Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240708

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240708

rioters. >> we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly. >> i don't want to send any signal that it was okay to defile the capitol. >> how concerned should you be about the newly detected version of omicron? >> it appears to be more contagious. does it invade the immune system, most of the evidence so far is preliminary suggests it doesn't. also tonight, around 100 bags of fentanyl found in the bedroom of a 13-year-old boy who died from presumed fentanyl exposure at his school. >> the fentanyl found in the bedroom had a very high purity rate, 60% pure. you usually only see 1% to 2%. and the nfl football player who won't give up until abuse victims' stories are heard. i'm pamela brown in washington. you are live in the "cnn newsroom" on this sunday a. new measure of the escalating fears that russia could soon invade ukraine. a u.s. senate aide says all senators will get a classified briefing thursday from senior administration officials on the russia/ukraine crisis. and tomorrow the united nations security council will take up the matter. these are satellite images of some of the 100,000 russian troops along the border of the u.s. ally and two senior american defense officials tell cnn there are indications russia has moved blood supplies to the area as part of its military ramp-up. today ukraine's foreign minister delivered a blunt message. if russia wants to avoid war, it must pull back its forces and continue diplomatic talks. saying it's highly likely vladimir putin is planning an attack. >> we think it's highly likely he is looking to invade ukraine, why we're doing what we can to diplomacy to urge him to desist. >> so, sam, what are you hearing in the capital tonight? >> reporter: one of the really striking things is admit this high-level tit for tat exchange, if you like, between top diplomats, the russian foreign minister saying movement of troops offered by the united states, the united kingdom to reinforce nato positions in the east would be provocative and aggressive moves and that statement coming from the ukrainians. on the ground in kyiv, pamela, a sense of normality, really. people here frequently point out this country has already been invaded in 2014. there's a low level war going on in the east. while they agree an attack is likely, they are conducting their everyday lives in a very unmoved sort of state. there have been air raid shelters, training for the home guard but no sense of panic, pamela. >> and alongside the troops and conventional weaponry putin seemed to be waging a parallel track of hybrid warfare. tell us about that. >> reporter: the hybrid warfare is something that the british and the united states could play into the hands of putin by saying there's an imminent war which could cause economic -- has caused economic effects and ultimately political instability, which could play into russian hands. and, of course, they've been suffering cyber attacks, all part of the mixed bag of weapons the russians like to use. this is more from the british foreign secretary. >> we are seeing attempts to destabilize ukrainian democracy. we revealed intelligence to install a puppet regime in kyin, we've seen cyber attacks on other attempts to destabilize ukraine and this big buildup on the border. there is a real threat of invasion. >> reporter: now, pamela, the results of all of this is still being rejected by the ukrainians. they're saying they don't fear that an attack is imminent. they think it's possible but not probable. they're out of step really, i think, in messaging perhaps and just over the timing. there's no doubt at all that you've now got north of 100,000 troops on not just the ukrainian border but the border with belarus, barely two hours' drive from where i'm standing now, russian tanks. pamela? >> sam kiley, thank you for that. and joining me now is retired army brigadier general, the author of "swimming the volga." general, tell us, do you feel like this crisis is spiraling toward military conflict? >> good evening, pamela. thank you for having me on your show. this is deadly serious. it's hard to negotiate in good faith with the barrel of the gun basically faced at you. 100,000, 130,000 more forces in the hinter land, reserves, national guard, russian troops now in belarus and activity in the black sea and now we're trying to negotiate in good faith and we must because that's the only way we're going to work our way out of it and it's really dangerous. this is not now just about russia, ukraine, the west, nato, the u.s. this is a global issue. one data point i would say out there that is a wrinkle here, and i know you talked of it, in five days president vladimir putin is scheduled to be sitting in beijing for the opening of their olympics on the 4th of february. even with the good partnership they have with china, i think that jinping, a war opening in europe that would basically shut down his olympics. i think it's all there. it's extremely dangerous. it's high-level brinksmanship, it's over the top. the west has held. that surprised the russians. we are -- especially dangerous to accident, incident, or as you discussed at the top of the show, a provocation that gives the russians justification for an intervention instead of what's looking like naked aggression against ukraine. >> do you think that's what they're waiting for at this point because there have been 100,000 troops and then that has been building since early december. do you think that is exactly what russia is waiting for to give them the justification for going in? >> it's a great question, pamela, and is certainly a factor. if it served up an incident or ukraine or one of our nations falls into it, there's justification to go. however, there's a side of this, it doesn't look like it, again, moving, if you will, from chess to playing poker and high stakes, high gambling to get the west to back off. maybe put some fractures in nato and the west which is a surprise, it's held together. they have to challenge. they may have pushed themselves into a diplomatic cul-de-sac and what's most dangerous is do they back off? and the world would breathe a sigh of relief. they should be happy with that. or do they double down and go in and some blinkered way seeing it as a sign if they back off without getting major concessions. >> and it's interesting because certainly part of what russia wants to do here, a.m. though we cannot read vladimir putin's mind is that fracture between