Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240707

protester marches outside the homes of supreme court justices, the white house says they do condemn this wisconsin attack and we're about to hear from the white house. jen psaki will be there. we'll dip in back and forth as this is ongoing this hour as well. here's where this tinder box of emotion is now. this first clip you're about to see is in front of the home of chief justice roberts. the second is outside a church in downtown new york. >> martha: that's where we're at. mike tobin with the bock ground here. hi, mike. >> hi, martha. as you got into it there, we're standing by to hear for the first time from police in madison, wisconsin after this violent attack on the headquarters for an anti abortion lobbying group. evidence of a molotov cocktail that was thrown through the window of this facility but failed to ignite. a fire started at another location. keep in mind this happened before 6:00 a.m. monday morning. nobody was at the office, nobody was hurt. graffiti at the headquarters, you mentioned that as well. if abortions are not safe, you are not either. there was a symbol painted there and 1312. that indicated acab fall in the an if a bet. left wing politicians are blamed that have tolerated the violent protests. the left says violence is for everything. >> i'm very sad for them that they're so angry and don't have more productive ways to spend their time and their energy rather than trying to harm us. >> republican wisconsin senator ron johnson tweeted this attack is abhorrent and should be condemned by all. the white house weighed in with a statement. the president strongly condemns this attack. the president made clear through his time in public life that americans have a free right to express themselves but it has to be peaceful and free of violence. the condemnation comes from the left as well. statements from tony evers and planned parenthood as well. back to you. >> martha: former republican governor of wisconsin, scott walker joins me now. in 2015, he signed a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks in the state. governor, good to have you here today. i guess your reaction first of all to this attack on this pro life group's offense over the weekend in your state, what can you tell us? >> it's outrageous. the fact that a molotov cocktail didn't spread outrage. we should be speaking against violence no matter where it comes from. if a molotov cocktail had been thrown through the behind quarters of an abortion clinic, many of would have spoke out against it and outraged with the violence. sadly, it's a trends we're seeing across the nation. in places of worship and the homes of the supreme court justices. if it was the other way around, the outrage by be heard. >> martha: a lot of people look at the governors as the new front line if this goes through as it appears it will. the overturning of roe v. wade at the supreme court when they put out the final decision. it will fall on the governors and the state legislatures. as you mentioned in the intro signed into law a 20-week ban. is that where you think this goes? a lot of people think that once this can is opened, states like yours might push for a full ban on abortion in your state. >> well, you're going to go from the court of law, which is where roe v. wade has put things for the last half a century to the court of public opinion. in the last few days, you've seen a lot of outrage but much of this push back is divert on other issues as opposed to protecting the lives of the unborn children. yesterday was mother's day. thank god for the mothers across the world that gave birth to beautiful baby girls and baby boys. that's what we're talking about. we're talking about advocating for people that are living beings. not a mass of cells, not an organ. a living human being. we talked a lot about science during covid. an urn born baby is a living being. even the president called it a child the other day. so those of us that support protecting innocent lives have to protect that case not only legally but from our heart and show the compassion that we have for the babies and the mothers. >> martha: the question is whether or not what looks like now a 15-week ban in mississippi, the original case that brought this and you have a 20-week ban in wisconsin, tate reeves said that the governor of mississippi was asked, you know, he said the trigger law would go into effect, which would ban all abortions. then he was asked if he would go further than that to next target the use of plan b, pills or iuds and he said that's not what their focused on this time. that's the argument that you hear in the middle of this debate, which is where a lot of people are. they believe that states will go far further than the 15 or 20-week ban that they've been pushing for. >> that's because where people -- even people in the middle, those of us pro life, we want to protect every baby out there from conception all the way through natural death when it comes to protecting the innocence society. i think the average person who really just doesn't pay a lot of attention to this issue that believes by and large the polls show that abortion is wrong but doesn't want to get engaged in the battle will be. it's going to move to the states. governors will be engaged in that issue. they're going to be a part of it as are the voters chosing who they want in office. the real extreme are like ralph northram talking about how they would allow abortion through birth. that's where most democrats are today. that's the contrast from when a baby is viable, feels pain, comparing that to where most of these states like new york, illinois, california will do it through birth. that's radical. >> martha: thanks, governor walker. we have to jump out. thanks for your time. we want to go now to madison, wisconsin where we're getting an update on this arson attack. let's listen in and see what they discovered. >> i'm chief shon barnes, the chief of police from the madison police department. i'm joined by assistant police chief brian austin, special agent william fulton from the atf, supervisory resident agent in charge peter jenkins from the fbi, robert payne, assistant special agent in charge fbi milwaukee division and samba balde, the state representative for district 14 where this incident occurred. i want to start off by saying that there's no room for hate or violence in madison. there's no room for hate or violence anywhere in our country. hate or violence do not advance any cause and unfortunately we're investigating the fruits of hate and violence in the form of an arson where a specific nonprofit group was targeted for their beliefs regarding the issue of abortion. we understand that emotions are high on every side of this issue. following the recent news involving the united states supreme court. here's what we know thus far. shortly after 6:00 a.m. on sunday, may 8, a passerby headed to madison's airport noticed flames coming from the wisconsin family action office. the area is very close to the madison police department's north district and our office as arrived to the scene moments before the madison fire department. our responding officers observed smoke coming from the building and a ground level window which had been breached. made son fire department was able to put out the fire within five minutes after their response. special thanks to our fire department. fire investigators located an insendary device sometimes referred to as a molotov cocktail inside the office. we're learning to see what kind of accelerant was used. we collected multiple pieces of evidence from the scene and they were turned over for processing. as much as we wish we could solve this case today, the forensic process must take time. we must now wait for those results. while we wait, we're combing the area and searching for digital evidence. we're asking people to call us if they have information regarding this incident. nor arrests have been made at this time. we're encouraging anywhere with additional information to call our crimestoppers numbers. that number is 608-266-6014. more importantly, if you see something, say something. if you can't remember that number, call 911 if all else fails. we have time for a few questions, but please keep in mind that this is an active investigation. i will not be disclosing any of our investigative leads. if there's any questions. >> [question inaudible] >> we found two. >> two molotov cocktails? >> that's correct. >> it is believed the fire was caused by the device thrown object the premise? >> that's part of our investigative process. we're not sure if that caused it but that will be part of the investigative process. >> do you have any suspect or suspects at this point? >> at this time no arrests have been mate. nobody in custody at this time. >> any surveillance video or clues? >> yeah, we're coming the area looking for any video evidence or what we call digital evidence. we asked the community if you have seen something, give us a call. if you have a business that may be near this area, give us a call and let us know so maybe we can take a look and see if we can find evidence of who is responsible for this. >> how big was a problem is this at the state level? other pro life establishments have been targeted before. >> at the time we have no further leads on things that have occurred of this nature in the state of wisconsin. this is our first one that we're responding to our state and local partners and federal partners, atf. again, we're looking at this from the lens of this is first amendment protective right. people have their opinions. when we violate that, we use a criminal activity or violence in that nature, the fbi and our federal authorities will look at that for all federal statutes and which to investigate. >> what federal charges have been made from this? >> it's an on going investigation. we're in communications currently with the western district of the united states attorney's office and discussing that as the investigation unfolds. >> [question inaudible] >> at this time no further comment. we would have to take this as the investigation unfolds. we will use any and all federal statutes available. >> martha: okay. we'll monitor this. doesn't sound like they have a lot yet, if anything, really, at this point, except that they announced there were two molotov cocktails found in the building and a fire that was set in that pro life operation in wisconsin. so with that, we bring in "special report" anchor bret baier. this whole thing feels like something that could get worse. we hope it doesn't. there's a lot of protests over the weekend. you have people walking in front of the supreme court justices' homes. here's what nancy pelosi had to say about this issue. clearly folks are digging in their heels on this as well. here he is over the weekend. >> this is about something so serious and so personal and so disrespectful of women. here we are mother's day a week where the court has slapped women in the face in terms of disrespect for their judgment about the size and timing of their families. >> martha: slapped women in the face says nancy pelosi. the supreme court. this is political fire. >> sure. it's emotional. we've seen this for years and years, decades on this issue. however, it's just interesting how the white house has handled it. the president didn't say anything about the leak. he didn't say anything