Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

summit in bali in november. this is a big deal, it creates a really complicated diplomatic situation. will president biden or other leaders attend this crucial conference if putin is there? joining us now, pentagon press secretary john kirby. if i can start right there, i understand that the g20 is an economic conference, not a military one. is he the type of person that should be welcome at a global economic conference? >> no, he absolutely shouldn't be. he isolated russia by his own actions and should be continue to be isolated by the international community. i can't speak for president biden or what the schedule might offer for the president, for the united states attendance, but it is inappropriate for the entire international community to keep treating russia as if things are normal. because it is not. >> a mistake to invite him? >> look, i can't speak for the administration on this. here at the pentagon, we're focused on helping ukraine defend itself, but, look, mr. putin has isolated himself and he should still continue to suffer the consequences of his actions in ukraine. >> i'll ask you about some of the reports overnight of attacks inside russia or russian-controlled territory. a field plant in donetsk, a checkpoint not far from kursk. the ukrainians haven't confirmed that they did this, but they have sort of hinted at doing things like this the last few days. have you seen evidence of this and what is to be gained militarily by ukraine doing this? >> we don't have anything we can look at specifically and confirm how these strikes happened and who was responsible for that. and certainly i would let the ukrainians speak for their own actions and own operations. they're in an active fight for their sovereignty, for their territorial integrity, for their people, and ukrainians are fighting back very, very hard in what is now a much more concentrated effort in the donbas and in the south. i would let them speak for their operations. >> certainly you feel they have the right to strike at targets in russian-controlled territory or inside russia if they their they're of military value? >> we believe they have every right to defend themselves against an unprovoked russian invasion and i'll leave it there. >> you're talking about the east. we heard slow but uneven progress by russia in the donetsk region. what do you exactly mean by that? >> well, what we're seeing here, john, is incremental progress by the russians, particularly as they move south through the donbas, coming from that northern area where they came in after they had to evacuate kyiv. it is incremental and it is slow because they might take a little bit of ground, ukrainians will take it back, and so they have not been exactly on their schedule. they are trying very hard, john, to overcome the challenges they had in the north by making sure logistics and sustainment can keep up with the movement of troops, but the ukrainians are fighting back hard and making it hard for them to make any progress. they're also wary of running too far ahead of their supply lines, so they're going rather slowly. last thing i would say is just like we said it would, this particular fight is heavily reliant on what we call long range fires, artillery. you're seeing that the russians are shelling well in advance of their troop movements, but -- they're not able to, they have not been able to sufficiently weaken the ukrainian defenses with that shelling. the ukrainians are able to fight right back. >> are you getting the weapons that the ukrainians need to then quickly enough there? i know you prided yourself on the howitzers that have already arrived on the scene. >> there are more than half of the 90 howitzers that we promised ukraine are actually in ukraine. i would also note that more than 50 ukrainian artillery men, who were properly trained outside ukraine, over the last week, are now back in ukraine as well to help their colleagues learn on these howitzers. i can't tell you where each of these howitzer pieces are or whether they're actually engaged in the fight, but they're in ukraine and they'll be ready for them to use. when the secretary was overseas, we actually saw a lot of this material getting loaded up on trucks and getting in there every single day. i. >> i want to ask you about willy joseph cancel who was killed, do you have any information about how he was killed? >> no, we don't. we're waking up to this news the same as cnn. our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, when a devastating piece of news that has to be for them for anybody to lose a son, a brother. that's got to be painful. as i understand it, from the press reporting, he's a husband with a little baby, 7-month-old, and that's just devastating news for anybody. but, look, we continue to urge americans not to go to ukraine, john. this is an active war zone, this is not the place to be to be traveling to. i understand his altruistic motives. i do. i respect that. but this is not the place for americans to go. if you want to support ukraine there are any number of other ways to do this in a safe effective way, such as donating to the red cross. this is not the place to be. >> when i last spoke to you, i asked you about whether or not the pentagon has any visibility on these reports of explosions in transnistria, the breakaway region controlled by russian separatists in moldova. you had no visibility on that. since then we're learning ukrainians are sending troops to defend the border there. do you have any greater sense of what is happening there? >> no, we still are monitoring the reports of these explosions, john. as you get further away from them, it gets harder to get a fingertip feel of what happened. we do believe there are explosions. it is not exactly for who is responsible or what the motive was. and i'll let the ukrainians speak for their border defense, they certainly have every right and every reason to be mindful of their own border security, given what is going on in the last 64 days. but we're still looking at this, we don't have much better information. >> so big request from the administration for congress, for new money for aid, includes $20 billion in direct military aid here. how long will that last? you have to start thinking about how long this conflict will last. >> yeah, it is hard to know, john. it is. we think in the donbas region because both sides are familiar with the terrain, because both sides are going to focus on artillery long range fires, that this could be a prolonged conflict. i know it is a very soft thing to say, i can't give you a weeks or months, but certainly there is the prospect this fighting will go on for some time. and we want to make sure that we are properly postured to help ukraine over the course of that time, and that's what the president's request of congress is all about, helping get more material, more aid, more economic and humanitarian assistance to ukraine as they continue to settle in now for what could be a long fight. >> you say months. is it possible it could be years? >> i don't know, john. it is difficult to say. the thing is, it could end today. it needs to end today. mr. putin could do the right thing by taking all the forces out and stopping this war, sitting down with president zelenskyy. he's not willing to do that. so until he is, we're going to continue to help ukraine defend itself. >> one last question, there is this bill that congress passed, waiting for the presidential signature here, which essentially gives the president land lease power, like president roosevelt had in world war ii. what could the administration do with just that? how much weaponry could they provide, you provide with just that? >> i think it remains to be seen. i don't want to get ahead of the president, his decision whether he wants to sign this legislation or not. what i can tell you, though, is that president biden made it a priority to continue to help ukraine defend itself. you've seen that just in the last several weeks and now with the supplemental request, which gives -- would give the defense department $16 billion to continue to provide weapons and assistance to ukraine, over weeks and months ahead, we're committed to this. the president has been clear, we're going to help ukraine as much as we can, as fast as we can. and, john, the material that we're sending over there is literally sometimes getting into ukrainian hands within days of