Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240707

these attacks. >> translator: regular peace process was taking place. the curfew introduced saved us all. some people ask why do we need these excess i have measures of precaution. we can see now that they are not excessive. >> one characteristic of the war repeated russian attacks on civilians. we will have more from ukraine in just a moment. we are also following closely this morning the latest developments after escaped alabama inmate casey white was taken into custody, former corrections officer vicky white is dead following a dramatic ending to an 11-day manhunt for the pair. officials now say vicky white was basically the mastermind behind the whole plan. we're going to bring you a live update from indiana just ahead, and next hour, president biden will speak from the white house where he is expected to outline new steps in the fight against inflation and also efforts to lower costs for americans. this as gas prices see yet another increase. we do want to begin, though, this morning in ukraine. cnn international correspondent scott mclean is reporting from lviv. >> scott, tell us about this attack on odesa, basically the latest in a series of attacks on odesa from afar. how devastating, how extensive is the damage? >> reporter: it is renarcable that there were not more people killed, jim, but the strikes here sort of leaves you scratching your head wondering what exactly that they were after. we've seen targets in the past couple of weeks on infrastructure, but these ones are something entirely different. there was a warehouse, a series of warehouses that caught fire, but there was also a shopping mall as you mentioned where seven missiles were fired, according to the mayor there. this is an american style mall, big parking lot, a lot of international brands there. only one person was killed. some security guards were injured, and the reason being is because there was a government imposed curfew at the time anticipating these missile strikes on may the 9, russia's victory day. there were also two hotels, one was a seaside resort in the southern part of odesa right on the beach owned by a pro-russian businessman frequented often by some russian elites as well. there was also a hotel struck south of the city, in a small village very close to a very key bridge that connects the far southwestern region of ukraine to the rest of the country. so again, unclear whether at hotel in particular was the actual target, and if so, why? we're also obviously keeping our eye on mariupol because of the situation there. there are hundreds of soldiers who are trapped there. we are also hearing from the mayor's office who says that there are a hundred civilians, possibly more e e ilthere as well. the government has said previously that all of the women, children, and elderly people were successfully evacuated, so we can only assume that these civilians are men. the mayor's office says that the azovstal steel plant has been shelled relentlessly on monday with heavy artillery fire, but those soldiers who are still there, many of whom arwounded, say that they will fight to the death. obviously president zelenskyy has said that he is trying to broker some kind of an arrangement to get those soldiers out alive, but they will not leave without their guns and failing that, they're prepared to fight until the end. jim, erica. >> scott mclean with the latest for us, thank you. today congress is set to vote on a $40 billion aid package to ukraine. western allies push to provide uninterrupted supplies to the country, nato partners remain on guard and continue training exercises in the region. >> cnn's fred pleitgen has been covering, and he has more. >> reporter: hi there jim and erica, there's a lot of concern here on nato's eastern flank. of course about the war that's going on in ukraine, and really, there's very few countries that support ukraine more than, for instance, latvia does, but romania on the black sea is also an extremely important country because it borders ukraine. we were able to get on an exercise of special forces that involved not just romanian special forces but the navy zeal z s.e.a.l.s as well. here's what we saw. on high alert in the black sea, u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s, romanian and british special forces practice raid ing an enemy ship, an exercise that requires a lot of skill, but also strong cooperation, a member of the romanian special forces tells me. >> the helicopter session, the synchronization is very important so all the teams can get on board in the ship in the exact time they should. >> reporter: these are among nato's most elite unit and they allowed us to film on the condition we would not reveal their identities. the raid involves both fast, rigid inflatable boats as well as a chopper to land troops on the ship, search it and detain would be enemy combatants. this drill is part of a much larger special forces exercise called trojan footprint involving some 30 countries, both nato and non-nato allies. on the face of it, this exercise has nothing to do with russia's invasion of ukraine, but we're not very far from ukraine's borders at all, and the u.s. has been very keen to strengthen the nato alliance and show that it's committed to security here in europe. romania directly borders ukraine where the war is raging both on land and at sea. the exercise took place not far from snake island, which the russians raided in late february and are occupying. the ukrainians, though, have struck back managing to it had the flagship moskva cruiser and sink it. in the past few days they released video of their forces hitting a russian landing vessel and a russian chopper unloading troops on snake island. the russians have claimed to hit ukrainian strike aircraft and a heli helicopter. romanian forces telling us they recently had to destroy a sea mine that floated here from ukrainian waters. but the commander in charge of this drill says they keep the war next door off their minds and focus on getting better. >> it's important on the level of training that you reach. >> it is quite real right now. it's next door. >> yes, it is real and we are prepared for anything. >> reporter: the u.s. says exercises like this one have become even more important since russia's invasion of ukraine to strengthen the nato alliance and deter moscow from aggressive moves against member countries. and of course, guys, one of the reasons why it is so important is that president biden has been saying, he believes that vladimir putin thought that the u.s. and its allies would be divided and said they are very much united. he also believes that vladimir putin thought nato would be weakened. nato is very strong and could become a lot stronger in the not too distant future with possibly sweden and finland asking to join as well, guys. >> a lot stronger, a lot bigger. our thanks for that report. the director of national intelligence is testifying on capitol hill about russia's war on ukraine. she says in the short-term at least, she and others do not see a able negotiating path forward assessing that even if putin wins in the donbasrussiad. >> the uncertain nature of the battle, which is developing into a war of attrition, combined with the reality that putin faces a mismatch between his ambitions and russia's current conventional military capabilities likely means the next few months could see us moving along a more unpredictable and potentially escalatory trajectory. >> joining me now to discuss the chief of staff and national security fellow at the institute for the study of war. jennifer, good to have you. >> thank you. >> this has been a concern and haynes is not alone in expressing this, we heard si cia director on the weekend and others we've spoken to on this broadcast. as putin loses or doesn't advance, it's a corner kind of scenario, he cannot lose and therefore pushes back harder. i wonder if you share that view. >> look, i think it's important to note that he can lose this war. in fact, he's on track in my view to lose this war. whether he will accept that loss is a different story, and i think so far we still see him imagining that he can conquer ukraine and eliminate ukraine as a nation and as a people. that's not a reality, but i think it does in some respects pose an opportunity for ukraine because it means he's miscalculating. he's been miscalculating since the start of the war by thinking he can break ukrainian will to resist and i think expecting he can do more than sustain his current gains is another miscalculation. >> break nato unity, break eu unity, all those proved to be miscalculations. tell me your view of the view on the eastern front right now because officials i speak to say russia's attempting to punch through and specifically to break supply lines there and also to attempt to surround ukrainian forces in that area. when they do in general, ukrainian forces strike back, have had some success pushing them back. what is your sense of is that a static border? is it sort of verging towards a frozen colnflict. >> we are in basically an attrition stage of the fight in eastern ukraine. i think