Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

they call being a tease. i'm neil cavuto, this is "your world." the richest man in our world indicating today that this is not take it or leave it offer necessarily to buy the rest of twitter he doesn't own. he's forking over will willing to fork over he says up to $43 billion to get the rest of twitter. the problem is we're hearing from the twitter folks that are reportedly not too keen on that offer. we have you covered. we are at twitter headquarters and how they're likely to respond to all of this. we have charlie gasparino on what elon musk is thinking and what is really behind this. susan li on the long-term implications of billionaires going for what they got to have. or maybe they just want to really make for a headache of the target acquired. let's go to claudia cowan in san francisco. if we're getting any reaction at all from the twitter folk. what are you hear something. >> some are scratching their heads about this offer, neil. you know, it's basically elon musk saying that twitter is broken and he wants to fix it. the offer is prompting an all-hands meeting with employees one hour from now. just weeks after becoming the biggest shareholder in the company, elon musk is offering to buy the rest of twitter's stock for $54.20 a share. fittingly, he made the announcement on twitter early this morning saying "i made an offer and linking to the sec filing". musk says he believes in twitter's potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe. that free speech is crucial for a functioning democracy. however, since making my investment, i recognize the company will neither thrive or serve this social inpairive in its form. it needs to be transformed as a private company. if his offered is rejected, he will reconsider his position as a shareholder, this comes days after he decided not to join the board of directors feeling if he did, his concerns would not be heard. he said twitter has extraordinary potential. i will unlock it. musk said that he's good for the money. >> is funding secured? >> i have sufficient assets to complete the -- this is not a forward-looking statement, blah, blah, blah. i can do it if possible. >> musk is the co-founder of tesla, spacex, neuro link and the boring company. with an estimated net worth of $273 billion making him the richest man in the world. musk says he has a plan b if his offer is rejected prompting speculation that he may start his own social media company or buy a different one. twitter says it's looking hard at the offer. behind the scenes, it's reportedly considering a poison pill to block it. >> neil: thanks, claudia. it's an understatement to say that elon musk has the money to pay all of this. he owns about $180 billion worth of tesla stock, another $50 billion worth of the stake in spacex. a private venture. so the money is there, but that raises the question why the stock didn't move on this. keep in mind, it's a $54.20 offer. the stock barely budging on the day. what are we to make of that. charlie gasparino, what do you think? >> it's for all the reasons that we said on a your great fox business show. >> neil: which if you don't get, you should demand. >> i was waiting for you to say that. >> neil: there you go. >> so true. we've been reporting this the last two days or co incidentally the last two days. he's under investigation in a joint investigation the doj and the sec over lots of stuff including some of the stuff involving how he went about accumulating his shares on twitter and how he disclosed that, whether he properly disclosed his intentions which was a full takeover. also some of the stuff with tesla. you know, just disclosures there. you go back to the 10 ks. it's a joint investigation. it's serious. i'm not saying a lot of times these investigations turn up nothing. they've been looking at them a long time. you'd think they have something. i spoke with a source that says it's a serious investigation by the doj and the sec to all of those matters. on top of that, he didn't hit the 53-week high. $54 a share is below the $73 that it has traded the past year. they have enough wiggle room to say no and not worry about being sued by regulators and have a good case. this gets -- >> neil: are there other bidders out there? it's one thing for tesla's stock to fall today. that would be the currency that he would tap to do this. it's quite another for twitter not to budge. i'm wondering if that's because people do not think that this is serious or they don't think that it's going to lead to a bidding war. there's other interests -- >> they don't want him probably to buy it because elon is -- he's everything that the progressive left of silicon valley, you know, isn't. he's for free speech. he would reinstate trump tomorrow. >> neil: you think that? >> yes. he's an absolutist on free speech. it's commendable that he would go out -- just give you an example. he went out and said and attacked all of these sort of environmentalists pushing electric cars. he said listen, let's be clear. we're going to need to drill for oil and we need gas guzzlers because poor people can't afford my cars. he breaks the mold. it's the last thing that twitter in its current management wants. here's the thing. who would buy them? amazon can't buy them or justice department wouldn't let him. apple, wouldn't let them. wouldn't let google or facebook. the numbers start getting -- warren buffet, will he -- >> neil: goodpoint. we'll see. thank you. charlie gasparino following that. by the way, elon musk himself touched on this friction that he's had with regulators at this big pow-wow going on in vancouver. look at this. >> the sec knew that funding was secured, but they pursued an active public investigation nonetheless. at the time tesla was in a precarious financial situation. i was told by the banks that if i didn't not agreed to settle with the sec, the banks would cease providing working capital and tesla would bankrupt immediately. that's like having a gun to your child's head. i was forced to concede to the sec unlawfully, those bastards. and now it makes it look like i lied when i did not in fact lie. >> neil: all right. you can sense a grudge there speaking at the ted conference, the technology, entertainment and design conference in vancouver. bill gates there, al gore there. even the prime minister of finland is there. we'll get into that a little later. she's under enormous pressure from vladimir putin to not join nato. that's a separate issue. whether other people join on to this bid as it stands right now for social media giant twitter. we have susan li here. grady trimble usually traveling all over the world. good to see both of them. grady, let's begin with you on what you're hearing about whether there's robust interest in this or that it is limited and there's a limited audience for it, hence the limited reaction. >> interest in this story, i think -- >> neil: the story itself. >> there's a ton of interest. he basically broke the site that he's saying that he wants to pie or the social media company that he wants to buy. >> neil: the reaction that he thinks and what he thinks of regulators, the sec first and foremost. that could be an uphill climb. >> it could be. the question is whether he actually means this. right? does he actually want to buy twitter? i don't know what susan thinks about that. >> i have an opinion. >> she's a show man. twitter is a toy for him in many ways. he uses it when he wants to pick a bone with people or get something off of his chest. >> i don't think elon musk needs twitter. if you think about it and you know tesla, he doesn't have a marketing or communications department. he himself sells tesla and he needs twitter in order to do that. >> neil: you think so? >> i think so. absolutely. there's a vested interest there. >> neil: it's not the allure it was. facebook is for old people like you, cavuto. i discovered, no twitter is passe. we're on to other things is. he trying to hook up with a company that is losing -- >> twitters that 217 million daily activouters. it's an ad-based model. what elon mufshg wants to do, because if you're on an ad-based model, you're succumbing to power and control of people that bye the ads. so he wants to do a subscription service. he will get someone like neil cavuto to pay $2 a month to use it. >> neil: is this to rattle their cage because he didn't like the way they treated him and sloughed off -- had an invite, join the board. join the board. and then a half-hearted attempt and delighted when he didn't. when do you think? >> if you do that subscription model, you don't need to get rid of advertisements from other companies, right? >> neil: the world's richest man, why is he dealing with this? that's why i raise the -- >> $5 billion in revenue. >> and increase the users to $300 million in a few years time. there's concern about whether or not a man who i would say probably is the most consequential ceo on the planet right now, he's very visionary, innovative. is he a social media expert? yes, he's seconding rockets to space, building cars. investors in tesla and spacex want him to focus on the companies right now. >> neil: and it's a private venture worth $100 million. he has $180 billion right now in tesla. if i'm a tesla shareholder and i'm looking at him looking around at this other stuff, i'm saying keep your rile on this ev ball. >> it's a pivotal time for tesla. you have more competition flooding in. tesla in terms of volume of sales, about a million last year compared to -- a million in sales. so a lot of people in the industry say that it's overvalued as a company and they need to deliver on sales because they're getting beat in terms of vehicle sales by g.m. and toyota. >> neil: you think he really wants it? >> like i said, if it's a toy, why not own the toy? if it's something that he goes on to advertise his other companies or pick fights with people or get something off of his chest, there's -- i don't think there's any reason if twitter agreed to the sale, he wouldn't back away. >> neil: he knows his very presence will generate interest and hike the stock, which it has since he first was buying it. he paid over 1 billion. maybe that's what it's about. >> neil: and tesla, it's pivotal because you have giba ben bernanke -- berlin coming on time. he made his money. mark cuban is right. twitter's board will likely say no thank you. 54.20. we're worth 75 last year. you're undervaluing our company. >> neil: 54.20, part of that is -- it is a pot reference. >> people don't think he's serious. cannabis reference. mark cuban thinks that somebody will come in to buy elon twitter's shares. >> and the april pot reference -- >> you're hip. >> viewers don't give me enough credit. there's this separate drama behind this plan of attack. that is the fairness of twitter. is it fair? is it really balanced? does it really slight conservative thought? was it unfair to president trump? that issue is a big one and one that came up with no less than elon musk himself. >> i think it's very important for there to be an inclusive arena for free speech where all -- yeah. twitter has become a de facto town square. so it is really important that people have the reality and the perception that they're able to speak freely within the bounds of the law. >> neil: a lot of people interpret that as elon musk saying you should open yourself up to all points of view including reinstating donald trump as a voice and valuable one around important one on your site. and there is a slant to the way twitter goes about monitoring its content. sarah westwood with "the washington examiner" with us right now. how much of that, the fairness part, sarah, do you think is working into his motivations here? >> i think that could be almost entirely the reason why he's doing this. one of your previous guests mentioned could be little more than potentially a symbolic move from elon musk. he's drawing a lot of attention to the censorship that twitter and other social media companies have engaged in. there's no question there's a slant to it. you look at the prominent stories or narratives that have been suppressed by twitter and all of them go in one direction, all of them happen to be conservative, whether your talking about the hunter biden laptop story, tough on china narrative concerning the lap leak theory, the origins of covid, questioning vaccine mandates. all of these things that twitter has gone after have been, you know, opinions that are favored on the right. as long as elon musk is leading this conversation, as long as the attention is on the fact that twitter does engage in this partisan idealogical censorship, that is ultimately probably good for republicans. i think voters are increasingly growing tired of this enforcement of a sort of code of speech. >> neil: you know, i still don't know. politically his extremely populist and libertarian. this seems to echo that point of view. elon musk asked on a twitter poll, taking twitter private, $54.20 share should be up to shareholders, he tweets, not the board. that is a view that a lot of average shareholders have that boards screw up a lot of the time. by pass them, don't take their interest to heart. he seems to be striking a nerve here. >> yeah, absolutely. a lot of average everyday people play the stock market. maybe have twitter stock. he's really underscoring the complete lack of trust that people have, even twitter users have for twitter's leadership and for their executives. the fact that they have lost the confidence of a lot of