Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240709

in new york city tonight. >> the president is a racist and he is a demagogue. >> greg: over the past six month americans have seen the largest increase in traffic deaths since we began tracking them 40 years ago, back when kat was only five. therefore the lemonheads see it. >> 36,800 ute deaths -- the most fatalities since 2007 and that's even with pandemic cautions drastically reducing the number of drivers on the road, so what gives? some experts are saying this is due to an overall lack of civility in our society, lack of civility we have seen in school board meetings over mask mandates and on airplanes. >> greg: which again raises the question, did don lemon get any oxygen at birth? where was he born? on the moon? ris, some experts are blaming lack of civility the kind of incivility you see as school board meetings over mask. i wonder who he could be talking about. all those carts in its most because by angry parents are conservatives upset over a tax on their civil liberties. that's the biggest stretch since dana perino try to open a car door. but thank god for some experts and their mysterious data. that evidence is harder to find than a cnn viewer. so i guess the traffic fatalities couldn't have anything to do with the reduction of police on the streets or less enforcement of traffic infractions. just thinking that would make you as racist as those guys who beat up jesse small at look, i was someone who drove during the pandemic -- actually was being driven and it got to say he only looks great from behind. but one thing was obvious, there were fewer cars in the road and people on the road took advantage of it. it had zilch to do with civility and everything to do with opportunity. traffic laws became public suggestions, but expecting lemon to understand incentives and disincentives is like expecting tyrus to fit into my leather chaps. it's not happening with without a lot of olive oil. >> it's still not happening. >> greg: i can dream. but it's funny watching professor stupid admitting there's a crime wave after you are so of denying the cream ways. >> a few more weeks until 2021 comes to close but it's already going down as the year with us soaring number of homicides across the country. the murder rate in some cities breaking records. experts say that stress from the covid pandemic is definitely playing a role here with the major factor? guns. >> greg: cat drunk dialing makes -- when you're forced to wear a mask you might as well rob somebody at gunpoint, right? and yes, the gun is behind the violence because the pandemic has been able to cause guns to get up on their tiny little gun feet and pull their own triggers with their tiny little gun hands. i call it the alec baldwin effect. no changes to gun laws occurred during this time frame. the overwhelming majority of gun crimes are committed with illegally obtained weapons. so the real reason for the crime wave rests on the shoulders of people like lemon. we like his putrid peers in the media played down the crime wave as it emerged and even made fun of the people who were sounding the alarm, which allowed the wave to grow unfettered. so do we really have to play that tape again, greg? yes, we really have to play that tape again, greg. >> democratic cities are in chaos right now. is this what you want from joe biden, and they are going to take your country way and they are taking down the statues. >> crime is rising as they defund police. >> my gosh, it's so bad. >> you listen to conservative media, you would think that entire cities are just, you know, and brawled and fights and fires and whatever. we went out and had a great dinner new york city. people actually walked up to us and said thank you, i watch overnight. >> greg: like the olsen twins, that hasn't aged well. [scattered laughter] by the way, what the hell is going on over at cnn? you got that jeffrey toobin guy, now cuomo. now he gets arrested for allegedly trying to -- have you seen that story? it's as sick is bleak. they're going to have to change the slogan to the most busted name and news. their rosters more deviant or less than jeffrey epstein's black book. anyway, i told chris wallace that maybe this is not the best time to go to cnn. [scattered applause] sorry. like being on the patriots and asking to be traded to the jets. but apparently is going to their streaming platform. let's hope streaming means what i think it means. you never know over at cnn. and what a surprise. instead of doing a segment on the elected in their midst, cnn is fabricating -- using wallace to deflect. >> chris wallace is one of the, you know, the journalists that is at fox who stands out like a sore thumb because the network has become more and more and more radicalized both in the trump years and now in the biking years. >> greg: wallace sticks out like a sore thumb. that's an unoriginal metaphor my captain jowls. it's been used more times than your waffle iron. you should have said chris wallace sticks out like my belly when i undo my bathrobe after dinner. and fox is radicalized? if only weight watchers would radicalize you, brian. the corpulent chrome sucker also seemed to avoid chris cuomo's scheme to smear our very own janice dean, allegedly calling her that fox whether -- in text after she criticized chris's brother for transferring covid patients to nursing home so he referred to her as that. how stupid is that? everyone knows that's al rocher's nickname. when asked her she felt about being called that, janice said hey, at least it's not [indiscernible]. but the fact is the media can't accurately report on anything, whether it's perversions or fatalities, since they are always implicated in them. while deaths spiked and they buried them because they champion policies and ideas that contributed to that, they lauded defunding police and then they tried to camouflage it by saying it's really just a funding shift, it's like planting a bush in front of a septic tank. they tried to hide the consequences of their destructive beliefs. they supported no cash bail while championing the shutdowns, turning the city streets into a john wicks equal minus the breeding. but as long as lemon can have a nice evening meal outside, none of the consequent as exist. you should never believe the murder rate if a cnn anchor just ate a good sirloin. now we have a record high murder rates in major cities run by liberal mayors. we have soaring traffic accidents, we have an explosion and hate crimes, which forces lemon to switch from lying to blaming something vague and unprovable. but hey, it's the closest to honest that he's been in years. [scattered applause] >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. she's so southern her ringtone is 14 minutes of free bird. fox business anchor dagen mcdowell! he knows dividends like kat nose split ends, former director of the [indiscernible]! she is like a garden hose, slim, refreshing and often found curled up in your back yard, fox news contributor kat timpf! and his stocking is so big santa had to make a second trip. the world tv champion, tyrus! larry, so much to cover in that amazing monologue i wrote, you're welcome. what is up, who would move to cnn at this point when everybody at cnn -- to have to count -- you have to figure out who hasn't been busted for some kind of deviancy. you've got a chronic -- i should shut up, right? where you going with this inmac i was actually going to go through all the crimes -- the show would be over. you know. but anyway. what are your thoughts? [laughter] >> save america, kill the bill. [weird laughter] >> i will stop right away. >> greg: crime is up, the economy is not back to normal. is this ever going to get better? >> well look, i'm lemon is never going to get better it's kind of dumb to ignore what is clearly a crime wave, but it just happens to be in the cities of these democratic mayors, and it is getting worse. in other words, you've got record murder rates, and that can't be a coincidence. they are all run by, you know, far left, progressive politicians who don't believe in cash bail, who do believe in revolving doors. but this crazy guy here. guy burns down fox's christmas tree and it's dismissed. dismissed. he just has some issues, some mental issues. no he doesn't. he had a record three arms long and had been seen by our security guards, mostly ex-cops, god bless all of them. he had been hanging around fox plaza for quite some time saying f fox, f fox. people knew that. it might've been a hate crime. it was certainly