Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

now and watch back later. >> sandra: and now this alert sending to the ukraine including heavy artillery and more tactical drones. but the question is will it be enough to turn the tide in this moment? hello and welcome everyone i'm sandra smith great to have you back. >> john: hello, everyone i'm trace gallagher info john roberts the news comes as mary opal is on the verge of becoming the first major city to fall to the russians. focus now turning to a steel plant located on the far southern edge of the city. ukrainian commanders claim hundreds of troops and civilians are sheltering in the plant and only have hours to live. russian president vladimir putin calling off a plan to storm the complex. instead of ordering it still off. >> sandra: but's strategy is coming under fire from inside the kremlin. bloomberg reporting officials believe it has been "catastrophic" for the country's future. they wanted a missile capable of carrying a massive nuclear weapon. put in saying it will make those who threaten russia "think twice" >> trace: starts right now up jack keane with more in moment but first to trey yingst in the capital city of kyiv, trey. >> trays, good afternoon. officials in key have our calling for last-minute talks say more than a thousand ukraine soldiers and civilians were currently underneath a steel plant in the siege to city of mariupol. today the deputy of ukraine demanded the russians opened an evacuation corridor to allow the wounded to get out of harm's way, but the russians appear to have a different plan. of president vladimir putin in moscow called for the soviet air plant to be blocked trapping our many people inside a complex of nuclear bunkers. he told russia's defense minister not to storm the underground area. the mayor of mariupol had this to say. >> today our brave warriors are defending our city as much as possible. so it doesn't matter what statements are made in russia. mariupol is and will be ukrainian. >> the announcement of what putin calls the "from her given the north along the front line to done yet in the cell. destruction increases each hour. russian forces are using artillery units to hammer ukrainian positions in civilian areas. amid the fighting attempt on my prime ministers of spain and denmark made a surprise visited mike visit to the capital kept to meet with the president volodymyr zelenskyy today russian forces may take the time to ramp up new offensive. what were looking at here is a real understanding that the ukrainians may be at war for months or even years. key have remains to be under threat a few minutes ago we heard air raid sirens of the distance. trace. >> trace: très life for us in care of, trey. >> sandra: four-star general and analyst jack keane joining us the top of the hour as we continue learn more about what's next and what direction russia is going to bring this invitation to come in general, $800 million weapons package announcements a administration. is it enough to turn the tide there? >> by itself likely not, but looks like a huge step in the right direction. the fact that we are following up with last week's list which was quite significant assuming exactly what is needed here, i mean it's a total of 90 and that is significant and another 18 last week 72 this week. 188,000 rounds or so over artillery and we have to this coming. i hope you're not being exposed to the list of other countries are sending, but i hope they are providing summing similar to this. here is the concern we have. the russians are able to concentrate all of their units that they have in ukraine largely in one area, and the bass area. those different than formal to month ago and different areas. to concentrate the artillery and aerial bombardment and it is quite copperheads of, sandra, in terms of what is happening right now with both those means, artillery and aerial bombardment. they are trying to grind down ukrainian defense forces. their ground offensive forces while they have made some progress is pretty similar to what is happened before. and that is they are not able to make significant breakthroughs. of the of the ground forces will continue to struggle. but, if the ukrainian defenses continue to get ground down, then obviously the russians can make those kind of breakthroughs. and that is why our old artillery is the best thing to kill other artillery, airpower is also next, but they don't have airpower to be able to do that. while i'm on the subject of airpower, it's very difficult to win a combined arms conventional plate, which this is, without having some kind of air superiority. the ukrainians do not have a. of the russians airpower has been limited to be sure, but still, it will take its toll on the ukrainians. what the ukrainians have going for them they know the train very well, they have an incredible skill and will and the other thing for certain is they are fighting for everything. their families, their way of life, and their country itself. and certainly we have got to sustain this effort. look at. late so you understand our audience there is no country in the world that can move equipment and logistics at scale to any place in the world and do it rapidly. are no other country has the means to do that, nor do they have the skills to do that. the united states does, so we have got to be all in here. and i know for a fact that the secretary of defense and the chairman joint chief or personally dealing with these lists based on not us pushing equipment to them whether they needed or not, but based on exactly what the ukrainians are asking of us. >> trace: yeah "the washington post" is reporting they are having some airpower to military jets the pentagon won't tell me what those jets are buried i want to go back to mariupol if i can, general, because right now we are focused on the steel plant, four square miles, a series of underground tunnels, it appears that the ukrainian forces could hold that thing in perpetuity where you question to you is if it is in fact surrounded by russian forces, and control the rest of the city pretty much, is mariupol lost in your opinion? >> yes. technically it's not but defective, certainly. it is. so much so that, listen. the victory of mariupol is playing every day on russian television, state television i may add, throughout russia. russia has already added to mariupol to the list of their nine made victory celebrations over the nazis. because the russians are convinced that they own the city and they do except for what you mentioned. and those forces certainly are trying to hold on by a thread there and hopefully something can be worked out between ukraine and russia to get the troops and civilians out of there. >> sandra: real quick final thought on testing this inter-ballistic missile putin says it will give his enemies something to think about how do you view that risk? >> well, the russians have been modernizing the lucan the nuclear triad, i've seen farmers i didn't watch muscles with reading the make up the triad. and we have not. hours have been atrophied and we're just trying to make a down payment on that in this budget. so there's a lot more for us to do. the russians have a lot of bluster surrounding weapons systems, they have the tendency to exaggerate the capabilities, but there is no disputing this. they are upgrading their nuclear arsenal. it hasn't increased the threats of the united states in my judgment because we do, even though our systems are not as modernized as they should, they are more than it an adequate deterrent. >> sandra: all right, general, really glad happy at the top the hour here on all of that, that, thank you very much. >> great talking to both of you. >> sandra: all right we will watch that developing situation and go back to trey yingst's reporting on the ground there, constantly evolving situation to get general keane's thought will have much more on this coming up. >> trace: great question on the missile thing that russia's testing now because, you know, we have not tested missiles because we are afraid that vladimir putin might take the wrong meaning out of that. and russia has no problem doing that. later on we'll talk to brian kilmeade and jennifer griffin about that exact subject. is this satan 2 missile system as fears is russia saying it is? a lot more coming up next. meantime the fight over a federal mask mandate is far from over, the do jay who will appeal what struck down for public transportation. peter doocy live on the north line. peter. >> and a few hours ago we did hear a little bit from president biden about what he thinks about where we stand this mask mandate right now. >> president biden: there is going to be an appeal by the justice department because it is a matter of principle we want to be able to be in position with her if, in fact, it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need title 42 that we will be able to do that. >> so here's the thing, as it was about mask mandates but the question was about title 42. the immigration policy and the president knows it because shortly afterwards we got this statement in his name. "i want to clarify that in the comments the conclusion of my remarks this morning i was referring to the cdc's mask mandate, and there is no department of justice action on title 42. so that doesn't settle either issue, and something the clarification doesn't actually clarify, it does the president want title 42 to live beyond next month or not? officials have been using it to expel migrants at the southern border setting covid is a reason. the president still hasn't taken a position on this but jen psaki did kind of at the most recent press briefing. >> we are preparing for and ending on may 23rd and other ideas and reforming our system we are happy to have a conversation with them. speak of the president wants to talk about new ukraine aid, he wants to talk about the environment and infrastructure out west, but the lack of clarity from officials here about whether or not millions of people need to wear masks as they go about their daily lives every day has those millions of people scratching their heads. a trace? >> trace: we are among them very confused, peter doocy live at the white house, thank you peter sander he brings a great point. the president seems confused about title 42 and the mask mandate. everyone else is too. title 42 can be dropped because there are no cold convert to my concerns, the mask made it has to be upheld because there are covert concerns. >> sandra: jerry baker "wall street journal" editor at large has been joining us next hour, he wrote a fascinating piece on this. he is arguing that the move such as appealing this ruling by that federal judge on the mask mandate, these moves are less about protecting the american people, he says, and more about asserting the government's power. so we will have them on next hour on that fascinating piece they are in the journal. r8, trace, major we've all been following that grisly murder of a queens mother stabbed almost 60 times before she was dumped in a duffel bag. a suspect is now in custody how we are learning he is connected to the victim. >> trace: plus border prepping for a surge of migrants as the white house as it is ditching title 42 is planned. porter dock former acting ice director joins us with how bad it will get and how even some democrats in fact a lot of democrats are saying it's a bad idea. >> they are not betting, there's too many people crossing on the numbers of spiked so now we are in the processes. va home loan benefit that lets you refinance up to 100% of your home's value. and with home values rising, that can mean a lot more money for you and your family. a newday va home loan lets you refinance your home to pay credit card debt or just put money in the bank. it even lowers your paymentsby over $600 a month. we all know some of life's most important financial decisions are made right here at the kitchen table. so if you're a veteran and need cash, calling newday usa could be one of the best decisions you'll ever make. i didn't know my genetic report 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giving final passes to a bill to dissolve the private government that walt disney world has been allowed to operate. now, here is the context. back in the 70s when dickstein was opening orlando the state of florida gave them something called the reedy creek authority which in essence is their own pseudo-government. they have their own police. they pay their own tax structure. will now, the house of representatives in florida says no. we are going to disband that. it now goes to the florida sent it to mike sennett and if ron desantis signs it, doesn't he would have to apply and be obligated abide by state tax laws and state legal laws. that would be a huge financial blow to disney, this will was all of course brought about by disney's opposition to the parental rights bill that was put in place by florida governor ron desantis a few weeks ago. breaking news based on that as they come in, sander. >> sandra: thank you, trace, the mean stomach white house meanwhile is switching against the report that it is reconsidering ending the trump era title 42 border restriction. white house official telling fox news the lifting of the policy will mean a return to dhs's previous standard for processing and importing migrants who do not qualify for asylum. fox team coverage of that now tom is standing by but first phil nugent is live on the ground in eagle pass, texas, forest. hey, phil. >> sander good afternoon to you, eagle pass where we are has quickly become one of the epicenters of border crisis. the activity here is nonstop you to probably see live on our fox drone right now a group of migrants we watch them before you came way to cross the rio grande enter illegally they are bit now being processed by border patrol with the assistance of a national guard but this is that sort of thing that happens every 20 minutes out here pay take a look at this video. we first got out here after sunrise this morning, more groups in the water but as soon as we got out here. it's a mixture of families as well as single adults, many people bringing their young children in this sector, del rio's sector, these migrants are coming from all around the world you will see haitians, you will see applicants, you will see those northern triangle countries, you will see a lot of cubans and a lot of venezuelans in the sector. once they cross in the get process here, they get taken out and then on the bridge above there is some title 42 going on. it's a constant cycle, but we also want to show you something interesting that happened earlier this morning prayer take a look at this video. right after all those river crossings we noticed this massive convoy of mexican military and police show up. it was a cute show of force and they just posted up right across from us on the mexican side of the river. it was mexican marines, state police, municipal police, helicopters, a lot of mexican resource. we were wondering what was going on, we later found out this is part of a security agreement just reached by texas governor greg abbott end of the governor the mexican state of coahuila, texas agreed to drop the enhanced vehicle inspections with trucks coming in from days ago on the mexicans agree on their side of the border to beef up their enforcement don't hear of the board. so that was the mexicans, i guess, living up to their side of the agreement. last thing we would like to show you, take a look at these photos here. heart-wrenching out of border patrols rio grande valley sector this is a 2-year-old honduran boy who was found completely abandoned by border agents neuroma texts. he was mixed in with a group of 38 and nobody knew the little boy was paired all he had on him was a birth certificate with the father's information written on the back of it. back out here alive, that sort of thing is been happening nonstop during this border crisis. shocking numbers for you. just in the rio grande valley sector alone since october 1st or the patrol says they have found more than 38,000 unaccompanied children just like the one you saw. we will send it back to. >> sandra: well my pray the numbers continue to be staggering and hate filled my heart breaking into medications stomach cases, phil thank you. >> trace: let's bring in tom houchin, it's a good place to start 38,000 unaccompanied menards. that they scream from the rooftops about kids in cages and yet 38,000 kids with nobody to look after them, tom, nobody says a word during the border. >> look it's going to get worst. what a good job they're doing pulling the curtain back on the lies from the administration below, the children, were not even talking about the trafficking, sex trafficking in women and children, this is been in power in the last 15 months. last month they have more encounters and we have had in a quarter-century. so they are not doing anything to slow the flow. in that month the border patrol so overwhelmed even with start of type dell might title 42 in place that over 67,000 got a ways based on camera traffic and zone traffic. you see the story they arrested 42 on the terrorist watch list. how many of the 67,000 to be on that list? this is a national security issue a huge report. >> trace: 221,000 is the number by the way the highest in history of the dhs which goes back 20 plus years in the question becomes the confusion over all of this, tom, is astounding. the cdc and the white house said title 42 can and because covid is no longer a threat. and yet they say the mask mandate on planes has to go on because covid is still a threat. in fact it is so confusing president biden was asked about title 42 this morning and said this, watch. >> president biden: first of all is going to be an appeal by the justice department. because there it's a matter of principle we want to be able to be in position where if, in fact, it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need title 42 that we will be able to do that. >> trace: confusing come the white house later clarified that no, no, no, he wasn't talking about appealing title 42, he was talking about the mask mandate. but that's how confusing this whole thing is for the american people. >> look at a scary. it's like between the president and the borders, kamala harris and secretary mayorkas, the island of misfit toys. none of them of the single thing to secure border. and like i said this has become a national security issue. look come vaped lips title 42 that 67,000 got a ways would be over 100,000. border patrol is exhausted. they got a chance to give them some relief. like i said if you have they keep title 42 the numbers are still historic. but what they can do come with the secretary can do despite what the cdc does is put the remaining mexico program back in full force. we had to sue them to do that, and they still haven't, they're doing it like 2% when the trump administration did. if he really cares about national security, if he really cares about less suspicious characters come across the border, because about dying children women being sexually assaulted, put it there remain in mexico project god's sake. >> trace: how many sentinel deaths have we seen in the past five years? it's amazing there is no outrage over fentanyl which is killing thousands of our young people we see major busts because you and i know that the cartels are gaming the system. they know how to exploit what the u.s. government is doing to get these drugs across. >> look, where is the outrage on the record number of migrants that have died under the administration? more migrants have died on u.s. soil crossing this border than any year my crew. almost 700 paired where's the outrage over that? where is the outrage over uac's coming across because mark the outrage, like you said, over 100,000 fentanyl debts? or those who died during the gap in panama? it's inhumane their policies are killing people. >> trace: it's dangerous making the trek up from the tribal country to the mexican border, tom always good to see you, thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> sandra: billionaire elon musk says he has secured the money to buy twitter with some big-name banks which he is planning to make the ambitious takeover of that company. >> trace: yes plus the hips keep hits keep coming for americas while it as home prices had a record high. woke advisors to blame for president biden's inflation crisis? larry kudlow will be here with that next. >> with the feds should do is stop printing so much money, and to stabilize the dollar, and let this thing work itself out. prog billions of dollars for affordable home lending programs... as part of 88 billion to support underserved communities... including loans for small businesses in low and moderate income areas. so everyone has a chance to move forward financially. pnc bank: see how we can make a difference for you. riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on 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company a more sustainable business model to drive our future investments and great journalism and storytelling." cnn plus, no more, dander. >> sandra: thank you, trace, americans unable to escape surging inflation even when it comes owning a new home median price for an existing home jumped to a record high $375,000 and a change. that was last month. as 15% increase year-over-year is the rate is at 40 or higher, there goes the american dream. i don't know, how can affordability a big part of who we are, and it's becoming extremely difficult for young family to buy a home in this country right now. >> i agree, i totally agree. on the other hand let me just know we are in the early stages of what i think is going to be a difficult housing slump. and those prices are going to come down quite a bit. we have already seen the mortgage bankers, then the weekly and monthly applications for new purchases and resize, they have collapsed. new purchases down about 25% year on year. the 30-year mortgage rate is five and a quarter i think, almost 5.5 nearly 500 basis points in the past 12 months. and of course you have the issue of jobs are good, wages are good, but inflation is crowding out wages, so people are losing money left and right. so you're quite right, but i think it is important to note the housing slump, housing in general, sander, is a leading indicator of the economy. and it's not a good indicator right now. >> sandra: interesting. okay, so, this is march inflation, 8.5%. you keep talking about how wages are going up, great, but real wage growth is nothing we can get eaten up by inflation. feds are talking right now, jay powell says inflation absolutely 15-point hike possible from a. at the same time he is referring the actions of his predecessor paul voelker were doing nothing about it to tackle inflation. it's going to take drastic moves as far as what i can see he said today, he's not planning on that. >> no he is not. he is not voelker by the way, long ago, so long ago i was a secretary or an assistant to voelker before he ran the federal reserve and i'm proud of that. he