enteras the country, then, yes, the biden administration is by far doin ig more than every othr administration. obviously, i say that admiy, you know, sort of at the end of the day. but, you know, again, this administration. is not being honest with the american people. its stra hit's strategy here isl to allow individuals in the country and not enforce border security. and i think if you look at any measurt countre metric, that is we're seeing today. to stevens point, it's a good f point here. when you're when you have a historic numbey r, family unis or families coming across that reas to the reasonde why. and the why is very simple. the biden administrationn admi l eliminated family detention, the ability to hold families. it eliminated the remain in mexico program. it eliminated dna testing so that border patrol officers could actually tell if a family was fraudulent coming acrosss ht border. all these things start to add up and it allowsor a number ofio families coming into this country which causes another agn crisis on top of a crisis that we have today. but again, you don't need to, you know, accept my my, my word for. you showed a clip at the beginning of the mayor of new york city is begging y wothe biden administration to stop the crisis, to stop it. and you don't want to havemassac to look at just the mayor. you look at the governor of massachusetts and others. they are begginghud thi ing sthisy administration to do something. and it's unfortunatelyit's kayle it's falling on deaf ears. >> knoig stephenw, you know, st, to that point, you have mayor adams, you have these democrats callinting to seg out, the administration, which is interesting to see. and there's a cnn article about mayo bider adams telling biden officials, you guys are the problem. but what i was interesting is what the biden officials said back. they said this. they saihey could at thewhitd t. everything they could at the white house to lead without congress pitchiney saig in.f wh they said biden had done more than any previous president and much of what adams was asking for would either require congressional action llenged or would likely immediately be challenged in court. what's interesting to me about thatw, is, you know,e the press secretary saying he's so good at immigration from the podiuwas nom was notics her going rogue. this appears to be a crafted white house point, which is delusion, whether truehey ar to the american people, like they're stupid. >> they're treating journalistes like they're stupid. they're treating the white house press corps like they're stupid. and, of course of c, journalists in the white house press corps just play along because they're part of the propagandaca operation when she says they're doing great job. what she meanse sa is doing a gt job freeing illegal immigrants into the country. you cag n down this flow tomorrowd resu by restarting and resumingmip in the that we had in place under president trump in 2020, includincluding g remain in mexl safe trade agreements, asylum bars and title 42 rapid returnsng d. without documents and dna, you could do it all and you could do it immediately. but they wanimmigratt mass illel immigration for political reasons, and that is truly morally reprehensible.m the collateral damage is oagn imaginable. rep >> yeah. secretary wolf, final question to you. breitbart is reportingorgot awat away numbers for this year are yen higher tha that's people who evaded authorities entirely. doesw who they are.e me >> does that surprise you? no, absolutely not. wh doesn't surprise me. why? because you have border patrol agents processine borderg a hiss number of migrants inside border patrol stations and where they shoulhedat the is actually on the line doing their national security stng notg sure. that they're stopping not only bad individuals, but badeli narcotics and other goods coming into the country. su unfortunately, it doesn'trat. surprise me. but again, this is a strategy thy happenn. administratio this isn't by happenstance. it's not by choice. it's not just by randot rm coincidence that that we see all these numbers spiking across the boardthisas bee. this is what has been designed over the last two and a half year s. u also and they will continue to implement this. so you'll continue to see the number of gateways increas k . you also can see the number of moown or suspected terrorist, which if you track that number, continues to increase month after montntr h month under th s administration because there is a nationadl security and a public safety issue, that crisis, i should say that's going on on that border today stephen. secretary, wolf, thank you very much. thanouk. d th something else, our leaders haven't stopped the flow ofel crime from coast to coast. people are being attacked, helad at gunpoint or tased and all while doing everyday things. something even as simple as walking your dog. which is exactly what happened to my next guest, retired navy commander scott was taking his dog, norah, for a walk alk ina when he was brutally attacked and robbed. he blacked out , but a group ofck good samaritans found him and brought him back to his he. y is he remembers waking up in the emergency room getting treated for a brairotreater n injury ann teeth. >> scott harris joins me now along with partner joe,cott her chick scott. e one thing that stood out to me about your story, you're a veteran. served in the navy. i'm so sorry about what happened to you. more than 100 stitches or a brain injury. you know, scott, that's scotg you think mightdid yo happen overseas when you're fighting in war. did you ever expect itu it t see to happen to you here? >> no, i did not see. t that coming. i you know, we had kind of gotten used to