america and other nato countries and that is partly why the u.s. is con vengs this meeting tomorrow of the u.n. security council to get other nations on record about this to show that unity. i want to ask you about this, the leader of a russian diplomatic think tank seems to dismiss the russian threat. let's listen to that. >> president putin or certainly the russian government has at various points said it doesn't want to fight. it does not plan a military invasion of ukraine. so what are 150,000 russian troops doing on the border, and why have they been massed in that case? >> if your goal is to attract the attention of the west, to russian concerns about the security system in europe, and putin stated it quite bluntly the west doesn't want to listen to us so we need to do something to get the west's attention. >> what do you make of that claim, general? >> well, i mean, if they want to get the world's attention, not in particularly a positive way, they've accomplished that in great measure. however, they have really, really boxed themselves in an autocratic, authoritarian, almost 1930's type of brinksmanship that does not -- that doesn't bode well for them one way or the other. again, they have a chance now to back off. the world would breathe a sigh of relief. they can say they made their point, and there can be negotiations, but the west has stayed even with our warts steadfast. and maybe an unintended consequence, pamela, is what putin has done is that he has done opposite what his intent, or one of it, more focused nato in a way it hasn't been focused since the end of the cold war. >> interesting point there. general peter zwack, thank you so much. >> good evening. >> thank you. and let's continue this conversation with the general counsel for the national security agency, the nsa, and served in both the obama and trump administrations. so the british foreign minister warned that a russian invasion is highly likely in a hybrid warfare is already under way. glenn, what are you seeing along those lines? >> i think we can look at what russia has done in the past and what they will do in the future. they're focused on two things -- two tools in their playbook. one is cyber attacks, which we've seen against the ukraine already. some 70 ukrainian government websites were taken down. we know what they've done in the past going back to the 2014 forcible annexation of crimea using cyber as a weapon to help them achieve their goals by shutting down electric grids in 2015-2016, releasing the most damaging software bug the world has ever seen, the computer virus in 2017 aimed at ukraine. we know what they can do in the world of cyber in terms of cyber attacks and causing harm and then the other piece of this which we've already alluded to in your program, pamela, the disinformation piece. both are concerted and coordinated in reinforcing -- they each reinforce the other and it's part of an integrated campaign that vladimir putin can be engaged in. >> the u.s. dgovernment there could be cyber attacks if russia invades ukraine as retaliation for american sanctions. what do you think that could look like? >> we know that russia has and vladimir putin has the motive here because he wants to sow dissent between europe on one hand, which may not be fully in favor of very strict sanctions the way we are, and the united states and also wants to cause economic harm. we've seen that with russian ransomware. we know he has the capability. there's no question about that. and then finally, the experience. we can look at their playbook and we know what they're going to do. so far we have not seen any destructive attacks against u.s. infrastructure. what we have seen in other parts and pages from their playbook is the disinformation. we saw that in the 2016 elections here where russia mounted a disinformation campaign against our democracy. and we know that they're capable of far more including ransomware attacks and attacks that can stop our economy. we haven't seen actual physical damage. i hope we don't see that. they certainly have the capability of doing that as they've shown elsewhere. >> all right, thank you so much. and just in to cnn a member of the congressional delegation that just returned from ukraine has tested positive for covid-19. texas democrat collin allred was part of the bipartisan group that met with ukraine's president friday. this is a photo of the meeting. as you can see no one is wearing a mask. he says he is fully vaccinated, boosted, and experiencing mild symptoms. he is the only member to announce a positive test result. and up next, more than 1,000 students were sexually abused at the university of michigan over several decades. an ex-nfl player isn't giving up until they are given a voice. live in just a moment. also ahead, dr. scott gottlieb on how concerned we should be about the newly detected version of omicron. and forget football. peyton manning has a new obsession. you're in "the cnn newsroom." >> this show has everything. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas, or abdominal discomfort? 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>> because the history of the university of michigan, at least in the last half century, has been one of uncontrolled, u unpoliced cover-ups, and all of the institutions that are a part of the university's reporting systems are just black holes that victims go to for protection or for help that actually are just there to mitigate the responsibility and the liability of the office of the president and the board of regents. those programs -- i started my protest in front of the house october 8th on a friday evening at 7:00 p.m. and in that time i probably have heard 500 to 600 individual reports of abuse and rape on that campus from male and female students. and i never once heard a positive or a hopeful case that a student went to the university to report its trauma and the university actually had a successful protection in place for any of those students. so to say that the university has always taken sexual assault and sexual abuse serious is something that i have witnessed, one, firsthand, because there were coaches, trainers, administrators that had been proven to know over the course of this doctor's 36-plus years' tenure at the university of michigan who knew, who enabled, who empowered, and basically gave him unfettered access to athletes and other students. and once they made the decision from reports of his sexual misconduct as director of student health they made the decision not to fire this man but to fire him, rehire