everyday users because they have engaged in this censorship and politically activists in a way that some of the other social media giants haven't been. twitter is a dying breed in a lot of ways. fewer and fewer people use it. it's not a reflection of the broader public, the opinions shared on it. it's an echo chamber under friendly to bigger swaths of the country. musk is highlights that and having uncomfortable conversations even on the left about the way twitter is conducting content moderation and its business. >> neil: thanks, sarah. we're awaiting an official response from the twitter board here. we did here from one of the big investors in twitter. he thought the price was too low. remember this stock had a year north of $73 a share, this particular offer is north of $54 a share. so to the prince, this is not a princely thought. so we'll see. meanwhile, taking a look at flying again. it's back and back with a vengeance. but the one hassle is not the crowds at the airport, but the mask you'll have to continue wearing at the airport and on the planes. doesn't jeff flock know it. jeff? >> one more hassle. if you don't think people are traveling because of the mask mandate, you need only to look at the nation's airport parking lots. take a look at this, neil. you can't get a space out here. the impacts of the mask mandate and where we're headed this easter travel season in just a moment. stay tuned. why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? because we want to be able to get up and get ready for work. because the animals need to be cared for, and we like taking care of them. because we want to go out to dinner with our friends. because, in family photos, we want to be able to smile. a new fda-approved treatment for adults with g enwith generalizd myasthenia gravis could help them do more of the daily activities they care about. to learn more, go to and talk to your neurologist. hey businesses! gyou all deservem something epic! so we're giving every business, our best deals on every iphone - including the iphone 13 pro with 5g. that's the one with the amazing camera? 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>> i think, angie, because it's a moving target. we really want to see what the pattern is here in the united states. i think making a decision for april 18, i would agree, that we do need more time. >> i don't know who angie is. that was andrea mitchell from msnbc. as you report, may 3 is the next decision date. 15 days from monday, which was the last decision date. so we'll see where it goes from here. if they extend it again, absent any huge disasters, there's going to be a lot of push back. like there's not been already, i'm sure. >> neil: thanks, jim or is it jeff? thanks very much. i love when that happens on the air. jeff flock at philadelphia international airport. so could it go beyond may 3? let's call the gentleman that they call the covid czar. dr. jha, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me back. >> neil: you telegraphed the pollty that this could be extended a few days ago and you were proven right. now there's this talk that if these cases that we're having with some of these sub variants continue to spike that it might be pushed back again. you think it will? you think it should? >> neil, first of all, the decision of the cdc is fine. what happened here is the ba-2 variant is dominant in the last couple weeks. cases are up in 25 states. the cdc scientists said that we need more time, 15 days is what the they recommended, to sort out all of these cases going to lead to more hospitalizations that stress on our healthcare system. if once we have a clear picture of that, i think the cdc, the scientist, dr. walensky, we'll make an informed decision based on that. >> neil: doctor, we do know that the latest variant, there's several now, grant you, that whatever is the subvariant getting attention, we're seeing spikes in cases, certainly in china, that shanghai is still all but locked down and some surrounding cities are as well. i'm wondering whether given the spike in cases here as well, nothing nearly as severe as we've seen in the past or as severe is what's going on in shanghai, are you worried that we could be in for something like that? >> i think our situation is so different from china. we have a really high quality set of vaccines in the united states. we've done a very good job vaccinating older people in a way that china has not. our situation is very, very different. so i'm not worried about a china-like situation here. in terms of any further public health restrictions, you know, this is clearly something that will have to be done at a local level. i can imagine certain cities making certain conditions. that's a very different situation than what is happening in china. >> neil: philadelphia is reimposed indoor mask mandates and comes at a time, yes, there's a spike in cases but spikes in cases far more note worthy in scores of other states. you think that that is a mistake? you get a spike in cases without a spike in hospitalizations or any of the more severe type of things that we saw at the height of the pandemic that this is -- could be like a yo-yo. >> very good question. like, this is why cdc put out guidance at the local level. they said every community should look at a combination of infections, hospitalizations, hospital capacity. you can go to and look at your community and see if it's in green, yellow or orange. at the end of the day, mayors, governors have more knowledge of what is happening in their community than anybody else. i've always been very supportive of local leaders making decisions. i continue to. that's the right way to go here. >> neil: do you think that the way to deal with covid in the future is the way we deal with the flu? but that might be a lucky comparison, right? might not be just warranting a shot every year. but maybe multiple shots. maybe multiple boosters. people are getting very confused. what do you recommend? >> what i would say, we're still in the middle of this pandemic. so we're not done. the key strategy has to be to protect lives, save lives. make sure people are not getting ill and hospitalized. a lot of people are vaccinated and boosted. we need to get more people vaccinated. the other big thing is we have treatments that make an enormous difference. we have a lot of treatments. we have to make them more widely available to people. if we continue doing though things, i think we can manage our way through it without having to put in any kind of major public health restrictions. really manage things the way -- with the tools that we have. >> neil: i'd like to address this title 42 situation with you, doctor. there seems to be a different standard for migrants at the border and where we might loosen that at a time when we're tightening requirements here. wondering your thoughts on that and wonder if americans are right to feel there's a double standard? >> the way i look at it, look at the cdc map. 97% of the country is in green. there's not many restrictions. the cdc scientists determined on title 42 that it was an appropriate time to left the title 42 restrictions. we have always had a different standard on transportation in the sense that we know when you're sitting on air airplane, the person next to you if they're coughing and sneeding, you can't move. we always wanted to be extra careful on public transportation, airlines. that i think is part of what is motivating the cdc scientists to say let's take two more weeks, let's get a sense of what's going on. i think that's what is driving the cdc decision making on this. >> neil: could be a much more compelling case to deal with this add our border, people trying to get in, than those already here and overwhelmingly shielded from anything bad. >> yeah. i mean there's no question that we have a large proportion of americans vaccinated. plenty of people that have not. kids under 5 have not. so there's still work to be done to protect more americans what we heard from the cdc is a little more time to make a durable decision. struck me as imminently reasonable and i think that's what we are going to -- wait for the data and see where the cdc goats next. >> neil: you think little kids should wear masks, doctor? >> that's what the cdc recommends. the pediatricians are making those recommendations, i'm taking it seriously. >> neil: thanks, dr. jha. the pointman on the coronavirus. we're getting news that the russian warship has sunk. the russians are saying it wasn't hit. now there was some damage and now it's under water. more after this. 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[phone ringing] hm. no way! no way! priceline. every trip is a big deal. >> neil: frank james is being held without bail by a judge. he's considered to be a threat if released. more after this. >> neil: that became sort of an iconic image and audio from that moment where a russian warship was telling ukrainian soldiers that they had to surrender and that they were in big trouble if they didn't. they department. you heard which one concise comment was in response. now that ship attacked by ukrainians has sunk. the super missile cruiser as its called is under water. the russians first denied it was hit. now acknowledging that it sustained serious damage and is gone. trey yingst in kyiv, ukraine with the reaction to all of that at a time ukrainians were needing some good news. trey? >> neil, good afternoon. russia's defense ministry says the missile cruiser moscow sang in the black sea after it was being hauled to the port in crimea. they said there was a fire on board caused by an ammunition detonation. the ukrainians said they file two missiles causing it to sink. we're learning more about the ship and what it was used for. many of the strikes on the port city of odesa were caused by this ship. it was an iconic response from the marines that were told to surrender early on in this conflict. there's mixed reports about the massive amounts of ammunition and what caused it to sink. here's what the ukrainian military said happened. >> in the black sea region, the cruiser was hit by anti-ship missiles. the ship sustained substantial damages. a fire started. other ships tried to provide assistance. but some powerful munitions insided and the ship sank. today ukrainian forces said they blew up a bridge destroying and entire russia military column. casualties continue to rise and officials here in the capitol of kyiv are telling people not to return. it's the 50th day of the war here, neil and u.s. military aid to ukraine, about $800 million will be significant in this fight. remember, every city remains in the sights of the russian military. we've heard sirens across the capitol of kyiv and officials are warning residents to brace for further escalation. neil? >> neil: to bob mcginnis in what the he makes on this. bob, i'm curious. if the russians are clearly saying that the ukrainians had nothing to do with it, it's a fire. it got danged and sunk. the ukrainians say the opposite. if the ukrainians did indeed strike this ship as they did less than three weeks ago like another ship, it shows the capacity that we thought certainly the russians thought that they never had. what do you make of it? >> yeah, it's -- it would be a massive blow to the russians if in fact their flagship ship was sunk by the ukrainians. i remain skeptical about this. we need more information. if the ukrainians can reach out and touch the russians in such a dramatic way, that's something that they should be proud of and we should applaud. >> neil: so where are you seeing this war now? we talk about the next phase, the battle on land, on the coastal cities and the east. it's going to be brutal. they have more heavy equipment now that they were looking for. i'm just wondering how you see it sorting out now there. >> there's a massif shift as everybody knows to the east, to the regions of donetsk and luhansk. i think putins that every effort to take over completely from kharkiv all the way down to odesa. at this point he doesn't have odesa. if he can do that and he can do that quickly with a perhaps a -- destroying or causing the surrender of the ukrainian armed forces which are the best that they have from kyiv that are forward stationed, then i think that putin could all of a sudden call victory and draw land in the dirt there and say, you know, this is the dividing line. he goes home and on may 9 he will celebrate victory day for world war ii and he will applaud his soldiers. now, you know, that's the short answer. the longer answer, neil, is that perhaps this could be protracted as general milley said a week ago. that this could last years. but it really depends upon what the russians want. are they going to be satisfied with just a chunk of the east or are they more grandiose in their ambitions and really the only person that can answer that is vladimir putin. >> neil: colonel, what do you make of russia threatening finland and sweden, even threatening nuclear deployments if either or both countries follow-through on their interest in joining nato? what do you think? >> buy the rest of those countries have hesitated a long time. i think the writing on the wall right now, neil, is that it's time to get the nato umbrella to cover those two countries. finland was a neutral player during world war ii. certainly hurt the russian front to a certain degree. but with the pressure being put on the baltics, with the pressure and now obviously against even poland, hungary, bulgaria, i think that there's a real a