Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

right now. let's just say no signs things are slowing down right now. far from it. the cost of the steak is up 25% from a year ago. bacon, up 21%. fuel oil, 59%. gas, 58%. supply chain shortages aren't helping. but growing frustration with the white house and many shoppers isn'ts helping either. is that fair? is it right? today we'll ask the white house's top economic adviser because the national economic council districter, brian dees is here and only here. i'm neil cavuto, this is "your world." we have jacqui heinrich at the white house on what the president is saying about this and lydia hu in new jersey with how businesses are dealing with this. let's begin with jacqui. jacqui? >> hi, neil. you know what else happened in 1982? transportation secretary pete buttigieg was born. the president tried to highlight some bright spots today as the new report came out. highlighting areas where prices have come down on certain things, things like gas prices, natural gas, used cars. he tried to assure people that there's cause to be hopeful. >> i think you'll see a change sooner than -- quicker -- more rapidly than it will take than most people think. every other aspect of the economy is racing ahead. it's doing incredibly well. we've never had this kind of growth in 60 years. inflation is affecting people's lives. >> the president hit the same points that we've been hearing, that the u.s. is recovering faster than other countries, wages has risen and unemployment is done. he acknowledged mores that to be done before consumers feel good about the economy. he called it a top priority of his administration. jen psaki said there's a difference between the indicators and what americans are feeling. >> i think the way american people look at it is not through data. they look at it how things impact their lives. what we can see them, where we're doing after the problem and where we're seeing progress. >> she took a shot at republicans in conveying to the american people that people should pay attention to who has a plan, not just shouting about the problem with a megaphone. the biggest tool the administration sees in addressing this problem is the build back better plan. the president cited today it will reduce costs for healthcare, prescription drugs, child care. he called it the most immediate step that can be taken to address cost concerns for families. we're waiting to see where that ends up later on this year as it works its way through the senate, neil. >> neil: thanks, jacqui. americans may have a beef with the cost of beef. meat prices jumping 60% ahead of the holiday. lydia hu is at a meat market in new jersey seeing it close. lydia? >> hi, neil. there might not be a better place to ask for insight against the meat prices than john's meat market, this butcher has been in business since 1939. we've got the owner waiting for us just inside, this vincent here. we're so grateful for your insight today. let's talk about the prices. they're going up a cross the country and right here in your own shop. you say you have sticker shock from your own prices that you have to set. what are some standing out to you? >> rib roast, fillets, everything. it's astonishing. all the year i've been here, my father opened in 1939, i've been here 50 years. the numbers are astonishing. we can only go up so much. >> you say you'd made more money when the prices were lower. you carry only prime cuts. rack of lamb was $90 last year. now it's $140. i want to ask you about this. the white house said today that meat prices are rising because big corporations are increasing their profits. what do you think about this? is this profit driven? >> maybe the big box stores or corporations, but the little small store like, we can only go up so much. years ago it went up $5, we could go up 5. now it if it goes up ten, we can only go up five. it's not like it was years ago. >> you've been in business so long. this is not the first inflation period. this is a photo of an advertisement that vinny ran in the 70s. take a look at this. 1970. this is why pay more? because you're really paying less, less fat, less bone, lest waste. vinny, seems like that ad applies now. why is that relevant? >> definitely. prices were sky high then. everybody said your prices are high. i said why pay more and you're paying less? you're getting less bone, less fat, higher quality. think about it. it comes out to be less money you're spending. >> that's a tip right there, neil. hopefully folks can find a vinny that can get a good cut for their holiday meal. we just finish add costly thanksgiving and gearing up for another costly meal for christmas. >> neil: thanks, lydia. as people pointed out, people are willing to pay the higher prices. that's a sign of the stronger economy and they can and they will. all of this inflation stops when people can't do it. it's not happening. will it? brian deese joins us from the white house. director, very good to have you. >> good to be here. >> neil: let me ask you first about what the president has been saying about this, director, that we might already be at the peak and that things will stabilize, start coming down. is that the way you see it? >> we never put too much steak in one month's data. the date that in november, they were high. less strong than october. about half of the increase in november was driven by energy and cars. those are both sectors where we have seen moderation. the price of gas is falling. the price of natural gas is down 25% from the november levels. so we're seeing moderation there. prices are too high and that's why we are very focused here on the things that we can do to unstock the supply chain bottle necks that are affecting every country around the world. the thing unique about the american recovery right now is how strong our economic growth is, strongest in 40 years. how strong our labor market is, lowest unemployment claims since 1969. we're well-positioned to address the real challenges with prices. that's why we're focused on taking the steps we can, including around the ports and moving things more quickly. >> neil: i can see what you and the president are saying about coming out of a pandemic where the economy was essentially in par on any sort of activity after that of getting back to normal. you'll see a spike in prices. seems as if the administration was caught off guard as to the seriousness and the widespread nature of this. >> i don't think that that is fair. i think if you look at supply chains, for example, the president signed an executive order on supply chain resilience february 25 of this past year. he launched a disruptions task force over the summer. we've been add these issues for some months even as we've seen very strong economic growth underlying our recovery. we know as you come out of a pandemic, look at the da to a year ago, a year ago, the economy was on its back. we were in lockdowns. there were ups and downs. take an example like at our ports, a couple months ago, we sat down with business and labor and the terminal operators and said we need to get the ports going 24/7. the amount of time that containers are sitting on docks has come down about 50%. you see walmart, target, other retailers are saying goods are moving more quickly through the spline chain as we get through the squeeze of the holiday season. so i think we're making progress on that front. this has been a focus of ours for some time and will continue to be because it's important to try to moderate those prices. >> neil: there was criticism early on that the white house seemed to be dismissing the price increases and hanging it on the rich and they're the ones that are forcing the higher prices when everyone was. you addressed this. no use in going back at that. but i am wondering now how this gets to be fixed? isn't this really up to the federal reserve? doesn't it need to start raising rates, doing the kind of maybe dramatic -- some call it unpleasant action to get this under control? >> well, certainly monetary policy plays a role. i'll leave that to the federal reserve. from the fiscal policy side, what we need to do is continue to take steps to address what are global supply chain issues and taking action to reduce costs for families. you know, this build back better act that we're debating in congress right now, there's never been a piece of legislation in modern american history that would reduce costs for families more in areas where they're feeling it. prescription drugs, for example. the cost of insulin affects millions of families around the country. the cost of child care. this build will cost in half child care that a typical family is facing. not only reducing costs but get people to work by providing affordable child care, particularly women, can get back in the work force. so there's steps that we can take right now that would help propel the strength of this recovery while easing price pressures. so that will continue to be our focus. >> neil: it would be a first in american history, a spending package reducing inflation. usually it's the opposite. you mentioned the features in the measure as helping out those that need child care assistance and the rest. we didn't have any of those features back before the pandemic and for a while we have had an unemployment rate at 3.5%. if we didn't need it then, why do we need it now? >> what is unique about this package is that it is fully paid for. so by being fully paid for -- >> neil: but it's not, right? the