a hate crime against christmas, for heaven sakes and smooths celebrate appear he's now on the streets. he's back out there at fox plaza, that is nuts. but that is typical of what happens in these democratic cities. >> greg: the good news is he's going to be one lucky guy on outnumbered tomorrow. >> okay. >> greg: i'm kidding, dagen! giving me the side either. we have so much to choose from. we have cuomo trying to smear janice dean. that's the wrong lady to smear. >> i'm not going to get on her bad side. >> greg: exactly. there is no bad side. >> but that's what we always knew they were, andy and chris, so they just showed themselves. but they do -- you know, i spent a lot of time today trying to get inside lemons had, so i couldn't do it. i'm feeling pretty proud of myself. they do something and we were kind of talking about it in the green room, that and your indigestion. they do this thing -- why their tv sucks -- why they suck his people is because they are not thinking about the viewer they are talking to and the camera. they do this thing whatever friend of mine calls better deal you. they're always looking right by your eye or over the top of your head looking for somebody better to talk to. they don't care about you. they care about somebody is important or more important than them who might get them their next job. that's all they -- >> greg: short. they could just look over my head. >> that's out there -- i experience this the entire time i've lived in new york city. >> greg: that's terrible. tyrus, do want to talk about car accidents, crime? >> i love car accidents. >> greg: want to talk about don lemon? >> what's the difference? the velour is back. the car accidents and don lemon's advice, about pretty much the same thing. if you look at some of the people that he has taken under his wing, michael avenatti. the brady bunch window with cuomo -- love you, love you. go to dinner, go to dinner. i've got this problem with my brother. how about the jussie smollett case, he was really good at giving me advice there and getting the scoop. they are not believing a story, i have a better one. so i think the consensus should be that anytime don lemon is on your tv, it's probably because you're in the middle of trying to change between something and you get stuck. keep going, because his advice is horrible. and if he takes you under his wing, if he doesn't look over your head to talk to you, he looks directly at you, you should then go home, immediate we find someone who loves you and likes you and have them remove the target that's on your back because bad things are going to happen to you when don lemon takes a liking to you and starts giving you advice on how to handle your business, because look at everybody he's given advice to. >> greg: that's true. >> whatever he tells you to do, do the opposite of and you should be just fine. >> greg: i never thought of it that way. i'm steering clear of him, kat. >> okay. >> greg: last word to you, pick any topic. >> very good job on the question. i just don't get what he was saying. i don't get how he reached that conclusion. there's more car accidents because of -- if all of the cars in the accident were like pickup trucks with gun racks on the back, then i'd say maybe it is a conservative thing, but i don't think so. i get out of the government all the time and i don't think to myself you know, i'm going to get behind will blindfolded and wreck [bleep] up. >> i think i can help you here, kat. >> please. >> you're coming from a place of account ability and if you have an issue, you solve it. he's more like -- you know he's just kind of saying stuff. he doesn't really -- whatever sticks, that's the facts. >> sick of saying conservatives are covid murderers, so now it's vehicular homicide. >> he's evolved. >> by the way, as a redneck, i speak from personal experience. rednecks with a new pickup truck and a gun in the rack are the most careful drivers buried >> greg: that is true. >> they do not want -- you better be careful getting out -- you know, getting out of your car, you better not bump that dude. >> i'm not a redneck but i'm a redneck sympathizer. and i also understand that new car smell and new car, it's the most important thing in the life. the last thing you're going to do is get a dent on it or smear or anything unless you specifically sam going budding. >> greg: guess. next, biden plunges in the ratings while kamala remains nauseating. ♪ ♪ - hi, i'm steve. - i'm lea. and we live in north pole, alaska. - i'm a retired school counselor. 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[scattered laughter. but it's not just the press, the late host are still -- hopefully after his diaper was changed. >> how much you pay attention to approval ratings? >> president biden: well, not anymore. i'm joking. [laughter] [applause] the mid 60s, if it's not in -- >> i appreciate the honesty. because you came in, you came in hot and then you got to medium and now you're at a low but you've just got to keep your head down and just keep doing the right thing buried >> greg: what better place for biden to say he doesn't care about bad ratings. apparently jimmy fallon doesn't care either. question him! meanwhile, vp harris, or as biden calls her, lady what's her face him a brushing of negative media coverage about her in an interview, she called the headlines ridiculous and that is par for the course. that's a golf phrase, kat. "there's nothing about this job that is supposed to be easy. if something is coming to me, he needs to be addressed and because, by definition, it's not going to be easy." if it was easy, it would have been handled before it comes to me. except that everything about the vp's job is supposed to be easy. you don't even get fired if the shooting someone in the face. [laughter] shout out to dick cheney. but it could be that people are coming to you not to solve a problem, it's because they heard your lap and fought a donkey had his leg caught in a trap. what do you think, joe? >> look, look, look, you don't go after kamala, all right? you come after me. the big guy. that's why i got into this business, and that's why am ready. got to be ready to take the tough problems and blame somebody for them. who gets the blame? donald trump. i'm ready. global warming. the unvaccinated. see what i mean? i'm always ready. you've got to be prepared in this job. when that phone rings and wakes you up at 4:00 p.m., you've got to be ready to go. come on, man! [scattered applause] >> greg: kat, you know what drives me crazy, it's that everybody in the media is offering advice. like this didn't ever happen with trump, no one was ever trying to help trump whenever there was something going on, but for some reason it's like everybody has advice for joe because joe is having a hard time. >> yeah -- although sometimes advice can be the worst when you're having a hard time, leave me alone. but yeah, they do, they help him, they help kamala. that interview was really easy on her too, they didn't fact-checker on any of her obvious lies like when she said i love people. [laughter] i would be like name five things level people. >> greg: or name five people. >> yeah, name five people by name. she would fall apart. >> or five staffers. >> exactly. you don't love people. >> greg: people at the magazine. >> full of people, which she hates. >> greg: it's true. tyrus, you know what, i love the fact that chuck todd is blaming all this on the fact that trump is still alive. but trump is still here, it's got to be his fault. >> i mean, he was close, it's 100% twitters fault. they took the red monster -- or orange, i can't remember -- i'm color-blind. the orange monster away so he can't chime in and bail us out. they are stuck, they miss him, they're probably like yo, twitter, okay, seriously, it was good at first, but we really need a 3:00 a.m. tweet. you know? >> greg: yes. >> is there anyone around that we can get going i can start this off? because they are actually calling us on our [bleep], this is not fun anymore, this job was supposed to be we do stuff, trump criticized us on social media, we talk about that, get book deals and the no one really pays attention to the burning country around us because we focus in on trump, and i love this woke-is in response to everything. greg, if you let me sit in his chair, going to make people laugh and everyone is going to think i'm your bodyguard so they are going to think you're famous. my first show, nobody laughed, and people just walked by me and didn't pay attention to you. i did not fulfill