is going to look at this. of jay palace is talking the tarpley's not walking the walk. raised by one quarter of a point. he is saying 50 basis points more, so that would make it three quarters. as you know the inflation rate is 8.5%. call at six or 6.5% like the wage track or something. you have to have the target rate above the inflation rate so the real rate is positive, okay? so let's say the underlying inflation rate is 6. that means it should be 7 or 8. not 0.75. so what they're going to have to do is what i call shock and awe. they should be jacking up 50 basis points every single month. okay? they think they're going to get -- >> sandra: wishful thinking. >> that's right. they think they will get to 2.75% but so what? it will be ten. >> either way it's going to be a lot of a lot of pain. >> import prices -- >> it and imagine the pain. speak of the longer they wait the worst it's going to be in the longer it's going to be and this idea of a soft landing, really? show me in history where there is a soft landing. i hate to be personal but i'm not being personal i'm just saying it's a bit like a second marriage. triumph of hope over experience, that's a joke, lightning up our discussion here. >> sandra: to lighten up the discussion may be bringing mitt romney in "the wall street journal" because he seems to be taking on president biden and his team for how they are handling this inflation crisis. saying the problems in the errors are worsening inflation. he needs to dished his woke advisors and surround himself with people who want to get the economy working again. as for the upcoming midterm elections remember the 1992 mantra is the economy. the people of america need the leadership only a president can provide. interesting color by mitt romney of president biden and how he is handling it. >> traffic call out. traffic. by the way mitt romney on economic issues is almost always excellent. excellent to say. apart like the most was he should get rid of his woke advisors. that is so important. >> sandra: we've heard that from you for. >> yes. he stacked the deck with all of these far left people in very key senior staff positions in the white house, in the treasury department, and elsewhere. stop bringing -- look. you have democratic advisors, larry summers, jason sermon, steve ratner, and others. those people should be in this administration, okay? larry summers should've been a treasurer secretary, no i take a back. larry summers should have been appointed to replace jay powell. that would've been the correct thing to do, and summers has had a good call. i don't always agree with those fellows, but they are right on target. you can't spend and borrow and print money your way through this, see will have to get rid of these crazy woke advisors who are all, all they do is obsess daily 24/7 about a nonexistent, a nonexistent existential climate. nonexistent existential climate risk. their climate issues over the next hundred years, i know that producers are yelling at me, the neighbor regulations that came out two days ago will stop, listen to me, they will stop pipelines, they will stop wind turbines, highways, roads, bridges, there will be no building in this country because of what they did traverse trumps depot which went through our nec. >> sandra: one of his closest advisors brian you know his job was a black rock question he was the head, you can't make some of the soap, that's mitt romney's point. >> figure my successions i'm just saying this. mitts, the senior advisors are very important in the white house and he nailed it in that comment. >> you can hear more of this, larry kudlow 4:00 fbn, good stuff they give a much. he rips right off the top. i always end up applauding. all right, trey. >> trace: nobody rifts better. elon musk said he is gotten commitment letters to provide more than $46 billion in financing to buy my twitter, meanwhile a record-setting revenue drum for tesla over his hostile takeover bid for my twitter kelly o'grady here with more on that kelly hello. >> hello, trace, thank you for having me. elon now has the money to buy twitter, is a pretty uncharacteristic moving test learnings yesterday he stayed silent on his bed, that's not what we're used to from elon, but clearly he was busy in the background. in the new sec filing he said he is putting up 21 billion in equity himself and secured 25.5 billion in financing for a total of 46.5 billion. the filing specified that financing would be provided by a consortium of institutions including berkeley and bank of america. twitter has received the offer but i have heard no indication as when they would respond. now that he has more than the 43 billion he needed for that original $54.20 per share offer, it puts the pressure on the company. and finally he also affirmed he is exploring taken the decision directly to shareholders via a hostile tender offer that confirm some of his cryptic tweaks we have seen recently and if he does he is the is introducing a pair of tesla strong showing yesterday is helping elon's twitter takeover bid, the richest man in the world about to get richer due to performance bonuses. that increases his ability to borrow even more than that reported 10-15000000000 he was willing to pour into a twitter offer making that offer possible. now has the mind to buy the stock but still well below the $54 he is offering so now the ball is in twitter's court. >> it sounds like his ability as a going here and twitter staying where it was, right? really, center, the whole concept of things thing last week was ever noticing free speech is under threat, elon, you know, elon musk is going to buy twitter, i think right now he's in the driver's seat. >> sandra: there's a lot of people cheering them on. to secure that money its way to make it interesting. he keeps everyone guessing. he is a rather unpredictable character. we will keep watching all of that. meanwhile, again, a story we have been following a suspect in custody down for the murder of a queens mother the victim stabbed nearly 60 times and dumped her duffel bag, how and where they called the suspect is next. >> trace: yeah and prudent threatening the potential for nuclear war and testing his satan 2 vessel is america falling behind in the ability to protect itself? meet will join with a straight ahead. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and rates are still near the lowest in history. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. ruby's a1c is down with rybelsus®. my a1c wasn't at goal, now i'm down with rybelsus®. mom's a1c 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james freeman joins us on that next. >> no, i don't think pied and dominic biden to run for reelection. >> i don't think you should. i think we should be stronger or younger. and rates are still near the lowest in history. already own a home and need cash? the newday100 loan can get you up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments by $615 a month. take ten minutes right now and make the call. because no one knows veterans like newday usa. your spirit is stronger than your highs and lows. your creativity can outshine any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. grillin', chillin', spillin', dillin'. bec-ing. never brie-ing. smokin', yolkin', flippin', dippin'. if you're not oozing, then you're losing. tater totting, cold or hotting. mealin', feelin', pie-ing, trying. color your spread. upgrade your bread. pair it. share it. kraft singles. square it. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? contributors look at buttons approval rating at a new low, 33%. and now this memo has everyone talking about those that might see an opportunity here like bernie sanders. this is his campaign manager in 2020 saying in the event of an open 24 residential primary senator sanders has not ruled out another run for president so we advise that you answer any questions about 2024 with that in mind. is that going to happen, jean? >> i don't see and i don't think it makes any sense. he has lost a few times, obviously. it's really the way he lost. we saw in 2020 we will back to super tuesday, in the middle america were talking about democrats. just democrats said we don't want that extreme leftism. when i think we have seen in the past year the problem democrats have had is trying to push the bernie sanders agenda on america. it didn't work out so well. they're not popular, build back better failed. >> sandra: to music to think about his campaign manager says only if biden will not consider a run. joe biden is 80 years old and he reportedly just told former president barack obama that he is going to run. >> i think biden is going to come i guess in business this call it thinking passed the sale. there are a lot of people who think he doesn't have the mental acuity to have the job right now. so for him to say starting in 2025-2029 he's up for the job, i think that is a tall order. we have seen a lot of polls over the last year sang a lot of americans, most americans in the case don't think biden has the mental sharpness today. to do this job. >> sandra: fair enough, here are a bunch of american people when they were asked whether or not the current president to make another run at it. listen. >> no, i don't think biden should run for reelection. >> no because he is incompetent. >> no i don't. >> i think we need someone a little stronger, little younger. >> he should set up another democratic candidate who can take over where he left off and be central. >> he has a long way forward from where he is coming from. >> i think we should give the opportunity to his vice president at this point. >> sandra: okay as you can wonder as you listen to american voters and their party affiliation whatnot but here is a cnn analyst breaking down president biden's bad polling numbers, listen. >> his lowest are tied for lowest. lowest tier lowest here comes one point off lowest. lowest here when you have 3 of 4 showing the lowest numbers for the president of the united states, that is indicative of a president who was in of trouble at least where he is asked to historically. this is lowest. this is the lowest anyone who is elected through the president see them in up to the vice presidency, this is a really, really, really bad number. >> sandra: james. >> it's manifest, think dent dominic democrats went to them in 2020 because there is no one else available to middle america. and link them have that problem again you look at governors out there a lot of them are big lock downers. so not sure where the benches and think that's a question about for a few years. speak a very interesting it's going to happen soon. midterm elections get behind us and off we go to my 234, james could have you good to see you, trace. >> trace: truck done my chugging along vladimir putin test launching what he says is an unstoppable nuclear missile nicknamed satan 2. brian kilmeade is here on how dangerous this is for the u.s., plus jerry baker david as men jonathan turley all that much more coming up next hour. value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, newday wants to help you use your va home loan benefit to get more. more cash, more savings, more peace of mind. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. up to $60,000 or more. veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. with more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. in one easy appointment... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: ...we can replace your windshield and recalibrate your advanced safety system. >> dad: looks great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> sandra: fox news alert as we begin a brand-new hour, vladimir putin is not content in the ukraine now he is threatening to shake up the rest of the world, russia test launching a massive mega missile that is named after the devil himself incapable of wiping out entire nations. all new at 2:00, is it falling behind in the race representing weapons and how can we catch up this late in the game? that is the question at this hour, welcome back as america reports rolls into our 2, i'm in sandra smith, high back to mike to mike hi, trey. >> trace: in the terror of the ukraine back in the headlamp of vladimir putin making sure no one forgets what's at stake in a war that could change the trajectory of world history. jennifer griffin is with us from the pentagon with more on this terrifying new weapon and how our military's weapons to stack. >> sandra: already critics of u.s. is behind and accusing biden to making matters even worse stopping a missile program designed to keep the usa from nuclear threats like the one being launched by putin. >> trace: yeah. >> sandra: brian kilmeade is here joining us on set he give us his take. >> trace: here's bramble will begin this covered what matters most the front lights in ukraine and deeper into the war zone than fox has seen so far. a humanitarian mission delivering desperately needed goods to the city of khaki eve the first to hit many of the war zones. >> he went along on the mission he is a former reporter founding a project as he traveled there across the ukraine. he joins us now. sir, thank you so much for being here and welcome. please tell us first your thoughts in this moment as the united states continues to try to step in and turn the tide of this invasion. >> what you see in a place like kharkiv where the shelling and missile strikes have been really steady for the last few days and intensified today, and you saw a country, use our community that is just in shock fearful, they're really in distress over not having enough supplies is one of the things that really jumped out of this. we are not seeing all of this coming into the cities. >> sandra: we will try to do is continue to establish collect on my connection with you we appreciate your thoughts since one of those humanitarian mission you've seen just how bad this is for those people there. what are you hearing directly from those who are suffering the ground there? okay -- >> completely indiscriminate. if you are able to hear me, i can hear you fine. >> sandra: we can hear you, continue, please. >> there is indiscriminate shelling, it's consistent, it's intensifying. we have had many debts and many injured. five who were killed last weekend, four were killed earlier this week, really intensified strikes today. at a deep complaint about aid of not getting in. we are part of a mission from save our allies here on the ground trying to deliver aid. work with samaritans first to take all of that medical supplies kit you see really to outfit. they have clinics that are stocked and it was interesting to see this relatively small injury oh breakthroughs of democracy some of the bigger frustrating frankly. very deeply in fact. so seeing this mission, it was really exciting to see people doing their job and getting the eight out there. so save our allies didn't excellent job in this village on the edge of where the shelling is really happening very, very intensely. and that was the last few we saw at work in kharkiv where the most needed. >> sandra: and the a delivery into kharkiv that is huge considering that is an area where no aid groups have been managing to get in and get to the front lines there. as far as save our allies, they are also working with a network of priests and churches in some cases. i mean, they are in areas were obviously shelling is happening as they are delivering this aid to those who needed. >> right, that's exactly right. they've developed a local network which i think is a big part of their success from what i can observe. they're working with not only these churches as you say but also local community groups and they are right in small neighborhoods where people are clustered in really help. so you can see the images of these residents who are creating their own supply lines for their own clinics. i think the secret to success here is to break through the big metrics from the big bureaucracy and to try to deliver the a rate where it's needed. that really happened in kharkiv today. as i say, when you go through the city you just see how indiscriminate these attacks are. you see almost an intention from russia right now to create a complete sense of chaos and a fractured community i think tend to push to the east. this looks like the very top of the edge of this frontline, and you can see that on the ground very intensely we heard a lot of shelling, we heard a lot of engagement back and forth. and from what we heard today, that has intensified. >> sandra: and charles, to your point about just how difficult it is to get the aid to those front lines and to the heart areas there, this is obviously some the are directly engaged in. you seen how difficult and dangerous the journey is, can you tell us a little bit more about what you've experienced along the journey? >> when you go into kharkiv what you see is just road after road where things are mixed from completely normal and some pockets where people seem to be going about their lives, and then just down the street you will see a complete housing block that is devastated right next to one that isn't. we see people who are aligned up for food from their food shortages and there. we saw people who gather in schools, basements to be protected against the shelling. there were these reports of a man who was killed by a piece of shrapnel and missile attack when he went out to buy a loaf of bread. and these stories of people living under complete fear through this indiscriminate shelling, seeing how they are trying to get through with their families is, you know, it really brings it all home in a way that i know we are all watching this very closely, but i think seeing the intensity up front was stark. and i think the greatest thing was seeing the need for the supplies to get through. i don't know what is happening with it not coming through but anecdotally what we can hear it is not getting through. so this is a very successful mission to save our allies with the organization but also samaritans first working through the local network to get these medical supplies and in some of the things that are getting in our syringes, he of all kinds of things that you would need for hospitals, tourniquet's, needles, all kinds of important to sure equipment which there are a lot of sutures out there. so this equipment is urgently needed and it's a way for them to staff, completely resupply their clinics which are we are in desperate need of. >> sandra: it's amazing work we were doing and i know you're going to continue to do more of it. charles we will leave you to let you get back to work here what is it that you hear the most from those people on the ground when they are able to speak directly to you about what they've gone through and what they see as the future of their country? >> i think what you see is an incredible determination. this is the resilient country that's also a country that, you know, here you are i'm a journalist but i also was hoping to get some of supplies out. you know, that's what was needed. to think that they stopped in the middle of a war and made us lunch this is the generosity of people that are short on food and who really have a great heart. they talk about the fact that they are going to win this. this is going to be won. that they need support. and they're going to need the world to get behind this to stop this invasion, this aggression i think they really need to see the aid that is been provided dollarwise to be delivered on the ground. >> sandra: we hear you, charles, we appreciate telling us your story and we will continue to follow your journey, thank you very much for coming on and we hope to have you back we will check back with you. >> thank you. >> sandra: all right. >> trace: >> trace: that is great work. as dire conditions are for people, vladimir putin will not be happy until they submit to rush or die. that has him lashing out at those in ukraine for invaders upping the stakes dramatically with satan 2, that's the ominous name for russia's mega missile that is to go nuclear weapons in one. as a jonas from the pentagon with a closer look at this terrifying new weapon, jen, always great to see you. want to find out as well how our military stacks up on this thing, jen, i want to read this from vladimir putin who said quoting here "this will truly strengthen the potential of our combat. will ensure russia security in the face of external threat and will provide food for thought for those who in the heat of frenzied aggressive rhetoric try to threaten our country. we know the vladimir putin" we know that he is prone to a bit w dangerous is this satan two missile? >> it's a very significant is never good when you name a mess left or the devil. they call it the satan two for a reason the last icbm that the russians had relied on was basically developed in 1962. this new icbm that was tested just yesterday inside russia with vladimir putin watching, it can carry up to one dozen nuclear weapons and their indications are that it can deliver the avant-garde which is a hypersonic glide vehicle which would allow it to evade essentially the u.s. missile defense system. very significant that's been around forever over the polls and a hypersonic vehicle that can evade defense. that's a significance here. the pentagon downplaying they were warned in advance because the treaty that they have to but just days ago we reported the pentagon had postponed a quarterly minutemen three icbm test because they didn't want to add to the quick tension with russia. while, russia feeling none of those constraints, and i think that symbolic message from putin is, again, i have nuclear weapons. stay out of ukraine. and putin is showing no signs of backing down the ukraine. that is what i think is people's attention here. as is conventional forces continue to flail in the east and having pulled back from the capital as they continued to hit roadblocks in the ukrainian resistance, you don't know what vladimir putin is going to do in the fact that he flings these nuclear tests and nuclear weapons around really is not the way that irresponsible nuclear power behaves. that's a press secretary here. >> trace: engine i what if that changes our perspective it all. you say we are afraid to provoke putin by not testing hours, do you think that this test will change our perspective? and embolden us to build a say, look, you gave us our food for thought, here is a little food for thought in return. >> there is definitely a lot of messaging going on and certainly the situation is fluid. we saw today that the president announced $800 million of additional aid, $1.6 billion in the last to go weeks military aid of to at first so they weren't going to be sending artillery, $155 million howitzers mostly defensive weaponry in the beginning. we have seen that shift over recent weeks. the question is if he uses chemical or continues to threaten with his nuclear posture in this kind of signaling to the west, there is going to need to be some messaging back to putin. but some hear the pentagon say the message is that the u.s. nato and others are still going to be