Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

or so. what happened is that we heard five loud explosions around 8:30 a.m. local time. that came after an air raid siren warning about 45 minutes earlier advising the residents of the city to take cover, to shelter in basements and to shelter in bomb shelters, that kind of thing. after that warning happened we heard the loud explosions. one of our producers here is ingrid forman, a senior producer who's covered multiple conflict zones. she actually saw one of the missiles, believed to be the fourth missile, as it flew over the city on its way to that target. as we say, we do not know what those targets were. peel get those details for you as soon as we can. but lviv has been spared the worst of the russian military aggression since this war began. there was a missile strike about three weeks ago on a fuel depot. there was another strike on a military facility a few days before that. between here and the polish border. but for the most part they are military targets. these targets could possibly be residential, which would indicate a change of tactics by the russian military. certainly compared to what we have seen recently for lviv and in terms of what the russian military has been targeting. as we say, a lot more details. a lot more we need to learn about these missile attacks. soon as we get that we'll bring it to you. we also have learned in the last hour of at least two missile strikes in dnipro in central ukraine. the region's military governor says two people were injured. some railway infrastructure was destroyed. meantime, russian forces appear poised to capture the southern port city of mariupol. they've surrounded the city. they've been there for more than a month. ukrainian troops are now confined to small pockets of resistance. but on sunday they rejected russia's demands to surrender or die. the city itself is in ruins after weeks of heavy fighting. many residents have fled but there's still an estimated 100,000 people trapped in that city. on sunday ukraine's foreign minister said the situation in mariupol could further derail already stalled negotiations with russia. >> the situation in mariupol is both dire militarily and heartbreaking. the city doesn't exist anymore. the remainings of the ukrainian army and large group of civilians are basically encircled by the russian forces. they continue their struggle. no high-level talks are taking place. after bucha it became particularly difficult to continue talking with the russians. but as my president mentioned, mariupol may be a red line. >> ukraine's president, volodymyr zelenskyy, says the devastation in mariupol could soon play out across eastern ukraine as russian troops prepare for a major offensive in the donbas region. he says russia also intensifying itself on ukraine's second largest city. here's a warning. like so many of this coverage we have seen, the images you are about to see are graphic. the northeastern city of kharkiv came under heavy shelling on sunday. the regional governor says at least five people were killed. 20 others were hurt in that attack. in the coming hours russian forces are expected to close all exit and entry points into and out of mariupol. an adviser to the city's mayor says that will leave tens of thousands of civilians with no way out, no way to escape. also warning that the men there who remain will be, quote, filtered out. cnn cannot independently verify that claim. but for what's happening in mariupol here's cnn's phil black. >> reporter: an ultimatum was given and it was ignored. russia's military gave ukraine's soldiers in mariupol until sunday to put down their weapons and leave the city peacefully or be eliminated. ukrainian officials say no one is leaving, they are not putting down their weapons, they are not giving up the fight. that fight increasingly resembles a last stand. but it does not mean mariupol is set to fall imminently. ukraine's defenders there have consistently defied expectation, holding out against russia's forces since the start of march while being surrounded, cut off, and without resupply. those ukrainian forces have been pushed back to a relatively small patch of territory in the city. but ukrainian officials say they are still engaging with russian forces in other parts of the city as well. ukrainian officials say that residential areas in the city are also still suffering under russia's bombardment. there are thought to be more than 100,000 civilians still trapped there. ukr ukraine's president zelenskyy says russia's actions, their behavior in mariupol, the possibility of more atrocities against civilians being uncovered there, could mean the end of any further negotiations between the two countries. phil black, cnn, kyiv. austrian chancellor carl nehammer believes vladimir putin thinks he's winning the war in ukraine. nehammer met with the russian president last week, the first european leader to do so since this war began. he said when the meeting ended putin warned him in german, "it is better the war end earlier rather than later." cnn's nada bashir joins us live from london. on that i think we can all agree, that it is better this war finishes sooner rather than later. but i guess what precisely did putin mean? >> reporter: well, putin according to nehammer has been clear in his concerns around the war. he sent a clear message to nehammer during their meeting that he still believes this invasion is necessary in order to protect russia's security guarantees. that has been his message since before the invasion began. but of course we heard from nehammer. he said they had a frank and tough discussion, particularly on the front of bucha, where we saw those atrocities unfold, what many western leaders have now described as war crimes. he said he traveled to moscow after witnessing the evidence of those atrocities to confront putin directly. he said he would cooperate with an investigation but also stressed that he doesn't trust western leaders. but separately from that we also heard from nehammer saying he addressed what he witnessed in terms of russian troop losss. we've consistently heard from western officials russia has experienced significant logistical challenges, low morale amongst its troops, and of course significant troop losses. but despite this president putin told -- according to nehammer that he still believes russia is winning this war. take a listen. >> i think he is now in his own war logic. you know? he thinks the war is necessary for security guarantees for the russian federation. he doesn't trust the international community. he blames the ukrainians to -- for genocide -- genocide in the donbas region. i think he believes he is winning the war. >> reporter: now, putin has also consistently said that russia's invasion has been about the genocide, as he's claimed it to be in the donbas region. of course there are concerns now, president zelenskyy warning for an intensification of russian attacks in that region in particular. >> nada, thank you. nada bashir there live for us bringing us up to date with what may be happening in putin's brain. we appreciate it. thank you. an update now on a story from over the weekend about a kharkiv restaurant partnered with the relief group world central kitchen which was hit by a missile, inging four workers there and causing a lot of damage. world central kitchen says it's been serving upwards of 250,000 meals a day since the russian invasion began. and that work will continue despite this missile attack. workers at that restaurant are back at work. they're salvaging whatever they can so they can continue to feed the hungry. and joining me now from kyiv is the founder of world central kitchen, chef jose andres. chef, thank you so much for being with us. i just would like to find out how you are coping with all of this and how are those injured staff members? in hospital, their wounds. what's the latest on their condition? >> the good report is that the four members of the restaurant that was badly damaged by the missile strike in kharkiv, they are all fine, they're in good spirits. their injuries were taken care of and they're joking they want to go back to cooking. the good news is that yesterday all the team with the help of the ceo of world central kitchen who is himself in kharkiv, they move all the equipment that was saved to a new location and they're going to be cooking today and tomorrow. this is the spirit that you have here in ukraine. everybody is hands on. everybody is doing whatever it takes to do something for what they say is to win this war. >> glad that the staff members are on the mend and doing well. but there was also a 15-year-old boy who was killed as a result of these missile strikes. a.p. reporting that there were other people who died. how does that change your perspective on this war? how has it affected you personally? >> well, listen, obviously it's 40 million ukrainians that they are having their heart in their palm. so i'm one more person. there are so many other people who have come to ukraine or to the surrounding countries to do whatever it takes, to give comfort to the refugees leaving ukraine or to the displaced ukrainians that they're moving to another city. i just got reports before i got into this call that there's been some missiles that hit it seems lviv and is being some casualties because these are friends of people now we call family and friends. in any moment from the sky in any city across ukraine something may fall that is ending the lives. that's why this war has to end. it's not fair that they are ta targeting schools, supermarkets, places where people are waiting only for a little loaf of bread. this war have to end, and especially the shooting of civilians that actually they cannot wait for the end of the war and for peace. >> from your lips to god's ears, sir. with regards to the explosions we heard in lviv, are you saying that your facilities here, your workers here may have been caught up in those missile strikes? >> right now we have our friends and obviously the news seems travel fast. so these -- when you get the alarms that seems almost all of ukraine is under siren alert, you know that when sometimes the defense of ukraine they are able to stop many missiles in the air, even if a small percentage of them make it the