Hello, Im nIcky schIller. Welcome to the programme. Israel has carrIed out further BombIng RaIds on beIrut, as fIghtIng wIth hezbollah contInues on the ground In southern lebanon. Israel claIms Its kIlled 440 hezbollah fIghters sInce the start of Its Ground InvasIon. WhIlst the un says lebanon faces a terrIble refugee crIsIs. These are todays maIn developments In the MIddle East conflIct. Israel agaIn struck the Southern Suburbs of beIrut. Clashes were also reported around lebanons southern border. Hezbollah has fIred rockets Into Northern Israel, wIth reports that resIdentIal buIldIngs were hIt. Israel says 90 rockets have so far been fIred. IsraelI prIme MInIster BenjamIn Netanyahu has tonIght vowed to respond to Irans MIssIle Attack on hIs country earlIer thIs week he saId, Israel has the duty and the rIght to defend Itself and respond to these attacks and we wIll do so. Israel meanwhIle has called on palestInIans to evacuate parts of central gaza, as the mIlItary saId It was prepar
FreeIng up space was the only way to avert a crIsIs, after the PrIson PopulatIon reached record levels. MIllIons of pensIoners wIll lose WInter Fuel payments thIs year, followIng the faIlure of an attempt to block the cuts In parlIament. Payments wIll be restrIcted to all but the poorest pensIoners, after the government won a majorIty of 120 votes. An Inquest Into the death of steve dymond, who kIlled hImself a week after appearIng on thejeremy kyle show, has found InsuffIcIent evIdence to rule that partIcIpatIng In the programme caused hIs death. The coronor ruled hIs death was a suIcIde. VladImIr putIn has warned the UnIted States agaInst tryIng to outgun moscow In asIa, as he launched russIas bIggest Navy DrIlls of the post sovIet era. The russIan presIdent has accused washIngton of provokIng an arms race. If You ArejustjoInIng us, welcome to the programme. All eyes then, on phIladelpIa and the natIonal ConstItutIon Centre wHere tonIght, Donald Trump and Kamala HarrIs wIll debate fo
Fiona, hello. Hi there, how are you . Im very well, thank you. And welcome back to newscast. Thank you. In previous episodes, we have had about 15 minutes. We have now got about a0 minutes, so. Good job the world is quite chaotic at the moment. There is plenty of Trouble Spots that we can look at. Before we go on a kind of tour around the world, ijust wanted to do a bit of your personal history. So what was happening in County Durham in the 80s when you were a teenager and he decided that russian was the thing that you wanted to get into . Well, that was the period that actually, it is the subject of a Netflix Series at the moment about the Cold War and the bomb where we had the War Scare with the Soviet Union. The 1980s, there were several but the most memorable, at least from my perspective was 1983, when you just could palpably feel the sort of tension internationally. Even as a kid, teenager, in school in County Durham, it is thanks to the bbc, which we were watching religiously e
A torch a few days before the official opening of the Winter Olympics as its going ahead despite 0lympics as its going ahead despite the four boycotts and strict covid i9 restrictions. We start with tensions on the ukraine border. Russia has been locked in a Military Standoff with ukraine, and weve now seen the first Major Movement of us forces in response. Some 2000 troops will be sent to poland and germany, and 1000 troops already in germany will go to romania. Heres The Pentagon Spokesman making that announcement. The United States stands shoulder to shoulder with our nato allies. The Current Situation demands that we reinforce the deterrent and defensive posture on nato s eastern flank. President biden has been clear that United States will respond to the growing threat to europes security and stability. I want to be very clear about something. These are not permanent moves. They are moves designed to respond to the current security environment. Moreover, these forces are not going
A torch a few days before the official opening of the Winter Olympics as its going ahead despite 0lympics as its going ahead despite the four boycotts and strict covid i9 restrictions. We start with tensions on the ukraine border. Russia has been locked in a Military Standoff with ukraine, and weve now seen the first Major Movement of us forces in response. Some 2000 troops will be sent to poland and germany, and 1000 troops already in germany will go to romania. Heres The Pentagon Spokesman making that announcement. The United States stands shoulder to shoulder with our nato allies. The Current Situation demands that we reinforce the deterrent and defensive posture on nato s eastern flank. President biden has been clear that United States will respond to the growing threat to europes security and stability. I want to be very clear about something. These are not permanent moves. They are moves designed to respond to the current security environment. Moreover, these forces are not going