about putting out the justices addresses or the protests that are going on there. days later, jen psaki puts out a tweet after this pro life office in wisconsin is hit by two molotov cocktails. i think toning down the emotion is where the leadership should be, not ramping it up. and it's such a charged issue that that's not where they are. they see the political upside of rescuing some democrats in tough races in purple states. >> martha: raises a great question. where the president actually is on this. he makes a very obvious display of his catholicism. this would be an opportunity where he could speak to people about his own feelings versus whatever the legal outcome in in this case. but he has chosen not to do so. you think that's because they feel it's so potent for them politically? >> it has to be a part of it. otherwise, you'd automatically do that. talk to the nation as the leader of the nation as he talked about as a candidate. i think there's an interesting thing about this issue in particular and that how other countries handle it. as opposed to going through the courts, it goes through the politics of those countries. there's lawmakers that debate how it should be handled. for the most part, all of them have some kind of restrictions beyond where even we are. they have done it through the political process, not through the court system. >> martha: that's the way we used to do it before roe v. wade and looks like that's the way we're going to do it again. thanks, bret. >> thanks. the face of a russian ambassador drips in fake red blood after vladimir putin vows victory. >> to russia, to victory, to us. >> martha: so many scenes over the weekend in moscow. some of his comrades are not following commands we'll speak with general david petraeus next. i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at veterans. if you own your home, congratulations— now you know. home values and home equity are going up and up. thousands of veterans are turning their equity into an average of $60,000 with the newday 100 loan. it lets you borrow all of your home's value so you can get at least 25% more cash than you get at a bank. rates are still near record lows, but are starting to climb. call newday right now. xfinity mobile 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>> martha: thanks, trey. let's bring in general david petraeus, former commander of the forces in iraq and afghanistan. good to have you with us. i'm struck by the contrast of what vladimir putin had to say on victory day in moscow with the troops parading in front of him and talking about how ukraine was about to take over crimea and they were the aggressor in this. the very difficult p.r. situation that the president putin finds himself in right now as he's once again sort of stuck in the mud in donbas. >> martha: that captures it nicely, martha. presumably he might be questioning the domestic support. he did not declare war or a mobilization. he's in a very difficult position. enormous damage is being done to his economy, his financial system, his inner circle and the business community. in russia, the casualties have been enormous. the ukrainians have captured more russian tanks that exist in the u.k. inventory, in their army. so this is not going well for him. as trey noted, the counter offensive by the ukrainians east of kharkiv may drive the russians back across the border. that could continue. so the big question i think now, martha is what happens as all of the weapon systems and so forth that the u.s., the u.k. and other nato country are providing, can that give the additional capability to the ukrainians to expand this counter offensive or somewhat in a frozen war once again but just with different boundaries than those at the end of 2014. >> martha: we know that hu mailation is a driving force for vladimir putin. he does not like to be humiliated. we learned of these intelligence stories about u.s. intelligence potentially taking out or giving some information which led to the taking out only solve of these generals. this is video of the russian ambassador to poland that was doused in red paint after their victory celebration. obviously another humiliation and statement by these protesters how they feel about this war. the question is what will he do? if his troops gets pushed back into russia, further humiliation for him, what does he resort to if that happens? >> there's several different alternatives. one is obviously they finally get serious about negotiations and go to the diplomacy route. the other is the unthink bible. that would be to resort to some use of weapons of mass destruction. i think that that is unlikely. i think the crossing of that threshold would take russia beyond the international pariah status it has right now. as you noted, not a good time to be a representative of russia around the world. but the alternatives become stark for him. he will see what they can achieve on the battlefield. he's clearly not going to increase the manpower provided that would be the result of mobilization for war. they're fighting a country which has no backups for war. every citizen is helping in this efforts. they're receiving an enormous amount of additional military weapon systems and other capabilities. >> martha: general petraeus, thank you. great to have you here, sir. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: so president biden is now facing a tsunami of economic warning signs as gas prices climb to near record highs this weekend. inflation has wiped out people's wage growths and the market continues under enormous pressure down 630 points. that is bad news for people's 401(k)s across the country and americans growing skittish about the future of their finances. karl rove will join us with white board wisdom coming up shortly after this. ♪ ♪ make way for the first-ever chevy silverado zr2. with multimatic shocks, rugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking differentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should get back to work. ♪ ♪ this good? 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hardship for their family. the president will make a big speach tomorrow on the economy and how he hopes to curb inflation. your thoughts. >> well, he's in deep trouble on this issue. he's in deep trouble because this issue of inflation dominate's everybody's view of the economy. 77 of everybody polled saw the economy as poor. the problem for the democrats, 81% of independents saw the economy as poor. the president better come up with a better message than he's had thus far, which seemingly has been it's not my fault, it's everybody else's and all we have to do is spend more money in order to make it go away, which doesn't comport with what american people think. >> martha: mark, you have the market tanking. obviously it's not convinced that these changes by the fed are going to tamp down inflation any time soon. this is from a cnn reporter, daniel dale, what he thinks about the president's claim that he helped to bring down the deficit. watch. >> experts scoffed at the idea that president biden is personally responsible for having reduced the deficit. i was told that the claim is bizarreo world, a reversal of reality. >> martha: mark, your thoughts. >> i don't think the president will get any credit for bringing down the deficit in this environment. he's got an economic speech. the question is whether or not he's going to say that taxing and spending is going to bring down inflation and improve the economy. if he is, that will be laughed at or does he have something else in mind. does he have what we did in 96 when we went to a balanced budget strategy and it had huge economic consequences. does he have another program other than the ones that he's given. he has to come out with something different. i can't argue with karl's numbers. inflation is eating up the president's ratings. >> here's the president talking about this preview of what we're going to hear tomorrow. >> my top priority is fighting inflation. lowering prices for families. today's announcement will give millions of families a little more breathing room to help them pay their bills. we work with democrats and republicans. business and nonprofits to make this happen. we're going to keep working, fighting inflation and lower costs for all american families and 0 lot of other things as well. >> martha: interesting, karl. the president was supposed to be the great unifier. he's been criticized for not doing that. now i think we're going to hear that he's going to bring down inflation. he wants to bring together democrats and republicans, he says. >> but he has to have a plan that makes sense to the american people. we have a mini board today. 8.5% inflation, 4.5% wage growth. that means that people are falling behind each and every day. their wages are going up. not going up as much as inflation. as a result, the people are getting hurt by this are two groups of people in particular. people on the lower end of the economic scale whose wages are not rising as rapidly as everybody else's. we're living from paycheck to paycheck to begin with and those on fixed income. when you have your paycheck flat and wages -- inflation is going up 8.5%, it's a real problem. the president, fine, he can talk all he likes. until he has an answer that comports with what the people feel is a reality like clinton did in the mid 90s, we're going to balance the budget and put our fiscal house in order, the president is not going to do too well with the american people. >> martha: i don't expect to hear that. you never know. that's why we tune in. thanks, mark penn. always good to see you. karl rove, good to see you as well. thank you, gentlemen. so former president trump's mid-term influence is about to face the next big test in the gop race for who will be the republican nominee for the pennsylvania senate. >> under the trump administration we had the greatest economy in the history of the world with virtually no inflation. we had no inflation. we had energy, we had cheap gasoline, 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we announce and previewed a little bit, the president will be speaking to his plan, his continued plan to continue to fight to address inflation in the coming months. there's a lot of work that's been done to date on thi the st taken to address the energy crisis, the release from the strategic petroleum reserve, additional steps on that front or whether it's steps he has announced in the last couple weeks to make e-15 available to thousands of people at gas stations across the country. where yo will hear him talk about tomorrow is the contrast and the contrast that his plan and the plans that he's been implementing for months now draws with those on the other side of the aisle who have not put forth any plan to lower costs for the american people. it's his opportunity to lay that out together. >> there's growing concern about a persistent supply issue with infantry. major retailers are limiting how much they can buy like tennessee, missouri, iowa. this is partly an fda issue. are you guys planning on taking any steps to remedy that? >> let me say as you know, there was an issue to recall that they're meeting an obligation to protect the health of americans and ensuring formula and safe production are available. ensuring the availability is a priority for the fda and they're working around the clock to address any possible shortage. that's