sending tons of lethal aid in to help the ukrainians that there back in the ukrainian's in the ukrainians are not backing down. but again, the state fluid situation. things we were told were not possible a few weeks ago have become possible. and nothing seems to be deterring vladimir putin and his military at this point. >> trace: you talk about the messaging, jen, i know were talking about more messaging to the ukraine but if they were to use chemical weapons and it was confirmed, with the comment done my consequences be stiff and what we've artie seen? >> that's what president biden has said in with the vatican has said, they have not outlined what they would do but the did warn putin that if he uses chemical weapons that that could come of their response be severe. they're not outlining what that response would be, but if you look right now most of vladimir putin's russian forces run east of the country. and while from the beginning there was a sense that the president had not authorized of course any u.s. troops to go inside of ukraine for fear nato and russia finding themselves in a war, but you do wonder at a point with all of russian forces in the east, why not set up a new will and that the russian forces cannot cross and go further into the west of the country? why not protect p.m., the capital? i think these are issues that are being debated and again, things that were not possible a few weeks ago there is a shifting sense as we are watching a take place. if estonia became the first country from nato passing this congress and from what i saw on the ground for the last ten days and we just returned back, certainly the way the russian forces were behaving, they are trying to exterminate the ukrainians and eliminate them, push them out of areas. and it's really hard and you see that level of war crime committed to say you are just going to stay on the periphery and not get involved. >> trace: your reporting was exceptional over there, jen, i laugh to engage this because we been hearing about this nuclear race, rate? this nuclear weapons race for 60 plus years and i'm wondering where we stand when it comes to these intercontinental ballistic missiles and what not. where do we stand to where russia is? >> the uss plenty of intercontinental ballistic missiles and the disparity based on the new start treaty that was assigned by both nuclear powers. the difference in the game changer that is occurring in the last year's this evolution of a hypersonic muscles. and the u.s., according to the head of reiki on, is behind by about three years you heard general milley say last summer that when china tested its hypersonic muscle that that was a sputnik moment. a reference to how china had sprinted ahead much to the dismay of the u.s. military. or so back in february, defense secretary lloyd austin kathy asked the deputy met with 170 defense contractors on how to get the hypersonic program up to speed and to surpass china and russia. but russia and china have been demonstrating that they are making a lot of progress in hypersonic. that is really where the focus is right now in looking at the way forward as these great powers this great power competition continues. >> trace: yeah, great of a mission great inside, jen, thank you. >> thank you. >> trace: will be heading back to the pentagram for john kirby to bening on spokesperson comes in the next hour, sandra. >> sandra: we are waiting in that while rusher is busy expanding its stockpile of nuclear weapons a biden administration is getting rid of weapons designed to protect against threats like that from russia. of the of ministrations budget request cutout funding for nuclear cruise missiles and tactical weapons that pack over a relatively small nuclear punch. the trump administration called for the weapons but said it would reconsider them if russia stopped his aggressive behavior. that did not happen, but russia still got its way from what it wanted, president biden calling out the technical nukes and potentially granting putin the nuclear upperhand. fox & friends host brian kilmeade is here and he has a reaction. brian. >> brian: a couple of things come when jennifer said before, the word from the administration that the russia is not acting like responsible nuclear nation, really? now you realize they are not responding like a response will nuclear nation? every thing they have done up to this point from the moment they walked in they were dancing in on chernobyl sending rockets into nuclear power plants and continuing to test during this unprovoked invasion pair we have to stop waiting for russia to act responsibly and reciprocate or treat them in a way that we would france or england. that we have a disagreement with her to remember rid of discriminant france over the sale of subs. we pulled each other's ambassadors then we move forward. rush is an enemy. a barbaric enemy that we are seeing now looks at rather attack an 80-year-old woman walking down the street then go infantry to infantry with a fighting force. and now we have a situation where they are showing they can fight on the ground, they don't know how to oil a tank, most were if you have them because of their luke nuclear arsenal we will give you that. you've nuclear weapons. we have this thing called a sea launch nuclear cruise missile. it came to be in 2018 at which time he goes on submarines, he goes on destroyers, allowed us to have the flexibility to go in the multiple theaters and have a tactic goal nuclear weapon. because of its existence that may be a single appellant that stops china from going into taiwan and lets russia know we can hit them from the sea and mysterious place. not land-based, but for some reason i hope it's not the typical joe biden reason, because been donald trump's administration had it, they decide this is not worth the investment. is not scum is not practical, it's not summing that makes a safer work makes the world safer because any time russia, iran, or china sees us back up or be too cautious they say this is weakness and they take advantage of. are not sure what we need to do to drill that into the pentagon and to this ministry. >> "wall street journal"... morning handing put in the nuclear advantage the grim reality of modern life but they are more likely to be used in adversaries believe the u.s. and nato lack in adequate nuclear deterrent but to the newly announced additional weapons package from the biden administration we asked general keane last hour is a snap to turn the tide? he said this. >> a huge step in the right direction here and the fact that we are following with last week's list which was quite significant assuming exactly what is needed here. i mean it's a total of 90 howitzers and that a significant. but he followed that up, brian, with we have to keep this coming. we have got to be all in. are we? >> brian: he hates the fact that we are canceling this technical nuclear weapon that goes on our destroyers that goes in our submarines. he would love, when donald trump was able to go out and tell the russians you continue to act this way, you continue to rattle the cages of your neighbors of our nato allies, we have a tactical nuclear weapons too we are continuing to move forward paired remember how the cold war ended. ronald reagan didn't say i'm okay being equal. he sprinted. he did not know how bad the soviet union was economically, and they fell apart. we are seeing, again, this hollow giant who doesn't know how to fight, has been real amongst his troops, and will be acting as depraved and as barbaric as any time in history. were watching as they aim for hospitals and schools. they donate to the infantry. and that's who we are dealing with. why would we take a step back on this? we invest our money when not be smart? i hope they're not being political. >> sandra: brian gray tabby or. >> brian: thank you. >> sandra: i believe i will talk to any radio show tomorrow. >> brian: absolutely. >> sandra: thank you so much, brian. a try? >> trace: him a three-point there. stepping on toes and we have been hesitant to step on putin's toes and he has not been hesitant one bit. meantime the bike demonstration is appealing that judges ruling that scrapped the mask mandate for travel, but for now, no masks needed to fly. not so fast for the folks on delta's no-fly list for refusing to wear a mask when they were required. delta airline says those people will not be allowed back on board until they prove to the airlines that they deserve the privilege. the airline says fox business potential passengers want to prove themselves worthy and demonstrate an understanding of proper behavior inflates. >> sandra: all right the justice appealing to end the mask mandate on public transportation on airplanes. but the appeal is centered on whether the cdc has the authority to issue such a mandate, not whether to support one needing to stay in place in the first place. fox business grady trimble live at chicago's o'hare airport on that i see a lot of mask lists travelers there behind you, grady. >> grady: more and more by the day, sandor. and yes, you can ditch the masks for now, but they might make a comeback depending on how this appeal goes. it could also impact the power of the cdc going forward. the agency saying in a statement to protect cdc public health authority beyond the ongoing mask mandate assessment announced last week of the cdc has asked doj to proceed with an appeal. goes on to call the mask mandate lawful and necessary. more and more people as we say going mask free here at o'hare, but a lot of the people we've been talking to don't think bringing back masks would go over too well. >> i wear when i need to but i think were all ready to move on. the virus gets work let's bring the masks back. >> i did a lot of people fight it but i mean out of respect for the people that work for the airlines i will gladly world again. >> i don't think appliance would be there. then we had enough of this. >> also today airline stocks are soaring, and that is because they put out promising outlook for the future. american airlines has demanded as strong as they've ever seen you see right there with almost pre-pandemic numbers of people going through tsa checkpoints across the country yesterday. american airline says it's expecting record revenue in this current quarter, they also expect to be profitable for the first time since the pandemic started this quarter, that puts them in line with delta and united, sander, which also expect a hit profitability this year. we have seen some false starts with air travel recovery throughout the pandemic with the vaccine rollout, than omicron hit, that changed everything. but it does seem like it is back for real this time. we will see. >> sandra: we will see is right. a very busy chicago o'hare airport behind you, grady, think he. it trace? >> trace: we also do horrifying images from last week's subway attack in new york but even as people ran for their lives they show their face masks required in subway stations. our next guest makes a fascinating case of these scenes are the perfect example of how our government has failed americans. let's bring in jerry baker, "the wall street journal"'s editor at large, and the host of wsj at large on fox business, jerry kumble of the peace encourage people to go on and read it, "the wall street journal" and i want to read a piece of it it's is quoting here, "a crime scene where the victims were masks." going on. "around all major cities, many states and the federal executive branch seem to care more about preserving the symbol of their authority that mask mandates were present at the end about the safety of citizens. in their work ideology crime is criminal deprivation, prejudice, and wicked police officers. the real need for enforcement is shown by those tempted to show their faces in public." expand on that if you would for me, jerry. >> jerry: well, trace, they get so much need for having me in drawing attention to the column. yeah the point i'm making is that on issue after issue the biden administration the progressive democrats who really control the government, not just the federal government but many cities across the country, they have a set of priorities, they have a set of ideological beliefs that are just increasingly at odds with the needs of ordinary americans that the reality of ordinary american life whether it's mask mandates like you are seeing are they going to appeal this judges is decision to potentially kill the mask mandate? even though when you heard from not interesting report from chicago people are ready to move on. this administration is in. it isn't willing to let go. that incident use on the new york subway last week remarkable scene of people wearing masks even as they were fleeing from someone who is trying to kill them as though the masks are somehow more important than the need to protect people from crime. same as immigration with the border. the administration wants to lift title 42 so that even more people can come in. aft dell issue after issue inflation is the same. this demonstration is a set of progression to my progressive ideologues with their ideological agenda which is completely removed from what ordinary americans want to see done. >> jan what's fascinating to me is that when the cdc came out and they decide to do what? they are going to be compelled to doj to go after to appeal this lawsuit, we didn't get the numbers we thought. i thought it would put forth a lot of their science, a lot of studies that show masks are really effective on planes. instead we got none of that, jerry. it was all about well, you know, in case the cdc's authorities compromised in this case we need to be sure for the next time we can use this authority so it is nothing to do with keeping people safe. >> jerry: really doesn't, trace. we know, again, masks can work in certain environments especially the more protective masks the and 95's in a highly infectious environment they can were. planes we know are environments where very, very hard actually for the virus to circulate. constantly pumping in air and filtered air which is very, very clean, i mean can you recall a single case of a super spreader event for multiple flying last year or so? there hasn't been one. so it's not about the safety and the health despite what they say it's not really about the safety and health of the people that they're supposed to be looking after. it's about their authority and it's about requiring us to continue to comply with the demands that they make on us. it is a classic progressive mind-set that we know what's best for you. we don't care about what you think very we don't care about what your needs are, were going to tell you what you need to do and you will obey. people are just pushing back on this and i think one of the reasons, think the main reason the debtor democrats are likely to do extremely badly in the midterm election this year. people about enough about enough. >> trace: yeah, people had enough and there is confusion. the great illustration today talking about have a 40 in mexico saying at the boarding in a what? we need that because we should drop that because colbert is not a threat but the mask mandate culvert is still a threat. it's very confusing to a lot of people out there, jerry baker, great to have you on, thank you. >> jerry: thanks, trace. >> sandra: all right, great stuff from jerry baker, thank you trace can we know the truth behind some terrifying moments at capitol hill, the urgent mesh surge going out to lawmakers and staffers that has airplanes speeding their way and posed a probable threat. now that we know it really was the furious nancy pelosi wants heads to roll. you want to see this indeed he will. >> trace: is inflation getting worse because of woke? an op-ed arguing the president biden's policies prioritize the interest of the far left. and that is leading to higher prices for all of us. david osmond will weigh in on that. >> he stacked the deck with all these far left people in very key senior staff positions in the white house, and the treasury department, and elsewhere. >> stop this may sound strange, but you've been here before. you were here when this wrench was turned. and when this line was drawn. oh. and when this stitch was sewn. you inspired the lexus es to be, well more you. so thank you. we hope you like your work. ♪ ♪ get special offers on the 2022 es 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gerri willis from the fox business network tracking this from new york city. jerry, good afternoon. >> good afternoon to you, trace, that's right, people are calling it the american pipe dream. rising mortgage rates exploding home prices and historically low inventory is putting the american home dream out of reach. it's turbulent times for home buyers saying that's an uphill battle to secure their forever home. your singer right here, 5.11%, that is the new average interest rate for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage according to freddie mac and it's up for may 22 low of 3.22% in january almost to go full percentage points. another hike next month when the written federal reserve meets paired will be the first time since 2006 that the central bank increased its policy rate up back-to-back meetings. i have to tell you, adding insult to injury for so many people home prices hitting new highs, $335,300 with the median in march, they're just not enough houses to go around. we are 4 million singular semi single family home short according to in the association of realtors tells us not to expect any relief in the short term from a listen. >> for the next 12-18 months we expect housing prices will continue to rise, tremendous demands, not enough supply. that equals pricing pressure in the housing market will continue to rise. >> gerri: this causing buyers to pull back. mortgage applications are down 14% year-over-year and more bad news here, a bleak new survey from the new york federal reserve finds only 43% of renters believe it is likely they will ever own a home falling below 50% for the first time in the survey's history. one small bright light here i have to give something positive to you, trace. you know, as all this pressure comes on the housing market, those prices will fall and finally some of these buyers may be able to get into the market. >> trace: yakult without be a bit of a benefit for the buyers, not for the sellers, great to see was always. to be for there be a reason for that convoy question what nothing cures high prices like high prices. >> sandra: jerry trace, thank you, calling biden out for inflation mess leaving the majority of americans living paycheck to paycheck. one of those critics senator met romney who says bidens woke priorities are only driving prices higher. let's bring in fox business anchor david as when. first take on the housing market. that has been a mess for a while. and it seems to be reaching a tipping point. >> david: well, yeah, it's the worst of both worlds because on one hand you have rising interest rates affecting the ability to buy because very few people can pay cash. but any of the problem of a looming recession which allowed people say is coming. people don't buy houses unless they are sure they will have a job at here from now or two years from now or three years from now. so that is the pressure, but at the same time, you have this deficit of housing. you don't have a good housing stock. you don't have an inventory that you would like to have, which makes finding houses -- goes all of these -- it's a perfect storm. >> sandra: it's a perfect storm. >> david: happening in some areas. d3 now you have met romney calling out biden and is a ministrations policy saying woke up. i said that actually. he is saying bidens errors worsen inflation saying he needs to ditch his woke advisors and surround himself with people who want to get the economy working again. after the upcoming midterm elections are member of bill clinton's 1992 mantra, it's the economy! the american people need the strong economic leadership that only present can provide data set this for a. people feel when they are living in a business friendly environment because that benefits all americans. if they don't feel like on the midterm election, there will be consequence is. >> david: with all due deference to mitt romney it's not going to happen here you won't be hiring anybody but woke people at least until after the midterm elections. which means it won't happen for another six months. we're going to have all of his woke people in the federal reserve, we will have all of these will people come look at this new regulatory bill that they are just, inflation i just saw the wonderful larry kudlow earlier. he said inflation is the cruelest taxable. but regulations are also a tax, particularly for small business, and these new series of regulations are going to be killing business throughout america. and what is really killing america right now is the cost of energy periods we have an 86% increase in national gas, natural gas prices are going to go higher because we have much fewer supplies than we should have come a 20% below where we should be right now. and these new environmental regulations are going to make it even harder to get more national gap stomach to natural gas. >> sandra: makes you wonder who will get a hold of the situation pretty new list of federal reserve today acknowledging what a big problem this is but not saying that it's going to get super aggressive with inflation. so what is eventually going to give here? >> david: unfortunately will take a change in the executive office enough not going to happen until 2024. regulations, another thing larry pointed out, which was right on point, is that you can socialize the economy not necessarily through legislation, but through regulations. and that is exactly what is happening. >> sandra: we cut the sound bite here was later last hour on regulations, listen. >> regulations that came out two days ago will stop, listen to me, they will stop pipelines, they will stop wind turbines, highways, roads, bridges, there will be no building in this country. >> sandra: that's a big statement. >> david: me but we should explain for the viewers. napalm is and cram for the national american policy act signed in 1970s which we were having a lot of in the 1960s oil spills et cetera. but now it is being used to stop economic development. for example, the fracking revolution that has led to this tremendous increase in natural gas in this country, which is actually cleaning the air below coal plants energy plants went to natural gas. that never would've happened if we had these regulations. we never would've had the ability of these energy companies to explore and develop fracking which gave us the natural gas revolution. if these are now applied they could literally shut down the economy. by the way, they're also shooting themselves in the foot because the president is very proud of his infrastructure. this infrastructure is never going to get built because it won't pass these regulatory hurdles that were just erected not by legislation but again, by executive order. another president coming down the line we so it trumpeted in terms of getting rid of a lot of that red tape which biden is now reinstituted. so we're going to go through the same cycle but it's going to take another president to do it. >> sandra: good have you, david. >> david: good to be here. thanks. >> trace: good to see you david, while the world is focused on the ukraine trend has been awfully quiet but that country just signed an agreement that did not go unnoticed. and it has a lot of people worried about what exactly china is planning. >> sandra: also johnny depp testimony getting a lot of strong reaction, but how is it playing out for the people who really matter? the jury in that courtroom? jonathan turley says this great movie star made a big mistake in his strategy and he will join us on that next. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- you deserve more. more cash, more savings, and more financial peace of mind. newday can help you get it with the newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value: up to $60,000 or more. and veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. 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[ chuckles ] that's a steal. wait, wait, wait. are we stealing the safe? we're saving so much, it's like stealing. well, you're the tech expert webs. is it reliable? you tell me. wah ping. it's reliable and fast. wireless savings so good, even the bad guys love it. switch to xfinity mobile today. and see dreamworks "the bad guys." >> trace: johnny depp back on the stage today against ex-wife amber heard, her defense lawyers digging into his drug and alcohol use all while putting a spotlight on task to text about wanting to kill his then wife when he previously apologize. this despite depp's testimony that heard was the aggressor in the relationship. here to break down his testimonies jonathan turley, george washington university professor and of course a fox news contribute or, it's good to see you. what do you make of, i know you disagree with johnny depp's tactics here. what do you make of the analyst who say johnny depp is playing the movie star for the jury and not the witness and he is trying to hope that maybe the starstruck jurors can leave his way? >> yeah, i'm not too sure that's going to play out. the whole thrust of his counsel was to show that basically he was a human wreck, and that she came to pick through the ruins. and portrayed her as the aggressor, and in fact they did have a tape in which she admitted to hitting him. but there is a very odd aspect to this trial. it's like these to go public figures want a public judgment on their former spouse. that this type of catharsis or litigation peer what is not clear that either side because they're across cases here that either side is building a case for successful verdict. it just seems like we are all watching an almost recreational exercise between these parties. >> sandra: you are tweeting through this trial has been summing. jonathan for those of us who have been following you just most recently said that depp is doing better in demeanor but referring to a picture of drugs is an interesting composition and saying any hour is happy hour is horribly helpful. there has been a serious admission of drug use and alcohol use throughout this trial so far. >> yeah, and to some degree, heard's counsel's very good performing quite well. to some degree these attacks are not going to be useful. there trying to convince the jury that captain jack sparrow is a human wreck at a drug user. it's probably an unnecessary effort but particularly because the actor himself said look i was a wreck. but what is really going on here is that counsel is trying to show that your career collapse before this "washington post" column, that you are directing, your bizarre behavior had already tanked to as an actor. that, may be, i think scoring points with the jury. i think depp scored some points in portraying heard in different ways saying she was at least a sort of coabuser, not the abuser. but what he was really struggling to do in his drug testimony was to say that he was sort of an innocent, that he was, yes, recommend, but he was not violent because of his own history of abuse at the hands of his mother. and basically putting forward almost freudian case that he married his mother. found himself locked in a relationship that he wanted to escape. >> trace: yeah, and professor, what about the fact, i mean this whole thing is been just kind of watch. laying their entire lives out there, is that an indication of the damage that johnny depp is trying to portray put upon him? just never seen anything like this. >> i think he, there's a reason it's a recreational aspect of this. i have the feeling he wants a public judgment against his wife. as he said he lost everything, and he did, i don't think he expects to regain it. i think this is really an effort to get out his side of the story about who she is. but that doesn't necessarily build a case for defamation. she is going to have the same trouble in building the case against him. i mean, problem is it sort of like a movie without redeeming character. at the end of the jury is going to have to vote, i think they have rush to judgment both parties. the >> sandra: houses and how to go on? >> [laughs] what we are going to see i think depp's counsel can certainly rehabilitate him a bit from this line of questioning. i think she will come back, keeps referring to the monster that really describing himself and i think she is likely to come back and say look, you did drugs. you were a wreck. you had to play yourself together and these are the types of questions he could regain some of that ground on. what's going to be more difficult as when they tried to show the essence of defamation with this is all about. she accused him of being an abuser years earlier when she went for a tro or temporary restraining order. he couldn't sue her for that because i was an import statement, that was a filing. it wasn't until a couple of years later where he wrote basically sort of alluded to that that he was able to sue her. but the defense of saying look, it was artie out that she'd accuse you of being an abuser and your career was already really as dead as dillinger. so you don't have damages and probably don't have defamation. >> if you are advising amber heard when you've put her on the stand? >> ought to tell you i would not at this point. first of all, both she and depp changed today and their demeanor. she doesn't have that stony look. at points she really looked like she wanted to throw a vodka bottle at his head. he is being a little less glib and a little less hostile, but she might not have to take the trial. >> sandra: our producers are saying there is a rather interesting moment happening right here where he is describing using his blood to draw on a building? let's dip in on his home, okay. we're going to dip in here for just a few seconds and was in. >> it might be plaintiff. >> sandra: all right we're being told that now they are showing as evidence a picture of the word they used two uses blood to write, so there is no speaking happening right now but jonathan turley, this just continues to get more audit. listen for a second. >> there was quite a bit of damage to the house in australia after this incident, correct? >> there was quite a bit of damage to the house during the -- entire incident, yes. >> you don't member the television breaking, do you? >> i remember there was -- i believe there was a coffee cup stuck into the screen, or a plate or something like that. >> you don't run to the breaking, do you? >> i don't remember a window breaking. >> but you do remember there was quite a lot of blood everywhere including on floors and selfless? stomach to dunn mike brosseau floods? >> there was heat in my finger and it was this warmth and this liquid and i noticed the tip of my finger was gone. and at that point i think i went into some sort of shock or whatever is closest to a kind of nervous breakdown. >> you talked about that breakdown. you could have also defaced a painting by drawing on it didn't you? >> i never come i don't know about that, i don't remember drawing that on a painting. >> giving the statement you it's giving you may have done it if you don't member, correct? >> drawing of penis on a painting is not the first thing on my mind. >> sandra: your thoughts on that? >> out it's rather breathtaking. the one thing that really comes out of this trial is boy, i have a great marriage. i think everyone is looking saying wow. we really have a wonderful relationship. this is going to keep a lot of people from divorcing. it is part of this just bizarre world that in some respects there is a voyeuristic aspect to all of this. right? that people in society like to see celebrities fall from a great height. and they like to use trials for their voyeuristic interests. in this case i think that people are really sort of recoiling a bit because both of these individuals just seem to be sort of corrupted by consumption and their self obsession. and it is really a very human play going on, but as i said earlier, we don't have any redeeming character, and it didn't obviously conclude well. but underneath all of this is a real defamation case. depp, in the end, saying that he did not abuse her physically. and that quite to the contrary she attacked him. he did gain ground in trying to establish that she did in fact assault him, and her own words indicated that in a tape. they're going to come back and try to rebuttal that. but he still has to establish that in his drunken haze he describes that he was not also an abuser. >> sandra: those are very serious allegations that she made in that 2018 piece. in "the washington post," and that is what they are trying to get to the bottom of in this case. so we are going to continue watching it. thank you. >> professor, thank you. >> thank you. >> sandra: a frantic panic on capitol hill as a capital was erected over aircraft flying low over d.c. with a probable threat to the building. a total false alarm as we have now learned that the plane was being used for a flyover for nearbyaseball game. congressional correspondent chad on to capitol hill for us, chad, here we are. >> chad, 19 minutes of panic to be precise, capitol police evacuated the capital after parachutists jumped from a plane for pregame ceremonies before the nationals diamondbacks game but the faa never told congress about the plane. the ballpark is near the capital, that forced the capitol police to make a split-second decision to evacuate. >> i think the capitol police deserve a lot of credit for doing things exactly the right way given the information that they had and more importantly, the information they didn't have the time. >> house speaker nancy pelosi accuse the faa of negligence calling it outrages. it unfolded when they were on recess. >> yeah, i think the speaker recognizing that if the house had been in session there would've been wholesale panic was right to speak up strongly. >> the top republican on the panel which oversees the security of the public domain capitals as this comes down to left hand, right hand. >> if they knew an airplane was going to flyover the stadium of 60,000 people, but the capitol police come the d.c. metro police, and the faa decided not to communicate a few blocks away that this was happening? that the problem. >> the army golden lights parachute team reviewed its actions come the armies of the parachute team filed the appropriate paperwork and received approval for the flight. sandra? >> sandra: chad pergram for reporting live on capitol hill on that crazy story for us, chad, thank you. and that is where we leave things off after a jam-packed two hours, trace, qaddafi again. >> trace: good have you as well, quickly the faa was wrong in this thing. they absolutely have mandates to be able to notify people. great to see was well, sandor. >> sandra: get to see you too i'm sandra smith. >> trace: i'm trace gallagher, the story with mccallum starts right >> martha: thanks very much, sandra and trace. i'm martha maccallum. joe concha standing by on a big story in the news world. we begin with the white house really in a jam now over title 42 despite the record numbers streaming over the southern border. the pandemic ban did keep over a million people out of the united states. now the biden administration is standing by their plan to lift that one month from now. that could lead, according to the numbers, to as many

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Lifting , Phil Nugent , Group , Eagle Pass , Activity , Border Crisis , Epicenters , Texas , Fox Drone , Forest , Border Patrol , Video , Assistance , Guard , Take A Look , Rio Grande , 20 , Groups , Children , Sector , Adults , Sunrise , All Around The World , Applicants , Water , Mixture , Del Rio , Haitians , Lot , Triangle , Cycle , Going On , Bridge , Venezuelans , Cubans , U S Military , Force , Look , Show , Convoy , Morning Prayer , River Crossings , Part , Side , Greg Abbott , State Police , Marines , Municipal Police , Security Agreement , River , Helicopters , Border , People Don T , Mexicans , Vehicle , Mexican State , Board , Trucks , Inspections , Enforcement , Coahuila , Boy , Agreement , Photos , Heart Wrenching Out , Texts , Rio Grande Valley , Honduran , Border Agents Neuroma , Little Boy , Sort , Nobody , Birth Certificate , Father , Information , 38 , Patrol , You Saw , Hate , Well My Pray , 38000 , October 1st , 1 , Cases , Heart , Tom Houchin , Medications , Unaccompanied Menards , Job , Kids , Word , Cages , Rooftops , Curtain , Women , Sex Trafficking , Trafficking , Encounters , 15 , Story , Title , Ways , Camera Traffic , Zone Traffic , Type , Anything , Got A , Flow , Dell , 67000 , Number , Highest , Security , Many , Terrorist Watch List , 221000 , World History , Confusion , Covid , Planes , Wasn T Talking , No , Borders , None , Island , Mayorkas , Misfit Toys , Relief , Chance , 100000 , Program , Haven T , Mexico , Characters , Deaths , Sake , God , Outrage , Killing Thousands , Fentanyl , Busts , Cartels , Gaming , Five , Drugs , Crew , Soil , 700 , Policies , Gap , Mark , Fentanyl Debts , Uac , Panama , Twitter , Elon Musk , Sir , Mexican Border , Billionaire , Dangerous Making The Trek Up , Company , Banks , Planning , Takeover , Yes Plus The Hips Keep Hits , Feds , Dollar , Inflation Crisis , Larry Kudlow , Printing , Next , Home Lending Programs , Billions , Prog , Central Bank , Difference , Income Areas , Businesses , Communities , Loans , 88 Billion , Passengers , Jackets , Queries , Riders , Snake , Motorcycle Insurer , Number One , Nickname , Quotes , Bryan , Approved , Cnn Plus , Breaking News Cn Ends , 30 , April 30th , Service , Decision , Speculation , Warner Bros , Employees , Someone , Simplicity , Market , Programming , Streaming , Discoveries , Merger , Experience , Storytelling , Journalism , Offerings , Investments , Sustainable Business Model , Dander , Inflation , Change , 375000 , 75000 , Rate , The American Dream , 40 , Prices , Hand , Housing Slump , Stages , Mortgage Bankers , Purchases , Applications , Resize , Basis Points , Wages , Mortgage Rate , Jobs , 12 , Housing , Indicator , Left , Nothing , This Is March Inflation , Growth , 8 5 , Jay Powell , Paul Voelker , Hike , Actions , Assistant , Walk , Federal Reserve , Jay Palace , Tarpley , Inflation Rate , Wage Track , Target Rate , Quarters , Three , 6 5 , Six , 50 , 6 , 7 , 8 , Wishful Thinking , Shock And Awe , 0 75 , Pain , Import Prices , Ten , 2 75 , Landing , Discussion , Team , Triumph , Lightning , Marriage , Hope , Joke , Elections , Mantra , Errors , Problems , 1992 , Call Out , Color , Issues , Most , Deck , Staff , Elsewhere , Larry Summers , Treasury Department , Stop Bringing , Jason Sermon , Treasurer Secretary , Others , Steve Ratner , Call , Fellows , Print , Target , Crazy , See , Climate , Climate Risk , 24 7 , Regulations , Producers , Highways , Pipelines , Wind Turbines , Neighbor , Roads , Two , Traverse Trumps Depot , Bridges , Building , Black Rock , Nec , Head , Comment , Mitts , Successions , Soap , Fbn , Commitment Letters , Much , Nobody Rifts , 4 , Financing , Takeover Bid , Revenue Drum , Kelly Hello , Tesla , Kelly O Grady , 6 Billion , 46 Billion , Test , Filing , Background , Bed , Sec , Equity , 46 5 Billion , 21 Billion , 25 5 Billion , Pressure , Offer , Bank Of America , Indication , Consortium , Share , Institutions Including Berkeley , 54 20 , 43 Billion , 4 20 , Tender Offer , Pair , Showing , Shareholders , Tweaks , Tesla Strong , Ability , Man , Making , Performance Bonuses , 15000000000 , 10 , Mind , Ball , Court , Stock , 54 , Things , Concept , Center , Speech , Driver S Seat , Character , Satan , Potential , Vessel , Veterans , No One , Homeownership , Meet , Lowest , Rates , Lender , Payments , Newday100 Loan , 615 , 60000 , 0000 , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Ruby , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Study , Mom , Rybelsus , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Don T Take Rybelsus , Changes , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Provider , Protein , Energy , Healthcare Provider , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Wealth , Control , Government Debt , Sugar , Nutrients , Gold , Take Control , Silver , Leader , Go On , Rosland Capital , Lady Liberty , Metals , Rosland Guide , Coins , Bullion , Proofs , Ira , 630 , 800 , 800 630 8900 , 8900 , Call Rosland Capital , Shipping , Brochures , Gimmicks , Hassles , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Deal , Indeed Instant Match , Priceline , Candidates , Job Description , Hotels , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Cosentyx , Psoriatic Arthritis , Walking , Psoriasis , Trip , Symptoms , Infections , Infection , Vaccine , Tuberculosis , Voya , Last Thing On My Mind , Reactions , Workplace , Crohn S Disease , Retirement , Rheumatologist , Solutions , Benefits , Well Invested , 51 , Queens , Police Safra , Life Force , Queen , Relationship , New York , Golf , Horse , David Bonilla , House , Affair , 1220 , 1240 , Led , Precinct , Barbecue , Knowledge , Go , Basement , Argument , Struggle , Knife , Demise , Body , Hockey Bag , 55 , Murder Weapon , Attack , Advantages , Hospital , Jacket , Boots , Wounds , Gaal , Elsa , T Shirt , Weapon , Charges , Immigration Status , Hands , Possession , Criminal Temporary , 44 , 21 , Son , Flowers , Town , Husband , 13 , 17 , Mike Dig The Mass Stress , Horrifying , Mandate , Senator Sanders , Run , Government Power Trace , Transit , Biden Opts Out , Reelection , Faith , Dominic , James Freeman , Loan , Newday100 , The Call , Highs , Bipolar , Lows , Ask , Medicines , Spirit , Creativity , Vraylar , Death , Dementia , Depressive , Episodes , Stroke , Patients , Manic , Thoughts , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Behavior , High Blood Sugar , Weight Gain , Antidepressants , Fever , Coma , Movement Dysfunction , Stomach , Restlessness , Sleepiness , Bread , Tater Totting , Pair It , Share It , Spread , Chillin , Kraft Singles , Feelin , Bec Ing , Brie Ing , Pie Ing , Dillin , Spillin , Grillin , Yolkin , Dippin , Flippin , Smokin , Mealin , Quarrel , Invested , Each Other , Lover , Green Energy , Low , Contributors , Memo , Buttons Approval Rating , 33 , Event , Opportunity , Campaign Manager , Questions , Saying , 2020 , 24 , 2024 , Sense , We Saw , Jean , Bernie Sanders Agenda On America , Leftism , Super Tuesday , Joe Biden , Music , It Didn T Work Out , 80 , Sale , Business , Acuity , Barack Obama , Order , Polls , He , 2025 , 2029 , Case , Mental Sharpness Today , Bunch , Candidate , Vice President , Voters , Whatnot , Analyst , Affiliation , Polling Numbers , Tier , Trouble , Anyone , Historically , President Of The United States , 3 , Governors , Vice Presidency , Think , Manifest , Big Lock Downers , Benches , 234 , Jerry Trace , Chugging , Test Launching , Truck , Jerry Baker David , Jonathan Turley , Homeowners , Newday 100 Va Loan , Home Loan , Va , Average , Trust Safelite , Stay Safe With Safelite , Safety System , Windshield , Glass , Appointment , Dad , Tech , Pop Rock Music Tech , Singers , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Devil , Nations , Mega , Wiping , Weapons , Race , Game , Mike Hi , Headlamp , Stake , Terror , Trajectory , Pentagon , Critics , Missile Program , Lights , Take , Being , Bramble , Mission , Goods , War Zone , Reporter , First , War Zones , Project , Khaki , Eve , Shelling , Invasion , Community , Kharkiv , Strikes , Shock , Supplies , Distress , Cities , Connection , Complaint , Debts , Injured , Allies , Samaritans , Kit , Clinics , Injury , Democracy , There , Eight , Village , Delivery , Churches , Lines , Network , Priests , Success , Images , Residents , Neighborhoods , Community Groups , Supply Lines , Secret , Metrics , Bureaucracy , Attacks , Chaos , Intention , East , Frontline , Forth , Engagement , Journey , Heart Areas , Charles , Road , Lives , Pockets , Food , Schools , Street , Basements , Food Shortages , Fear , Stories , Missile Attack , Loaf , Shrapnel , Reports , Intensity , Front , Anecdotally , Organization , Tourniquet S , Kinds , Hospitals , Syringes , Needles , Sutures , Work , Journalist , Determination , Generosity , Middle , Lunch , Aggression , Dollarwise , Die , Conditions , Jonas , Invaders , Stakes , Jen , Face , Combat , Heat , Rhetoric , Mess , Icbm , 1962 , Hypersonic Glide Vehicle , Avant Garde , Indications , Significance , U S Missile Defense System , Treaty , Advance , Message , Icbm Test , Constraints , Feeling , Tension , Attention , Signs , Backing , Roadblocks , Tests , Resistance , Perspective , Engine , Say , Press Secretary , Messaging , Last , 6 Billion , 1 6 Billion , In The Beginning , Howitzers , 155 Million , 55 Million , Posture , Signaling , Shift , Nato , Tons , State Fluid Situation , Military , Biden Has , Consequences , Vatican , Response , Beginning , Will , Wonder , Congress , Estonia , Level , War Crime , Periphery , Them , Powers , Game Changer , Uss , Disparity , China , Muscle , Reiki On , Evolution , Milley , Kathy , Sputnik , Reference , Dismay , Lloyd Austin , Hypersonic , Defense Contractors , 170 , Great Power Competition , Great Of A Mission Inside , Pentagram , Stockpile , Rusher , John Kirby , To Bening On Spokesperson , Ministrations Budget Request Cutout Funding , Cruise Missiles , Punch , Nukes , Nuclear Upperhand , Fox Friends , Nation , Couple , Jennifer , Plants , Rockets , Dancing , Discriminant , Ambassadors , Disagreement , Rush , France , England , Subs , Infantry , Enemy , Fighting Force , The Street , Woman , Destroyers , Submarines , Cruise Missile , Tank , Flexibility , Sea Launch , 2018 , Appellant , Sea , Theaters , Existence , Investment , Donald Trump , Advantage , Weakness , Iran , Reality , Ministry , Adversaries , Morning Handing Put , Snap , Significant , Up , Neighbors , Ronald Reagan , Hollow Giant , , Brian Gray Tabby , Toes , Radio Show , Try , Delta , Judges , Bike Demonstration , No Fly List , Travel , Folks , Airlines , Airline , Privilege , Behavior