wakening in europe that their safety is no longer guaranteed. they need to have some assurance. i think that president biden's decision to add another $800 million worth of security assistance equipment such as howitzers and radars, more javelins, more stingers and so forth is really a step in the right direction. but it's really up to mr. putin to decipher what that means and whether or not he's going to be satisfied with just staying in the eastern part of ukraine or is this just a step going forward in the next, you know, effort that he has in a long series of activities beginning with georgia, crimea, this and what is next. >> neil: you think the president should go to ukraine? he was quickly asked that today. i guess in response to four other nato leaders who had joined president zelensky only a few days after boris johnson of britain did the same. what do you think? >> yeah, i think it was very significant over the weekend when boris johnson was walking down the street with zelensky. it made a bold statement. bold statement that was resonated in moscow, which is important. if nato and the european union along with the united states are to remain resilient in push-back against authoritarian there in the kremlin, they have to appear united and they have to appear with zelensky. if in fact zelensky is who they're going to support. >> neil: colonel, thanks very much. i appreciate it. we hit a lot of topics but i wanted to pick your brain. thank you. all right. the big news today certainly in new york was, you know, the formal arrest of frank james. now ordered held without bail by a federal judge a day after his arrest in manhattan. the judge made a very simple decision that he couldn't be released on bail because of the attacks on the mass transit system. let's go to bryan llenas following all of this from the beginning in brooklyn on what we're in store for now. bryan? >> neil, yeah, frank james, 62 years old, was denied bail by the judge. deemed too much of a threat to the community as well as a flight risk. james appeared in court without handcuffs or shackles. his defense attorney requested that her client be given a medical psychiatric evaluation. after court his attorney confirmed that james was caught after he called police himself and told him that he was at the mcdonald's in the lowest east side. >> we caution against a rush to judgment. what we do know is this: yesterday mr. james saw his photograph on the news. he called crimestoppers to help. he told them where he was. >> james face as terrorism charge for allegedly attacking a mass transit system. prosecutors say the evidence against james is strong. he allegedly left his gun and cell phone at the crime scene. they are zeroing in on social media videos james posted. "the defendant has a history of posting violent videos on his social media accounts. he instructed others how to make a molotov cocktail. he state add desire to kill and shoot people. neither the criminal complaints mentioned the racist comments james reportedly made in the videos also. he ranted against white people, race issues and an upcoming race war. james has been arrested a dozen teams for low level offenses but never on the fbi's radar till now. neil? >> neil: thanks, my friend. bryan llenas following that in brooklyn to howard safer, the former nypd commissioner. it's interesting when the judge decides i'm going to keep you in jail on this terrorist attack and again citing him for as the terrorist attack. that's a leap from what we've seen in the past when we have these kind of incidents. do you agree this is a terrorist attack? >> i agree. it's a domestic terrorist attack. i think it's great. based on the bail reform law in new york, he had been taken to the district attorney's office in manhattan, he probably would be back out on the street. so i think prosecuting him is a terrific move. >> neil: you know, this idea that he called in and that helped identify where he was, what do you make of that and what do you -- it could have been -- you and i have chatted about this, could have been so much worse. what do you make of this guy? >> i don't know what his mental state is has to be determined. maybe he's just out there looking to get his face on tv. this is a guy who -- he's not a master criminal. he left his gun, his credit card, his car keys. this is either a disturbed individual or somebody who is just a horrible criminal. >> neil: you know, commissioner, not surprisingly, people in new york were very slow to come back to the city post the pandemic. slow to come back now because of covid but because of crime. it's a very big issue. this is just sort of re-ignited those concerns. we understand the only reason why a lot of train stations were exceptionally crowded yesterday is all the ubers and taxi cabs were taken. i'm wondering if things settled down, whether we're back to that same angst about people not only wanting to take public transportation, certainly subways in new york, but maybe not coming in to new york at all. what do you tell them? i think injury right. crime is up in every category in new york. shootings are up. what really disturbs me is the collateral damage that is happening from these criminals with guns. killing teenagers, innocent women. people just walking on the street. we really have to do something about taking back this city. we did it in the late 90s and 2000s. we can do it again. mayor adams has to get a strong backbone and not listen to the loudest voices. we have to go back to broken windows, go back to stop and frisk and send a message that is not being sent now to criminals that if you commit a crime, you'll get arrested and stay in jail. >> neil: do you get a sense, commissioner, that it doesn't look like this assailant had any help, but you always worry about the ideas it gives others at a time when there's been a lot of train and subway incidents, people pushed on to tracks, attacked and rail cars, et cetera. any advice you would give those in a similar situation because you're very vulnerable when those subway doors close. how you handle that? what do you do? >> yeah, absolutely. you know, you have to be aware of what is around you. you have to look at who is around you. you have to look and see if people -- like this guy was dressed in construction uniform. but didn't really make sense when you look at it. you know, if something happens, you have to get down low. as soon as you can get out of the train, get out of the train. i think you're right. i think a lot of people are not going to go back to the subway for a while. >> neil: all right. it is a scary time. but the relief this week is what could have been more horrific was not for righter reasons. the bravery of new yorkers and the uncanny skills of the new york police department. so it's still there. thank you, commissioner. very good seeing you again. we mentioned earlier, talking about ukraine, a number of fellow leaders have gone to visit president zelensky. we saw boris johnson. hints that maybe joe biden is open to doing the same thing. we don't know for sure but we do have right now with us senator steve daines of montana, what he thinks about that. senator, great to have you. you are in ukraine now, correct? >> that's correct. i'm standing here in kyiv. >> what is it like there now, senator? >> well, neil, it was quite a day. we went up about 20 miles north and west of kyiv up to bucha where the horrific images come of the innocent civilians that were executed by the russians. we were watching what was going on, excavating these bodies, exhuing the bodies and processing them as a war crime. i'm seen a lot of things over the years in terms of storm damages and accidents. i've never seen anything like this. these were children, these were children who were murdered. these were innocent moms and dads and grandfathers. grandmothers who were living normal lives in their homes. they were destroyed. we were looking on the rubble. i found a little wooden tractor, a little toy that a child had sitting there in the rubble. as a father of four, three grandchildren, it's pretty close to home. i can tell you that the sooner that we can provide ukraine with the lethal aid that they need to win this war, the sooner that we will end the humanitarian crisis. i can tell you i'm having diner tonight with ukrainian military leaders here in kyiv. the war crimes are going on as we speak. someone described ukraine as one great big crime scene. that is true. the russians are continuing to commit war crimes in ukraine. what we found in bucha is going on here. >> neil: you think it's genocide? the president does. >> i'll tell you what it is. it's atrocities, it's war crimes. there's an irrefutable case being made for the war crimes of vladimir putin and the soldiers that committed them. in fact, we found in some of the houses where these russian soldiers would break in and commit horrendous acts, horrific acts. we found some information, they showed it to me literally, a pocket diaries that have the names, the birthdays of the soldiers, the parents names of the soldiers. basically they provided a lot of evidence. they need to be prosecuted by the international crime commission to the fullest extend. spending time here today, neil, the stench of death was there to watch these innocent being exhumed from the shallow graves. it was in the background of a church. so you have the contrast of good and evil. we saw the goodness of the mess, the resurrection of hope and one view, looking at the evil of this world and the evil of vladimir putin and what he has done through his soldiers to these innocent people. >> neil: senator, i want to thank you very much. please be safe out there. have a happy and blessed easter as well. senator daines from montana in kyiv as we speak. all of this at a time when the president himself was asked today if he's ready to go to ukraine. he replied yeah. but we don't know much more than that. jennifer griffin at the pentagon with more. it's a whole other level when you have the president of the united states going to a war zone like this. you're in kyiv, ukraine right now. i misspoke. what is the sense there and -- of how different it would be if a u.s. president were to follow other nato leaders and boris johnson and go there? >> it would be incredible leadership. boris johnson opened the way. you have senator daines. i was upstairs with congress woman victoria sparks. we were walking the same streets in the last 48 hours. we saw for ourselves the destruction. just 20 minutes north of kyiv. we also went to a hospital today to meet with one of the wounded soldiers who was injured very badly in the battle for bucha. soldiers that fought in the battle of kyiv like anton, a combat medic that was blown up by a mine left by russian fighters, volunteers for the front and was injured after a month of being shelled under grouped. >> hit a mine at 120 millimeter. broke both legs. this bone was damaged and this tendon. some little -- here and there. but not critical. >> it's been a little over a week since the russians pulled out here on the outskirts of kyiv. the destruction that is left behind is almost unfathomable. this street was strewn with tanks just days ago. they've been hauled away. the destruction that we've seen, the rubble, we have traveled from town to town. we spoke to some of those rescue workers and followed one woman back to her home. she was an older woman who was riding her bike. she described how the russians came. she told them that they couldn't park a tank in her yard. >> the russian soldier said we will sleep in your house and place our tank near your house. i said you can't do that. i have a husband in the house. i have cow in the stables. they set the tank opposite across the road. i said you can't put it in any yard. >> she took us to meet her neighbor. that neighbor still had the bloodied clothes of a russian soldier. story on story where they would come in their homes, smash their phones. sometimes they would stay. often they moved on. what is clear right now is that the destruction left behind is going to take a long time to rebuild and now ukraine is preparing as the russians regroup and prepare to go in to the east. again, the destruction that we've seen today is really hard to fathom. now they're starting to clean up in bucha and other towns. these weeks with strewn with corps of people and tanks. the tanks hit by javelin an anti tank missiles. this young man told me that he was hooded and beaten and held by russian soldiers for three days before they let him go in the middle of the night. >> it was more like a torture experience. they were beaten. putting the hoods on their head to restrict their breathing during the interrogation. >> a senior u.s. defense official said today that defense secretary austin was told by the general walters in europe that they could do some training of ukrainian forces inside europe. those on some of these new weapons that will be sent in to ukraine. back to you, neil. >> neil: thanks, jennifer griffin. passing along the director of the cia says putin's desperation could prompt him to use chemical or nuclear weapons. he highly doubts it but he does say this is williams burns, the director, that -- >> judge jeanine: hello, everyone i'm judge jeanine pirro along with dana perino, and greg gutfeld, jesse watters. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." the world's richest man taking bold action to save speech, elon musk attempting hostile takeover of twitter by offering to buy the entire company for $43 billion in cash.

