Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

i'm saying to you save america, kill the bill. jillian: speak ability pushing through a massive spending bill that would reshape american is democratic inviting intensifies in the government shutdown lives president biden's agenda hangs in the balance. jillian: facing lawmakers for the first time. todd: afghanistan fell to the taliban at the same time americans and our allies remain strand behind enemy lines. jillian: you are watching "fox and friends first". todd: a live look at the capitol where democrats are divided as they push the $3.5 trillion spending bill. >> progressives refused to bend on their pricey priorities. >> the couple is he placing bets on having enough votes to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill thursday. it won't happen in conjunction with the president's $3.5 trillion spending package as she vowed it would. this could put both votes in jeopardy is an progressives promise not to support infrastructure without the spending package. even some democrats in the senate like joe manchin feel it is too costly. >> we obviously didn't envision having republicans as part of our party. >> reporter: pelosi said democrats are not very it on the final number for the most part trillion dollar plan. >> she has her hands full. the democrat party is in disarray because the american people see what they are trying to pass. >> reporter: the budget reconciliation package includes lofty asks including free community college for illegal immigrants, $79 billion for irs tax enforcement, $12 billion for government electric cars. $25 million for bias training, taxes will completely offset their billback better plan. >> the reconciliation package would cost $0. >> yesterday blocked a move to raise the debt ceiling, democrats have a few days to avoid a partial shutdown. >> we will see if democrats want to govern or if they want to at the prospect of government shutdown to the list of inflation, afghanistan, the border and all the other national crises. >> government funding expires thursday at midnight. todd: thank you. newt gingrich causing this a losing battle, can't get her own party on board with biden's agenda. >> big government socialism has 16% support, one of every 6 americans. it may be the lemming is replacing the donkey as the democratic party similar they may run off a cliff together. this will be very unpopular in the country and my guess is they are not going to get it through. they want to survive. and it is an almost impossible job. todd: pelosi working against the shutdown and, and have agenda trump, and do your job. >> thousands of patient migrants are accepting the open borders invitation and more on the way. >> jenkins in mexico where 2000 jump on the journey to america. >> the office of refugee assistance, 77,000 migrants coming here. and the migrants want these necessary work permits at registration papers who head north. stephenson is a migrant from haiti. >> i don't have a job. >> stephenson, will you ever go back to haiti? >> never. >> migrants from south america. >> thank you, good luck. that is part of why so many asians are coming. they are sending many migrants who got turned away, to begin their registration process and mexican officials confirm what stephenson was saying which is there are 15,000 migrants from south america, preparing for that onslaught, to deal with the problem. jillian: the white house ripping into republicans for the giving speeches rather than bending the administration's immigration reform plan. todd: alejandra mayorkas reveals one in 5 migrants have, quote, and illness. >> reporter: jen psaki taking the gloves off, even though president biden has yet to visit the border. >> they are giving speeches about how broken the system is, join us and be part of the solution instead of relying on speeches? we can work together and get immigration reform past. >> reporter: texas congress and ronnie jackson firing back to chang finish building the wall to remain in mexico policy and stop undermining our brave border patrol officers with proven lies. biden and kamala have done nothing. dhs secretary alejandra mayorkas revealing an online legal conference the 13,000 patient migrants are having their cases heard before immigration judge increasingly previously known number of migrants released in the us. >> 12, 13,000, that are placed in immigration proceedings are what we consider to be appropriate. jillian: the big bombshell with mayorkas of anyone in 5 amid a global pandemic. >> a population of people who have a rate of illness of approximately 20%. what that is is the tragic rise of adult a variant. jillian: the white house is not shifting their stance on del rio board of regents displayed images, doubling down and condemning the agents and praising the ongoing investigation. todd: eight after the hour, president biden has a bone to pick with the media catching him off guard with off-topic questions. >> what he said is they are not always on deck and some of the questions are not about the topic he is talking about that day. jillian: does the media's treatment of president biden compared to the treatment of donald trump? joe concha doesn't think so it has a lot to say. you need. sorry? limu, you're an animal! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! every day, coventry helps people get cash for their life insurance policies they no longer need. i'm an anesthesiologist and a pain physician by specialty. i was trying to figure out what i could do with this term life insurance policy. i'm sorta stuck because i can't just go out and buy more insurance, because of my diagnosis. i called coventry direct and everything clicked. there actually were a lot more options that i thought there ever would be. coventry helped michael like 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receiving a covid booster shot encouraging any eligible american to do the same. government officials are at odds with scientists over whether a booster shot is necessary or safe, the president issuing a warning to the unvaccinated. the president announced the warning and mandatory vaccinations for us employers with 100 employees weeks ago. schools, first responders and government agencies are facing a staffing crisis as employees protests the shot. >> what he said is they are not always on point. that's not something anybody wants to hear. some of the questions are not about the topic he is talking about that day. todd: did we not ask the questions the president wanted? jen psaki playing defense after president biden admits he doesn't like feeling off-topic questions. jillian: joe concha, isn't it the job of the presidency to work for the american people and be totally transparent. a lot of crises and a lot of situations are going on and a lot of things the public deserves asking too. >> she and the administration will always be transparent, and along those lines. not always on point, the president is bad that some reporters, some had the other audacity to cover issues where he is struggling mightily which is basically every issue on the economy, on rising crime a big police retirement problem. police reform fails recently. on immigration a big open border problem. numbers are on pace to eclipse 2.3 million people entering the country illegally, that matches the population, a fourth largest city in houston, and attack border patrol agents and a story smearing them wielding braces, after it is debunked. in afghanistan, another debacle, jen psaki wants the press to obey, only ask, it is why, that he follows when he does the press conference. and turned his back on reporters, you can't skip the presidency like they are trying to do anyway. will: as journalist is our job to ask tough questions. if you can't handle it as a president maybe this is not the job for you. speaking of jen psaki, ripping republicans for standing at the border and giving speeches the president biden has yet to visit the border. there is a line that you are projecting, a classic case of projecting by jen psaki. >> if you want to use wedding crasher, and you can date somebody else. todd: we don't need to know what all. todd: is in this projecting? >> hers is tom brady. of course it is. republicans are talking to border agents, looking at the facilities and reporting back because there's media blackout down there and doing what lawmakers supposed to do, where the crisis exists you go to it. the question was good which is if there's a hurricane, natural disaster the president gets on a plane and survey the damage, this is what we need. he knows if he goes, suddenly he is acknowledging it is a crisis is dominate the news cycle. their head in the senate want to pretend all these problems aren't existing, poll numbers are the poll numbers and they are horrific in battleground states. jillian: is that the name? todd: i will put my head in the senate never learned this much about joe concha's private life. >> your hall passes, we've got to share this. jillian: we are out of time. 17 after the hour, the pentagon top brass testify on capitol hill for the first time since the afghanistan withdrawal. heather: the blockbuster hearing coming up. so many people are overweight now, and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now there's release from golo. it naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings, and releases stubborn fat all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. todd: a live look at capitol hill as top brass testify today on the exit from afghanistan. jillian: the questions they will face, good morning. >> reporter: the chairman of the joint chiefs general martinelli bracing for a firestorm