that's an important term because it does not mean stalemate in a way that ends the fighting, right? the russians are continuing to try to push forward. they're not having much success in part because they have not recovered from their initial failures in this war to actually marshal a coherent operational, you know, plan. whereas the ukrainians are actually beginning to gain some momentum in a counteroffensive and are able to stitch together some of these tactical attacks into what could be a wider campaign. >> does a putin who is cornered and not making the gains he wanted at the speed he wanted and in effect, losing in your view, is he more likely to take a catastrophic step like the use, for instance, of a battlefield nuclear weapon? >> it's an important question and this is where the nato unity ask deterrence really comes into the play. i think the fact that we haven't seen putin try yet to escalate against nato countries or to punish directly nato member states for supports ukraine demonstrates that that deterrence is having an effect. we need to strengthen it and make shure we stand that. >> i spoke to a european diplomat who said at the end of the day we don't really know the status of the fight on the eastern front. to some degree we have better insight into russian losses than ukrainian advances. we played it earlier, ukrainians will release a lot of successful attacks on ukrainian tanks and ships et cetera. they've had enormous success, but is it possible we don't know the true state of the battle there? >> we have a partial picture, and i think part of that is because of the operational security that the ukrainians are maintaining, and the decisions that we at the institution for the study of war and others have made, you know, not to publish on what the ukrainian attempt at advance is, what their operational plans are, you know, inso insofrgs they can be deceiscern. you can layer that and get a sense that the russian military, again, still is not bringing any operational coherence to this fight. >> can ukrainians not just hold the line there but push russian forces further back? because you hear this discussion as well, recapturing parts of donbas even some say crimea, and that's a more optimistic view, but is that a realistic view? >> i think it depends on part to what extent the u.s. and nato continue to support ukraine, but the next weeks, i think, are going to be in some ways decisive. the ukrainians have the gun to sustain some momentum in a counter cou counteroffensive, and they have decisions to make now that they've pushed the russians out of the perimeter of kharkiv where might they open a new front. that's a political decision as well as a military one. the russians are attempting to layer in their own form of governance and ukrainians need to contest that. >> raising the russian flag and sometimes even the soviet flag in some of these cities. thank you so much for joining us. after 11 days on the run, casey white is now said to be cooperating, described to be pretty candid with investigators after he was captured following a police chase in indiana and following the death of a former corrections officer who helped him escape. that manhunt ending dramatically after a tip led police to the pair. investigators say vicky white shot herself while in the car. she later died from the wound. alabama sheriff rick singleton said his former employee was basically the mastermind here for the jailbreak. >> it's just been an among roller coaster for our employees, you know, thinking she'd been kidnapped and maybe, you know, in danger for her life, and then finding out that she took him out willingly and trying to determine, well, was she threatened in some way or coerced to do that or because it just didn't sound like the vicky we knew. and then finding out that she was basically the mastermind behind the whole plan. >> cnn senior national correspondent miguel marquez is live in indiana this morning. at this point what happens next for casey white? >> well, he will either face charges here in evansville depending upon what their investigation leads them to, or he will be possibly extradited quickly, depending upon whether or not he fights that extradition back to alabama, but there is a bit of a long road ahead. i mean, we are finding out when you said this was a dramatic end to this, that is almost an understatement. it wasn't a very long chase when officials got on to them and they knew where they were, they knew which cars they had. they had two different cars here, a ford f-150 and a cadillac. they went to a hotel, they tagged that cadillac to a hotel. they went there, when they went to that hotel, they were getting into the car. they gave chase, it didn't go very long, but during that chase, vicky white called 911 and was on the phone with them says the sheriff here saying that she had a gun, saying that she had it to her head. he also believes at this point that she pulled the trigger before they were able to stop that car and get casey white out. casey white for his part has been now moved here to the jail in the county near evansville, and he says the sheriff is cooperating. >> he was pretty candid with the investigators last night. they had a fairly lengthy interview. i wasn't there so i don't know the exchange, but he was cooperative during the investigation. the criminal minds operate different than the average person. i don't know what his end game is, and i was shocked that he was so cooperative. >> reporter: so a couple of things happening, casey white may be in court today. it's not clear there will be an traeks addition hearing. the sheriff says they have to figure out whether he had any hand in her death and whether they'll have to charge him here with possibly another murder charge of some sort or if he will face extradition back to alabama, then he would either allow that or fight that, and then that would go on for quite some time. we expect a press conference here in the next couple of hours at the sheriff's office, so o o hope to learn more. back to you. >> miguel marquez, appreciate it. thank you. still ahead, president biden set to offer up his plan to help curb inflation in the next hour as the latest poll shows 80% of americans say the federal government is not doing enough yet to help. plus, outrage in china over strict government-e enforced coronavirus protocols, entering people's homes to quote, disinfect, sending residents to quarantine if their neighbor tests positive. we are live in china. and later. >> he had his face pressed up against mine, and he's pulling my body closer towards his. >> celebrity chef mario batali back in court today, he's facing a sexual assault allegation. his surprising requeueue f the trial, that's a bit later 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you. thank you. gracias. thank you for being my hero. please call now. if operators are busy, please call again, or go to right away. the world could use some more heroes and your call will make a difference. thank you for being our hero. next hour, president biden will outline the steps his administration is taking to fight inflation from the white house. >> they know they got to do something, a cnn poll last week found that 50% of americans felt the economy was the most important issue ahead of the midterms and a majority said the president's policies so far have hurt the economy. cnn white house correspondent john har wood joins us now. they know they have a problem on the economic issues, particularly inflation. they know they can't fix this with a magic wand. so what's the plan in effect? >> well, what we're going to hear, jim, is the president play his part in a political game that involves all of us. let me explain. when you're the president, you acquire ownership of all the country's problems, whether or not you have the ability to solve them or not, so inflation is the number one problem americans are feeling right now, so republicans say you're not stopping inflation. those of us in the press say what are you going to do about inflation. voters say what are you going to do about inflation. the reality is that's the federal reserve's job principally at this point. president biden's policies are likely one of multiple factors that have contributed to the level of inflation that we have, but he can't simply say nothing, so as you indicated, he's going to talk about things that he has done like release oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to try to bring gas prices down, smooth out supply chains to bring prices of consumer products down. talk about things he wants to do, trying to temper prescription drug prices, try to encourage semiconductor manufacturing to help more with supply chains, other steps the president would take in his legislative agenda that stalled. he is also going to answer the political fire he's taking with political shots of his own. he got a g g gt om ric the head of the senate republican campaign committee who proposed a plan that's pretty much the opposite of what would help the american people with inflation in the sense that what scott wants to do is raise taxes on people who don't make enough right now to