possibilities of doing a lot of damage taking lives very high. that's why the war needs to end and we need to tell russia, please stop killing civilians nonstop day and night. that's why people are afraid. that's why a lot of people are still in bunkers. it's why many people, they don't want to be in the comfort of their homes and many nights they go to the safety of a subway. that's why, again, this war needs to end. at the world central kitchen we do our little contribution. more than 11 million meals in those places that people are in desperate need. like when we arrived in bucha for more than 30 days people had almost no access to food. and if they ventured in the streets they had high possibilities of being shot by a sniper only because it seems they were taking life like a piece of playstation. this needs to end. and especially targeting women, children, elderly and civilians has to end. >> very quickly, do you believe that the strike on the restaurant in kharkiv, was that accidental or was it more targeted? do you think there was a specific reason to hit that restaurant? because it was helping so many people, because it was, if you like, a western aid group. >> i don't have intelligence on that matter. we are only in the business of cooking. obviously we look for the safety of all our teams. but remember, we have more than 350 restaurants across our operation. the vast majority of them in ukraine. the possibilities of something to happen somehow are high. this missile didn't target specifically in the heart of the restaurant. if not we would be having a very different conversation. but it hit a very big building, as you can see, in the images, and was a lot of dang mage done. obviously the death we are so sorry about. i don't think we were target in any way or form. we are only here to help people that need our help as i repeat and let's hope the missiles will end very soon. but again, i don't think at all we were target because we are coming from the outside. >> very, very quickly, we're almost out of time, sir, but can you take any more precautions to keep your people safe? >> i'm sure we can be -- the best way to take precautions is not being in ukraine a lot. at all. but are we going to do the millions of ukrainians here alone to fight this war for liberty and freedom and democracy alone? i think this war can be won in many ways. the cooks of america. the cooks of the world, we do what we know. which is one plate at a time giving hope. this is a way hopefully to be supporting the ukrainian people as this war keeps going. we're going to be here for the long run. we cannot leave the ukrainians alone. and again, we can be fighting this war just with food, one plate of food at a time and giving hope. >> chef jose andres, thank you so much, sir. thank you for what you do. thank you for being with us. and please stay safe. >> thank you. >> well, the city of philadelphia bringing back a mask mandate being driven by a rising number of cases. but here's a surprise. some people aren't happy. my colleague and friend rosemary church will have details on that when we come back. at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted. hot t tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah. i always had a connection to my grandfather... i always wanted to learn more about him. i discovered some very interesting documents on ancestry. this is the uh registration card for the draft for world war two. and this is his signature which blew me away. being able to... make my grandfather real... not just a memory... is priceless. his legacy...lives on. welcome back, everyone. i'm rosemary church hering in atlanta. the city of philadelphia is being sued over its plan to bring back the covid mask mandate. that court documents filed saturday a group of business owners and residents claim the mandate is illegal. they say it goes against the state's constitution and guidelines established by the centers for disease control and prevention. cnn's polo sandoval has more. >> reporter: at this neighborhood just north of downtown philadelphia you already see some of that signage that's requiring masking. though some of those signs may have been there since the start of the pandemic while others may have just been put up. all of them will apply starting on monday morning as the city of philadelphia will require it masking at all indoor public spaces. that includes schools, offices, museums, restaurants and businesses as well. according to the city of philadelphia businesses and institutions can remain mask-free so long as they can ensure that all the occupants in their spaces are vaccinated. so we'll have to see if any businesses decide to go in that direction. meanwhile, the city does have three key data points that basically determine the response, what approach they take here. as of last monday, philadelphia seeing a little over 140 daily cases. that's still well below the 225 that would be needed to enter the next phase or the next response level. as for hospitalizations as of last monday, still about 44, which is still well below what would be needed to enter the next response level. really these numbers are just a fraction of what we saw here in philadelphia during the last omicron surge. as for the business community, this is certainly causing some criticism directed toward the city. in fact, there's a group of businesses that have basically moved to sue the city to try to make a stay for this mask mandate. their argument here is that the city is not following the cdc's own guidance and that at the end of the day it would potentially be bad for business. polo sandoval, cnn, philadelphia. in china officials say three people in shanghai have died from covid-19. it's the first official announcement of deaths in the city since shanghai entered a strict covid lockdown in march. and in economic news china says its gdp grew 4.8% in the first quarter of this year, beating market expectations. the country's economic outlook has worsened since march as china struggles to contain its biggest covid outbreak in two years. well, jerusalem is on edge after palestinians and israelis clashed in and around the al aqsa mosque compound on sunday. resulting in some people getting injured. and this comes after violence flared at the holy site on friday morning. cnn's hadas gold joins me now from jerusalem with more. good to see you, hadas. so what is the latest on these clashes in jerusalem? >> reporter: well, rosemary, it was a uniquely holy weekend because in something that hasn't happened since the 1990s, ramadan, easter weekend and passover all overlapped over the same weekend. so there was already a sense of anticipation that something could happen. so yesterday there were more clashes at the al aqsa compound, which is also known to jews as the temple mount. and also near the old city, public city buses were attacked by people throwing rocks at them. now, these are buses normally often used by jews to reach the holiest sites of the old city. we saw videos showing buses with broken windows, and according to emergency services seven people were treated in hospital for light injuries. at the al aqsa compound police once again clashed with people there. they said that they entered the compound in order to clear out young people, young palestinians they said were stockpiling rocks which they said they were going to use in order to disturb visits to the site by jewish groups. now, jewish groups and police entering the site are seen as very provocative and offensive to many muslims. but the clashes we saw yesterday, and i should note that 19 people were injured according to the palestinian red crescent in those clashes between palestinians and israeli security forces at the al aqsa compound. but those clashes we saw yesterday and the overall tension yesterday was nowhere near the levels that we saw on friday. on friday there were very intense clashes early in the morning between israeli security forces and people at the al aqsa compound according to the palestinian red crescent more than 150 people were injured in those clashes. and we hadn't seen clashes to that level since right around this time last year. and keep in mind it was clashes like that at the al aqsa compound that helped spark off that 11-day war, helped spark off hamas, the militant group that runs gaza, for them to launch those rockets into israel. that was an 11-day war between the israeli army and the hamas militants in gaza. so far, though, we haven't seen any level of that sort of reaction from hamas, and things have been relatively calm in jerusalem. but still it's very much a city and very much a region edge. rosemary? >> thanks for giving us the update there. hadas gold joining us with the latest from jerusalem. appreciate it. and we'll take a short break. we're back in just a moment. paper? this is the end. the end of paper. the epson rapid receipt smart organizezer easiy scans all your d documents. par goes in and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform paper documents like contracts, tax records, warranties, wills even recipes into searchable pdfs. so the information is always right at your fingertips safe and secure. with this exclusive tv offer you'll get over $300 in added value including a robust time-saving software bundle. plus get free 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regional military governor. and that eight people were wounded including one child among those who were hit because of these missile strikes which happened about two hours ago now, directed at military infrastructure. one also hit a tire repair shop. but it does seem that they're going after the railway infrastructure, and the reason for that would be, one reason at least, is because that's how this country will ship in those heavy weapons which are coming in from the united states, from the uk, from other nato allies as well. the only way to ship howitzers and tanks and apcs from the western part of ukraine to the eastern part is via rail. and so there was an expectation that rail would become a target by the russian military, and that does appear to be what is happening. and of course the railway lines have been a vital link in evacuating many from east to west, to the relative safety of the west. also these missile strikes caused a huge delay in those train