these legal partiei neves, the street.uld be i never in a million years thought i would be attacked. within ayou know, within a blocf my own home. g very yeah. scott, i understand that you lost something very personal to you and your wallet. >> what was taken fromu. you?a well, you know, they did. they took a piece ofpi m a piecf my memory of my mother. my mother passedothe quite some time ago, and i've had her near me ever sincecarrie, cy her driver's license with me. nighunfortunatel my that was in the wallet. that's probably the most precious thing i lost that night. >> wow.t i'm so sorry to hearjo that. atd joseph, he arrives on your doorstep. someone you care deeply about. what did you think? >> i wasn't sure what happened. actually, i knew there was trauma to the face what, but, like, there was so much blood thatbloo i didn't know if he was stabbed or shot or whatever. that's how much blood there. so i immediately called not one, but two prefaces. prefaces,i called the police wt home about the illegal party to have police officers come out. and they never camficers come o and this is what happens when, you know, there's lawlessness in the city. and i have to say that you have to blame the leaders, the city. you have to blame your kenny. tha. krasnerty, commissioner outlaw. and then you talk to theaboves police. it's not the police fault. their hands are tied by th. e upbout above. that's the sad part. this isn't the first time that i call the police about shenanigans going on acroseet.s street. be they don't show up. >> wow.i unde so you've tried to stop thesers large gatherings before. understand, scott, there was a large gathering going on by your house. so this has happened more than once. it seems to be repeated kind of lawlessness. >> seems like every one or two months, there's party. and we did get the police to respond. every one they shut up and dird traffic, they did not stop the party. they sai d unless there id there's sometg violent going on. we're told not to interven te, c otherwise we might escalate the situation. well, thenst saturda there was e last saturday and nowhere to be seen. and they neverwe, ever showed ui even after i left in the ambulance. no, but at the time they didwen. show up, i went outside and i tried to talk to the officer and. i said, are you going to do m something about this? and she's like, you're combative. thisgoinbodyam.g to turn on my y cam. so she turned it on. i didn't care. so i sai party d. are you going to break this party up? it's after dusk. dusks of philadelphi you goia close at dusk. she's like, are you going to go into that park and show me that close at park? dusk? your jo are you going to the park? i'm like, no, that's not my job. that'se said wre your job.tiate and she said, well, we're herewi to direct traffic and negotiate with the dj. that's to me, like, i'm noa t i'm a taxpayer. the police are there to protect, not to direcirecc fo traffic for an illegal party. and then the next day, as a taxpayero co are going to pay sanitation to come out and clean the park. g th yeah, well, scott, one thing that stuck outat a as we wrap up here, i did a year in a war zone in iraq, dis ind two yearss in ukraine, and would not have expected this to happen in my own mind, my own neighborhood. thank you both being here. >> i'm so glad you're okay. taseph and scott as well. well, there's been a lot of talk about joe biden'sls. pseudonym emails. plraa has gone through them all and is here to break them down. ushite houseplus, is the whitey house preparing for an impeachment inquiry? jonathan turle, y next. >> stay with us. >> do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? tune off. sleep support has a unique blend. five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster. stay asleep longer. so you can wake up refreshed. tune on the brand, i trust. >> we've got a pie dish. islam. we got to figure this out. this is crime scene kitchen. your challenge is to recreate the mystery dessert as best you can using only the clues left behind. it has to be a pie. this is my kind of cake. we try to make it messy. >> oh, or did it just turn out that way? what is that so good? crime scene. kitchen. mondays at nine on fox. >> let's go to tv is the new home of nfl sunday. being a fan has never been easier. watch every game, every sunday exclusively with nfl sunday exclusively with nfl sunday ticket on youtube, t tv. >> sign up for nfl sundayblem w ticket now and get $50 offas. . attacks against asian americans and pacific islanders are on the rise. 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then he had j r b, where? and then there was robert l peters. all pseudonyms biden. for joe biden.repo the national archives and records administration reportedlyrt has nearly 5400 emails. that's a lot. and other documents relatethosed those pseudonyms. we also know joe biden used those pseudonyms to emailr with hunter. some of those could be simple check inan s between father and son. but we know some of them were w wohet like in 2014 when there ws apparently an open positiorkn to work at the white house. so who better to consult about that than hunter biden,fo who didn't work in the white house? but hunter? he appears to asa favor. k his dad for a favor. he wrote this, quote, beforeyoul you fill position, please talk to me. j. mcgrail very much wants to serve as detail. then vp joe responds regarding johnny. call me right away, dad. jo you see that talking a white house position between father and son who doesn't work and got government. john mcgrail joined the white twy counselden's deput two months later, according to his linkedin profile. how convenient? w york >> joining me now is miranda devine, "new york post" columnist