cbo says it's going to fall about $400 bill short in revenue over ten years. i don't put any faith in any estimate that goes over six months. having said that, they don't say it is fully paid for. >> well, what the cbo estimated today is a hypothetical bill that is not build back better. the cbo, the joint committee on taxation, the official scorekeepers have looked at the bill and said it's fully paid for. but to go to your question, we faced challenges of rising costs of healthcare, rising costs of housing well before this pandemic. they were imposing real challenges on american families even when we were in the prepandemic economy. these challenges are not new but the opportunity we have to address them in a way that won't add to inflationary pressures is pressing right now. that's the logic of this bill. particularly take housing. we have underunvested in the supply of affordable housing for years now. doing that now will help lowter cost of housing for american families. if we pay for it, it won't add to demand or add to inflationary pressures. >> neil: we shall see. the first big test of getting it voted on. thanks, brian deese, national economic adviser to the president. thanks for being here. to his point, if there's panic about what is happening on the inflation front, the market has a funny way of showing it. all the major averages rallying 3 to 3.5%. the s&p 500 is at an all-time high. so for now no worries for now. more after this. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. as a professional bull-rider i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> neil, good afternoon to you. two big stories going on with immigration right now. we'll get to the first. the crash that you mentioned. what you're looking at is in southern mexico. what this was was a tractor trailer truckloaded up with migrants. it flipped and 54 migrants dead. another 105 injured, this is making it one of the deadliest accidents involving migrants in the past several decades. one of the riders in the truck that survived said there was too much weight. when they tried to make the turn, the truck couldn't handle it. want to direct you to another situation. this is yuma, arizona. these are migrants that just crossed in illegally. walking around with no border patrol. border patrol overwhelmed down there. they don't have the manpower right now. the yuma mayor saying more than 6,000 migrants passed through yuma in the past several days. that's a 2600% increase. take a look at this photo. some migrants as they walked through the city stopped by to get a bite of food at mcdonald's. border patrol doesn't have the manpower right now. these migrants were never encountered by agents. the mayor has declared a local state of emergency saying that he had to do it due to the unprecedented number of igrants is resulting in a humanitarian crisis. i reached out to democratic senators. mark kelly's office said he was on the phone with alejandro mayorkas urging him to take immediate action and send more federal resources down to the yuma area. however when it comes to kyrsten sinema's us a, i never heard back. back to you. >> neil: thanks, bill melugin. let's go to the arizona governor, doug ducey. you're 16edding troops to the boarder and trying to deal with this as is the governor of texas and others. i'm just wondering where does that stand right now? >> i've worked now with three presidents, obama, trump and biden. the biden administration is far and away the worst. secretary mayorkas needs to resign. he's in phoenix or came to phoenix, but he's hiding from the border. he took a flight to san diego and then san francisco. the administration is completely nonresponsive. so yes, we are surging state badges to the border. we're trying to support the brave men and women of border patrol and customs and border protection along with ice. but they're undermanned and they're underresourced from our federal government. so we need some attention on the border right now in addition to what we're trying to do in arizona and places like texas. >> neil: governor, it confuses me. you've become an expert with this. why does it come in the spurts that it does? in the last few days, thousands of migrants descending on the border and in between trickles. what do you make of the all or nothing pattern? >> well, this is due to the biden administration's policies. we've asked them to reinstate title 42. they're doing like it the afghanistan exit plan. piecemeal without thinking it out. so it's happening in el paso where you can return a migrant back to mexico legally but it's not instituted in arizona. that's why you have the cartels taking piece to a place where they find a wide open border unprotected. now, we're putting all the manpower we can on the border and trying to support our federal partners, but there's a complete lack of attention and seriousness from joe biden and kamala harris. >> neil: so you're saying the new federal policy that the administration was legally, you know, forced to accept where we adjudicate these cases on the mexican side of the border -- the u.s. side of the border, that we're not honoring that in your state and the other states as well? >> that is accurate. they're instituting it piecemeal. so it's happening right now in el paso to my understanding. we do not have title 42 authority here in the state of arizona. so the cartels take advantage of this. they use the humanitarian crisis that is so heart breaking on your screen to get the drugs, the fentanyl, the methamphetamine and the cocaine across the border and then to surge it all over our country. this is something that is infecting all of our schools and neighborhoods and not just in arizona but border states. when you hear about the fentanyl overdoses, the dangerous drugs and poisons came across the southern border, this is a law enforcement function. we're going to do everything we can in arizona but it's like a balloon, neil. when you squeeze it, they go to new mexico and california. >> neil: you say in the build back better plan, as least as its written, there's scarcery any money allocated any money to addressing these concerns. they're not part of that. >> nothing is going to pass through congress or the senate without the help of the arizona delegation. so anybody in the arizona delegation, congressman or woman or senator should be a no on any policy that doesn't include border security. we need border security. never had we had more leverage with our delegation and in is an arizona issue affecting the entire united states. >> neil: so kirsten sinema were to vote yes -- as you know, she and joe manchin in west virginia, the two democrats that are reluctants on this for the time being, if she votes for this, what would you think? >> well, whoever votes yes or this is abandoning arizona. we can't wait. we need action on this right now. whatever is moving through congress, they need to add the language that addresses border security. you can't be a yes or any vote if it doesn't have that language. >> neil: all right. governor ducey, thanks very much. we did reach out to secretary mayorkas' office and yet to hear back. companies oftentimes want washington to get out of the way. now at least two dozen top retail executives are saying please, congress, get in the way. do something about crime. after this. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. the new sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair has the science to show that the toothpaste goes deep inside the exposed dentin to help repair sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. man, i slept. we gave new zzzquil pure zzzs restorative herbal sleep to people who were tired of being tired. i've never slept like this before. i've never woken up like this before. i feel like doing things... and then doing other things after those things. it's hard to explain, i'm just back. crafted with clinically studied plant-based ingredients that work naturally with your body. i feel really good. for restorative herbal sleep, like never before. >> neil: don't look now but critics say it's a wonderful life is not a wonderful life. they want to cancel. i hear jimmy stewart saying hold on. more after this. ♪ ♪ wow, we're crunching tons of polygons here! what's going on? 