on capitol hill, he will be joined by lloyd austin and centcom commander general frank mckenzie to testify before the senate armed services committee. the first time military officials appear before congress since president biden pulled all us troops out of afghanistan. we expect them to face tough questions on the attack that killed 13 us service members and what the president knew about how quickly the country would fall to the taliban and why americans were left behind enemy lines especially after president biden made these promises. >> any american wants to come home we will get you home. >> a telegram take over of afghanistan now inevitable? >> know, it is not. >> reporter: the senate armed services committee top republican oklahoma - a preview of his remarks and will say president biden's decision to withdraw expanded the threat of terrorism and increased likelihood of an attack on the homeland. the drone strike killed tennyson civilians including 7 children by mistake. that was call the righteous strike. he will likely face heat over claims he made secret calls to his chinese counterpart during the final year of the trump administration, for those accusations and accused him of committing treason. todd: remember the outspoken officer who blasted military leaders over the botched afghanistan withdrawal. >> not saying we will be in afghanistan forever but i'm saying if any of you say it is a bad idea to evacuate bagram airfield. i have been fighting for 17 years, throwing it all away to say to my senior leaders i demand accountability. todd: marine lieutenant colonel stuart schiller reportedly in military prison. the spokesman says schiller is currently in pretrial confinement and will be afforded due process. posting on social media after several videos were critical of military leadership. jillian: no trace of brian laundrie is the fbi led manhunt continues following the death of gabby petito. of florida arranger helping search the swampland in that area and says there is no surviving that terrain. joining us is richard allen mcewan who spent every day of the last 30 years navigating the area. why is there no way brian laundrie could survive in the area they have been searching. >> two weeks with the atmosphere going on and it is 90% flooded. anyone living over there moved to higher ground. i don't believe there is any way that man can or was there to begin with. for anybody to walk through that and stumble through it, house get out as they chase them over there. last year we had this amount of rain and took me 5 weeks - we found a few line areas that had ice puzzles and was underwater. jillian: you say you are not sure he was there. do you have any suspicion where you think he might have been or be? >> i know his vehicle was brought there on tuesday and picked up friday and his parents took it home and they called him in missing but i don't believe he was there. nobody has fear of him or heard from him. to the best of my knowledge i don't believe it is a dog and pony show. calling in a missing person or child, law-enforcement or local police, have to go out and search. jillian: dog the bounty hunter has a different theory on where he has been or could be. >> we had a good lead come up today that he was down here in this park not very far away. 3 people came in on the sixth and two people left on the eighth. i think he has been here for sure. jillian: police of not confirmed any of this. they soto park was 75 miles from where his parents lived. what do you know about that area? >> wetland terrain. very wetland. if he was here, an avid hiker, avid outdoorsman. i've been in the swamps all my life and there's no way you will survive out there. being underwater like it is. the only thing swimming out there are snakes and goats and unless he has gator - for two days. being in wet clothes day in and day out, no way anybody is going to spy in this area on this preserve or any local areas that are like that. jillian: a lot of suspicion. thank you for joining us and keep us updated on everything. todd: a live look at downtown san diego. they are not playing baseball right now. jillian: janice dean here with the fox weather forecast confirming they are not playing baseball. >> i would assume so. i learned a long time ago. i can give you a forecast. cooler air moving into parts of the midwest and central us. the last day for the big heatwave and we will see cooler air and potential for showers and thunderstorms. an area of low pressure across the 4 corners bringing potential for rain, the northwest that cold front moving through, the cold front pushing to the northeast, just be prepared, a wet day for the later part of today. at the central us, dealing with higher temperatures, we rain for bringing 2 to 3 inches, possibly higher amounts. and sam out in the atlantic still a major hurricane, not going to affect the us. todd: i agree. >> janice: keep an eye on it. three cups of coffee. 29 after the hour. jillian: some help workers on the front lines of the pandemic since the beginning. have been fired for refusing to get vaccinated. todd: the president getting backlash for claiming his $3.5 trillion reconciliation package caused 0 bucks. cheryl casone and tomi lahren live to talk about these stories. ♪♪ todd: ready to deploy to new york hospitals among fears of the staffing shortage of healthcare workers are fired for refusing to get the vaccine. jillian: shall casone here to break down the fallout. ed: >> reporter: there will be medically trained national guard troops to replace healthcare workers who were fired because they refuse to comply with the state vaccine mandate as protests erupted in new york city with people holding signs that read naturally union and medical segregation is racist. this in contrast to spring of summer of 2020 when new yorkers rating cowbells to thank healthcare workers during the pandemic. the governor's office says 92% of hospital staff received one dose of the vaccine as of last night according to self-reported data. big joke from 77% by august 10th before the mandate. 400,000 administered to staff and residents of care facilities. todd: if you devote your life to saving my life i don't care what you do in your private life. you don't deep into the debt bomb. >> reporter: the newark posted a better job and i did, it is being call the debt bomb and an editorial by the post, the massive spending plan will blow up the us budget for generations according to the article and nancy pelosi is fighting tooth and nail to get it passed in the house, james comeer reacted last hour. >> the american people had time to digest this bill. it is a massive tax increase that will lead to massive inflation. this is unnecessary spending out of time the federal government tighten its belt, government spending needs to get out of control. that is one of the priorities of congress. >> reporter: some serious spending, $3 billion for tree planting and tree equity, $4 billion for additional distance-learning for schools, $12 billion to fund electric cars for federal government's lead, $50 million for resource centers for older people with sexual and gender identity issues. jillian: between that and the infrastructure below the reconciliation bill there's a lot happening to keep an eye on the will cost lots of money and something else happening tonight. jillian: new episodes of american dream home premiering on foxbusiness. we will head to new smyrna beach, florida at 8:00 pm tonight and breckenridge, colorado at 8:30 p.m. eastern time helping couples find their dream home. you have to watch and see. jillian: analysts and lawmakers looking into team biden for claiming their build back better agenda costs $0. todd: fox nation host tomi lahren, is this financial stupidity, gall or dangerous - what is this? >> this is $3.5 trillion equals 0, is anyone surprised? this is democrat math, if you were a member during the trump administration when we have those wonderful tax cuts nancy pelosi called those crumbs, this equals 0. this is a socialist starter pack as well as debt bomb and the problem is the democrats believe the american taxpayer foot the bill it really does cost $0 but with the american people need to understand is the government pays for nothing. the american taxpayer pays for everything. everything comes at a cost. there is no such thing as a free lunch. we will be paying for this, inflation and higher taxes and the things we are paying for i'm not sure the american people are going to be happy about. i know i am not. todd: when you tax corporations and companies more, the trickle-down effect at some point the majority of situations the consumer is going to feel that, the effects of inflation, don't know that that will go away overnight. >> and the job creators, those that are high income individuals creating jobs for those americans who still want to work and not be reliant on the government are the ones creating jobs so increasing taxes on them will trickle down to those workers, families, people, law-abiding americans who want to make a living and pay their mortgage, send their kids to school, this is who it will be impacting and it is all for a socialist wish list to fight climate change, to fund things for illegal immigrants, they wanted amnesty, this is a socialist starter pack, american people pay attention, the almighty government pays for nothing, you will pay for it all. todd: the final topic, dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas admitting he did not expect the delta surge at the border. how chilling is it that the man in charge of our homeland security didn't see the obvious coming when you've been on the program say we need to pay attention to covid at the border, all these people coming across unvaccinated. >> i don't buy that they didn't realize there would be a surge at the border and a surge of illness and infection, that is quite obvious but i call our dhs secretary dhs i know, in name only, lasting he and the administration are doing is homeland security, not securing the border. the american people law-abiding americans i have been talking about are expected to get the vaccine, the government wants to know their vaccination status with those coming across the border illegally are coming across unmasked, largely untested and likely unvaccinated and they are all fine and dandy, that is not expected to contribute to the surge in cases that the american people, they are, the failures keep mounting in this administration but i don't buy for one second that they didn't see this coming, basically don't care. jillian: you have something on. >> thank you so much. todd: a picture on screen. >> that is my fiancé, jp, we got engaged the saturday. my dog brought in the ring on her caller. a fantastic day. thank you so much. todd: covid isn't the only concern was a record-breaking amount of drugs being seized at the border flooding into middle america. jillian: one of the thousands of haitian migrants, a biden harris shirt on his journey, his message to the president next. 