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Neil Cavuto , U S , The Story , Goes On , Ward , 14 , 3 , Six , 00 , Thursday April 14 , Case , World , Points , Market Down , 100 , Offer , Board , Applause , Laughter , Won T Go Higher , Plan B , Yes , Plan B , Twitter , Man , Rest , Tease , He Doesn T Own , Problem , Folks , Forking , 3 Billion , 43 Billion , Elon Musk , Wall , Susan Li , Billionaires , Headquarters , Implications , Charlie Gasparino , Reaction , Target , Headache , Acquired , San Francisco , Let S Go , Twitter Folk , Claudia Cowan , Something , Some , Heads , Meeting , Employees , One , Company , Stock , Share , Shareholder , Announcement , Fittingly , 54 20 , 4 20 , Hostile Takeover , Musk , Potential , Speech , Platform , Globe , Democracy , Sec Filing , Investment , Offered , Form , Thrive , Inpairive , Position , Concerns , Board Of Directors , Funding , Money , Assets , Statement , Tesla , Neuro , Spacex , Co Founder , Blah , Social Media Company , Prompting Speculation , Net Worth , 73 Billion , 273 Billion , Thanks , Understatement , Poison Pill , Behind The Scenes , Question , Venture , Stake , 180 Billion , 0 Billion , 50 Billion , 80 Billion , Reasons , Stock Didn T , Mind , Fox Business Show , Investigation , Co , Two , Stuff , Sec , Shares , Intentions , Takeover , Lots , The Doj , Lot , Nothing , Disclosures , Times , Investigations , Ks , 10 , Source , High , Matters , Top , 53 , Regulators , Wiggle Room , 4 , 73 , 54 , People , Thing , Another , Currency , Bidders , Bidding War , Interests , Everything , Free Speech , Isn T , Left , Trump , Silicon Valley , Absolutist , Sort , Environmentalists , Oil , Example , Gas Guzzlers , Electric Cars , Cars , Department Wouldn T Let Him , Management Wants , Mold , Amazon , Numbers , Wouldn T , Warren Buffet , Facebook , Apple , Google , Goodpoint , Kharkiv All The Way , Friction , Vancouver , Big Pow Wow , Situation , Public , Banks , Gun , Head , Child , Bastards , Working Capital , Fact , Technology , Grudge , Entertainment , Ted Conference , Vladimir Putin , Pressure , Finland , Prime Minister , Conference , Bill Gates , Al Gore , Issue , Nato , Social Media , Bid , All Over The World , Grady Trimble , It , Interest , Story , Let S Begin , Audience , Both , Site , Ton , Pie , First , Uphill Climb , Toy , Show Man , Opinion , Ways , Bone , Marketing , Chest , Communications Department , Order , Allure , Things , Losing , Daily Activouters , 217 Million , Model , Control , Subscription Service , Ads , Elon Mufshg , Someone , Cage , 2 , , Subscription Model , Attempt , Invite , Sloughed , Companies , Advertisements , Revenue , The World S Richest Man , Billion , 5 Billion , Users , Concern , Planet , Ceo , Social Media Expert , Whether , 300 Million , 00 Million , Space , Investors , Building Cars , Rockets , Him , Venture Worth , 100 Million , Rile , Ev Ball , Sales , Terms , Volume , Competition Flooding , A Million , Vehicle Sales , Industry Say , Beat , G M , Toyota , He Wouldn T , Reason , There S , Sale , Fights , Away , Presence , Giba , Ben Bernanke , 1 Billion , Mark Cuban , Berlin , Part , Somebody , Reference , Cannabis Reference , People Don T Think He S Serious , 75 , Viewers , Hip , President , Big One And , Fairness , Drama , Plan Of Attack , Credit , Arena , Reality , De Facto , Town Square , Law , Bounds , Perception , Points Of View , Slant , Sarah , Content , Voice , Reinstating , Donald Trump , The Washington Examiner , Motivations , Guests , Attention , Censorship , Move , Social Media Companies , Drawing , Narratives , Questioning Vaccine Mandates , Stories , China , Conservative , Talking , Narrative , Hunter Biden Laptop Story , Lap Leak Theory , One Direction , Suppressed , Opinions , Right , Conversation , Idealogical , Enforcement , Code , Voters , Don T Know , Republicans , Poll , Libertarian , Point Of View , Don T , Shareholders , View , Boards , Heart , Nerve , Pass Them , Lack , Trust , Stock Market , Leadership , Activists , Confidence , Executives , Reflection , Dying Breed , Echo Chamber , Response , Country , Business , Content Moderation , Conversations , Swaths , Price , North , Look , Hassle , Thought , Prince , Vengeance , Mask Mandate , Planes , Airport , Mask , Doesn T Jeff Flock , Crowds , Mandate , Airport Parking Lots , Nation , Season , Impacts , Myasthenia Gravis , Work , Friends , Care , Animals , Dinner , Activities , Adults , Treatment , Family Photos , Neurologist , G Enwith Generalizd , Fda , Deals , Businesses , Iphone , Epic , 5g , Camera , Appointment , Hi , Gyou , Deservem , Yep , 5 , 13 , Aromatherapy Rugs , Business Customers , At T , Liberty Mutual , Line , Need , Car Insurance , Pay , Whatchya , Liberty Biberty Cut , Little , Masks , Guarantee , Cut Off Time , Airports , Hope You Didn T , May 3 , More , Road , Philadelphia International Airport , Parking Deck , Jeff Flock , People Parking , Spaces , Ed Bastion , Parking Space , Delta , Level , History , Sales Activity , Volumes , Quote , Booking , Crazy Travel , Poling , Half , Polls , Morning Consults , Covid On Aircraft , 48 , Dr , Air , Party , Movies , Flying , Msnbc , Fauci , 60 , 57 , Angie , Take A Look , Place , 15 , Decision , Pattern , I Don T Know , Andrea Mitchell , April 18 , 18 , Push , Disasters , Decision Date , Jim , Gentleman , Jha , Covid Czar , Cases , Sub Variants , Talk , Pollty , Scientists , Cdc , States , Variant , Fine , Ba 2 , 25 , Hospitalizations , Healthcare System , Picture , The Scientist , Doctor , Walensky , Spikes , Cities , Whatever , Several , Subvariant , Shanghai , Grant You , Spike , Vaccines , Job Vaccinating , Set , Restrictions , Health , Conditions , Mask Mandates , Scores , Note , Pandemic , Type , Any , Mistake , Like A Yo , Height , Guidance , Community , Green , Hospital Capacity , Combination , Infections , Yellow , Orange , Leaders , Governors , Decisions , Knowledge , Mayors , Anybody Else , Comparison , Covid , Shot , Flu , Shots , Middle , Boosters , Save Lives , Strategy , Treatments , Difference , Title , Kind , Public Health Restrictions , Tools , 42 , Standard , Border , Thoughts , Requirements , Migrants , Wonder , 97 , Double Standard , 97 , Sense , Transportation , Person , Air Airplane , What S Going On , Coughing , Sneeding , Airlines , Decision Making , Add , Anything , Proportion , Kids Under 5 , Kids , Data , Cdc Goats Next , News , Warship , Russian , Pointman , Recommendations , Pediatricians , Coronavirus , Russians , Damage , Water , Wasn T Hit , Bee Buzzing , Fan , Home , Frank James , Fast , Heartburn , Talker , Budget , Possibility , Lowe S , Springfest , Fast Walker , Gary , Relief , Nexium , Fans , Pepcid , Prilosec Otc , 24 , Four , Bushes Rustling , Music , Door Opening , Protection , Vehicle , Seat Protector , Drill Mudflaps , Weathertech , Floorliners , Hon , Cargoliner , Bumpstep , Cupfone , Car , Gong Rings , Is Joe , Breath , Capful , Combative Yelling , Stores , With Priceline , Therabreath , Zoom Call , Vacation Hi , Mouthwash , Pivot , Walmart , Work Bye , Deal , Trip , Phone Ringing , Waaayyy , Hm , Priceline , No Wayyyy , Judge , Bail , Threat , Soldiers , Audio , Image , Ship , Ukrainians , Comment , Trouble , Kyiv , Ukraine , Hit , Super Missile Cruiser , Trey Yingst , Missile Cruiser Moscow , Defense Ministry , Fire , Port , Crimea , Ammunition Detonation , Black Sea , Missiles , Many , Strikes , Port City Of Odesa , Marines , Conflict , Reports , Ammunition , Amounts , Military , Ships , Damages , Cruiser , Black Sea Region , Munitions , Insided , Assistance , Forces , Officials , Capitol , Casualties , 50th Day , Military Column , Bridge Destroying , 50 , War , City , Fight , Sights , Sirens , U S Military Aid , 800 Million , Escalation , Warning , Residents , Bob Mcginnis , Opposite , Three , Blow , Capacity , Information , East , Equipment , Battle On Land , Massif Shift , Regions , Everybody , Donetsk , Luhansk , Effort , Putins , A , Point , Odesa , Ukrainian Armed Forces , Destroying , Call Victory , Land , Best , Surrender , Victory Day , Dividing Line , World War Ii , Say , Dirt , 9 , May 9 , Answer , Milley , Ambitions , Chunk , Colonel , Countries , Deployments , Writing On The Wall , Either , Sweden , Front , Umbrella , Player , Degree , Hungary , Baltics , Bulgaria , Poland , Joe Biden , Europe , Real A Wakening , Safety , Assurance , Step , Mr , Worth , Direction , Radars , Javelins , Security Assistance , Stingers , Howitzers , Series , Next , Georgia , Zelensky , Boris Johnson , The Street , Same , Britain , Push Back , Moscow , European Union , Brain , Topics , Kremlin , New York , Manhattan , Arrest , Mass Transit System , Bryan Llenas , Attacks , Couldn T , Videos James , Store , Beginning , Court , Flight Risk , Bryan , 62 , Defense Attorney , Attorney , Shackles , Psychiatric , Client , Evaluation , Handcuffs , Police , Mcdonald S , East Side , Rush To Judgment , Face , Terrorism Charge , Photograph , Saw , Crime Scene , Evidence , Zeroing , Cell Phone , Prosecutors , Videos , Defendant , Others , Accounts , Molotov Cocktail , Complaints , Race War , Comments , Issues , Race , State Add Desire , Commissioner , Offenses , Friend , Radar , Teams , Howard Safer , Former , Brooklyn , Fbi , Nypd , Terrorist Attack , Jail , Incidents , Leap , Office , District Attorney , Bail Reform Law , Identify , Idea , Guy , Estate , Individual , Master Criminal , Guy Who , Tv , Credit Card , Car Keys , Crime , Criminal , Train Stations , Ubers , Taxi Cabs , Subways , Angst , Injury , Collateral Damage , Criminals , Killing Teenagers , Shootings , Category , Guns , Backbone , Voices , Mayor , Adams , 90 , 2000 , Message , Windows , Stay , Frisk , Train , Subway , Doesn T , Ideas , Tracks , Assailant , Help , Rail Cars , Advice , Et Cetera , Subway Doors Close , Didn T , Construction Uniform , Low , Righter Reasons , Horrific , Skills , Bravery , Number , Hints , Steve Daines , Senator , Montana , Images , Civilians , 20 , Bodies , War Crime , Storm Damages , Exhuing , Homes , Grandmothers , Children , Grandfathers , Accidents , Dads , Moms , Rubble , Close To Home , Grandchildren , Father , Tractor , Aid , Crisis , Diner , War Crimes , Bucha , Genocide , Atrocities , Horrific Acts , Houses , Diaries , Names , Commission , Fullest , Parents , Birthdays , Being , Background , Graves , Stench , Death , Evil , Contrast , Mess , Hope , Church , Resurrection , Goodness , Safe , Easter , Pentagon , War Zone , Jennifer Griffin , Victoria Sparks , Streets , Congress , Destruction , Hospital , Combat Medic , Battle , Battle For Bucha , Anton , Volunteers , Fighters , Mine , 120 , Legs , Tendon , Outskirts , Tanks , Street , Woman , Town , Rescue Workers , Bike , Tank , Soldier , House , Yard , In The House , Husband , Cow , Couldn T Park , Stables , Neighbor , Clothes , Phones , Towns , Fathom , Corps , Anti Tank Missiles , Torture Experience , Breathing , Hoods , Interrogation , Training , Defense , Senior , Defense Secretary , Austin , The General Walters , Weapons , Director , Neil , Cia , Desperation , Williams Burns , Jeanine Pirro , Five , Everyone , Jesse Watters , Dana Perino , Greg Gutfeld , Offering , Action , Cash ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

