Hour. Lets Ta Ke lets take your lIfe to tampa, florIda. ~. , ,. , florIda. MIlton Is expected to hIt the area florIda. MIlton Is expected to hIt the area later florIda. MIlton Is expected to hIt the area later wIth hIt the area later wIth ferocIous wInds of 165 mIles an hour, 270 kIlometres an hour. As we saId In the IntroductIon ThatIs as we saId In the IntroductIon that Is why presIdent Joe BIden has warned people to leave now, It Is a matter of lIfe and death, as the state undertakes Its largest EvacuatIon Effort In years. They say It wIll make landfall In the comIng hours and have the potentIal to be one of the most destructIve that has ever been recorded. It comes less than a fortnIght after hurrIcane lee, another powerful hurrIcane hIt florIda. SIren. An EvacuatIon SIren on the streets of RedIngton Shores In florIda. DebrIs Is stIll pIled up after Storm Helene two weeks ago, and now people are beIng told they have to leave agaIn. Mandatory EvacuatIon Orders are In place for nearl
Could be too late. JoInIng me tonIght on the panel we wIll get to our panel shortly, but before we do that, lets get to the latest bbc news. PresIdent bIden and the IsraelI prIme mInIster, BenjamIn Netanyahu, have held a Telephone ConversatIon In whIch theyre thought to have dIscussed Israels Response to Irans MIssIle Attack last week. In Israel today, two people were kIlled by hIs brother rockets In the northeastern town of kIryat shmona. The IsraelI MIlItary saId It had struck more than 180 targets In lebanon; four people were kIlled near the southern cIty of sIdon. RobertjenrIck and KemI Badenoch are through to the fInal round of the conservatIve LeadershIp Race after knockIng out james cleverly. The shock result, was met wIth gasps from some mps who had expected cleverly to get through to the last two. The partys members wIll now vote for theIr preffered leader. Ratan tata, the chaIrman of the sentIence conglomerate, tata, has dIed aged eIghty sIx. He Is credIted wIth dIversIfyIng
SayIng that It should be restarted. He also dIscussed the ImperatIve of gettIng people back to the north of gaza. We told you In the last hour theres a huge operatIon on the Ja Palyer Refugee camp. They agreed to remaIn In close contact over the comIng days. Most dIrectly through theIr natIonal SecurIty Teams. That was InterestIng because were waItIng for that response to the IranIan ballIstIc mIssIle attack. Note mentIoned that In the readout from the WhIte House. Youre up to speed wIth that. It has been saId before, that the parlIamentary ConservatIve Party, Is the most duplIcItous electorate In the country. But even by theIr standards, No One was quIte predIctIng the kInd of outcome we got thIs afternoon, In the fInal ballot to decIde whIch of the LeadershIp CandIdates would go through to a vote of the membershIp. Three were remaInIng. In the penultImate round It was James Cleverly Out In Front and hIghly fancIed after an encouragIng few days at the party conference. But In the fIna
Less lonely In your grIef. The news contInues rIght here on cnn tonIght, a Monster Storm Is closIng In on florIda. HurrIcane mIlton, back to a category fIve now as weve got the latest track and well take you InsIde thIs storm wIth a HurrIcane Hunter also, secret calls and specIal delIverIes. What Donald Trump was reportedly sneakIng to volodymyr as a pandemIc was ravagIng the UnIted States. And how many calls theyve had sInce trump left offIce. Cnn has the new detaIls from Bob Woodwards new Book And VIce presIdent HarrIs TonIght InItIally drawIng a blank when she was asked what she would do dIfferently than PresIdent BIden. And then one notable change came to mInd Im KaItlan CollIns and thIs Is the source battered for the second tIme In about as many weeks, that much we know for sure tonIght as forecast are sayIng that thIs storm could weaken, but It Is expected to double In some eyes. What we dont know for sure tonIght Is exactly where thIs Monster Storm Is goIng to make a dIrect hIt