and st and fa fox news contributor. >> miranda, wh whyy would hunter biden, who's at rosemont seneca need to talktoad to his dad aboa white house position and recommend someone to put their. >> hi, kelly. look, it's because hunter biden played a role as kind ofps a to his father when he waidsseo vice president.r people used to come to hunter cap in hand and ask fok for favs from joe whether it be a plush white house job in a senior or whether it was a judgeship, whether it was recommendations for their children to get into some posh school. huntersome biden was kind of h the gatekeeper to his fatherisbe and he used that access to benefit himsel wf in number of ways, including enriching himself. but in this case, you're just saying a classic father son, quid pro quo, which joe biden enables that access using these pseudonyms that you just mentioned, these alias emailesei i think there are about five att the the national archives has said that they've got over 5000f emails from just three of those aliase ys. you know, if you work it out, it's joe biden was sending during his vice presidency at te least two of these or using leat these alias emails to send emails at least twice a day. and why? t you know, that's the question. he was conducting official businesshe using these aliasl emails. the natural suspiciosuspicion ih he wanted to hide something and it's really not up to the national archives to keep that secret from the american people. >> miranda that is the key question i have. so the archives has 5000 of these emails. they were requested by a legal soganizeorganir in in june of 2. it is no ww august of 2023. so why does it take more than a year to turn over these? emails? >> look, great question. and senators johnson asked foe emaiand grassley actur these emails back in 2021. there' bees been complete stonewalling. but of course, with the impeachmen theuiryt inquiry loo, probably next month of joe biden, these emails have come into focun ins again. and the newly important i think they were overlooked at the time and people now realize in the with all the other informatiothey n that's come out itious they're part of the jigsaw puzzle that show that something nefarious being conducted by joe biden as vice president.y >> yeah and of course the white house they say to see here.decie i want conor to get the emails and then the people can decide . >> miranda, thank you. if you look at youf you lo all a information we've been able to gather so far, it is a naturaalu wol forward that you d have to go to an impeachment inquiry that provides congress the apex of legal power to gete all the information they need. you've got to get to be able to answer that to the american public. the american public deserves an answern. interesting words there from the house speaker, the white house. bethey finally be realizing the threat of impeachment is real. om nbc reporting that the administration set up a wa runicat of two dozen lawyers, legislative aides and communications stafferioeas lead a, quote, aggressive response. joining us now is jonathan turley, professor of law at george washington university, he and a fox news contributor and one of the most brilliant analysts, i thin x nek we have here at fox news. it's an honor to have you. jonathan turley, thank you, kelly. >>i mean it, jonathan, all of that. i mean that a lot. but thisthis war this war room,h is conventional, you know, imump had woat, yon had a team , you know, put out pr and you respond to an impeachment thormal.y. w so that's not abnormal. but what is interesting to me here is thmodee biden war room h to model themselves after the clintoeyn 1998 impeachment model. and they say biden officials believ e they are even better positioned to win the battle of public opinion than clinton. what do you think? well, you know, the proble pm that they're establishing this war room before a war, they could easily avoid any impeachment inquiry by simplbyyr asking the the national archives to release this presn, the president to release information from his own financial accountsal.. >> and that would really forestall the need to have an inquiry. ve it's only because they have been stonewalling that congresrn has very little choice, in my view. but to move forward, i consider what congress has right now. i mean, even the is now accepting that there has been an influence peddling operatng e conducted by hunter biden, by his uncle, by others worth tens of millions of dollars from foreign sources. "the washington post" recently admitted that the president ha s been lying about his son's business dealings in china. n ar devon archer, an associate of hunter, said tha t it wasthat patently false. >> what the president has been telling the public for years he that he had no knowledge of their business dealings. so what is supposed to do nowinr if they go to an impeachmenty,oo inquiry, they're going to win. goinhey go to cour dt and demand these emails, demand the financial record.s are going to win. the democrats went to court to insist on trump'sg the bankig records. so the question i have again is why set r up a war room ift e you don't have to have a war? you know, why not be transparent if all these emails are trivialitieivialitisn have them released and put it to rest. but right now we've got $20 million or more passing through a labyrinth of accounts and, shell corporations to biden he. ly members the president benefits from that. right? s a personhe's a person that ish more than $8 million.or t a people at his age are usually trying to create financial legaciesheiry. not t. their family. they're not trying to gather more money in their personalr pe accounts. fi that's a benefit. wef we also don't know i the president has gotten direct