a very outdated reference. but we've all been there. okay. so what the fda is doing, which while they're end, they're part of the administration. taking a number of steps to address. that includes working with major infant formula manufacturers to ensure they're increasing production. part of the issue is making sure there's stock on the shelves, right? and working with the industry right now to optimize their supply lines, product lines that are of greatest needs. as someone who -- my child is out of formula, fortunately but close enough that i remember when you're trying to go to the store and get the specific formula for your age child. so they're taking steps with that in mind. they're also exercising flexible tip and expediting review of notifications of manufacturing changes that will help increase supply particularly in the case of specialized formula. that apply to that as well for medical needs. they're also trying to streamline entry review processes for already notified infant reform products coming from foreign facilities. what they're trying to do in the short hands, increase supply by working with a range of manufacturers and what their capacity is to ensure that the kinds of formula that is -- was recalled is to help ensure it's on the shelves. >> martha: is there a national stock pill? >> i don't believe there's a national stockpile of baby formula. but the fda is not just their responsibility in their view to ensure that we're meeting our obligations to protect americans. it's also their obligation to take steps to ensure supply can be melt when they take these steps. that's what they're focused on. since you're 25, i'll explain it after the briefing. >> can you give some general reaction to putin's speech this morning? >> sure. i tried to do it a bit at the top. but what i will say is that what we saw president putin do is giving a version of revisionist history that took the form of disinformation that we have seen too commonly as the rush playbook. now, what is fortunate is that we are all aware, reporters around the world are aware, europeans are aware and americans are aware of the disinformation factory that president putin and the kremlin seem to be. but the suggestion that this war that was prompted by -- directed by president putin was prompted by western aggression or western plans is patently false and absurd. and otherwise i would say, you know, our view is that we should remember and this is why i did this at the top, what this day is about, which is something that we have all celebrated, the defeat of nazis after world war ii, something that russians have celebrateded in the streets for many years. >> biden has blamed large meat packers for the run up of prices. today tyson foods has a very good earnings out. i wondered if you have any reaction to that, that this is the price gouging that they're looking to stop. >> i don't have any reaction to one company's earnings. the president's concern is and what secretary vilsack is concerned about, the meat industry, the conglomerates are so dominant that they're elbowing out smaller producers and that they have this capacity and ability to jack up prices and pass those on to consumers when they should no. i don't have any direction of one company's certains and i'm not aware of this issue. it's an on going concern. >> a little more on the victory speech. given that he didn't really point to specific victories and he also didn't signal some kind of upcoming pathway to ending the war. i'm wondering if there any take-away-is officials related to the trajectory of the war from that speech. >> what we're watching closely is what we're seeing on the ground. what we're seeing on the ground is the -- right now a great deal of the war as you know and my colleagues have briefed on this as recently as this morning, obviously moved more to the east. that terrain is very different. the donbas is more flat. it's very different from what we sue in kyiv. that is a terrain that the ukrainians know well and what we look at as we look to the totality of the country and if we go back to mid february when. putin was giving speeches, saying that he was going to take over ukraine, the territorial integrity of the country and go beyond this is no what is happening today. president putin and the russians are not marching through kyiv. they're struggling to fight in other parts of the country and the ukrainians are fighting every day. so we look what is happening on the ground. it is important to note and to call out the revisionist history that we saw in this speech. and the fact that any such statements that we have seen for months from president putin that the war was prompted by the west is inaccurate. >> on the first lady an her trip, anything more that you can share? you talked why she wanted to choose mother's day to travel to ukraine. in terms of the security concerns that you talked about a lot, how were you able able to get to a point where you could feel confident, the president would be confident that she would be safe? >> i'm not going to get to behind the scenes security concerns or considerations. obviously she wouldn't have gone if she didn't feel comfortable with the security arrangements. i will note that she went there as you said because she wanted to go on mother's day because she thought it was important to show the ukrainian people that the war has to stop and it's been brutal and the people of the united states stand with the people of ukraine. that's why she went and to show the hearts of the american people are with the mothers of ukraine. she's been back now and she's had an opportunity to speak with the president and is convinced and said this publicly to him what she saw on the ground. the need to support the people of ukraine. she saw the horrors and the brutality of the people she met had experienced. that was something that she conveyed directly to him. in terms of security, we have a change of security considerations that we make. i'm not going to get into those details from here. >> a quick covid question. the warning about the 100 million potential covid infections by the fall and winter. if new covid funding isn't approved, dr. ja said this could be on internal and external models what numbers were used to get to that number? >> there were a range of internal and external models well-within that range. the point that he was making is that we noah we need to do. we put out an entire playbook to address the pandemic to help a preparedness plan to ensure americans are protected and we start on the front foot in the fight against covid. if we don't take action, we also know that there are -- we know the virus will continue to evolve. without not having access to vaccines, testing, therapeutics, it has the ability to upend our lives. so he's a doctor himself, a very experienced one. he talks to a range of experts internally and externally. there's a range of modelling out there and this is well within that range and the point he was making about the impact if congress does not act. >> would the white house -- >> the -- can you yield to your colleagues, please? >> would be polite if you let m.j. answer her question. >> has the white house made public the range of models so we're able to see how we got that 100 million -- >> i'm happy to see if there's more data that we can make available. dr. ja is a very experienced health expert and takes to a range of individuals. let's go to the back. go ahead. >> many in japan are welcoming the upcoming visit. 39,000 deaths from the virus in japan. is the physician aware of that and maybe the best practices can be taken while we were there. and second, are there be a reaffirmation of the security treaty? >> sure. >> martha: okay. we'll keep an eye on that. the briefing room with jen psaki taking some questions there. the former president trump has been working to score another big win at the ballot box. we're now really in to the heat of the primary season as we head to the mid-terms. president trump campaigned for dr. oz in the republican primary for the open senate seat, pat toomey's seat in pennsylvania days after j.d. vance won in the gop senate primary in ohio. >> tuesday's primary respects are just the latest proof that we have transformed the face of the republican party thank goodness. we're now the working people's party. we're really the party of everyone. we're the party of common sense more than anything else. >> martha: in moments, another republican candidate for the pennsylvania senate seat, dave mccormick. first, to mike emanuel reporting live from d.c. hi, mike. >> hi, martha. the latest poll suggests a red hot race in the gop primary. dr. oz had 18%. mccormick at 16%. barnett at 12%. several other candidates in single digits. here's a key thing to look at. 39% of those survey say they're not sure who they will vote for and 57% that are chosen a candidate said they could change their minds. former president trump is clearly trying to play king makener the keystone state. he rallied on behalf of dr. odd friday night. mr. trump says the gop is the party of common sense and putting america first. the trump backed candidate in ohio, j.d. vance won. in pennsylvania the former president says mccormick was initially a critic before he decided to run for senate. >> dave came out strongly against me on numerous occasions. that's before he was going to run. including with respect to the disinformation spread about january 6. total disinformation. >> a spokesman for the democratic senatorial campaign committee said the form's president's involvement has poured gasoline on this primary race. "donald trump's enterjectinon in the race has nastied the water." this is clearly a critical stage in this race,martha. >> martha: thanks. mike emanuel reporting from washington. we have reached out to the republican candidates who are in this pennsylvania senate race. dave mccormick joins us now. thanks for being here today. i guess with that sort of set-up -- what do you say to president trump and what do you say about what he said there? what do you say to the voters of pennsylvania? a large number of whom are still undecided in this race. >> well, listen, it's a sprint to may 17. i'm not surprised. president trump is very popular in pennsylvania. his america first policies did great things for pennsylvania and great things nor the country. the problem is dr. oz isn't popular. his endorsed candidate is not getting mow men up. the reason is his a hollywood liberal his entire career and taken a set of positions like abortion, pro obama care that are different in pennsylvania. what is happening now, pennsylvania voters are zeroing in. i'm running as someone that is battle tested, a combat veteran, a westpoint grad and created jobs in pennsylvania and someone that is a seventh generation pennsylvanian, grew up in a small town and has a family farm. and as an outsider. that story, i believe, is selling and i believe that the people of pennsylvania are dialling in. ultimately this race is not about who endorsed dr. oz or endorsed me. i've had great endorsements from mike pompeo and mike huckabee and ted cruz and bob lighthizer. those endorsements inform the voter that this is someone that they should look at. i feel confident when they look, their zero on someone that can win the general election, by the way, this is the most significant senate race in the country. the stakes are so high. go to washington and fight for