Chromatography systems market is expected to grow by 2026 due to increasing demand from hospital and research industry. Gas chromatography sub-segment expected to be the most dominant. Market
after the break, we re going to dig deeper into money, talk virginia poll numbers, but our trivia question, we asked, who has served as a state governor longer than anyone else in u.s. history? i just gave you the answer, the answer is iowa governor terry branstad. branstad has served for 6,014 days, that s six years, 19 days and counting. it doesn t count if a governor serves before a state is admitted to the union. so that disqualifies george clinton who served more than 10 years before new york became a state. we ll be right back with more from the panel. ief. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it s clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin.
greater detail. the most important, it is repplrep pl reppl repplicable and it s being done in new york city and other areas. give us a couple. the first thing interestingly enough we retro-fitted 6,014 windows. took them apart, washed them, never left the building, reused 90% of frames and glass and took them to r-8 with the insertion of a mylar sheet. explain. air is r zero, all transfers of energy and efficiency. r 2 is better than r 1 but not as good as r 8. by changing out these windows, you re keeping the heat inside, in the summer, you re keeping the air-conditioning inside and because of that that s right.