benefits. the democrats are nogw arguing,n okay, look, there was influence peddling, but it was an illusion do you. ress how do you know that? the obligation of congress to find answers to those questions. you and professor turley only have a few moments here, but the impeachment inquiry, as i understand it, which mccarthy made news today by suggesting he allow a vote for the impeachment inquiry. contrast that to pelosiuld al who just by proclamation said impeachment inquiry began. that would allowloo have congres to have expanded powers to gain access to some of those recordos is that right?s and that's right. and i've spoken to the speaker and other memberththiss and thee going about this, right. they're not repeating the mistakes of the democratchmt an impeachment inquiry does not mean an impeachment inevitablei, but means the house is going to go forward until they get upswers to these questions ques professor turley, thank you very much. up next, part three of laura's exclusive interview with trump codefendant john eastman. plus, i grant raymond arroyo, three wishes. >> i wonder what they are. stay there with allegra. >> allergies don't hold us back. allegra starts working two times faster than claritin . and unlike steroids, it won't make us drowsy. so you can live greatness. and four kids try children's allegra. the number one allergist, recommended non-drowsy brand denture wares can go wild with wildly adhesive c bond. denture seals get strong all day hold thanks to gradual release technology go wild seven wildly adhesive. >> are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower? 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i hold a very unique perspective that nobody else in that courtroom ever held. would you say you think the police didn't do the job? >> there's a heck of a lot that still needs to be answered. what was your response when you heard that he was stealing $3.8 million? your dad had told you that he didn't go down to the kennel that night. left the house and went to my mom. >> can you point out the person whose voice you recognize in this video? >> no, i don't agree, jackie. how did that make you feel? it was all a lie. i do not think whatever storm he concocted was to kill my mother and brother. you believe the killer is still out there? the of the house of murdoch streaming now on fox nation part of fox justice.tion nation part of fox justice.tion sign up no three monthsic of fox nation for 199. >> happy kids heal faster. that's why starlight children's foundation is dedicated to improving mental wellbeing of sick kids regardless of their illness injury.vide when a child is hospitalized, the happiness of childhood entma feels out of reach. but that's where starlight comes in. comes in. we provide through our gaming stations comfort with our specially designed hospital and play with our toy deliveries and distraction through our virtual headset. starlight programs are what happines of a sms is made of ths that make being a kid special. the simple power of a smile delivered to over 800 hospitals across the country can make a lifetime of difference for sick kids. learn more at starlight .org. >> do you listen to the tv on high volume or have trouble hearing conversations? 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and your 8 hours of testimonyug in the bar proceeding that they're going to be pickinh.g? but how are you dealing with this? well i, know, i'm dealing with t because a year and a half ago, we decided start that this is this fight is 95%in the political and only 5% legal. and if i wasn't out commenting in the press know,, i was, you n not entering the ring where the real battle was going on. canso i've been i've been speaa a lot. people can see my writingsck, td on substack. they can see it at our legal defense fund. give sengoku slash eastman o tom kling and stay in the chairman of the board. f the claremont institute did a series of interviews with me. thosoe half hour to 45 minute programs. three episodes are all available e because we did nothing wrong. we were challenginng an election with more than two credible grounds on which to do s o, king and we thought it was important to do that. and so i keep speaking don't the truth wherever i go. i'm not trying to make stuff up, so i don't have trouble rememberin neg what i said in one lie versus another lie. i've been speaking the truth all alonong.g. that makes it relatively easy. and, you know, and there's there's nothing that was done wrong here. and i think if we get a fair trian fuounty,courl down in fula whether it's in state court or federal coururt, confident that we'll be fully vindicated, not ofst me, but all the defendants. >> john, on the on the issue of the rico case, again, which i i why am i surprised about that? i'm not really surprised by it. but for people who don'tr understand and you've written about this before, people who don't understand w don't the swg nature of this indictment in georgia, followed by filed not by a state prosecuto cr, bys county prosecutor. what does that mean going forward for other presidents i w down the line? if a county prosecutor decidesay ,i want to try to make my career out of this? wellus, it's a very dangerousd thing. you know, former attorney generalultimate and sue court justice robert jackson all u.s.940, i think held a very important meeting of all thethea u.s. attorneys in the country. and he warned them that he said, look, the power of the prosecutor can be abusedg cm and we can cross from a crimes and then trying to figure out who done it, to identifyindone g people we don't like. and then searching the books a cre. the it's the lavrentiy beria aspect of the old silent or soviet union. show me the man