pay taxes. sunset a whole lot of government programs, which tend to help people who don't have much money and slash the budget for the internal revenue service, which is in charge of collecting taxes from high income people and auditing high income people. now, that plan is so p p pitally unattractive that mitch mcconnell has walked away from it. said it's not going to happen. but nevertheless, we're going to hear a lot more of this for the six months until the election unless inflation starts coming down. we've got a big inflation report that the government's going to put out tomorrow. some economists think that inflation is peaking and about to go down. we will see tomorrow what the next sign is. >> we'll be watching, but i think we should all buckle up for the politics no matter what heading into the next several months. joining us now is stacy van exsmith, a business and economics correspondent, great to have you with us this morning. picking up where our colleague john harwood just left off. we know what things look like, right? we know who is going to be held responsible and who is being held responsible for the state of the economy, inflation, prices at this point, realistically what can be done at this point by the president or lawmakers to really bring prices down? >> well, like you say, inflation is basically a fancy word for prices rising, and there are some things that lawmakers can do. obviously the federal reserve has the big mechanism to brick down prices, that is raising interest rates, and that is being done. i'm sure president biden will talk about that. otherwise the things the president can do include tapping the strategic petroleum reserve in order to put more gas on the market to try to bring down gas prices which are up 48%, so pretty big. also things like capping drug prices to help maybe control those prices. the president has talked about increasing the supply of homes in the u.s. and that should hopefully bring prices for homes down. those have been up 34%, so enormously up, and, again, infrastructure plans, the idea being that that could help some of the supply chain issues, which have also pushed prices up. >> okay. so we know that inflation has a lot of factors. some of this is years of easy money that went too long into a growing kmieconomy. some of it is pandemic stuff, some of it was a lot of the covid relief money. we also know that companies are raising prices probably because it increases their profit margins beyond what they have to raise. by the way, some of them are stating it outright in their earnings report. i'm going to quote one from shake shack, we're encouraged by the results of our october price increase, believe our brand has pricing power. the extent of inflation remains uncertain and we may take additional price later this year to help build back margins. the u.s. chamber of commerce says it's wrong to blame price hikes offn companies. is it correct to say that some companies are taking advantage of this? >> well, certainly, and i don't even know if it falls in the category of taking advantage of it. i think one thing we know is that expectations play such a powerful role in inflation and in prices rising, and if you're running a company and it seems like prices are rising and the prices for the raw materials you use or the, you know, beef that you use in your hamburgers is going up, you're going to want to raise prices in anticipation of that. that can sort of start this chain reaction that trickles up through the whole economy, and i think even companies that are not trying to take advantage of the situation -- and i'm sure that there are companies that are taking advantage of the situation -- but even if you're just trying to sort of anticipate what your costs are and bring in a profit for shareholders, those expectations are incredibly powerful. so that's probably part of what president biden is doing right now is trying to create the expectation that prices are stabilizing. >> there is also we can't ignore the fear of recession, right, and discussion that maybe the fed missed its window with these hikes, made them a little bit too late. is recession inevitable? >> i definitely don't think it's inevitable. certainly we're seeing a lot of very confusing economic indicators right now. the jobs numbers that we got for the month of april were really fantastic. we added more than 400,000 jobs. that's really wonderful. on the unemployment rate is very low. on the other hand, the economy is shrinking a little bit. prices are rising. it's a moment, i think, of great confusion, and people don't really know what direction it will take. this is probably a powerful moment for policies to hopefully steer the country and the economy in the right direction so we can avoid a recession. >> we'll see if the fed can catch one it. a lot of folks argue the fed will slow to keep rates low through a hot economy and through multiple administrations. stacy vanick smith, thank you so much for joinings. >> thank you. we will go live to west virginia, one of the states with primary voting now underway. the candidates donald trump is watching next. m right therere on the spot. we'll drive you happy at carvana. can a company make the planet a better place? at walmart, we're pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. bipolar depression. it made me feel trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression 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because you often see in chinese social media despite censorship, people complaining about things they don't like, and we're seeing that with the government policy here on covid. >> reporter: jim, there have been protests, which are rare in authoritarian china. those sensors are racing to keep up with complaints. people are angry and outraged. i've spoken to countless residents dealing with anxiety, insomnia. they've been trapped in their homes for more than a month. these rules are only getting more extreme. in some cases entire buildings are being forced out of their homes, sent to government quarantine because one person in their building tested positive for covid. in this one video from chinese social media you can see police in hazmat suits at the door of a resident. they are arguing with each other. the police say they need to be taken away to quarantine because one person on their floor tested positive. you can actually hear the police saying, quote, stop asking why. this is china. it's not like you can do whatever you want like in america, unquote. now, we've reached out to the shanghai government for more details. we do not know what ultimately happened to these residents but we do know, jim, that in some cases, residents being sent away are being forced to hand over their apartment keys to health workers. those health workers are going into their apartments, disinfecting the whole place. you can see in this video we got from shanghai they're spraying disinfectant on couches, furniture, artwork, in some cases destroying their property. and in so many instances in shanghai, people are not scared of getting the virus itself, but they're scared of a positive test and being taken away from their homes and sent to quarantine, many of which are in poor and unsanitary conditions. jim, erica. >> goodness. >> you can certainly understand why. that video, it is -- it is something, selina, appreciate it, thank you. still to come, government agencies rush to help deal with this shortage of infant formula. we're going to have an update for you with the latest from wic, women infants and children association. that's next. when you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your travels. so you can go and see all those lemons, for less. the unknown is not empty. it's a storm that crashes, and consumes, replacing thought with worry. but one thing can calm uncertainty. an answer. uncovered through exploration, teamwork, and innovation. an answer that leads to even more answers. mayo clinic. you know where to go. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...the burning, the itching. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis... ...and it's 6 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ask your doctor about tremfya® today. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit what can i du with less asthma? 