services, which we're told they're now trying to sort out, trying to get those trains running again so they're back on time so those people who are evacuating from the eastern part of ukraine here in the west so that they can make those journeys as safely and as quickly as possible. there obviously is still a lot of confusion, a lot of chaos as they try and clean up after these missile strikes, these five missile strikes. four actually if you can believe the regional military governor. the mayor says there were five. so that's another issue, which we need to look into as well. was it four strikes? was it five strikes? the end result is six people dead, eight people wounded, and a lot of infrastructure damage to the railways. meantime, the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is warning a russian offensive in the eastern part of ukraine could begin in the near future. this as the luhansk reeng military governor says there are no safe places left in that part of ukraine. to the south and the besieged city of mariupol, ukrainian forces have rejected russia's demands to surrender despite moscow's threat to eliminate, eliminate all resistance. that unrelenting assault has leveled the port city, which has been surrounded by russian troops since march 1st. and now according to an adviser to the mayor of mariupol, russian forces say the city will be closed for entry and exit today and they will be issuing passes for any movement within that city. joining us now to discuss the latest developments is brian bonner, editor at geopolitical intelligence services, former chief editor at the now closed kyiv post. brian, thank you for being with us. what more do you know about these strikes which have happened in lviv on the railway infrastructure here and the extent of the damage? my understanding is this is not to be unexpected because the railway system has been a vital link in getting heavy artillery and heavy weapons to the east, so it's to be expected that it would be targeted at some point. >> yeah. john, can you hear me okay? >> i can, yes, sir. >> thanks for having me on. i hear what you hear. i follow about 10,000 of the most reliable people in ukraine. and that's what i'm hearing. that's been the fear all along from day one of the war, that they would actually strike the railway system, which is the heart. there are two things identified as most important for ukraine and that is the army and railway system. and like they're moving into -- hopefully they'll stop or they will be stopped but they're moving into the railway territory. and i'm sure as you know that's not the only action today. dnipro is reporting bombings. kharkiv. kremini in luhansk oblast is reporting russian forces are in. so it's heating up. >> it is heating up. and as you've been speaking we're now hearing the sirens over lviv once again. this is another warning of what they call an air emergency. this happened earlier today, then 45 minutes after that we had those five loud explosions, those five missile strikes here in lviv. so once again an air raid warning in lviv. this is happening across ukraine. we'll just listen to this. [ air raid siren ] that is a familiar sound. in so many parts now across this country as the russians begin the sort of long-range attacks if you like. they're sending in missiles, having air strikes, using long-range artillery. as you say it's happening especially around the area of kyiv which i guess many people might have thought may have been spared by now. >> i don't think kyiv is going to be spared at all here. i don't think any place is going to be spared. but i think what this highlights is the need to get more weapons systems in more quickly in greater quantity, in greater quality, before the worst happens. mariupol, as you said, has been under siege since march 1st. it hasn't fallen. if ukraine got the military equipment it needed, it might be able to retake that, save the donbas, which would save a lot of lives. >> and again we're still hearing those sirens here in lviv. so you're saying if they can hold mariupol, if there's some way that those, what, 2,500 last remaining ukrainian troops holed up in that iron and steelworks, if somehow they can stand their ground and hold mariupol and keep it away from the russians they can prevent the further invasion of the east? >> well, i think what's bothering ukrainians and those of us in ukraine is the lack of urgency and the way in which the military equipment is being dribbled in instead of flooded in. it really -- the only option now is victory, and victory means defeat of vladimir putin's military's ability to menace neighbors like you're being menaced right now. i can hear that. and it's not coming in. today my -- i highlighted a german proposal for a billion in military aid that's going to go through parliament. parliament might take it up in the end of june. and then only weapons that chancellor schulz approves can go to -- that's nonsense. it's not going to win the war. putin needs to be stopped. i think we all agree on that in the western world. it's just i wish -- and ukrainians wish people in the west would act more quickly. >> there really is this disconnect, right? because from what is happening in capitals like washington, in brussels, in berlin and in london where they see the speed in which they are acting here both diplomatically and in the supply of weapons is happening at warp speed, is happening incredibly quickly through these normal channels. people of ukraine, though, it is an agonizingly slow wait, and every time there is a delay and every time the longer it takes for those weapons and everything else to get in place we're looking at more people dying. and that's the bottom line in all this, right? >> that is. and they've -- you know this is not a military war, this is a war of genocide now and nobody considers that an exaggeration now. they are terrorizing civilians, targeting civilians, and you know, ukraine has the ability to fight back. the world would be a much better place if ukraine wins this war. and every general -- i'm a fan of cnn. every military expert you've had says the same thing. we need more faster. and every military expert in ukraine says the same thing. zelenskyy says the same thing to jake tapper. it's -- hopefully the message will get through because this war can be won. the ukrainians are going to fight to the death. but how many of them have to die? how many more cities like kharkiv, mariupol? how many more deaths have to happen? >> it's a good question. it's a good question for people to think about. thank you so much for being with us. we appreciate your time, sir. >> thank you. >> we'll take a short break, be right back. you're watching cnn. taha, that's funny. it's messing with me now. i know exactctly what it's doin. ok. ok. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insnsurance through the colonial penn prograram. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength. reduces inflammation. don't touch my piano. kick pain in the aspercreme. welcome back, everybody. we're following breaking news on russia's war in ukraine. i'm here live in lviv and now we are getting word from the military governor of this region that at least six people have been killed, as many as eight people have been hurt in at least four missile strikes, maybe five on the city of lviv. they believe that the railway infrastructure was the target of those strikes. it appears that maybe that was one reason for that was to stop the flow of heavy weapons from the west of the country to the east. that is still unclear at this point. but a short time ago we did hear another air raid warning that another possible air strike could be on its way. so we'll continue to follow those details, follow the very latest here. i'm john vause. thank you very much for joining us. for our viewers internationally "african voices changemakers" is up next. for those in the united states rosemary church will be back withth more news. stay with us. choose stelara® fromom the start... anand move toward relief after the first dose... with injectionss every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. - hey honey. - hey dad. that smell is eight million odor-causing bacteria. good thing adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria thatetergents can't. clean is good, sanitized is better. ♪ you said you'd never get a dog. you said you'd never do a lot of things. but you never knew all the things a dog could do for you. and with resolve you never have to worry about the mess. love the love, resolve the mess. migraine attacks? you can't always avoid triggers like changes in weather. qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. you can't prevent what's going on outside, that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets right to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta™ is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. learn how abbvie can help you save on qulipta™. welcome back, everyone. u.s. officials have spent weeks, months, and in some cases years trying to bring home three american citizens detained in russia. but as the war in ukraine escalates, their friends, family and colleagues fear the three may be used as bargaining chips by the russian government. cnn's brian todd has our report. >> reporter: after spending nearly two months in a russian jail serious concerns about the condition of star american basketball player brittney gr griner, concerns voiced by the head of the wnba players union on nbc. >> we're really most concerned about her health and safety, especially her mental health. we're hearing that in that respect she's okay. >> reporter: the wnba commissioner says greiner, jailed on allegations she was carrying cannabis oil at the moscow airport, is safe and is getting access to her legal team in russia. >> we're trying everything we can, every angle, working through with her legal representation, her agent, elected leaders, the administration. >> reporter: greiner has been able to see her representative in russia twice a week and is able to receive letters and correspondence, sources tell espn. but vladimir putin's war in ukraine could dash any hopes for a speedy release. >> he's not going to release anyone that he has in custody. he's going to try to use it as he has been probably