and i'll show you the crime. of and when you've got hundreds in that or thousands p of local prosecutors, all of whom can make their their their political career by bringing these kind of charges, it's a very . thing. one of the members of my legal team is harvey glade, who 15thr years ago published a book oulled three felonies a dafey our federal criminal code and our state criminal codes ane have gotten so expansive and so vague that one of us can be charged with by a creative pt prosecutor with three felonies a day, he argues. and we nee thad to we need to pt that genie back in the bottle real quick or we will cease to be a freele. people.politica >> any regrets, john, about getting involved in thworl political i mean, you were just a professor at chapman law a school and a dean there. and, you know, it's -- it's been a long lega, clere l career i clerking on the supreme court and for you. >> but any regrets kin? would i prefer that the kind of consequences, the collateral hadnt followingif hadn't happened? of course. but would i have stepped up agai i knew taken if if i knew stakes were? yestaks, because i think the sts are very high. and if we don't have fair elections if we don't have rule of law in how those elections are conducted, thee con one ofun the most basic premises, the foundation of our country, is gone. and i happen to have the education, the wherewithal, the fortitude, the 20 years ofte legal practice that equips mes i woprobably as good as most toe able to stand and fight these things. so, yeah, i woule itd have done. i would have maybe done a few things differently i f knownas goi what what what kind of crazyng criminal stuff was goingts need to flow from it. but yeah, i think it's important. patriots to stand up. >> citizens need to stand up. ,i up next, biden vouches forfo mcconnell. o plus, i will grant raymond arroyo three wishes. ewishescan't. >> stay with us. in the race for president, there's one candidate tough enough to win the cold war with china conserving as governor and business leader. doug burgum. we need to stop buying energy from our enemies and start selling energy to our friends and allies. as president, burgum will strengthen america's energy independence, lower gas prices, and rebuild our military. conservative doug burgum a strong leader to take on china and win best of america pac is responsible for the content of this advertising . >> bounce of nature. fruits and vegetables. so this is actually your body needs every day on the field. we have to be in shape, be able to run very quickly. balance of nature gets me through that so much easier. when i take balance in nature, i know i'm putting things in my body. it makes positive make me feel good. i believe balance in nature works because i've seen it work. there has been change in my workouts, so recommend for everybody get 40% off your first preferred order when you use discount code. >> fox news. >> i don't know what i'm going to do, but i'm going to do something crazy this year to be the chair of the masked singer five down from i tasted victory before that was entertaining time. >> yeah. oh, so weirdest night of pistol . and you just blow the roof off this place. the masked singer 10th season kicks off sunday, september 10th, on fox. christian mccaffrey on the his take this deal is that in america's game with jordan he's the packers against justin fields and the because he's a you, th it's my oh you don't payis yeah you okay we're fine my serve and maybe we should stop this for no onead, huh? >> no. we got our melons checked. she had a concussionvi ng y. admitting i was wrong is worse admitting i was wrong is worse than losing at picklebalked. saving your brain is a definite way. don't mess with your melon. if you hate it, get it checked out. generations greatest fear is not coming home safe. i wish we could sit here part ways knowing that this is never going to happen again. there's a shooter at school and that there's not other families out there. there are going to be affected by something this tragic. i immediately jumped up and i my son's in the building, but that's that's dreamland. that's not reality. this has to end. what could be more important than protecting our kids? who are we we? >> we are the youth of the nation. you're the youth of the nation. are the youth of the nation. and we're all in this together. and we're all in this together. this is a national is a national code red. code red. this is a national code red. >> calls to fix the migrant from both sides of the aisle. can a plea from democrats >> call 894 947 that's 800 9249471. >> it is friday and that means it's time for friday. follies you got that right. for that, we, of course, turny to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. raymond, you saw that scarycamea moment this week when mitch mcconnell, he froze befores, the cameras. >> good to see you. i did see that. it's greatto see y to see you. s you know, they explained that away as a side effect of con his concussion . but, you know, things are really bad when mcconnell jos joe biden to vouch for him. >> watch this. i think leader mcconnell. >> yes, i have. i spoke to mitch. he's a frien myd. it's not at all unusual to have the response that some times happens to mitch when you've thd a severe concussio a -- n. it's part of a is part of the recovery. and soe recovery confident he'sg to be back to his old self. >> now, bear in mind, kelly, this is the same man who later at that same event askedev this. he never knows where he's going. it could be an allegory for the entire administration. where am i going? what's next tuesday orwhere do d he he's always befuddled and confused. >> he does. and you know what gets me about that moment in