my promises. is that my fault? is it? >> greg: yes. >> are we sure? >> greg: i don't know. >> because i told you was going to do something and then i've not done it, so it's 100% my fault. >> greg: right, yes. >> so joe said he was going to -- how do you get rid of a person other than like get rid of a person? and he didn't do either, he made him worse. so it's 150% his fault. >> greg: there you go. >> thank you, class dismissed. >> greg: dagen, every week is a new bottom. you know? just think about that. >> sexists would say. >> not in my house. a few times a day. i think that this is a ploy though that biden's biggest cheerleaders appear to be chalk toad, as you call them, and joy behar. this is a ploy for some people to feel sorry for. that's all he's got left, these highly odious -- >> greg: if you see these, except that we've never seen joy or chuck together. >> it could be. i think the two of them is like beautiful punch bowl of toilet water and yegor meister. >> my favorite! >> we've been there. >> greg: larry kudlow -- >> can i just put a fact? >> greg: please don't, don't put a fact in. >> chuck todd and all this blaming of trump. democratic pollster mark penn's, one of the better ones in the business, he runs his harvard harris poll. okay, trump is now beating biden. he's beating him by three to five points, and he's now beating kamala harris by nine to 11 points. so you can blame trump, but meanwhile, the rest of the country is blaming the guy in charge. his name is biden. he is the most unpopular politician in quite some time. in the country does not like any of his policies. not a single policy. not on crime, not on immigration, not on spending and taxing. in fact. in fact, two numbers came out friday that probably are going to destroy his whole plan. one of them was 6.9% consumer price index and the other one was a $5 trillion repricing by the cbo. >> greg: right. >> it's not just one year, it's going to be ten years and everybody knows that. >> greg: larry, that's a lot of facts. >> saving america, kill the bill. the bill is dead after those two numbers, and that, by the way, is why biden's poles are so terrible and why he is actually losing to my former boss, donald trump buried >> can i add something about the cuomo brothers? two words, [bleep] them! [scattered cheers] >> greg: okay, was it to brash to have teachers dash for cash? >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: was the game well meaning, utterly demeaning? teachers fought for cash like peasants and most found it quite unpleasant. video gone viral of south dakota educators, they have them there, scrambling for $5,000 in singles to help pay for school supplies. look at that. it was like a strip club without the strippers. of so basically it's not like a strip club. i should really put more effort into these analogies. a mortgage company organized the dash for cash event at a local hockey game which saw teachers trying to grab as much money as possible in under 5 minutes. i've been there. one of the organizers called it awesome and said teachers deserve whatever the heck they get. still, others on twitter come including teachers union boss randi weingarten, are calling the event out, saying it's demeaning and teachers shouldn't have to dash for dollars per classroom supplies. of course it was a volunteer event, so no one was forced to do anything, like, you know, joining a corrupt teacher's unit that cares more about preserving power than educating kids. but if you thought this was demeaning, you should have seen what they originally planned on having the teachers do. [scattered laughter] >> greg: i wouldn't mind it. you know, the real problem with this was that they were $1 bills. i mean, they're not factoring in inflation under biden's america. it should have probably been ten or 20's. >> i appreciate it but the fiscal questions goes to him. a former teacher, i couldn't be more -- i couldn't laugh more in the faces of people saying demeaning. because you would never do it. you would never get on your hands and knees and grab every dollar for your classroom you probably do it, wouldn't even cross your little mind, how you might actually have to deal with them because you know what, for every kid in a screaming and cheering for his teacher, that's a kid who is invested now because the teacher is willing to do that. and teachers, the reason why they're doing this is because maybe this week it won't come out of their own pocket. i spent more money as a teacher on my classroom and my students than the paycheck i was getting. i was putting myself in debt, so if you would have told me that i would have to get down in a hockey rink and grab every dollar with other teachers who care about the classrooms, the probably wouldn't have gotten anything. of [laughter] >> greg: there you go. they made a good point, what do you think? >> i with all my heart want to attack the teachers union every chance i get. and blame him, who has come up -- he is just the worst left of the left but i do think it's demeaning. >> greg: really? >> yes, i do. first of all, i don't understand why they would do this. second of all, what about the governor of south dakota -- south dakota is growing, she's done a pretty good job, kristi noem, why would she allow this? why would they be short of money in a prosperous state like that and also the federal government has literally thrown hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars in education, probably for no good use but i'm just saying i hate to see these people on their hands and knees -- >> you're looking at the wrong way because it used to be the teacher would sit and he would throw baseball at the thing in the water and to donate. this is what teachers do. we are boots on the ground, we are entertaining -- our kids see this, this is how you bring them in. >> greg: dagen it's like -- can be demeaning at also fun, right? you know what i'm saying. >> i do. >> greg: i've done a lot of demeaning things that i really enjoyed. i can show you some pictures. >> this is not even in my top 50 of demeaning acts. the kids will think this is cool. they are like -- the teachers did a cash grab, this is the american way. who didn't, at age four like elbow to me and scotty when santa was throwing candy off the sleigh in the christmas parade? >> have you ever been to a wedding? the bouquet. >> you hit -- >> greg: that's more demeaning, the bouquet, when all the single ladies have to group up. >> i don't do that. but a pinata with candy, you're fighting -- by the way, adult men at like a baseball game. >> greg: fighting over a foul ball. >> fighting over a $3 t-shirt out of the t-shirt cannon buried >> because he came out of the cannon, it's special! >> exactly! stepping on little children trying to catch a t-shirt from a scantily clad woman. >> there's just got to be a better way. this just got to be a better way. >> greg: is there a better way? >> i just think this is a great argument. what randi doesn't understand is this is occurring into the system that she is so influential over. i think this is a great argument against that system. if this is what we need to do, we spent a lot of money and education. it's a better argument for privatizing it than anything. >> greg: this doesn't happen in homeschooling. i don't even know what that means. i just wanted to button it up. >> i'm all for school choice, and i'm all against the teachers union, but that's not the best way to do it. that can't be. >> greg: you know what, i just think -- you know what, i don't really care. it's just a fun story, i like the visual of these people groping for money on the ground and i didn't have to go downtown to do it. coming up, the megamoney lever who made time magazines cover. ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ [upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout] ♪ ♪ >> greg: our favorite billionaire weirdo is time's person of the year-do. elon musk -- never heard of him -- has been named due to the year by the magazine you forgot was there which company into spend an extra hundred dollars so we could own time as well in addition to being the world which is men, sealtest l'enfant of spacex, is also major advocate for colonizing mars. that's a planet, kat. and getting haircuts after 50. i believe that particular style is called "i'm super rich so you're going to sleep with me anyway was quote. that's why he was chosen this year, they write in the profile. "he has spent a lifetime defying the haters." now it seems he's finally a position put them in their place for 2021 with the year of elon unbound. what? because before this year he was just a genius multibillionaire that dated beautiful actresses. looks like the magazine is late again. pretty bad for a magazine named time period of time also says he's one of the few people worthy of being described as larger-than-life. i suppose they haven't met you-know-who. [scattered applause] i am! i am. his musk really though right choice for the person of the year? brian kilmeade's therapist goes unrecognized? what about the yahoo! groups kat 's hair extensions? talk about an unsung hero. that's a good quick round out of this. who should be person of the year? shouldn't it rhyme with smeg smutfeld? >> i think it should be the person who still reads time. the singer person. it's a pamphlet. >> greg: larry, who should be the person of the year? i actually do think this is a good choice. i love elon musk. >> i think elon musk is terrific, he's really smart and here's another thing i really love about him. i'm surprised the lefties would give him this award. he is the biggest electric car maker right? number one. so he has come out totally opposed to all of bidens green new deal subsidies for electric cars and batteries. he's against it. and that's very cool. in effect he just came out against bidens entire bill, which the rest of the country also hates. so for a ceo and a smart guy and time put him on the cover, he's a conservative, he's a libertarian, he's very cool. i'm for him, i like the guy. >> greg: you know, tyrus, is he a savior or super villain? >> he's neither. he's a -- he is there hope, he's the moderate democrats' hope. because the progressives hate him. first of all, he doesn't fill in enough boxes to be person of their accomplishments by just pure being good with money. that's racist buried him so he's out of there, you know? and i hate to be the one to bring this up, but apparently he's a white male. >> greg: and straight. >> apparently he's a breeder. you can a couple of breeders in your neighborhood, all hell breaks loose. the little things running on -- >> greg: what are those things anyway? >> i don't know, they're bad. so he is disqualified by every leftist magazine on the planet and time is going -- he can stand up to him, he stand up to biden, he is still here, you can't cancel him because he will just write you a check. >> greg: i wish you would write me a check. i should be men of your for rescuing late night from a humorless left. [scattered cheers] >> greg: they agree. they agree. >> how did that feel? >> greg: 10,000 people in the audience, good. >> you want me to agree with you? yeah, yes. although, i don't get this. if influential -- i'm not influenced by him. >> greg: no? >> no. >> greg: who would you want? >> your line, everyone is lying if you say anyone other than your own self his or her own self's person influential of the year. >> so put a mirror. >> yeah, me. for me only. >> greg: didn't they do that once? >> and everyone puts in their twitter bio, this year -- blah, blah, blah, most official person, but they're really not. it's not that funny. >> it's not. >> greg: it's not. i think our show proves that again and again. for example, in this segment. all right, up next, peleton took pity after a death on "sex and the city." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes look clean, there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. >> greg: he died sooner than expected so peloton had him resurrected. i speak of the fictional heart attack death of the fictional character in the "sex and the city" reboot. yes, there is a in the city reboot. emphasis on boot. thank you. >> keep going. >> greg: sarah jessica parker heard about a man-made virus unleashed from a lab that killed millions and said china, hold my latte. anyway, peloton claims that although it knew one of its bikes would appear in the reboot, it had no idea it would be used to kill off a character. it's the worst product placement since jerry sandusky were nikes. it makes sense that he would ride a bike though, he's already written the horse. i don't even get that joke. so peloton brought the character back to life and one of its commercials starring one of its popular cyclists. look. >> to new beginnings. >> to new beginnings. you look great. >> i feel great. shall we take another ride? life is too short not to. >> greg: hope it works, peloton toxic report of fell 11% after the airing of the episode which is coincident with the same percentage of people who still give a flying leap about "sex and the city." this is a sham and a scam, right, dagen? >> it all -- it feels false to me. >> greg: it feels false to me too. >> it feels very manufactured, they have this magic commercial that comes out after the fact. >> greg: suddenly. >> i'm stupefied by those who sold the stock because of fictional character drops dead on the tv show, which i did watch both of the first two episodes, and i will just say they're not cool, they are cocoon. >> greg: i enjoyed "cocoon." larry, you watched the reboot twice. can't get enough of it. >> i prefer lifestream -- >> a couple guest star spots in there, doesn't it? >> greg: you're the love interest. >> i just don't get if they want to kill the guy off, off a treadmill, couldn't they do better than that, their scriptwriters? that's kind of a boring way to do it. >> how would you like to see him killed? >> is a lot of wonderful -- might even make the show interesting. if they should have put kim back in the show because she's really the best of the lot. >> greg: you're not a sarah jessica parker fan. unconsidered the kim of the show. i guess you didn't know that. >> we did know that >> i don't even know -- >> i just inc. it's a pity the stock crashed. >> greg: by the way, i love peloton, it's my favorite exercise device, kat. >> we know. >> greg: aside from the magic fingers. i don't even know that is. remember used to be on a bed? >> in motels. >> greg: yes, the motels, the magic fingers. $0.50 on the bed would vibrate. especially if you had somebody there, it was great. i don't even know what my question is, just answer it. >> i don't -- after that? i have to talk? >> greg: yes. i've never seen any of the "sex and the city," ever. >> what you looking at me for, i can't help you. >> it's like they live in new york city and they have sex. cool. >> greg: that's basically it. and the dialogue is absolutely atrocious. >> i don't doubt it. >> greg: i watched some of it. i have the box set. sometimes i just spread it out on my bed on my comforter and just roll around. roll around. >> thanks for the visual. >> if they had just had a killing and a good murder and a police chase it would have been an interesting show. >> greg: your talk about "cops." they should have killed kim. they should have killed kim. >> there should have put her back in and kill the other one. >> greg: kill sarah jessica parker. tyrus, bring us home on this last very strange and sad topic. >> i kind of like the commercials. what's his name, deadpool. >> greg: ryan reynolds. >> we didn't see the whole clip, but then he tells all the good things that comes from riding a bike and at the end he's like he's alive, so i think the answer to the person during the commercial is ryan reynolds has a lot of time in his hands and he likes to have a good joke and anytime the woke go after something because writing a peloton will kill you but in every other seem to have alcohol cigarettes constantly, but none of that -- >> greg: that's right. >> in years and years of unprotected constant weird sex with billions, struggling actors, all that's fine but one right on the bike, no, sorry. >> greg: that's a great point. but again, this is all a scam. it got the current ratings -- >> the alcoholism on the show is fine. >> greg: we've got to move on, don't go away. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. most bladder leak pads were similar. until always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. serena: ask about ubrelvy. with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. we are out of time. thank you. shannon bream is up next. -- welcome to "fox news @ night". i'm shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight president biden facing a variety of serious challenges and they are cutting and to his already low approval numbers. at the top of the list this holiday season is crime. stay tuned to see how the white house responded monday when questioned by our own peter ducey do see. restrictions retightened

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240709