him and then a conspiracy was then set in motion to bury him in the athletic program with the majority of those athletes were african american young men. >> and i want to ask you on that point, dr. anderson may have abused thousands of students over his years at u of m, many who have never come forward, but i do have a quote from an attorney representing them. i think our society looks down on men who are sexually abused let alone big, strong athletic black men sexually abused compareded to what they perceive to be innocent white women. it asks men how can they allow themselves to be sexually abused? so what do you think about that assessment? do you think gender and race makes it easier -- made it easier for anderson to get away with so much abuse? >> absolutely. michigan, which was founded in 1817, has a history of discrimination and marginalization of ethnic groups but specifically african american groups, and i think when you look at the typical racial makeup of scholarship athletes, most of them come from middle to lower middle to lower income area where that scholarship is their way out. there's so much pressure not only in their communities but in your families and as african american men for far too long in this country we've been unable to really share our mental health, our trauma or anything that showed weakness because we were bred, when we were first brought to this country, to be strong producers, work men, and so pain was weakness, feelings were weakness, and when you put yourself in a position that you're risking your scholarship, you're willing to do whatever it takes not only for your scholarship but also for your team. and so you're constantly being made into a warrior, and warriors don't cry. warriors don't complain. and warriors don't think of themselves. they think of the entire organization or the team. and so for anyone at 18 when our brains aren't truly developed you're really just trying to fit in a mold, you're trying to find your way. and i think that just permeates itself throughout society where when you take the socialogical and trying to be a human being it's very difficult to break that mold that you -- the same trauma that affected the young gymnasts, let's say, in the nasser in u.s. gymnastics could be the same trauma that we feel. and people aren't willing to widely accept that the face of abuse and rape doesn't just look like young, privileged white gymnasts, and i think society as a whole is scared that if we as big, strong, athletic men can get raped, then anyone can get raped, and i think that's the biggest fear. >> thank you for sharing your powerful story, jon, and bringing light to this important issue. we really do appreciate it. thank you so much. we'll be right back. >> thank you. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ living with diabetes? 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most of the evidence so far, and it's preliminary, suggests the data out of the uk suggests a fully boosted person may be more protected than they were against the original strain of omicron. and the final question is, is it more virulent, more dangerous? and so far based on what we've seen out of denmark and the uk, which are collecting good data, it doesn't appear to be a more virulent strain. >> cnn medical analyst joins me. hi, great to see you, doctor. do you agree with that assessment of the new variant? >> i do agree, pamela. i think this new variant is something we should be on the lookout for. we should be researching this and preparing for it as we will for the foreseeable future. covid is going to be with us. we are going to have new variants. the fact there may be new variants doesn't mean we have to stop everything we're doing now. the good thing is it looks like there is no immune escape meaning that all those individuals who are vaccinated and boosted are still well protected and also there have been many, many people in the u.s. and around the world who have been infected with omicron. those individuals are very unlikely to be reinfected with this new variant. i think that should give us a sigh of relief even as we are still being vigilant in making sure we're preparing for the worst. >> in your new opinion piece you say studies find a booster dose is essential but less than half of americans eligible have done so and you put the blame on mixed messaging from the federal government. how so? what has gone wrong? >> well, the mixed messaging even continues today. previously the fda and cdc, the advisers and the health officials themselves, were unclear about who should be getting the vaccine. first it was a small group and then a larger group and the messaging sounded as if they were saying boosters are nice to have, to top off your immunity as opposed to something essential. new data have come out saying if you are vaccinated and boosted it protects you from hospitalization, severe disease, quite substantially. over 57% if you are vaccinated and boosted versus just the two doses, and reduces symptomatic infection and transmitting to others. i think it's beyond time for us to be changing the definition of fully vaccinated to mean three doses of pfizer or moderna or two of johnson & johnson. >> i have a personal question. i try to think of questions other people would want to nope the answer to. and so whenever i go into a restaurant, right, we wear masks, my family, me and my family wear masks, we walk down and sit at the table. we take our masks off and eat and drink and then walk out with our masks on. is there any point to that of wearing a mask walking in and out of a restaurant where everyone is eating and drinking with their masks off? >> i do think there's a point, and i get asked this question a lot. >> oh, really? okay, good. >> it depends on the layout of the restaurant. so let's say you're going to a table that's actually pretty far away from others or you're in a booth that's six feet away or even three feet away from others. the people you are most likely to be infecting if you are asymptomatic and don't know you have covid, are the people at your table. they are the ones sitting close to you. you are unlikely to be infecting a table 20 feet away t. could happen but pretty rare. if you're walking through the restaurant, talking to the hostess, if you are hanging out by the bar before you are seated and you are surrounded by a lot of maskless people, that's the situation you could infect others. a mask protects the wearer. so even if other people around you are not wearing masks, even if you're wearing a mask and other people are eating maskless, you are still protected from them. there is a point. we wear masks going to the table and take off the masks to eat. >> okay. good to know, dr. leana wen, always can count on you to give the best practical advice. >> appreciate it, pamela. to be a successful fisher in ireland it doesn't hurt to have international diplomacy skills. >> if you had a message for vladimir putin, what would it be? >> maybe go to deeper water where it won't affect the fish stock as much. >> coming up, hear from the fishermen able to get russia to move their naval war games. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? 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fishermen worried about rockets fired as part of a russian military exercise off the irish coast this week. >> we don't want anyone in our waters. it's our backyard, where we make our living. >> reporter: concern here in castletownbere that russian naval drills could pose a threat not only to the safety of fishermen but potential lip to the environment and fish stocks. >> we're worried about the fish stocks and marine life. it's bound to interfere and frighten them. it would frighten me. >> reporter: fishermen like carlton had planned to go fishing off the irish coast like he always does despite warning from the russian embassy in dublin that doing so could be dangerous. we look out for our ships and things like this, keep a look out for the russian navy. hopefully we don't see them. >> reporter: at one pub locals worried about the russian military. >> fishermen in general are very anxious about the whole thing. >> people are worried, yes. it is affecting our fishing, it's affecting our safety of people. >> reporter: fishermen turned diplomats, representatives met with the russian ambassador last week to express their concerns about russia firing rockets where they normally fish. when you went in to speak to the russian ambassador, what did you say to him? >> first of all -- >> reporter: if you had a message for vladimir putin, what would it be? >> maybe go out to deeper water where it wouldn't affect the fish stock as much. >> reporter: saturday night that's just what happened. the russians saying after appeals from the irish government and the fishermen themselves russia would move its ships further out to sea away from the irish fishing boats. the news reaching this community by tweet. how do you feel? >> shocked really like. i didn't think little old us in the irish south and west would have an impact on international diplomacy. >> cheers. >> reporter: the news a relief for the whole community here. you must have felt a great deal of relief, happiness. >> everybody did. our stocks, our livelihoods. >> reporter: hopeful to have a good catch this week? and not catching any russian ships? >> definitely not, or any ships. >> that was our donie o'sullivan reporting there. peyton manning makes a confession on "saturday night live." he hasn't watched any playoff games this year. so what is he watching besides this show? >> oh, my god, collin, this show has everything. >> the answer is next here in the "cnn newsroom." ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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, Statement , East , Sense , Ground , Moves , Level , Normality , Kyiv , 2014 , Lives , Estate , Sort , Putin , Weaponry , Panic , Home Guard , Training , Air Raid Shelters , Parallel Track Of Hybrid Warfare , Hands , Warfare , Attacks , Russians , Course , Instability , Weapons , Effects , Bag , Attempts , Democracy , Foreign Secretary , Invasion , Threat , Puppet Regime , Buildup , Kyin , Wall , Step , Results , Messaging , North , Timing , Drive , No Doubt , Belarus , Brigadier General , Tanks , Swimming The Volga , Army , Show , General , Crisis , Military Conflict , Faith , Barrel , Gun , National Guard , Activity , Land , Reserves , Black Sea , 130000 , Way , It , Data , Issue , Wrinkle , This , Five , Partnership , Olympics , War Opening , Opening , 4th , Beijing , China , Jinping , 4th Of February , 4 , Brinksmanship , Top , Europe , Provocation , Incident , Justification , Intervention , Accident , The Show , Naked Aggression , Point , Building , Question , Factor , Nations , Side , Chess To Playing Poker And High Stakes , Gambling , Surprise , Fractures , Is , Cul De Sac , World , Happiness , Sigh , Mind , Fracture , Concessions , Sign , Meeting , Countries , Record , Is Con , Unity , Government , President Putin , Points , Leader , Think Tank , Case , Goal , Military Invasion , The Border , 150000 , 150000 Russian , Concerns , Security System , Measure , Claim , Authoritarian , Autocratic , Type , 1930 , Other , Chance , Negotiations , Doesn T Bode , Unintended Consequence , Intent , Warts , Hasn T , More , Peter Zwack , End , Cold War , Both , Counsel , Trump , Administrations , Conversation , National Security Agency , Obama , Lines , Glenn , Tools , Playbook , Websites , 70 , Cyber , Goals , Weapon , Grids , Annexation Of Crimea , Terms , Computer Virus , Software Bug , 2016 , 2017 , 2015 , Harm , Program , Reinforcing , Disinformation Piece , Piece , Sanctions , Campaign , Dgovernment , Retaliation , Hand , Favor , Motive , Dissent , Capability , Russian Ransomware , Experience , Parts , Disinformation , Infrastructure , Pages , Elections , Disinformation Campaign , Ransomware , Member , Right , We Haven T , Economy , Damage , Elsewhere , Group , President , Photo , Collin Allred , Delegation , Covid 19 , Democrat , Friday , Texas , 19 , Mask , Symptoms , Test Result , 1000 , Students , University Of Michigan , Player Isn T , Voice , Dr , Football , Peyton Manning , Obsession , Scott Gottlieb , Everything , Health , Pros , Discomfort , Quality Probiotic , Taking Align , Bloating , Gas , Millions , Try Align , 24 7 , Plan , Meetings , Running , Dream , Errands , Planning , Advisor , Northwestern Mutual , Vo , Business , Number , Phone , Ground Running , T Mobile , Device , 800 , 00 , Employees , Customers , Largest , 5g Network , Opportunities , Facebook , 200 , 5 , Life , Warriors Don T , Same , Pay , Plans , Points Program , Ww , Ww Com , Man , Offer Ends January 30th , Well Mannered , Wahoooo , 30 , January 30th , Look , 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Doctor , Treatment , Team Doctor , Guise , Prostate Exams , Prostate Exam , Players , Age , 49 , 20 , Reach Anderson , Children , Sexual Misconduct , Accusations , Relatives , Campus , Office , Sexual Assault Prevention , Resources , Support , Center , Efforts , Education , Awareness , History , U Unpoliced , Prevention , Uncontrolled , University , Institutions , Systems , Help , Protection , Liability , Board Of Regents , Protest , House , Programs , Evening , Front , October 8th , 8 , 7 , Reports , Rape , 600 , 500 , Trauma , Student , Positive , Any , Sexual Assault , Place , Sexual Abuse Serious , Trainers , Tenure , 36 , Athletes , Who Empowered , Decision , Access , Student Health , Conspiracy , Motion , Director , Men , Athletic Program , Thousands , African American , Majority , Society , Quote , Attorney , Women , Assessment , Gender , Race , Compareded , 1817 , Groups , Discrimination , Marginalization , Scholarship , Income Area , Middle , Makeup , Mental Health , Pressure , Families , Communities , Anything , Weakness , Work Men , Producers , Pain , Position , Feelings , Team , Warrior , Warriors Don T Cry , Anyone , Warriors , Organization , Brains , Mold , Socialogical , Human Being , Gymnastics , Gymnasts , Say , Nasser , Let , Privileged White Gymnasts , Young , Fear , Big , Strong , Light , Life Changing , Info , Blood Clots , Ton , Diabetes , Carbsteady , Glucerna , Blood Sugar , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Service , Business Owner , Data Plans , Network , Line Activation Fees , Term , Gig , Contracts , Internet , Comcast Business , Connecticut , Teen , Police , Drug , Hartford , Drugs , Possession , Son , The Coronavirus Called Ba 2 , Variants , Commissioner , Former , Fda , Strain , Immunity , Times , Denmark , 1 5 , Person , Vaccines , Preliminary , Medical Analyst , Variant , Lookout , Pamela , Hi , Thing , Fact , Meaning , Individuals , Studies , Booster Dose , Opinion Piece , Worst , Half , Blame , Cdc , Health Officials , Vaccine , Advisers , Boosters , Disease , Essential , Hospitalization , 57 , Infection , Doses , Others , Transmitting , Definition , Answer , Restaurant , Questions , Moderna , Johnson , Pfizer , Three , Masks , Family , Table , Mask Walking , Wear Masks , Drink , Sit , Lot , Drinking , Layout , Feet , Booth , Six , Close To You , Hostess , Ones , Bar , Wearer , Eating Maskless , Leana Wen , Fisher , Diplomacy Skills , Advice , Ireland , Fishermen , Water , War Games , Fish Stock , Coming Up , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Itching , Burning , Joints , Stinging , Painful , Tremfya , Kind , Adults , Medication , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , 16 , Infections , Risk , Reactions , Ability , Patients , Dentistry , Insurance , Dentistry Work , Corner , Treatment Plan , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Aspen Dental , Changes , Talk , Bill , Broker , Our Schwab Financial Consultant , Walk In , Carl , Nina , Mary , Calls , Hm , Car , Woman , Windshield , Someone , Safelite , Wheels , Schwab , Decompression Zone , Four , Experts , Safety Systems , Technology , Glass , Camera , Kisqali , Singers , Thriver , Safelite Repair , Fulvestrant , Aromatase Inhibitor , Pill , Hr , Liver Problems , Breathing Problems , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Death , Blood Cell , Eyes , Chest Pain , Rash , Breastfeeding , Change , Appetite , Yellowing , Chills , Bleeding , Fever , Loss , Dizziness , Urine , Tiredness , Bruising , Banking , Phones , Grapefruit , Doing , Wonder , Bouquet , Girlfriend , Bank Of America , Yoga Studio , Thinking , Photographer , Track , Ring Fund , Zen , Father Of The Bride , Power , Combo , Sandpaper , Stop Banking , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Preservatives , Biotrue , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Coast , Livelihoods , Exercises , David And Goliath , Ambassador , Drills , Defense Minister , Goodwill , Gesture , Safer , Result , Fishing Grounds , Fishing Ground , Imagination , Around , Latest , Donie O Sullivan , Rocket , Rockets , Military Exercise , Head , Safety , Backyard , Concern , Waters , Environment , Lip , Castletownbere , Stocks , Fish Stocks , Fishing , In Dublin , Warning , Carlton , Ships , Military , Russian Navy , Representatives , Fishermen Turned Diplomats , Yes , Firing Rockets , Saturday Night , Wouldn T , Appeals , Sea , News , Community , Fishing Boats , Tweet , South , Impact , Deal , Everybody , Catch , He Hasn T , Reporting , Playoff Games , Confession , God , Saturday Night Live , Break , Worries , Nutrients , Sugar , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Asthma , Surprise Parties , Yoga , Dupixent , Du More Beginners , You Guys , Aww , Du , Types , Asthma Attacks , Add On , 3 , Steroids , Breathing , Breath , Lung Function , Anaphylaxis , Shortness , Asthma Treatments , Numbness , Limbs , Tingling , Asthma Specialist , Don T Change , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240708

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rioters. >> we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly. >> i don't want to send any signal that it was okay to defile the capitol. >> how concerned should you be about the newly detected version of omicron? >> it appears to be more contagious. does it invade the immune system, most of the evidence so far is preliminary suggests it doesn't. also tonight, around 100 bags of fentanyl found in the bedroom of a 13-year-old boy who died from presumed fentanyl exposure at his school. >> the fentanyl found in the bedroom had a very high purity rate, 60% pure. you usually only see 1% to 2%. and the nfl football player who won't give up until abuse victims' stories are heard. i'm pamela brown in washington. you are live in the "cnn newsroom" on this sunday a. new measure of the escalating fears that russia could soon invade ukraine. a u.s. senate aide says all senators will get a classified briefing thursday from senior administration officials on the russia/ukraine crisis. and tomorrow the united nations security council will take up the matter. these are satellite images of some of the 100,000 russian troops along the border of the u.s. ally and two senior american defense officials tell cnn there are indications russia has moved blood supplies to the area as part of its military ramp-up. today ukraine's foreign minister delivered a blunt message. if russia wants to avoid war, it must pull back its forces and continue diplomatic talks. saying it's highly likely vladimir putin is planning an attack. >> we think it's highly likely he is looking to invade ukraine, why we're doing what we can to diplomacy to urge him to desist. >> so, sam, what are you hearing in the capital tonight? >> reporter: one of the really striking things is admit this high-level tit for tat exchange, if you like, between top diplomats, the russian