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>> yeah, no, i think you hit the nail on its head because there are a lot of options in the infant formula space, but those options do narrow down when you have allergies, digestive issues or a metabolic disorder, and that's a lot of parents right now who are scrambling to find a suitable alternative for their baby's infant formula. we have about 1.2 million infants who participate in the wic program and formula feed their infants, and every single one of them is stressing about where their next can of formula is going to come from. >> so i meernsan, where is it g to come from? with my colleagues at cnn business and their reporting, there's all kinds of wild stuff out there on social media, people perhaps buying formula from unknown sources, right, people who say they have something to sell. i would imagine that's not something that you're encouraging. >> exactly. we're cautioning away from some of those risky business practices and then i would also say risky feeding practices. you know, things like using homemade infant formula recipes, diluting formula or introducing cow's milk too early. all of those could have nutritional implications the if infant. when we think of how parents can really react to this, you know, we've received assurances from manufacturers that they're going to ramp up production but that has not yet translated to increased stock on the shelf. so while we're optimistic this may get better in the future, right now we're encouraging families to call ahead to their store to really save the trip because we've heard from far too many moms that have gone to five or six stores and still come up empty handed. >> are you hearing from parents who have flat out not been able to find formula? meaning -- >> yeah, it is quite scary. >> they're totally out? >> and you know, that's why it's a community wide effort here because we've got every stake holder at the local level working on this. the retailers have been really helpful in guiding this process as well as, you know, the food banks and community supports, the wic agencies, of course all of us in a team effort to make sure that there are no gaps in the actual supply. >> as you mentioned, the fda, we've talked about the fda says it's doing its best to help do what it can to increase production. the fact that one abbott plant was shut down in february, i think leaves a lot of people scratching their heads that maybe one plant could lead to this. does it really all go back to that one plant? >> as with other industries, there were some supply chain challenges last fall, but they were mostly resolved by the time that this product recall started in february, and so it really is mostly attributable to abbott nutrition's recall of several powdered infant formulas. and so i think that leaves a pretty strong question of how did we let the market get this centralized. in the wic space there's only three companies that compete for contracts in the wic space. you really start to question is there really competition here. >> does that mean, really quickly, does that mean you may change that on your end when it comes to wic maybe looking to other partners? >> i think our first step here is to make sure that we can resolve the supply chain challenges and provide relief for parents, but i think there are a lot of lessons to be learned from how this recall was handled, and you know, fda and usda have been working really hard on both ends, i think, to first resolve the supply chain challenge but then to identify what can be done better in the infant formula sector moving forward. >> brian ditmeyer great to have you here this morning. chef mario batali is back in court right now accused of sexual assault in an encounter at a boston restaurant. we'll have the latest on hadad that that trial coming up. a little easier. 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Footprint , Enemy Combatants , 30 , Nothing , Security , Invasion , Alliance , Borders , Show , Ukrainians , Snake Island , Have , Land , Sea , Both , Romania , Europe , Video , Cruiser , Landing , Vessel , Flagship Moskva , Chopper Unloading , Russians , Commander , Sea Mine , Strike Aircraft , Charge , Helicopter , Minds , Waters , Anything , Level , Training , Guys , Member Countries , Exercises , Moves , Nato Alliance And Deter Moscow , Reasons , Saying , Vladimir Putin , United , Director , Report , Intelligence , War On Ukraine , Well , Finland , Thanks , Capitol Hill , Sweden , Nature , Battle , Path , Negotiating , Wins , Donbasrussiad , Reality , Ambitions , Mismatch , Capabilities , Haynes , Trajectory , Chief Of Staff , Institute For The Study Of War , Cia , Si , Jennifer , View , Weekend , Doesn T , Broadcast , Corner , Scenario , Fact , Story , Nation , Loss , Track , Respects , Gains , Miscalculating , Ukrainian , Start , Break Nato Unity , Miscalculation , Supply Lines , Miscalculations , Eastern Front , Break Eu Unity , Sense , Success , Strike Back , Area , Border , General , Verging , Way , Term , Fighting , Stalemate , Attrition Stage , Frozen Colnflict , Momentum , Counteroffensive , Failures , Putin , Step , Effect , Battlefield , Speed , Campaign , Weapon , Use , Question , Member States , Ask Deterrence , Haven T , Play , Degree , Status , Diplomat , Deterrence , Losses , Insight , Estate , Picture , Tanks , Advances , Et Cetera , Decisions , Plans , Study , Institution , Advance , Attempt , Military , Coherence , Inso Insofrgs , Deceiscern , Discussion , Line , Parts , Donbas , Say Crimea , Gun , Extent , Counter Cou Counteroffensive , Ways , Perimeter , Form , Front , Governance , Decision , Military One , Kharkiv , Flag , Investigators , On The Run , Cities , Soviet , Car , Tip Led Police , Police Chase , Wound , Sheriff Rick Singleton , Employee , Roller Coaster , Jailbreak , Employees , Life , Danger , Miguel Marquez , Vicky , Sound , Point , Charges , Investigation , Near Evansville , Bit , Understatement , Extradition , End , Whether , Road , This , It Wasn T A Very Long Chase , Cars , Cadillac , Ford F 150 , 150 , Sheriff , Chase , Phone , Trigger , Didn T Go , 911 , Jail , Casey White Out , Interview , Cooperative , Exchange , Last Night , Couple , End Game , Criminal Minds , Things , Hand , Murder Charge , Addition Hearing , Sort , Traeks , Press Conference , Hope , President , Poll , Curb Inflation , Biden Set , 80 , Homes , Residents , Disinfect , China , Neighbor , Outrage , Coronavirus Protocols , Mario Batali , Body , Mine , Sexual Assault Allegation , The Trial , Requeueue F , Care , Why , Purpose , What , Private Bank , Wouldn T , Da I Don T , Shipgo , Luggage , Shipgo Com , Shipping , Aport , Adorae , Someone , Heroes , Lives , Operations , Kid , 13 , Kids , Doctor , Hero , Someone Else , Counting , My Hero , Nurse , Therapist , 1 5 Million , Pp Ey N , Number , Difference , Thousands , Gift , Shriners 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Muscle Movements , Aren T , Antidepressants , Dementia , Stroke , Permanent , Prescription , Pay , Zero Dollars , Zero , Look , Lines , Retinol Brand , Dermatologists , Neutrogena , Deep Wrinkles , Rapid , Wrinkle Repair , 4 , 1 , Wrinkles , Kimberly , Pain , Clearchoice , Health , Dental Implants , Bunch , Dental Disease , Teeth , Daughter , My Life , Girl , Right , Wifi , Isn T , Xfinity , Riding A Cheetah Fast , Internet , Times , Couldn T , Slaying , Gaming , Devices , Bandwidth , Unison , Three , Focus On Nebraska , Polls , Elections , Glimpse , Races , Kristen Holmes , Endorsement , Host , Up To Speed , Race , Test , Time , King Maker , Primary , Side , David Mckinley , Other , Shrinking Population , Seat , Redistricting , Congressmen , Governor , Alex Mooney , Joe Manchin , Popularity , Democratic , Listen , State Saw , Trump , He S In , Letters , Voter , District , Signs , Proxy War , O , Pete Rickets , Rickets , Doing , Jim Pellen , Money , Allegations , Sexual Misconduct , Slew , Door , Hard Line Policies , Shanghai , Lockdown Measures , Quarantine , Apartment Buildings , Covid Tests , Doors , Paapartments , Fences , Entryways , Selina Wang , Policy , Social Media , Censorship , Chinese , Protests , Complaints , Sensors , Anxiety , Racing , Cases , Building , Rules , Buildings , Insomnia , Extreme , Government Quarantine , Police , Each Other , Resident , Floor , Hazmat Suits , Health Workers , Details , Apartment Keys , Furniture , Apartments , Property , Artwork , Couches , Instances , Virus Itself , Conditions , Goodness , Infant Formula , Shortage , Government Agencies , Deal , Wic , Expedia , Travels , Women Infants And Children Association , Lemons , Storm , Unknown , Crashes , Worry , Uncertainty , Answer , Teamwork , Answers , Exploration , Innovation , Mayo Clinic , Skin , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Itching , Burning , Stinging , 16 , 90 , 5 , Reactions , Medication , Starter Doses , Psoriatic Arthritis , 2 , 6 , 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, Needs , Allergies , Nail , Infant Formula Space , Metabolic Disorder , Infants , Alternative , Program , Scrambling , 1 2 Million , Colleagues , Their , Sources , Kinds , It G , Cnn Business , Feeding Practices , Risky Business Practices , Diluting Formula , Infant , Milk , Implications , Recipes , Cow , Assurances , Families , Trip , Stock , Shelf , Meaning , Stores , Moms , Five , Community Supports , Community , Agencies , Process , Food Banks , Retailers , Stake Holder , Effort , Team , Gaps , Plant , Heads , Supply Chain , Industries , Recall , Infant Formulas , Product Recall , Nutrition , Wic Space , Contracts , Competition , Lessons , Supply Chain Challenges , Relief , Ends , Sector , Supply Chain Challenge , Usda , Court , Sexual Assault , Restaurant , Encounter , Hadad , Boston , Brian Ditmeyer , Trial , Man , Little , Ihoppy , Reaeally , Mabel , 15 , Thing , Family , Him , Remington , Ihop , Sure , App , Rewards Ogram , , Farmer , Dog , Allergy Symptoms , Transformation , 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240707 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240707