particula r ? i'm a floridian. i'm here in florida. i got six inches of flooding i go. e me and behind him was a fema sign. so that's the guy who'sfe in charg lucke helping us out down here. but luckily, we have pretty great governor who did an extraordinarily weeay during a tough hurricane. >> yeah, well, we're prayingprge you and everybody down there who were affected by that terrible hurricane. i hope quickly re, you know, you quicky remedied. >> people forget the other day noew comments this the president made a few months back, kelly. and they are so commoncovers, nh one even covers them anymore. >> listen closely. more than halfalwomen the womeny my cabinet, more than more than half the people in my cap, more than half of the women and my administration are womet. e peopn . did you catch that? that's a that's a bad one. i caught it. be hll tell you, i had to read that a few times before i did catch it. but at least you could say what a woman is. >> unlike ketanji brown jackson. right? this is true. thise keta is. oh, look what i'm rubbing now. my magic lamp. yeah, right, exactly. what do you. robin. raven know exactly. laura. she grants you three wishes.he it's your magic genie bottle there. so i thoughtame. . >> i would do the same. oh, that's so nice of thank genie.look for my first wishes that young women seeking a husband would look something more than the size of a guy's financial. >> i'm not joking. i have asked the last three dudes i've dated for their bank account infoo date on the first date. >> so, like, why do you ask fora that? because i only want be a money wealthy guy that has money. i think, you know, i have a job . >> i'm very successful. so i think i have ever havyi right to be like, hi, are wewa on the same level or am i wasting my time? you know, this is sophia franklin. she's is aa she's influencer. and look, i understand what she's tryinomeoneg to do. she wants someone successful, so her,ould hazard to warn maybe to advise her. you want a guy who's ambitious, drivenme swsomeone who loves you and could be a great father. you that bank accountell signid swell significantly. so don't look at the end result. look at the gu it out.y. yeah. you could figure it out. at least i hope so. yeah just gon yo yeah.your men, i'm just going to warnacco you. stay away. if a woman's askinun g you forth your bank account statement, you got to get out of that date. >> actual yeah, that could be the woman that actually decreases your bank account before it's ovemy seconr. >> kelly my second wish is that ols woultma school distric and their schools would do a better job of hiringrs. principals, teachers. t this week, we learned that anhe elementary school there gave the job on campus to someone called dr. shane. now, the local fox affiliatesocl fox, 25 in oklahoma, says social media users alleged murnane performs drag shows and host drag queen read long hours for children. and what's more shocking and what we can confirm is thaat he was charged in 2001ru with possessiogsn of drugs and child. the charg e later dropped i because prosecutors had difficulty proving the ages, the young people in the images. and then at another elementary school, alsoschool, in oklahomn a teacher was arrested8 on the first day for being drunk. her blooe legad alcohol level ws eight times the legal limit. and yes, there is body videono how much you have to drink. >> i drank lasout night first. know what you drank last night? people like a poin that two, fo. i don't know what that means. legal limits, poins t zero eigh. >> yeah. other than that, my juice. that is one. >> >> oh, my god. oh, my poor woman. >> poor people.e. wo w. i mean, you're in. you're endangering children, kayla. you can't have it in the classrooand yoedm. and you shouldn't have somebody who was charged with anything near childne chiornograp in runy awschool, that's for sure. >> yeah, that is a fantasticai wish. that is my favorite, but i stil>> l await your third. okay. my last wish. and it's related to the pee fir. i wish more people realized that they'll be much happier if you get married. a new atlantic piece citing the work of the university of chicago economics professor proclaims married people are much happier than unmarried people according to the data. iand it put me in mind ofhe the winner of the mrs. america pageant, who is se of seven kids. >> listen to this. when i have you, that's i the most empowered. i have felt this feeling. seven times now, after i hold that newborn baby in , my arms,arth the feeling of motherhood and bringing the them to the eah is the most inspiring feeling i have ever. >> that's real empowerment. and sometims you only find your purpose when you get married and you have children and you realiz realie the world. and your life is bigger than you. >> raymond arroyo. your wishes knockeayleigh: d out of the park right there. thank you very much. i'll. well, if you're a criminal out in california, boy, i gotn' some great news for you. but if you're a business owner,e you won't like this. i'll explain. plus, charlie arnoldxp reacts. >> that's next. >> back in my day, we don't have all of types of fancy chicken. sure, you have buffalo wings and fried chicken. well, we didn't have garlic farm or sweet bourbon barbecue, and he had walk uphill both ways. >> and it's not every time. yeah, right. >> you're from. do you struggle to fall and stay asleep? 