america first values and policies. i feel good. it's going to be a photo finish. >> martha: you saw what happened in ohio with the president's endorsement of j.d. vance. he came up. it was like the kentucky derby. came up the side line with a surprise win there. i'm sure you think that things will be difference in pennsylvania but you have kathy barnett to contend with. the latest philadelphia inquirer report says that she's emerged as a likely alternative here, this is a split race right now. >> listen, there's a number of very capable people running for this seat, this is a great validation of our democracy. so many people feel like they want to fix the country. the question they ask themselves, what can win the general election. we can have john fedderman and his socialist agenda representing pennsylvania. it's completely opposite of what pennsylvanians lead right now and who can be a conservative lead flesh the senate. there's no time for on-the-job training. the inflation crisis, the crisis in ukraine, the risks with china. we need someone to step on this seat day 1 and be capable without on-the-job training of making a difference. those are the two criteria, who can win the general election and b, who can make a difference in washington. i'll be someone that will do that. i done owe anybody anything. it's a great privilege to go to washington to fight on their behalf. >> martha: what would you say to president trump? i know you wanted his support. we talked about this last time. everybody wants the support of a former president. you think he's going to regret this choice? a lot of people have said this is a mistake. >> well, listen, i don't -- i'm not going to give the president advice on his endorsements. this is all politics, the reality. so the fact of the matter is that the people of pennsylvania will have to decide what is right for them. and dr. oz is someone that doesn't have the profile. he's all of these positions. the people of pennsylvania see that. politics, people will say a number of different things. the president is standing behind his endorsement. i know that. this is rough and tumble. i've been rough and tumble before. as a college wrestler and ranger and airborne. i knew when i was getting in the ring, you have to be prepared to be criticized. that's what it takes to win this seat. >> martha: thanks. we're running out of time. we're watching this closely with great interest. that's "the story" for today. the story goes on, as you know. thanks for being with us today. look forward to seeing you back tomorrow. 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Abortions , Tony Evers , Planned Parenthood , 2015 , 20 , Weekend , Reaction , Fact , Offense , Molotov Cocktail Didn T Spread Outrage , Abortion Clinic , Matter , Quarters , Nation , Homes , Many , Places , Worship , Supreme Court Justices , Lot , People , Governors , Way , Outrage , Front Line , Overturning , Decision , Roe V Wade , Ban , Law , State Legislatures , Intro , Things , Court Of Law , States , Court Of Public Opinion , Can , Half , Lives , Issues , Push , Mother , World , Baby , Birth , Mothers , Children , Boys , Girls , Child , Urn , Mass , Beings , Organ , Cells , Science , Living Being , Covid , Living Human Being , Question , Case , Heart , Babies , Compassion , 15 , Mississippi , Trigger Law , Effect , Tate Reeves , Use , Middle , Debate , Pills , Argument , Plan B , Pro Life , Issue , Person , Conception , Death , Attention , Polls , Innocence Society , Part , Doesn T , Voters , Battle , Contrast , Pain , Democrats , Ralph Northram , Illinois , California , Chief Shon Barnes , Update , William Fulton , Brian Austin , Resident Agent , Madison Police Department , Atf , Incident , District , Assistant Special Agent , State Representative , Division , Fbi , Peter Jenkins , Milwaukee , Robert Payne , Samba Balde , 14 , Country , Hate , Room , Cause , Form , Fruits , Nonprofit Group , Arson , Side , Emotions , Beliefs , News , Airport , Passerby Headed To Madison , May 8 , On Sunday , 8 , Sunday May 8 , Area , Scene , Office , Flames , Wisconsin Family Action Office , Madison Fire Department , North District , Made Son Fire Department , Building , Officers , Ground Level , Smoke , Five , Device , Fire Investigators , Fire Department , Response , Insendary , Kind , Processing , Accelerant , Pieces , Learning , Information , Arrests , Results , Forensic Process , Number , Numbers , Anywhere , Crimestoppers , 266 , 608 266 6014 , 6014 , 608 , Something , Questions , Else , 911 , Leads , Molotov Cocktails , Question Inaudible , Two , Process , Premise , Object , Point , Video Evidence , Surveillance Video , Custody , Suspects , Clues , Mate , Community , Call , Business , Look , Problem , Level , Pro Life Establishments , One , Partners , Nature , Lens , First Amendment Protective Right , Statutes , Authorities , Activity , Opinions , Communications , Charges , Western District , Comment , Anything , Operation , Thing , Special Report , Bret Baier , Folks , Heels , Nancy Pelosi , Women , Face , Terms , Court , Timing , Size , Disrespect , Judgment , Families , It , Didn T , Addresses , Leak , Say Anything , Leadership , Pro Life Office , Hit , Toning , Tweet , Races , Upside , Display , Opportunity , Whatever , Catholicism , Outcome , Feelings , Candidate , Leader , Politics , Countries , Courts , Lawmakers , Restrictions , Court System , Ambassador , Russian , Blood , Drips , Vladimir Putin , Victory , Some , Scenes , Comrades , Moscow , General David Petraeus , System , Commands , Glucose Numbers , Scan , Next , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , 2 , A1c , Diabetes , Mystery , 8 2 , 6 7 , Thousands , Equity , Veterans , Home Equity , Loan , Home Values , Average , Newday 100 , Congratulations , 100 , 60000 , 0000 , Cash , Value , Bank , Rates , Lows , Call Newday , 25 , 5g Network , Xfinity Mobile , 5 , Phone , Money , Price , Groceries , Concert Tickets , Stuff , Verizon , Pricing , Customers , Shows , Walk In Bath , My Name Is Ken , Kohler , Finger Snaps , Huh , Seat , Back , Expert , Bathing , Competitors , Experience , Opening , Bath Fills , Drains , Neck , Shoulders , Deep Soaking , Three , 60 , Bath , Kohler America , Installer , Jets , Hydrotherapy , Plumbing Brand , Yes , Exclusive Bubblemassage , Offer , Installation , Advantage , Peace Of Mind , Payments , Independence , 18 , 50 , Victory Day , Ukraine , Invasion , Defeat , Nazi Germany , Homeland , Place , World War Ii , Nazis , Lessons , Executioners , Is Standing , Punishers , War , America First , Trey , Kyiv , Announcements , Trey Yingst Reporting , Troops , 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, S P , 550 , 118 , Concern , Bills , Standard , Living , Gallup Survey , 40 , Eight , Deputy Chief Of Staff , Mark Penn , Clinton Adviser , Chairman , Harris , Co Founder Of American Cross Roads , Thoughts , Trouble , Family , Hardship , Say , Big Speach , 44 , View , Saw , 77 , Poor , 81 , Independents , Fault , Everybody Else , 81 , Order , Changes , Market Tanking , Fed , Doesn T Comport , Experts , Claim , Deficit , Daniel Dale , Idea , Watch , Cnn , Bizarreo World , Speech , Reality , Spending , Credit , Environment , Budget , Consequences , Strategy , 96 , Program , Ones , Ratings , Preview , Prices , Priority , Announcement , Breathing Room , Millions , Costs , Nonprofits , Fighting Inflation , Working , Interesting , 0 , Plan , Sense , Great Unifier , Wages , Wage Growth , Mini Board Today , 4 5 , 8 5 , Paycheck , Particular , Groups , End , Scale , Fixed Income , Comports , Answer , Fine , Paycheck Flat , Clinton , Mid 90s , 90 , House , Gentlemen , Race , Donald Trump , Pennsylvania Senate , Influence , Test , Nominee , History , Administration , Gasoline , Electricity , Better Luck Next Time , Haven T , Glasses , Beach , Exam , Pairs , Go To America S Best , Can T Beat This , 50 Bucks , 79 95 , 9 95 , Kid , Enbrel , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Care , World S Greatest Dad , Joint Pain , Mug , Clearer , Skin , Role , Ability , Infections , Nervous System , Cancers , Lymphoma , Tuberculosis , Blood Disorders , Doctor , Reactions , Bleeding , Heart Failure , Sores , Cuts , Bruising , Paleness , Fever , Hepatitis B , Opportunities , Infection , Flu , White House Press Secretary , Reporters , Answers , Bit , Steps , Work , Energy Crisis , Strategic Petroleum Reserve , Release , Thi The St , Gas Stations , Where Yo , Plans , Aisle , Retailers , Supply Issue , Infantry , Fda , Missouri , Iowa , Tennessee , Formula , Health , Production , Obligation , Availability , Clock , Shortage , Reference , Manufacturers , Infant Formula , Doing , Someone , Shelves , Product Lines , Needs , Stock , Supply Lines , Industry , Store , Supply , Increase , Expediting , Entry Review Processes , Review , Manufacturing , Specialized Formula , Tip , Notifications , Range , Capacity , Kinds , Products , Facilities , Infant Reform , Hands , Baby Formula , Stock Pill , Stockpile , Responsibility , Obligations , Top , Briefing , Disinformation , Version , Rush Playbook , Disinformation Factory , Kremlin , Europeans , Suggestion , Western Aggression , Celebrateded , Meat Packers , Tyson Foods , Company , Earnings , Price Gouging , Conglomerates , Producers , Meat Industry , Elbowing , Secretary Vilsack , Consumers , Certains , Direction , More , Victories , Victory Speech , Officials , Pathway , Trajectory , Colleagues , Deal , Terrain , Flat , East , Totality , Speeches , Integrity , Parts , West , Security Concerns , First Lady , Trip , Safe , Considerations , Mother S Day , Security Arrangements , Hearts , Security Considerations , Security , Need , Change , Brutality , Horrors , Details , Covid Funding Isn T , Warning , Winter , 100 Million , Dr , Models , Ja , Making , Playbook , Pandemic , Preparedness , Virus , Fight , Testing , Action , Access , Foot , Therapeutics , Vaccines , Modelling , M J , Impact , Congress , Data , Let S Go , Individuals , Japan , Best Practices , Deaths , Physician , Visit , 39000 , Briefing Room , Reaffirmation , Eye , Security Treaty , Primary , Oz , Win , Ballot Box , Season , Mid Terms , Heat , Pennsylvania , Respects , Proof , Ohio , Pat Toomey , Tuesday , Party , Everyone , Goodness , People S Party , Oz Isn T Popular , Dave Mccormick , Reporting , Mike Emanuel , D C , Candidates , Survey , Digits , 12 , 39 , 16 , Behalf , Minds , King , Mr , Makener The Keystone State , Odd Friday Night , 57 , J D , Common Sense , Vance , Critic , Respect , Spokesman , Occasions , Dave , January 6 , Involvement , Enterjectinon , Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee , Nastied The Water , Stage , Washington , Trump , Set Up , Sort , America First Policies , Sprint , 17 , May 17 , Reason , Men , Hollywood , Positions , Career , Set , Obama , Grad , Generation , Veteran , Family Farm , Town , Combat , Jobs , Westpoint , Endorsements , Outsider , Dialling , Voter , Bob Lighthizer , Mike Pompeo , Ted Cruz , Mike Huckabee , Election , Stakes , Go To Washington And Fight For America First Values , Zero , Endorsement , Policies , Side Line , Photo Finish , Kentucky Derby , Difference , Report , Kathy Barnett , Alternative , Surprise Win , Philadelphia Inquirer , Split Race , Democracy , Validation , Listen , John Fedderman , Agenda , Lead , Crisis , Inflation Crisis , Risks , On The Job Training , China , 1 , On The Job Training Of Making A , B , Criteria , Anybody Anything , Privilege , Choice , Mistake , I Don T , Profile , Tumble , Ranger , College Wrestler , The Ring , Running Out Of Time , Interest , Drive , Gas , It Hit , Food Shopping , Wouldn T Go , , Anything Else , Sale , Siege , Investorers , Fox On Top ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240707 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240707