the president signing it off. so we are working this very, very hard. >> pentagon press secretary john kirby, thank you so much. appreciate it. that's a really interesting because you hear him saying there to you, when you asked about whether putin should be going to the g20, he's been invited, he wanted to go, he's been invited, he's going, he says he shouldn't be able to go, it raises the question of whether president biden and other allies will show up there. >> a pretty cool answer, wasn't it? john kirby is the press secretary now. he was the spokesperson of the state department for a while also. so he understands diplomacy and diplomatic talk. he says he's not exactly speaking for the president per se here, speaking for himself, but that doesn't seem to be a hard question for him to answer, whether or not vladimir putin should be there. >> no. and i think also they had a chance to kind of think about this, because putin had telegraphed some time ago wanted to go to this summit and so they had time to think about what all this is going to mean. i think we should keep an eye on developments there. great interview with the press secretary, the pentagon, a lot of information there. next, we're going to be joined by the deputy mayor of mariupol with more on the rescue operation planned for today at the azovstal steel plant. and 12 russian soldiers have been named suspects in the crimes committed or the alleged crimes committed in bucha. what this means for the war crimes investigation there. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. refresh. beuse subway now has italian-style capicola on the new mozza meat ansupreme meats. love the smell of italian food. subway keeps refreshin and refres- did i tell you i bought our cafrom carvana? 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>> of course for us very important to -- soldiers, commanders and -- we understand we have very good category in the international humanitarian law. it means responsibility. these russian soldiers, russian soldiers in bucha, who actually tortured people and murdered -- it's, again, from 64th brigade. that brigade which president putin gave them -- putin honored them by guard. it is me and chief of commander knew very well this brigade was in bucha, what they do actually in the kyiv region and understandable that commanders give them some orders. for us it is very important for our strategy, for our strategy to investigate war crimes, from the smallest soldiers to big general. >> as you did note, the brigade allegedly responsible for this rewarded, honored specifically by vladimir putin. it is your job to document these cases around ukraine. how many cases of documented war crimes, alleged war crimes have you uncovered so far? >> actually we have three big approaches. it is crimes of aggression, war crimes and crimes we started the -- of genocide. we have crime of aggression because for us it is absolutely understandable for whole civilized world that here in ukraine we have very aggressive war. in this our case, crime of aggression, we have more than 600 suspects. and, of course, we started to prosecute them in absentia because all these people, the top politicians, top propaganda agents, they are in russian federation. war crimes, we have now 9,000 war crimes, only about -- war crimes. bombing and civilian objects, civilians, torturing, raping and -- near 9,000 cases. and we have -- >> 9,000 cases. iryna, i know you have your work cut out for you and how hard it is to document the history. i appreciate the work you're doing and i appreciate you being with us this morning. thank you. >> thank you very much. we will collect everything what is going on in ukraine now. thank you. have a good day. now to an update on a story we shared with you yesterday. a go fund me page for ukrainian oleg moskalenko raised $30,000, a page started by oleg's life long friend after he was captured by russian forces, tortured for several days, and then left to die in the woods. thankfully good samariteans helped him get to germany for treatment. they lost everything in this. and you can keep helping oleg by donating to that go fund me page which will go toward his medical bills, rehabilitation and basic necessities for his family. their goal is it reach $100,000. a journalist with the l.a. times threatened with criminal charges after reporting on a sheriff department -- their alleged cover-up. she's going to join "new day" next. brand-new video into cnn, an attack on a key railway hub and supply line for ukrainian troops in the east. we're live on the ground in ukraine cometing up. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? 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>> that's right. so we had one commander, the one that filed a complaint on monday who wanted to, you know, elevate both sides of the investigation, take criminal charges against the -- pursue criminal charges against the inmate who very clearly on video punched the deputy and then more deeply look into the deputy who he thought committed excessive force. but, you know, the department didn't want to do any of that because they were scared about the negative light that this case could have on the department, especially this all happened two days into jury selection of the trial of derek chauvin who was convicted of murdering george floyd. and they saw that there were similarities to these cases and didn't want the extra attention and the negative publicity. >> so he's backed off now of targeting you, but at the same time you just reported this week that a former top ranking l.a. county sheriff's official -- or pardon me, you just -- you reported that there is evidence, one of villanueva's closest advisers in a filing alleging that she had actually personally brought a dvd of this video of a deputy kneeling on a handcuffed inmate's neck to villanueva five days after the incident happened, which runs very counter to what he said, alene. my question is, who holds him accountable? he seems to very credibly have been caught in a lie here. >> yeah, you know, since the beginning of when i reported this story, sources were saying that sheriff villanueva was in on a cover-up. yesterday was the first time we heard from someone with firsthand knowledge of that, as if they were personally in the room when they watched him -- when they watched the video with him five days after it happened, and, you know, he's been saying since it became public he found out about this incident eight months after it occurred and took very swift action, but that sort of called into question now with these -- with yesterday's firsthand witness. >> look, alene -- sorry, go on. >> i was going to say, he's under the inspector general which oversees the sheriff's department is looking into the incidents you're asking about, who is accountable, that's one, you know, independent body that's looking at this case. >> your reporting is tremendous here. it is so backed up. and this is obviously something to take very seriously when someone you are raising legitimate questions about is then coming after you and your first amendment rights. we do appreciate you discussing this, alene. thank you so much. >> thank you so much for having me. president biden suddenly warming up to forgiving student loan debt. but there is a big caveat here. plus, a surreal moment in space. hear what americans had to ask of russian cosmonauts. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .5% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkle results in onene week. neutrogena®.. for people with skin. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24ours without heartburn? 