Inflates , Public Transportation On Airplanes , Authority , Mask Lists , Travelers , O Hare Airport , Chicago , Fox Business Grady Trimble , Grady , Sandor , Agency , Forward , Comeback , Public Health , Mask Mandate Assessment , Virus , Airline Stocks , Appliance , Respect , American Airlines , Outlook , Checkpoints , Soaring , Tsa , Line , Time , Pandemic , Sander , Record Revenue , United , Starts , Hit Profitability , Vaccine Rollout , Air Travel Recovery , Omicron Hit , New York Subway , It Trace , Subway Attack , Chicago O Hare Airport , Stations , Scenes , Host , Guest , Editor , Wsj , States , Peace , Crime Scene , Victims , Jerry Kumble , Safety , Work Ideology Crime , Citizens , Executive Branch , Symbol , Police Officers , Public , Deprivation , Prejudice , Faces , Priorities , Progressive Democrats , Drawing , Column , Needs , Beliefs , Odds , It Isn T , Incident Use , Scene , Let Go , Crime , Immigration , Aft Dell , Same , What , Ideologues , Demonstration , Progression , Agenda , Show Masks , Lawsuit , Science , Studies , Safe , Really Doesn T , Authorities , Environments , Protective , 95 , There Hasn T , Air , Super Spreader , Mind Set , Progressive , Election , Reasons , Care , Debtor , Boarding , Colbert , Illustration , Culvert , In Mexico , Truth , Capitol Hill , Staffers , Lawmakers , Nancy Pelosi , David Osmond , Interest , Arguing , Op Ed , Wrench , Stitch , Lexus Es , Best Western Rewards , Es 350 , 2022 , 350 , Let S Go , Rewards Points , App , Refresh , Favorite Footlong , Code , Why , Purpose , High , National Association Of Realtors , Mortgage Rates , Gerri Willis , Inventory , Home Buyers , Pipe Dream , The American Home Dream Out Of Reach , Uphill Battle , Interest Rate , Fixed Rate Mortgage , Singer , Freddie Mac , May 22 , 22 , 5 11 , 3 22 , Policy Rate , Meetings , 2006 , Houses , Insult , 4 Million , 335300 , 35300 , Housing Prices , Listen , Term , Housing Market , Buyers , Pricing Pressure , Supply , Mortgage Applications , Demands , 14 , Survey , Renters , History , More Bad News , New York Federal Reserve , 43 , Benefit , Sellers , Yakult , Majority , Convoy Question , Inflation Mess , Paycheck , Bidens , Fox Business Anchor David , Tipping Point , Interest Rates , Worlds , Any , Worst , Housing Stock , Recession , Deficit , Storm , Ministrations Policy Saying , Romney Calling Out Biden , Finding Houses , D3 , Member , Data Set , Friendly , Bill Clinton , Deference , Consequence , Anybody , Hiring , Reserve , Increase , Killing Business , Small Business , Cost , Taxable , Tax , 86 , Natural Gas , Natural Gas Prices , Gas , Hold , Legislation , Executive Office , Sound Bite , Napalm , Viewers , Cram , The National American Policy Act , 1970 , Fracking Revolution , Development , Oil Spills Et Cetera , 1960 , Energy Companies , Fracking , Natural Gas Revolution , Foot , Executive Order , Red Tape , Hurdles , Good , Ukraine Trend , Testimony , Jury , Johnny Depp , Movie Star , Courtroom , Mistake , Newday , Newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan , Bank , Eye , Inflammation , Ache , Xiidra , Over The Counter , Eye Disease , Burn , Eye Drops , Prescription , Discomfort , Vision , Taste Sensation , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Room , Pay , Dry Eye , 0 , Migraine Strikes , Anywhere , Landowner , Gardener , Landscaper , Powerful , Hunter , Kubota , Versatile , Backpack , Car Insurance , Scarf , Liberty Mutual , Marco , 19 , A Million ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

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now and watch back later. >> sandra: and now this alert sending to the ukraine including heavy artillery and more tactical drones. but the question is will it be enough to turn the tide in this moment? hello and welcome everyone i'm sandra smith great to have you back. >> john: hello, everyone i'm trace gallagher info john roberts the news comes as mary opal is on the verge of becoming the first major city to fall to the russians. focus now turning to a steel plant located on the far southern edge of the city. ukrainian commanders claim hundreds of troops and civilians are sheltering in the plant and only have hours to live. russian president vladimir putin calling off a plan to storm the complex. instead of ordering it still off. >> sandra: but's strategy is coming under fire from inside the kremlin. bloomberg reporting officials believe it has been "catastrophic" for the country's future. they wanted a missile capable of carrying a massive nuclear weapon. put in saying it will make those who threaten russia "think twice" >> trace: starts right now up jack keane with more in moment but first to trey yingst in the capital city of kyiv, trey. >> trays, good afternoon. officials in key have our calling for last-minute talks say more than a thousand ukraine soldiers and civilians were currently underneath a steel plant in the siege to city of mariupol. today the deputy of ukraine demanded the russians opened an evacuation corridor to allow the wounded to get out of harm's way, but the russians appear to have a different plan. of president vladimir putin in moscow called for the soviet air plant to be blocked trapping our many people inside a complex of nuclear bunkers. he told russia's defense minister not to storm the underground area. the mayor of mariupol had this to say. >> today our brave warriors are defending our city as much as possible. so it doesn't matter what statements are made in russia. mariupol is and will be ukrainian. >> the announcement of what putin calls the "from her given the north along the front line to done yet in the cell. destruction increases each hour. russian forces are using artillery units to hammer ukrainian positions in civilian areas. amid the fighting attempt on my prime ministers of spain and denmark made a surprise visited mike visit to the capital kept to meet with the president volodymyr zelenskyy today russian forces may take the time to ramp up new offensive. what were looking at here is a real understanding that the ukrainians may be at war for months or even years. key have remains to be under threat a few minutes ago we heard air raid sirens of the distance. trace. >> trace: très life for us in care of, trey. >> sandra: four-star general and analyst jack keane joining us the top of the hour as we continue learn more about what's next and what direction russia is going to bring this invitation to come in general, $800 million weapons package announcements a administration. is it enough to turn the tide there? >> by itself likely not, but looks like a huge step in the right direction. the fact that we are following up with last week's list which was quite significant assuming exactly what is needed here, i mean it's a total of 90 and that is significant and another 18 last week 72 this week. 188,000 rounds or so over artillery and we have to this coming. i hope you're not being exposed to the list of other countries are sending, but i hope they are providing summing similar to this. here is the concern we have. the russians are able to concentrate all of their units that they have in ukraine largely in one area, and the bass area. those different than formal to month ago and different areas. to concentrate the artillery and aerial bombardment and it is quite copperheads of, sandra, in terms of what is happening right now with both those means, artillery and aerial bombardment. they are trying to grind down ukrainian defense forces. their ground offensive forces while they have made some progress is pretty similar to what is happened before. and that is they are not able to make significant breakthroughs. of the of the ground forces will continue to struggle. but, if the ukrainian defenses continue to get ground down, then obviously the russians can make those kind of breakthroughs. and that is why our old artillery is the best thing to kill other artillery, airpower is also next, but they don't have airpower to be able to do that. while i'm on the subject of airpower, it's very difficult to win a combined arms conventional plate, which this is, without having some kind of air superiority. the ukrainians do not have a. of the russians airpower has been limited to be sure, but still, it will take its toll on the ukrainians. what the ukrainians have going for them they know the train very well, they have an incredible skill and will and the other thing for certain is they are fighting for everything. their families, their way of life, and their country itself. and certainly we have got to sustain this effort. look at. late so you understand our audience there is no country in the world that can move equipment and logistics at scale to any place in the world and do it rapidly. are no other country has the means to do that, nor do they have the skills to do that. the united states does, so we have got to be all in here. and i know for a fact that the secretary of defense and the chairman joint chief or personally dealing with these lists based on not us pushing equipment to them whether they needed or not, but based on exactly what the ukrainians are asking of us. >> trace: yeah "the washington post" is reporting they are having some airpower to military jets the pentagon won't tell me what those jets are buried i want to go back to mariupol if i can, general, because right now we are focused on the steel plant, four square miles, a series of underground tunnels, it appears that the ukrainian forces could hold that thing in perpetuity where you question to you is if it is in fact surrounded by russian forces, and control the rest of the city pretty much, is mariupol lost in your opinion? >> yes. technically it's not but defective, certainly. it is. so much so that, listen. the victory of mariupol is playing every day on russian television, state television i may add, throughout russia. russia has already added to mariupol to the list of their nine made victory celebrations over the nazis. because the russians are convinced that they own the city and they do except for what you mentioned. and those forces certainly are trying to hold on by a thread there and hopefully something can be worked out between ukraine and russia to get the troops and civilians out of there. >> sandra: real quick final thought on testing this inter-ballistic missile putin says it will give his enemies something to think about how do you view that risk? >> well, the russians have been modernizing the lucan the nuclear triad, i've seen farmers i didn't watch muscles with reading the make up the triad. and we have not. hours have been atrophied and we're just trying to make a down payment on that in this budget. so there's a lot more for us to do. the russians have a lot of bluster surrounding weapons systems, they have the tendency to exaggerate the capabilities, but there is no disputing this. they are upgrading their nuclear arsenal. it hasn't increased the threats of the united states in my judgment because we do, even though our systems are not as modernized as they should, they are more than it an adequate deterrent. >> sandra: all right, general, really glad happy at the top the hour here on all of that, that, thank you very much. >> great talking to both of you. >> sandra: all right we will watch that developing situation and go back to trey yingst's reporting on the ground there, constantly evolving situation to get general keane's thought will have much more on this coming up. >> trace: great question on the missile thing that russia's testing now because, you know, we have not tested missiles because we are afraid that vladimir putin might take the wrong meaning out of that. and russia has no problem doing that. later on we'll talk to brian kilmeade and jennifer griffin about that exact subject. is this satan 2 missile system as fears is russia saying it is? a lot more coming up next. meantime the fight over a federal mask mandate is far from over, the do jay who will appeal what struck down for public transportation. peter doocy live on the north line. peter. >> and a few hours ago we did hear a little bit from president biden about what he thinks about where we stand this mask mandate right now. >> president biden: there is going to be an appeal by the justice department because it is a matter of principle we want to be able to be in position with her if, in fact, it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need title 42 that we will be able to do that. >> so here's the thing, as it was about mask mandates but the question was about title 42. the immigration policy and the president knows it because shortly afterwards we got this statement in his name. "i want to clarify that in the comments the conclusion of my remarks this morning i was referring to the cdc's mask mandate, and there is no department of justice action on title 42. so that doesn't settle either issue, and something the clarification doesn't actually clarify, it does the president want title 42 to live beyond next month or not? officials have been using it to expel migrants at the southern border setting covid is a reason. the president still hasn't taken a position on this but jen psaki did kind of at the most recent press briefing. >> we are preparing for and ending on may 23rd and other ideas and reforming our system we are happy to have a conversation with them. speak of the president wants to talk about new ukraine aid, he wants to talk about the environment and infrastructure out west, but the lack of clarity from officials here about whether or not millions of people need to wear masks as they go about their daily lives every day has those millions of people scratching their heads. a trace? >> trace: we are among them very confused, peter doocy live at the white house, thank you peter sander he brings a great point. the president seems confused about title 42 and the mask mandate. everyone else is too. title 42 can be dropped because there are no cold convert to my concerns, the mask made it has to be upheld because there are covert concerns. >> sandra: jerry baker "wall street journal" editor at large has been joining us next hour, he wrote a fascinating piece on this. he is arguing that the move such as appealing this ruling by that federal judge on the mask mandate, these moves are less about protecting the american people, he says, and more about asserting the government's power. so we will have them on next hour on that fascinating piece they are in the journal. r8, trace, major we've all been following that grisly murder of a queens mother stabbed almost 60 times before she was dumped in a duffel bag. a suspect is now in custody how we are learning he is connected to the victim. >> trace: plus border prepping for a surge of migrants as the white house as it is ditching title 42 is planned. porter dock former acting ice director joins us with how bad it will get and how even some democrats in fact a lot of democrats are saying it's a bad idea. >> they are not betting, there's too many people crossing on the numbers of spiked so now we are in the processes. va home loan benefit that lets you refinance up to 100% of your home's value. and with home values rising, that can mean a lot more money for you and your family. a newday va home loan lets you refinance your home to pay credit card debt or just put money in the bank. it even lowers your paymentsby over $600 a month. we all know some of life's most important financial decisions are made right here at the kitchen table. so if you're a veteran and need cash, calling newday usa could be one of the best decisions you'll ever make. i didn't know my genetic report 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giving final passes to a bill to dissolve the private government that walt disney world has been allowed to operate. now, here is the context. back in the 70s when dickstein was opening orlando the state of florida gave them something called the reedy creek authority which in essence is their own pseudo-government. they have their own police. they pay their own tax structure. will now, the house of representatives in florida says no. we are going to disband that. it now goes to the florida sent it to mike sennett and if ron desantis signs it, doesn't he would have to apply and be obligated abide by state tax laws and state legal laws. that would be a huge financial blow to disney, this will was all of course brought about by disney's opposition to the parental rights bill that was put in place by florida governor ron desantis a few weeks ago. breaking news based on that as they come in, sander. >> sandra: thank you, trace, the mean stomach white house meanwhile is switching against the report that it is reconsidering ending the trump era title 42 border restriction. white house official telling fox news the lifting of the policy will mean a return to dhs's previous standard for processing and importing migrants who do not qualify for asylum. fox team coverage of that now tom is standing by but first phil nugent is live on the ground in eagle pass, texas, forest. hey, phil. >> sander good afternoon to you, eagle pass where we are has quickly become one of the epicenters of border crisis. the activity here is nonstop you to probably see live on our fox drone right now a group of migrants we watch them before you came way to cross the rio grande enter illegally they are bit now being processed by border patrol with the assistance of a national guard but this is that sort of thing that happens every 20 minutes out here pay take a look at this video. we first got out here after sunrise this morning, more groups in the water but as soon as we got out here. it's a mixture of families as well as single adults, many people bringing their young children in this sector, del rio's sector, these migrants are coming from all around the world you will see haitians, you will see applicants, you will see those northern triangle countries, you will see a lot of cubans and a lot of venezuelans in the sector. once they cross in the get process here, they get taken out and then on the bridge above there is some title 42 going on. it's a constant cycle, but we also want to show you something interesting that happened earlier this morning prayer take a look at this video. right after all those river crossings we noticed this massive convoy of mexican military and police show up. it was a cute show of force and they just posted up right across from us on the mexican side of the river. it was mexican marines, state police, municipal police, helicopters, a lot of mexican resource. we were wondering what was going on, we later found out this is part of a security agreement just reached by texas governor greg abbott end of the governor the mexican state of coahuila, texas agreed to drop the enhanced vehicle inspections with trucks coming in from days ago on the mexicans agree on their side of the border to beef up their enforcement don't hear of the board. so that was the mexicans, i guess, living up to their side of the agreement. last thing we would like to show you, take a look at these photos here. heart-wrenching out of border patrols rio grande valley sector this is a 2-year-old honduran boy who was found completely abandoned by border agents neuroma texts. he was mixed in with a group of 38 and nobody knew the little boy was paired all he had on him was a birth certificate with the father's information written on the back of it. back out here alive, that sort of thing is been happening nonstop during this border crisis. shocking numbers for you. just in the rio grande valley sector alone since october 1st or the patrol says they have found more than 38,000 unaccompanied children just like the one you saw. we will send it back to. >> sandra: well my pray the numbers continue to be staggering and hate filled my heart breaking into medications stomach cases, phil thank you. >> trace: let's bring in tom houchin, it's a good place to start 38,000 unaccompanied menards. that they scream from the rooftops about kids in cages and yet 38,000 kids with nobody to look after them, tom, nobody says a word during the border. >> look it's going to get worst. what a good job they're doing pulling the curtain back on the lies from the administration below, the children, were not even talking about the trafficking, sex trafficking in women and children, this is been in power in the last 15 months. last month they have more encounters and we have had in a quarter-century. so they are not doing anything to slow the flow. in that month the border patrol so overwhelmed even with start of type dell might title 42 in place that over 67,000 got a ways based on camera traffic and zone traffic. you see the story they arrested 42 on the terrorist watch list. how many of the 67,000 to be on that list? this is a national security issue a huge report. >> trace: 221,000 is the number by the way the highest in history of the dhs which goes back 20 plus years in the question becomes the confusion over all of this, tom, is astounding. the cdc and the white house said title 42 can and because covid is no longer a threat. and yet they say the mask mandate on planes has to go on because covid is still a threat. in fact it is so confusing president biden was asked about title 42 this morning and said this, watch. >> president biden: first of all is going to be an appeal by the justice department. because there it's a matter of principle we want to be able to be in position where if, in fact, it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need title 42 that we will be able to do that. >> trace: confusing come the white house later clarified that no, no, no, he wasn't talking about appealing title 42, he was talking about the mask mandate. but that's how confusing this whole thing is for the american people. >> look at a scary. it's like between the president and the borders, kamala harris and secretary mayorkas, the island of misfit toys. none of them of the single thing to secure border. and like i said this has become a national security issue. look come vaped lips title 42 that 67,000 got a ways would be over 100,000. border patrol is exhausted. they got a chance to give them some relief. like i said if you have they keep title 42 the numbers are still historic. but what they can do come with the secretary can do despite what the cdc does is put the remaining mexico program back in full force. we had to sue them to do that, and they still haven't, they're doing it like 2% when the trump administration did. if he really cares about national security, if he really cares about less suspicious characters come across the border, because about dying children women being sexually assaulted, put it there remain in mexico project god's sake. >> trace: how many sentinel deaths have we seen in the past five years? it's amazing there is no outrage over fentanyl which is killing thousands of our young people we see major busts because you and i know that the cartels are gaming the system. they know how to exploit what the u.s. government is doing to get these drugs across. >> look, where is the outrage on the record number of migrants that have died under the administration? more migrants have died on