behind the scenes all along as a bargaining chip to get something from us. >> there's very little the u.s. government can do right now. we have very limited leverage over russia for very obvious reasons given the political situation. >> reporter: one former u.s. official believes putin has strong motivation to keep holding greiner. the fact that she's a u.s. olympic gold medalist. >> remember, she was seized in february right after the olympics, when russia was roundly embarrassed yet again for doping of its olympic athletes. and so this might be also a way of getting revenge at the u.s. olympic committee. >> reporter: another american held in russia, trevor reed, on tuesday had a court appearance by video where his appeal was kicked back to a lower court. his parents are worried he may have tuberculosis. >> he looks terrible in that shot that they had on the tweet. and we're really concerned because he he really looks thin. >> reporter: u.s. officials openly concerned about reed's health. >> we do believe that he needs urgent treatment to prevent any further deterioration in his medical condition. >> reporter: reed was sentenced to nine years for allegedly endangering the lives of russian police officers while drunk, which his family and u.s. officials deny. on tuesday reed's father made a bold statement about his son's situation. >> they're taking him for trade and that's what they want and he's not coming home unless they get that. >> reporter: could brittney griner, trevor reed or the other american detained in russia, paul whelan, be traded? >> they're extremely rare and in the current political situation would be especially difficult to arrange something like that. not impossible but extremely difficult in the current conditions. >> reporter: the analysts we spoke to said it's a risky strategy for family members and others to speak out so often on behalf of these detainees in russia, especially now that v given that it might irritate vladimir putin even more. and recently wnba superstar lisa leslie said people in the women's basketball world were told not to make a big fuss out of brittney griner's case out of concern she might be used as a pawn while the ukraine war is still going on. brian todd, cnn, washington. in pittsburgh local public schools will be implementing a, quote, modified lockdown today following a horrific shooting in the city over the weekend. but pittsburgh was not the only site of a shooting in the u.s. in the past few days. cnn's nadia romero has more on gun violence in america. >> reporter: a busy weekend of gun violence across the country. let's start with pittsburgh. there police say there was a large party of some 200 people, the majority of them juveniles, people who were under age, attended this party. police say there were drugs, alcohol and guns and a shooting happened where the shooting happened inside and outside of a rented airbnb property. and here's what we know. two people are dead. police tell us they're both boys under the age of 18. there are eight gunshot victims and more people who were injured because police say many people were jumping out of windows trying to get away from the shooting. and police are looking for multiple shooters, but they don't have any suspects in custody right now. police say this is their top priority. take a listen. >> you had officers and medics who were trying to attend to victims that they found. we would be notified that there was a victim over at this location. pennsylvania state police were able to stop a vehicle that had a victim in it. so there was multiple scenes. it was very complex and very chaotic. >> reporter: no suspects in custody in pittsburgh, but in columbia, south carolina police have arrested one suspect and charged him. 22-year-old jewayne price has been charged with unlawful carrying of a pistol in relation to a mall shooting in columbia, south carolina saturday afternoon. here's what we know. 14 people were injured. nine of them gunshot victims, including a 73-year-old and a 15-year-old recovering from their injuries. that suspect has been charged, but police say there could be more charges and more arrests as this investigation continues. and we also learned of an early sunday morning, an early easter morning shooting in hampton county, south carolina where nine people were injured. and police are still looking for the person or people involved in that shooting as that remains under investigation. nadia romero, cnn, atlanta. a missouri lawmaker has gone viral for speaking out against a bill that would allow schools to restrict participation of transgender athletes in sports. missouri house democratic representative ian mackey, an openly gay man, shamed those voting in favor of the measure, comparing them to those in his own life whose bigotry he sought to escape. the measure did pass, but mackey's parting words won't be forgotten. >> gentlemen, i'm not afraid of you anymore. because you're going to lose. you may win this today, but you're going to lose. >> florida's department of education is rejecting more than 50 math textbooks. that is roughly 41% of submissions. officials say they include references to banned topics like critical race theory, which explores systemic racism and is at the center of a culture war in the united states. governor ron desantis said this -- "it seems that some publishers attempted to slap a coat of paint on an old house, built on the foundation of common core and indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism. especially bizarrely for elementary school students." well, before we go, a heartwarming story of a family's reunion. it began with police checking on a young man sleeping outside in the cold and led to a phone call his mother had been waiting to receive for nearly three years. cnn's camila bernal has more. >> reporter: this is a remarkable story. and the summit county sheriff's office in utah describing it as serving with compassion. i'll start from the beginning. over the last couple of weeks there were a number of calls that were made to report 19-year-old connerjack oswalt in the greater park city, utah area. deputies went out there to offer help, and he had refused. but last saturday deputies were called out there again and they were able to help him. all of that was caught on police bodycam video. here's part of that moment. >> you look like you're shivering. you cold? you want to come sit in this car and warm up for a minute? we can't have you sitting in front of the door here all night. i can't hear you. >> as long as i'm not being taken anywhere. >> no, you're not being taken anywhere. just come sit in the car and warm up. where's your shopping cart at? >> it got stolen. >> it got stolen? >> yeah. >> that's no good. >> yeah. [ inaudible ] >> okay. >> you can go ahead and sit in the front passenger seat, where it's warm. >> come in here and warm up. do you have a knife or gun or anything like that? >> no bazooka, cross-bow? >> no. >> okay. have a seat. where were you at when your shopping cart got stolen? >> i don't know. >> what's that? >> it doesn't matter. >> reporter: and after this encounter it was a dispatcher who went through pages and pages of missing children. they were able to find connerjack oswalt, who was reported missing in september of 2019 in clearlake, california. then deputies were able to get a hold of his mom, who told him he had a very distinctive birthmark on his neck. his stepfather then went out to park city, utah to identify him in person, and there was a moment when the stepfather called his mom to tell him that he was in fact alive. it was a very moving moment, also caught on police bodycam video. here's what happened. >> the missing person photo that we located was this. >> yeah, that's -- >> and then the photo that came from nevada for the arrest was this. >> holy crap. >> is it him? >> a little bit older, but yeah. >> and what stood out to me -- >> oh, my god. >> -- was the ears. you know, not knowing him. >> yeah. >> he looks pretty similar to this. hesitate hair's longer right now. his beard's a little bit thicker. >> yeah. wow. >> my sweetheart's alive. oh, my god. can you go get him, please? [ crying ] >> yeah, i definitely will do my best to bring him home. >> reporter: and the sheriff said there was not a dry eye in the room. we know that connerjack is receiving help and resources at the moment. camila bernal, cnn, los angeles. >> incredible story there. i'm rosemary church. i'll be back with more "cnn newsroom" in just a moment. but before we go, i want to leave you with this. singer dave matthews performing his brand new song in support of ukrainian refugees. ♪ a cut that just won't heal ♪ ♪ the smoke after the fire ♪ ♪ as long as we remember ♪ ♪ it's as good as real ♪ ♪ as good as real ♪ ♪ it's something to keep us hopeful ♪ lly pain, discomfort, , and bloating couldn't be kept at babay. after mike learned his symptoms were signs of a chronic condition, his doctor helped him make a decision. and that's why he said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms-belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain. especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save on linzess. when it comes to tech, everyone wants the next best thing. now with xfi complete from xfinity, you can get updated wifi technology with the new tech upgrade program. plus, protection from cyber threats at home and now on the go. so staying up to date is easier than ever. you look great by the way. right? unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything. only xfinity will upgrade your tech after 3 years for a more reliable connection. get that and more with xfi complete. upgrade today. it's my 5:52 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. hello, and welcome to the news, joining us here in the united states and all around the >> russian troops are preparing for an offensive operation and date of our country point >> so many , to

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