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they call being a tease. i'm neil cavuto, this is "your world." the richest man in our world indicating today that this is not take it or leave it offer necessarily to buy the rest of twitter he doesn't own. he's forking over will willing to fork over he says up to $43 billion to get the rest of twitter. the problem is we're hearing from the twitter folks that are reportedly not too keen on that offer. we have you covered. we are at twitter headquarters and how they're likely to respond to all of this. we have charlie gasparino on what elon musk is thinking and what is really behind this. susan li on the long-term implications of billionaires going for what they got to have. or maybe they just want to really make for a headache of the target acquired. let's go to claudia cowan in san francisco. if we're getting any reaction at all from the twitter folk. what are you hear something. >> some are scratching their heads about this offer, neil. you know, it's basically elon musk saying that twitter is broken and he wants to fix it. the offer is prompting an all-hands meeting with employees one hour from now. just weeks after becoming the biggest shareholder in the company, elon musk is offering to buy the rest of twitter's stock for $54.20 a share. fittingly, he made the announcement on twitter early this morning saying "i made an offer and linking to the sec filing". musk says he believes in twitter's potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe. that free speech is crucial for a functioning democracy. however, since making my investment, i recognize the company will neither thrive or serve this social inpairive in its form. it needs to be transformed as a private company. if his offered is rejected, he will reconsider his position as a shareholder, this comes days after he decided not to join the board of directors feeling if he did, his concerns would not be heard. he said twitter has extraordinary potential. i will unlock it. musk said that he's good for the money. >> is funding secured? >> i have sufficient assets to complete the -- this is not a forward-looking statement, blah, blah, blah. i can do it if possible. >> musk is the co-founder of tesla, spacex, neuro link and the boring company. with an estimated net worth of $273 billion making him the richest man in the world. musk says he has a plan b if his offer is rejected prompting speculation that he may start his own social media company or buy a different one. twitter says it's looking hard at the offer. behind the scenes, it's reportedly considering a poison pill to block it. >> neil: thanks, claudia. it's an understatement to say that elon musk has the money to pay all of this. he owns about $180 billion worth of tesla stock, another $50 billion worth of the stake in spacex. a private venture. so the money is there, but that raises the question why the stock didn't move on this. keep in mind, it's a $54.20 offer. the stock barely budging on the day. what are we to make of that. charlie gasparino, what do you think? >> it's for all the reasons that we said on a your great fox business show. >> neil: which if you don't get, you should demand. >> i was waiting for you to say that. >> neil: there you go. >> so true. we've been reporting this the last two days or co incidentally the last two days. he's under investigation in a joint investigation the doj and the sec over lots of stuff including some of the stuff involving how he went about accumulating his shares on twitter and how he disclosed that, whether he properly disclosed his intentions which was a full takeover. also some of the stuff with tesla. you know, just disclosures there. you go back to the 10 ks. it's a joint investigation. it's serious. i'm not saying a lot of times these investigations turn up nothing. they've been looking at them a long time. you'd think they have something. i spoke with a source that says it's a serious investigation by the doj and the sec to all of those matters. on top of that, he didn't hit the 53-week high. $54 a share is below the $73 that it has traded the past year. they have enough wiggle room to say no and not worry about being sued by regulators and have a good case. this gets -- >> neil: are there other bidders out there? it's one thing for tesla's stock to fall today. that would be the currency that he would tap to do this. it's quite another for twitter not to budge. i'm wondering if that's because people do not think that this is serious or they don't think that it's going to lead to a bidding war. there's other interests -- >> they don't want him probably to buy it because elon is -- he's everything that the progressive left of silicon valley, you know, isn't. he's for free speech. he would reinstate trump tomorrow. >> neil: you think that? >> yes. he's an absolutist on free speech. it's commendable that he would go out -- just give you an example. he went out and said and attacked all of these sort of environmentalists pushing electric cars. he said listen, let's be clear. we're going to need to drill for oil and we need gas guzzlers because poor people can't afford my cars. he breaks the mold. it's the last thing that twitter in its current management wants. here's the thing. who would buy them? amazon can't buy them or justice department wouldn't let him. apple, wouldn't let them. wouldn't let google or facebook. the numbers start getting -- warren buffet, will he -- >> neil: goodpoint. we'll see. thank you. charlie gasparino following that. by the way, elon musk himself touched on this friction that he's had with regulators at this big pow-wow going on in vancouver. look at this. >> the sec knew that funding was secured, but they pursued an active public investigation nonetheless. at the time tesla was in a precarious financial situation. i was told by the banks that if i didn't not agreed to settle with the sec, the banks would cease providing working capital and tesla would bankrupt immediately. that's like having a gun to your child's head. i was forced to concede to the sec unlawfully, those bastards. and now it makes it look like i lied when i did not in fact lie. >> neil: all right. you can sense a grudge there speaking at the ted conference, the technology, entertainment and design conference in vancouver. bill gates there, al gore there. even the prime minister of finland is there. we'll get into that a little later. she's under enormous pressure from vladimir putin to not join nato. that's a separate issue. whether other people join on to this bid as it stands right now for social media giant twitter. we have susan li here. grady trimble usually traveling all over the world. good to see both of them. grady, let's begin with you on what you're hearing about whether there's robust interest in this or that it is limited and there's a limited audience for it, hence the limited reaction. >> interest in this story, i think -- >> neil: the story itself. >> there's a ton of interest. he basically broke the site that he's saying that he wants to pie or the social media company that he wants to buy. >> neil: the reaction that he thinks and what he thinks of regulators, the sec first and foremost. that could be an uphill climb. >> it could be. the question is whether he actually means this. right? does he actually want to buy twitter? i don't know what susan thinks about that. >> i have an opinion. >> she's a show man. twitter is a toy for him in many ways. he uses it when he wants to pick a bone with people or get something off of his chest. >> i don't think elon musk needs twitter. if you think about it and you know tesla, he doesn't have a marketing or communications department. he himself sells tesla and he needs twitter in order to do that. >> neil: you think so? >> i think so. absolutely. there's a vested interest there. >> neil: it's not the allure it was. facebook is for old people like you, cavuto. i discovered, no twitter is passe. we're on to other things is. he trying to hook up with a company that is losing -- >> twitters that 217 million daily activouters. it's an ad-based model. what elon mufshg wants to do, because if you're on an ad-based model, you're succumbing to power and control of people that bye the ads. so he wants to do a subscription service. he will get someone like neil cavuto to pay $2 a month to use it. >> neil: is this to rattle their cage because he didn't like the way they treated him and sloughed off -- had an invite, join the board. join the board. and then a half-hearted attempt and delighted when he didn't. when do you think? >> if you do that subscription model, you don't need to get rid of advertisements from other companies, right? >> neil: the world's richest man, why is he dealing with this? that's why i raise the -- >> $5 billion in revenue. >> and increase the users to $300 million in a few years time. there's concern about whether or not a man who i would say probably is the most consequential ceo on the planet right now, he's very visionary, innovative. is he a social media expert? yes, he's seconding rockets to space, building cars. investors in tesla and spacex want him to focus on the companies right now. >> neil: and it's a private venture worth $100 million. he has $180 billion right now in tesla. if i'm a tesla shareholder and i'm looking at him looking around at this other stuff, i'm saying keep your rile on this ev ball. >> it's a pivotal time for tesla. you have more competition flooding in. tesla in terms of volume of sales, about a million last year compared to -- a million in sales. so a lot of people in the industry say that it's overvalued as a company and they need to deliver on sales because they're getting beat in terms of vehicle sales by g.m. and toyota. >> neil: you think he really wants it? >> like i said, if it's a toy, why not own the toy? if it's something that he goes on to advertise his other companies or pick fights with people or get something off of his chest, there's -- i don't think there's any reason if twitter agreed to the sale, he wouldn't back away. >> neil: he knows his very presence will generate interest and hike the stock, which it has since he first was buying it. he paid over 1 billion. maybe that's what it's about. >> neil: and tesla, it's pivotal because you have giba ben bernanke -- berlin coming on time. he made his money. mark cuban is right. twitter's board will likely say no thank you. 54.20. we're