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(engine revving) and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. >> good morning, coming up in 15 minutes on the tuesday episode of "fox and friends," drones of massachusetts state troopers are hanging up their badges after making the choice to get vaccinated or get fired so is the push to keep our communities safe threatening public safety. we will talk to a 25 year veteran of the massachusetts police force and florida senator rick scott, ohio congressman jim jordan and leo terrel and brandon judd. to drive it home, ford's ceo joins us to announce a multibillion-dollar initiative to fuel thousands of new jobs across america and get you into something like that electric f 150 pickup truck. we hope you join us in 14 minutes and 15 seconds on the channel you trust for your morning news. the baton is yours. todd: a new tip on the whereabouts of a man wanted in connection to the disappearance and death of gabby petito. >> the news was obtained by digital. >> he was close to his parents house, the bounty hunter received the tip that brian could be 75 miles away in pinellas county so according to this tipster brian and his parents went into fort they soto park so three people went into the parking two came out. take a listen. >> they registered, went through the gate on camera. allegedly what we are hearing is two people left on the eighth, three people came in on the sixth and two people left on the eighth. i think he has been here for sure. >> police and fbi declined to comment on this anonymous tip. the laundrie family attorney released a statement saying speculation brian's parents helped him escape is wrong. todd: exhibit 1 a into why the border crisis is happening. >> we saw central american migrants wearing biden harris teachers that need to be let into the country and we are seeing those images once again on haitian migrants, take a look. so it was on -- we had griff jenkins, spoke to haitian migrant yesterday wearing the biden harris shirt, 10,000 haitian migrants on the mexico guatemala border, planning to make the journey north to the united states. griff says a lot of these people have gotten word that over 12,000 haitian to the lead into the country which is encouraging more and more people to come. jillian: the migrants we wanted to hear from says i would like to say something to biden because i don't have a job. i don't have nothing for life, for that i'm here. >> his parents of died, that is why he wants to make the journey, no family in haiti, your heart breaks for these people but there is a right and wrong way to get into the country. todd: drug cartels funneling fentanyl into the us. destroying lives be on the border. former us attorney for utah, brett tolman. what are your contacts telling you about how dire the situation has become? >> the first concern they are seeing is emboldened individuals willing to risk everything coming across with drugs, human trafficking is up and they've never seen it before. individuals in the cartels that seem more confident about their action so you have chaos at the border and inability of this administration to put anybody on the border or any policy in place to handle what is coming across and they see hundreds of thousands of pounds of methamphetamine and fentanyl coming across every day. todd: these numbers are frightening. in 2020, 5000 pounds of fentanyl seized at the border. this year so far over 10,000 pounds. how can president biden not see that his border policies would lead to this? >> they knew what was going to happen. we've seen is, history repeating itself times 10. this is cartels and we are in charge of the border and the low-level dealers who low little about the cartel, they are being controlled, through the border into the interior state. will: every state in the union is border crisis is going to affect you. i look at this and say the soft on crime they as, bill reform inclination of gain units combined with the fact that these cartels are now really really funny because of all the money they are getting because of money coming across the border for sale of these drugs. are we losing the gang war. >> it is implementing policies based on emotion and data and research, there's a right and wrong way to do justice reform in this country and liberals have proven they don't know how to do it effectively and keep community safe. >> how else do you worry this border crisis is going to seep into every community in america? >> the level of human trafficking in this country is alarming. women and children being trafficked, control even here, the presence of the cartels a lot longer than the administration because of the policies. jillian: facebook it's the pause button on its instagram kids play from the company denying reports that the apps is harmful to young users. >> live next. come on in. ♪♪ iian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! . . . . >> i still firmly believe it's gadd thing to build a version of instagram designed to be safe for tweens. we want to take the time to talk to parents and get consensus how to move forward. todd: parent company facebook pausing kids app. after major push back from parents and lawmakers. jillian: as the company denies accusations that the app. is toxic for young users. author of "woke inc." is vivek ram. >> thank you. >> jillian: is there a need for instagram kids? what would be the benefit of having an app. like this for kids? >> i don't want to interrogate second guess companies general decision why they're going to make products available for kids or not. once you have evidence that you have it product as addictive as are. take a step back you are not allowed to buy a cigarette until 18. if you can't buy addictive cigarettes there should be a when you use addictive products if you are a kid as well. maybe when you are a form formed adult. as a society you have to be ready to use certain products and able to make choices on your own. data sin creationly suggesting a dickive social media that preys on our psychological insecurities ought to be in a category that has real risk force kids that we ought to have a conversation about in the open. i don't see enough of that happening either on capitol hill nor our culture and in our ofamilies where it actually begins. todd: here is the great work by the "wall street journal." we're requesting to pop it up on the screen. facebook notes instagram is it toxic for teen girls company documents show. are they only pausing this because they got caught? >> absolutely. there is no doubt about it this is todd what we need to be holding facebook and other social media companies accountable for. it's for their rampant institutional line. they knew they were doing something wrong. not just that story in the journal's reporting other stories that same week, too. revealing that facebook lied oversight board after spending $130 million to create it they knew they were doing something wrong and preceded with it anyway. that's what we should hold these companies accountable for no trust with user basements we shouldn't believe a word they are saying. different than holding them accountable for teen body images. holding them accountable for anger management issues. those have to do with underlying features of our human condition that we have to address in the offline world in our families in our churches and your communities. it critics of facebook saying they didn't make teen body issues perfect. that is not facebook's job. we shouldn't want that to be facebook's job. limit the scope and be honest with us. the rest of the job we have to do in the offline world first. i often argue virtue is a precondition for capitalism to work. it's not a product of capitalism. no phenomenon has taught us that lesson better than the rise of modern social media. jillian: in the time we have left, how do we hold them accountable in a way where something is actually done 'it. >> one of the features that i favor as a matter of reform section 230 reform. go really quick section 230 c 1 conduct -- these platforms are not liable for what's posted on their sites. c 230 c 2 taking down product. there is two parts to the act. both features should be opt. in opt in and get the benefits but that comes with consequences. c 2 take down it conduct that's it protected first amendment applies. c 1 not liable for what others post. if you really want that benefit, then you throughout also be accountable for taking certain actions to protect your users. that's the reform i suggested. no one is talking about it but i want to see conversation about it. todd: broader picture it does appear that there is bipartisan leaning here on this to get something done. what the ultimate form of that looks like is unclear. but we do know you have put something together, it's called a book and it's called "woke inc.." jillian: maybe have you heard. todd: great looking cover. great book inside. vivek ramaswamy thank for being here and thanks for being here in the flesh. jillian: good to see you. >> great to see you. jillian: "fox & friends" starts right now. thanks for watching hope you have a great day. todd: bye-bye, everybody. >> democrats look to ram through trillions of dollars of spending. >> we do not need this. it will harm our country. save america. kill the bill. >> southern border crisis is about to get worse. >> sources say there could be another caravan right around the corner. >> this is a devastating wave that's hitting our southern border. >> top military leaders are set to face lawmakers for the first time. >> they are likely to receive a number of questions about afghanistan and what exactly what went wrong. >> massachusetts if union have quit over the