foreign minister saying movement of troops offered by the united states, the united kingdom to reinforce nato positions in the east would be provocative and aggressive moves and that statement coming from the ukrainians. on the ground in kyiv, pamela, a sense of normality, really. people here frequently point out this country has already been invaded in 2014. there's a low level war going on in the east. while they agree an attack is likely, they are conducting their everyday lives in a very unmoved sort of state. there have been air raid shelters, training for the home guard but no sense of panic, pamela. >> and alongside the troops and conventional weaponry putin seemed to be waging a parallel track of hybrid warfare. tell us about that. >> reporter: the hybrid warfare is something that the british and the united states could play into the hands of putin by saying there's an imminent war which could cause economic -- has caused economic effects and ultimately political instability, which could play into russian hands. and, of course, they've been suffering cyber attacks, all part of the mixed bag of weapons the russians like to use. this is more from the british foreign secretary. >> we are seeing attempts to destabilize ukrainian democracy. we revealed intelligence to install a puppet regime in kyin, we've seen cyber attacks on other attempts to destabilize ukraine and this big buildup on the border. there is a real threat of invasion. >> reporter: now, pamela, the results of all of this is still being rejected by the ukrainians. they're saying they don't fear that an attack is imminent. they think it's possible but not probable. they're out of step really, i think, in messaging perhaps and just over the timing. there's no doubt at all that you've now got north of 100,000 troops on not just the ukrainian border but the border with belarus, barely two hours' drive from where i'm standing now, russian tanks. pamela? >> sam kiley, thank you for that. and joining me now is retired army brigadier general, the author of "swimming the volga." general, tell us, do you feel like this crisis is spiraling toward military conflict? >> good evening, pamela. thank you for having me on your show. this is deadly serious. it's hard to negotiate in good faith with the barrel of the gun basically faced at you. 100,000, 130,000 more forces in the hinter land, reserves, national guard, russian troops now in belarus and activity in the black sea and now we're trying to negotiate in good faith and we must because that's the only way we're going to work our way out of it and it's really dangerous. this is not now just about russia, ukraine, the west, nato, the u.s. this is a global issue. one data point i would say out there that is a wrinkle here, and i know you talked of it, in five days president vladimir putin is scheduled to be sitting in beijing for the opening of their olympics on the 4th of february. even with the good partnership they have with china, i think that jinping, a war opening in europe that would basically shut down his olympics. i think it's all there. it's extremely dangerous. it's high-level brinksmanship, it's over the top. the west has held. that surprised the russians. we are -- especially dangerous to accident, incident, or as you discussed at the top of the show, a provocation that gives the russians justification for an intervention instead of what's looking like naked aggression against ukraine. >> do you think that's what they're waiting for at this point because there have been 100,000 troops and then that has been building since early december. do you think that is exactly what russia is waiting for to give them the justification for going in? >> it's a great question, pamela, and is certainly a factor. if it served up an incident or ukraine or one of our nations falls into it, there's justification to go. however, there's a side of this, it doesn't look like it, again, moving, if you will, from chess to playing poker and high stakes, high gambling to get the west to back off. maybe put some fractures in nato and the west which is a surprise, it's held together. they have to challenge. they may have pushed themselves into a diplomatic cul-de-sac and what's most dangerous is do they back off? and the world would breathe a sigh of relief. they should be happy with that. or do they double down and go in and some blinkered way seeing it as a sign if they back off without getting major concessions. >> and it's interesting because certainly part of what russia wants to do here, a.m. though we cannot read vladimir putin's mind is that fracture between america and other nato countries and that is partly why the u.s. is con vengs this meeting tomorrow of the u.n. security council to get other nations on record about this to show that unity. i want to ask you about this, the leader of a russian diplomatic think tank seems to dismiss the russian threat. let's listen to that. >> president putin or certainly the russian government has at various points said it doesn't want to fight. it does not plan a military invasion of ukraine. so what are 150,000 russian troops doing on the border, and why have they been massed in that case? >> if your goal is to attract the attention of the west, to russian concerns about the security system in europe, and putin stated it quite bluntly the west doesn't want to listen to us so we need to do something to get the west's attention. >> what do you make of that claim, general? >> well, i mean, if they want to get the world's attention, not in particularly a positive way, they've accomplished that in great measure. however, they have really, really boxed themselves in an autocratic, authoritarian, almost 1930's type of brinksmanship that does not -- that doesn't bode well for them one way or the other. again, they have a chance now to back off. the world would breathe a sigh of relief. they can say they made their point, and there can be negotiations, but the west has stayed even with our warts steadfast. and maybe an unintended consequence, pamela, is what putin has done is that he has done opposite what his intent, or one of it, more focused nato in a way it hasn't been focused since the end of the cold war. >> interesting point there. general peter zwack, thank you so much. >> good evening. >> thank you. and let's continue this conversation with the general counsel for the national security agency, the nsa, and served in both the obama and trump administrations. so the british foreign minister warned that a russian invasion is highly likely in a hybrid warfare is