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>> we need to clamp down on this. if this gang effort nationwide is broken, you'll see a lot loss of the smash and grab. >> but the gop is blaming democrats for all of this. kevin mccarthy sent this exclusive statement to fox writing criminal smash and grab robberies perpetrated by criminals on bail when they should be behind bars. a refusal to prosecute crime in big cities and a wave of law enforcement retirements and resignations are taking a tragic toll on our communities. this comes as members of this the squad like presley and omar are against it. when asked what she thinks about pushing this kind of legislation at a time when her own democratic colleagues are worried about the spikes in crime, she says "one has nothing to do with the other." neil? >> neil: thanks. have a good weekend. aishah hasnie on capitol hill. 20 major retailers sending the letter to congress to get it done. ryan dodges is the president of the retail leaders association. very good to have you. what reaction have you gotten thus far? >> well, we're pleased with the reaction thus far. we have come a long way in articulating the problem here. certainly sadly the videos that have been posted online and carried on your news channel of the smash and grab robberies grab the attention of the public and policy makers. the letter was -- is an effort to draw attention to the solution that exists, which is the informed consumer's act, which is broadly supported on a bipartisan level, which is a rarity in congress and poised for passage. >> the chicago mayor blamed a lot of your members saying that they could do more to deal with this. i assume she was talking about the chicago area. what did you make of that? >> i think there's certainly places around this country where this is worse than others. this is a $70 billion a year problem. it's not exclusive to big cities. it's in big cities, it's in small towns. so our perspective is it needs a federal solution. we have an opportunity to work with congress to get something done and we're committed to doing that. >> neil: so when you say work with congress, would that more police, funding for more guards or support at stores of all types, all sizes, what? >> the solution here is not necessarily focus on the police side of it. obviously work to be done there. the solution is to take away the easy access that criminals have to unsuspecting buyers. there used to be a time when criminals or thieves would steal products. the only way they could sell them is in a dark alley. now that do it on amazon, facebook and other places. so here what we're trying to do is force those online marketplaces to be accountable for the goods that are sold on their sites. for them to play a role in ensuring that stolen goods and counterfeits are not sold on their site. >> neil: or not rewarded for doing so. measures in california that had a ceiling on how much you could steal before looking at potential jail time or, you know, not even being brought up on charges because of a lot of das let this stuff go. is anything in your push going to include those type of remedies? >> the solution that we have at hand here is focused on taking away the easy access to customers. we want to work to reconsider the felony threshold levels and make sure that law enforcement understands that the criminals involved in this theft are not petty shoplifters. they're tied to much more nefarious activities like drug trafficking. we're part of that effort and we're communicating with law enforcement about that now. we have this really important and powerful solution in front of us now here in congress. hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. >> we have taken some what we would consider serious steps to help work with these communities, whether it's plussing up police forces in san francisco and l.a. or having the fbi work with the l.a. police department to address areas where we have seen an increase in retail theft. >> neil: the white house doubling down that it is indeed doing their part to combat crime. right now here's the press secretary, jen psaki on this issue. there's issues that keep coming up as to whether it's serious. the white house and the national sheriff's association are battling over this spike in crime. the sheriff's association is accusing the biden administration of not helping to curb that problem. let's get a review from jonathan thompson. it's interesting when you look at the argument they're making. it was early on about the pandemic and this was accelerated because of the pandemic. now saying they're addressingish the issue and providing funds where needed. >> thanks for having me. i think you keyed this up. let me be clear. crime is not a blue or red issue, it's not republican or democrat. i remember senator biden sitting in the well of the senate not too long ago, don't want to age us, calling for 100,000 more cops in the country. we're getting to that point now. we have a crisis. i don't care how they want to categorize it. sheriffs asked for help, they need help. if we don't get it from the feds and we're not getting it, let's be honest, sending 70 officers to l.a. and san francisco, that is a drop in the boiling ocean. it's not going to do a thing for the rest of the country where we have a systemic problem with crime. if we have to do it ourselves like sheriff grady judd is doing like in florida, that's what we'll do. don't tell us you're helping when you're not. >> neil: sheriff, when they say that visual and gripping and scary as some of these video images are of brazen attacks on malls or stores, some in the middle of the day, that these are exaggerations, that crime rates are stabilizing, not going down, what do you say? >> i'd say they need to relook at the numbers that they've been fed. when i talked to the leaders of the fbi and we had a meeting on this yesterday, the very topic of what is the real information. and you know, the sad thing is, we all in law enforcement have been saying this since before november of last year. we saw the problem coming. we've told the administration. we told the previous administration the problem was coming. it's here. it's in our face. sheriffs have to decide how they're going to solve these problems with the chiefs and the jurisdiction and if the feds can help us, we want their help. we want their partnership. this is probably the single most important infrastructure item that the country needs. if you can't have a safe street, you can't have a safe community, you can't buy anything. you can't buy anything or live your life. so we have to do something. right now is the time. we can do it. i think the president has the message. i think he understands the nature of the problem. there's some around him that want to minimize it and say hey, we have it solved. we have to recognize, this is our problem. this isn't the left or the right or the middle. this is everyone of the americans' problem. sheriffs are here to help solve that problem. we need a collective approach from our federal partners. >> neil: yeah, so far no real coordinated approach. something has to be done. thanks, jonathan thompson. thanks very much. we'll see where this goes. meantime here, we're looking at other developments that are getting attention right now. a buffalo starbucks that has now gone to unionization route. another one in the same area that could follow suit as amazon is forced right now to redo a union vote that they thought they won a few weeks ago is. there a pattern here? 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>> from the biden administration's perspective, they want more union participation, higher union involvement and they think unions drive wages upwards. this dovetails in the inflation argument. when you ask white house officials about inflation, before privately, now publicly, they're making a pro wage argument. yes, there's inflation but seeing inflation in wages. the term they use is real wages and what real wages are, according to the white house, they're rising. and that's their theory of the case. now, they'll get into specifics like if you saw this afternoon, he weighed in on the session at kellogg. >> yeah. striking workers are being replaced by others and that has his wrath right now. what is interesting in the buffalo case and starbucks in general, it's one of the countries more generous employers with pay average close to $20 an hour, sometimes in some areas, $23 an hour and a host -- wide range of benefits and targeting and exceeds in one store. the other could go the same way for unionization. that is a big development. what did you think of that? >> you never want the draw too much and make a big broad proclamation from a couple of incidents. remember earlier in the year, it was at amazon where the amazon workers voted not to take the collective bargaining routes and people jumped out on that. people said they're happy at amazon and unionization efforts is not viable at amazon. it be hesitant to weigh-in much from one case. it's interesting, right? the numbers are probably what make it the most interesting. that is that these employees are paid above, well above, even what people like bernie sanders are talking about is a new federal minimum wage. so you know, when you have the great montage there of biden talking about union jobs. he's basically talking about the building trades with some extent what is happening in healthcare and federal workers as well. those are the unions he's talking about, right? the white house is proactive throughout the entire infrastructure debate to make sure that reporters like myself got quotes from union officials talking about how great the infrastructure package is. when you get in the construction trade, the building trade, those are really well-paying union jobs. those are the kind of jobs that president biden for the most part is talking about. but i mean, look, i agree, it's an interesting question. he hasn't been directly asked this as far as i can tell, where is he on the starbucks unionization effort. >> neil: we'll probably hear soon enough. thanks, hunt. meantime, another hot an contested issue. i'm not talking ant unionization. i'm talking about classic american christmas movies that are some are trying to see cancelled, including "it's a wonderful life." it was at least. ♪♪ let's go walter! after you. walter, twelve o' clock. get em boy! 