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Jillian , Republicans , Speeches , Part , System , Solution , Situation , Thousands , Chaos , Bill , Patient Migrants , Capitol Hill , Moron , Nature , Moronic , Government , Spending , Shutdown , South America , Inviting , Ability , Todd , Biden Harris , Lawmakers , Time , Afghanistan , Agenda , Behind Enemy Lines , Allies , Balance , Taliban , Democrats , Progressives , Priorities , Spending Bill , Fox And Friends First , 5 Trillion , 3 5 Trillion , Won T , Spending Package , Infrastructure , Votes , Couple , Bets , Conjunction , It , Senate , Jeopardy , Joe Manchin , Nancy Pelosi , Number , Party , Dollar Plan , Didn T Envision , People , Disarray , The Budget Reconciliation Package , Immigrants , Cars , Tax Enforcement , Community College , Irs , 12 Billion , 79 Billion , 9 Billion , 2 Billion , Taxes , Billback , Reconciliation Package , Bias Training , 25 Million , 5 Million , 0 , , Move , Debt Ceiling , Yesterday , Guatemala Border , Inflation , Government Shutdown , List , Prospect , Crises , Can T , Battle , Government Funding , Newt Gingrich , One , Big Government Socialism , Board , Support , Donkey , Lemming , 6 , 16 , Country , Guess , Cliff , Job , Agenda Trump , Way , Journey , Jenkins In Mexico , Office , Refugee Assistance , Open Borders Invitation , 2000 , Migrants , 77000 , Migrant , Stephenson , Registration Papers , Work Permits , Head North , Haiti , Asians , Luck , Saying , Problem , Officials , Registration Process , Onslaught , 15000 , Administration , White House , Illness , Alejandra Mayorkas , Immigration Reform Plan , Quote , 5 , Jen Psaki , Gloves , Immigration Reform , Policy , Reporter , Officers , Texas Congress , Firing , Lies , Border Patrol , Mexico , Chang Finish Building The Wall , Ronnie Jackson , Nothing , Cases , Conference , Immigration Judge , Kamala , Dhs , 13000 , 12 , Anyone , Pandemic , Immigration Proceedings , Big Bombshell With Mayorkas , Rise , Population , Rate , 20 , Images , Adult , Variant , Stance , Del Rio , Board Of Regents , Agents , Media , Investigation , Bone To Pick , Eight , Lot , Questions , Topic , Joe Concha Doesn T , Some , Treatment , Guard , Deck , Donald Trump , Liberty , Animal , Pay , Limu , Everything , Know , Angelic Choir , Bread , Bread Layers , The Real Deal , Ya , Guy Fieri , Ya Gotta , King S Hawaiian , Policies , Need , Cash , Coventry , Term , Life Insurance Policy , Life Insurance , Specialty , Anesthesiologist , Pain Physician , Sorta , Options , Insurance , Diagnosis , Life Insurance Policies , Don T , Option , Screen , Policy Lapse , Experience , Worth , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Finding Out , Downy , Difference , Infusions , Mood , Scent , Internet , Doesn T , Ride , Miss A , Baaam , No One , Malware , Streaming Box , Pshh , Adorable , 4k , Xfinity Xfi , Covid , Same , Government Officials , American , Booster , Warning , Safe , Unvaccinated , Vaccinations , Booster Shot , Employers , Scientists , Schools , Staffing Crisis , Government Agencies , Shot , Responders , 100 , Something , Anybody , Point , President , Joe Concha , Wanted , Isn T , Feeling , Playing Defense , Presidency , Things , Situations , Public , Lines , Reporters , Issues , Issue , Audacity , Crime , Police Reform , Police Retirement Problem , Economy , Immigration A Big Open Border Problem , Attack , Numbers , City , Story Smearing , Pace , Houston , 2 3 Million , Debacle , Press , Braces , Ask , Debunked , Press Conference , Back , Will , Journalist , Classic Case , Somebody Else , Wedding Crasher , Course , Tom Brady , Crisis , Question , Media Blackout , Doing , Hurricane , Facilities , Plane , Natural Disaster , Damage , Border Agents , Head , News Cycle , Name , Poll Numbers , Battleground States , Problems Aren T , Life , Pentagon , Hall Passes , 17 , Withdrawal , The Blockbuster Hearing Coming Up , Heather , Insulin Resistance , Starvation , Reason , Weight , Most , At Last , Stress , They Don T Work , Release , Eating , Fat , Golo , Sugar Cravings , Look , Exit , Military Officials , Martinelli , Commander , Senate Armed Services Committee , Firestorm , Centcom , Lloyd Austin , Joint Chiefs , Frank Mckenzie , Troops , Service , Members , 13 , Home , Telegram Take , Promises , Decision , Threat , Remarks , Oklahoma , Preview , Children , Homeland , Terrorism , Heat , Drone Strike , Strike , Likelihood , Mistake , Civilians , Tennyson , 7 , Accusations , Counterpart , Calls , Treason , Claims , Chinese , Leaders , Officer , Any , Stuart Schiller , Idea , Accountability , Bagram Airfield , Marine , Social Media , Confinement , Spokesman , Due Process , Military Prison , Posting , Death , Military Leadership , Trace , Brian Laundrie , Fbi , Videos , Led , Manhunt , Area , Terrain , Swampland , Richard Allen Mcewan , Florida Arranger Helping Search , Gabby Petito , 30 , Laundrie , Atmosphere , 90 , Two , Man , Ground , Stumble , Amount , Line Areas , Rain , Ice Puzzles , Suspicion , Vehicle , Parents , Knowledge , Nobody , Fear , Best , Police , Person , Dog , Show , Child , Calling , Law Enforcement , Lead , Theory , Dog The Bounty Hunter , Eighth , 3 , Wetland Terrain , Wetland , Sure , 75 , All My Life , Avid Outdoorsman , Avid Hiker , Thing , Goats , Swimming , Snakes , Areas , Preserve , Being , On Everything , Baseball , Weather , The Fox , Downtown San Diego , Janice Dean , Parts , Heatwave , Forecast , Cold Front , Pressure , Potential , Air , Showers , Corners , Thunderstorms , 4 , Northeast , Temperatures , Amounts , Atlantic , Sam , 2 , Eye , Janice , 29 , Three , Backlash , Beginning , Stories , Bucks , Cheryl Casone , Tomi Lahren , 0 Bucks , Healthcare Workers , Vaccine , Fears , Hospitals , Staffing Shortage , Fallout , New York , Ed , National Guard , Signs , State , Contrast , Union , Segregation , Vaccine Mandate , Protests , New Yorkers , 2020 , Data , Governor , Staff , Dose , Cowbells , Rating , Joke , Mandate , August 10th , 92 , 10 , 77 , Residents , Care , Care Facilities , 400000 , Debt Bomb , Editorial , Post , Newark , Nancy Pelosi Is Fighting Tooth And Nail , In The House , Generations , Budget , Article , James Comeer , Tax , Government Spending , Control , Increase , Belt , Tree Planting , Distance Learning , Tree Equity , Billion , 4 Billion , 3 Billion , Reconciliation Bill , Gender Identity , 50 Million , 0 Million , Money , Episodes , Lots , American Dream Home , Florida , Foxbusiness , New Smyrna Beach , 8 , 00 , Couples , Colorado , Breckenridge , What Is This , Stupidity , Agenda Costs , Build , Analysts , Team , Gall , Fox Nation Host , Math , Member , Starter Pack , Cost , Taxpayer , Crumbs , Lunch , Companies , Trickle Down Effect , Majority , Effects , Consumer , Corporations , Individuals , Jobs , Job Creators , Ones , Kids , Law Abiding Americans , Families , Workers , School , Wish List , Mortgage , Impacting , Climate Change , Attention , Amnesty , Surge , Charge , Alejandro Mayorkas , Homeland Security Didn T , Delta , Obvious , Program , Homeland Security , Secretary Dhs , Infection , Vaccination Status , Dandy , Fine , Unmasked , Failures , Basically Don T Care , Second , Picture , FiancÉ , Caller , Ring , Jp , Saturday , Drugs , Shirt , Concern , Covid Isn T , Middle America , Flooding , Parent , Contract Investigator , Message , Football Games , Next , Cosmetic , Everyone , Frown Line , Forehead , Feet , Fda , Crow , Doctor , Breathing , Eye Problems , Condition , Muscle Weakness , Injection , Sign , Skin Infection , Symptoms , Speaking , Difficulty Swallowing , Side Effects , Risk , Botulinum Toxins , Medications , Conditions , Headache , Injection Site Pain , History , Muscle , Reactions , Eyelid Swelling , Nerve , Botoxcosmetic Com , Eyelid Drooping , Eyebrow , Looks , Tv , Paisley , Oh My God , House , Aerotrainer , Floor , Host , Engine Revving , It Woah , Network , Wireless , Deal , Cool , 5g , Sweet , Clam Aroonies , 30 Bucks , State Troopers , Massachusetts , Episode , Drones , Badges , 15 , Communities , Choice , Push , Public Safety , Veteran , Massachusetts Police Force , 25 , Initiative , Rick Scott , Jim Jordan , It Home , Ceo , Leo Terrel , Ohio , Brandon Judd , Ford , Pickup Truck , 150 , Tip , Channel , Morning News , Disappearance , Baton , Whereabouts , Connection , 14 , News , Digital , The Bounty Hunter , Parking Two , Listen , Pinellas