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or so. what happened is that we heard five loud explosions around 8:30 a.m. local time. that came after an air raid siren warning about 45 minutes earlier advising the residents of the city to take cover, to shelter in basements and to shelter in bomb shelters, that kind of thing. after that warning happened we heard the loud explosions. one of our producers here is ingrid forman, a senior producer who's covered multiple conflict zones. she actually saw one of the missiles, believed to be the fourth missile, as it flew over the city on its way to that target. as we say, we do not know what those targets were. peel get those details for you as soon as we can. but lviv has been spared the worst of the russian military aggression since this war began. there was a missile strike about three weeks ago on a fuel depot. there was another strike on a military facility a few days before that. between here and the polish border. but for the most part they are military targets. these targets could possibly be residential, which would indicate a change of tactics by the russian military. certainly compared to what we have seen recently for lviv and in terms of what the russian military has been targeting. as we say, a lot more details. a lot more we need to learn about these missile attacks. soon as we get that we'll bring it to you. we also have learned in the last hour of at least two missile strikes in dnipro in central ukraine. the region's military governor says two people were injured. some railway infrastructure was destroyed. meantime, russian forces appear poised to capture the southern port city of mariupol. they've surrounded the city. they've been there for more than a month. ukrainian troops are now confined to small pockets of resistance. but on sunday they rejected russia's demands to surrender or die. the city itself is in ruins after weeks of heavy fighting. many residents have fled but there's still an estimated 100,000 people trapped in that city. on sunday ukraine's foreign minister said the situation in mariupol could further derail already stalled negotiations with russia. >> the situation in mariupol is both dire militarily and heartbreaking. the city doesn't exist anymore. the remainings of the ukrainian army and large group of civilians are basically encircled by the russian forces. they continue their struggle. no high-level talks are taking place. after bucha it became particularly difficult to continue talking with the russians. but as my president mentioned, mariupol may be a red line. >> ukraine's president, volodymyr zelenskyy, says the devastation in mariupol could soon play out across eastern ukraine as russian troops prepare for a major offensive in the donbas region. he says russia also intensifying itself on ukraine's second largest city. here's a warning. like so many of this coverage we have seen, the images you are about to see are graphic. the northeastern city of kharkiv came under heavy shelling on sunday. the regional governor says at least five people were killed. 20 others were hurt in that attack. in the coming hours russian forces are expected to close all exit and entry points into and out of mariupol. an adviser to the city's mayor says that will leave tens of thousands of civilians with no way out, no way to escape. also warning that the men there who remain will be, quote, filtered out. cnn cannot independently verify that claim. but for what's happening in mariupol here's cnn's phil black. >> reporter: an ultimatum was given and it was ignored. russia's military gave ukraine's soldiers in mariupol until sunday to put down their weapons and leave the city peacefully or be eliminated. ukrainian officials say no one is leaving, they are not putting down their weapons, they are not giving up the fight. that fight increasingly resembles a last stand. but it does not mean mariupol is set to fall imminently. ukraine's defenders there have consistently defied expectation, holding out against russia's forces since the start of march while being surrounded, cut off, and without resupply. those ukrainian forces have been pushed back to a relatively small patch of territory in the city. but ukrainian officials say they are still engaging with russian forces in other parts of the city as well. ukrainian officials say that residential areas in the city are also still suffering under russia's bombardment. there are thought to be more than 100,000 civilians still trapped there. ukr ukraine's president zelenskyy says russia's actions, their behavior in mariupol, the possibility of more atrocities against civilians being uncovered there, could mean the end of any further negotiations between the two countries. phil black, cnn, kyiv. austrian chancellor carl nehammer believes vladimir putin thinks he's winning the war in ukraine. nehammer met with the russian president last week, the first european leader to do so since this war began. he said when the meeting ended putin warned him in german, "it is better the war end earlier rather than later." cnn's nada bashir joins us live from london. on that i think we can all agree, that it is better this war finishes sooner rather than later. but i guess what precisely did putin mean? >> reporter: well, putin according to nehammer has been clear in his concerns around the war. he sent a clear message to nehammer during their meeting that he still believes this invasion is necessary in order to protect russia's security guarantees. that has been his message since before the invasion began. but of course we heard from nehammer. he said they had a frank and tough discussion, particularly on the front of bucha, where we saw those atrocities unfold, what many western leaders have now described as war crimes. he said he traveled to moscow after witnessing the evidence of those atrocities to confront putin directly. he said he would cooperate with an investigation but also stressed that he doesn't trust western leaders. but separately from that we also heard from nehammer saying he addressed what he witnessed in terms of russian troop losss. we've consistently heard from western officials russia has experienced significant logistical challenges, low morale amongst its troops, and of course significant troop losses. but despite this president putin told -- according to nehammer that he still believes russia is winning this war. take a listen. >> i think he is now in his own war logic. you know? he thinks the war is necessary for security guarantees for the russian federation. he doesn't trust the international community. he blames the ukrainians to -- for genocide -- genocide in the donbas region. i think he believes he is winning the war. >> reporter: now, putin has also consistently said that russia's invasion has been about the genocide, as he's claimed it to be in the donbas region. of course there are concerns now, president zelenskyy warning for an intensification of russian attacks in that region in particular. >> nada, thank you. nada bashir there live for us bringing us up to date with what may be happening in putin's brain. we appreciate it. thank you. an update now on a story from over the weekend about a kharkiv restaurant partnered with the relief group world central kitchen which was hit by a missile, inging four workers there and causing a lot of damage. world central kitchen says it's been serving upwards of 250,000 meals a day since the russian invasion began. and that work will continue despite this missile attack. workers at that restaurant are back at work. they're salvaging whatever they can so they can continue to feed the hungry. and joining me now from kyiv is the founder of world central kitchen, chef jose andres. chef, thank you so much for being with us. i just would like to find out how you are coping with all of this and how are those injured staff members? in hospital, their wounds. what's the latest on their condition? >> the good report is that the four members of the restaurant that was badly damaged by the missile strike in kharkiv, they are all fine, they're in good spirits. their injuries were taken care of and they're joking they want to go back to cooking. the good news is that yesterday all the team with the help of the ceo of world central kitchen who is himself in kharkiv, they move all the equipment that was saved to a new location and they're going to be cooking today and tomorrow. this is the spirit that you have here in ukraine. everybody is hands on. everybody is doing whatever it takes to do something for what they say is to win this war. >> glad that the staff members are on the mend and doing well. but there was also a 15-year-old boy who was killed as a result of these missile strikes. a.p. reporting that there were other people who died. how does that change your perspective on this war? how has it affected you personally? >> well, listen, obviously it's 40 million ukrainians that they are having their heart in their palm. so i'm one more person. there are so many other people who have come to ukraine or to the surrounding countries to do whatever it takes, to give comfort to the refugees leaving ukraine or to the displaced ukrainians that they're moving to another city. i just got reports before i got into this call that there's been some missiles that hit it seems lviv and is being some casualties because these are friends of people now we call family and friends. in any moment from the sky in any city across ukraine something may fall that is ending the lives. that's why this war has to end. it's not fair that they are ta targeting schools, supermarkets, places where people are waiting only for a little loaf of bread. this war have to end, and especially the shooting of civilians that actually they cannot wait for the end of the war and for peace. >> from your lips to god's ears, sir. with regards to the explosions we heard in lviv, are you saying that your facilities here, your workers here may have been caught up in those missile strikes? >> right now we have our friends and obviously the news seems travel fast. so these -- when you get the alarms that seems almost all of ukraine is under siren alert, you know that when sometimes the defense of ukraine they are able to stop many missiles in the air, even if a small percentage of them make it the possibilities of doing a lot of damage taking lives very high. that's why the war needs to end and we need to tell russia, please stop killing civilians nonstop day and night. that's why people are afraid. that's why a lot of people are still in bunkers. it's why many people, they don't want to be in the comfort of their homes