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in new york city tonight. >> the president is a racist and he is a demagogue. >> greg: over the past six month americans have seen the largest increase in traffic deaths since we began tracking them 40 years ago, back when kat was only five. therefore the lemonheads see it. >> 36,800 ute deaths -- the most fatalities since 2007 and that's even with pandemic cautions drastically reducing the number of drivers on the road, so what gives? some experts are saying this is due to an overall lack of civility in our society, lack of civility we have seen in school board meetings over mask mandates and on airplanes. >> greg: which again raises the question, did don lemon get any oxygen at birth? where was he born? on the moon? ris, some experts are blaming lack of civility the kind of incivility you see as school board meetings over mask. i wonder who he could be talking about. all those carts in its most because by angry parents are conservatives upset over a tax on their civil liberties. that's the biggest stretch since dana perino try to open a car door. but thank god for some experts and their mysterious data. that evidence is harder to find than a cnn viewer. so i guess the traffic fatalities couldn't have anything to do with the reduction of police on the streets or less enforcement of traffic infractions. just thinking that would make you as racist as those guys who beat up jesse small at look, i was someone who drove during the pandemic -- actually was being driven and it got to say he only looks great from behind. but one thing was obvious, there were fewer cars in the road and people on the road took advantage of it. it had zilch to do with civility and everything to do with opportunity. traffic laws became public suggestions, but expecting lemon to understand incentives and disincentives is like expecting tyrus to fit into my leather chaps. it's not happening with without a lot of olive oil. >> it's still not happening. >> greg: i can dream. but it's funny watching professor stupid admitting there's a crime wave after you are so of denying the cream ways. >> a few more weeks until 2021 comes to close but it's already going down as the year with us soaring number of homicides across the country. the murder rate in some cities breaking records. experts say that stress from the covid pandemic is definitely playing a role here with the major factor? guns. >> greg: cat drunk dialing makes -- when you're forced to wear a mask you might as well rob somebody at gunpoint, right? and yes, the gun is behind the violence because the pandemic has been able to cause guns to get up on their tiny little gun feet and pull their own triggers with their tiny little gun hands. i call it the alec baldwin effect. no changes to gun laws occurred during this time frame. the overwhelming majority of gun crimes are committed with illegally obtained weapons. so the real reason for the crime wave rests on the shoulders of people like lemon. we like his putrid peers in the media played down the crime wave as it emerged and even made fun of the people who were sounding the alarm, which allowed the wave to grow unfettered. so do we really have to play that tape again, greg? yes, we really have to play that tape again, greg. >> democratic cities are in chaos right now. is this what you want from joe biden, and they are going to take your country way and they are taking down the statues. >> crime is rising as they defund police. >> my gosh, it's so bad. >> you listen to conservative media, you would think that entire cities are just, you know, and brawled and fights and fires and whatever. we went out and had a great dinner new york city. people actually walked up to us and said thank you, i watch overnight. >> greg: like the olsen twins, that hasn't aged well. [scattered laughter] by the way, what the hell is going on over at cnn? you got that jeffrey toobin guy, now cuomo. now he gets arrested for allegedly trying to -- have you seen that story? it's as sick is bleak. they're going to have to change the slogan to the most busted name and news. their rosters more deviant or less than jeffrey epstein's black book. anyway, i told chris wallace that maybe this is not the best time to go to cnn. [scattered applause] sorry. like being on the patriots and asking to be traded to the jets. but apparently is going to their streaming platform. let's hope streaming means what i think it means. you never know over at cnn. and what a surprise. instead of doing a segment on the elected in their midst, cnn is fabricating -- using wallace to deflect. >> chris wallace is one of the, you know, the journalists that is at fox who stands out like a sore thumb because the network has become more and more and more radicalized both in the trump years and now in the biking years. >> greg: wallace sticks out like a sore thumb. that's an unoriginal metaphor my captain jowls. it's been used more times than your waffle iron. you should have said chris wallace sticks out like my belly when i undo my bathrobe after dinner. and fox is radicalized? if only weight watchers would radicalize you, brian. the corpulent chrome sucker also seemed to avoid chris cuomo's scheme to smear our very own janice dean, allegedly calling her that fox whether -- in text after she criticized chris's brother for transferring covid patients to nursing home so he referred to her as that. how stupid is that? everyone knows that's al rocher's nickname. when asked her she felt about being called that, janice said hey, at least it's not [indiscernible]. but the fact is the media can't accurately report on anything, whether it's perversions or fatalities, since they are always implicated in them. while deaths spiked and they buried them because they champion policies and ideas that contributed to that, they lauded defunding police and then they tried to camouflage it by saying it's really just a funding shift, it's like planting a bush in front of a septic tank. they tried to hide the consequences of their destructive beliefs. they supported no cash bail while championing the shutdowns, turning the city streets into a john wicks equal minus the breeding. but as long as lemon can have a nice evening meal outside, none of the consequent as exist. you should never believe the murder rate if a cnn anchor just ate a good sirloin. now we have a record high murder rates in major cities run by liberal mayors. we have soaring traffic accidents, we have an explosion and hate crimes, which forces lemon to switch from lying to blaming something vague and unprovable. but hey, it's the closest to honest that he's been in years. [scattered applause] >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. she's so southern her ringtone is 14 minutes of free bird. fox business anchor dagen mcdowell! he knows dividends like kat nose split ends, former director of the [indiscernible]! she is like a garden hose, slim, refreshing and often found curled up in your back yard, fox news contributor kat timpf! and his stocking is so big santa had to make a second trip. the world tv champion, tyrus! larry, so much to cover in that amazing monologue i wrote, you're welcome. what is up, who would move to cnn at this point when everybody at cnn -- to have to count -- you have to figure out who hasn't been busted for some kind of deviancy. you've got a chronic -- i should shut up, right? where you going with this inmac i was actually going to go through all the crimes -- the show would be over. you know. but anyway. what are your thoughts? [laughter] >> save america, kill the bill. [weird laughter] >> i will stop right away. >> greg: crime is up, the economy is not back to normal. is this ever going to get better? >> well look, i'm lemon is never going to get better it's kind of dumb to ignore what is clearly a crime wave, but it just happens to be in the cities of these democratic mayors, and it is getting worse. in other words, you've got record murder rates, and that can't be a coincidence. they are all run by, you know, far left, progressive politicians who don't believe in cash bail, who do believe in revolving doors. but this crazy guy here. guy burns down fox's christmas tree and it's dismissed. dismissed. he just has some issues, some mental issues. no he doesn't. he had a record three arms long and had been seen by our security guards, mostly ex-cops, god bless all of them. he had been hanging around fox plaza for quite some time saying f fox, f fox. people knew that. it might've been a hate crime. it was certainly