u.s. soil crossing this border than any year my crew. almost 700 paired where's the outrage over that? where is the outrage over uac's coming across because mark the outrage, like you said, over 100,000 fentanyl debts? or those who died during the gap in panama? it's inhumane their policies are killing people. >> trace: it's dangerous making the trek up from the tribal country to the mexican border, tom always good to see you, thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> sandra: billionaire elon musk says he has secured the money to buy twitter with some big-name banks which he is planning to make the ambitious takeover of that company. >> trace: yes plus the hips keep hits keep coming for americas while it as home prices had a record high. woke advisors to blame for president biden's inflation crisis? larry kudlow will be here with that next. >> with the feds should do is stop printing so much money, and to stabilize the dollar, and let this thing work itself out. prog billions of dollars for affordable home lending programs... as part of 88 billion to support underserved communities... including loans for small businesses in low and moderate income areas. so everyone has a chance to move forward financially. pnc bank: see how we can make a difference for you. riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how about we all get quotes to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? approved. cool! hey, if bryan's not gonna be snake, can i be snake? -all: no. >> trace: breaking news cn ends new streaming service cnn plus will shutdown on april 30th just one month after it launched. cnn had invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the service and hired hundreds of new employees. the decision comes after speculation that cnn's new parent company warner bros. would scale back or limit the service after a long planned merger earlier this month, the company says some of cnn plus his programming will be folded into another streaming service. discoveries head of streaming says in a statement quoting here "in a complex streaming market someone simplicity all in service which provides a better experience and more value than stand-alone offerings and for the company a more sustainable business model to drive our future investments and great journalism and storytelling." cnn plus, no more, dander. >> sandra: thank you, trace, americans unable to escape surging inflation even when it comes owning a new home median price for an existing home jumped to a record high $375,000 and a change. that was last month. as 15% increase year-over-year is the rate is at 40 or higher, there goes the american dream. i don't know, how can affordability a big part of who we are, and it's becoming extremely difficult for young family to buy a home in this country right now. >> i agree, i totally agree. on the other hand let me just know we are in the early stages of what i think is going to be a difficult housing slump. and those prices are going to come down quite a bit. we have already seen the mortgage bankers, then the weekly and monthly applications for new purchases and resize, they have collapsed. new purchases down about 25% year on year. the 30-year mortgage rate is five and a quarter i think, almost 5.5 nearly 500 basis points in the past 12 months. and of course you have the issue of jobs are good, wages are good, but inflation is crowding out wages, so people are losing money left and right. so you're quite right, but i think it is important to note the housing slump, housing in general, sander, is a leading indicator of the economy. and it's not a good indicator right now. >> sandra: interesting. okay, so, this is march inflation, 8.5%. you keep talking about how wages are going up, great, but real wage growth is nothing we can get eaten up by inflation. feds are talking right now, jay powell says inflation absolutely 15-point hike possible from a. at the same time he is referring the actions of his predecessor paul voelker were doing nothing about it to tackle inflation. it's going to take drastic moves as far as what i can see he said today, he's not planning on that. >> no he is not. he is not voelker by the way, long ago, so long ago i was a secretary or an assistant to voelker before he ran the federal reserve and i'm proud of that. he is going to look at this. of jay palace is talking the tarpley's not walking the walk. raised by one quarter of a point. he is saying 50 basis points more, so that would make it three quarters. as you know the inflation rate is 8.5%. call at six or 6.5% like the wage track or something. you have to have the target rate above the inflation rate so the real rate is positive, okay? so let's say the underlying inflation rate is 6. that means it should be 7 or 8. not 0.75. so what they're going to have to do is what i call shock and awe. they should be jacking up 50 basis points every single month. okay? they think they're going to get -- >> sandra: wishful thinking. >> that's right. they think they will get to 2.75% but so what? it will be ten. >> either way it's going to be a lot of a lot of pain. >> import prices -- >> it and imagine the pain. speak of the longer they wait the worst it's going to be in the longer it's going to be and this idea of a soft landing, really? show me in history where there is a soft landing. i hate to be personal but i'm not being personal i'm just saying it's a bit like a second marriage. triumph of hope over experience, that's a joke, lightning up our discussion here. >> sandra: to lighten up the discussion may be bringing mitt romney in "the wall street journal" because he seems to be taking on president biden and his team for how they are handling this inflation crisis. saying the problems in the errors are worsening inflation. he needs to dished his woke advisors and surround himself with people who want to get the economy working again. as for the upcoming midterm elections remember the 1992 mantra is the economy. the people of america need the leadership only a president can provide. interesting color by mitt romney of president biden and how he is handling it. >> traffic call out. traffic. by the way mitt romney on economic issues is almost always excellent. excellent to say. apart like the most was he should get rid of his woke advisors. that is so important. >> sandra: we've heard that from you for. >> yes. he stacked the deck with all of these far left people in very key senior staff positions in the white house, in the treasury department, and elsewhere. stop bringing -- look. you have democratic advisors, larry summers, jason sermon, steve ratner, and others. those people should be in this administration, okay? larry summers should've been a treasurer secretary, no i take a back. larry summers should have been appointed to replace jay powell. that would've been the correct thing to do, and summers has had a good call. i don't always agree with those fellows, but they are right on target. you can't spend and borrow and print money your way through this, see will have to get rid of these crazy woke advisors who are all, all they do is obsess daily 24/7 about a nonexistent, a nonexistent existential climate. nonexistent existential climate risk. their climate issues over the next hundred years, i know that producers are yelling at me, the neighbor regulations that came out two days ago will stop, listen to me, they will stop pipelines, they will stop wind turbines, highways, roads, bridges, there will be no building in this country because of what they did traverse trumps depot which went through our nec. >> sandra: one of his closest advisors brian you know his job was a black rock question he was the head, you can't make some of the soap, that's mitt romney's point. >> figure my successions i'm just saying this. mitts, the senior advisors are very important in the white house and he nailed it in that comment. >> you can hear more of this, larry kudlow 4:00 fbn, good stuff they give a much. he rips right off the top. i always end up applauding. all right, trey. >> trace: nobody rifts better. elon musk said he is gotten commitment letters to provide more than $46 billion in financing to buy my twitter, meanwhile a record-setting revenue drum for tesla over his hostile takeover bid for my twitter kelly o'grady here with more on that kelly hello. >> hello, trace, thank you for having me. elon now has the money to buy twitter, is a pretty uncharacteristic moving test learnings yesterday he stayed silent on his bed, that's not what we're used to from elon, but clearly he was busy in the background. in the new sec filing he said he is putting up 21 billion in equity himself and secured 25.5 billion in financing for a total of 46.5 billion. the filing specified that financing would be provided by a consortium of institutions including berkeley and bank of america. twitter has received the offer but i have heard no indication as when they would respond. now that he has more than the 43 billion he needed for that original $54.20 per share offer, it puts the pressure on the company. and finally he also affirmed he is exploring taken the decision directly to shareholders via a hostile tender offer that confirm some of his cryptic tweaks we have seen recently and if he does he is the is introducing a pair of tesla strong showing yesterday is helping elon's twitter takeover bid, the richest man in the world about to get richer due to performance bonuses. that increases his ability to borrow even more than that reported 10-15000000000 he was willing to pour into a twitter offer making that offer possible. now has the mind to buy the stock but still well below the $54 he is offering so now the ball is in twitter's court. >> it sounds like his ability as a going here and twitter staying where it was, right? really, center, the whole concept of things thing last week was ever noticing free speech is under threat, elon, you know, elon musk is going to buy twitter, i think right now he's in the driver's seat. >> sandra: there's a lot of people cheering them on. to secure that money its way to make it interesting. he keeps everyone guessing. he is a rather unpredictable character. we will keep watching all of that. meanwhile, again, a story we have been following a suspect in custody down for the murder of a queens mother the victim stabbed nearly 60 times and dumped her duffel bag, how and where they called the suspect is next. >> trace: yeah and prudent threatening the potential for nuclear war and testing his satan 2 vessel is america falling behind in the ability to protect itself? meet will join with a straight ahead. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and rates are still near the lowest in history. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. ruby's a1c is down with rybelsus®. my a1c wasn't at goal, now i'm down with rybelsus®. mom's a1c 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james freeman joins us on that next. >> no, i don't think pied and dominic biden to run for reelection. >> i don't think you should. i think we should be stronger or younger. and rates are still near the lowest in history. already own a home and need cash? the newday100 loan can get you up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments by $615 a month. take ten minutes right now and make the call. because no one knows veterans like newday usa. your spirit is stronger than your highs and lows. your creativity can outshine any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. grillin', chillin', spillin', dillin'. bec-ing. never brie-ing. smokin', yolkin', flippin', dippin'. if you're not oozing, then you're losing. tater totting, cold or hotting. mealin', feelin', pie-ing, trying. color your spread. upgrade your bread. pair it. share it. kraft singles. square it. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? contributors look at buttons approval rating at a new low, 33%. and now this memo has everyone talking about those that might see an opportunity here like bernie sanders. this is his campaign manager in 2020 saying in the event of an open 24 residential primary senator sanders has not ruled out another run for president so we advise that you answer any questions about 2024 with that in mind. is that going to happen, jean? >> i don't see and i don't think it makes any sense. he has lost a few times, obviously. it's really the way he lost. we saw in 2020 we will back to super tuesday, in the middle america were talking about democrats. just democrats said we don't want that extreme leftism. when i think we have seen in the past year the problem democrats have had is trying to push the bernie sanders agenda on america. it didn't work out so well. they're not popular, build back better failed. >> sandra: to music to think about his campaign manager says only if biden will not consider a run. joe biden is 80 years old and he reportedly just told former president barack obama that he is going to run. >> i think biden is going to come i guess in business this call it thinking passed the sale. there are a lot of people who think he doesn't have the mental acuity to have the job right now. so for him to say starting in 2025-2029 he's up for the job, i think that is a tall order. we have seen a lot of polls over the last year sang a lot of americans, most americans in the case don't think biden has the mental sharpness today. to do this job. >> sandra: fair enough, here are a bunch of american people when they were asked whether or not the current president to make another run at it. listen. >> no, i don't think biden should run for reelection. >> no because he is incompetent. >> no i don't. >> i think we need someone a little stronger, little younger. >> he should set up another democratic candidate who can take over where he left off and be central. >> he has a long way forward from where he is coming from. >> i think we should give the opportunity to his vice president at this point. >> sandra: okay as you can wonder as you listen to american voters and their party affiliation whatnot but here is a cnn analyst breaking down president biden's bad polling numbers, listen. >> his lowest are tied for lowest. lowest tier lowest here comes one point off lowest. lowest here when you have 3 of 4 showing the lowest numbers for the president of the united states, that is indicative of a president who was in of trouble at least where he is asked to historically. this is lowest. this is the lowest anyone who is elected through the president see them in up to the vice presidency, this is a really, really, really bad number. >> sandra: james. >> it's manifest, think dent dominic democrats went to them in 2020 because there is no one else available to middle america. and link them have that problem again you look at governors out there a lot of them are big lock downers. so not sure where the benches and think that's a question about for a few years. speak a very interesting it's going to happen soon. midterm elections get behind us and off we go to my 234, james could have you good to see you, trace. >> trace: truck done my chugging along vladimir putin test launching what he says is an unstoppable nuclear missile nicknamed satan 2. brian kilmeade is here on how dangerous this is for the u.s., plus jerry baker david as men jonathan turley all that much more coming up next hour. value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, newday wants to help you use your va home loan benefit to get more. more cash, more savings, more peace of mind. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. up to $60,000 or more. veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. with more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. in one easy appointment... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: ...we can replace your windshield and recalibrate your advanced safety system. >> dad: looks great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> sandra: fox news alert as we begin a brand-new hour, vladimir putin is not content in the ukraine now he is threatening to shake up the rest of the world, russia test launching a massive mega missile that is named after the devil himself incapable of wiping out entire nations. all new at 2:00, is it falling behind in the race representing weapons and how can we catch up this late in the game? that is the question at this hour, welcome back as america reports rolls into our 2, i'm in sandra smith, high back to mike to mike hi, trey. >> trace: in the terror of the ukraine back in the headlamp of vladimir putin making sure no one forgets what's at stake in a war that could change the trajectory of world history. jennifer griffin is with us from the pentagon with more on this terrifying new weapon and how our military's weapons to stack. >> sandra: already critics of u.s. is behind and accusing biden to making matters even worse stopping a missile program designed to keep the usa from nuclear threats like the one being launched by putin. >> trace: yeah. >> sandra: brian kilmeade is here joining us on set he give us his take. >> trace: here's bramble will begin this covered what matters most the front lights in ukraine and deeper into the war zone than fox has seen so far. a humanitarian mission delivering desperately needed goods to the city of khaki eve the first to hit many of the war zones. >> he went along on the mission he is a former reporter founding a project as he traveled there across the ukraine. he joins us now. sir, thank you so much for being here and welcome. please tell us first your thoughts in this moment as the united states continues to try to step in and turn the tide of this invasion. >> what you see in a place like kharkiv where the shelling and missile strikes have been really steady for the last few days and intensified today, and you saw a country, use our community that is just in shock fearful, they're really in distress over not having enough supplies is one of the things that really jumped out of this. we are not seeing all of this coming into the cities. >> sandra: we will try to do is continue to establish collect on my connection with you we appreciate your thoughts since one of those humanitarian mission you've seen just how bad this is for those people there. what are you hearing directly from those who are suffering the ground there? okay -- >> completely indiscriminate. if you are able to hear me, i can hear you fine. >> sandra: we can hear you, continue, please. >> there is indiscriminate shelling, it's consistent, it's intensifying. we have had many debts and many injured. five who were killed last weekend, four were killed earlier this week, really intensified strikes today. at a deep complaint about aid of not getting in. we are part of a mission from save our allies here on the ground trying to deliver aid. work with samaritans first to take all of that medical supplies kit you see really to outfit. they have clinics that are stocked and it was interesting to see this relatively small injury oh breakthroughs of democracy some of the bigger frustrating frankly. very deeply in fact. so seeing this mission, it was really exciting to see people doing their job and getting the eight out there. so save our allies didn't excellent job in this village on the edge of where the shelling is really happening very, very intensely. and that was the last few we saw at work in kharkiv where the most needed. >> sandra: and the a delivery into kharkiv that is huge considering that is an area where no aid groups have been managing to get in and get to the front lines there. as far as save our allies, they are also working with a network of priests and churches in some cases. i mean, they are in areas were obviously shelling is happening as they are delivering this aid to those who needed. >> right, that's exactly right. they've developed a local network which i think is a big part of their success from what i can observe. they're working with not only these churches as you say but also local community groups and they are right in small neighborhoods where people are clustered in really help. so you can see the images of these residents who are creating their own supply lines for their own clinics. i think the secret to success here is to break through the big metrics from the big bureaucracy and to try to deliver the a rate where it's needed. that really happened in kharkiv today. as i say, when you go through the city you just see how indiscriminate these attacks are. you see almost an intention from russia right now to create a complete sense of chaos and a fractured community i think tend to push to the east. this looks like the very top of the edge of this frontline, and you can see that on the ground very intensely we heard a lot of shelling, we heard a lot of engagement back and forth. and from what we heard today, that has intensified. >> sandra: and charles, to your point about just how difficult it is to get the aid to those front lines and to the heart areas there, this is obviously some the are directly engaged in. you seen how difficult and dangerous the journey is, can you tell us a little bit more about what you've experienced along the journey? >> when you go into kharkiv what you see is just road after road where things are mixed from completely normal and some pockets where people seem to be going about their lives, and then just down the street you will see a complete housing block that is devastated right next to one that isn't. we see people who are aligned up for food from their food shortages and there. we saw people who gather in schools, basements to be protected against the shelling. there were these reports of a man who was killed by a piece of shrapnel and missile attack when he went out to buy a loaf of bread. and these stories of people living under complete fear through this indiscriminate shelling, seeing how they are trying to get through with their families is, you know, it really brings it all home in a way that i know we are all watching this very closely, but i think seeing the intensity up front was stark. and i think the greatest thing was seeing the need for the supplies to get through. i don't know what is happening with it not coming through but anecdotally what we can hear it is not getting through. so this is a very successful mission to save our allies with the organization but also samaritans first working through the local network to get these medical supplies and in some of the things that are getting in our syringes, he of all kinds of things that you would need for hospitals, tourniquet's, needles, all kinds of important to sure equipment which there are a lot of sutures out there. so this equipment is urgently needed and it's a way for them to staff, completely resupply their clinics which are we are in desperate need of. >> sandra: it's amazing work we were doing and i know you're going to continue to do more of it. charles we will leave you to let you get back to work here what is it that you hear the most from those people on the ground when they are able to speak directly to you about what they've gone through and what they see as the future of their country? >> i think