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(kate) this holiday, verizon has the deal that gets better and better and better. with no sticky feeling. get iphone 13 pro, on us, when you trade in your old or damaged phone. here, the phone everyone wants, on america's most reliable network. better? (guy) better. (kate) that's not all. the new iphone, and up to 7 entertainment subscriptions for your family. like apple music, apple arcade, and more. better? (family) betttterrrrrr. (kate) not done. the new iphone, the entertainment, and up to $1,000 when you switch. (carolers) [singing] betttttter. (kate) this year, holiday better, with verizon. because everyone deserves better. ♪ ♪ >> look, daddy, every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. >> that's right, that's right. attaboy, clarence. to speak of that part of "it's a wonderful life" is okay but othy that it should be on the don't watch, don't even play list. they claim that "it's a wonderful life, this is incredible, but they say jimmy stewart gets misogynistic. don't even get me started on mr. potter. the bottom line is there are a few others they don't like either but who can i get to talk about the big moral implications of this going forward, for the world, for society, for humankind as we know it. we came up with the "fox across america" host and the "fox nation" poster is everywhere come out on the square yesterday. and this is the best we can do. >> we were the backup of the backup. >> just kidding. this is wild, guys. let's talk first about "it's a wonderful life." do you think that deserves to be just stopped? >> absolutely not. i was so upset i had to literally sit down and remind myself this is probably just a few people on the internet, four guys on the internet, because last year nbc played "it's a wonderful life" on their network and 4.47 million people tuned in, but to say the people trying to cancel this movie, it was way ahead of its time talking about mental health. in the '40s, no one was talking about suicide. >> a lot of people didn't know that george wanted to kill himself because he was a jets fan. missed field goal, i can't do it anymore! >> this is a waste of time. >> here's my problem with the people trying to do this. there's two of them, which we think there is, or there might be 2,000. these are the worst human beings in the world. millions of people derive joy from watching these films. like the world is on fire. do you really want to deny people two hours of joy that they get from going back to a simpler time with the standards are different but that is part of the reason you go, to be someplace simpler and get a little nostalgia out of it. this office to placate placate both sides, you rename the film "it's a wonderful life, so check your privilege." >> they dump on jimmy stewart of all people because he grabs his wife to kiss her. it would be one thing if he grabbed the neighbor, but he didn't do that. he talks not so much about the evil business guy, which is popular in the movie about what he said to his wife on the phone and i'm just wondering, really? is this how far we are going? >> couples also fight in real life. this is a real-life thing, i guess. when you talk about toxic masculinity is what people are saying. >> that is a common thing. >> and i think people are afraid of traditional values, may be. walking into the studio's, jimmy let me walk first and it wasn't because he didn't think i was capable of opening the door myself, he was a gentleman. >> he was running late. >> where is jimmy? >> what we are guilty of is not owning a time machine. the standards have evolved. it was clearly acceptable for the last 50 years. can't imagine being so self-important the world should adjust. are we supposed to ban jelly beans because i don't like them? >> it's a matter of we are too sensitive. they are against santa claus, the way he rips or jokes about being fat. and that that offended fat people, or calorically challenged people. i talked to calorically challenged people, they are not offended at all. >> no kidding. i don't believe everyone is offended, it is the currency that comes from claiming a fence. i'm upset, give me something. >> but do not the movie? >> fat phobia, if that is what you call it, it actually works. i grew fat, i was 300 pounds. on the beneficiary of a tough love society. every time i got out of the car at school, hey, you fat slob, how much are you going to eat? fat phobia, in some capacity it works. look at covid. the number one killer, the most common denominator of people who die with obesity. maybe instead of body positivity saying it's great being 600 pounds. maybe saying to people like me, get in shape. >> that is sympathetic. >> definitely sympathetic and i'm going to say something from jimmy fairley, he came on my podcast and we talked about comedy and cancel culture and what he told me is it is not necessarily what you say, it is the intent behind it and i don't think anyone had malicious intent in "santa claus" and "the holiday" and "it's a wonderful life." >> we can do that. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello everybody, i am jesse watters along with kayleigh mcenany, harold ford jr., dagen mcdowell and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." democrats in the media looking like complete fools after falling for another massive hoax. smollett is now a proven liar after the con artist was convicted of 5 of 6 charges for staging his own hate crime and lying to police about it. it was clear to any sensibl

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Progress , Shot , Tool , Republicans , Megaphone , Costs , Child Care , Build , Healthcare , Prescription Drugs , Step , Cost Concerns , Families , Way , Meat Prices , Senate , Thanks , Beef , Insight , Holiday , Meat Market , Place , Business , Talk , Butcher , Vincent , Owner Waiting , Cross , Let , 1939 , Country , Everything , Father , Shop , Fillets , Rib Roast , Sticker Shock , Money , Numbers , Prime Cuts , 50 , Corporations , Rack Of Lamb , Profits , 90 , 40 , 140 , 0 , Store , Big Box Stores , Profit , 5 , , It , Photo , Advertisement , Vinny Ran In The 70s , Five , Ten , Fat , Look , More , Waste , Ad , Less Bone , 1970 , 70 , Bone , Sky High , Add , Folks , Vinny , Thanksgiving , Cut , Spending , Holiday Meal , Tip , Wall , Sign , Meal , Director , Brian Deese , Peak , One , Increase , Price , Moderation , Sectors , Half , Energy , Thing , Levels , Supply Chain Bottle Necks , Recovery , Labor Market , 1969 , Pandemic , Challenges , Ports , Spike , Seriousness , Activity , Sort , Nature , Guard , Par , Issues , Example , Supply Chains , Task Force , Executive Order , Disruptions , Summer , February 25 , Da To A , Back , Labor , Lockdowns , Operators , Ups And Downs , 24 7 , Goods , Walmart , Spline Chain , Docks , Containers , Target , Amount , Front , Focus , Criticism , Holiday Season , Squeeze , Everyone , Price Increases , Ones , Use , Action , Doesn T , Reserve , Isn T , Monetary Policy , Raising Rates , Policy , Steps , Side , Role , Congress , Piece , Legislation In Modern American History , Act , Family , Insulin , Millions , Women , Price Pressures , Work Force , Strength , First In American History , Features , Measure , Spending Package , Opposite , Child Care Assistance , Rest , Unemployment Rate , 3 5 , Bill , Cbo , Package , Revenue , 400 , Estimate , Faith , Joint Committee On Taxation , Six , Housing , Question , Scorekeepers , Opportunity , Pressures , Add , Prepandemic , Supply , Won T , Underunvested , Logic , Lowter , Test , Point , Market , Inflation Front , Panic , Averages , S P 500 , 500 , Liberty Mutual , Bull Rider , Chances , Car Insurance , Worries , High , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , Turn , Someone , Record , Pay , Liberty , Tex , Hang On , 665 Dollars , 665 , Verizon , Business Unlimited Plans , Plans , Hotspot Data , 5g , Low , Appointment , Vo , 30 , Helen , Exercise , Diabetes , A1c , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Glucose , Libre 2 , Medicare , 2 , Something , Symptoms , Crohn S Disease , Moderate , Remission , Humira , Infections , Relief , Humira Saw , Doctor , Biologic , Symptom , Majority , Ability , 4 , 1 , Nervous System Problems , Reactions , Liver , Blood , Have , Cancers , Tuberculosis , Lymphoma , Heart Failure , Tb , Hepatitis B , Don T , Infection , Sores , Gastroenterologist , Service , Flexibility , Network , Small Business , Lines , Line , Mix , Match Data Options , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , Internet , Term , Customers , Contract , Comcast Business , Fees , Possibilities , Migrants , Truck , Southern Mexico , Scenes , Bill Melugin , Crashed , Eagle Pass , 54 , Stories , Crash , Immigration , First , Two , Tractor Trailer Truckloaded , Couldn T , Weight , Another , Riders , Accidents , 105 , Arizona , Border Patrol , Situation , Yuma , Mayor , Manpower , 2600 , 6000 , Bite , Food , Agents , City , Mcdonald S , Number , Igrants , State Of Emergency , Crisis , Office , Mark Kelly , Senators , Phone , Alejandro Mayorkas , Resources , Yuma Area , Kyrsten Sinema , Doug Ducey , Governor , Others , Let S Go , Troops , Boarder , Texas , 16 , Joe Biden , Presidents , Stand , Worst , Trump , Obama , Three , Border , Flight , Secretary Mayorkas , San Francisco , Hiding , State Badges , Phoenix , San Diego , Men , Government , Ice , Customs And Border Protection , Places , Expert , Addition , Spurts , Pattern , Policies , Thousands , All Or Nothing , Trickles , Title , Happening , Afghanistan Exit Plan , El Paso , 42 , Cartels , Migrant Back , Partners , Lack , 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, Story , Experts , Man , Windshield , Safelite , My Truck Is Livelihood , Singers , Girl , Safelite Repair , Measures , Times , Washington For Action , Latest , Crime Spree , Aishah Hasnie , Capitol Hill , Stuff , Ceos , Nordstrom , 20 , Amazon , Products , Legislation , Marketplaces , Transparency , Sale , Criminals , Implementing Basics Transparency , Smash And Grab , Grabs , Protocols , The Hill , Bail , Fox , Statement , Loss , Gang Effort Nationwide , Fox Writing Criminal Smash And Grab , Gop , Kevin Mccarthy , Cities , Robberies , Refusal , Communities , Toll , Resignations , Law Enforcement Retirements , Bars , Wave , Members , Squad , Presley , Omar , Spikes , Colleagues , Letter , Other , Retailers , Ryan Dodges , Reaction , Videos , Retail Leaders Association , Starbucks Unionization Effort , Solution , News Channel , Public , Makers , Lot , Consumer , Rarity , Passage , Chicago , Area , 0 Billion , 70 Billion , Perspective , Towns , Support , Stores , Police , Types , Police Side , Funding , Guards , Sizes , Thieves , Access , Buyers , Alley , Counterfeits , Sites , Facebook , Charges , Site , Ceiling , Anything , Type , Stuff Go , Das , Remedies , Push , Law Enforcement , Shoplifters , Felony Threshold Levels , Theft , Activities , Drug Trafficking , Part , Skin , Face , Moisturizer , Daily Moisture , Scientist , Daily , Prebiotic Oat Formula , Nature Tm , Aveeno , True Jen , Water , Laundry , Pre Treaters , Tide Pods , Nice , Dad , Woah , Lowe S , Oh Yeah , Tide , Ho , Tire , Winterfest , Carolers , Ugh , Don T Take Ozempic , Zone , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Cv Risk , Game , Adults , 12 , 7 , Risk , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Disease , Heart Attack , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Events , Stroke , Death , Lump , Needles , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stop Ozempic , Pens , Reuse , Share , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider , Health Care Provider , Work , Prescription , Retail Theft , Fbi , Plussing Up Police Forces , L A Police Department , Press Secretary , The National Sheriff S Association , The Sheriff S Association , Administration , Review , Argument , Jonathan Thompson , Funds , Senator , Red , Sheriffs , Feds , Cops , 100000 , Officers , Drop , L A , Boiling Ocean , Sheriff Grady Judd , Florida , Some , Crime Rates , Attacks , Middle , Video Images , Malls , Exaggerations , Information , Leaders , Meeting , Topic , Fed , Problems , Partnership , Infrastructure Item , Chiefs , Jurisdiction , Single , Community , Message , Safe Street , Left , Right , Approach , Developments , Buffalo Starbucks , Suit , Unionization Route , Union Vote , Weekend Trip , Fifteen , Thirteen , Td Ameritrade , Markets , Thinkorswim , Position , Dashboard , One Last Look , Set , Mobile , Take Off , App , Smart , Pieces , Investing Style , Snacking , Super Poligrip , Food Particles , Seal , Mike S Denture , Questions , Covid 19 , 19 , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 833 , 4673 , 317 , 833 317 4673 , Jobs , Union Jobs , Employers , Surprise , Direction , Favor , Rage , Workers , Benefits , Like , College Education , Bonuses , Incentives , Union Participation , Route , Union Involvement , Unions , Officials , Pro Wage Argument , Inflation Argument , Case , Theory , Session , Wrath , General , Kellogg , Specifics , Host , Pay Average , 23 , Unionization , Development , Couple , Draw , Big Broad Proclamation , Efforts , Routes , Incidents , Bargaining , Employees , Above , Montage , Trades , Minimum Wage , Biden Talking About Union Jobs , Extent , Bernie Sanders , Reporters , Infrastructure , Union , Debate , Quotes , Infrastructure Package , Construction Trade , Building Trade , He Hasn T , Hunt , I M Talking About Classic American Christmas Movies , Ant Unionization , Walter , Workspace , Tailgate , Em Boy , Cat , Twelve O Clock , Cows Mooing , Twelve , Life Insurance Policy , Adventures , Chevrolet , Chevy Silverado , Find New Roads , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Retirement , Cash Payment , Income , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 00000 , Insurance , Medicine Fast , Laser , Gels , Pain Hits Fast , Coventry , Tylenol Rapid , Drilled Holes , Packs , Maggie Gronewald , Pill , Weather , Pain Relief , Bond , Deal , Phone Everyone Wants , Ointment , Restore Healthy , Kate , Iphone 13 Pro , 13 , Better , Iphone , Betttterrrrrr , On America S , Entertainment , Entertainment Subscriptions , Music , Guy , Apple , Apple Arcade , 1000 , 000 , Betttttter , Singing , Angel , Wings , Rings , Othy , That S Right , Attaboy , The Don T Watch , List , Misogynistic , Society , Forward , Bottom Line , Implications , Mr , Either , Humankind , Potter , Backup , Best , Poster , Everywhere , Square , Fox Nation , Fox Across America , Kidding , Guys , Nbc , 4 47 Million , Movie , No One , Mental Health , Suicide , George , Human Beings , Field Goal , Jets Fan , 2000 , Standards , Films , Fire , Reason , Sides , Nostalgia , Privilege , Wife , Neighbor , Business Guy , Couples , Masculinity , Door , Wasn T , Values , Walking , Studio , Gentleman , Time Machine , Santa Claus , Jelly Beans , Matter , Fat People , Being Fat , Jokes , Fat Phobia , Currency , Fence , Beneficiary , School , Car , Love , Slob , 300 , Body Positivity , Capacity , Denominator , Obesity , Killer , Number One , 600 , Intent , Shape , Culture , Comedy , Podcast , Jimmy Fairley , Jesse Watters , Anyone , The Holiday , Dagen Mcdowell , New York City , Harold Ford Jr , Greg Gutfeld , Kayleigh Mcenany , Hate Crime , Smollett , Sensibl , Media , Fools , Hoax , Liar , The Con Artist , 6 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

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right now. let's just say no signs things are slowing down right now. far from it. the cost of the steak is up 25% from a year ago. bacon, up 21%. fuel oil, 59%. gas, 58%. supply chain shortages aren't helping. but growing frustration with the white house and many shoppers isn'ts helping either. is that fair? is it right? today we'll ask the white house's top economic adviser because the national economic council districter, brian dees is here and only here. i'm neil cavuto, this is "your world." we have jacqui heinrich at the white house on what the president is saying about this and lydia hu in new jersey with how businesses are dealing with this. let's begin with jacqui. jacqui? >> hi, neil. you know what else happened in 1982? transportation secretary pete buttigieg was born. the president tried to highlight some bright spots today as the new report came out. highlighting areas where prices have come down on certain things, things like gas prices, natural gas, used cars. he tried to assure people that there's cause to be hopeful. >> i think you'll see a change sooner than -- quicker -- more rapidly than it will take than most people think. every other aspect of the economy is racing ahead. it's doing incredibly well. we've never had this kind of growth in 60 years. inflation is affecting people's lives. >> the president hit the same points that we've been hearing, that the u.s. is recovering faster than other countries, wages has risen and unemployment is done. he acknowledged mores that to be done before consumers feel good about the economy. he called it a top priority of his administration. jen psaki said there's a difference between the indicators and what americans are feeling. >> i think the way american people look at it is not through data. they look at it how things impact their lives. what we can see them, where we're doing after the problem and where we're seeing progress. >> she took a shot at republicans in conveying to the american people that people should pay attention to who has a plan, not just shouting about the problem with a megaphone. the biggest tool the administration sees in addressing this problem is the build back better plan. the president cited today it will reduce costs for healthcare, prescription drugs, child care. he called it the most immediate step that can be taken to address cost concerns for families. we're waiting to see where that ends up later on this year as it works its way through the senate, neil. >> neil: thanks, jacqui. americans may have a beef with the cost of beef. meat prices jumping 60% ahead of the holiday. lydia hu is at a meat market in new jersey seeing it close. lydia? >> hi, neil. there might not be a better place to ask for insight against the meat prices than john's meat market, this butcher has been in business since 1939. we've got the owner waiting for us just inside, this vincent here. we're so grateful for your insight today. let's talk about the prices. they're going up a cross the country and right here in your own shop. you say you have sticker shock from your own prices that you have to set. what are some standing out to you? >> rib roast, fillets, everything. it's astonishing. all the year i've been here, my father opened in 1939, i've been here 50 years. the numbers are astonishing. we can only go up so much. >> you say you'd made more money when the prices were lower. you carry only prime cuts. rack of lamb was $90 last year. now it's $140. i want to ask you about this. the white house said today that meat prices are rising because big corporations are increasing their profits. what do you think about this? is this profit driven? >> maybe the big box stores or corporations, but the little small store like, we can only go up so much. years ago it went up $5, we could go up 5. now it if it goes up ten, we can only go up five. it's not like it was years ago. >> you've been in business so long. this is not the first inflation period. this is a photo