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these attacks. >> translator: regular peace process was taking place. the curfew introduced saved us all. some people ask why do we need these excess i have measures of precaution. we can see now that they are not excessive. >> one characteristic of the war repeated russian attacks on civilians. we will have more from ukraine in just a moment. we are also following closely this morning the latest developments after escaped alabama inmate casey white was taken into custody, former corrections officer vicky white is dead following a dramatic ending to an 11-day manhunt for the pair. officials now say vicky white was basically the mastermind behind the whole plan. we're going to bring you a live update from indiana just ahead, and next hour, president biden will speak from the white house where he is expected to outline new steps in the fight against inflation and also efforts to lower costs for americans. this as gas prices see yet another increase. we do want to begin, though, this morning in ukraine. cnn international correspondent scott mclean is reporting from lviv. >> scott, tell us about this attack on odesa, basically the latest in a series of attacks on odesa from afar. how devastating, how extensive is the damage? >> reporter: it is renarcable that there were not more people killed, jim, but the strikes here sort of leaves you scratching your head wondering what exactly that they were after. we've seen targets in the past couple of weeks on infrastructure, but these ones are something entirely different. there was a warehouse, a series of warehouses that caught fire, but there was also a shopping mall as you mentioned where seven missiles were fired, according to the mayor there. this is an american style mall, big parking lot, a lot of international brands there. only one person was killed. some security guards were injured, and the reason being is because there was a government imposed curfew at the time anticipating these missile strikes on may the 9, russia's victory day. there were also two hotels, one was a seaside resort in the southern part of odesa right on the beach owned by a pro-russian businessman frequented often by some russian elites as well. there was also a hotel struck south of the city, in a small village very close to a very key bridge that connects the far southwestern region of ukraine to the rest of the country. so again, unclear whether at hotel in particular was the actual target, and if so, why? we're also obviously keeping our eye on mariupol because of the situation there. there are hundreds of soldiers who are trapped there. we are also hearing from the mayor's office who says that there are a hundred civilians, possibly more e e ilthere as well. the government has said previously that all of the women, children, and elderly people were successfully evacuated, so we can only assume that these civilians are men. the mayor's office says that the azovstal steel plant has been shelled relentlessly on monday with heavy artillery fire, but those soldiers who are still there, many of whom arwounded, say that they will fight to the death. obviously president zelenskyy has said that he is trying to broker some kind of an arrangement to get those soldiers out alive, but they will not leave without their guns and failing that, they're prepared to fight until the end. jim, erica. >> scott mclean with the latest for us, thank you. today congress is set to vote on a $40 billion aid package to ukraine. western allies push to provide uninterrupted supplies to the country, nato partners remain on guard and continue training exercises in the region. >> cnn's fred pleitgen has been covering, and he has more. >> reporter: hi there jim and erica, there's a lot of concern here on nato's eastern flank. of course about the war that's going on in ukraine, and really, there's very few countries that support ukraine more than, for instance, latvia does, but romania on the black sea is also an extremely important country because it borders ukraine. we were able to get on an exercise of special forces that involved not just romanian special forces but the navy zeal z s.e.a.l.s as well. here's what we saw. on high alert in the black sea, u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s, romanian and british special forces practice raid ing an enemy ship, an exercise that requires a lot of skill, but also strong cooperation, a member of the romanian special forces tells me. >> the helicopter session, the synchronization is very important so all the teams can get on board in the ship in the exact time they should. >> reporter: these are among nato's most elite unit and they allowed us to film on the condition we would not reveal their identities. the raid involves both fast, rigid inflatable boats as well as a chopper to land troops on the ship, search it and detain would be enemy combatants. this drill is part of a much larger special forces exercise called trojan footprint involving some 30 countries, both nato and non-nato allies. on the face of it, this exercise has nothing to do with russia's invasion of ukraine, but we're not very far from ukraine's borders at all, and the u.s. has been very keen to strengthen the nato alliance and show that it's committed to security here in europe. romania directly borders ukraine where the war is raging both on land and at sea. the exercise took place not far from snake island, which the russians raided in late february and are occupying. the ukrainians, though, have struck back managing to it had the flagship moskva cruiser and sink it. in the past few days they released video of their forces hitting a russian landing vessel and a russian chopper unloading troops on snake island. the russians have claimed to hit ukrainian strike aircraft and a heli helicopter. romanian forces telling us they recently had to destroy a sea mine that floated here from ukrainian waters. but the commander in charge of this drill says they keep the war next door off their minds and focus on getting better. >> it's important on the level of training that you reach. >> it is quite real right now. it's next door. >> yes, it is real and we are prepared for anything. >> reporter: the u.s. says exercises like this one have become even more important since russia's invasion of ukraine to strengthen the nato alliance and deter moscow from aggressive moves against member countries. and of course, guys, one of the reasons why it is so important is that president biden has been saying, he believes that vladimir putin thought that the u.s. and its allies would be divided and said they are very much united. he also believes that vladimir putin thought nato would be weakened. nato is very strong and could become a lot stronger in the not too distant future with possibly sweden and finland asking to join as well, guys. >> a lot stronger, a lot bigger. our thanks for that report. the director of national intelligence is testifying on capitol hill about russia's war on ukraine. she says in the short-term at least, she and others do not see a able negotiating path forward assessing that even if putin wins in the donbasrussiad. >> the uncertain nature of the battle, which is developing into a war of attrition, combined with the reality that putin faces a mismatch between his ambitions and russia's current conventional military capabilities likely means the next few months could see us moving along a more unpredictable and potentially escalatory trajectory. >> joining me now to discuss the chief of staff and national security fellow at the institute for the study of war. jennifer, good to have you. >> thank you. >> this has been a concern and haynes is not alone in expressing this, we heard si cia director on the weekend and others we've spoken to on this broadcast. as putin loses or doesn't advance, it's a corner kind of scenario, he cannot lose and therefore pushes back harder. i wonder if you share that view. >> look, i think it's important to note that he can lose this war. in fact, he's on track in my view to lose this war. whether he will accept that loss is a different story, and i think so far we still see him imagining that he can conquer ukraine and eliminate ukraine as a nation and as a people. that's not a reality, but i think it does in some respects pose an opportunity for ukraine because it means he's miscalculating. he's been miscalculating since the start of the war by thinking he can break ukrainian will to resist and i think expecting he can do more than sustain his current gains is another miscalculation. >> break nato unity, break eu unity, all those proved to be miscalculations. tell me your view of the view on the eastern front right now because officials i speak to say russia's attempting to punch through and specifically to break supply lines there and also to attempt to surround ukrainian forces in that area. when they do in general, ukrainian forces strike back, have had some success pushing them back. what is your sense of is that a static border? is it sort of verging towards a frozen colnflict. >> we are in basically an attrition stage of the fight