what you see is an incredible determination. this is the resilient country that's also a country that, you know, here you are i'm a journalist but i also was hoping to get some of supplies out. you know, that's what was needed. to think that they stopped in the middle of a war and made us lunch this is the generosity of people that are short on food and who really have a great heart. they talk about the fact that they are going to win this. this is going to be won. that they need support. and they're going to need the world to get behind this to stop this invasion, this aggression i think they really need to see the aid that is been provided dollarwise to be delivered on the ground. >> sandra: we hear you, charles, we appreciate telling us your story and we will continue to follow your journey, thank you very much for coming on and we hope to have you back we will check back with you. >> thank you. >> sandra: all right. >> trace: >> trace: that is great work. as dire conditions are for people, vladimir putin will not be happy until they submit to rush or die. that has him lashing out at those in ukraine for invaders upping the stakes dramatically with satan 2, that's the ominous name for russia's mega missile that is to go nuclear weapons in one. as a jonas from the pentagon with a closer look at this terrifying new weapon, jen, always great to see you. want to find out as well how our military stacks up on this thing, jen, i want to read this from vladimir putin who said quoting here "this will truly strengthen the potential of our combat. will ensure russia security in the face of external threat and will provide food for thought for those who in the heat of frenzied aggressive rhetoric try to threaten our country. we know the vladimir putin" we know that he is prone to a bit w dangerous is this satan two missile? >> it's a very significant is never good when you name a mess left or the devil. they call it the satan two for a reason the last icbm that the russians had relied on was basically developed in 1962. this new icbm that was tested just yesterday inside russia with vladimir putin watching, it can carry up to one dozen nuclear weapons and their indications are that it can deliver the avant-garde which is a hypersonic glide vehicle which would allow it to evade essentially the u.s. missile defense system. very significant that's been around forever over the polls and a hypersonic vehicle that can evade defense. that's a significance here. the pentagon downplaying they were warned in advance because the treaty that they have to but just days ago we reported the pentagon had postponed a quarterly minutemen three icbm test because they didn't want to add to the quick tension with russia. while, russia feeling none of those constraints, and i think that symbolic message from putin is, again, i have nuclear weapons. stay out of ukraine. and putin is showing no signs of backing down the ukraine. that is what i think is people's attention here. as is conventional forces continue to flail in the east and having pulled back from the capital as they continued to hit roadblocks in the ukrainian resistance, you don't know what vladimir putin is going to do in the fact that he flings these nuclear tests and nuclear weapons around really is not the way that irresponsible nuclear power behaves. that's a press secretary here. >> trace: engine i what if that changes our perspective it all. you say we are afraid to provoke putin by not testing hours, do you think that this test will change our perspective? and embolden us to build a say, look, you gave us our food for thought, here is a little food for thought in return. >> there is definitely a lot of messaging going on and certainly the situation is fluid. we saw today that the president announced $800 million of additional aid, $1.6 billion in the last to go weeks military aid of to at first so they weren't going to be sending artillery, $155 million howitzers mostly defensive weaponry in the beginning. we have seen that shift over recent weeks. the question is if he uses chemical or continues to threaten with his nuclear posture in this kind of signaling to the west, there is going to need to be some messaging back to putin. but some hear the pentagon say the message is that the u.s. nato and others are still going to be sending tons of lethal aid in to help the ukrainians that there back in the ukrainian's in the ukrainians are not backing down. but again, the state fluid situation. things we were told were not possible a few weeks ago have become possible. and nothing seems to be deterring vladimir putin and his military at this point. >> trace: you talk about the messaging, jen, i know were talking about more messaging to the ukraine but if they were to use chemical weapons and it was confirmed, with the comment done my consequences be stiff and what we've artie seen? >> that's what president biden has said in with the vatican has said, they have not outlined what they would do but the did warn putin that if he uses chemical weapons that that could come of their response be severe. they're not outlining what that response would be, but if you look right now most of vladimir putin's russian forces run east of the country. and while from the beginning there was a sense that the president had not authorized of course any u.s. troops to go inside of ukraine for fear nato and russia finding themselves in a war, but you do wonder at a point with all of russian forces in the east, why not set up a new will and that the russian forces cannot cross and go further into the west of the country? why not protect p.m., the capital? i think these are issues that are being debated and again, things that were not possible a few weeks ago there is a shifting sense as we are watching a take place. if estonia became the first country from nato passing this congress and from what i saw on the ground for the last ten days and we just returned back, certainly the way the russian forces were behaving, they are trying to exterminate the ukrainians and eliminate them, push them out of areas. and it's really hard and you see that level of war crime committed to say you are just going to stay on the periphery and not get involved. >> trace: your reporting was exceptional over there, jen, i laugh to engage this because we been hearing about this nuclear race, rate? this nuclear weapons race for 60 plus years and i'm wondering where we stand when it comes to these intercontinental ballistic missiles and what not. where do we stand to where russia is? >> the uss plenty of intercontinental ballistic missiles and the disparity based on the new start treaty that was assigned by both nuclear powers. the difference in the game changer that is occurring in the last year's this evolution of a hypersonic muscles. and the u.s., according to the head of reiki on, is behind by about three years you heard general milley say last summer that when china tested its hypersonic muscle that that was a sputnik moment. a reference to how china had sprinted ahead much to the dismay of the u.s. military. or so back in february, defense secretary lloyd austin kathy asked the deputy met with 170 defense contractors on how to get the hypersonic program up to speed and to surpass china and russia. but russia and china have been demonstrating that they are making a lot of progress in hypersonic. that is really where the focus is right now in looking at the way forward as these great powers this great power competition continues. >> trace: yeah, great of a mission great inside, jen, thank you. >> thank you. >> trace: will be heading back to the pentagram for john kirby to bening on spokesperson comes in the next hour, sandra. >> sandra: we are waiting in that while rusher is busy expanding its stockpile of nuclear weapons a biden administration is getting rid of weapons designed to protect against threats like that from russia. of the of ministrations budget request cutout funding for nuclear cruise missiles and tactical weapons that pack over a relatively small nuclear punch. the trump administration called for the weapons but said it would reconsider them if russia stopped his aggressive behavior. that did not happen, but russia still got its way from what it wanted, president biden calling out the technical nukes and potentially granting putin the nuclear upperhand. fox & friends host brian kilmeade is here and he has a reaction. brian. >> brian: a couple of things come when jennifer said before, the word from the administration that the russia is not acting like responsible nuclear nation, really? now you realize they are not responding like a response will nuclear nation? every thing they have done up to this point from the moment they walked in they were dancing in on chernobyl sending rockets into nuclear power plants and continuing to test during this unprovoked invasion pair we have to stop waiting for russia to act responsibly and reciprocate or treat them in a way that we would france or england. that we have a disagreement with her to remember rid of discriminant france over the sale of subs. we pulled each other's ambassadors then we move forward. rush is an enemy. a barbaric enemy that we are seeing now looks at rather attack an 80-year-old woman walking down the street then go infantry to infantry with a fighting force. and now we have a situation where they are showing they can fight on the ground, they don't know how to oil a tank, most were if you have them because of their luke nuclear arsenal we will give you that. you've nuclear weapons. we have this thing called a sea launch nuclear cruise missile. it came to be in 2018 at which time he goes on submarines, he goes on destroyers, allowed us to have the flexibility to go in the multiple theaters and have a tactic goal nuclear weapon. because of its existence that may be a single appellant that stops china from going into taiwan and lets russia know we can hit them from the sea and mysterious place. not land-based, but for some reason i hope it's not the typical joe biden reason, because been donald trump's administration had it, they decide this is not worth the investment. is not scum is not practical, it's not summing that makes a safer work makes the world safer because any time russia, iran, or china sees us back up or be too cautious they say this is weakness and they take advantage of. are not sure what we need to do to drill that into the pentagon and to this ministry. >> "wall street journal"... morning handing put in the nuclear advantage the grim reality of modern life but they are more likely to be used in adversaries believe the u.s. and nato lack in adequate nuclear deterrent but to the newly announced additional weapons package from the biden administration we asked general keane last hour is a snap to turn the tide? he said this. >> a huge step in the right direction here and the fact that we are following with last week's list which was quite significant assuming exactly what is needed here. i mean it's a total of 90 howitzers and that a significant. but he followed that up, brian, with we have to keep this coming. we have got to be all in. are we? >> brian: he hates the fact that we are canceling this technical nuclear weapon that goes on our destroyers that goes in our submarines. he would love, when donald trump was able to go out and tell the russians you continue to act this way, you continue to rattle the cages of your neighbors of our nato allies, we have a tactical nuclear weapons too we are continuing to move forward paired remember how the cold war ended. ronald reagan didn't say i'm okay being equal. he sprinted. he did not know how bad the soviet union was economically, and they fell apart. we are seeing, again, this hollow giant who doesn't know how to fight, has been real amongst his troops, and will be acting as depraved and as barbaric as any time in history. were watching as they aim for hospitals and schools. they donate to the infantry. and that's who we are dealing with. why would we take a step back on this? we invest our money when not be smart? i hope they're not being political. >> sandra: brian gray tabby or. >> brian: thank you. >> sandra: i believe i will talk to any radio show tomorrow. >> brian: absolutely. >> sandra: thank you so much, brian. a try? >> trace: him a three-point there. stepping on toes and we have been hesitant to step on putin's toes and he has not been hesitant one bit. meantime the bike demonstration is appealing that judges ruling that scrapped the mask mandate for travel, but for now, no masks needed to fly. not so fast for the folks on delta's no-fly list for refusing to wear a mask when they were required. delta airline says those people will not be allowed back on board until they prove to the airlines that they deserve the privilege. the airline says fox business potential passengers want to prove themselves worthy and demonstrate an understanding of proper behavior inflates. >> sandra: all right the justice appealing to end the mask mandate on public transportation on airplanes. but the appeal is centered on whether the cdc has the authority to issue such a mandate, not whether to support one needing to stay in place in the first place. fox business grady trimble live at chicago's o'hare airport on that i see a lot of mask lists travelers there behind you, grady. >> grady: more and more by the day, sandor. and yes, you can ditch the masks for now, but they might make a comeback depending on how this appeal goes. it could also impact the power of the cdc going forward. the agency saying in a statement to protect cdc public health authority beyond the ongoing mask mandate assessment announced last week of the cdc has asked doj to proceed with an appeal. goes on to call the mask mandate lawful and necessary. more and more people as we say going mask free here at o'hare, but a lot of the people we've been talking to don't think bringing back masks would go over too well. >> i wear when i need to but i think were all ready to move on. the virus gets work let's bring the masks back. >> i did a lot of people fight it but i mean out of respect for the people that work for the airlines i will gladly world again. >> i don't think appliance would be there. then we had enough of this. >> also today airline stocks are soaring, and that is because they put out promising outlook for the future. american airlines has demanded as strong as they've ever seen you see right there with almost pre-pandemic numbers of people going through tsa checkpoints across the country yesterday. american airline says it's expecting record revenue in this current quarter, they also expect to be profitable for the first time since the pandemic started this quarter, that puts them in line with delta and united, sander, which also expect a hit profitability this year. we have seen some false starts with air travel recovery throughout the pandemic with the vaccine rollout, than omicron hit, that changed everything. but it does seem like it is back for real this time. we will see. >> sandra: we will see is right. a very busy chicago o'hare airport behind you, grady, think he. it trace? >> trace: we also do horrifying images from last week's subway attack in new york but even as people ran for their lives they show their face masks required in subway stations. our next guest makes a fascinating case of these scenes are the perfect example of how our government has failed americans. let's bring in jerry baker, "the wall street journal"'s editor at large, and the host of wsj at large on fox business, jerry kumble of the peace encourage people to go on and read it, "the wall street journal" and i want to read a piece of it it's is quoting here, "a crime scene where the victims were masks." going on. "around all major cities, many states and the federal executive branch seem to care more about preserving the symbol of their authority that mask mandates were present at the end about the safety of citizens. in their work ideology crime is criminal deprivation, prejudice, and wicked police officers. the real need for enforcement is shown by those tempted to show their faces in public." expand on that if you would for me, jerry. >> jerry: well, trace, they get so much need for having me in drawing attention to the column. yeah the point i'm making is that on issue after issue the biden administration the progressive democrats who really control the government, not just the federal government but many cities across the country, they have a set of priorities, they have a set of ideological beliefs that are just increasingly at odds with the needs of ordinary americans that the reality of ordinary american life whether it's mask mandates like you are seeing are they going to appeal this judges is decision to potentially kill the mask mandate? even though when you heard from not interesting report from chicago people are ready to move on. this administration is in. it isn't willing to let go. that incident use on the new york subway last week remarkable scene of people wearing masks even as they were fleeing from someone who is trying to kill them as though the masks are somehow more important than the need to protect people from crime. same as immigration with the border. the administration wants to lift title 42 so that even more people can come in. aft dell issue after issue inflation is the same. this demonstration is a set of progression to my progressive ideologues with their ideological agenda which is completely removed from what ordinary americans want to see done. >> jan what's fascinating to me is that when the cdc came out and they decide to do what? they are going to be compelled to doj to go after to appeal this lawsuit, we didn't get the numbers we thought. i thought it would put forth a lot of their science, a lot of studies that show masks are really effective on planes. instead we got none of that, jerry. it was all about well, you know, in case the cdc's authorities compromised in this case we need to be sure for the next time we can use this authority so it is nothing to do with keeping people safe. >> jerry: really doesn't, trace. we know, again, masks can work in certain environments especially the more protective masks the and 95's in a highly infectious environment they can were. planes we know are environments where very, very hard actually for the virus to circulate. constantly pumping in air and filtered air which is very, very clean, i mean can you recall a single case of a super spreader event for multiple flying last year or so? there hasn't been one. so it's not about the safety and the health despite what they say it's not really about the safety and health of the people that they're supposed to be looking after. it's about their authority and it's about requiring us to continue to comply with the demands that they make on us. it is a classic progressive mind-set that we know what's best for you. we don't care about what you think very we don't care about what your needs are, were going to tell you what you need to do and you will obey. people are just pushing back on this and i think one of the reasons, think the main reason the debtor democrats are likely to do extremely badly in the midterm election this year. people about enough about enough. >> trace: yeah, people had enough and there is confusion. the great illustration today talking about have a 40 in mexico saying at the boarding in a what? we need that because we should drop that because colbert is not a threat but the mask mandate culvert is still a threat. it's very confusing to a lot of people out there, jerry baker, great to have you on, thank you. >> jerry: thanks, trace. >> sandra: all right, great stuff from jerry baker, thank you trace can we know the truth behind some terrifying moments at capitol hill, the urgent mesh surge going out to lawmakers and staffers that has airplanes speeding their way and posed a probable threat. now that we know it really was the furious nancy pelosi wants heads to roll. you want to see this indeed he will. >> trace: is inflation getting worse because of woke? an op-ed arguing the president biden's policies prioritize the interest of the far left. and that is leading to higher prices for all of us. david osmond will weigh in on that. >> he stacked the deck with all these far left people in very key senior staff positions in the white house, and the treasury department, and elsewhere. >> stop this may sound strange, but you've been here before. you were here when this wrench was turned. and when this line was drawn. oh. and when this stitch was sewn. you inspired the lexus es to be, well more you. so thank you. we hope you like your work. ♪ ♪ get special offers on the 2022 es 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gerri willis from the fox business network tracking this from new york city. jerry, good afternoon. >> good afternoon to you, trace, that's right, people are calling it the american pipe dream. rising mortgage rates exploding home prices and historically low inventory is putting the american home dream out of reach. it's turbulent times for home buyers saying that's an uphill battle to secure their forever home. your singer right here, 5.11%, that is the new average interest rate for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage according to freddie mac and it's up for may 22 low of 3.22% in january almost to go full percentage points. another hike next month when the written federal reserve meets paired will be the first time since 2006 that the central bank increased its policy rate up back-to-back meetings. i have to tell you, adding insult to injury for so many people home prices hitting new highs, $335,300 with the median in march, they're just not enough houses to go around. we are 4 million singular semi single family home short according to in the association of realtors tells us not to expect any relief in the short term from a listen. >> for the next 12-18 months we expect housing prices will continue to rise, tremendous demands, not enough supply. that equals pricing pressure in the housing market will continue to rise. >> gerri: this causing buyers to pull back. mortgage applications are down 14% year-over-year and more bad news here, a bleak new survey from the new york federal reserve finds only 43% of renters believe it is likely they will ever own a home falling below 50% for the first time in the survey's history. one small bright light here i have to give something positive to you, trace. you know, as all this pressure comes on the housing market, those prices will fall and finally some of these buyers may be able to get into the market. >> trace: yakult without be a bit of a benefit for the buyers, not for the sellers, great to see was always. to be for there be a reason for that convoy question what nothing cures high prices like high prices. >> sandra: jerry trace, thank you, calling biden out for inflation mess leaving the majority of americans living paycheck to paycheck. one of those critics senator met romney who says bidens woke priorities are only driving prices higher. let's bring in fox business anchor david as when. first take on the housing