County , Tipster , Soto Park , Hearing , Camera , Gate , Laundrie Family Attorney , Statement , Speculation , Anonymous , Teachers , Take A Look , 1 , Griff Jenkins , Planning , Haitian Migrants , 10000 , Word , More , Haitian , Over , 12000 , Heart Breaks , Family , Destroying , Contacts , Attorney , Drug Cartels Funneling Fentanyl , Utah , Brett Tolman , Human Trafficking , Cartels , Action , Inability , Fentanyl , Methamphetamine , Place , Hundreds Of Thousands , Border Policies , 5000 , Times , Dealers , Border Crisis , Border , Interior State , Cartel , Units , Gain , Bill Reform Inclination , Fact , Sale , Gang War , Liberals , Justice Reform , Community Safe , Emotion , Research , Community , Level , Presence , Women , Company , Users , Facebook , Reports , Apps , Pause Button , Come On In , Instagram Kids Play , Iian , Version , Instagram , Consensus , Tweens , Kids App , App , Benefit , Author , Ram , Woke Inc , I Don T Want To Interrogate Second Guess Companies General Decision , Products , It Product , Evidence , Form , Step , Cigarette , Cigarettes , Kid , 18 , Dickive Social Media , Creationly , Conversation , Category , Society , Insecurities , Force , Choices , Ofamilies , Work , Culture , Wall Street Journal , Girls Company Documents , The Open , Line , Social Media Companies , Story , Doubt , Oversight Board , Reporting , Journal , 130 Million , 30 Million , Features , Human Condition , User Basements , Teen Body Images , Trust , Anger Management , Shouldn T , World , It Critics , Teen Body Issues , Churches , Scope , Rest , Capitalism , Product , Precondition , Virtue , Phenomenon , Lesson , Left , Platforms , Conduct , Section , Matter , Reform Section 230 , 230 , Down Product , Benefits , Opt , Act , Applies C 1 , Reform , It Conduct , Actions , Others , Book , Thanks , Woke Inc , In The Flesh , Cover , Vivek Ramaswamy , Everybody , Hope , Trillions , Bye , Wave , Save America , Southern Border Crisis , Corner , Caravan , Sources ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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i'm saying to you save america, kill the bill. jillian: speak ability pushing through a massive spending bill that would reshape american is democratic inviting intensifies in the government shutdown lives president biden's agenda hangs in the balance. jillian: facing lawmakers for the first time. todd: afghanistan fell to the taliban at the same time americans and our allies remain strand behind enemy lines. jillian: you are watching "fox and friends first". todd: a live look at the capitol where democrats are divided as they push the $3.5 trillion spending bill. >> progressives refused to bend on their pricey priorities. >> the couple is he placing bets on having enough votes to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill thursday. it won't happen in conjunction with the president's $3.5 trillion spending package as she vowed it would. this could put both votes in jeopardy is an progressives promise not to support infrastructure without the spending package. even some democrats in the senate like joe manchin feel it is too costly. >> we obviously didn't envision having republicans as part of our party. >> reporter: pelosi said democrats are not very it on the final number for the most part trillion dollar plan. >> she has her hands full. the democrat party is in disarray because the american people see what they are trying to pass. >> reporter: the budget reconciliation package includes lofty asks including free community college for illegal immigrants, $79 billion for irs tax enforcement, $12 billion for government electric cars. $25 million for bias training, taxes will completely offset their billback better plan. >> the reconciliation package would cost $0. >> yesterday blocked a move to raise the debt ceiling, democrats have a few days to avoid a partial shutdown. >> we will see if democrats want to govern or if they want to at the prospect of government shutdown to the list of inflation, afghanistan, the border and all the other national crises. >> government funding expires thursday at midnight. todd: thank you. newt gingrich causing this a losing battle, can't get her own party on board with biden's agenda. >> big government socialism has 16% support, one of every 6 americans. it may be the lemming is replacing the donkey as the democratic party similar they may run off a cliff together. this will be very unpopular in the country and my guess is they are not going to get it through. they want to survive. and it is an almost impossible job. todd: pelosi working against the shutdown and, and have agenda trump, and do your job. >> thousands of patient migrants are accepting the open borders invitation and more on the way. >> jenkins in mexico where 2000 jump on the journey to america. >> the office of refugee assistance, 77,000 migrants coming here. and the migrants want these necessary work permits at registration papers who head north. stephenson is a migrant from haiti. >> i don't have a job. >> stephenson, will you ever go back to haiti? >> never. >> migrants from south america. >> thank you, good luck. that is part of why so many asians are coming. they are sending many migrants who got turned away, to begin their registration process and mexican officials confirm what stephenson was saying which is there are 15,000 migrants from south america, preparing for that onslaught, to deal with the problem. jillian: the white house ripping into republicans for the giving speeches rather than bending the administration's immigration reform plan. todd: alejandra mayorkas reveals one in 5 migrants have, quote, and illness. >> reporter: jen psaki taking the gloves off, even though president biden has yet to visit the border. >> they are giving speeches about how broken the system is, join us and be part of the solution instead of relying on speeches? we can work together and get immigration reform past. >> reporter: texas congress and ronnie jackson firing back to chang finish building the wall to remain in mexico policy and stop undermining our brave border patrol officers with proven lies. biden and kamala have done nothing. dhs secretary alejandra mayorkas revealing an online legal conference the 13,000 patient migrants are having their cases heard before immigration judge increasingly previously known number of migrants released in the us. >> 12, 13,000, that are placed in immigration proceedings are what we consider to be appropriate. jillian: the big bombshell with mayorkas of anyone in 5 amid a global pandemic. >> a population of people who have a rate of illness of approximately 20%. what that is is the tragic rise of adult a variant. jillian: the white house is not shifting their stance on del rio board of regents displayed images, doubling down and condemning the agents and praising the ongoing investigation. todd: eight after the hour, president biden has a bone to pick with the media catching him off guard with off-topic questions. >> what he said is they are not always on deck and some of the questions are not about the topic he is talking about that day. jillian: does the media's treatment of president biden compared to the treatment of donald trump? joe concha doesn't think so it has a lot to say. you need. sorry? limu, you're an animal! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! every day, coventry helps people get cash for their life insurance policies they no longer need. i'm an anesthesiologist and a pain physician by specialty. i was trying to figure out what i could do with this term life insurance policy. i'm sorta stuck because i can't just go out and buy more insurance, because of my diagnosis. i called coventry direct and everything clicked. there actually were a lot more options that i thought there ever would be. coventry helped michael like 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receiving a covid booster shot encouraging any eligible american to do the same. government officials are at odds with scientists over whether a booster shot is necessary or safe, the president issuing a warning to the unvaccinated. the president announced the warning and mandatory vaccinations for us employers with 100 employees weeks ago. schools, first responders and government agencies are facing a staffing crisis as employees protests the shot. >> what he said is they are not always on point. that's not something anybody wants to hear. some of the questions are not about the topic he is talking about that day. todd: did we not ask the questions the president wanted? jen psaki playing defense after president biden admits he doesn't like feeling off-topic questions. jillian: joe concha, isn't it the job of the presidency to work for the american people and be totally transparent. a lot of crises and a lot of situations are going on and a lot of things the public deserves asking too. >> she and the administration will always be transparent, and along those lines. not always on point, the president is bad that some reporters, some had the other audacity to cover issues where he is struggling mightily which is basically every issue on the economy, on rising crime a big police retirement problem. police reform fails recently. on immigration a big open border problem. numbers are on pace to eclipse 2.3 million people entering the country illegally, that matches the population, a fourth largest city in houston, and attack border patrol agents and a story smearing them wielding braces, after it is debunked. in afghanistan, another debacle, jen psaki wants the press to obey, only ask, it is why, that he follows when he does the press conference. and turned his back on reporters, you can't skip the presidency