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>> when you look at what's going on in the world now it easy to be cynical about things that go on in the world, instead of realizing the world is an amazing place. and the chances that any of us will ever explore the whole thing in our lifetime is unrealistic. but what you can do is go on your own journey. when you go to a place, go with your eyes and heart wide open, explore how people live in that space. but do it on their terms. and you shouldn't be afraid to do that. >> the paris episode fascinates me. 99 out of 100 shows on paris, you know, you'll go to paris, you'll go to the left bank, you'll eat at the bistros and that will be it. it will be awesome, but that will be it. you went literally beyond that. i'm going to mispronounce the word, the -- it is the outer band, the immigrant community largely, around paris. what did you find there? why did you want to go and what did you find in. >> what i felt was those communities and those stories were equally authentic appreciation experiences. instead of discounting what we know is a stereotypical parisian opportunity, some of the immigrant communities we have in new york city, you go out to queens, and some of those families have been there for three or four generations. that's a new york experience. so we wanted to sort of add more diversity and parts to the parisian story that were not told. >> ghana, south korea, where else? >> ghana, south korea, toronto is exceptional, obviously paris, d.c., and probably what was one of my favorite shows is mississippi. >> i can't wait. if you need a key grip or anything, as you head out there, i'm available. carlton mccoy, thank you. catch "nomad" sunday at 10:00 p.m. and pacific only on cnn. president biden is warming up to a demand from many on the left to forgive student loan debt. biden says it will not be $50,000 for each borrower, as someone in his party are pressuring him to do, senator mitt romney trolling the white house for even considering debt forgiveness here, he tweeted this. desperate polls call for desperate measures. dems consider giving trillions in student loans, other bribe suggestions, forgive auto loans, credit card debt and mortgages and putting wealth tax on the super rich to pay for it all, what could possibly go wrong? joining us is cnn chief international correspondent john king. what do you think about this battle? >> it is very telling actually. first, a couple of points. what senator romney first came to washington, he tried to keep a low profile, wanted to be utah's senator, not the former republican presidential nominee, an he didn't want to everyday be the republican who comes out and says, yes, i think donald trump is crazy. now that trump is gone, for now, romney is beginning to assert himself now as a national player in the senate and in republican politics. number two, words don't fall from the sky. things happen for a reason. why is -- i call him governor romney, senator romney, why is senator romney think this is a big issue? the deficit, government spending is a big concern to voters and the politicians are seeing it in the data. i say words don't fall from the sky. at the white house yesterday, president biden said it would be nice if the republicans would help us lower the deficit. nancy pelosi, san francisco liberal, press conference on capitol hill yesterday, said democrats with the rest of this legislative year want to do a number of things including reducing gas prices and lowering the deficit. why are the politicians talking about debt and big spending? clearly they're seeing data from the voters this is a giant concern coming out of the pandemic when there was a ton of government spending and coming at a time the president ask asking the congress and the american people to pay for billions and billions more for ukraine. it is an issue and senator romney is trying to lay a marker down, old school republican democrats want to spend money. they believe it helps with their base, but they also think on the student loan thing, blanket forgiving them when president biden is not ready to go, but the republicans think it helps in the suburbs where people think gas is costing me a lot of money, groceries is costing me a lot of money, be careful, don't start throwing money around. >> you talked about what president biden may or may not do here. he said he won't do the $50,000 forgiveness that some progressives want. does he have to give them something? >> yes. but the question is what. and, john, this is a trademark example of how democrats behave differently than republicans and they always have. i've been doing this for 40 years now. the democrats fight it out publicly. republicans try to settle most policy disputes. without that, they try to settle most policy disputes in private. chuck schumer went to the floor and said maybe the president is willing to go as high as $50,000. that's the senate majority leader, the president's partner. the president says i'm not doing $50,000. there is a lot of pressure on the president. his polls are down with everybody. for the constituents, democrats need to turn out in the midterms, especially younger voters who are big part of the biden coalition, big part of the democratic coalition. the cost of living is high, that's why alexandra ocasio-cortez is so hot on this issue, kids get out of college, lower paying job, rent is high and they have student debt and it is crippling to a lot of their lives. how far can the liberals push the president to go? they said they would push privately. >> vladimir putin is going to the g20 we have learned and berman was talking to john kirby over at the pentagon. who said to him that, you know, this is clearly a privilege that he should not be afforded. but it makes you wonder what is biden going to do? what are other american allies going to do? are they going to go to the g20? >> listening to john kirby, i appreciate the position he's in. i don't speak for the administration or the president on these issues and then essentially speaking for the president and the administration or speaking his view on the administration. president biden is not going to be in a room with vladimir putin at the g20 if the war continues, period. the president of indonesia invited putin to this club. this club was founded in 1999. the idea was we need to have rules for international trade. even the bad guys can come to the r after 1999, people are thinking was that a good idea or bad idea? have we actually moderated their behavior in a better with a i? the whole idea of these clubs, kick putin out of the g7, g8, putin getting kicked out of a lot of clubs now. does the meeting collapse now? does the president of the united states get on the phone and say we can't go, we're not going, or have the meeting and boycott putin somehow, not go to the big events, not take the big photo? these are decisions the white house has to make now, because there is every reason for the president to go to indonesia, to project economic power in asia right now, that part is critical. but putin is a pariah to biden and they have to work this out, whether that's a boycott or somehow -- i've been at the meetings before, the mandela inauguration, fidel castro comes out, just go the other way. do you pull that off? it is very delicate diplomacy. biden will not be in the room with putin unless things change dramatically. >> there is the white house correspondents association dinner, it hasn't happened because of covid and it is happening. trevor knoah will be the comedi relief there. i want to ask you, president biden will give a speech here. a comedy routine. it is not easy. it is important for presidents to pull this off. what do you think the goal is for him in this particularly strange moment? >> it is a strange moment in the sense that he's a war time president, even though the united states is not directly involved boots on the ground it is a serious moment, sober moment, inflation is kicking americans in the teeth every single day. the president needs to be careful here, he can't be clowning if you will. we have seen in the past, that presidents who are struggling have used this self-deprecating humor at dinners like this to make fun of themselves, make fun of the crowd and get a reset, get people to say, okay, i'm mad at him about gas prices, not sure about this policy, but that was funny, that's the joe biden i like. so it is an opportunity, if he handles it right. the question is can he find the sweet spot. >> self-deprecation always works. i have ideas for jokes. i'll see if they'll be in there. john king, great to have you. we'll catch you on "inside politics" at noon. join me and john berman tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. eastern for s cnn's live special coverage of the white house correspondents' dinner. >> gazing into the horizon, looking, looking for truth at the white house correspondents' dinner. the truth is out there. we have much more breaking news out of ukraine. plans to evacuate civilians from the besieged steel plant in mariupol, now facing new obstacles from russian forces. cnn following the latest developments on the ground. derriere discomfort. we try to soothe it with this. cool it with this. and relieve it with this. but new