market. that has been a mess for a while. and it seems to be reaching a tipping point. >> david: well, yeah, it's the worst of both worlds because on one hand you have rising interest rates affecting the ability to buy because very few people can pay cash. but any of the problem of a looming recession which allowed people say is coming. people don't buy houses unless they are sure they will have a job at here from now or two years from now or three years from now. so that is the pressure, but at the same time, you have this deficit of housing. you don't have a good housing stock. you don't have an inventory that you would like to have, which makes finding houses -- goes all of these -- it's a perfect storm. >> sandra: it's a perfect storm. >> david: happening in some areas. d3 now you have met romney calling out biden and is a ministrations policy saying woke up. i said that actually. he is saying bidens errors worsen inflation saying he needs to ditch his woke advisors and surround himself with people who want to get the economy working again. after the upcoming midterm elections are member of bill clinton's 1992 mantra, it's the economy! the american people need the strong economic leadership that only present can provide data set this for a. people feel when they are living in a business friendly environment because that benefits all americans. if they don't feel like on the midterm election, there will be consequence is. >> david: with all due deference to mitt romney it's not going to happen here you won't be hiring anybody but woke people at least until after the midterm elections. which means it won't happen for another six months. we're going to have all of his woke people in the federal reserve, we will have all of these will people come look at this new regulatory bill that they are just, inflation i just saw the wonderful larry kudlow earlier. he said inflation is the cruelest taxable. but regulations are also a tax, particularly for small business, and these new series of regulations are going to be killing business throughout america. and what is really killing america right now is the cost of energy periods we have an 86% increase in national gas, natural gas prices are going to go higher because we have much fewer supplies than we should have come a 20% below where we should be right now. and these new environmental regulations are going to make it even harder to get more national gap stomach to natural gas. >> sandra: makes you wonder who will get a hold of the situation pretty new list of federal reserve today acknowledging what a big problem this is but not saying that it's going to get super aggressive with inflation. so what is eventually going to give here? >> david: unfortunately will take a change in the executive office enough not going to happen until 2024. regulations, another thing larry pointed out, which was right on point, is that you can socialize the economy not necessarily through legislation, but through regulations. and that is exactly what is happening. >> sandra: we cut the sound bite here was later last hour on regulations, listen. >> regulations that came out two days ago will stop, listen to me, they will stop pipelines, they will stop wind turbines, highways, roads, bridges, there will be no building in this country. >> sandra: that's a big statement. >> david: me but we should explain for the viewers. napalm is and cram for the national american policy act signed in 1970s which we were having a lot of in the 1960s oil spills et cetera. but now it is being used to stop economic development. for example, the fracking revolution that has led to this tremendous increase in natural gas in this country, which is actually cleaning the air below coal plants energy plants went to natural gas. that never would've happened if we had these regulations. we never would've had the ability of these energy companies to explore and develop fracking which gave us the natural gas revolution. if these are now applied they could literally shut down the economy. by the way, they're also shooting themselves in the foot because the president is very proud of his infrastructure. this infrastructure is never going to get built because it won't pass these regulatory hurdles that were just erected not by legislation but again, by executive order. another president coming down the line we so it trumpeted in terms of getting rid of a lot of that red tape which biden is now reinstituted. so we're going to go through the same cycle but it's going to take another president to do it. >> sandra: good have you, david. >> david: good to be here. thanks. >> trace: good to see you david, while the world is focused on the ukraine trend has been awfully quiet but that country just signed an agreement that did not go unnoticed. and it has a lot of people worried about what exactly china is planning. >> sandra: also johnny depp testimony getting a lot of strong reaction, but how is it playing out for the people who really matter? the jury in that courtroom? jonathan turley says this great movie star made a big mistake in his strategy and he will join us on that next. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- you deserve more. more cash, more savings, and more financial peace of mind. newday can help you get it with the newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value: up to $60,000 or more. and veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. 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[ chuckles ] that's a steal. wait, wait, wait. are we stealing the safe? we're saving so much, it's like stealing. well, you're the tech expert webs. is it reliable? you tell me. wah ping. it's reliable and fast. wireless savings so good, even the bad guys love it. switch to xfinity mobile today. and see dreamworks "the bad guys." >> trace: johnny depp back on the stage today against ex-wife amber heard, her defense lawyers digging into his drug and alcohol use all while putting a spotlight on task to text about wanting to kill his then wife when he previously apologize. this despite depp's testimony that heard was the aggressor in the relationship. here to break down his testimonies jonathan turley, george washington university professor and of course a fox news contribute or, it's good to see you. what do you make of, i know you disagree with johnny depp's tactics here. what do you make of the analyst who say johnny depp is playing the movie star for the jury and not the witness and he is trying to hope that maybe the starstruck jurors can leave his way? >> yeah, i'm not too sure that's going to play out. the whole thrust of his counsel was to show that basically he was a human wreck, and that she came to pick through the ruins. and portrayed her as the aggressor, and in fact they did have a tape in which she admitted to hitting him. but there is a very odd aspect to this trial. it's like these to go public figures want a public judgment on their former spouse. that this type of catharsis or litigation peer what is not clear that either side because they're across cases here that either side is building a case for successful verdict. it just seems like we are all watching an almost recreational exercise between these parties. >> sandra: you are tweeting through this trial has been summing. jonathan for those of us who have been following you just most recently said that depp is doing better in demeanor but referring to a picture of drugs is an interesting composition and saying any hour is happy hour is horribly helpful. there has been a serious admission of drug use and alcohol use throughout this trial so far. >> yeah, and to some degree, heard's counsel's very good performing quite well. to some degree these attacks are not going to be useful. there trying to convince the jury that captain jack sparrow is a human wreck at a drug user. it's probably an unnecessary effort but particularly because the actor himself said look i was a wreck. but what is really going on here is that counsel is trying to show that your career collapse before this "washington post" column, that you are directing, your bizarre behavior had already tanked to as an actor. that, may be, i think scoring points with the jury. i think depp scored some points in portraying heard in different ways saying she was at least a sort of coabuser, not the abuser. but what he was really struggling to do in his drug testimony was to say that he was sort of an innocent, that he was, yes, recommend, but he was not violent because of his own history of abuse at the hands of his mother. and basically putting forward almost freudian case that he married his mother. found himself locked in a relationship that he wanted to escape. >> trace: yeah, and professor, what about the fact, i mean this whole thing is been just kind of watch. laying their entire lives out there, is that an indication of the damage that johnny depp is trying to portray put upon him? just never seen anything like this. >> i think he, there's a reason it's a recreational aspect of this. i have the feeling he wants a public judgment against his wife. as he said he lost everything, and he did, i don't think he expects to regain it. i think this is really an effort to get out his side of the story about who she is. but that doesn't necessarily build a case for defamation. she is going to have the same trouble in building the case against him. i mean, problem is it sort of like a movie without redeeming character. at the end of the jury is going to have to vote, i think they have rush to judgment both parties. the >> sandra: houses and how to go on? >> [laughs] what we are going to see i think depp's counsel can certainly rehabilitate him a bit from this line of questioning. i think she will come back, keeps referring to the monster that really describing himself and i think she is likely to come back and say look, you did drugs. you were a wreck. you had to play yourself together and these are the types of questions he could regain some of that ground on. what's going to be more difficult as when they tried to show the essence of defamation with this is all about. she accused him of being an abuser years earlier when she went for a tro or temporary restraining order. he couldn't sue her for that because i was an import statement, that was a filing. it wasn't until a couple of years later where he wrote basically sort of alluded to that that he was able to sue her. but the defense of saying look, it was artie out that she'd accuse you of being an abuser and your career was already really as dead as dillinger. so you don't have damages and probably don't have defamation. >> if you are advising amber heard when you've put her on the stand? >> ought to tell you i would not at this point. first of all, both she and depp changed today and their demeanor. she doesn't have that stony look. at points she really looked like she wanted to throw a vodka bottle at his head. he is being a little less glib and a little less hostile, but she might not have to take the trial. >> sandra: our producers are saying there is a rather interesting moment happening right here where he is describing using his blood to draw on a building? let's dip in on his home, okay. we're going to dip in here for just a few seconds and was in. >> it might be plaintiff. >> sandra: all right we're being told that now they are showing as evidence a picture of the word they used two uses blood to write, so there is no speaking happening right now but jonathan turley, this just continues to get more audit. listen for a second. >> there was quite a bit of damage to the house in australia after this incident, correct? >> there was quite a bit of damage to the house during the -- entire incident, yes. >> you don't member the television breaking, do you? >> i remember there was -- i believe there was a coffee cup stuck into the screen, or a plate or something like that. >> you don't run to the breaking, do you? >> i don't remember a window breaking. >> but you do remember there was quite a lot of blood everywhere including on floors and selfless? stomach to dunn mike brosseau floods? >> there was heat in my finger and it was this warmth and this liquid and i noticed the tip of my finger was gone. and at that point i think i went into some sort of shock or whatever is closest to a kind of nervous breakdown. >> you talked about that breakdown. you could have also defaced a painting by drawing on it didn't you? >> i never come i don't know about that, i don't remember drawing that on a painting. >> giving the statement you it's giving you may have done it if you don't member, correct? >> drawing of penis on a painting is not the first thing on my mind. >> sandra: your thoughts on that? >> out it's rather breathtaking. the one thing that really comes out of this trial is boy, i have a great marriage. i think everyone is looking saying wow. we really have a wonderful relationship. this is going to keep a lot of people from divorcing. it is part of this just bizarre world that in some respects there is a voyeuristic aspect to all of this. right? that people in society like to see celebrities fall from a great height. and they like to use trials for their voyeuristic interests. in this case i think that people are really sort of recoiling a bit because both of these individuals just seem to be sort of corrupted by consumption and their self obsession. and it is really a very human play going on, but as i said earlier, we don't have any redeeming character, and it didn't obviously conclude well. but underneath all of this is a real defamation case. depp, in the end, saying that he did not abuse her physically. and that quite to the contrary she attacked him. he did gain ground in trying to establish that she did in fact assault him, and her own words indicated that in a tape. they're going to come back and try to rebuttal that. but he still has to establish that in his drunken haze he describes that he was not also an abuser. >> sandra: those are very serious allegations that she made in that 2018 piece. in "the washington post," and that is what they are trying to get to the bottom of in this case. so we are going to continue watching it. thank you. >> professor, thank you. >> thank you. >> sandra: a frantic panic on capitol hill as a capital was erected over aircraft flying low over d.c. with a probable threat to the building. a total false alarm as we have now learned that the plane was being used for a flyover for nearbyaseball game. congressional correspondent chad on to capitol hill for us, chad, here we are. >> chad, 19 minutes of panic to be precise, capitol police evacuated the capital after parachutists jumped from a plane for pregame ceremonies before the nationals diamondbacks game but the faa never told congress about the plane. the ballpark is near the capital, that forced the capitol police to make a split-second decision to evacuate. >> i think the capitol police deserve a lot of credit for doing things exactly the right way given the information that they had and more importantly, the information they didn't have the time. >> house speaker nancy pelosi accuse the faa of negligence calling it outrages. it unfolded when they were on recess. >> yeah, i think the speaker recognizing that if the house had been in session there would've been wholesale panic was right to speak up strongly. >> the top republican on the panel which oversees the security of the public domain capitals as this comes down to left hand, right hand. >> if they knew an airplane was going to flyover the stadium of 60,000 people, but the capitol police come the d.c. metro police, and the faa decided not to communicate a few blocks away that this was happening? that the problem. >> the army golden lights parachute team reviewed its actions come the armies of the parachute team filed the appropriate paperwork and received approval for the flight. sandra? >> sandra: chad pergram for reporting live on capitol hill on that crazy story for us, chad, thank you. and that is where we leave things off after a jam-packed two hours, trace, qaddafi again. >> trace: good have you as well, quickly the faa was wrong in this thing. they absolutely have mandates to be able to notify people. great to see was well, sandor. >> sandra: get to see you too i'm sandra smith. >> trace: i'm trace gallagher, the story with mccallum starts right >> martha: thanks very much, sandra and trace. i'm martha maccallum. joe concha standing by on a big story in the news world. we begin with the white house really in a jam now over title 42 despite the record numbers streaming over the southern border. the pandemic ban did keep over a million people out of the united states. now the biden administration is standing by their plan to lift that one month from now. that could lead, according to the numbers, to as many

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Temporary , 44 , 21 , Son , Flowers , Town , Husband , 13 , 17 , Mike Dig The Mass Stress , Horrifying , Mandate , Senator Sanders , Run , Government Power Trace , Transit , Biden Opts Out , Reelection , Faith , Dominic , James Freeman , Loan , Newday100 , The Call , Highs , Bipolar , Lows , Ask , Medicines , Spirit , Creativity , Vraylar , Death , Dementia , Depressive , Episodes , Stroke , Patients , Manic , Thoughts , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Behavior , High Blood Sugar , Weight Gain , Antidepressants , Fever , Coma , Movement Dysfunction , Stomach , Restlessness , Sleepiness , Bread , Tater Totting , Pair It , Share It , Spread , Chillin , Kraft Singles , Feelin , Bec Ing , Brie Ing , Pie Ing , Dillin , Spillin , Grillin , Yolkin , Dippin , Flippin , Smokin , Mealin , Quarrel , Invested , Each Other , Lover , Green Energy , Low , Contributors , Memo , Buttons Approval Rating , 33 , Event , Opportunity , Campaign Manager , Questions , Saying , 2020 , 24 , 2024 , Sense , We Saw , Jean , Bernie Sanders Agenda On America , Leftism , Super Tuesday , Joe Biden , Music , It Didn T Work Out , 80 , Sale , Business , Acuity , Barack Obama , Order , Polls , He , 2025 , 2029 , Case , Mental Sharpness Today , Bunch , Candidate , Vice President , Voters , Whatnot , Analyst , Affiliation , Polling Numbers , Tier , Trouble , Anyone , Historically , President Of The United States , 3 , Governors , Vice Presidency , Think , Manifest , Big Lock Downers , Benches , 234 , Jerry Trace , Chugging , Test Launching , Truck , Jerry Baker David , Jonathan Turley , Homeowners , Newday 100 Va Loan , Home Loan , Va , Average , Trust Safelite , Stay Safe With Safelite , Safety System , Windshield , Glass , Appointment , Dad , Tech , Pop Rock Music Tech , Singers , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Devil , Nations , Mega , Wiping , Weapons , Race , Game , Mike Hi , Headlamp , Stake , Terror , Trajectory , Pentagon , Critics , Missile Program , Lights , Take , Being , Bramble , Mission , Goods , War Zone , Reporter , First , War Zones , Project , Khaki , Eve , Shelling , Invasion , Community , Kharkiv , Strikes , Shock , Supplies , Distress , Cities , Connection , Complaint , Debts , Injured , Allies , Samaritans , Kit , Clinics , Injury , Democracy , There , Eight , Village , Delivery , Churches , Lines , Network , Priests , Success , Images , Residents , Neighborhoods , Community Groups , Supply Lines , Secret , Metrics , Bureaucracy , Attacks , Chaos , Intention , East , Frontline , Forth , Engagement , Journey , Heart Areas , Charles , Road , Lives , Pockets , Food , Schools , Street , Basements , Food Shortages , Fear , Stories , Missile Attack , Loaf , Shrapnel , Reports , Intensity , Front , Anecdotally , Organization , Tourniquet S , Kinds , Hospitals , Syringes , Needles , Sutures , Work , Journalist , Determination , Generosity , Middle , Lunch , Aggression , Dollarwise , Die , Conditions , Jonas , Invaders , Stakes , Jen , Face , Combat , Heat , Rhetoric , 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, Punch , Nukes , Nuclear Upperhand , Fox Friends , Nation , Couple , Jennifer , Plants , Rockets , Dancing , Discriminant , Ambassadors , Disagreement , Rush , France , England , Subs , Infantry , Enemy , Fighting Force , The Street , Woman , Destroyers , Submarines , Cruise Missile , Tank , Flexibility , Sea Launch , 2018 , Appellant , Sea , Theaters , Existence , Investment , Donald Trump , Advantage , Weakness , Iran , Reality , Ministry , Adversaries , Morning Handing Put , Snap , Significant , Up , Neighbors , Ronald Reagan , Hollow Giant , , Brian Gray Tabby , Toes , Radio Show , Try , Delta , Judges , Bike Demonstration , No Fly List , Travel , Folks , Airlines , Airline , Privilege , Behavior Inflates , Public Transportation On Airplanes , Authority , Mask Lists , Travelers , O Hare Airport , Chicago , Fox Business Grady Trimble , Grady , Sandor , Agency , Forward , Comeback , Public Health , Mask Mandate Assessment , Virus , Airline Stocks , Appliance , Respect , American Airlines , Outlook , Checkpoints , Soaring , Tsa , Line , Time , Pandemic , Sander , Record Revenue , United , Starts , Hit Profitability , Vaccine Rollout , Air Travel Recovery , Omicron Hit , New York Subway , It Trace , Subway Attack , Chicago O Hare Airport , Stations , Scenes , Host , Guest , Editor , Wsj , States , Peace , Crime Scene , Victims , Jerry Kumble , Safety , Work Ideology Crime , Citizens , Executive Branch , Symbol , Police Officers , Public , Deprivation , Prejudice , Faces , Priorities , Progressive Democrats , Drawing , Column , Needs , Beliefs , Odds , It Isn T , Incident Use , Scene , Let Go , Crime , Immigration , Aft Dell , Same , What , Ideologues , Demonstration , Progression , Agenda , Show Masks , Lawsuit , Science , Studies , Safe , Really Doesn T , Authorities , Environments , Protective , 95 , There Hasn T , Air , Super Spreader , Mind Set , Progressive , Election , Reasons , Care , Debtor , Boarding , Colbert , Illustration , Culvert , In Mexico , Truth , Capitol Hill , Staffers , Lawmakers , Nancy Pelosi , David Osmond , Interest , Arguing , Op Ed , Wrench , Stitch , Lexus Es , Best Western Rewards , Es 350 , 2022 , 350 , Let S Go , Rewards Points , App , Refresh , Favorite Footlong , Code , Why , Purpose , High , National Association Of Realtors , Mortgage Rates , Gerri Willis , Inventory , Home Buyers , Pipe Dream , The American Home Dream Out Of Reach , Uphill Battle , Interest Rate , Fixed Rate Mortgage , Singer , Freddie Mac , May 22 , 22 , 5 11 , 3 22 , Policy Rate , Meetings , 2006 , Houses , Insult , 4 Million , 335300 , 35300 , Housing Prices , Listen , Term , Housing Market , Buyers , Pricing Pressure , Supply , Mortgage Applications , Demands , 14 , Survey , Renters , History , More Bad News , New York Federal Reserve , 43 , Benefit , Sellers , Yakult , Majority , Convoy Question , Inflation Mess , Paycheck , Bidens , Fox Business Anchor David , Tipping Point , Interest Rates , Worlds , Any , Worst , Housing Stock , 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Gardener , Landscaper , Powerful , Hunter , Kubota , Versatile , Backpack , Car Insurance , Scarf , Liberty Mutual , Marco , 19 , A Million ,

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