a hate crime against christmas, for heaven sakes and smooths celebrate appear he's now on the streets. he's back out there at fox plaza, that is nuts. but that is typical of what happens in these democratic cities. >> greg: the good news is he's going to be one lucky guy on outnumbered tomorrow. >> okay. >> greg: i'm kidding, dagen! giving me the side either. we have so much to choose from. we have cuomo trying to smear janice dean. that's the wrong lady to smear. >> i'm not going to get on her bad side. >> greg: exactly. there is no bad side. >> but that's what we always knew they were, andy and chris, so they just showed themselves. but they do -- you know, i spent a lot of time today trying to get inside lemons had, so i couldn't do it. i'm feeling pretty proud of myself. they do something and we were kind of talking about it in the green room, that and your indigestion. they do this thing -- why their tv sucks -- why they suck his people is because they are not thinking about the viewer they are talking to and the camera. they do this thing whatever friend of mine calls better deal you. they're always looking right by your eye or over the top of your head looking for somebody better to talk to. they don't care about you. they care about somebody is important or more important than them who might get them their next job. that's all they -- >> greg: short. they could just look over my head. >> that's out there -- i experience this the entire time i've lived in new york city. >> greg: that's terrible. tyrus, do want to talk about car accidents, crime? >> i love car accidents. >> greg: want to talk about don lemon? >> what's the difference? the velour is back. the car accidents and don lemon's advice, about pretty much the same thing. if you look at some of the people that he has taken under his wing, michael avenatti. the brady bunch window with cuomo -- love you, love you. go to dinner, go to dinner. i've got this problem with my brother. how about the jussie smollett case, he was really good at giving me advice there and getting the scoop. they are not believing a story, i have a better one. so i think the consensus should be that anytime don lemon is on your tv, it's probably because you're in the middle of trying to change between something and you get stuck. keep going, because his advice is horrible. and if he takes you under his wing, if he doesn't look over your head to talk to you, he looks directly at you, you should then go home, immediate we find someone who loves you and likes you and have them remove the target that's on your back because bad things are going to happen to you when don lemon takes a liking to you and starts giving you advice on how to handle your business, because look at everybody he's given advice to. >> greg: that's true. >> whatever he tells you to do, do the opposite of and you should be just fine. >> greg: i never thought of it that way. i'm steering clear of him, kat. >> okay. >> greg: last word to you, pick any topic. >> very good job on the question. i just don't get what he was saying. i don't get how he reached that conclusion. there's more car accidents because of -- if all of the cars in the accident were like pickup trucks with gun racks on the back, then i'd say maybe it is a conservative thing, but i don't think so. i get out of the government all the time and i don't think to myself you know, i'm going to get behind will blindfolded and wreck [bleep] up. >> i think i can help you here, kat. >> please. >> you're coming from a place of account ability and if you have an issue, you solve it. he's more like -- you know he's just kind of saying stuff. he doesn't really -- whatever sticks, that's the facts. >> sick of saying conservatives are covid murderers, so now it's vehicular homicide. >> he's evolved. >> by the way, as a redneck, i speak from personal experience. rednecks with a new pickup truck and a gun in the rack are the most careful drivers buried >> greg: that is true. >> they do not want -- you better be careful getting out -- you know, getting out of your car, you better not bump that dude. >> i'm not a redneck but i'm a redneck sympathizer. and i also understand that new car smell and new car, it's the most important thing in the life. the last thing you're going to do is get a dent on it or smear or anything unless you specifically sam going budding. >> greg: guess. next, biden plunges in the ratings while kamala remains nauseating. ♪ ♪ - hi, i'm steve. - i'm lea. and we live in north pole, alaska. - i'm a retired school counselor. 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[scattered laughter. but it's not just the press, the late host are still -- hopefully after his diaper was changed. >> how much you pay attention to approval ratings? >> president biden: well, not anymore. i'm joking. [laughter] [applause] the mid 60s, if it's not in -- >> i appreciate the honesty. because you came in, you came in hot and then you got to medium and now you're at a low but you've just got to keep your head down and just keep doing the right thing buried >> greg: what better place for biden to say he doesn't care about bad ratings. apparently jimmy fallon doesn't care either. question him! meanwhile, vp harris, or as biden calls her, lady what's her face him a brushing of negative media coverage about her in an interview, she called the headlines ridiculous and that is par for the course. that's a golf phrase, kat. "there's nothing about this job that is supposed to be easy. if something is coming to me, he needs to be addressed and because, by definition, it's not going to be easy." if it was easy, it would have been handled before it comes to me. except that everything about the vp's job is supposed to be easy. you don't even get fired if the shooting someone in the face. [laughter] shout out to dick cheney. but it could be that people are coming to you not to solve a problem, it's because they heard your lap and fought a donkey had his leg caught in a trap. what do you think, joe? >> look, look, look, you don't go after kamala, all right? you come after me. the big guy. that's why i got into this business, and that's why am ready. got to be ready to take the tough problems and blame somebody for them. who gets the blame? donald trump. i'm ready. global warming. the unvaccinated. see what i mean? i'm always ready. you've got to be prepared in this job. when that phone rings and wakes you up at 4:00 p.m., you've got to be ready to go. come on, man! [scattered applause] >> greg: kat, you know what drives me crazy, it's that everybody in the media is offering advice. like this didn't ever happen with trump, no one was ever trying to help trump whenever there was something going on, but for some reason it's like everybody has advice for joe because joe is having a hard time. >> yeah -- although sometimes advice can be the worst when you're having a hard time, leave me alone. but yeah, they do, they help him, they help kamala. that interview was really easy on her too, they didn't fact-checker on any of her obvious lies like when she said i love people. [laughter] i would be like name five things level people. >> greg: or name five people. >> yeah, name five people by name. she would fall apart. >> or five staffers. >> exactly. you don't love people. >> greg: people at the magazine. >> full of people, which she hates. >> greg: it's true. tyrus, you know what, i love the fact that chuck todd is blaming all this on the fact that trump is still alive. but trump is still here, it's got to be his fault. >> i mean, he was close, it's 100% twitters fault. they took the red monster -- or orange, i can't remember -- i'm color-blind. the orange monster away so he can't chime in and bail us out. they are stuck, they miss him, they're probably like yo, twitter, okay, seriously, it was good at first, but we really need a 3:00 a.m. tweet. you know? >> greg: yes. >> is there anyone around that we can get going i can start this off? because they are actually calling us on our [bleep], this is not fun anymore, this job was supposed to be we do stuff, trump criticized us on social media, we talk about that, get book deals and the no one really pays attention to the burning country around us because we focus in on trump, and i love this woke-is in response to everything. greg, if you let me sit in his chair, going to make people laugh and everyone is going to think i'm your bodyguard so they are going to think you're famous. my first show, nobody laughed, and people just walked by me and didn't pay attention to you. i did not fulfill