w preparation h soothig relief spray is the 21st century way to do all three. even touch free. preparation h. getet comfortabe with it. she's feeling the power of listerine. he's feeling it. yep, them too. it's an invigorating rush... ...zapping millions of germs in seconds. for that one-of-a-kind wh... ...which leaves you feeling... ahhhhhhh listerine. feel the whoa! centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look. hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. this week's cnn hero, deanna persi, grew up doing everything with her sister angel there was one big difference between them, angel has down syndrome. when deanna went off to college, she saw how few opportunities angel had. she co-founded a college for students just like her sister. >> hi, everybody. >> college of adaptist is ive aa collegiate experience for adults with special needs of all abilities who haven't had access to college education. we have ten schools of instruction. they get the same access to the classes that any college student can select. >> out reaching toward the sun. >> i want for every student that walks through our doors to be treated like the thinking intellectual they are. i love you. >> i love you too. >> my experience with my sister, angel, has helped me be a better, more authentic transparent person. i am so humbled each and every day by their depth and ideas and ways to make the world a better place. >> love it. and to see the full story about deanna's unique program, go to and while there, nominate a hero in your life. so as we mentioned, tomorrow is the white house correspondents association dinner. we will be anchoring special live coverage of it, because we weren't invited. president biden will be giving a speech there. presidents in the past, they speak and they make jokes. here is an example of what they have done. >> here it comes. nuclear proliferation. nuclear proliferation. nuclear proliferation. nuclear proliferation. >> in my final year, my approval ratings keep going up. [ applause ] the last time i was this high, i was trying to decide on my major. >> the question is what will president biden do? will he talk like that? who knows. >> and tomorrow night we're actually going to look in the same direction unlike in these photos between us. >> yes. we will. we will absolutely look in the same direction. thank you, all, for joining us today on "new day." cnn's coverage continues right now. a critical operation to evacuate civilians, holed up in a steel plant in mariupol begins today. that plan could already be doomed. good morning, everyone. i'm bianna golodryga in new york. >> and i'm jim sciutto reporting from lviv, in western ukraine. right now hundreds of civilians including children are thought to still be trapped in that mariupol steel plant, where they have been taking shelter. officials say it was hit by 50 air strikes in

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Age , Caveat , Cosmonauts , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , Retinol , Heartburn , Anna , Night , Sleep , Wrinkle Results , Nexium 24hr , 24 , , Reality , It Starts , Dream , Acid , Night Protection , Prom Dresses , Adventures , Eargo , Genius , Meningitis , Teen , Vaccination , Survivors , Up To , Meningitis B , Vaccines , Meningitis B , Wait , Subway Wait , Dinner , Nobody , Music , Weight , Spokespeople , Footlongs , Meet Plenity , Weight Management Aid , Building Blocks , Exercise , Diet , Fda , Bmi , 25 , 40 , Mildew , Cleaning Mold , Disinfectant Spray , Women , Thanks , Lysol , Boom , Therapists , Mold , Growth , Cycle , Learning , Home , Drum Roll , Lx 600 , Everywhere , Traveler , Colt Mccoy , Grandmother , Master Sommelier , Arena , Nomad , Thread , Carlton Mccoy , Culture , Places , Exploration , Restaurants , Kitchen , Variety , Paris , Preview , Art Scene , Museums , Spect , Cutting Edge , Art , Works , Others , Domination , France , Roster , Artists , Art World Powerhouse , Gallery , People Like Us , Mary , Africa , Chicago , Rafael Berentini , Diaspora , Colonizing Africa , Confidence , Audacity , Brown , Show , Journey , Congratulations , Host , Education , Thousands , Career , Admiration , Food Culture , Creation , Amount , Opportunity , Everyone , Resources To Travel , Perspective , Dishes , Hunger , Journeys , Curiosity , Enthusiasm , Led , Afraid To Travel , Lifetime , What S Going On , Chances , Terms , Eyes , Episode , Wide Open , 100 , 99 , Word , Bank , Bistros , Communities , Immigrant Community , Appreciation Experiences , Band , Discounting , Experience , New York City , Generations , Queens , Four , Diversity , Parts , Add , Where Else , Ghana , South Korea , Parisian , D C , Toronto , Key Grip , Shows , Thank You , Mississippi , Pacific , 00 , Trolling , Mitt Romney , Party , Many , Debt Forgiveness , White House , Demand , Left , Borrower , 50000 , Polls , Student Loans , Auto Loans , Credit Card Debt , Measures , Wealth Tax , Dems , Bribe Suggestions , Mortgages , Trillions , Romney First , Couple , Battle , First , Points , Profile , Chief International Correspondent , John King , Utah , Washington , Senate , Trump , Nominee , Player , Donald Trump , Deficit , Issue , Senator , Concern , Government Spending , Sky , Politics , Him , Voters , Data , Democrats , Rest , Liberal , San Francisco , Press Conference On Capitol Hill , Nancy Pelosi , Gas Prices , Debt , Spending , Ton , Pandemic , Student Loan Thing , Billions , Base , Marker Down , Old School , Gas , Suburbs , Groceries , Don T Start Throwing Money , Biden May , Example , Forgiveness , Progressives , Yes , Policy , Policy Disputes , Floor , Chuck Schumer , Everybody , Pressure , Partner , Constituents , Midterms , Majority Leader , College , The Cost Of Living , Coalition , Alexandra Ocasio Cortez , Democratic , Biden Coalition , Liberals , Student Debt , Rent , John Berman , Privilege , Listening , Issues , Position , View , Idea , Club , Thinking , Rules , International Trade , Indonesia , R , 1999 , Clubs , Meeting , Kick Putin , Behavior , Ai , G7 , Decisions , Photo , Phone , Pariah , Power , Meetings , Boycott , Mandela Inauguration , Asia , Fidel Castro , It Hasn T , White House Correspondents Association Dinner , Presidents , Speech , Comedy Routine , Comedi , Trevor Knoah , Inflation , Boots , War Time , Fun , Dinners , Self Deprecating Humor , Teeth , Clowning , Crowd , Struggling , Funny , Reset , Ideas , Self Deprecation , Jokes , Inside Politics , Sweet Spot , Coverage , Truth , Breaking News , Correspondents , Horizon , Gazing , White House Correspondents , Obstacles , Derriere Discomfort , Ahhhhhhh Listerine , Relief Spray , Preparation H Soothig , Preparation H Getet Comfortabe , Yep , 21 , Zapping Millions , Germs , Rush , Wh , Aren T , Vitamins , Whoa , Tasting , Centrum Multigummies , B Vitamins , Essential Nutrients , Centrum Multi Gummies , Safe , Anywhere , Sister , Deanna Persi , Cnn Hero , Angel , Difference , Down Syndrome , Collegiate Experience , Haven T , Abilities , College Of Adaptist , Special Needs , Hi , College Student , Classes , Schools , Instruction , College Education , The Sun , Student , Intellectual , Doors , I Love You , Better , Love It , Depth , Program , Hero , We Weren T , Proliferation , Approval Ratings , Major , High , Applause , Direction , Photos , Bianna Golodryga , Lviv , Jim Sciutto , Mariupol Steel Plant , Shelter , Air Strikes ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