like they are trying to do anyway. will: as journalist is our job to ask tough questions. if you can't handle it as a president maybe this is not the job for you. speaking of jen psaki, ripping republicans for standing at the border and giving speeches the president biden has yet to visit the border. there is a line that you are projecting, a classic case of projecting by jen psaki. >> if you want to use wedding crasher, and you can date somebody else. todd: we don't need to know what all. todd: is in this projecting? >> hers is tom brady. of course it is. republicans are talking to border agents, looking at the facilities and reporting back because there's media blackout down there and doing what lawmakers supposed to do, where the crisis exists you go to it. the question was good which is if there's a hurricane, natural disaster the president gets on a plane and survey the damage, this is what we need. he knows if he goes, suddenly he is acknowledging it is a crisis is dominate the news cycle. their head in the senate want to pretend all these problems aren't existing, poll numbers are the poll numbers and they are horrific in battleground states. jillian: is that the name? todd: i will put my head in the senate never learned this much about joe concha's private life. >> your hall passes, we've got to share this. jillian: we are out of time. 17 after the hour, the pentagon top brass testify on capitol hill for the first time since the afghanistan withdrawal. heather: the blockbuster hearing coming up. so many people are overweight now, and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now there's release from golo. it naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings, and releases stubborn fat all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. todd: a live look at capitol hill as top brass testify today on the exit from afghanistan. jillian: the questions they will face, good morning. >> reporter: the chairman of the joint chiefs general martinelli bracing for a firestorm on capitol hill, he will be joined by lloyd austin and centcom commander general frank mckenzie to testify before the senate armed services committee. the first time military officials appear before congress since president biden pulled all us troops out of afghanistan. we expect them to face tough questions on the attack that killed 13 us service members and what the president knew about how quickly the country would fall to the taliban and why americans were left behind enemy lines especially after president biden made these promises. >> any american wants to come home we will get you home. >> a telegram take over of afghanistan now inevitable? >> know, it is not. >> reporter: the senate armed services committee top republican oklahoma - a preview of his remarks and will say president biden's decision to withdraw expanded the threat of terrorism and increased likelihood of an attack on the homeland. the drone strike killed tennyson civilians including 7 children by mistake. that was call the righteous strike. he will likely face heat over claims he made secret calls to his chinese counterpart during the final year of the trump administration, for those accusations and accused him of committing treason. todd: remember the outspoken officer who blasted military leaders over the botched afghanistan withdrawal. >> not saying we will be in afghanistan forever but i'm saying if any of you say it is a bad idea to evacuate bagram airfield. i have been fighting for 17 years, throwing it all away to say to my senior leaders i demand accountability. todd: marine lieutenant colonel stuart schiller reportedly in military prison. the spokesman says schiller is currently in pretrial confinement and will be afforded due process. posting on social media after several videos were critical of military leadership. jillian: no trace of brian laundrie is the fbi led manhunt continues following the death of gabby petito. of florida arranger helping search the swampland in that area and says there is no surviving that terrain. joining us is richard allen mcewan who spent every day of the last 30 years navigating the area. why is there no way brian laundrie could survive in the area they have been searching. >> two weeks with the atmosphere going on and it is 90% flooded. anyone living over there moved to higher ground. i don't believe there is any way that man can or was there to begin with. for anybody to walk through that and stumble through it, house get out as they chase them over there. last year we had this amount of rain and took me 5 weeks - we found a few line areas that had ice puzzles and was underwater. jillian: you say you are not sure he was there. do you have any suspicion where you think he might have been or be? >> i know his vehicle was brought there on tuesday and picked up friday and his parents took it home and they called him in missing but i don't believe he was there. nobody has fear of him or heard from him. to the best of my knowledge i don't believe it is a dog and pony show. calling in a missing person or child, law-enforcement or local police, have to go out and search. jillian: dog the bounty hunter has a different theory on where he has been or could be. >> we had a good lead come up today that he was down here in this park not very far away. 3 people came in on the sixth and two people left on the eighth. i think he has been here for sure. jillian: police of not confirmed any of this. they soto park was 75 miles from where his parents lived. what do you know about that area? >> wetland terrain. very wetland. if he was here, an avid hiker, avid outdoorsman. i've been in the swamps all my life and there's no way you will survive out there. being underwater like it is. the only thing swimming out there are snakes and goats and unless he has gator - for two days. being in wet clothes day in and day out, no way anybody is going to spy in this area on this preserve or any local areas that are like that. jillian: a lot of suspicion. thank you for joining us and keep us updated on everything. todd: a live look at downtown san diego. they are not playing baseball right now. jillian: janice dean here with the fox weather forecast confirming they are not playing baseball. >> i would assume so. i learned a long time ago. i can give you a forecast. cooler air moving into parts of the midwest and central us. the last day for the big heatwave and we will see cooler air and potential for showers and thunderstorms. an area of low pressure across the 4 corners bringing potential for rain, the northwest that cold front moving through, the cold front pushing to the northeast, just be prepared, a wet day for the later part of today. at the central us, dealing with higher temperatures, we rain for bringing 2 to 3 inches, possibly higher amounts. and sam out in the atlantic still a major hurricane, not going to affect the us. todd: i agree. >> janice: keep an eye on it. three cups of coffee. 29 after the hour. jillian: some help workers on the front lines of the pandemic since the beginning. have been fired for refusing to get vaccinated. todd: the president getting backlash for claiming his $3.5 trillion reconciliation package caused 0 bucks. cheryl casone and tomi lahren live to talk about these stories. ♪♪ todd: ready to deploy to new york hospitals among fears of the staffing shortage of healthcare workers are fired for refusing to get the vaccine. jillian: shall casone here to break down the fallout. ed: >> reporter: there will be medically trained national guard troops to replace healthcare workers who were fired because they refuse to comply with the state vaccine mandate as protests erupted in new york city with people holding signs that read naturally union and medical segregation is racist. this in contrast to spring of summer of 2020 when new yorkers rating cowbells to thank healthcare workers during the pandemic. the governor's office says 92% of hospital staff received one dose of the vaccine as of last night according to self-reported data. big joke from 77% by august 10th before the mandate. 400,000 administered to staff and residents of care facilities. todd: if you devote your life to saving my life i don't care what you do in your private life. you don't deep into the debt bomb. >> reporter: the newark posted a better job and i did, it is being call the debt bomb and an editorial by the post, the massive spending plan will blow up the us budget for generations according to the article and nancy pelosi is fighting tooth and nail to get it passed in the house, james comeer reacted last hour. >> the american people had time to digest this bill. it is a massive tax increase that will lead to massive inflation. this is unnecessary spending out of time the federal government tighten its belt, government spending needs to get out of control. that is one of the priorities of congress. >> reporter: some serious spending, $3 billion for tree planting and tree equity, $4 billion for additional distance-learning for schools, $12 billion to fund electric cars for federal government's lead, $50 million for resource centers for older people with sexual and gender identity issues. jillian: between that and the infrastructure below the reconciliation bill there's a lot happening to keep an eye on the will cost lots of money and something else happening tonight. jillian: new episodes of american dream home premiering on foxbusiness. we will head to new smyrna beach, florida at 8:00 pm tonight and breckenridge, colorado at 8:30 p.m. eastern time helping couples find their dream home. you have to watch and see. jillian: analysts and lawmakers looking into team biden for claiming their build back better agenda