worth 75 last year. you're undervaluing our company. >> neil: 54.20, part of that is -- it is a pot reference. >> people don't think he's serious. cannabis reference. mark cuban thinks that somebody will come in to buy elon twitter's shares. >> and the april pot reference -- >> you're hip. >> viewers don't give me enough credit. there's this separate drama behind this plan of attack. that is the fairness of twitter. is it fair? is it really balanced? does it really slight conservative thought? was it unfair to president trump? that issue is a big one and one that came up with no less than elon musk himself. >> i think it's very important for there to be an inclusive arena for free speech where all -- yeah. twitter has become a de facto town square. so it is really important that people have the reality and the perception that they're able to speak freely within the bounds of the law. >> neil: a lot of people interpret that as elon musk saying you should open yourself up to all points of view including reinstating donald trump as a voice and valuable one around important one on your site. and there is a slant to the way twitter goes about monitoring its content. sarah westwood with "the washington examiner" with us right now. how much of that, the fairness part, sarah, do you think is working into his motivations here? >> i think that could be almost entirely the reason why he's doing this. one of your previous guests mentioned could be little more than potentially a symbolic move from elon musk. he's drawing a lot of attention to the censorship that twitter and other social media companies have engaged in. there's no question there's a slant to it. you look at the prominent stories or narratives that have been suppressed by twitter and all of them go in one direction, all of them happen to be conservative, whether your talking about the hunter biden laptop story, tough on china narrative concerning the lap leak theory, the origins of covid, questioning vaccine mandates. all of these things that twitter has gone after have been, you know, opinions that are favored on the right. as long as elon musk is leading this conversation, as long as the attention is on the fact that twitter does engage in this partisan idealogical censorship, that is ultimately probably good for republicans. i think voters are increasingly growing tired of this enforcement of a sort of code of speech. >> neil: you know, i still don't know. politically his extremely populist and libertarian. this seems to echo that point of view. elon musk asked on a twitter poll, taking twitter private, $54.20 share should be up to shareholders, he tweets, not the board. that is a view that a lot of average shareholders have that boards screw up a lot of the time. by pass them, don't take their interest to heart. he seems to be striking a nerve here. >> yeah, absolutely. a lot of average everyday people play the stock market. maybe have twitter stock. he's really underscoring the complete lack of trust that people have, even twitter users have for twitter's leadership and for their executives. the fact that they have lost the confidence of a lot of everyday users because they have engaged in this censorship and politically activists in a way that some of the other social media giants haven't been. twitter is a dying breed in a lot of ways. fewer and fewer people use it. it's not a reflection of the broader public, the opinions shared on it. it's an echo chamber under friendly to bigger swaths of the country. musk is highlights that and having uncomfortable conversations even on the left about the way twitter is conducting content moderation and its business. >> neil: thanks, sarah. we're awaiting an official response from the twitter board here. we did here from one of the big investors in twitter. he thought the price was too low. remember this stock had a year north of $73 a share, this particular offer is north of $54 a share. so to the prince, this is not a princely thought. so we'll see. meanwhile, taking a look at flying again. it's back and back with a vengeance. but the one hassle is not the crowds at the airport, but the mask you'll have to continue wearing at the airport and on the planes. doesn't jeff flock know it. jeff? >> one more hassle. if you don't think people are traveling because of the mask mandate, you need only to look at the nation's airport parking lots. take a look at this, neil. you can't get a space out here. the impacts of the mask mandate and where we're headed this easter travel season in just a moment. stay tuned. why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? because we want to be able to get up and get ready for work. because the animals need to be cared for, and we like taking care of them. because we want to go out to dinner with our friends. because, in family photos, we want to be able to smile. a new fda-approved treatment for adults with g enwith generalizd myasthenia gravis could help them do more of the daily activities they care about. to learn more, go to and talk to your neurologist. hey businesses! gyou all deservem something epic! so we're giving every business, our best deals on every iphone - including the iphone 13 pro with 5g. that's the one with the amazing camera? 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>> i think, angie, because it's a moving target. we really want to see what the pattern is here in the united states. i think making a decision for april 18, i would agree, that we do need more time. >> i don't know who angie is. that was andrea mitchell from msnbc. as you report, may 3 is the next decision date. 15 days from monday, which was the last decision date. so we'll see where it goes from here. if they extend it again, absent any huge disasters, there's going to be a lot of push back. like there's not been already, i'm sure. >> neil: thanks, jim or is it jeff? thanks very much. i love when that happens on the air. jeff flock at philadelphia international airport. so could it go beyond may 3? let's call the gentleman that they call the covid czar. dr. jha, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me back. >> neil: you telegraphed the pollty that this could be extended a few days ago and you were proven right. now there's this talk that if these cases that we're having with some of these sub variants continue to spike that it might be pushed back again. you think it will? you think it should? >> neil, first of all, the decision of the cdc is fine. what happened here is the ba-2 variant is dominant in the last couple weeks. cases are up in 25 states. the cdc scientists said that we need more time, 15 days is what the they recommended, to sort out all of these cases going to lead to more hospitalizations that stress on our healthcare system. if once we have a clear picture of that, i think the cdc, the scientist, dr. walensky, we'll make an informed decision based on that. >> neil: doctor, we do know that the latest variant, there's several now, grant you, that whatever is the subvariant getting attention, we're seeing spikes in cases, certainly in china, that shanghai is still all but locked down and some surrounding cities are as well. i'm wondering whether given the spike in cases here as well, nothing nearly as severe as we've seen in the past or as severe is what's going on in shanghai, are you worried that we could be in for something like that? >> i think our situation is so different from china. we have a really high quality set of vaccines in the united states. we've done a very good job vaccinating older people in a way that china has not. our situation is very, very different. so i'm not worried about a china-like situation here. in terms of any further public health restrictions, you know, this is clearly something that will have to be done at a local level. i can imagine certain cities making certain conditions. that's a very different situation than what is happening in china. >> neil: philadelphia is reimposed indoor mask mandates and comes at a time, yes, there's a spike in cases but spikes in cases far more note worthy in scores of other states. you think that that is a mistake? you get a spike in cases without a spike in hospitalizations or any of the more severe type of things that we saw at the height of the pandemic that this is -- could be like a yo-yo. >> very good question. like, this is why cdc put out guidance at the local level. they said every community should look at a combination of infections, hospitalizations, hospital capacity. you can go to and look at your community and see if it's in green, yellow or orange. at the end of the day, mayors, governors have more knowledge of what is happening in their community than anybody else. i've always been very supportive of local leaders making decisions. i continue to. that's the right way to go here. >> neil: do you think that the way to deal with covid in the future is the way we deal with the flu? but that might be a lucky comparison, right? might not be just warranting a shot every year. but maybe multiple shots. maybe multiple boosters. people are getting very confused. what do you recommend? >> what i would say, we're still in the middle of this pandemic. so we're not done. the key strategy has to be to protect lives, save lives. make sure people are not getting ill and hospitalized. a lot of people are vaccinated and boosted. we need to get more people vaccinated. the other big thing is we have treatments that make an enormous difference. we have a lot of treatments. we have to make them more widely available to people. if we continue doing though things, i think we can manage our way through it without having to put in any kind of major public health restrictions. really manage things the way -- with the tools that we have. >> neil: i'd like to address this title 42 situation with you, doctor. there seems to be a different standard for migrants at the border and where we might loosen that at a time when we're tightening requirements here. wondering your thoughts on that and wonder if americans are right to feel there's a double standard? >> the way i look at it, look at the cdc map. 97% of the country is in green. there's not many restrictions. the cdc scientists determined on title 42 that it was an appropriate time to left the title 42 restrictions. we have always had a different standard on transportation in the sense that we know when you're sitting on air airplane, the person next to you if they're coughing and sneeding, you can't move. we always wanted to be extra careful on public transportation, airlines. that i think is part of what is motivating the cdc scientists to say let's take two more weeks, let's get a sense of what's going on. i think that's what is driving the cdc decision making on this. >> neil: could be a much more compelling case to deal with this add our border, people trying to get in, than those already here and overwhelmingly shielded from anything bad. >> yeah. i mean there's no question that we have a large proportion of americans vaccinated. plenty of people that have not. kids under 5 have not. so there's still work to be done to protect more americans what we heard from the cdc is a little more time to make a durable decision. struck me as imminently reasonable and i think that's what we are going to -- wait for the data and see where the cdc goats next. >> neil: you think little kids should wear masks, doctor? >> that's what the cdc recommends. the pediatricians are making those recommendations, i'm taking it seriously. >> neil: thanks, dr. jha. the pointman on the coronavirus. we're getting news that the russian warship has sunk. the russians are saying it wasn't hit. now there was some damage and now it's under water. more after this. 