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summit in bali in november. this is a big deal, it creates a really complicated diplomatic situation. will president biden or other leaders attend this crucial conference if putin is there? joining us now, pentagon press secretary john kirby. if i can start right there, i understand that the g20 is an economic conference, not a military one. is he the type of person that should be welcome at a global economic conference? >> no, he absolutely shouldn't be. he isolated russia by his own actions and should be continue to be isolated by the international community. i can't speak for president biden or what the schedule might offer for the president, for the united states attendance, but it is inappropriate for the entire international community to keep treating russia as if things are normal. because it is not. >> a mistake to invite him? >> look, i can't speak for the administration on this. here at the pentagon, we're focused on helping ukraine defend itself, but, look, mr. putin has isolated himself and he should still continue to suffer the consequences of his actions in ukraine. >> i'll ask you about some of the reports overnight of attacks inside russia or russian-controlled territory. a field plant in donetsk, a checkpoint not far from kursk. the ukrainians haven't confirmed that they did this, but they have sort of hinted at doing things like this the last few days. have you seen evidence of this and what is to be gained militarily by ukraine doing this? >> we don't have anything we can look at specifically and confirm how these strikes happened and who was responsible for that. and certainly i would let the ukrainians speak for their own actions and own operations. they're in an active fight for their sovereignty, for their territorial integrity, for their people, and ukrainians are fighting back very, very hard in what is now a much more concentrated effort in the donbas and in the south. i would let them speak for their operations. >> certainly you feel they have the right to strike at targets in russian-controlled territory or inside russia if they their they're of military value? >> we believe they have every right to defend themselves against an unprovoked russian invasion and i'll leave it there. >> you're talking about the east. we heard slow but uneven progress by russia in the donetsk region. what do you exactly mean by that? >> well, what we're seeing here, john, is incremental progress by the russians, particularly as they move south through the donbas, coming from that northern area where they came in after they had to evacuate kyiv. it is incremental and it is slow because they might take a little bit of ground, ukrainians will take it back, and so they have not been exactly on their schedule. they are trying very hard, john, to overcome the challenges they had in the north by making sure logistics and sustainment can keep up with the movement of troops, but the ukrainians are fighting back hard and making it hard for them to make any progress. they're also wary of running too far ahead of their supply lines, so they're going rather slowly. last thing i would say is just like we said it would, this particular fight is heavily reliant on what we call long range fires, artillery. you're seeing that the russians are shelling well in advance of their troop movements, but -- they're not able to, they have not been able to sufficiently weaken the ukrainian defenses with that shelling. the ukrainians are able to fight right back. >> are you getting the weapons that the ukrainians need to then quickly enough there? i know you prided yourself on the howitzers that have already arrived on the scene. >> there are more than half of the 90 howitzers that we promised ukraine are actually in ukraine. i would also note that more than 50 ukrainian artillery men, who were properly trained outside ukraine, over the last week, are now back in ukraine as well to help their colleagues learn on these howitzers. i can't tell you where each of these howitzer pieces are or whether they're actually engaged in the fight, but they're in ukraine and they'll be ready for them to use. when the secretary was overseas, we actually saw a lot of this material getting loaded up on trucks and getting in there every single day. i. >> i want to ask you about willy joseph cancel who was killed, do you have any information about how he was killed? >> no, we don't. we're waking up to this news the same as cnn. our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, when a devastating piece of news that has to be for them for anybody to lose a son, a brother. that's got to be painful. as i understand it, from the press reporting, he's a husband with a little baby, 7-month-old, and that's just devastating news for anybody. but, look, we continue to urge americans not to go to ukraine, john. this is an active war zone, this is not the place to be to be traveling to. i understand his altruistic motives. i do. i respect that. but this is not the place for americans to go. if you want to support ukraine there are any number of other ways to do this in a safe effective way, such as donating to the red cross. this is not the place to be. >> when i last spoke to you, i asked you about whether or not the pentagon has any visibility on these reports of explosions in transnistria, the breakaway region controlled by russian separatists in moldova. you had no visibility on that. since then we're learning ukrainians are sending troops to defend the border there. do you have any greater sense of what is happening there? >> no, we still are monitoring the reports of these explosions, john. as you get further away from them, it gets harder to get a fingertip feel of what happened. we do believe there are explosions. it is not exactly for who is responsible or what the motive was. and i'll let the ukrainians speak for their border defense, they certainly have every right and every reason to be mindful of their own border security, given what is going on in the last 64 days. but we're still looking at this, we don't have much better information. >> so big request from the administration for congress, for new money for aid, includes $20 billion in direct military aid here. how long will that last? you have to start thinking about how long this conflict will last. >> yeah, it is hard to know, john. it is. we think in the donbas region because both sides are familiar with the terrain, because both sides are going to focus on artillery long range fires, that this could be a prolonged conflict. i know it is a very soft thing to say, i can't give you a weeks or months, but certainly there is the prospect this fighting will go on for some time. and we want to make sure that we are properly postured to help ukraine over the course of that time, and that's what the president's request of congress is all about, helping get more material, more aid, more economic and humanitarian assistance to ukraine as they continue to settle in now for what could be a long fight. >> you say months. is it possible it could be years? >> i don't know, john. it is difficult to say. the thing is, it could end today. it needs to end today. mr. putin could do the right thing by taking all the forces out and stopping this war, sitting down with president zelenskyy. he's not willing to do that. so until he is, we're going to continue to help ukraine defend itself. >> one last question, there is this bill that congress passed, waiting for the presidential signature here, which essentially gives the president land lease power, like president roosevelt had in world war ii. what could the administration do with just that? how much weaponry could they provide, you provide with just that? >> i think it remains to be seen. i don't want to get ahead of the president, his decision whether he wants to sign this legislation or not. what i can tell you, though, is that president biden made it a priority to continue to help ukraine defend itself. you've seen that just in the last several weeks and now with the supplemental request, which gives -- would give the defense department $16 billion to continue to provide weapons and assistance to ukraine, over weeks and months ahead, we're committed to this. the president has been clear, we're going to help ukraine as much as we can, as fast as we can. and, john, the material that we're sending over there is literally sometimes getting into ukrainian hands within days of the president signing it off. so we are working this very, very hard. >> pentagon press secretary john kirby, thank you so much. appreciate it. that's a really interesting because you hear him saying there to you, when you asked about whether putin should be going to the g20, he's been invited, he wanted to go, he's been invited, he's going, he says he shouldn't be able to go, it raises the question of whether president biden and other allies will show up there. >> a pretty cool answer, wasn't it? john kirby is the press secretary now. he was the spokesperson of the state department for a while also. so he understands diplomacy and diplomatic talk. he says he's not exactly speaking for the president per se here, speaking for himself, but that doesn't seem to be a hard question for him to answer, whether or not vladimir putin should be there. >> no. and i think also they had a chance to kind of think about this, because putin had telegraphed some time ago wanted to go to this summit and so they had time to think about what all this is going to mean. i think we should keep an eye on developments there. great interview with the press secretary, the pentagon, a lot of information there. next, we're going to be joined by the deputy mayor of mariupol with more on the rescue operation planned for today at the azovstal steel plant. and 12 russian soldiers have been named suspects in the crimes committed or the alleged crimes committed in bucha. what this means for the war crimes investigation there. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. refresh. beuse subway now has italian-style capicola on the new mozza meat ansupreme meats. love the smell of italian food. subway keeps refreshin and refres- did i tell you i bought our cafrom carvana? 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>> of course for us very important to -- soldiers, commanders and -- we understand we have very good category in the international humanitarian law. it means responsibility. these russian soldiers, russian soldiers in bucha, who actually tortured people and murdered -- it's, again, from 64th brigade. that brigade which president putin gave them -- putin honored them by guard. it is me and chief of commander knew very well this brigade was in bucha, what they do actually in the kyiv region and understandable that commanders give them some orders. for us it is very important for our strategy, for our strategy to investigate war crimes, from the smallest soldiers to big general. >> as you did note, the brigade allegedly responsible for this rewarded, honored specifically by vladimir putin. it is your job to document these cases around ukraine. how many cases of documented war crimes, alleged war crimes have you uncovered so far? >> actually we have three big approaches. it is crimes of aggression, war crimes and crimes we started the -- of genocide. we have crime of aggression because for us it is absolutely understandable for whole civilized world that here in ukraine we have very aggressive war. in this our case, crime of aggression, we have more than 600 suspects. and, of course, we started to prosecute them in absentia because all these people, the top politicians, top propaganda agents, they are in russian federation. war crimes, we have now 9,000 war crimes, only about -- war crimes. bombing and civilian objects, civilians, torturing, raping and -- near 9,000 cases. and we have -- >> 9,000 cases. iryna, i know you have your work cut out for you and how hard it is to document the history. i appreciate the work you're doing and i appreciate you being with us this morning. thank you. >> thank you very much. we will collect everything what is going on in ukraine now. thank you. have a good day. now to an update on a story we shared with you yesterday. a go fund me page for ukrainian oleg moskalenko raised $30,000, a page started by oleg's life long friend after he was captured by russian forces, tortured for several days, and then left to die in the woods. thankfully good samariteans helped him get to germany for treatment. they lost everything in this. and you can keep helping oleg by donating to that go fund me page which will go toward his medical bills, rehabilitation and basic necessities for his family. their goal is it reach $100,000. a journalist with the l.a. times threatened with criminal charges after reporting on a sheriff department -- their alleged cover-up. she's going to join "new day" next. brand-new video into cnn, an attack on a key railway hub and supply line for ukrainian troops in the east. we're live on the ground in ukraine cometing up. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? 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>> that's right. so we had one commander, the one that filed a complaint on monday who wanted to, you know, elevate both sides of the investigation, take criminal charges against the -- pursue criminal charges against the inmate who very clearly on video punched the deputy and then more deeply look into the deputy who he thought committed excessive force. but, you know, the department didn't want to do any of that because they were scared about the negative light that this case could have on the department, especially this all happened two days into jury selection of the trial of derek chauvin who was convicted of murdering george floyd. and they saw that there were similarities to these cases and didn't want the extra attention and the negative publicity. >> so he's backed off now of targeting you, but at the same time you just reported this week that a former top ranking l.a. county sheriff's official -- or pardon me, you just -- you reported that there is evidence, one of villanueva's closest advisers in a filing alleging that she had actually personally brought a dvd of this video of a deputy kneeling on a handcuffed inmate's neck to villanueva five days after the incident happened, which runs very counter to what he said, alene. my question is, who holds him accountable? he seems to very credibly have been caught in a lie here. >> yeah, you know, since the beginning of when i reported this story, sources were saying that sheriff villanueva was in on a cover-up. yesterday was the first time we heard from someone with firsthand knowledge of that, as if they were personally in the room when they watched him -- when they watched the video with him five days after it happened, and, you know, he's been saying since it became public he found out about this incident eight months after it occurred and took very swift action, but that sort of called into question now with these -- with yesterday's firsthand witness. >> look, alene -- sorry, go on. >> i was going to say, he's under the inspector general which oversees the sheriff's department is looking into the incidents you're asking about, who is accountable, that's one, you know, independent body that's looking at this case. >> your reporting is tremendous here. it is so backed up. and this is obviously something to take very seriously when someone you are raising legitimate questions about is then coming after you and your first amendment rights. we do appreciate you discussing this, alene. thank you so much. >> thank you so much for having me. president biden suddenly warming up to forgiving student loan debt. but there is a big caveat here. plus, a surreal moment in space. hear what americans had to ask of russian cosmonauts. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .5% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkle results in onene week. neutrogena®.. for people with skin. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24ours without heartburn? 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>> when you look at what's going on in the world now it easy to be cynical about things that go on in the world, instead of realizing the world is an amazing place. and the chances that any of us will ever explore the whole thing in our lifetime is unrealistic. but what you can do is go on your own journey. when you go to a place, go with your eyes and heart wide open, explore how people live in that space. but do it on their terms. and you shouldn't be afraid to do that. >> the paris episode fascinates me. 99 out of 100 shows on paris, you know, you'll go to paris, you'll go to the left bank, you'll eat at the bistros and that will be it. it will be awesome, but that will be it. you went literally beyond that. i'm going to mispronounce the word, the -- it is the outer band, the immigrant community largely, around paris. what did you find there? why did you want to go and what did you find in. >> what i felt was those communities and those stories were equally authentic appreciation experiences. instead of discounting what we know is a stereotypical parisian opportunity, some of the immigrant communities we have in new york city, you go out to queens, and some of those families have been there for three or four generations. that's a new york experience. so we wanted to sort of add more diversity and parts to the parisian story that were not told. >> ghana, south korea, where else? >> ghana, south korea, toronto is exceptional, obviously paris, d.c., and probably what was one of my favorite shows is mississippi. >> i can't wait. if you need a key grip or anything, as you head out there, i'm available. carlton mccoy, thank you. catch "nomad" sunday at 10:00 p.m. and pacific only on cnn. president biden is warming up to a demand from many on the left to forgive student loan debt. biden says it will