costs $0. todd: fox nation host tomi lahren, is this financial stupidity, gall or dangerous - what is this? >> this is $3.5 trillion equals 0, is anyone surprised? this is democrat math, if you were a member during the trump administration when we have those wonderful tax cuts nancy pelosi called those crumbs, this equals 0. this is a socialist starter pack as well as debt bomb and the problem is the democrats believe the american taxpayer foot the bill it really does cost $0 but with the american people need to understand is the government pays for nothing. the american taxpayer pays for everything. everything comes at a cost. there is no such thing as a free lunch. we will be paying for this, inflation and higher taxes and the things we are paying for i'm not sure the american people are going to be happy about. i know i am not. todd: when you tax corporations and companies more, the trickle-down effect at some point the majority of situations the consumer is going to feel that, the effects of inflation, don't know that that will go away overnight. >> and the job creators, those that are high income individuals creating jobs for those americans who still want to work and not be reliant on the government are the ones creating jobs so increasing taxes on them will trickle down to those workers, families, people, law-abiding americans who want to make a living and pay their mortgage, send their kids to school, this is who it will be impacting and it is all for a socialist wish list to fight climate change, to fund things for illegal immigrants, they wanted amnesty, this is a socialist starter pack, american people pay attention, the almighty government pays for nothing, you will pay for it all. todd: the final topic, dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas admitting he did not expect the delta surge at the border. how chilling is it that the man in charge of our homeland security didn't see the obvious coming when you've been on the program say we need to pay attention to covid at the border, all these people coming across unvaccinated. >> i don't buy that they didn't realize there would be a surge at the border and a surge of illness and infection, that is quite obvious but i call our dhs secretary dhs i know, in name only, lasting he and the administration are doing is homeland security, not securing the border. the american people law-abiding americans i have been talking about are expected to get the vaccine, the government wants to know their vaccination status with those coming across the border illegally are coming across unmasked, largely untested and likely unvaccinated and they are all fine and dandy, that is not expected to contribute to the surge in cases that the american people, they are, the failures keep mounting in this administration but i don't buy for one second that they didn't see this coming, basically don't care. jillian: you have something on. >> thank you so much. todd: a picture on screen. >> that is my fiancé, jp, we got engaged the saturday. my dog brought in the ring on her caller. a fantastic day. thank you so much. todd: covid isn't the only concern was a record-breaking amount of drugs being seized at the border flooding into middle america. jillian: one of the thousands of haitian migrants, a biden harris shirt on his journey, his message to the president next. 'm, and i'm a federal contract investigator. as a single parent, i would run from football games to work and trying to balance it all. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? i see a person that's caring. sometimes i care too much, and that's when i had to learn to put myself first, because i would care about everyone all the time but i'm just as important as they are. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown line, crow's feet and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects see for yourself at of serious side effects the comfortable way to work out. -that looks fun actually. -looks like a paisley. -hey, a paisley, we'll take it. -yeah. oh my god, i could do this and watch tv at the same time. -exactly! -fantastic. oh yeah, i can do this. this is easy. and definitely better than the floor. -it feels sexy. -it feels good. i want this in my house. (host) wondering if the aerotrainer is tough? (engine revving) and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. >> good morning, coming up in 15 minutes on the tuesday episode of "fox and friends," drones of massachusetts state troopers are hanging up their badges after making the choice to get vaccinated or get fired so is the push to keep our communities safe threatening public safety. we will talk to a 25 year veteran of the massachusetts police force and florida senator rick scott, ohio congressman jim jordan and leo terrel and brandon judd. to drive it home, ford's ceo joins us to announce a multibillion-dollar initiative to fuel thousands of new jobs across america and get you into something like that electric f 150 pickup truck. we hope you join us in 14 minutes and 15 seconds on the channel you trust for your morning news. the baton is yours. todd: a new tip on the whereabouts of a man wanted in connection to the disappearance and death of gabby petito. >> the news was obtained by digital. >> he was close to his parents house, the bounty hunter received the tip that brian could be 75 miles away in pinellas county so according to this tipster brian and his parents went into fort they soto park so three people went into the parking two came out. take a listen. >> they registered, went through the gate on camera. allegedly what we are hearing is two people left on the eighth, three people came in on the sixth and two people left on the eighth. i think he has been here for sure. >> police and fbi declined to comment on this anonymous tip. the laundrie family attorney released a statement saying speculation brian's parents helped him escape is wrong. todd: exhibit 1 a into why the border crisis is happening. >> we saw central american migrants wearing biden harris teachers that need to be let into the country and we are seeing those images once again on haitian migrants, take a look. so it was on -- we had griff jenkins, spoke to haitian migrant yesterday wearing the biden harris shirt, 10,000 haitian migrants on the mexico guatemala border, planning to make the journey north to the united states. griff says a lot of these people have gotten word that over 12,000 haitian to the lead into the country which is encouraging more and more people to come. jillian: the migrants we wanted to hear from says i would like to say something to biden because i don't have a job. i don't have nothing for life, for that i'm here. >> his parents of died, that is why he wants to make the journey, no family in haiti, your heart breaks for these people but there is a right and wrong way to get into the country. todd: drug cartels funneling fentanyl into the us. destroying lives be on the border. former us attorney for utah, brett tolman. what are your contacts telling you about how dire the situation has become? >> the first concern they are seeing is emboldened individuals willing to risk everything coming across with drugs, human trafficking is up and they've never seen it before. individuals in the cartels that seem more confident about their action so you have chaos at the border and inability of this administration to put anybody on the border or any policy in place to handle what is coming across and they see hundreds of thousands of pounds of methamphetamine and fentanyl coming across every day. todd: these numbers are frightening. in 2020, 5000 pounds of fentanyl seized at the border. this year so far over 10,000 pounds. how can president biden not see that his border policies would lead to this? >> they knew what was going to happen. we've seen is, history repeating itself times 10. this is cartels and we are in charge of the border and the low-level dealers who low little about the cartel, they are being controlled, through the border into the interior state. will: every state in the union is border crisis is going to affect you. i look at this and say the soft on crime they as, bill reform inclination of gain units combined with the fact that these cartels are now really really funny because of all the money they are getting because of money coming across the border for sale of these drugs. are we losing the gang war. >> it is implementing policies based on emotion and data and research, there's a right and wrong way to do justice reform in this country and liberals have proven they don't know how to do it effectively and keep community safe. >> how else do you worry this border crisis is going to seep into every community in america? >> the level of human trafficking in this country is alarming. women and children being trafficked, control even here, the presence of the cartels a lot longer than the administration because of the policies. jillian: facebook it's the pause button on its instagram kids play from the company denying reports that the apps is harmful to young users. >> live next. come on in. ♪♪ iian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! . . . . >> i still firmly believe it's gadd thing to build a version of instagram designed to be safe for tweens. we want to take the time to talk to parents and get consensus how to move forward. todd: parent company facebook pausing kids app. after major push back from parents and lawmakers. jillian: as the company denies accusations that the app. is toxic for young users. author of "woke inc." is vivek ram. >> thank you. >> jillian: is there a need for instagram kids? what would be the benefit of having an app. like this for kids? >> i