of an advertisement that vinny ran in the 70s. take a look at this. 1970. this is why pay more? because you're really paying less, less fat, less bone, lest waste. vinny, seems like that ad applies now. why is that relevant? >> definitely. prices were sky high then. everybody said your prices are high. i said why pay more and you're paying less? you're getting less bone, less fat, higher quality. think about it. it comes out to be less money you're spending. >> that's a tip right there, neil. hopefully folks can find a vinny that can get a good cut for their holiday meal. we just finish add costly thanksgiving and gearing up for another costly meal for christmas. >> neil: thanks, lydia. as people pointed out, people are willing to pay the higher prices. that's a sign of the stronger economy and they can and they will. all of this inflation stops when people can't do it. it's not happening. will it? brian deese joins us from the white house. director, very good to have you. >> good to be here. >> neil: let me ask you first about what the president has been saying about this, director, that we might already be at the peak and that things will stabilize, start coming down. is that the way you see it? >> we never put too much steak in one month's data. the date that in november, they were high. less strong than october. about half of the increase in november was driven by energy and cars. those are both sectors where we have seen moderation. the price of gas is falling. the price of natural gas is down 25% from the november levels. so we're seeing moderation there. prices are too high and that's why we are very focused here on the things that we can do to unstock the supply chain bottle necks that are affecting every country around the world. the thing unique about the american recovery right now is how strong our economic growth is, strongest in 40 years. how strong our labor market is, lowest unemployment claims since 1969. we're well-positioned to address the real challenges with prices. that's why we're focused on taking the steps we can, including around the ports and moving things more quickly. >> neil: i can see what you and the president are saying about coming out of a pandemic where the economy was essentially in par on any sort of activity after that of getting back to normal. you'll see a spike in prices. seems as if the administration was caught off guard as to the seriousness and the widespread nature of this. >> i don't think that that is fair. i think if you look at supply chains, for example, the president signed an executive order on supply chain resilience february 25 of this past year. he launched a disruptions task force over the summer. we've been add these issues for some months even as we've seen very strong economic growth underlying our recovery. we know as you come out of a pandemic, look at the da to a year ago, a year ago, the economy was on its back. we were in lockdowns. there were ups and downs. take an example like at our ports, a couple months ago, we sat down with business and labor and the terminal operators and said we need to get the ports going 24/7. the amount of time that containers are sitting on docks has come down about 50%. you see walmart, target, other retailers are saying goods are moving more quickly through the spline chain as we get through the squeeze of the holiday season. so i think we're making progress on that front. this has been a focus of ours for some time and will continue to be because it's important to try to moderate those prices. >> neil: there was criticism early on that the white house seemed to be dismissing the price increases and hanging it on the rich and they're the ones that are forcing the higher prices when everyone was. you addressed this. no use in going back at that. but i am wondering now how this gets to be fixed? isn't this really up to the federal reserve? doesn't it need to start raising rates, doing the kind of maybe dramatic -- some call it unpleasant action to get this under control? >> well, certainly monetary policy plays a role. i'll leave that to the federal reserve. from the fiscal policy side, what we need to do is continue to take steps to address what are global supply chain issues and taking action to reduce costs for families. you know, this build back better act that we're debating in congress right now, there's never been a piece of legislation in modern american history that would reduce costs for families more in areas where they're feeling it. prescription drugs, for example. the cost of insulin affects millions of families around the country. the cost of child care. this build will cost in half child care that a typical family is facing. not only reducing costs but get people to work by providing affordable child care, particularly women, can get back in the work force. so there's steps that we can take right now that would help propel the strength of this recovery while easing price pressures. so that will continue to be our focus. >> neil: it would be a first in american history, a spending package reducing inflation. usually it's the opposite. you mentioned the features in the measure as helping out those that need child care assistance and the rest. we didn't have any of those features back before the pandemic and for a while we have had an unemployment rate at 3.5%. if we didn't need it then, why do we need it now? >> what is unique about this package is that it is fully paid for. so by being fully paid for -- >> neil: but it's not, right? the cbo says it's going to fall about $400 bill short in revenue over ten years. i don't put any faith in any estimate that goes over six months. having said that, they don't say it is fully paid for. >> well, what the cbo estimated today is a hypothetical bill that is not build back better. the cbo, the joint committee on taxation, the official scorekeepers have looked at the bill and said it's fully paid for. but to go to your question, we faced challenges of rising costs of healthcare, rising costs of housing well before this pandemic. they were imposing real challenges on american families even when we were in the prepandemic economy. these challenges are not new but the opportunity we have to address them in a way that won't add to inflationary pressures is pressing right now. that's the logic of this bill. particularly take housing. we have underunvested in the supply of affordable housing for years now. doing that now will help lowter cost of housing for american families. if we pay for it, it won't add to demand or add to inflationary pressures. >> neil: we shall see. the first big test of getting it voted on. thanks, brian deese, national economic adviser to the president. thanks for being here. to his point, if there's panic about what is happening on the inflation front, the market has a funny way of showing it. all the major averages rallying 3 to 3.5%. the s&p 500 is at an all-time high. so for now no worries for now. more after this. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. as a professional bull-rider i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> neil, good afternoon to you. two big stories going on with immigration right now. we'll get to the first. the crash that you mentioned. what you're looking at is in southern mexico. what this was was a tractor trailer truckloaded up with migrants. it flipped and 54 migrants dead. another 105 injured, this is making it one of the deadliest accidents involving migrants in the past several decades. one of the riders in the truck that survived said there was too much weight. when they tried to make the turn, the truck couldn't handle it. want to direct you to another situation. this is yuma, arizona. these are migrants that just crossed in illegally. walking around with no border patrol. border patrol overwhelmed down there. they don't have the manpower right now. the yuma mayor saying more than 6,000 migrants passed through yuma in the past several days. that's a 2600% increase. take a look at this photo. some migrants as they walked through the city stopped by to get a bite of food at mcdonald's. border patrol doesn't have the manpower right now. these migrants were never encountered by agents. the mayor has declared a local state of emergency saying that he had to do it due to the unprecedented number of igrants is resulting in a humanitarian crisis. i reached out to democratic senators. mark kelly's office said he was on the phone with alejandro mayorkas urging him to take immediate action and send more federal resources down to the yuma area. however when it comes to kyrsten sinema's us a, i never heard back. back to you. >> neil: thanks, bill melugin. let's go to the arizona governor, doug ducey. you're 16edding troops to the boarder and trying to deal with this as is the governor of texas and others. i'm just wondering where does that stand right now? >> i've worked now with three presidents, obama, trump and biden. the biden administration is far and away the worst. secretary mayorkas needs to resign. he's in phoenix or came to phoenix, but he's hiding from the border. he took a flight to san diego and then san francisco. the administration is completely nonresponsive. so yes, we are surging state badges to the border. we're trying to support the brave men and women of border patrol and customs and border protection along with ice. but they're undermanned and they're underresourced from our federal government. so we need some attention on the border right now in addition to what we're trying