in eastern ukraine. i think that's an important term because it does not mean stalemate in a way that ends the fighting, right? the russians are continuing to try to push forward. they're not having much success in part because they have not recovered from their initial failures in this war to actually marshal a coherent operational, you know, plan. whereas the ukrainians are actually beginning to gain some momentum in a counteroffensive and are able to stitch together some of these tactical attacks into what could be a wider campaign. >> does a putin who is cornered and not making the gains he wanted at the speed he wanted and in effect, losing in your view, is he more likely to take a catastrophic step like the use, for instance, of a battlefield nuclear weapon? >> it's an important question and this is where the nato unity ask deterrence really comes into the play. i think the fact that we haven't seen putin try yet to escalate against nato countries or to punish directly nato member states for supports ukraine demonstrates that that deterrence is having an effect. we need to strengthen it and make shure we stand that. >> i spoke to a european diplomat who said at the end of the day we don't really know the status of the fight on the eastern front. to some degree we have better insight into russian losses than ukrainian advances. we played it earlier, ukrainians will release a lot of successful attacks on ukrainian tanks and ships et cetera. they've had enormous success, but is it possible we don't know the true state of the battle there? >> we have a partial picture, and i think part of that is because of the operational security that the ukrainians are maintaining, and the decisions that we at the institution for the study of war and others have made, you know, not to publish on what the ukrainian attempt at advance is, what their operational plans are, you know, inso insofrgs they can be deceiscern. you can layer that and get a sense that the russian military, again, still is not bringing any operational coherence to this fight. >> can ukrainians not just hold the line there but push russian forces further back? because you hear this discussion as well, recapturing parts of donbas even some say crimea, and that's a more optimistic view, but is that a realistic view? >> i think it depends on part to what extent the u.s. and nato continue to support ukraine, but the next weeks, i think, are going to be in some ways decisive. the ukrainians have the gun to sustain some momentum in a counter cou counteroffensive, and they have decisions to make now that they've pushed the russians out of the perimeter of kharkiv where might they open a new front. that's a political decision as well as a military one. the russians are attempting to layer in their own form of governance and ukrainians need to contest that. >> raising the russian flag and sometimes even the soviet flag in some of these cities. thank you so much for joining us. after 11 days on the run, casey white is now said to be cooperating, described to be pretty candid with investigators after he was captured following a police chase in indiana and following the death of a former corrections officer who helped him escape. that manhunt ending dramatically after a tip led police to the pair. investigators say vicky white shot herself while in the car. she later died from the wound. alabama sheriff rick singleton said his former employee was basically the mastermind here for the jailbreak. >> it's just been an among roller coaster for our employees, you know, thinking she'd been kidnapped and maybe, you know, in danger for her life, and then finding out that she took him out willingly and trying to determine, well, was she threatened in some way or coerced to do that or because it just didn't sound like the vicky we knew. and then finding out that she was basically the mastermind behind the whole plan. >> cnn senior national correspondent miguel marquez is live in indiana this morning. at this point what happens next for casey white? >> well, he will either face charges here in evansville depending upon what their investigation leads them to, or he will be possibly extradited quickly, depending upon whether or not he fights that extradition back to alabama, but there is a bit of a long road ahead. i mean, we are finding out when you said this was a dramatic end to this, that is almost an understatement. it wasn't a very long chase when officials got on to them and they knew where they were, they knew which cars they had. they had two different cars here, a ford f-150 and a cadillac. they went to a hotel, they tagged that cadillac to a hotel. they went there, when they went to that hotel, they were getting into the car. they gave chase, it didn't go very long, but during that chase, vicky white called 911 and was on the phone with them says the sheriff here saying that she had a gun, saying that she had it to her head. he also believes at this point that she pulled the trigger before they were able to stop that car and get casey white out. casey white for his part has been now moved here to the jail in the county near evansville, and he says the sheriff is cooperating. >> he was pretty candid with the investigators last night. they had a fairly lengthy interview. i wasn't there so i don't know the exchange, but he was cooperative during the investigation. the criminal minds operate different than the average person. i don't know what his end game is, and i was shocked that he was so cooperative. >> reporter: so a couple of things happening, casey white may be in court today. it's not clear there will be an traeks addition hearing. the sheriff says they have to figure out whether he had any hand in her death and whether they'll have to charge him here with possibly another murder charge of some sort or if he will face extradition back to alabama, then he would either allow that or fight that, and then that would go on for quite some time. we expect a press conference here in the next couple of hours at the sheriff's office, so o o hope to learn more. back to you. >> miguel marquez, appreciate it. thank you. still ahead, president biden set to offer up his plan to help curb inflation in the next hour as the latest poll shows 80% of americans say the federal government is not doing enough yet to help. plus, outrage in china over strict government-e enforced coronavirus protocols, entering people's homes to quote, disinfect, sending residents to quarantine if their neighbor tests positive. we are live in china. and later. >> he had his face pressed up against mine, and he's pulling my body closer towards his. >> celebrity chef mario batali back in court today, he's facing a sexual assault allegation. his surprising requeueue f the trial, that's a bit later 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you. thank you. gracias. thank you for being my hero. please call now. if operators are busy, please call again, or go to right away. the world could use some more heroes and your call will make a difference. thank you for being our hero. next hour, president biden will outline the steps his administration is taking to fight inflation from the white house. >> they know they got to do something, a cnn poll last week found that 50% of americans felt the economy was the most important issue ahead of the midterms and a majority said the president's policies so far have hurt the economy. cnn white house correspondent john har wood joins us now. they know they have a problem on the economic issues, particularly inflation. they know they can't fix this with a magic wand. so what's the plan in effect? >> well, what we're going to hear, jim, is the president play his part in a political game that involves all of us. let me explain. when you're the president, you acquire ownership of all the country's problems, whether or not you have the ability to solve them or not, so inflation is the number one problem americans are feeling right now, so republicans say you're not stopping inflation. those of us in the press say what are you going to do about inflation. voters say what are you going to do about inflation. the reality is that's the federal reserve's job principally at this point. president biden's policies are likely one of multiple factors that have contributed to the level of inflation that we have, but he can't simply say nothing, so as you indicated, he's going to talk about things that he has done like release oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to try to bring gas prices down, smooth out supply chains to bring prices of consumer products down. talk about things he wants to do, trying to temper prescription drug prices, try to encourage semiconductor manufacturing to help more with supply chains, other steps the president would take in his legislative agenda that stalled. he is also going to answer the political fire he's taking with political shots of his own. he got a g g gt om ric the head of the senate republican campaign committee who proposed a plan that's pretty much the opposite of what would help the american people with inflation in the sense that what scott wants to do is raise taxes on people who