not be $50,000 for each borrower, as someone in his party are pressuring him to do, senator mitt romney trolling the white house for even considering debt forgiveness here, he tweeted this. desperate polls call for desperate measures. dems consider giving trillions in student loans, other bribe suggestions, forgive auto loans, credit card debt and mortgages and putting wealth tax on the super rich to pay for it all, what could possibly go wrong? joining us is cnn chief international correspondent john king. what do you think about this battle? >> it is very telling actually. first, a couple of points. what senator romney first came to washington, he tried to keep a low profile, wanted to be utah's senator, not the former republican presidential nominee, an he didn't want to everyday be the republican who comes out and says, yes, i think donald trump is crazy. now that trump is gone, for now, romney is beginning to assert himself now as a national player in the senate and in republican politics. number two, words don't fall from the sky. things happen for a reason. why is -- i call him governor romney, senator romney, why is senator romney think this is a big issue? the deficit, government spending is a big concern to voters and the politicians are seeing it in the data. i say words don't fall from the sky. at the white house yesterday, president biden said it would be nice if the republicans would help us lower the deficit. nancy pelosi, san francisco liberal, press conference on capitol hill yesterday, said democrats with the rest of this legislative year want to do a number of things including reducing gas prices and lowering the deficit. why are the politicians talking about debt and big spending? clearly they're seeing data from the voters this is a giant concern coming out of the pandemic when there was a ton of government spending and coming at a time the president ask asking the congress and the american people to pay for billions and billions more for ukraine. it is an issue and senator romney is trying to lay a marker down, old school republican democrats want to spend money. they believe it helps with their base, but they also think on the student loan thing, blanket forgiving them when president biden is not ready to go, but the republicans think it helps in the suburbs where people think gas is costing me a lot of money, groceries is costing me a lot of money, be careful, don't start throwing money around. >> you talked about what president biden may or may not do here. he said he won't do the $50,000 forgiveness that some progressives want. does he have to give them something? >> yes. but the question is what. and, john, this is a trademark example of how democrats behave differently than republicans and they always have. i've been doing this for 40 years now. the democrats fight it out publicly. republicans try to settle most policy disputes. without that, they try to settle most policy disputes in private. chuck schumer went to the floor and said maybe the president is willing to go as high as $50,000. that's the senate majority leader, the president's partner. the president says i'm not doing $50,000. there is a lot of pressure on the president. his polls are down with everybody. for the constituents, democrats need to turn out in the midterms, especially younger voters who are big part of the biden coalition, big part of the democratic coalition. the cost of living is high, that's why alexandra ocasio-cortez is so hot on this issue, kids get out of college, lower paying job, rent is high and they have student debt and it is crippling to a lot of their lives. how far can the liberals push the president to go? they said they would push privately. >> vladimir putin is going to the g20 we have learned and berman was talking to john kirby over at the pentagon. who said to him that, you know, this is clearly a privilege that he should not be afforded. but it makes you wonder what is biden going to do? what are other american allies going to do? are they going to go to the g20? >> listening to john kirby, i appreciate the position he's in. i don't speak for the administration or the president on these issues and then essentially speaking for the president and the administration or speaking his view on the administration. president biden is not going to be in a room with vladimir putin at the g20 if the war continues, period. the president of indonesia invited putin to this club. this club was founded in 1999. the idea was we need to have rules for international trade. even the bad guys can come to the r after 1999, people are thinking was that a good idea or bad idea? have we actually moderated their behavior in a better with a i? the whole idea of these clubs, kick putin out of the g7, g8, putin getting kicked out of a lot of clubs now. does the meeting collapse now? does the president of the united states get on the phone and say we can't go, we're not going, or have the meeting and boycott putin somehow, not go to the big events, not take the big photo? these are decisions the white house has to make now, because there is every reason for the president to go to indonesia, to project economic power in asia right now, that part is critical. but putin is a pariah to biden and they have to work this out, whether that's a boycott or somehow -- i've been at the meetings before, the mandela inauguration, fidel castro comes out, just go the other way. do you pull that off? it is very delicate diplomacy. biden will not be in the room with putin unless things change dramatically. >> there is the white house correspondents association dinner, it hasn't happened because of covid and it is happening. trevor knoah will be the comedi relief there. i want to ask you, president biden will give a speech here. a comedy routine. it is not easy. it is important for presidents to pull this off. what do you think the goal is for him in this particularly strange moment? >> it is a strange moment in the sense that he's a war time president, even though the united states is not directly involved boots on the ground it is a serious moment, sober moment, inflation is kicking americans in the teeth every single day. the president needs to be careful here, he can't be clowning if you will. we have seen in the past, that presidents who are struggling have used this self-deprecating humor at dinners like this to make fun of themselves, make fun of the crowd and get a reset, get people to say, okay, i'm mad at him about gas prices, not sure about this policy, but that was funny, that's the joe biden i like. so it is an opportunity, if he handles it right. the question is can he find the sweet spot. >> self-deprecation always works. i have ideas for jokes. i'll see if they'll be in there. john king, great to have you. we'll catch you on "inside politics" at noon. join me and john berman tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. eastern for s cnn's live special coverage of the white house correspondents' dinner. >> gazing into the horizon, looking, looking for truth at the white house correspondents' dinner. the truth is out there. we have much more breaking news out of ukraine. plans to evacuate civilians from the besieged steel plant in mariupol, now facing new obstacles from russian forces. cnn following the latest developments on the ground. derriere discomfort. we try to soothe it with this. cool it with this. and relieve it with this. but new w preparation h soothig relief spray is the 21st century way to do all three. even touch free. preparation h. getet comfortabe with it. she's feeling the power of listerine. he's feeling it. yep, them too. it's an invigorating rush... ...zapping millions of germs in seconds. for that one-of-a-kind wh... ...which leaves you feeling... ahhhhhhh listerine. feel the whoa! centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look. hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. this week's cnn hero, deanna persi, grew up doing everything with her sister angel there was one big difference between them, angel has down syndrome. when deanna went off to college, she saw how few opportunities angel had. she co-founded a college for students just like her sister. >> hi, everybody. >> college of adaptist is ive aa collegiate experience for adults with special needs of all abilities who haven't had access to college education. we have ten schools of instruction. they get the same access to the classes that any college student can select. >> out