and many nights they go to the safety of a subway. that's why, again, this war needs to end. at the world central kitchen we do our little contribution. more than 11 million meals in those places that people are in desperate need. like when we arrived in bucha for more than 30 days people had almost no access to food. and if they ventured in the streets they had high possibilities of being shot by a sniper only because it seems they were taking life like a piece of playstation. this needs to end. and especially targeting women, children, elderly and civilians has to end. >> very quickly, do you believe that the strike on the restaurant in kharkiv, was that accidental or was it more targeted? do you think there was a specific reason to hit that restaurant? because it was helping so many people, because it was, if you like, a western aid group. >> i don't have intelligence on that matter. we are only in the business of cooking. obviously we look for the safety of all our teams. but remember, we have more than 350 restaurants across our operation. the vast majority of them in ukraine. the possibilities of something to happen somehow are high. this missile didn't target specifically in the heart of the restaurant. if not we would be having a very different conversation. but it hit a very big building, as you can see, in the images, and was a lot of dang mage done. obviously the death we are so sorry about. i don't think we were target in any way or form. we are only here to help people that need our help as i repeat and let's hope the missiles will end very soon. but again, i don't think at all we were target because we are coming from the outside. >> very, very quickly, we're almost out of time, sir, but can you take any more precautions to keep your people safe? >> i'm sure we can be -- the best way to take precautions is not being in ukraine a lot. at all. but are we going to do the millions of ukrainians here alone to fight this war for liberty and freedom and democracy alone? i think this war can be won in many ways. the cooks of america. the cooks of the world, we do what we know. which is one plate at a time giving hope. this is a way hopefully to be supporting the ukrainian people as this war keeps going. we're going to be here for the long run. we cannot leave the ukrainians alone. and again, we can be fighting this war just with food, one plate of food at a time and giving hope. >> chef jose andres, thank you so much, sir. thank you for what you do. thank you for being with us. and please stay safe. >> thank you. >> well, the city of philadelphia bringing back a mask mandate being driven by a rising number of cases. but here's a surprise. some people aren't happy. my colleague and friend rosemary church will have details on that when we come back. at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted. hot t tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah. i always had a connection to my grandfather... i always wanted to learn more about him. i discovered some very interesting documents on ancestry. this is the uh registration card for the draft for world war two. and this is his signature which blew me away. being able to... make my grandfather real... not just a memory... is priceless. his legacy...lives on. welcome back, everyone. i'm rosemary church hering in atlanta. the city of philadelphia is being sued over its plan to bring back the covid mask mandate. that court documents filed saturday a group of business owners and residents claim the mandate is illegal. they say it goes against the state's constitution and guidelines established by the centers for disease control and prevention. cnn's polo sandoval has more. >> reporter: at this neighborhood just north of downtown philadelphia you already see some of that signage that's requiring masking. though some of those signs may have been there since the start of the pandemic while others may have just been put up. all of them will apply starting on monday morning as the city of philadelphia will require it masking at all indoor public spaces. that includes schools, offices, museums, restaurants and businesses as well. according to the city of philadelphia businesses and institutions can remain mask-free so long as they can ensure that all the occupants in their spaces are vaccinated. so we'll have to see if any businesses decide to go in that direction. meanwhile, the city does have three key data points that basically determine the response, what approach they take here. as of last monday, philadelphia seeing a little over 140 daily cases. that's still well below the 225 that would be needed to enter the next phase or the next response level. as for hospitalizations as of last monday, still about 44, which is still well below what would be needed to enter the next response level. really these numbers are just a fraction of what we saw here in philadelphia during the last omicron surge. as for the business community, this is certainly causing some criticism directed toward the city. in fact, there's a group of businesses that have basically moved to sue the city to try to make a stay for this mask mandate. their argument here is that the city is not following the cdc's own guidance and that at the end of the day it would potentially be bad for business. polo sandoval, cnn, philadelphia. in china officials say three people in shanghai have died from covid-19. it's the first official announcement of deaths in the city since shanghai entered a strict covid lockdown in march. and in economic news china says its gdp grew 4.8% in the first quarter of this year, beating market expectations. the country's economic outlook has worsened since march as china struggles to contain its biggest covid outbreak in two years. well, jerusalem is on edge after palestinians and israelis clashed in and around the al aqsa mosque compound on sunday. resulting in some people getting injured. and this comes after violence flared at the holy site on friday morning. cnn's hadas gold joins me now from jerusalem with more. good to see you, hadas. so what is the latest on these clashes in jerusalem? >> reporter: well, rosemary, it was a uniquely holy weekend because in something that hasn't happened since the 1990s, ramadan, easter weekend and passover all overlapped over the same weekend. so there was already a sense of anticipation that something could happen. so yesterday there were more clashes at the al aqsa compound, which is also known to jews as the temple mount. and also near the old city, public city buses were attacked by people throwing rocks at them. now, these are buses normally often used by jews to reach the holiest sites of the old city. we saw videos showing buses with broken windows, and according to emergency services seven people were treated in hospital for light injuries. at the al aqsa compound police once again clashed with people there. they said that they entered the compound in order to clear out young people, young palestinians they said were stockpiling rocks which they said they were going to use in order to disturb visits to the site by jewish groups. now, jewish groups and police entering the site are seen as very provocative and offensive to many muslims. but the clashes we saw yesterday, and i should note that 19 people were injured according to the palestinian red crescent in those clashes between palestinians and israeli security forces at the al aqsa compound. but those clashes we saw yesterday and the overall tension yesterday was nowhere near the levels that we saw on friday. on friday there were very intense clashes early in the morning between israeli security forces and people at the al aqsa compound according to the palestinian red crescent more than 150 people were injured in those clashes. and we hadn't seen clashes to that level since right around this time last year. and keep in mind it was clashes like that at the al aqsa compound that helped spark off that 11-day war, helped spark off hamas, the militant group that runs gaza, for them to launch those rockets into israel. that was an 11-day war between the israeli army and the hamas militants in gaza. so far, though, we haven't seen any level of that sort of reaction from hamas, and things have been relatively calm in jerusalem. but still it's very much a city and very much a region edge. rosemary? >> thanks for giving us the update there. hadas gold joining us with the latest from jerusalem. appreciate it. and we'll take a short break. we're back in just a moment. paper? this is the end. the end of paper. the epson rapid receipt smart organizezer easiy scans all your d documents. par goes in and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform paper documents like contracts, tax records, warranties, wills even recipes into searchable pdfs. so the information is always right at your fingertips safe and secure. with this exclusive tv offer you'll get over $300 in added value including a robust time-saving software bundle. plus get free 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regional military governor. and that eight people were wounded including one child among those who were hit because of these missile strikes which happened about two hours ago now, directed at military infrastructure. one also hit a tire repair shop. but it does seem that they're going after the railway infrastructure, and the reason for that would be, one reason at least, is because that's how this country will ship in those heavy weapons which are coming in from the united states, from the uk, from other nato allies as well. the only way to ship howitzers and tanks and apcs from the western part of ukraine to the eastern part is via rail. and so there was an expectation that rail would become a target by the russian military, and that does appear to be what is happening. and of course the railway lines have been a vital link in evacuating many from east to west, to the relative safety of the west. also these missile strikes caused a huge delay in those train services, which we're told they're now trying to sort out, trying to get those trains running again so they're back on time so those people who are evacuating from the eastern part of ukraine here in the west so that they can make those journeys as safely and as quickly as possible. there obviously is still a lot of confusion, a