don't make enough right now to pay taxes. sunset a whole lot of government programs, which tend to help people who don't have much money and slash the budget for the internal revenue service, which is in charge of collecting taxes from high income people and auditing high income people. now, that plan is so p p pitally unattractive that mitch mcconnell has walked away from it. said it's not going to happen. but nevertheless, we're going to hear a lot more of this for the six months until the election unless inflation starts coming down. we've got a big inflation report that the government's going to put out tomorrow. some economists think that inflation is peaking and about to go down. we will see tomorrow what the next sign is. >> we'll be watching, but i think we should all buckle up for the politics no matter what heading into the next several months. joining us now is stacy van exsmith, a business and economics correspondent, great to have you with us this morning. picking up where our colleague john harwood just left off. we know what things look like, right? we know who is going to be held responsible and who is being held responsible for the state of the economy, inflation, prices at this point, realistically what can be done at this point by the president or lawmakers to really bring prices down? >> well, like you say, inflation is basically a fancy word for prices rising, and there are some things that lawmakers can do. obviously the federal reserve has the big mechanism to brick down prices, that is raising interest rates, and that is being done. i'm sure president biden will talk about that. otherwise the things the president can do include tapping the strategic petroleum reserve in order to put more gas on the market to try to bring down gas prices which are up 48%, so pretty big. also things like capping drug prices to help maybe control those prices. the president has talked about increasing the supply of homes in the u.s. and that should hopefully bring prices for homes down. those have been up 34%, so enormously up, and, again, infrastructure plans, the idea being that that could help some of the supply chain issues, which have also pushed prices up. >> okay. so we know that inflation has a lot of factors. some of this is years of easy money that went too long into a growing kmieconomy. some of it is pandemic stuff, some of it was a lot of the covid relief money. we also know that companies are raising prices probably because it increases their profit margins beyond what they have to raise. by the way, some of them are stating it outright in their earnings report. i'm going to quote one from shake shack, we're encouraged by the results of our october price increase, believe our brand has pricing power. the extent of inflation remains uncertain and we may take additional price later this year to help build back margins. the u.s. chamber of commerce says it's wrong to blame price hikes offn companies. is it correct to say that some companies are taking advantage of this? >> well, certainly, and i don't even know if it falls in the category of taking advantage of it. i think one thing we know is that expectations play such a powerful role in inflation and in prices rising, and if you're running a company and it seems like prices are rising and the prices for the raw materials you use or the, you know, beef that you use in your hamburgers is going up, you're going to want to raise prices in anticipation of that. that can sort of start this chain reaction that trickles up through the whole economy, and i think even companies that are not trying to take advantage of the situation -- and i'm sure that there are companies that are taking advantage of the situation -- but even if you're just trying to sort of anticipate what your costs are and bring in a profit for shareholders, those expectations are incredibly powerful. so that's probably part of what president biden is doing right now is trying to create the expectation that prices are stabilizing. >> there is also we can't ignore the fear of recession, right, and discussion that maybe the fed missed its window with these hikes, made them a little bit too late. is recession inevitable? >> i definitely don't think it's inevitable. certainly we're seeing a lot of very confusing economic indicators right now. the jobs numbers that we got for the month of april were really fantastic. we added more than 400,000 jobs. that's really wonderful. on the unemployment rate is very low. on the other hand, the economy is shrinking a little bit. prices are rising. it's a moment, i think, of great confusion, and people don't really know what direction it will take. this is probably a powerful moment for policies to hopefully steer the country and the economy in the right direction so we can avoid a recession. >> we'll see if the fed can catch one it. a lot of folks argue the fed will slow to keep rates low through a hot economy and through multiple administrations. stacy vanick smith, thank you so much for joinings. >> thank you. we will go live to west virginia, one of the states with primary voting now underway. the candidates donald trump is watching next. m right therere on the spot. we'll drive you happy at carvana. can a company make the planet a better place? at walmart, we're pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. bipolar depression. it made me feel trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression 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because you often see in chinese social media despite censorship, people complaining about things they don't like, and we're seeing that with the government policy here on covid. >> reporter: jim, there have been protests, which are rare in authoritarian china. those sensors are racing to keep up with complaints. people are angry and outraged. i've spoken to countless residents dealing with anxiety, insomnia. they've been trapped in their homes for more than a month. these rules are only getting more extreme. in some cases entire buildings are being forced out of their homes, sent to government quarantine because one person in their building tested positive for covid. in this one video from chinese social media you can see police in hazmat suits at the door of a resident. they are arguing with each other. the police say they need to be taken away to quarantine because one person on their floor tested positive. you can actually hear the police saying, quote, stop asking why. this is china. it's not like you can do whatever you want like in america, unquote. now, we've reached out to the shanghai government for more details. we do not know what ultimately happened to these residents but we do know, jim, that in some cases, residents being sent away are being forced to hand over their apartment keys to health workers. those health workers are going into their apartments, disinfecting the whole place. you can see in this video we got from shanghai they're spraying disinfectant on couches, furniture, artwork, in some cases destroying their property. and in so many instances in shanghai, people are not scared of getting the virus itself, but they're scared of a positive test and being taken away from their homes and sent to quarantine, many of which are in poor and unsanitary conditions. jim, erica. >> goodness. >> you can certainly understand why. that video, it is -- it is something, selina, appreciate it, thank you. still to come, government agencies rush to help deal with this shortage of infant formula. we're going to have an update for you with the latest from wic, women infants and children association. that's next. when you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your travels. so you can go and see all those lemons, for less. the unknown is not empty. it's a storm that crashes, and consumes, replacing thought with worry. but one thing can calm uncertainty. an answer. uncovered through exploration, teamwork, and innovation. an answer that leads to even more answers. mayo clinic. you know where to go. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...the burning, the itching. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis... ...and it's 6 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ask your doctor about tremfya® today. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit what can i du with less asthma? 