don't want to interrogate second guess companies general decision why they're going to make products available for kids or not. once you have evidence that you have it product as addictive as are. take a step back you are not allowed to buy a cigarette until 18. if you can't buy addictive cigarettes there should be a when you use addictive products if you are a kid as well. maybe when you are a form formed adult. as a society you have to be ready to use certain products and able to make choices on your own. data sin creationly suggesting a dickive social media that preys on our psychological insecurities ought to be in a category that has real risk force kids that we ought to have a conversation about in the open. i don't see enough of that happening either on capitol hill nor our culture and in our ofamilies where it actually begins. todd: here is the great work by the "wall street journal." we're requesting to pop it up on the screen. facebook notes instagram is it toxic for teen girls company documents show. are they only pausing this because they got caught? >> absolutely. there is no doubt about it this is todd what we need to be holding facebook and other social media companies accountable for. it's for their rampant institutional line. they knew they were doing something wrong. not just that story in the journal's reporting other stories that same week, too. revealing that facebook lied oversight board after spending $130 million to create it they knew they were doing something wrong and preceded with it anyway. that's what we should hold these companies accountable for no trust with user basements we shouldn't believe a word they are saying. different than holding them accountable for teen body images. holding them accountable for anger management issues. those have to do with underlying features of our human condition that we have to address in the offline world in our families in our churches and your communities. it critics of facebook saying they didn't make teen body issues perfect. that is not facebook's job. we shouldn't want that to be facebook's job. limit the scope and be honest with us. the rest of the job we have to do in the offline world first. i often argue virtue is a precondition for capitalism to work. it's not a product of capitalism. no phenomenon has taught us that lesson better than the rise of modern social media. jillian: in the time we have left, how do we hold them accountable in a way where something is actually done 'it. >> one of the features that i favor as a matter of reform section 230 reform. go really quick section 230 c 1 conduct -- these platforms are not liable for what's posted on their sites. c 230 c 2 taking down product. there is two parts to the act. both features should be opt. in opt in and get the benefits but that comes with consequences. c 2 take down it conduct that's it protected first amendment applies. c 1 not liable for what others post. if you really want that benefit, then you throughout also be accountable for taking certain actions to protect your users. that's the reform i suggested. no one is talking about it but i want to see conversation about it. todd: broader picture it does appear that there is bipartisan leaning here on this to get something done. what the ultimate form of that looks like is unclear. but we do know you have put something together, it's called a book and it's called "woke inc.." jillian: maybe have you heard. todd: great looking cover. great book inside. vivek ramaswamy thank for being here and thanks for being here in the flesh. jillian: good to see you. >> great to see you. jillian: "fox & friends" starts right now. thanks for watching hope you have a great day. todd: bye-bye, everybody. >> democrats look to ram through trillions of dollars of spending. >> we do not need this. it will harm our country. save america. kill the bill. >> southern border crisis is about to get worse. >> sources say there could be another caravan right around the corner. >> this is a devastating wave that's hitting our southern border. >> top military leaders are set to face lawmakers for the first time. >> they are likely to receive a number of questions about afghanistan and what exactly what went wrong. >> massachusetts if union have quit over the

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Exit , Military Officials , Martinelli , Commander , Senate Armed Services Committee , Firestorm , Centcom , Lloyd Austin , Joint Chiefs , Frank Mckenzie , Troops , Service , Members , 13 , Home , Telegram Take , Promises , Decision , Threat , Remarks , Oklahoma , Preview , Children , Homeland , Terrorism , Heat , Drone Strike , Strike , Likelihood , Mistake , Civilians , Tennyson , 7 , Accusations , Counterpart , Calls , Treason , Claims , Chinese , Leaders , Officer , Any , Stuart Schiller , Idea , Accountability , Bagram Airfield , Marine , Social Media , Confinement , Spokesman , Due Process , Military Prison , Posting , Death , Military Leadership , Trace , Brian Laundrie , Fbi , Videos , Led , Manhunt , Area , Terrain , Swampland , Richard Allen Mcewan , Florida Arranger Helping Search , Gabby Petito , 30 , Laundrie , Atmosphere , 90 , Two , Man , Ground , Stumble , Amount , Line Areas , Rain , Ice Puzzles , Suspicion , Vehicle , Parents , Knowledge , Nobody , Fear , Best , 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Editorial , Post , Newark , Nancy Pelosi Is Fighting Tooth And Nail , In The House , Generations , Budget , Article , James Comeer , Tax , Government Spending , Control , Increase , Belt , Tree Planting , Distance Learning , Tree Equity , Billion , 4 Billion , 3 Billion , Reconciliation Bill , Gender Identity , 50 Million , 0 Million , Money , Episodes , Lots , American Dream Home , Florida , Foxbusiness , New Smyrna Beach , 8 , 00 , Couples , Colorado , Breckenridge , What Is This , Stupidity , Agenda Costs , Build , Analysts , Team , Gall , Fox Nation Host , Math , Member , Starter Pack , Cost , Taxpayer , Crumbs , Lunch , Companies , Trickle Down Effect , Majority , Effects , Consumer , Corporations , Individuals , Jobs , Job Creators , Ones , Kids , Law Abiding Americans , Families , Workers , School , Wish List , Mortgage , Impacting , Climate Change , Attention , Amnesty , Surge , Charge , Alejandro Mayorkas , Homeland Security Didn T , Delta , Obvious , Program , Homeland Security , Secretary Dhs , Infection , Vaccination Status , Dandy , Fine , Unmasked , Failures , Basically Don T Care , Second , Picture , FiancÉ , Caller , Ring , Jp , Saturday , Drugs , Shirt , Concern , Covid Isn T , Middle America , Flooding , Parent , Contract Investigator , Message , Football Games , Next , Cosmetic , Everyone , Frown Line , Forehead , Feet , Fda , Crow , Doctor , Breathing , Eye Problems , Condition , Muscle Weakness , Injection , Sign , Skin Infection , Symptoms , Speaking , Difficulty Swallowing , Side Effects , Risk , Botulinum Toxins , Medications , Conditions , Headache , Injection Site Pain , History , Muscle , Reactions , Eyelid Swelling , Nerve , Botoxcosmetic Com , Eyelid Drooping , Eyebrow , Looks , Tv , Paisley , Oh My God , House , Aerotrainer , Floor , Host , Engine Revving , It Woah , Network , Wireless , Deal , Cool , 5g , Sweet , Clam Aroonies , 30 Bucks , State Troopers , Massachusetts , Episode , Drones , Badges , 15 , Communities , Choice , Push , Public Safety , Veteran , Massachusetts Police Force , 25 , Initiative , Rick Scott , Jim Jordan , It Home , Ceo , Leo Terrel , Ohio , Brandon Judd , Ford , Pickup Truck , 150 , Tip , Channel , Morning News , Disappearance , Baton , Whereabouts , Connection , 14 , News , Digital , The Bounty Hunter , Parking Two , Listen , Pinellas County , Tipster , Soto Park , Hearing , Camera , Gate , Laundrie Family Attorney , Statement , Speculation , Anonymous , Teachers , Take A Look , 1 , Griff Jenkins , Planning , Haitian Migrants , 10000 , Word , More , Haitian , Over , 12000 , Heart Breaks , Family , Destroying , Contacts , Attorney , Drug Cartels Funneling Fentanyl , Utah , Brett Tolman , Human Trafficking , Cartels , Action , Inability , Fentanyl , Methamphetamine , Place , Hundreds Of Thousands , Border Policies , 5000 , Times , Dealers , Border Crisis , Border , Interior State , Cartel , Units , Gain , Bill Reform Inclination , Fact , Sale , Gang War , Liberals , Justice Reform , Community Safe , Emotion , Research , Community , Level , Presence , Women , Company , Users , Facebook , Reports , Apps , Pause Button , Come On In , Instagram Kids Play , Iian , Version , Instagram , Consensus , Tweens , Kids App , App , Benefit , Author , Ram , Woke Inc , I Don T Want To Interrogate Second Guess Companies General Decision , Products , It Product , Evidence , Form , Step , Cigarette , Cigarettes , Kid , 18 , Dickive Social Media , Creationly , Conversation , Category , Society , Insecurities , Force , Choices , Ofamilies , Work , Culture , Wall Street Journal , Girls Company Documents , The Open , Line , Social Media Companies , Story , Doubt , Oversight Board , Reporting , Journal , 130 Million , 30 Million , Features , Human Condition , User Basements , Teen Body Images , Trust , Anger Management , Shouldn T , World , It Critics , Teen Body Issues , Churches , Scope , Rest , Capitalism , Product , Precondition , Virtue , Phenomenon , Lesson , Left , Platforms , Conduct , Section , Matter , Reform Section 230 , 230 , Down Product , Benefits , Opt , Act , Applies C 1 , Reform , It Conduct , Actions , Others , Book , Thanks , Woke Inc , In The Flesh , Cover , Vivek Ramaswamy , Everybody , Hope , Trillions , Bye , Wave , Save America , Southern Border Crisis , Corner , Caravan , Sources ,

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