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protester marches outside the homes of supreme court justices, the white house says they do condemn this wisconsin attack and we're about to hear from the white house. jen psaki will be there. we'll dip in back and forth as this is ongoing this hour as well. here's where this tinder box of emotion is now. this first clip you're about to see is in front of the home of chief justice roberts. the second is outside a church in downtown new york. >> martha: that's where we're at. mike tobin with the bock ground here. hi, mike. >> hi, martha. as you got into it there, we're standing by to hear for the first time from police in madison, wisconsin after this violent attack on the headquarters for an anti abortion lobbying group. evidence of a molotov cocktail that was thrown through the window of this facility but failed to ignite. a fire started at another location. keep in mind this happened before 6:00 a.m. monday morning. nobody was at the office, nobody was hurt. graffiti at the headquarters, you mentioned that as well. if abortions are not safe, you are not either. there was a symbol painted there and 1312. that indicated acab fall in the an if a bet. left wing politicians are blamed that have tolerated the violent protests. the left says violence is for everything. >> i'm very sad for them that they're so angry and don't have more productive ways to spend their time and their energy rather than trying to harm us. >> republican wisconsin senator ron johnson tweeted this attack is abhorrent and should be condemned by all. the white house weighed in with a statement. the president strongly condemns this attack. the president made clear through his time in public life that americans have a free right to express themselves but it has to be peaceful and free of violence. the condemnation comes from the left as well. statements from tony evers and planned parenthood as well. back to you. >> martha: former republican governor of wisconsin, scott walker joins me now. in 2015, he signed a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks in the state. governor, good to have you here today. i guess your reaction first of all to this attack on this pro life group's offense over the weekend in your state, what can you tell us? >> it's outrageous. the fact that a molotov cocktail didn't spread outrage. we should be speaking against violence no matter where it comes from. if a molotov cocktail had been thrown through the behind quarters of an abortion clinic, many of would have spoke out against it and outraged with the violence. sadly, it's a trends we're seeing across the nation. in places of worship and the homes of the supreme court justices. if it was the other way around, the outrage by be heard. >> martha: a lot of people look at the governors as the new front line if this goes through as it appears it will. the overturning of roe v. wade at the supreme court when they put out the final decision. it will fall on the governors and the state legislatures. as you mentioned in the intro signed into law a 20-week ban. is that where you think this goes? a lot of people think that once this can is opened, states like yours might push for a full ban on abortion in your state. >> well, you're going to go from the court of law, which is where roe v. wade has put things for the last half a century to the court of public opinion. in the last few days, you've seen a lot of outrage but much of this push back is divert on other issues as opposed to protecting the lives of the unborn children. yesterday was mother's day. thank god for the mothers across the world that gave birth to beautiful baby girls and baby boys. that's what we're talking about. we're talking about advocating for people that are living beings. not a mass of cells, not an organ. a living human being. we talked a lot about science during covid. an urn born baby is a living being. even the president called it a child the other day. so those of us that support protecting innocent lives have to protect that case not only legally but from our heart and show the compassion that we have for the babies and the mothers. >> martha: the question is whether or not what looks like now a 15-week ban in mississippi, the original case that brought this and you have a 20-week ban in wisconsin, tate reeves said that the governor of mississippi was asked, you know, he said the trigger law would go into effect, which would ban all abortions. then he was asked if he would go further than that to next target the use of plan b, pills or iuds and he said that's not what their focused on this time. that's the argument that you hear in the middle of this debate, which is where a lot of people are. they believe that states will go far further than the 15 or 20-week ban that they've been pushing for. >> that's because where people -- even people in the middle, those of us pro life, we want to protect every baby out there from conception all the way through natural death when it comes to protecting the innocence society. i think the average person who really just doesn't pay a lot of attention to this issue that believes by and large the polls show that abortion is wrong but doesn't want to get engaged in the battle will be. it's going to move to the states. governors will be engaged in that issue. they're going to be a part of it as are the voters chosing who they want in office. the real extreme are like ralph northram talking about how they would allow abortion through birth. that's where most democrats are today. that's the contrast from when a baby is viable, feels pain, comparing that to where most of these states like new york, illinois, california will do it through birth. that's radical. >> martha: thanks, governor walker. we have to jump out. thanks for your time. we want to go now to madison, wisconsin where we're getting an update on this arson attack. let's listen in and see what they discovered. >> i'm chief shon barnes, the chief of police from the madison police department. i'm joined by assistant police chief brian austin, special agent william fulton from the atf, supervisory resident agent in charge peter jenkins from the fbi, robert payne, assistant special agent in charge fbi milwaukee division and samba balde, the state representative for district 14 where this incident occurred. i want to start off by saying that there's no room for hate or violence in madison. there's no room for hate or violence anywhere in our country. hate or violence do not advance any cause and unfortunately we're investigating the fruits of hate and violence in the form of an arson where a specific nonprofit group was targeted for their beliefs regarding the issue of abortion. we understand that emotions are high on every side of this issue. following the recent news involving the united states supreme court. here's what we know thus far. shortly after 6:00 a.m. on sunday, may 8, a passerby headed to madison's airport noticed flames coming from the wisconsin family action office. the area is very close to the madison police department's north district and our office as arrived to the scene moments before the madison fire department. our responding officers observed smoke coming from the building and a ground level window which had been breached. made son fire department was able to put out the fire within five minutes after their response. special thanks to our fire department. fire investigators located an insendary device sometimes referred to as a molotov cocktail inside the office. we're learning to see what kind of accelerant was used. we collected multiple pieces of evidence from the scene and they were turned over for processing. as much as we wish we could solve this case today, the forensic process must take time. we must now wait for those results. while we wait, we're combing the area and searching for digital evidence. we're asking people to call us if they have information regarding this incident. nor arrests have been made at this time. we're encouraging anywhere with additional information to call our crimestoppers numbers. that number is 608-266-6014. more importantly, if you see something, say something. if you can't remember that number, call 911 if all else fails. we have time for a few questions, but please keep in mind that this is an active investigation. i will not be disclosing any of our investigative leads. if there's any questions. >> [question inaudible] >> we found two. >> two molotov cocktails? >> that's correct. >> it is believed the fire was caused by the device thrown object the premise? >> that's part of our investigative process. we're not sure if that caused it but that will be part of the investigative process. >> do you have any suspect or suspects at this point? >> at this time no arrests have been mate. nobody in custody at this time. >> any surveillance video or clues? >> yeah, we're coming the area looking for any video evidence or what we call digital evidence. we asked the community if you have seen something, give us a call. if you have a business that may be near this area, give us a call and let us know so maybe we can take a look and see if we can find evidence of who is responsible for this. >> how big was a problem is this at the state level? other pro life establishments have been targeted before. >> at the time we have no further leads on things that have occurred of this nature in the state of wisconsin. this is our first one that we're responding to our state and local partners and federal partners, atf. again, we're looking at this from the lens of this is first amendment protective right. people have their opinions. when we violate that, we use a criminal activity or violence in that nature, the fbi and our federal authorities will look at that for all federal statutes and which to investigate. >> what federal charges have been made from this? >> it's an on going investigation. we're in communications currently with the western district of the united states attorney's office and discussing that as the investigation unfolds. >> [question inaudible] >> at this time no further comment. we would have to take this as the investigation unfolds. we will use any and all federal statutes available. >> martha: okay. we'll monitor this. doesn't sound like they have a lot yet, if anything, really, at this point, except that they announced there were two molotov cocktails found in the building and a fire that was set in that pro life operation in wisconsin. so with that, we bring in "special report" anchor bret baier. this whole thing feels like something that could get worse. we hope it doesn't. there's a lot of protests over the weekend. you have people walking in front of the supreme court justices' homes. here's what nancy pelosi had to say about this issue. clearly folks are digging in their heels on this as well. here he is over the weekend. >> this is about something so serious and so personal and so disrespectful of women. here we are mother's day a week where the court has slapped women in the face in terms of disrespect for their judgment about the size and timing of their families. >> martha: slapped women in the face says nancy pelosi. the supreme court. this is political fire. >> sure. it's emotional. we've seen this for years and years, decades on this issue. however, it's just interesting how the white house has handled it. the president didn't say anything about the leak. he didn't say anything about putting out the justices addresses or the protests that are going on there. days later, jen psaki puts out a tweet after this pro life office in wisconsin is hit by two molotov cocktails. i think toning down the emotion is where the leadership should be, not ramping it up. and it's such a charged issue that that's not where they are. they see the political upside of rescuing some democrats in tough races in purple states. >> martha: raises a great question. where the president actually is on this. he makes a very obvious display of his catholicism. this would be an opportunity where he could speak to people about his own feelings versus whatever the legal outcome in in this case. but he has chosen not to do so. you think that's because they feel it's so potent for them politically? >> it has to be a part of it. otherwise, you'd automatically do that. talk to the nation as the leader of the nation as he talked about as a candidate. i think there's an interesting thing about this issue in particular and that how other countries handle it. as opposed to going through the courts, it goes through the politics of those countries. there's lawmakers that debate how it should be handled. for the most part, all of them have some kind of restrictions beyond where even we are. they have done it through the political process, not through the court system. >> martha: that's the way we used to do it before roe v. wade and looks like that's the way we're going to do it again. thanks, bret. >> thanks. the face of a russian ambassador drips in fake red blood after vladimir putin vows victory. >> to russia, to victory, to us. >> martha: so many scenes over the weekend in moscow. some of his comrades are not following commands we'll speak with general david petraeus next. i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at veterans. if you own your home, congratulations— now you know. home values and home equity are going up and up. thousands of veterans are turning their equity into an average of $60,000 with the newday 100 loan. it lets you borrow all of your home's value so you can get at least 25% more cash than you get at a bank. rates are still near record lows, but are starting to climb. call newday right now. xfinity mobile 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>> martha: thanks, trey. let's bring in general david petraeus, former commander of the forces in iraq and afghanistan. good to have you with us. i'm struck by the contrast of what vladimir putin had to say on victory day in moscow with the troops parading in front of him and talking about how ukraine was about to take over crimea and they were the aggressor in this. the very difficult p.r. situation that the president putin finds himself in right now as he's once again sort of stuck in the mud in donbas. >> martha: that captures it nicely, martha. presumably he might be questioning the domestic support. he did not declare war or a mobilization. he's in a very difficult position. enormous damage is being done to his economy, his financial system, his inner circle and the business community. in russia, the casualties have been enormous. the ukrainians have captured more russian tanks that exist in the u.k. inventory, in their army. so this is not going well for him. as trey noted, the counter offensive by the ukrainians east of kharkiv may drive the russians back across the border. that could continue. so the big question i think now, martha is what happens as all of the weapon systems and so forth that the u.s., the u.k. and other nato country are providing, can that give the additional capability to the ukrainians to expand this counter offensive or somewhat in a frozen war once again but just with different boundaries than those at the end of 2014. >> martha: we know that hu mailation is a driving force for vladimir putin. he does not like to be humiliated. we learned of these intelligence stories about u.s. intelligence potentially taking out or giving some information which led to the taking out only solve of these generals. this is video of the russian ambassador to poland that was doused in red paint after their victory celebration. obviously another humiliation and statement by these protesters how they feel about this war. the question is what will he do? if his troops gets pushed back into russia, further humiliation for him, what does he resort to if that happens? >> there's several different alternatives. one is obviously they finally get serious about negotiations and go to the diplomacy route. the other is the unthink bible. that would be to resort to some use of weapons of mass destruction. i think that that is unlikely. i think the crossing of that threshold would take russia beyond the international pariah status it has right now. as you noted, not a good time to be a representative of russia around the world. but the alternatives become stark for him. he will see what they can achieve on the battlefield. he's clearly not going to increase the manpower provided that would be the result of mobilization for war. they're fighting a country which has no backups for war. every citizen is helping in this efforts. they're receiving an enormous amount of additional military weapon systems and other capabilities. >> martha: general petraeus, thank you. great to have you here, sir. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: so president biden is now facing a tsunami of economic warning signs as gas prices climb to near record highs this weekend. inflation has wiped out people's wage growths and the market continues under enormous pressure down 630 points. that is bad news for people's 401(k)s across the country and americans growing skittish about the future of their finances. karl rove will join us with white board wisdom coming up shortly after this. ♪ ♪ make way for the first-ever chevy silverado zr2. with multimatic shocks, rugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking differentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should get back to work. ♪ ♪ this good? 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hardship for their family. the president will make a big speach tomorrow on the economy and how he hopes to curb inflation. your thoughts. >> well, he's in deep trouble on this issue. he's in deep trouble because this issue of inflation dominate's everybody's view of the economy. 77 of everybody polled saw the economy as poor. the problem for the democrats, 81% of independents saw the economy as poor. the president better come up with a better message than he's had thus far, which seemingly has been it's not my fault, it's everybody else's and all we have to do is spend more money in order to make it go away, which doesn't comport with what american people think. >> martha: mark, you have the market tanking. obviously it's not convinced that these changes by the fed are going to tamp down inflation any time soon. this is from a cnn reporter, daniel dale, what he thinks about the president's claim that he helped to bring down the deficit. watch. >> experts scoffed at the idea that president biden is personally responsible for having reduced the deficit. i was told that the claim is bizarreo world, a reversal of reality. >> martha: mark, your thoughts. >> i don't think the president will get any credit for bringing down the deficit in this environment. he's got an economic speech. the question is whether or not he's going to say that taxing and spending is going to bring down inflation and improve the economy. if he is, that will be laughed at or does he have something else in mind. does he have what we did in 96 when we went to a balanced budget strategy and it had huge economic consequences. does he have another program other than the ones that he's given. he has to come out with something different. i can't argue with karl's numbers. inflation is eating up the president's ratings. >> here's the president talking about this preview of what we're going to hear tomorrow. >> my top priority is fighting inflation. lowering prices for families. today's announcement will give millions of families a little more breathing room to help them pay their bills. we work with democrats and republicans. business and nonprofits to make this happen. we're going to keep working, fighting inflation and lower costs for all american families and 0 lot of other things as well. >> martha: interesting, karl. the president was supposed to be the great unifier. he's been criticized for not doing that. now i think we're going to hear that he's going to bring down inflation. he wants to bring together democrats and republicans, he says. >> but he has to have a plan that makes sense to the american people. we have a mini board today. 8.5% inflation, 4.5% wage growth. that means that people are falling behind each and every day. their wages are going up. not going up as much as inflation. as a result, the people are getting hurt by this are two groups of people in particular. people on the lower end of the economic scale whose wages are not rising as rapidly as everybody else's. we're living from paycheck to paycheck to begin with and those on fixed income. when you have your paycheck flat and wages -- inflation is going up 8.5%, it's a real problem. the president, fine, he can talk all he likes. until he has an answer that comports with what the people feel is a reality like clinton did in the mid 90s, we're going to balance the budget and put our fiscal house in order, the president is not going to do too well with the american people. >> martha: i don't expect to hear that. you never know. that's why we tune in. thanks, mark penn. always good to see you. karl rove, good to see you as well. thank you, gentlemen. so former president trump's mid-term influence is about to face the next big test in the gop race for who will be the republican nominee for the pennsylvania senate. >> under the trump administration we had the greatest economy in the history of the world with virtually no inflation. we had no inflation. we had energy, we had cheap gasoline, 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we announce and previewed a little bit, the president will be speaking to his plan, his continued plan to continue to fight to address inflation in the coming months. there's a lot of work that's been done to date on thi the st taken to address the energy crisis, the release from the strategic petroleum reserve, additional steps on that front or whether it's steps he has announced in the last couple weeks to make e-15 available to thousands of people at gas stations across the country. where yo will hear him talk about tomorrow is the contrast and the contrast that his plan and the plans that he's been implementing for months now draws with those on the other side of the aisle who have not put forth any plan to lower costs for the american people. it's his opportunity to lay that out together. >> there's growing concern about a persistent supply issue with infantry. major retailers are limiting how much they can buy like tennessee, missouri, iowa. this is partly an fda issue. are you guys planning on taking any steps to remedy