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>> yeah, no, i think you hit the nail on its head because there are a lot of options in the infant formula space, but those options do narrow down when you have allergies, digestive issues or a metabolic disorder, and that's a lot of parents right now who are scrambling to find a suitable alternative for their baby's infant formula. we have about 1.2 million infants who participate in the wic program and formula feed their infants, and every single one of them is stressing about where their next can of formula is going to come from. >> so i meernsan, where is it g to come from? with my colleagues at cnn business and their reporting, there's all kinds of wild stuff out there on social media, people perhaps buying formula from unknown sources, right, people who say they have something to sell. i would imagine that's not something that you're encouraging. >> exactly. we're cautioning away from some of those risky business practices and then i would also say risky feeding practices. you know, things like using homemade infant formula recipes, diluting formula or introducing cow's milk too early. all of those could have nutritional implications the if infant. when we think of how parents can really react to this, you know, we've received assurances from manufacturers that they're going to ramp up production but that has not yet translated to increased stock on the shelf. so while we're optimistic this may get better in the future, right now we're encouraging families to call ahead to their store to really save the trip because we've heard from far too many moms that have gone to five or six stores and still come up empty handed. >> are you hearing from parents who have flat out not been able to find formula? meaning -- >> yeah, it is quite scary. >> they're totally out? >> and you know, that's why it's a community wide effort here because we've got every stake holder at the local level working on this. the retailers have been really helpful in guiding this process as well as, you know, the food banks and community supports, the wic agencies, of course all of us in a team effort to make sure that there are no gaps in the actual supply. >> as you mentioned, the fda, we've talked about the fda says it's doing its best to help do what it can to increase production. the fact that one abbott plant was shut down in february, i think leaves a lot of people scratching their heads that maybe one plant could lead to this. does it really all go back to that one plant? >> as with other industries, there were some supply chain challenges last fall, but they were mostly resolved by the time that this product recall started in february, and so it really is mostly attributable to abbott nutrition's recall of several powdered infant formulas. and so i think that leaves a pretty strong question of how did we let the market get this centralized. in the wic space there's only three companies that compete for contracts in the wic space. you really start to question is there really competition here. >> does that mean, really quickly, does that mean you may change that on your end when it comes to wic maybe looking to other partners? >> i think our first step here is to make sure that we can resolve the supply chain challenges and provide relief for parents, but i think there are a lot of lessons to be learned from how this recall was handled, and you know, fda and usda have been working really hard on both ends, i think, to first resolve the supply chain challenge but then to identify what can be done better in the infant formula sector moving forward. >> brian ditmeyer great to have you here this morning. chef mario batali is back in court right now accused of sexual assault in an encounter at a boston restaurant. we'll have the latest on hadad that that trial coming up. a little easier. 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Footprint , Enemy Combatants , 30 , Nothing , Security , Invasion , Alliance , Borders , Show , Ukrainians , Snake Island , Have , Land , Sea , Both , Romania , Europe , Video , Cruiser , Landing , Vessel , Flagship Moskva , Chopper Unloading , Russians , Commander , Sea Mine , Strike Aircraft , Charge , Helicopter , Minds , Waters , Anything , Level , Training , Guys , Member Countries , Exercises , Moves , Nato Alliance And Deter Moscow , Reasons , Saying , Vladimir Putin , United , Director , Report , Intelligence , War On Ukraine , Well , Finland , Thanks , Capitol Hill , Sweden , Nature , Battle , Path , Negotiating , Wins , Donbasrussiad , Reality , Ambitions , Mismatch , Capabilities , Haynes , Trajectory , Chief Of Staff , Institute For The Study Of War , Cia , Si , Jennifer , View , Weekend , Doesn T , Broadcast , Corner , Scenario , Fact , Story , Nation , Loss , Track , Respects , Gains , Miscalculating , Ukrainian , Start , Break Nato Unity , Miscalculation , Supply Lines , Miscalculations , Eastern Front , Break Eu Unity , Sense , Success , Strike Back , Area , Border , General , Verging , Way , Term , Fighting , Stalemate , Attrition Stage , Frozen Colnflict , Momentum , Counteroffensive , Failures , Putin , Step , Effect , Battlefield , Speed , Campaign , Weapon , Use , Question , Member States , Ask Deterrence , Haven T , Play , Degree , Status , Diplomat , Deterrence , Losses , Insight , Estate , Picture , Tanks , Advances , Et Cetera , Decisions , Plans , Study , Institution , Advance , Attempt , Military , Coherence , Inso Insofrgs , Deceiscern , Discussion , Line , Parts , Donbas , Say Crimea , Gun , Extent , Counter Cou Counteroffensive , Ways , Perimeter , Form , Front , Governance , Decision , Military One , Kharkiv , Flag , Investigators , On The Run , Cities , Soviet , Car , Tip Led Police , Police Chase , Wound , Sheriff Rick Singleton , Employee , Roller Coaster , Jailbreak , Employees , Life , Danger , Miguel Marquez , Vicky , Sound , Point , Charges , Investigation , Near Evansville , Bit , Understatement , Extradition , End , Whether , Road , This , It Wasn T A Very Long Chase , Cars , Cadillac , Ford F 150 , 150 , Sheriff , Chase , Phone , Trigger , Didn T Go , 911 , Jail , Casey White Out , Interview , Cooperative , Exchange , Last Night , Couple , End Game , Criminal Minds , Things , Hand , Murder Charge , Addition Hearing , Sort , Traeks , Press Conference , Hope , President , Poll , Curb Inflation , Biden Set , 80 , Homes , Residents , Disinfect , China , Neighbor , Outrage , Coronavirus Protocols , Mario Batali , Body , Mine , Sexual Assault Allegation , The Trial , Requeueue F , Care , Why , Purpose , What , Private Bank , Wouldn T , Da I Don T , Shipgo , Luggage , Shipgo Com , Shipping , Aport , Adorae , Someone , Heroes , Lives , Operations , Kid , 13 , Kids , Doctor , Hero , Someone Else , Counting , My Hero , Nurse , Therapist , 1 5 Million , Pp Ey N , Number , Difference , Thousands , Gift , Shriners 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Muscle Movements , Aren T , Antidepressants , Dementia , Stroke , Permanent , Prescription , Pay , Zero Dollars , Zero , Look , Lines , Retinol Brand , Dermatologists , Neutrogena , Deep Wrinkles , Rapid , Wrinkle Repair , 4 , 1 , Wrinkles , Kimberly , Pain , Clearchoice , Health , Dental Implants , Bunch , Dental Disease , Teeth , Daughter , My Life , Girl , Right , Wifi , Isn T , Xfinity , Riding A Cheetah Fast , Internet , Times , Couldn T , Slaying , Gaming , Devices , Bandwidth , Unison , Three , Focus On Nebraska , Polls , Elections , Glimpse , Races , Kristen Holmes , Endorsement , Host , Up To Speed , Race , Test , Time , King Maker , Primary , Side , David Mckinley , Other , Shrinking Population , Seat , Redistricting , Congressmen , Governor , Alex Mooney , Joe Manchin , Popularity , Democratic , Listen , State Saw , Trump , He S In , Letters , Voter , District , Signs , Proxy War , O , Pete Rickets , Rickets , Doing , Jim Pellen , Money , Allegations , Sexual Misconduct , Slew , Door , Hard Line Policies , Shanghai , Lockdown Measures , Quarantine , Apartment Buildings , Covid Tests , Doors , Paapartments , Fences , Entryways , Selina Wang , Policy , Social Media , Censorship , Chinese , Protests , Complaints , Sensors , Anxiety , Racing , Cases , Building , Rules , Buildings , Insomnia , Extreme , Government Quarantine , Police , Each Other , Resident , Floor , Hazmat Suits , Health Workers , Details , Apartment Keys , Furniture , Apartments , Property , Artwork , Couches , Instances , Virus Itself , Conditions , Goodness , Infant Formula , Shortage , Government Agencies , Deal , Wic , Expedia , Travels , Women Infants And Children Association , Lemons , Storm , Unknown , Crashes , Worry , Uncertainty , Answer , Teamwork , Answers , Exploration , Innovation , Mayo Clinic , Skin , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Itching , Burning , Stinging , 16 , 90 , 5 , Reactions , Medication , Starter Doses , Psoriatic Arthritis , 2 , 6 , 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, Needs , Allergies , Nail , Infant Formula Space , Metabolic Disorder , Infants , Alternative , Program , Scrambling , 1 2 Million , Colleagues , Their , Sources , Kinds , It G , Cnn Business , Feeding Practices , Risky Business Practices , Diluting Formula , Infant , Milk , Implications , Recipes , Cow , Assurances , Families , Trip , Stock , Shelf , Meaning , Stores , Moms , Five , Community Supports , Community , Agencies , Process , Food Banks , Retailers , Stake Holder , Effort , Team , Gaps , Plant , Heads , Supply Chain , Industries , Recall , Infant Formulas , Product Recall , Nutrition , Wic Space , Contracts , Competition , Lessons , Supply Chain Challenges , Relief , Ends , Sector , Supply Chain Challenge , Usda , Court , Sexual Assault , Restaurant , Encounter , Hadad , Boston , Brian Ditmeyer , Trial , Man , Little , Ihoppy , Reaeally , Mabel , 15 , Thing , Family , Him , Remington , Ihop , Sure , App , Rewards Ogram , , Farmer , Dog , Allergy Symptoms , Transformation , 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