my promises. is that my fault? is it? >> greg: yes. >> are we sure? >> greg: i don't know. >> because i told you was going to do something and then i've not done it, so it's 100% my fault. >> greg: right, yes. >> so joe said he was going to -- how do you get rid of a person other than like get rid of a person? and he didn't do either, he made him worse. so it's 150% his fault. >> greg: there you go. >> thank you, class dismissed. >> greg: dagen, every week is a new bottom. you know? just think about that. >> sexists would say. >> not in my house. a few times a day. i think that this is a ploy though that biden's biggest cheerleaders appear to be chalk toad, as you call them, and joy behar. this is a ploy for some people to feel sorry for. that's all he's got left, these highly odious -- >> greg: if you see these, except that we've never seen joy or chuck together. >> it could be. i think the two of them is like beautiful punch bowl of toilet water and yegor meister. >> my favorite! >> we've been there. >> greg: larry kudlow -- >> can i just put a fact? >> greg: please don't, don't put a fact in. >> chuck todd and all this blaming of trump. democratic pollster mark penn's, one of the better ones in the business, he runs his harvard harris poll. okay, trump is now beating biden. he's beating him by three to five points, and he's now beating kamala harris by nine to 11 points. so you can blame trump, but meanwhile, the rest of the country is blaming the guy in charge. his name is biden. he is the most unpopular politician in quite some time. in the country does not like any of his policies. not a single policy. not on crime, not on immigration, not on spending and taxing. in fact. in fact, two numbers came out friday that probably are going to destroy his whole plan. one of them was 6.9% consumer price index and the other one was a $5 trillion repricing by the cbo. >> greg: right. >> it's not just one year, it's going to be ten years and everybody knows that. >> greg: larry, that's a lot of facts. >> saving america, kill the bill. the bill is dead after those two numbers, and that, by the way, is why biden's poles are so terrible and why he is actually losing to my former boss, donald trump buried >> can i add something about the cuomo brothers? two words, [bleep] them! [scattered cheers] >> greg: okay, was it to brash to have teachers dash for cash? >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: was the game well meaning, utterly demeaning? teachers fought for cash like peasants and most found it quite unpleasant. video gone viral of south dakota educators, they have them there, scrambling for $5,000 in singles to help pay for school supplies. look at that. it was like a strip club without the strippers. of so basically it's not like a strip club. i should really put more effort into these analogies. a mortgage company organized the dash for cash event at a local hockey game which saw teachers trying to grab as much money as possible in under 5 minutes. i've been there. one of the organizers called it awesome and said teachers deserve whatever the heck they get. still, others on twitter come including teachers union boss randi weingarten, are calling the event out, saying it's demeaning and teachers shouldn't have to dash for dollars per classroom supplies. of course it was a volunteer event, so no one was forced to do anything, like, you know, joining a corrupt teacher's unit that cares more about preserving power than educating kids. but if you thought this was demeaning, you should have seen what they originally planned on having the teachers do. [scattered laughter] >> greg: i wouldn't mind it. you know, the real problem with this was that they were $1 bills. i mean, they're not factoring in inflation under biden's america. it should have probably been ten or 20's. >> i appreciate it but the fiscal questions goes to him. a former teacher, i couldn't be more -- i couldn't laugh more in the faces of people saying demeaning. because you would never do it. you would never get on your hands and knees and grab every dollar for your classroom you probably do it, wouldn't even cross your little mind, how you might actually have to deal with them because you know what, for every kid in a screaming and cheering for his teacher, that's a kid who is invested now because the teacher is willing to do that. and teachers, the reason why they're doing this is because maybe this week it won't come out of their own pocket. i spent more money as a teacher on my classroom and my students than the paycheck i was getting. i was putting myself in debt, so if you would have told me that i would have to get down in a hockey rink and grab every dollar with other teachers who care about the classrooms, the probably wouldn't have gotten anything. of [laughter] >> greg: there you go. they made a good point, what do you think? >> i with all my heart want to attack the teachers union every chance i get. and blame him, who has come up -- he is just the worst left of the left but i do think it's demeaning. >> greg: really? >> yes, i do. first of all, i don't understand why they would do this. second of all, what about the governor of south dakota -- south dakota is growing, she's done a pretty good job, kristi noem, why would she allow this? why would they be short of money in a prosperous state like that and also the federal government has literally thrown hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars in education, probably for no good use but i'm just saying i hate to see these people on their hands and knees -- >> you're looking at the wrong way because it used to be the teacher would sit and he would throw baseball at the thing in the water and to donate. this is what teachers do. we are boots on the ground, we are entertaining -- our kids see this, this is how you bring them in. >> greg: dagen it's like -- can be demeaning at also fun, right? you know what i'm saying. >> i do. >> greg: i've done a lot of demeaning things that i really enjoyed. i can show you some pictures. >> this is not even in my top 50 of demeaning acts. the kids will think this is cool. they are like -- the teachers did a cash grab, this is the american way. who didn't, at age four like elbow to me and scotty when santa was throwing candy off the sleigh in the christmas parade? >> have you ever been to a wedding? the bouquet. >> you hit -- >> greg: that's more demeaning, the bouquet, when all the single ladies have to group up. >> i don't do that. but a pinata with candy, you're fighting -- by the way, adult men at like a baseball game. >> greg: fighting over a foul ball. >> fighting over a $3 t-shirt out of the t-shirt cannon buried >> because he came out of the cannon, it's special! >> exactly! stepping on little children trying to catch a t-shirt from a scantily clad woman. >> there's just got to be a better way. this just got to be a better way. >> greg: is there a better way? >> i just think this is a great argument. what randi doesn't understand is this is occurring into the system that she is so influential over. i think this is a great argument against that system. if this is what we need to do, we spent a lot of money and education. it's a better argument for privatizing it than anything. >> greg: this doesn't happen in homeschooling. i don't even know what that means. i just wanted to button it up. >> i'm all for school choice, and i'm all against the teachers union, but that's not the best way to do it. that can't be. >> greg: you know what, i just think -- you know what, i don't really care. it's just a fun story, i like the visual of these people groping for money on the ground and i didn't have to go downtown to do it. coming up, the megamoney lever who made time magazines cover. ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ [upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout] ♪ ♪ >> greg: our favorite billionaire weirdo is time's person of the year-do. elon musk -- never heard of him -- has been named due to the year by the magazine you forgot was there which company into spend an extra hundred dollars so we could own time as well in addition to being the world which is men, sealtest l'enfant of spacex, is also major advocate for colonizing mars. that's a planet, kat. and getting haircuts after 50. i believe that particular style is called "i'm super rich so you're going to sleep with me anyway was quote. that's why he was chosen this year, they write in the profile. "he has spent a lifetime defying the haters." now it seems he's finally a position put them in their place for 2021 with the year of elon unbound. what? because before this year he was just a genius multibillionaire that dated beautiful actresses. looks like the magazine is late again. pretty bad for a magazine named time period of time also says he's one of the few people worthy of being described as larger-than-life. i suppose they haven't met you-know-who. [scattered applause] i am! i am. his musk really though right choice for the person of the year? brian kilmeade's therapist goes unrecognized? what about the yahoo! groups kat 's hair extensions? talk about an unsung hero. that's a good quick round out of this. who should be person of the year? shouldn't it rhyme with smeg smutfeld? >> i think it should be the person who still reads time. the singer person. it's a pamphlet. >> greg: larry, who should be the person of the year? i actually do think this is a good choice. i love elon musk. >> i think elon musk is terrific, he's really smart and here's another thing i really love about him. i'm surprised the lefties would give him this award. he is the biggest electric car maker right? number one. so he has come out totally opposed to all of bidens green new deal subsidies for electric cars and batteries. he's against it. and that's very cool. in effect he just came out against bidens entire bill, which the rest of the country also hates. so for a ceo and a smart guy and time put him on the cover, he's a conservative, he's a libertarian, he's very cool. i'm for him, i like the guy. >> greg: you know, tyrus, is he a savior or super villain? >> he's neither. he's a -- he is there hope, he's the moderate democrats' hope. because the progressives hate him. first of all, he doesn't fill in enough boxes to be person of their accomplishments by just pure being good with money. that's racist buried him so he's out of there, you know? and i hate to be the one to bring this up, but apparently he's a white male. >> greg: and straight. >> apparently he's a breeder. you can a couple of breeders in your neighborhood, all hell breaks loose. the little things running on -- >> greg: what are those things anyway? >> i don't know, they're bad. so he is disqualified by every leftist magazine on the planet and time is going -- he can stand up to him, he stand up to biden, he is still here, you can't cancel him because he will just write you a check. >> greg: i wish you would write me a check. i should be men of your for rescuing late night from a humorless left. [scattered cheers] >> greg: they agree. they agree. >> how did that feel? >> greg: 10,000 people in the audience, good. >> you want me to agree with you? yeah, yes. although, i don't get this. if influential -- i'm not influenced by him. >> greg: no? >> no. >> greg: who would you want? >> your line, everyone is lying if you say anyone other than your own self his or her own self's person influential of the year. >> so put a mirror. >> yeah, me. for me only. >> greg: didn't they do that once? >> and everyone puts in their twitter bio, this year -- blah, blah, blah, most official person, but they're really not. it's not that funny. >> it's not. >> greg: it's not. i think our show proves that again and again. for example, in this segment. all right, up next, peleton took pity after a death on "sex and the city." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes look clean, there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. >> greg: he died sooner than expected so peloton had him resurrected. i speak of the fictional heart attack death of the fictional character in the "sex and the city" reboot. yes, there is a in the city reboot. emphasis on boot. thank you. >> keep going. >> greg: sarah jessica parker heard about a man-made virus unleashed from a lab that killed millions and said china, hold my latte. anyway, peloton claims that although it knew one of its bikes would appear in the reboot, it had no idea it would be used to kill off a character. it's the worst product placement since jerry sandusky were nikes. it makes sense that he would ride a bike though, he's already written the horse. i don't even get that joke. so peloton brought the character back to life and one of its commercials starring one of its popular cyclists. look. >> to new beginnings. >> to new beginnings. you look great. >> i feel great. shall we take another ride? life is too short not to. >> greg: hope it works, peloton toxic report of fell 11% after the airing of the episode which is coincident with the same percentage of people who still give a flying leap about "sex and the city." this is a sham and a scam, right, dagen? >> it all -- it feels false to me. >> greg: it feels false to me too. >> it feels very manufactured, they have this magic commercial that comes out after the fact. >> greg: suddenly. >> i'm stupefied by those who sold the stock because of fictional character drops dead on the tv show, which i did watch both of the first two episodes, and i will just say they're not cool, they are cocoon. >> greg: i enjoyed "cocoon." larry, you watched the reboot twice. can't get enough of it. >> i prefer lifestream -- >> a couple guest star spots in there, doesn't it? >> greg: you're the love interest. >> i just don't get if they want to kill the guy off, off a treadmill, couldn't they do better than that, their scriptwriters? that's kind of a boring way to do it. >> how would you like to see him killed? >> is a lot of wonderful -- might even make the show interesting. if they should have put kim back in the show because she's really the best of the lot. >> greg: you're not a sarah jessica parker fan. unconsidered the kim of the show. i guess you didn't know that. >> we did know that >> i don't even know -- >> i just inc. it's a pity the stock crashed. >> greg: by the way, i love peloton, it's my favorite exercise device, kat. >> we know. >> greg: aside from the magic fingers. i don't even know that is. remember used to be on a bed? >> in motels. >> greg: yes, the motels, the magic fingers. $0.50 on the bed would vibrate. especially if you had somebody there, it was great. i don't even know what my question is, just answer it. >> i don't -- after that? i have to talk? >> greg: yes. i've never seen any of the "sex and the city," ever. >> what you looking at me for, i can't help you. >> it's like they live in new york city and they have sex. cool. >> greg: that's basically it. and the dialogue is absolutely atrocious. >> i don't doubt it. >> greg: i watched some of it. i have the box set. sometimes i just spread it out on my bed on my comforter and just roll around. roll around. >> thanks for the visual. >> if they had just had a killing and a good murder and a police chase it would have been an interesting show. >> greg: your talk about "cops." they should have killed kim. they should have killed kim. >> there should have put her back in and kill the other one. >> greg: kill sarah jessica parker. tyrus, bring us home on this last very strange and sad topic. >> i kind of like the commercials. what's his name, deadpool. >> greg: ryan reynolds. >> we didn't see the whole clip, but then he tells all the good things that comes from riding a bike and at the end he's like he's alive, so i think the answer to the person during the commercial is ryan reynolds has a lot of time in his hands and he likes to have a good joke and anytime the woke go after something because writing a peloton will kill you but in every other seem to have alcohol cigarettes constantly, but none of that -- >> greg: that's right. >> in years and years of unprotected constant weird sex with billions, struggling actors, all that's fine but one right on the bike, no, sorry. >> greg: that's a great point. but again, this is all a scam. it got the current ratings -- >> the alcoholism on the show is fine. >> greg: we've got to move on, don't go away. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. most bladder leak pads were similar. until always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. serena: ask about ubrelvy. with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. we are out of time. thank you. shannon bream is up next. -- welcome to "fox news @ night". i'm shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight president biden facing a variety of serious challenges and they are cutting and to his already low approval numbers. at the top of the list this holiday season is crime. stay tuned to see how the white house responded monday when questioned by our own peter ducey do see. restrictions retightened

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