that? >> let me say as you know, there was an issue to recall that they're meeting an obligation to protect the health of americans and ensuring formula and safe production are available. ensuring the availability is a priority for the fda and they're working around the clock to address any possible shortage. that's a very outdated reference. but we've all been there. okay. so what the fda is doing, which while they're end, they're part of the administration. taking a number of steps to address. that includes working with major infant formula manufacturers to ensure they're increasing production. part of the issue is making sure there's stock on the shelves, right? and working with the industry right now to optimize their supply lines, product lines that are of greatest needs. as someone who -- my child is out of formula, fortunately but close enough that i remember when you're trying to go to the store and get the specific formula for your age child. so they're taking steps with that in mind. they're also exercising flexible tip and expediting review of notifications of manufacturing changes that will help increase supply particularly in the case of specialized formula. that apply to that as well for medical needs. they're also trying to streamline entry review processes for already notified infant reform products coming from foreign facilities. what they're trying to do in the short hands, increase supply by working with a range of manufacturers and what their capacity is to ensure that the kinds of formula that is -- was recalled is to help ensure it's on the shelves. >> martha: is there a national stock pill? >> i don't believe there's a national stockpile of baby formula. but the fda is not just their responsibility in their view to ensure that we're meeting our obligations to protect americans. it's also their obligation to take steps to ensure supply can be melt when they take these steps. that's what they're focused on. since you're 25, i'll explain it after the briefing. >> can you give some general reaction to putin's speech this morning? >> sure. i tried to do it a bit at the top. but what i will say is that what we saw president putin do is giving a version of revisionist history that took the form of disinformation that we have seen too commonly as the rush playbook. now, what is fortunate is that we are all aware, reporters around the world are aware, europeans are aware and americans are aware of the disinformation factory that president putin and the kremlin seem to be. but the suggestion that this war that was prompted by -- directed by president putin was prompted by western aggression or western plans is patently false and absurd. and otherwise i would say, you know, our view is that we should remember and this is why i did this at the top, what this day is about, which is something that we have all celebrated, the defeat of nazis after world war ii, something that russians have celebrateded in the streets for many years. >> biden has blamed large meat packers for the run up of prices. today tyson foods has a very good earnings out. i wondered if you have any reaction to that, that this is the price gouging that they're looking to stop. >> i don't have any reaction to one company's earnings. the president's concern is and what secretary vilsack is concerned about, the meat industry, the conglomerates are so dominant that they're elbowing out smaller producers and that they have this capacity and ability to jack up prices and pass those on to consumers when they should no. i don't have any direction of one company's certains and i'm not aware of this issue. it's an on going concern. >> a little more on the victory speech. given that he didn't really point to specific victories and he also didn't signal some kind of upcoming pathway to ending the war. i'm wondering if there any take-away-is officials related to the trajectory of the war from that speech. >> what we're watching closely is what we're seeing on the ground. what we're seeing on the ground is the -- right now a great deal of the war as you know and my colleagues have briefed on this as recently as this morning, obviously moved more to the east. that terrain is very different. the donbas is more flat. it's very different from what we sue in kyiv. that is a terrain that the ukrainians know well and what we look at as we look to the totality of the country and if we go back to mid february when. putin was giving speeches, saying that he was going to take over ukraine, the territorial integrity of the country and go beyond this is no what is happening today. president putin and the russians are not marching through kyiv. they're struggling to fight in other parts of the country and the ukrainians are fighting every day. so we look what is happening on the ground. it is important to note and to call out the revisionist history that we saw in this speech. and the fact that any such statements that we have seen for months from president putin that the war was prompted by the west is inaccurate. >> on the first lady an her trip, anything more that you can share? you talked why she wanted to choose mother's day to travel to ukraine. in terms of the security concerns that you talked about a lot, how were you able able to get to a point where you could feel confident, the president would be confident that she would be safe? >> i'm not going to get to behind the scenes security concerns or considerations. obviously she wouldn't have gone if she didn't feel comfortable with the security arrangements. i will note that she went there as you said because she wanted to go on mother's day because she thought it was important to show the ukrainian people that the war has to stop and it's been brutal and the people of the united states stand with the people of ukraine. that's why she went and to show the hearts of the american people are with the mothers of ukraine. she's been back now and she's had an opportunity to speak with the president and is convinced and said this publicly to him what she saw on the ground. the need to support the people of ukraine. she saw the horrors and the brutality of the people she met had experienced. that was something that she conveyed directly to him. in terms of security, we have a change of security considerations that we make. i'm not going to get into those details from here. >> a quick covid question. the warning about the 100 million potential covid infections by the fall and winter. if new covid funding isn't approved, dr. ja said this could be on internal and external models what numbers were used to get to that number? >> there were a range of internal and external models well-within that range. the point that he was making is that we noah we need to do. we put out an entire playbook to address the pandemic to help a preparedness plan to ensure americans are protected and we start on the front foot in the fight against covid. if we don't take action, we also know that there are -- we know the virus will continue to evolve. without not having access to vaccines, testing, therapeutics, it has the ability to upend our lives. so he's a doctor himself, a very experienced one. he talks to a range of experts internally and externally. there's a range of modelling out there and this is well within that range and the point he was making about the impact if congress does not act. >> would the white house -- >> the -- can you yield to your colleagues, please? >> would be polite if you let m.j. answer her question. >> has the white house made public the range of models so we're able to see how we got that 100 million -- >> i'm happy to see if there's more data that we can make available. dr. ja is a very experienced health expert and takes to a range of individuals. let's go to the back. go ahead. >> many in japan are welcoming the upcoming visit. 39,000 deaths from the virus in japan. is the physician aware of that and maybe the best practices can be taken while we were there. and second, are there be a reaffirmation of the security treaty? >> sure. >> martha: okay. we'll keep an eye on that. the briefing room with jen psaki taking some questions there. the former president trump has been working to score another big win at the ballot box. we're now really in to the heat of the primary season as we head to the mid-terms. president trump campaigned for dr. oz in the republican primary for the open senate seat, pat toomey's seat in pennsylvania days after j.d. vance won in the gop senate primary in ohio. >> tuesday's primary respects are just the latest proof that we have transformed the face of the republican party thank goodness. we're now the working people's party. we're really the party of everyone. we're the party of common sense more than anything else. >> martha: in moments, another republican candidate for the pennsylvania senate seat, dave mccormick. first, to mike emanuel reporting live from d.c. hi, mike. >> hi, martha. the latest poll suggests a red hot race in the gop primary. dr. oz had 18%. mccormick at 16%. barnett at 12%. several other candidates in single digits. here's a key thing to look at. 39% of those survey say they're not sure who they will vote for and 57% that are chosen a candidate said they could change their minds. former president trump is clearly trying to play king makener the keystone state. he rallied on behalf of dr. odd friday night. mr. trump says the gop is the party of common sense and putting america first. the trump backed candidate in ohio, j.d. vance won. in pennsylvania the former president says mccormick was initially a critic before he decided to run for senate. >> dave came out strongly against me on numerous occasions. that's before he was going to run. including with respect to the disinformation spread about january 6. total disinformation. >> a spokesman for the democratic senatorial campaign committee said the form's president's involvement has poured gasoline on this primary race. "donald trump's enterjectinon in the race has nastied the water." this is clearly a critical stage in this race,martha. >> martha: thanks. mike emanuel reporting from washington. we have reached out to the republican candidates who are in this pennsylvania senate race. dave mccormick joins us now. thanks for being here today. i guess with that sort of set-up -- what do you say to president trump and what do you say about what he said there? what do you say to the voters of pennsylvania? a large number of whom are still undecided in this race. >> well, listen, it's a sprint to may 17. i'm not surprised. president trump is very popular in pennsylvania. his america first policies did great things for pennsylvania and great things nor the country. the problem is dr. oz isn't popular. his endorsed candidate is not getting mow men up. the reason is his a hollywood liberal his entire career and taken a set of positions like abortion, pro obama care that are different in pennsylvania. what is happening now, pennsylvania voters are zeroing in. i'm running as someone that is battle tested, a combat veteran, a westpoint grad and created jobs in pennsylvania and someone that is a seventh generation pennsylvanian, grew up in a small town and has a family farm. and as an outsider. that story, i believe, is selling and i believe that the people of pennsylvania are dialling in. ultimately this race is not about who endorsed dr. oz or endorsed me. i've had great endorsements from mike pompeo and mike huckabee and ted cruz