to do in arizona and places like texas. >> neil: governor, it confuses me. you've become an expert with this. why does it come in the spurts that it does? in the last few days, thousands of migrants descending on the border and in between trickles. what do you make of the all or nothing pattern? >> well, this is due to the biden administration's policies. we've asked them to reinstate title 42. they're doing like it the afghanistan exit plan. piecemeal without thinking it out. so it's happening in el paso where you can return a migrant back to mexico legally but it's not instituted in arizona. that's why you have the cartels taking piece to a place where they find a wide open border unprotected. now, we're putting all the manpower we can on the border and trying to support our federal partners, but there's a complete lack of attention and seriousness from joe biden and kamala harris. >> neil: so you're saying the new federal policy that the administration was legally, you know, forced to accept where we adjudicate these cases on the mexican side of the border -- the u.s. side of the border, that we're not honoring that in your state and the other states as well? >> that is accurate. they're instituting it piecemeal. so it's happening right now in el paso to my understanding. we do not have title 42 authority here in the state of arizona. so the cartels take advantage of this. they use the humanitarian crisis that is so heart breaking on your screen to get the drugs, the fentanyl, the methamphetamine and the cocaine across the border and then to surge it all over our country. this is something that is infecting all of our schools and neighborhoods and not just in arizona but border states. when you hear about the fentanyl overdoses, the dangerous drugs and poisons came across the southern border, this is a law enforcement function. we're going to do everything we can in arizona but it's like a balloon, neil. when you squeeze it, they go to new mexico and california. >> neil: you say in the build back better plan, as least as its written, there's scarcery any money allocated any money to addressing these concerns. they're not part of that. >> nothing is going to pass through congress or the senate without the help of the arizona delegation. so anybody in the arizona delegation, congressman or woman or senator should be a no on any policy that doesn't include border security. we need border security. never had we had more leverage with our delegation and in is an arizona issue affecting the entire united states. >> neil: so kirsten sinema were to vote yes -- as you know, she and joe manchin in west virginia, the two democrats that are reluctants on this for the time being, if she votes for this, what would you think? >> well, whoever votes yes or this is abandoning arizona. we can't wait. we need action on this right now. whatever is moving through congress, they need to add the language that addresses border security. you can't be a yes or any vote if it doesn't have that language. >> neil: all right. governor ducey, thanks very much. we did reach out to secretary mayorkas' office and yet to hear back. companies oftentimes want washington to get out of the way. now at least two dozen top retail executives are saying please, congress, get in the way. do something about crime. after this. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. the new sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair has the science to show that the toothpaste goes deep inside the exposed dentin to help repair sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. man, i slept. we gave new zzzquil pure zzzs restorative herbal sleep to people who were tired of being tired. i've never slept like this before. i've never woken up like this before. i feel like doing things... and then doing other things after those things. it's hard to explain, i'm just back. crafted with clinically studied plant-based ingredients that work naturally with your body. i feel really good. for restorative herbal sleep, like never before. >> neil: don't look now but critics say it's a wonderful life is not a wonderful life. they want to cancel. i hear jimmy stewart saying hold on. more after this. ♪ ♪ wow, we're crunching tons of polygons here! what's going on? where's regina? hi, i'm ladonna. i invest in invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to the nasdaq-100 innovations, like real time cgi. okay... yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq >> man: what's my safelite story? yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> neil: all right. here's one thing that happens when we have the crime spree across the country, major companies are calling on washington for action. desperate times call for desperate measures. aishah hasnie on capitol hill with the latest. aishah? >> that's one way to put it. it would be accurate, neil. so those 20 ceos of large retailers like target, nordstrom, stuff that we're familiar with are pretty much fed up. they're calling on congress to pass a specific piece of legislation. it's called the informed consumers act. so it's a bipartisan measure to increase transparency of online marketplaces like amazon, e-bay to try to stop the sale of illegal products, stuff that's being stolen in these smash and grabs. they write this. implementing basics transparency and vertification protocols is essential and will expose criminals that are selling consumers stolen fake and dangerous products. now, here on the hill, democrats are talking about this really only when fox asks them. >> you think that should be looked at, they're concerned about the no bail? >> we need to clamp down on this. if this gang effort nationwide is broken, you'll see a lot loss of the smash and grab. >> but the gop is blaming democrats for all of this. kevin mccarthy sent this exclusive statement to fox writing criminal smash and grab robberies perpetrated by criminals on bail when they should be behind bars. a refusal to prosecute crime in big cities and a wave of law enforcement retirements and resignations are taking a tragic toll on our communities. this comes as members of this the squad like presley and omar are against it. when asked what she thinks about pushing this kind of legislation at a time when her own democratic colleagues are worried about the spikes in crime, she says "one has nothing to do with the other." neil? >> neil: thanks. have a good weekend. aishah hasnie on capitol hill. 20 major retailers sending the letter to congress to get it done. ryan dodges is the president of the retail leaders association. very good to have you. what reaction have you gotten thus far? >> well, we're pleased with the reaction thus far. we have come a long way in articulating the problem here. certainly sadly the videos that have been posted online and carried on your news channel of the smash and grab robberies grab the attention of the public and policy makers. the letter was -- is an effort to draw attention to the solution that exists, which is the informed consumer's act, which is broadly supported on a bipartisan level, which is a rarity in congress and poised for passage. >> the chicago mayor blamed a lot of your members saying that they could do more to deal with this. i assume she was talking about the chicago area. what did you make of that? >> i think there's certainly places around this country where this is worse than others. this is a $70 billion a year problem. it's not exclusive to big cities. it's in big cities, it's in small towns. so our perspective is it needs a federal solution. we have an opportunity to work with congress to get something done and we're committed to doing that. >> neil: so when you say work with congress, would that more police, funding for more guards or support at stores of all types, all sizes, what? >> the solution here is not necessarily focus on the police side of it. obviously work to be done there. the solution is to take away the easy access that criminals have to unsuspecting buyers. there used to be a time when criminals or thieves would steal products. the only way they could sell them is in a dark alley. now that do it on amazon, facebook and other places. so here what we're trying to do is force those online marketplaces to be accountable for the goods that are sold on their sites. for them to play a role in ensuring that stolen goods and counterfeits are not sold on their site. >> neil: or not rewarded for doing so. measures in california that had a ceiling on how much you could steal before looking at potential jail time or, you know, not even being brought up on charges because of a lot of das let this stuff go. is anything in your push going to include those type of remedies? >> the solution that we have at hand here is focused on taking away the easy access to customers. we want to work to reconsider the felony threshold levels and make sure that law enforcement understands that the criminals involved in this theft are not petty shoplifters. they're tied to much more nefarious activities like drug trafficking. we're part of that effort and we're communicating with law enforcement about that now. we have this really important and powerful solution in front of us now here in congress. hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? 