lot of chaos as they try and clean up after these missile strikes, these five missile strikes. four actually if you can believe the regional military governor. the mayor says there were five. so that's another issue, which we need to look into as well. was it four strikes? was it five strikes? the end result is six people dead, eight people wounded, and a lot of infrastructure damage to the railways. meantime, the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is warning a russian offensive in the eastern part of ukraine could begin in the near future. this as the luhansk reeng military governor says there are no safe places left in that part of ukraine. to the south and the besieged city of mariupol, ukrainian forces have rejected russia's demands to surrender despite moscow's threat to eliminate, eliminate all resistance. that unrelenting assault has leveled the port city, which has been surrounded by russian troops since march 1st. and now according to an adviser to the mayor of mariupol, russian forces say the city will be closed for entry and exit today and they will be issuing passes for any movement within that city. joining us now to discuss the latest developments is brian bonner, editor at geopolitical intelligence services, former chief editor at the now closed kyiv post. brian, thank you for being with us. what more do you know about these strikes which have happened in lviv on the railway infrastructure here and the extent of the damage? my understanding is this is not to be unexpected because the railway system has been a vital link in getting heavy artillery and heavy weapons to the east, so it's to be expected that it would be targeted at some point. >> yeah. john, can you hear me okay? >> i can, yes, sir. >> thanks for having me on. i hear what you hear. i follow about 10,000 of the most reliable people in ukraine. and that's what i'm hearing. that's been the fear all along from day one of the war, that they would actually strike the railway system, which is the heart. there are two things identified as most important for ukraine and that is the army and railway system. and like they're moving into -- hopefully they'll stop or they will be stopped but they're moving into the railway territory. and i'm sure as you know that's not the only action today. dnipro is reporting bombings. kharkiv. kremini in luhansk oblast is reporting russian forces are in. so it's heating up. >> it is heating up. and as you've been speaking we're now hearing the sirens over lviv once again. this is another warning of what they call an air emergency. this happened earlier today, then 45 minutes after that we had those five loud explosions, those five missile strikes here in lviv. so once again an air raid warning in lviv. this is happening across ukraine. we'll just listen to this. [ air raid siren ] that is a familiar sound. in so many parts now across this country as the russians begin the sort of long-range attacks if you like. they're sending in missiles, having air strikes, using long-range artillery. as you say it's happening especially around the area of kyiv which i guess many people might have thought may have been spared by now. >> i don't think kyiv is going to be spared at all here. i don't think any place is going to be spared. but i think what this highlights is the need to get more weapons systems in more quickly in greater quantity, in greater quality, before the worst happens. mariupol, as you said, has been under siege since march 1st. it hasn't fallen. if ukraine got the military equipment it needed, it might be able to retake that, save the donbas, which would save a lot of lives. >> and again we're still hearing those sirens here in lviv. so you're saying if they can hold mariupol, if there's some way that those, what, 2,500 last remaining ukrainian troops holed up in that iron and steelworks, if somehow they can stand their ground and hold mariupol and keep it away from the russians they can prevent the further invasion of the east? >> well, i think what's bothering ukrainians and those of us in ukraine is the lack of urgency and the way in which the military equipment is being dribbled in instead of flooded in. it really -- the only option now is victory, and victory means defeat of vladimir putin's military's ability to menace neighbors like you're being menaced right now. i can hear that. and it's not coming in. today my -- i highlighted a german proposal for a billion in military aid that's going to go through parliament. parliament might take it up in the end of june. and then only weapons that chancellor schulz approves can go to -- that's nonsense. it's not going to win the war. putin needs to be stopped. i think we all agree on that in the western world. it's just i wish -- and ukrainians wish people in the west would act more quickly. >> there really is this disconnect, right? because from what is happening in capitals like washington, in brussels, in berlin and in london where they see the speed in which they are acting here both diplomatically and in the supply of weapons is happening at warp speed, is happening incredibly quickly through these normal channels. people of ukraine, though, it is an agonizingly slow wait, and every time there is a delay and every time the longer it takes for those weapons and everything else to get in place we're looking at more people dying. and that's the bottom line in all this, right? >> that is. and they've -- you know this is not a military war, this is a war of genocide now and nobody considers that an exaggeration now. they are terrorizing civilians, targeting civilians, and you know, ukraine has the ability to fight back. the world would be a much better place if ukraine wins this war. and every general -- i'm a fan of cnn. every military expert you've had says the same thing. we need more faster. and every military expert in ukraine says the same thing. zelenskyy says the same thing to jake tapper. it's -- hopefully the message will get through because this war can be won. the ukrainians are going to fight to the death. but how many of them have to die? how many more cities like kharkiv, mariupol? how many more deaths have to happen? >> it's a good question. it's a good question for people to think about. thank you so much for being with us. we appreciate your time, sir. >> thank you. >> we'll take a short break, be right back. you're watching cnn. taha, that's funny. it's messing with me now. i know exactctly what it's doin. ok. ok. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insnsurance through the colonial penn prograram. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength. reduces inflammation. don't touch my piano. kick pain in the aspercreme. welcome back, everybody. we're following breaking news on russia's war in ukraine. i'm here live in lviv and now we are getting word from the military governor of this region that at least six people have been killed, as many as eight people have been hurt in at least four missile strikes, maybe five on the city of lviv. they believe that the railway infrastructure was the target of those strikes. it appears that maybe that was one reason for that was to stop the flow of heavy weapons from the west of the country to the east. that is still unclear at this point. but a short time ago we did hear another air raid warning that another possible air strike could be on its way. so we'll continue to follow those details, follow the very latest here. i'm john vause. thank you very much for joining us. for our viewers internationally "african voices changemakers" is up next. for those in the united states rosemary church will be back withth more news. stay with us. choose stelara® fromom the start... anand move toward relief after the first dose... with injectionss every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. - hey honey. - hey dad. that smell is eight million odor-causing bacteria. good thing adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria thatetergents can't. clean is good, sanitized is better. ♪ you said you'd never get a dog. you said you'd never do a lot of things. but you never knew all the things a dog could do for you. and with resolve you never have to worry about the mess. love the love, resolve the mess. migraine attacks? 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>> they're extremely rare and in the current political situation would be especially difficult to arrange something like that. not impossible but extremely difficult in the current conditions. >> reporter: the analysts we spoke to said it's a risky strategy for family members and others to speak out so often on behalf of these detainees in russia, especially now that v given that it might irritate vladimir putin even more. and recently wnba superstar lisa leslie said people in the women's basketball world were told not to make a big fuss out of brittney griner's case out of concern she might be used as a pawn while the ukraine war is still going on. brian todd, cnn, washington. in pittsburgh local public schools will be implementing a, quote, modified lockdown today following a horrific shooting in the city over the weekend. but pittsburgh was not the only site of a shooting in the u.s. in the past few days. cnn's nadia romero has more on gun violence in america. >> reporter: a busy weekend of gun violence across the country. let's start with pittsburgh. there police say there was a large party of some 200 people, the majority of them juveniles, people who were under age, attended this party. police say there were drugs, alcohol and guns and a shooting happened where the shooting happened inside and outside of a rented airbnb property. and here's what we know. two people are dead. police tell us they're both boys under the age of 18. there are eight gunshot victims and more people who were injured because police say many people were jumping out of windows trying to get away from the shooting. and police are looking for multiple shooters, but they don't have any suspects in custody right now. police say this is their top priority. take a listen. >> you had officers and medics who were trying to attend to victims that they found. we would be notified that there was a victim over at this location. pennsylvania state police were able to stop a vehicle that had a victim in it. so there was