reaching toward the sun. >> i want for every student that walks through our doors to be treated like the thinking intellectual they are. i love you. >> i love you too. >> my experience with my sister, angel, has helped me be a better, more authentic transparent person. i am so humbled each and every day by their depth and ideas and ways to make the world a better place. >> love it. and to see the full story about deanna's unique program, go to and while there, nominate a hero in your life. so as we mentioned, tomorrow is the white house correspondents association dinner. we will be anchoring special live coverage of it, because we weren't invited. president biden will be giving a speech there. presidents in the past, they speak and they make jokes. here is an example of what they have done. >> here it comes. nuclear proliferation. nuclear proliferation. nuclear proliferation. nuclear proliferation. >> in my final year, my approval ratings keep going up. [ applause ] the last time i was this high, i was trying to decide on my major. >> the question is what will president biden do? will he talk like that? who knows. >> and tomorrow night we're actually going to look in the same direction unlike in these photos between us. >> yes. we will. we will absolutely look in the same direction. thank you, all, for joining us today on "new day." cnn's coverage continues right now. a critical operation to evacuate civilians, holed up in a steel plant in mariupol begins today. that plan could already be doomed. good morning, everyone. i'm bianna golodryga in new york. >> and i'm jim sciutto reporting from lviv, in western ukraine. right now hundreds of civilians including children are thought to still be trapped in that mariupol steel plant, where they have been taking shelter. officials say it was hit by 50 air strikes in

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Objects , Work , Iryna , Story , Page , Go Fund , Update , Oleg Moskalenko , 30000 , 0000 , Friend , Treatment , Samariteans , In The Woods , Germany , Goal , Go Fund Me Page , Bills , Necessities , Oleg , 100000 , 00000 , Reporting , L A Times , Charges , Cover Up , Attack , Sheriff Department , Brand , Cupcake , Batteries , Tragedy , Ukraine Cometing Up , Little , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Something , Cars , Aa Battery , Few , Bolts , Case Closed , Do Venture , Youo , Storytelling , Audio Entertainment , Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Hiv , Injectable Cabenuva , Audible , Plans , Change , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Traveling , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Me Undetectable , Ingredients , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Reaction , Medicines , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Some , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Tiredness , Fever , Plan , Owner , Access , Future , Investor , Advice , Vanguard , Department , Leak Investigation , Los Angeles County Sheriff , Sheriff , Incident , Alene Tchekmedyian , Inmate , Series , Head , Stories , Deputy Kneeled , Parties , Alex Villanueva , News Conference , Property , Allegation , Reporters , There , Reporter , Alene , Backlash , Interview Requests , Point , Press Conference , Response , Allegations , Claim , Employee , Events , Timeline , Version , Downtown L A , Hall Of Justice , Picture , Leak , Someone , Deputy , Courthouse , Kneeling , Altercation , Investigators , Look , Saying , Isn T Right , The One , Complaint , Against , Wanted To , Force , The Department Didn T , Light , Trial , Jury Selection , Derek Chauvin , Didn T , Attention , Publicity , Similarities , George Floyd , Official , Top , Ranking , Villanueva , Dvd , Deputy Kneeling , Advisers , Filing , Five , Sources , Beginning , Lie , Time , Room , Knowledge , Sheriff Villanueva , Sort , Action , Public , Eight , Inspector General , Incidents , Witness , Go On , Questions , First Amendment Rights , Space , More , Powerful , Age , Caveat , Cosmonauts , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , Retinol , Heartburn , Anna , Night , Sleep , Wrinkle Results , Nexium 24hr , 24 , , Reality , It Starts , Dream , Acid , Night Protection , Prom Dresses , Adventures , Eargo , Genius , Meningitis , Teen , Vaccination , Survivors , Up To , Meningitis B , Vaccines , Meningitis B , Wait , Subway Wait , Dinner , Nobody , Music , Weight , Spokespeople , Footlongs , Meet Plenity , Weight Management Aid , Building Blocks , Exercise , Diet , Fda , Bmi , 25 , 40 , Mildew , Cleaning Mold , Disinfectant Spray , Women , Thanks , Lysol , Boom , Therapists , Mold , Growth , Cycle , Learning , Home , Drum Roll , Lx 600 , Everywhere , Traveler , Colt Mccoy , Grandmother , Master Sommelier , Arena , Nomad , Thread , Carlton Mccoy , Culture , Places , Exploration , Restaurants , Kitchen , Variety , Paris , Preview , Art Scene , Museums , Spect , Cutting Edge , Art , Works , Others , Domination , France , Roster , Artists , Art World Powerhouse , Gallery , People Like Us , Mary , Africa , Chicago , Rafael Berentini , Diaspora , Colonizing Africa , Confidence , Audacity , Brown , Show , Journey , Congratulations , Host , Education , Thousands , Career , Admiration , Food Culture , Creation , Amount , Opportunity , Everyone , Resources To Travel , Perspective , Dishes , Hunger , Journeys , Curiosity , Enthusiasm , Led , Afraid To Travel , Lifetime , What S Going On , Chances , Terms , Eyes , Episode , Wide Open , 100 , 99 , Word , Bank , Bistros , Communities , Immigrant Community , Appreciation Experiences , Band , Discounting , Experience , New York City , Generations , Queens , Four , Diversity , Parts , Add , Where Else , Ghana , South Korea , Parisian , D C , Toronto , Key Grip , Shows , Thank You , Mississippi , Pacific , 00 , Trolling , Mitt Romney , Party , Many , Debt Forgiveness , White House , Demand , Left , Borrower , 50000 , Polls , Student Loans , Auto Loans , Credit Card Debt , Measures , Wealth Tax , Dems , Bribe Suggestions , Mortgages , Trillions , Romney First , Couple , Battle , First , Points , Profile , Chief International Correspondent , John King , Utah , Washington , Senate , Trump , Nominee , Player , Donald Trump , Deficit , Issue , Senator , Concern , Government Spending , Sky , Politics , Him , Voters , Data , Democrats , Rest , Liberal , San Francisco , Press Conference On Capitol Hill , Nancy Pelosi , Gas Prices , Debt , Spending , Ton , Pandemic , Student Loan Thing , Billions , Base , Marker Down , Old School , Gas , Suburbs , Groceries , Don T Start Throwing Money , Biden May , Example , Forgiveness , Progressives , Yes , Policy , Policy Disputes , Floor , Chuck Schumer , Everybody , Pressure , Partner , Constituents , Midterms , Majority Leader , College , The Cost Of Living , Coalition , Alexandra Ocasio Cortez , Democratic , Biden Coalition , Liberals , Student Debt , Rent , John Berman , Privilege , Listening , Issues , Position , View , Idea , Club , Thinking , Rules , International Trade , Indonesia , R , 1999 , Clubs , Meeting , Kick Putin , Behavior , Ai , G7 , Decisions , Photo , Phone , Pariah , Power , Meetings , Boycott , Mandela Inauguration , Asia , Fidel Castro , It Hasn T , White House Correspondents Association Dinner , Presidents , Speech , Comedy Routine , Comedi , Trevor Knoah , Inflation , Boots , War Time , Fun , Dinners , Self Deprecating Humor , Teeth , Clowning , Crowd , Struggling , Funny , Reset , Ideas , Self Deprecation , Jokes , Inside Politics , Sweet Spot , Coverage , Truth , Breaking News , Correspondents , Horizon , Gazing , White House Correspondents , Obstacles , Derriere Discomfort , Ahhhhhhh Listerine , Relief Spray , Preparation H Soothig , Preparation H Getet Comfortabe , Yep , 21 , Zapping Millions , Germs , Rush , Wh , Aren T , Vitamins , Whoa , Tasting , Centrum Multigummies , B Vitamins , Essential Nutrients , Centrum Multi Gummies , Safe , Anywhere , Sister , Deanna Persi , Cnn Hero , Angel , Difference , Down Syndrome , Collegiate Experience , Haven T , Abilities , College Of Adaptist , Special Needs , Hi , College Student , Classes , Schools , Instruction , College Education , The Sun , Student , Intellectual , Doors , I Love You , Better , Love It , Depth , Program , Hero , We Weren T , Proliferation , Approval Ratings , Major , High , Applause , Direction , Photos , Bianna Golodryga , Lviv , Jim Sciutto , Mariupol Steel Plant , Shelter , Air Strikes ,

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