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[phone ringing] hm. no way! no way! priceline. every trip is a big deal. >> neil: frank james is being held without bail by a judge. he's considered to be a threat if released. more after this. >> neil: that became sort of an iconic image and audio from that moment where a russian warship was telling ukrainian soldiers that they had to surrender and that they were in big trouble if they didn't. they department. you heard which one concise comment was in response. now that ship attacked by ukrainians has sunk. the super missile cruiser as its called is under water. the russians first denied it was hit. now acknowledging that it sustained serious damage and is gone. trey yingst in kyiv, ukraine with the reaction to all of that at a time ukrainians were needing some good news. trey? >> neil, good afternoon. russia's defense ministry says the missile cruiser moscow sang in the black sea after it was being hauled to the port in crimea. they said there was a fire on board caused by an ammunition detonation. the ukrainians said they file two missiles causing it to sink. we're learning more about the ship and what it was used for. many of the strikes on the port city of odesa were caused by this ship. it was an iconic response from the marines that were told to surrender early on in this conflict. there's mixed reports about the massive amounts of ammunition and what caused it to sink. here's what the ukrainian military said happened. >> in the black sea region, the cruiser was hit by anti-ship missiles. the ship sustained substantial damages. a fire started. other ships tried to provide assistance. but some powerful munitions insided and the ship sank. today ukrainian forces said they blew up a bridge destroying and entire russia military column. casualties continue to rise and officials here in the capitol of kyiv are telling people not to return. it's the 50th day of the war here, neil and u.s. military aid to ukraine, about $800 million will be significant in this fight. remember, every city remains in the sights of the russian military. we've heard sirens across the capitol of kyiv and officials are warning residents to brace for further escalation. neil? >> neil: to bob mcginnis in what the he makes on this. bob, i'm curious. if the russians are clearly saying that the ukrainians had nothing to do with it, it's a fire. it got danged and sunk. the ukrainians say the opposite. if the ukrainians did indeed strike this ship as they did less than three weeks ago like another ship, it shows the capacity that we thought certainly the russians thought that they never had. what do you make of it? >> yeah, it's -- it would be a massive blow to the russians if in fact their flagship ship was sunk by the ukrainians. i remain skeptical about this. we need more information. if the ukrainians can reach out and touch the russians in such a dramatic way, that's something that they should be proud of and we should applaud. >> neil: so where are you seeing this war now? we talk about the next phase, the battle on land, on the coastal cities and the east. it's going to be brutal. they have more heavy equipment now that they were looking for. i'm just wondering how you see it sorting out now there. >> there's a massif shift as everybody knows to the east, to the regions of donetsk and luhansk. i think putins that every effort to take over completely from kharkiv all the way down to odesa. at this point he doesn't have odesa. if he can do that and he can do that quickly with a perhaps a -- destroying or causing the surrender of the ukrainian armed forces which are the best that they have from kyiv that are forward stationed, then i think that putin could all of a sudden call victory and draw land in the dirt there and say, you know, this is the dividing line. he goes home and on may 9 he will celebrate victory day for world war ii and he will applaud his soldiers. now, you know, that's the short answer. the longer answer, neil, is that perhaps this could be protracted as general milley said a week ago. that this could last years. but it really depends upon what the russians want. are they going to be satisfied with just a chunk of the east or are they more grandiose in their ambitions and really the only person that can answer that is vladimir putin. >> neil: colonel, what do you make of russia threatening finland and sweden, even threatening nuclear deployments if either or both countries follow-through on their interest in joining nato? what do you think? >> buy the rest of those countries have hesitated a long time. i think the writing on the wall right now, neil, is that it's time to get the nato umbrella to cover those two countries. finland was a neutral player during world war ii. certainly hurt the russian front to a certain degree. but with the pressure being put on the baltics, with the pressure and now obviously against even poland, hungary, bulgaria, i think that there's a real a wakening in europe that their safety is no longer guaranteed. they need to have some assurance. i think that president biden's decision to add another $800 million worth of security assistance equipment such as howitzers and radars, more javelins, more stingers and so forth is really a step in the right direction. but it's really up to mr. putin to decipher what that means and whether or not he's going to be satisfied with just staying in the eastern part of ukraine or is this just a step going forward in the next, you know, effort that he has in a long series of activities beginning with georgia, crimea, this and what is next. >> neil: you think the president should go to ukraine? he was quickly asked that today. i guess in response to four other nato leaders who had joined president zelensky only a few days after boris johnson of britain did the same. what do you think? >> yeah, i think it was very significant over the weekend when boris johnson was walking down the street with zelensky. it made a bold statement. bold statement that was resonated in moscow, which is important. if nato and the european union along with the united states are to remain resilient in push-back against authoritarian there in the kremlin, they have to appear united and they have to appear with zelensky. if in fact zelensky is who they're going to support. >> neil: colonel, thanks very much. i appreciate it. we hit a lot of topics but i wanted to pick your brain. thank you. all right. the big news today certainly in new york was, you know, the formal arrest of frank james. now ordered held without bail by a federal judge a day after his arrest in manhattan. the judge made a very simple decision that he couldn't be released on bail because of the attacks on the mass transit system. let's go to bryan llenas following all of this from the beginning in brooklyn on what we're in store for now. bryan? >> neil, yeah, frank james, 62 years old, was denied bail by the judge. deemed too much of a threat to the community as well as a flight risk. james appeared in court without handcuffs or shackles. his defense attorney requested that her client be given a medical psychiatric evaluation. after court his attorney confirmed that james was caught after he called police himself and told him that he was at the mcdonald's in the lowest east side. >> we caution against a rush to judgment. what we do know is this: yesterday mr. james saw his photograph on the news. he called crimestoppers to help. he told them where he was. >> james face as terrorism charge for allegedly attacking a mass transit system. prosecutors say the evidence against james is strong. he allegedly left his gun and cell phone at the crime scene. they are zeroing in on social media videos james posted. "the defendant has a history of posting violent videos on his social media accounts. he instructed others how to make a molotov cocktail. he state add desire to kill and shoot people. neither the criminal complaints mentioned the racist comments james reportedly made in the videos also. he ranted against white people, race issues and an upcoming race war. james has been arrested a dozen teams for low level offenses but never on the fbi's radar till now. neil? >> neil: thanks, my friend. bryan llenas following that in brooklyn to howard safer, the former nypd commissioner. it's interesting when the judge decides i'm going to keep you in jail on this terrorist attack and again citing him for as the terrorist attack. that's a leap from what we've seen in the past when we have these kind of incidents. do you agree this is a terrorist attack? >> i agree. it's a domestic terrorist attack. i think it's great. based on the bail reform law in new york, he had been taken to the district attorney's office in manhattan, he probably would be back out on the street. so i think prosecuting him is a terrific move. >> neil: you know, this idea that he called in and that helped identify where he was, what do you make of that and what do you -- it could have been -- you and i have chatted about this, could have been so much worse. what do you make of this guy? >> i don't know what his mental state is has to be determined. maybe he's just out there looking to get his face on tv. this is a guy who -- he's not a master criminal. he left his gun, his credit card, his car keys. this is either a disturbed individual or somebody who is just a horrible criminal. >> neil: you know, commissioner, not surprisingly, people in new york were very slow to come back to the city post the pandemic. slow to come back now because of covid but because of crime. it's a very big issue. this is just sort of re-ignited those concerns. we understand the only reason why a lot of train stations were exceptionally crowded yesterday is all the ubers and taxi cabs were taken. i'm wondering if things settled down, whether we're back to that same angst about people not only