multiple scenes. it was very complex and very chaotic. >> reporter: no suspects in custody in pittsburgh, but in columbia, south carolina police have arrested one suspect and charged him. 22-year-old jewayne price has been charged with unlawful carrying of a pistol in relation to a mall shooting in columbia, south carolina saturday afternoon. here's what we know. 14 people were injured. nine of them gunshot victims, including a 73-year-old and a 15-year-old recovering from their injuries. that suspect has been charged, but police say there could be more charges and more arrests as this investigation continues. and we also learned of an early sunday morning, an early easter morning shooting in hampton county, south carolina where nine people were injured. and police are still looking for the person or people involved in that shooting as that remains under investigation. nadia romero, cnn, atlanta. a missouri lawmaker has gone viral for speaking out against a bill that would allow schools to restrict participation of transgender athletes in sports. missouri house democratic representative ian mackey, an openly gay man, shamed those voting in favor of the measure, comparing them to those in his own life whose bigotry he sought to escape. the measure did pass, but mackey's parting words won't be forgotten. >> gentlemen, i'm not afraid of you anymore. because you're going to lose. you may win this today, but you're going to lose. >> florida's department of education is rejecting more than 50 math textbooks. that is roughly 41% of submissions. officials say they include references to banned topics like critical race theory, which explores systemic racism and is at the center of a culture war in the united states. governor ron desantis said this -- "it seems that some publishers attempted to slap a coat of paint on an old house, built on the foundation of common core and indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism. especially bizarrely for elementary school students." well, before we go, a heartwarming story of a family's reunion. it began with police checking on a young man sleeping outside in the cold and led to a phone call his mother had been waiting to receive for nearly three years. cnn's camila bernal has more. >> reporter: this is a remarkable story. and the summit county sheriff's office in utah describing it as serving with compassion. i'll start from the beginning. over the last couple of weeks there were a number of calls that were made to report 19-year-old connerjack oswalt in the greater park city, utah area. deputies went out there to offer help, and he had refused. but last saturday deputies were called out there again and they were able to help him. all of that was caught on police bodycam video. here's part of that moment. >> you look like you're shivering. you cold? you want to come sit in this car and warm up for a minute? we can't have you sitting in front of the door here all night. i can't hear you. >> as long as i'm not being taken anywhere. >> no, you're not being taken anywhere. just come sit in the car and warm up. where's your shopping cart at? >> it got stolen. >> it got stolen? >> yeah. >> that's no good. >> yeah. [ inaudible ] >> okay. >> you can go ahead and sit in the front passenger seat, where it's warm. >> come in here and warm up. do you have a knife or gun or anything like that? >> no bazooka, cross-bow? >> no. >> okay. have a seat. where were you at when your shopping cart got stolen? >> i don't know. >> what's that? >> it doesn't matter. >> reporter: and after this encounter it was a dispatcher who went through pages and pages of missing children. they were able to find connerjack oswalt, who was reported missing in september of 2019 in clearlake, california. then deputies were able to get a hold of his mom, who told him he had a very distinctive birthmark on his neck. his stepfather then went out to park city, utah to identify him in person, and there was a moment when the stepfather called his mom to tell him that he was in fact alive. it was a very moving moment, also caught on police bodycam video. here's what happened. >> the missing person photo that we located was this. >> yeah, that's -- >> and then the photo that came from nevada for the arrest was this. >> holy crap. >> is it him? >> a little bit older, but yeah. >> and what stood out to me -- >> oh, my god. >> -- was the ears. you know, not knowing him. >> yeah. >> he looks pretty similar to this. hesitate hair's longer right now. his beard's a little bit thicker. >> yeah. wow. >> my sweetheart's alive. oh, my god. can you go get him, please? [ crying ] >> yeah, i definitely will do my best to bring him home. >> reporter: and the sheriff said there was not a dry eye in the room. we know that connerjack is receiving help and resources at the moment. camila bernal, cnn, los angeles. >> incredible story there. i'm rosemary church. i'll be back with more "cnn newsroom" in just a moment. but before we go, i want to leave you with this. singer dave matthews performing his brand new song in support of ukrainian refugees. ♪ a cut that just won't heal ♪ ♪ the smoke after the fire ♪ ♪ as long as we remember ♪ ♪ it's as good as real ♪ ♪ as good as real ♪ ♪ it's something to keep us hopeful ♪ lly pain, discomfort, , and bloating couldn't be kept at babay. after mike learned his symptoms were signs of a chronic condition, his doctor helped him make a decision. and that's why he said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms-belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain. especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save on linzess. when it comes to tech, everyone wants the next best thing. now with xfi complete from xfinity, you can get updated wifi technology with the new tech upgrade program. plus, protection from cyber threats at home and now on the go. so staying up to date is easier than ever. you look great by the way. right? unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything. only xfinity will upgrade your tech after 3 years for a more reliable connection. get that and more with xfi complete. upgrade today. it's my 5:52 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. hello, and welcome to the news, joining us here in the united states and all around the >> russian troops are preparing for an offensive operation and date of our country point >> so many , to

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, Prescription Strength , Inflammation , Chase , Aspercreme Arthritis , Kick Pain , Don T Touch My Piano , War , Flow , Air Strike , Dose , Move , African Voices Changemakers , Stelara , Back Withth , Fromom , Anand , Treatment , Cancer , Infections , Serious , Infection , Sores , Skin Growths , Tb , Reactions , Brain Condition , Remission , Pres , Lung Inflammation , Vaccine , Bacteria , Lysol , Smell , Can T , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Dad , Honey , 99 9 , Dog , Mess , Resolve , Migraine Attacks , Quliptatm , Quliptatm Helps What S Going On Inside , Love , Weather , Pill , Cause , Episodic Migraine , Protein , Cgrp , Tiredness , Nausea , Constipation , Colleagues , Citizens , Government , Brian Todd , Bargaining Chips , Jail , Commissioner , Health , Star American Basketball Player Brittney Gr Griner , Mental Health , Respect , Holding Greiner , Head , Allegations , Wnba , Players Union , Nbc , Representation , Cannabis Oil , Angle , Moscow Airport , Representative , Letters , Administration , Agent , Correspondence , Sources , Espn , Custody , Scenes , Bargaining Chip , Release , Anyone , Hopes , Reasons , Russia , Leverage , Olympic , Official , Motivation , Medalist , Trevor Reed , Video , Athletes , Olympics , Doping , Revenge , U S Olympic Committee , On Tuesday , Shot , Lower Court , Appeal , Parents , Tweet , Tuberculosis , Police Officers , Deterioration , Drunk , Nine , Statement , Father , Son , Trade , On Tuesday Reed , Coming Home , Conditions , Family Members , Behalf , Analysts , Strategy , Paul Whelan , Lisa Leslie , Detainees , Women S Basketball World , Big Fuss Out , Pittsburgh , Concern , Pawn , Lockdown , Case , Gun Violence , Nadia Romero , Gun Violence In America , Party , Age , Guns , Juveniles , Drugs , Alcohol , 200 , Gunshot Victims , Boys , Airbnb Property , 18 , Officers , Suspects , Shooters , Top Priority , Windows , Victims , Victim , Vehicle , Medics , Suspect , South Carolina , Columbia , Jewayne , 22 , Mall Shooting , Pistol , Relation , Carrying , 73 , 14 , Arrests , Charges , Sunday Morning , Hampton County , Bill , Lawmaker , Missouri , Participation , Sports , Atlanta , House , Ian Mackey , Measure , Bigotry , Parting , Words , Pass , Voting , Favor , Math Textbooks , Department Of Education , Gentlemen , Florida , Culture War , Center , Topics , Race Theory , Submissions , Racism , References , Ron Desantis , 41 , Paint , Concepts , Publishers , Foundation , Race Essentialism , Coat , Elementary School , Old House , Common Core , Phone Call , Cold , Sleeping , Students , Reunion , Police Checking , Mother , Led , Compassion , Serving , Couple , Summit County Sheriff S Office , Beginning , Camila Bernal , Utah , Connerjack Oswalt , Deputies , Park City , Calls , Car , Shivering , Police Bodycam , Anywhere , Shopping Cart , Sit , Passenger Seat , Good , Inaudible , Anything , Gun , Seat , No Bazooka , Cross Bow , I Don T Know , Knife , Pages , Encounter , Dispatcher , It Doesn T Matter , Clearlake , September Of 2019 , 2019 , Stepfather , Hold , Birthmark , Neck , California , Photo , Arrest , Holy Crap , , Nevada , Beard , Hair , Sweetheart , Bit , Connerjack , Home , Sheriff , Eye , Room , Dave Matthews , Resources , Cnn Newsroom , Los Angeles , Cut , Support , Song , Smoke , Fire , Discomfort , Pain , Linzess , Yess , Mike , Laxative , Bowel Movements , Decision , Babay , Side Effect , Belly Pain , Stomach Pain , Diarrhea , Bloating , Stools , Bowel Blockage , Ironwood , Gas , Swelling , Ibs C , Xfi , Xfinity , Technology , Internet , Tech Upgrade Program , Protection , Go , Threats , Wifi , Migraine Medicine , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Xfi Complete , Upgrade Today , Ubrelvy , 3 , 5 , 52 , Migraine , Tracks , Older Medicines , 2 , Inhibitors , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Hello ,

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