and bob lighthizer. those endorsements inform the voter that this is someone that they should look at. i feel confident when they look, their zero on someone that can win the general election, by the way, this is the most significant senate race in the country. the stakes are so high. go to washington and fight for america first values and policies. i feel good. it's going to be a photo finish. >> martha: you saw what happened in ohio with the president's endorsement of j.d. vance. he came up. it was like the kentucky derby. came up the side line with a surprise win there. i'm sure you think that things will be difference in pennsylvania but you have kathy barnett to contend with. the latest philadelphia inquirer report says that she's emerged as a likely alternative here, this is a split race right now. >> listen, there's a number of very capable people running for this seat, this is a great validation of our democracy. so many people feel like they want to fix the country. the question they ask themselves, what can win the general election. we can have john fedderman and his socialist agenda representing pennsylvania. it's completely opposite of what pennsylvanians lead right now and who can be a conservative lead flesh the senate. there's no time for on-the-job training. the inflation crisis, the crisis in ukraine, the risks with china. we need someone to step on this seat day 1 and be capable without on-the-job training of making a difference. those are the two criteria, who can win the general election and b, who can make a difference in washington. i'll be someone that will do that. i done owe anybody anything. it's a great privilege to go to washington to fight on their behalf. >> martha: what would you say to president trump? i know you wanted his support. we talked about this last time. everybody wants the support of a former president. you think he's going to regret this choice? a lot of people have said this is a mistake. >> well, listen, i don't -- i'm not going to give the president advice on his endorsements. this is all politics, the reality. so the fact of the matter is that the people of pennsylvania will have to decide what is right for them. and dr. oz is someone that doesn't have the profile. he's all of these positions. the people of pennsylvania see that. politics, people will say a number of different things. the president is standing behind his endorsement. i know that. this is rough and tumble. i've been rough and tumble before. as a college wrestler and ranger and airborne. i knew when i was getting in the ring, you have to be prepared to be criticized. that's what it takes to win this seat. >> martha: thanks. we're running out of time. we're watching this closely with great interest. that's "the story" for today. the story goes on, as you know. thanks for being with us today. look forward to seeing you back tomorrow. "your world" is next. >> when i do drive, i want to know i'm going to get where i'm going and be able to afford the gas that i need. >> if it hit $5, what would that mean for you? >> then i probably wouldn't go really anywhere else. just like the food shopping, back home and work. that's it. i wouldn't do anything else. >> whatever is on sale, that's what we go for. >> fox on top of investorers and consumers under siege. consumers hit hard by high gas prices a

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2 , 2 , A1c , Diabetes , Mystery , 8 2 , 6 7 , Thousands , Equity , Veterans , Home Equity , Loan , Home Values , Average , Newday 100 , Congratulations , 100 , 60000 , 0000 , Cash , Value , Bank , Rates , Lows , Call Newday , 25 , 5g Network , Xfinity Mobile , 5 , Phone , Money , Price , Groceries , Concert Tickets , Stuff , Verizon , Pricing , Customers , Shows , Walk In Bath , My Name Is Ken , Kohler , Finger Snaps , Huh , Seat , Back , Expert , Bathing , Competitors , Experience , Opening , Bath Fills , Drains , Neck , Shoulders , Deep Soaking , Three , 60 , Bath , Kohler America , Installer , Jets , Hydrotherapy , Plumbing Brand , Yes , Exclusive Bubblemassage , Offer , Installation , Advantage , Peace Of Mind , Payments , Independence , 18 , 50 , Victory Day , Ukraine , Invasion , Defeat , Nazi Germany , Homeland , Place , World War Ii , Nazis , Lessons , Executioners , Is Standing , Punishers , War , America First , Trey , Kyiv , Announcements , Trey Yingst Reporting , Troops , Parade , Declaration , Red Square , Military Equipment Rolling Through , 11000 , Mobilization , Operations , Crimea , Lands , Donbas , Nato , Systematically , Military Developments , Streets , Events , Leaders , Banner , Soldiers , Mariupol , 2000 , Counter Offensive , Fighting , Plant , Lines , Civilians , Eastern Front , Kharkiv , Forces , Territory , Russians , East A War Of Attrition , Attempts , Rush , General , Commander , Missiles , Iraq , Afghanistan , In Donbas , Aggressor , Stuck , Situation , P R , Support , Economy , Damage , Position , Casualties , Business Community , Inner Circle , Ukrainians , Tanks , Inventory , Army , U K , Weapon Systems , Border , Capability , Boundaries , Providing , The End , 2014 Martha , 2014 , Stories , Driving Force , Intelligence , Hu Mailation , Video , Humiliation , Generals , Paint , Victory Celebration , Red , Led , Poland , Protesters , Alternatives , Other , Negotiations , Diplomacy Route , Unthink Bible , Weapons Of Mass Destruction , Crossing , International Pariah Status , Representative , Threshold , Russia Around The World , Result , Manpower , Battlefield , Citizen , Military Weapon Systems , Backups , Amount , Efforts , Biden , Gas Prices , Capabilities , Highs , Sir , Tsunami , Warning Signs , Inflation , Points , Pressure , Market , Wage Growths , 630 , 401 , Finances , Chevy , White Board Wisdom , Silverado Zr2 , Karl Rove , Locking Differentials , Tires , Shocks , Dude , Multimatic , 33 , Good , Workspaces , Gonna Work Remote , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Perfect , Dad , Windshield , Pop Rock Music Tech , Trust Safelite , Glass , Daughter , Crack , Car , Safety System , He Wouldn T , Safelite , Smash , Features , Pull Over , Automatic Emergency Braking , Everybody , Ringcentral , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Bonnie , Safelite Repair , Be Cool , App , Homeowners , Values , Time Highs , Newday 100 Va Cash Out , Expenses , Rate , Debt , Pay , Newday100 Va Cash Out , Poll , Picture , Wall Street , Dow , S P , 550 , 118 , Concern , Bills , Standard , Living , Gallup Survey , 40 , Eight , Deputy Chief Of Staff , Mark Penn , Clinton Adviser , Chairman , Harris , Co Founder Of American Cross Roads , Thoughts , Trouble , Family , Hardship , Say , Big Speach , 44 , View , Saw , 77 , Poor , 81 , Independents , Fault , Everybody Else , 81 , Order , Changes , Market Tanking , Fed , Doesn T Comport , Experts , Claim , Deficit , Daniel Dale , Idea , Watch , Cnn , Bizarreo World , Speech , Reality , Spending , Credit , Environment , Budget , Consequences , Strategy , 96 , Program , Ones , Ratings , Preview , Prices , Priority , Announcement , Breathing Room , Millions , Costs , Nonprofits , Fighting Inflation , Working , Interesting , 0 , Plan , Sense , Great Unifier , Wages , Wage Growth , Mini Board Today , 4 5 , 8 5 , Paycheck , Particular , Groups , End , Scale , Fixed Income , Comports , Answer , Fine , Paycheck Flat , Clinton , Mid 90s , 90 , House , Gentlemen , Race , Donald Trump , Pennsylvania Senate , Influence , Test , Nominee , History , Administration , Gasoline , Electricity , Better Luck Next Time , Haven T , Glasses , Beach , Exam , Pairs , Go To America S Best , Can T Beat This , 50 Bucks , 79 95 , 9 95 , Kid , Enbrel , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Care , World S Greatest Dad , Joint Pain , Mug , Clearer , Skin , Role , Ability , Infections , Nervous System , Cancers , Lymphoma , Tuberculosis , Blood Disorders , Doctor , Reactions , Bleeding , Heart Failure , Sores , Cuts , Bruising , Paleness , Fever , Hepatitis B , Opportunities , Infection , Flu , White House Press Secretary , Reporters , Answers , Bit , Steps , Work , Energy Crisis , Strategic Petroleum Reserve , Release , Thi The St , Gas Stations , Where Yo , Plans , Aisle , Retailers , Supply Issue , Infantry , Fda , Missouri , Iowa , Tennessee , Formula , Health , Production , Obligation , Availability , Clock , Shortage , Reference , Manufacturers , Infant Formula , Doing , Someone , Shelves , Product Lines , Needs , Stock , Supply Lines , Industry , Store , Supply , Increase , Expediting , Entry Review Processes , Review , Manufacturing , Specialized Formula , Tip , Notifications , Range , Capacity , Kinds , Products , Facilities , Infant Reform , Hands , Baby Formula , Stock Pill , Stockpile , Responsibility , Obligations , Top , Briefing , Disinformation , Version , Rush Playbook , Disinformation Factory , Kremlin , Europeans , Suggestion , Western Aggression , Celebrateded , Meat Packers , Tyson Foods , Company , Earnings , Price Gouging , Conglomerates , Producers , Meat Industry , Elbowing , Secretary Vilsack , Consumers , Certains , Direction , More , Victories , Victory Speech , Officials , Pathway , Trajectory , Colleagues , Deal , Terrain , Flat , East , Totality , Speeches , Integrity , Parts , West , Security Concerns , First Lady , Trip , Safe , Considerations , Mother S Day , Security Arrangements , Hearts , Security Considerations , Security , Need , Change , Brutality , Horrors , Details , Covid Funding Isn T , Warning , Winter , 100 Million , Dr , Models , Ja , Making , Playbook , Pandemic , Preparedness , Virus , Fight , Testing , Action , Access , Foot , Therapeutics , Vaccines , Modelling , M J , Impact , Congress , Data , Let S Go , Individuals , Japan , Best Practices , Deaths , Physician , Visit , 39000 , Briefing Room , Reaffirmation , Eye , Security Treaty , Primary , Oz , Win , Ballot Box , Season , Mid Terms , Heat , Pennsylvania , Respects , Proof , Ohio , Pat Toomey , Tuesday , Party , Everyone , Goodness , People S Party , Oz Isn T Popular , Dave Mccormick , Reporting , Mike Emanuel , D C , Candidates , Survey , Digits , 12 , 39 , 16 , Behalf , Minds , King , Mr , Makener The Keystone State , Odd Friday Night , 57 , J D , Common Sense , Vance , Critic , Respect , Spokesman , Occasions , Dave , January 6 , Involvement , Enterjectinon , Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee , Nastied The Water , Stage , Washington , Trump , Set Up , Sort , America First Policies , Sprint , 17 , May 17 , Reason , Men , Hollywood , Positions , Career , Set , Obama , Grad , Generation , Veteran , Family Farm , Town , Combat , Jobs , Westpoint , Endorsements , Outsider , Dialling , Voter , Bob Lighthizer , Mike Pompeo , Ted Cruz , Mike Huckabee , Election , Stakes , Go To Washington And Fight For America First Values , Zero , Endorsement , Policies , Side Line , Photo Finish , Kentucky Derby , Difference , Report , Kathy Barnett , Alternative , Surprise Win , Philadelphia Inquirer , Split Race , Democracy , Validation , Listen , John Fedderman , Agenda , Lead , Crisis , Inflation Crisis , Risks , On The Job Training , China , 1 , On The Job Training Of Making A , B , Criteria , Anybody Anything , Privilege , Choice , Mistake , I Don T , Profile , Tumble , Ranger , College Wrestler , The Ring , Running Out Of Time , Interest , Drive , Gas , It Hit , Food Shopping , Wouldn T Go , , Anything Else , Sale , Siege , Investorers , Fox On Top ,

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