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what better way to kick off a holiday week right? right. no, exactly. i mean, you see this? >> ean, you see this? be something in the drinking water in california. what do you think? thatdrn says to criminals ifan g they say, okay, great, i can go into a store,o no one can stop me. i don't see a security guard here. well, carly,y can stop me, i th' it's very clear we're living in an absolute clown world in that liberalre livin legislators all over the place. we've seen. this isn't the only story in the same vein that we've seenis isn't o far as shopliftig and crime has gone in the past few weeks, i think they've made few weeks, i think they've made to hold criminals accountable. and don't forget, it was three years ago that aoccrcounte who loves to hear herself talk said that she attributed the risehe in crime in new yorki city and defended it by saying that people needed to feed their families. so that was the reason they were shoplifting. while you're looking at this faile you're looking at this people who need to feed their families. they're just causing a ruckus for absolutely're causin no rea. they're being destructive for absolutely no reason, and they're doing what's best for themr noason, do. and unfortunately, you know, you look at the big shoplifting heisg sht, flash mob type deal s happened in nordstrom in l.a. ino. ned in nordstrom in l.a. and then you see that nordstrom in san francisco is closin ig after 35 years. and you think to yourself, well, if these big box retailerf ifg boers ars unable their doors open because of all of the crime, what is this going to do to the small mom and pop shops? there is absolutely no way they're to be able to keep their doors open, nor is it going to be safe to keep their doors open if they can'tnf even defend themselves t. stor yeah. charlie? well, this next story, you're right, we don't have good stories this evening. they're actuallyy,'re righdo pr it's enraging. the aclu suing the statesad. of indiana to get sex reassignment surger sy for an inmatee conv convicted of strangling anicold, 11 month old. it was his daughter to death. and according to the state h td. general, these surgeries can cost taxpayers anywhere fromto 10 to $15000. i mean, this is insane. t >> okay, let's just deal just think about this. thisk about this. e is an inmate who strangled their stepchild is nstrangled their stepchild it's now an infringement on the eighth amendment and considered cruel for and unusual punishment for taxpayer dollars to not pay for themye n to get a gender reassignment surgery. i mean, just think about it itae it's absolutely insane. i think you saidnsane. of this s sense. we are giving so much credence and clout to these inmates. they don't deserve it. they are criminals, law enforcement need to take back the power and put them in their placek powe. yeah, it's really it's really crazy. a lot of it in california. charlie arnold, thank you veryt much. fo well, i'm kayleigh mcenany, in for laura ingraham. don't forget to tune laura . n in weekdays 12 p.m. en when i will co-host outnumbered every day of the tune in with us at lunchtime. this is the last of the special edition of angler mingle. >> jeff waters will tell everybody, i'm jesse watters, along with judge jeanine pirro, rachael katie pavelich and charlie hurt. pirro,5:00 in new york city. >> and this is the five. >> labor day is upon us. u millions of americans trying t to squeeze out the last moments of summer fun. some are hittinghe las r fun. the road to get out of dodge and enjoy that nice long holiday weekendty . or you're one of the unlucky ones who has to navigateones w

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, Nothing , 86087298 , 800 , 6087298 , 800 6087298 , Emails , Pseudonyms , Let S Go , No One , Robif Th N , Pseudonyms Biden , O , Repo , Names , Jrb , Leaste L , Robert L Peters , Emailr , Documents , Those Pseudonyms , Reportedlyrt , 5400 , Hunter Biden , Some , Son , Father , Positiorkn , Ws , Fo Who Didn T Work , Inan , Hunter , Wohet , 2014 , Dad , Position , John Mcgrail , Favor , Wants , Detail , Beforeyoul , Asa , Government , Twy Counselden , Doesn T Work , Johnny , Miranda Devine , Contributor , Profile , St And Fa Fox News , Wh Whyy Would , New York Post , Dad Aboa , Rosemont Seneca , Hunter Cap , Their , Waidsseo , Ofps , Role , Hi , Recommendations , Judgeship , Senior , Hand , Fok , Favs , Elementary School , Huntersome Biden , Children , Access , Ways , Gatekeeper , Fatherisbe , Wf , Case , Quid Pro Quo , Alias , Aliase Ys , 5000 , The Natural Suspiciosuspicion Ih , Vice Presidency , Alias Emails , Businesshe , Aliasl , Archives , Secret , Soganizeorganir , Ww , 2023 , 2 , August Of 2023 , Stonewalling , Great Question , Bees , Senators Johnson , Foe Emaiand Grassley Actur , Impeachmen Theuiryt Inquiry Loo , 2021 , Informatiothey N , Ins , Focun , Itious , Jigsaw Puzzle , President Y Yeah , Here Decie , Conor , Power , Information , Congress , Forward , Youf You Lo , Thormal Y W So , Public , American , The American , Threat , House Speaker , Bethey , Answern , Jonathan Turley , Professor Of Law , Lead A , Reporting , Lawyers , Aides , George Washington University , Om , Wa Runicat , Communications Stafferioeas , Nbc , Analysts , Nek , Honor , Team , War Room , Thmodee Biden , Pr , War Room H , Thisthis , H Is Conventional , Imump , Yon , Woat , 1998 , Battle , Proble , Model , Public Opinion , Clinton , Presn , Financial Accountsal , Simplbyyr , Congresrn , Inquiry , Need , Ve , View , Influence Peddling , Tens , Sources , Uncle , Washington Post , President , Tha T It Wasthat , N Ar Devon Archer , Knowledge , Business Dealings , China , Nowinr , Impeachmenty , Oo Inquiry , Goinhey Go To Cour Dt , You Don T , Democrats , War Room Ift E , Trump Sg The Bankig Records , Benefits , Accounts , Shell Corporations To Biden , Labyrinth , Ly Members , Person , Sa Personhe , Benefit , Fi , Age , Ish , Wef , Personalr , Pe Accounts , Financial Legaciesheiry , Million , 8 Million , Illusion , Obligation , N Okay , Nogw Arguing , Questions , Proclamation , Which Mccarthy Made News , Vote , Pelosiuld Al Who , Recordos , Democratchmt , Powers , Speaker , Mistakes , Have Congres , Allowloo , Memberththiss , Ques Professor Turley , Impeachment Inevitablei , John Eastman , I Will Grant Raymond Arroyo , Children S Allegra , Laura Ingraham , Interview , Allergies , Three Wishes , Up Next , Kids , Number One , Allergist , Claritin , Greatness , Steroids , Drowsy , Brand Denture Wares , Four , Thanks , Seals , Bond , Adhesive C , Denture , Release Technology Go Wild Seven Wildly Adhesive , Seven , Shower , Bath , Interest , Installation Costs , Payments , Bath Remodel , Jacuzzi , Water , Offer , 65 , Price , Mess , Stress , Safer , Tub , Celebrities , Bath Remodeled , 3482867 , 800 3482867 , Cold , Test , California , September 25th On Fox , Special Forces World , Season Premiere , 25 , Monday September 25th , Prime Time , Superstars , Impact , Band , Friday Night Smackdown At 83rd On Fox , Planet , 83 , Story Couldn T Be Written In Hollywood , Perspective , Courtroom , Nobody , Response , Heck , Kennel , 8 Million , 3 8 Million , Mom , Lie , Storm , Video , Voice , Jackie , Fox Justice Tion Nation Part , Killer , Fox Nation , Monthsic , Brother , Murdoch , 199 , Child , Injury Vide , Gaming Stations , Happiness , Wellbeing , Starlight Children S Foundation , Reach , Childhood Entma , Happines , Starlight Programs , Distraction , Toy Deliveries , Headset , Sms , Kid Special , Ths , Tv , Hospitals , Difference , Lifetime , Smile , Hearing Aids , Trouble Hearing Conversations , Volume , Technology , Don T Waste Thousands , Nano , 287 , 87 , Hearing Aid , Amplifier , Models , Recharge , Rechargeable , Customers , Nano Hearing Aids , Cic , Charging , Ear Canal Design , Tiny , Icy Recharge Hearing Aids , Sea Ice Recharge , Conversations , Waste Thousands , Trump Attorney , 540 991 Again , 803 , 3254991 , 297 , 800 3254991 , 540 991 , 97 , Estate , Trial , Trouble , Judge , Georgia , Down The Line , Trump Codefendandant Joht , Bid , John Eastmn , Procee Thed Ings , Indictment , Testimony , Setback , Thisof , Charges , Bar Proceeding , Law License , Pickinh G , 8 , Know , Wasn T Out Commenting In The Press Know , Fight , You N , 95 , 5 , Td , Ring , Defense Fund , Canso , Sengoku Slash Eastman O , Speaa , My Writingsck , On Substack , Tom Kling , Interviews , Programs , Election , Chairman , Series , Episodes , Claremont Institute , Thosoe , 45 , Grounds , Truth , Stuff Up , King , The Truth , Alonong G , Trouble Rememberin Neg , Fair Trian Fuounty , Federal Coururt , Courl , Defendants , Fula , Before , People 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Candidate , Forfo Mcconnell , Business Leader , Gas Prices , Cold War , Enemies , Selling , Allies , Buying , Energy Independence , Conservative Doug Burgum , China Conserving , Body , Leader , Content , Military , Advertising , Bounce , America Pac , Field , Shape , Everybody , It Work , Workouts , Chair , Victory , Roof , Christian Mccaffrey , Pistol , 10th Season Kicks Off Sunday , September 10th , Sunday September 10th , 10 , You , Packers , Justin Fields , Jordan , No Onead , Melons , Huh , My Oh You Don T Payis , Brain , Generations , Melon , Fear , Concussionvi Ng Y , Picklebalked , Safe , Shooter , Reality , Building , Dreamland , Youth Of The Nation , National , Code Red , Calls , Sides , Migrant , Aisle , Plea , 894 947 , 800 9249471 , 9249471 , Turny To Fox News , Scarycamea , Mitch Mcconnell , Mcconnell Jos , He Froze Befores , Concussion , Side Effect , Greatto , Times , Concussio A , Leader Mcconnell , Frien Myd , Recovery , Bear , Self , He Sg , Event , Soe Recovery , Allegory , Orwhere , Flooding , Floridian , Florida , Fema Sign , Guy Who Sfe , Charg Lucke , Six , Day Noew , Hurricane , Nh One , Women , E Peopn , Womet , Cap , Cabinet , Womeny , Woman , Tell You , Magic Lamp , Ketanji Brown Jackson , Thise Keta , Hll , Same , Magic Genie Bottle , Thank Genie Look , Robin , You St , Bank Account , Dudes , Husband , Size , Guy S Financial , Drivenme Swsomeone , Level , Fora , Hazard , Tryinomeoneg , Sophia Franklin , Aa She S Influencer , So Don T , Result , Least , Men , Gu It Out Y , Askinun G , Yeah , Accountell Signid , The End , Wish , Ols Woultma School Distric , Principals , Bank Account Statement , Ovemy Seconr , Hiringrs , The Local Fox Affiliatesocl , Dr , Campus , Users , Oklahoma , Anhe , Shane , Host Drag Queen , Thaat , Possessiogsn , Murnane Performs Drag , 2001 , Oklahomn A Teacher , Charg E , Alcohol Level , Difficulty , Images , Blooe Legad , Ages , Poin , Limit , Limits , Fo , Lasout Night First , Poins T Zero Eigh , Eight , Zero 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Legislators , Vein , All Over The Place , Seenis Isn T O , Liberalre , Reason , Shoplifting , Risehe , Faile , Ruckus , Yorki City , Flash Mob Type Deal , Nordstrom , Rea , L A , Themr Noason , L A Ino , Big Shoplifting Heisg Sht , Ned In Nordstrom , Doors , Shops , Pop , San Francisco , Boers Ars , Big Box Retailerf Ifg , 35 , Surger Sy , Evening , Statesad , T Stor Yeah , Indiana , Actuallyy , Righdo , Pr It S Enraging , Aclu , Inmatee Conv , General , Surgeries , Death , Daughter , Strangling Anicold , 15000 , Stepchild , Inmate , Gender Reassignment Surgery , Themye N , Infringement , Amendment , Thisk , Punishment , T Okay , Inmates , Sense , Credence , Clout , Saidnsane , In Weekdays , Law Enforcement , Placek Powe , Fo Well , Kayleigh Mcenany , Last , Angler , Special Edition , Jeff Waters , Lunchtime , Jeanine Pirro , Jesse Watters , Rachael Katie Pavelich , Charlie Hurt , 00 , Road , Fun , Labor Day , Dodge , Ones , Holiday Weekendty , Navigateones W , U Millions Of Americans 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