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>> i'd say they need to relook at the numbers that they've been fed. when i talked to the leaders of the fbi and we had a meeting on this yesterday, the very topic of what is the real information. and you know, the sad thing is, we all in law enforcement have been saying this since before november of last year. we saw the problem coming. we've told the administration. we told the previous administration the problem was coming. it's here. it's in our face. sheriffs have to decide how they're going to solve these problems with the chiefs and the jurisdiction and if the feds can help us, we want their help. we want their partnership. this is probably the single most important infrastructure item that the country needs. if you can't have a safe street, you can't have a safe community, you can't buy anything. you can't buy anything or live your life. so we have to do something. right now is the time. we can do it. i think the president has the message. i think he understands the nature of the problem. there's some around him that want to minimize it and say hey, we have it solved. we have to recognize, this is our problem. this isn't the left or the right or the middle. this is everyone of the americans' problem. sheriffs are here to help solve that problem. we need a collective approach from our federal partners. >> neil: yeah, so far no real coordinated approach. something has to be done. thanks, jonathan thompson. thanks very much. we'll see where this goes. meantime here, we're looking at other developments that are getting attention right now. a buffalo starbucks that has now gone to unionization route. another one in the same area that could follow suit as amazon is forced right now to redo a union vote that they thought they won a few weeks ago is. there a pattern here? 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>> from the biden administration's perspective, they want more union participation, higher union involvement and they think unions drive wages upwards. this dovetails in the inflation argument. when you ask white house officials about inflation, before privately, now publicly, they're making a pro wage argument. yes, there's inflation but seeing inflation in wages. the term they use is real wages and what real wages are, according to the white house, they're rising. and that's their theory of the case. now, they'll get into specifics like if you saw this afternoon, he weighed in on the session at kellogg. >> yeah. striking workers are being replaced by others and that has his wrath right now. what is interesting in the buffalo case and starbucks in general, it's one of the countries more generous employers with pay average close to $20 an hour, sometimes in some areas, $23 an hour and a host -- wide range of benefits and targeting and exceeds in one store. the other could go the same way for unionization. that is a big development. what did you think of that? >> you never want the draw too much and make a big broad proclamation from a couple of incidents. remember earlier in the year, it was at amazon where the amazon workers voted not to take the collective bargaining routes and people jumped out on that. people said they're happy at amazon and unionization efforts is not viable at amazon. it be hesitant to weigh-in much from one case. it's interesting, right? the numbers are probably what make it the most interesting. that is that these employees are paid above, well above, even what people like bernie sanders are talking about is a new federal minimum wage. so you know, when you have the great montage there of biden talking about union jobs. he's basically talking about the building trades with some extent what is happening in healthcare and federal workers as well. those are the unions he's talking about, right? the white house is proactive throughout the entire infrastructure debate to make sure that reporters like myself got quotes from union officials talking about how great the infrastructure package is. when you get in the construction trade, the building trade, those are really well-paying union jobs. those are the kind of jobs that president biden for the most part is talking about. but i mean, look, i agree, it's an interesting question. he hasn't been directly asked this as far as i can tell, where is he on the starbucks unionization effort. >> neil: we'll probably hear soon enough. thanks, hunt. meantime, another hot an contested issue. i'm not talking ant unionization. i'm talking about classic american christmas movies that are some are trying to see cancelled, including "it's a wonderful life." it was at least. ♪♪ let's go walter! after you. walter, twelve o' clock. get em boy! 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(kate) this year, holiday better, with verizon. because everyone deserves better. ♪ ♪ >> look, daddy, every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. >> that's right, that's right. attaboy, clarence. to speak of that part of "it's a wonderful life" is okay but othy that it should be on the don't watch, don't even play list. they claim that "it's a wonderful life, this is incredible, but they say jimmy stewart gets misogynistic. don't even get me started on mr. potter. the bottom line is there are a few others they don't like either but who can i get to talk about the big moral implications of this going forward, for the world, for society, for humankind as we know it. we came up with the "fox across america" host and the "fox nation" poster is everywhere come out on the square yesterday. and this is the best we can do. >> we were the backup of the backup. >> just kidding. this is wild, guys. let's talk first about "it's a wonderful life." do you think that deserves to be just stopped? >> absolutely not. i was so upset i had to literally sit down and remind myself this is probably just a few people on the internet, four guys on the internet, because last year nbc played "it's a wonderful life" on their network and 4.47 million people tuned in, but to say the people trying to cancel this movie, it was way ahead of its time talking about mental health. in the '40s, no one was talking about suicide. >> a lot of people didn't know that george wanted to kill himself because he was a jets fan. missed field goal, i can't do it anymore! >> this is a waste of time. >> here's my problem with the people trying to do this. there's two of them, which we think there is, or there might be 2,000. these are the worst human beings in the world. millions of people derive joy from watching these films. like the world is on fire. do you really want to deny people two hours of joy that they get from going back to a simpler time with the standards are different but that is part of the reason you go, to be someplace simpler and get a little nostalgia out of it. this office to placate placate both sides, you rename the film "it's a wonderful life, so check your privilege." >> they dump on jimmy stewart of all people because he grabs his wife to kiss her. it would be one thing if he grabbed the neighbor, but he didn't do that. he talks not so much about the evil business guy, which is popular in the movie about what he said to his wife on the phone and i'm just wondering, really? is this how far we are going? >> couples also fight in real life. this is a real-life thing, i guess. when you talk about toxic masculinity is what people are saying. >> that is a common thing. >> and i think people are afraid of traditional values, may be. walking into the studio's, jimmy let me walk first and it wasn't because he didn't think i was capable of opening the door myself, he was a gentleman. >> he was running late. >> where is jimmy? >> what we are guilty of is not owning a time machine. the standards have evolved. it was clearly acceptable for the last 50 years. can't imagine being so self-important the world should adjust. are we supposed to ban jelly beans because i don't like them? >> it's a matter of we are too sensitive. they are against santa claus, the way he rips or jokes about being fat. and that that offended fat people, or calorically challenged people. i talked to calorically challenged people, they are not offended at all. >> no kidding. i don't believe everyone is offended, it is the currency that comes from claiming a fence. i'm upset, give me something. >> but do not the movie? >> fat phobia, if that is what you call it, it actually works. i grew fat, i was 300 pounds. on the beneficiary of a tough love society. every time i got out of the car at school, hey, you fat slob, how much are you going to eat? fat phobia, in some capacity it works. look at covid. the number one killer, the most common denominator of people who die with obesity. maybe instead of body positivity saying it's great being 600 pounds. maybe saying to people like me, get in shape. >> that is sympathetic. >> definitely sympathetic and i'm going to say something from jimmy fairley, he came on my podcast and we talked about comedy and cancel culture and what he told me is it is not necessarily what you say, it is the intent behind it and i don't think anyone had malicious intent in "santa claus" and "the holiday" and "it's a wonderful life." >> we can do that. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello everybody, i am jesse watters along with kayleigh mcenany, harold ford jr., dagen mcdowell and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." democrats in the media looking like complete fools after falling for another massive hoax. smollett is now a proven liar after the con artist was convicted of 5 of 6 charges for staging his own hate crime and lying to police about it. it was clear to any sensibl

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