wanting to take public transportation, certainly subways in new york, but maybe not coming in to new york at all. what do you tell them? i think injury right. crime is up in every category in new york. shootings are up. what really disturbs me is the collateral damage that is happening from these criminals with guns. killing teenagers, innocent women. people just walking on the street. we really have to do something about taking back this city. we did it in the late 90s and 2000s. we can do it again. mayor adams has to get a strong backbone and not listen to the loudest voices. we have to go back to broken windows, go back to stop and frisk and send a message that is not being sent now to criminals that if you commit a crime, you'll get arrested and stay in jail. >> neil: do you get a sense, commissioner, that it doesn't look like this assailant had any help, but you always worry about the ideas it gives others at a time when there's been a lot of train and subway incidents, people pushed on to tracks, attacked and rail cars, et cetera. any advice you would give those in a similar situation because you're very vulnerable when those subway doors close. how you handle that? what do you do? >> yeah, absolutely. you know, you have to be aware of what is around you. you have to look at who is around you. you have to look and see if people -- like this guy was dressed in construction uniform. but didn't really make sense when you look at it. you know, if something happens, you have to get down low. as soon as you can get out of the train, get out of the train. i think you're right. i think a lot of people are not going to go back to the subway for a while. >> neil: all right. it is a scary time. but the relief this week is what could have been more horrific was not for righter reasons. the bravery of new yorkers and the uncanny skills of the new york police department. so it's still there. thank you, commissioner. very good seeing you again. we mentioned earlier, talking about ukraine, a number of fellow leaders have gone to visit president zelensky. we saw boris johnson. hints that maybe joe biden is open to doing the same thing. we don't know for sure but we do have right now with us senator steve daines of montana, what he thinks about that. senator, great to have you. you are in ukraine now, correct? >> that's correct. i'm standing here in kyiv. >> what is it like there now, senator? >> well, neil, it was quite a day. we went up about 20 miles north and west of kyiv up to bucha where the horrific images come of the innocent civilians that were executed by the russians. we were watching what was going on, excavating these bodies, exhuing the bodies and processing them as a war crime. i'm seen a lot of things over the years in terms of storm damages and accidents. i've never seen anything like this. these were children, these were children who were murdered. these were innocent moms and dads and grandfathers. grandmothers who were living normal lives in their homes. they were destroyed. we were looking on the rubble. i found a little wooden tractor, a little toy that a child had sitting there in the rubble. as a father of four, three grandchildren, it's pretty close to home. i can tell you that the sooner that we can provide ukraine with the lethal aid that they need to win this war, the sooner that we will end the humanitarian crisis. i can tell you i'm having diner tonight with ukrainian military leaders here in kyiv. the war crimes are going on as we speak. someone described ukraine as one great big crime scene. that is true. the russians are continuing to commit war crimes in ukraine. what we found in bucha is going on here. >> neil: you think it's genocide? the president does. >> i'll tell you what it is. it's atrocities, it's war crimes. there's an irrefutable case being made for the war crimes of vladimir putin and the soldiers that committed them. in fact, we found in some of the houses where these russian soldiers would break in and commit horrendous acts, horrific acts. we found some information, they showed it to me literally, a pocket diaries that have the names, the birthdays of the soldiers, the parents names of the soldiers. basically they provided a lot of evidence. they need to be prosecuted by the international crime commission to the fullest extend. spending time here today, neil, the stench of death was there to watch these innocent being exhumed from the shallow graves. it was in the background of a church. so you have the contrast of good and evil. we saw the goodness of the mess, the resurrection of hope and one view, looking at the evil of this world and the evil of vladimir putin and what he has done through his soldiers to these innocent people. >> neil: senator, i want to thank you very much. please be safe out there. have a happy and blessed easter as well. senator daines from montana in kyiv as we speak. all of this at a time when the president himself was asked today if he's ready to go to ukraine. he replied yeah. but we don't know much more than that. jennifer griffin at the pentagon with more. it's a whole other level when you have the president of the united states going to a war zone like this. you're in kyiv, ukraine right now. i misspoke. what is the sense there and -- of how different it would be if a u.s. president were to follow other nato leaders and boris johnson and go there? >> it would be incredible leadership. boris johnson opened the way. you have senator daines. i was upstairs with congress woman victoria sparks. we were walking the same streets in the last 48 hours. we saw for ourselves the destruction. just 20 minutes north of kyiv. we also went to a hospital today to meet with one of the wounded soldiers who was injured very badly in the battle for bucha. soldiers that fought in the battle of kyiv like anton, a combat medic that was blown up by a mine left by russian fighters, volunteers for the front and was injured after a month of being shelled under grouped. >> hit a mine at 120 millimeter. broke both legs. this bone was damaged and this tendon. some little -- here and there. but not critical. >> it's been a little over a week since the russians pulled out here on the outskirts of kyiv. the destruction that is left behind is almost unfathomable. this street was strewn with tanks just days ago. they've been hauled away. the destruction that we've seen, the rubble, we have traveled from town to town. we spoke to some of those rescue workers and followed one woman back to her home. she was an older woman who was riding her bike. she described how the russians came. she told them that they couldn't park a tank in her yard. >> the russian soldier said we will sleep in your house and place our tank near your house. i said you can't do that. i have a husband in the house. i have cow in the stables. they set the tank opposite across the road. i said you can't put it in any yard. >> she took us to meet her neighbor. that neighbor still had the bloodied clothes of a russian soldier. story on story where they would come in their homes, smash their phones. sometimes they would stay. often they moved on. what is clear right now is that the destruction left behind is going to take a long time to rebuild and now ukraine is preparing as the russians regroup and prepare to go in to the east. again, the destruction that we've seen today is really hard to fathom. now they're starting to clean up in bucha and other towns. these weeks with strewn with corps of people and tanks. the tanks hit by javelin an anti tank missiles. this young man told me that he was hooded and beaten and held by russian soldiers for three days before they let him go in the middle of the night. >> it was more like a torture experience. they were beaten. putting the hoods on their head to restrict their breathing during the interrogation. >> a senior u.s. defense official said today that defense secretary austin was told by the general walters in europe that they could do some training of ukrainian forces inside europe. those on some of these new weapons that will be sent in to ukraine. back to you, neil. >> neil: thanks, jennifer griffin. passing along the director of the cia says putin's desperation could prompt him to use chemical or nuclear weapons. he highly doubts it but he does say this is williams burns, the director, that -- >> judge jeanine: hello, everyone i'm judge jeanine pirro along with dana perino, and greg gutfeld, jesse watters. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." the world's richest man taking bold action to save speech, elon musk attempting hostile takeover of twitter by offering to buy the entire company for $43 billion in cash.

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Treatments , Difference , Title , Kind , Public Health Restrictions , Tools , 42 , Standard , Border , Thoughts , Requirements , Migrants , Wonder , 97 , Double Standard , 97 , Sense , Transportation , Person , Air Airplane , What S Going On , Coughing , Sneeding , Airlines , Decision Making , Add , Anything , Proportion , Kids Under 5 , Kids , Data , Cdc Goats Next , News , Warship , Russian , Pointman , Recommendations , Pediatricians , Coronavirus , Russians , Damage , Water , Wasn T Hit , Bee Buzzing , Fan , Home , Frank James , Fast , Heartburn , Talker , Budget , Possibility , Lowe S , Springfest , Fast Walker , Gary , Relief , Nexium , Fans , Pepcid , Prilosec Otc , 24 , Four , Bushes Rustling , Music , Door Opening , Protection , Vehicle , Seat Protector , Drill Mudflaps , Weathertech , Floorliners , Hon , Cargoliner , Bumpstep , Cupfone , Car , Gong Rings , Is Joe , Breath , Capful , Combative Yelling , Stores , With Priceline , Therabreath , Zoom Call , Vacation Hi , 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Call Victory , Land , Best , Surrender , Victory Day , Dividing Line , World War Ii , Say , Dirt , 9 , May 9 , Answer , Milley , Ambitions , Chunk , Colonel , Countries , Deployments , Writing On The Wall , Either , Sweden , Front , Umbrella , Player , Degree , Hungary , Baltics , Bulgaria , Poland , Joe Biden , Europe , Real A Wakening , Safety , Assurance , Step , Mr , Worth , Direction , Radars , Javelins , Security Assistance , Stingers , Howitzers , Series , Next , Georgia , Zelensky , Boris Johnson , The Street , Same , Britain , Push Back , Moscow , European Union , Brain , Topics , Kremlin , New York , Manhattan , Arrest , Mass Transit System , Bryan Llenas , Attacks , Couldn T , Videos James , Store , Beginning , Court , Flight Risk , Bryan , 62 , Defense Attorney , Attorney , Shackles , Psychiatric , Client , Evaluation , Handcuffs , Police , Mcdonald S , East Side , Rush To Judgment , Face , Terrorism Charge , Photograph , Saw , Crime Scene , Evidence , Zeroing , Cell Phone 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