already under way. glenn, what are you seeing along those lines? >> i think we can look at what russia has done in the past and what they will do in the future. they're focused on two things -- two tools in their playbook. one is cyber attacks, which we've seen against the ukraine already. some 70 ukrainian government websites were taken down. we know what they've done in the past going back to the 2014 forcible annexation of crimea using cyber as a weapon to help them achieve their goals by shutting down electric grids in 2015-2016, releasing the most damaging software bug the world has ever seen, the computer virus in 2017 aimed at ukraine. we know what they can do in the world of cyber in terms of cyber attacks and causing harm and then the other piece of this which we've already alluded to in your program, pamela, the disinformation piece. both are concerted and coordinated in reinforcing -- they each reinforce the other and it's part of an integrated campaign that vladimir putin can be engaged in. >> the u.s. dgovernment there could be cyber attacks if russia invades ukraine as retaliation for american sanctions. what do you think that could look like? >> we know that russia has and vladimir putin has the motive here because he wants to sow dissent between europe on one hand, which may not be fully in favor of very strict sanctions the way we are, and the united states and also wants to cause economic harm. we've seen that with russian ransomware. we know he has the capability. there's no question about that. and then finally, the experience. we can look at their playbook and we know what they're going to do. so far we have not seen any destructive attacks against u.s. infrastructure. what we have seen in other parts and pages from their playbook is the disinformation. we saw that in the 2016 elections here where russia mounted a disinformation campaign against our democracy. and we know that they're capable of far more including ransomware attacks and attacks that can stop our economy. we haven't seen actual physical damage. i hope we don't see that. they certainly have the capability of doing that as they've shown elsewhere. >> all right, thank you so much. and just in to cnn a member of the congressional delegation that just returned from ukraine has tested positive for covid-19. texas democrat collin allred was part of the bipartisan group that met with ukraine's president friday. this is a photo of the meeting. as you can see no one is wearing a mask. he says he is fully vaccinated, boosted, and experiencing mild symptoms. he is the only member to announce a positive test result. and up next, more than 1,000 students were sexually abused at the university of michigan over several decades. an ex-nfl player isn't giving up until they are given a voice. live in just a moment. also ahead, dr. scott gottlieb on how concerned we should be about the newly detected version of omicron. and forget football. peyton manning has a new obsession. you're in "the cnn newsroom." >> this show has everything. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas, or abdominal discomfort? 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>> because the history of the university of michigan, at least in the last half century, has been one of uncontrolled, u unpoliced cover-ups, and all of the institutions that are a part of the university's reporting systems are just black holes that victims go to for protection or for help that actually are just there to mitigate the responsibility and the liability of the office of the president and the board of regents. those programs -- i started my protest in front of the house october 8th on a friday evening at 7:00 p.m. and in that time i probably have heard 500 to 600 individual reports of abuse and rape on that campus from male and female students. and i never once heard a positive or a hopeful case that a student went to the university to report its trauma and the university actually had a successful protection in place for any of those students. so to say that the university has always taken sexual assault and sexual abuse serious is something that i have witnessed, one, firsthand, because there were coaches, trainers, administrators that had been proven to know over the course of this doctor's 36-plus years' tenure at the university of michigan who knew, who enabled, who empowered, and basically gave him unfettered access to athletes and other students. and once they made the decision from reports of his sexual misconduct as director of student health they made the decision not to fire this man but to fire him, rehire him and then a conspiracy was then set in motion to bury him in the athletic program with the majority of those athletes were african american young men. >> and i want to ask you on that point, dr. anderson may have abused thousands of students over his years at u of m, many who have never come forward, but i do have a quote from an attorney representing them. i think our society looks down on men who are sexually abused let alone big, strong athletic black men sexually abused compareded to what they perceive to be innocent white women. it asks men how can they allow themselves to be sexually abused? so what do you think about that assessment? do you think gender and race makes it easier -- made it easier for anderson to get away with so much abuse? >> absolutely. michigan, which was founded in 1817, has a history of discrimination and marginalization of ethnic groups but specifically african american groups, and i think when you look at the typical racial makeup of scholarship athletes, most of them come from middle to lower middle to lower income area where that scholarship is their way out. there's so much pressure not only in their communities but in your families and as african american men for far too long in this country we've been unable to really share our mental health, our trauma or anything that showed weakness because we were bred, when we were first brought to this country, to be strong producers, work men, and so pain was weakness, feelings were weakness, and when you put yourself in a position that you're risking your scholarship, you're willing to do whatever it takes not only for your scholarship but also for your team. and so you're constantly being made into a warrior, and warriors don't cry. warriors don't complain. and warriors don't think of themselves. they think of the entire organization or the team. and so for anyone at 18 when our brains aren't truly developed you're really just trying to fit in a mold, you're trying to find your way. and i think that just permeates itself throughout society where when you take the socialogical and trying to be a human being it's very difficult to break that mold that you -- the same trauma that affected the young gymnasts, let's say, in the nasser in u.s. gymnastics could be the same trauma that we feel. and people aren't willing to widely accept that the face of abuse and rape doesn't just look like young, privileged white gymnasts, and i think society as a whole is scared that if we as big, strong, athletic men can get raped, then anyone can get raped, and i think that's the biggest fear. >> thank you for sharing your powerful story, jon, and bringing light to this important issue. we really do appreciate it. thank you so much. we'll be right back. >> thank you. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable nationwide network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ it was shocking enough to learn a 13-year-old died this month after he was exposed to fentanyl at his connecticut school. and now there is this. police say they found about 100 bags of the highly addictive drug in the young teen's bedroom in hartford. another 40 bags were also removed from his school. the teen's mother is cooperating with police. they found no evidence she knew anything about her son's possession of the drugs. well, there is yet another version of the coronavirus called ba.2, a new version of omicron first identified in december and is already infecting people in 49 countries including the u.s. the former fda commissioner says it may be more contagious than other variants, but doesn't appear to be as dangerous. >> it appears to be more contagious data out of denmark suggests it's 1.5 times more contagious than the strain of omicron that has made it around the u.s. >> which is already so transmissible. >> does it invade the immunity we have or the vaccines? most of the evidence so far, and it's preliminary, suggests the data out of the uk suggests a fully boosted person may be more protected than they were against the original strain of omicron. and the final question is, is it more virulent, more dangerous? and so far based on what we've seen out of denmark and the uk, which are collecting good data, it doesn't appear to be a more virulent strain. >> cnn medical analyst joins me. hi, great to see you, doctor. do you agree with that assessment of the new variant? >> i do agree, pamela. i think this new variant is something we should be on the lookout for. we should be researching this and preparing for it as we will for the foreseeable future. covid is going to be with us. we are going to have new variants. the fact there may be new variants doesn't mean we have to stop everything we're doing now. the good thing is it looks like there is no immune escape meaning that all those individuals who are vaccinated and boosted are still well protected and also there have been many, many people in the u.s. and around the world who have been infected with omicron. those individuals are very unlikely to be reinfected with this new variant. i think that should give us a sigh of relief even as we are still being vigilant in making sure we're preparing for the worst. >> in your new opinion piece you say studies find a booster dose is essential but less than half of americans eligible have done so and you put the blame on mixed messaging from the federal government. how so? what has gone wrong? >> well, the mixed messaging even continues today. previously the fda and cdc, the advisers and the health officials themselves, were unclear about who should be getting the vaccine. first it was a small group and then a larger group and the messaging sounded as if they were saying boosters are nice to have, to top off your immunity as opposed to something essential. new data have come out saying if you are vaccinated and boosted it protects you from hospitalization, severe disease, quite substantially. over 57% if you are vaccinated and boosted versus just the two doses, and reduces symptomatic infection and transmitting to others. i think it's beyond time for us to be changing the definition of fully vaccinated to mean three doses of pfizer or moderna or two of johnson & johnson. >> i have a personal question. i try to think of questions other people would want to nope the answer to. and so whenever i go into a restaurant, right, we wear masks, my family, me and my family wear masks, we walk down and sit at the table. we take our masks off and eat and drink and then walk out with our masks on. is there any point to that of wearing a mask walking in and out of a restaurant where everyone is eating and drinking with their masks off? >> i do think there's a point, and i get asked this question a lot. >> oh, really? okay, good. >> it depends on the layout of the restaurant. so let's say you're going to a table that's actually pretty far away from others or you're in a booth that's six feet away or even three feet away from others. the people you are most likely to be infecting if you are asymptomatic and don't know you have covid, are the people at your table. they are the ones sitting close to you. you are unlikely to be infecting a table 20 feet away t. could happen but pretty rare. if you're walking through the restaurant, talking to the hostess, if you are hanging out by the bar before you are seated and you are surrounded by a lot of maskless people, that's the situation you could infect others. a mask protects the wearer. so even if other people around you are not wearing masks, even if you're wearing a mask and other people are eating maskless, you are still protected from them. there is a point. we wear masks going to the table and take off the masks to eat. >> okay. good to know, dr. leana wen, always can count on you to give the best practical advice. >> appreciate it, pamela. to be a successful fisher in ireland it doesn't hurt to have international diplomacy skills. >> if you had a message for vladimir putin, what would it be? >> maybe go to deeper water where it won't affect the fish stock as much. >> coming up, hear from the fishermen able to get russia to move their naval war games. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? 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fishermen worried about rockets fired as part of a russian military exercise off the irish coast this week. >> we don't want anyone in our waters. it's our backyard, where we make our living. >> reporter: concern here in castletownbere that russian naval drills could pose a threat not only to the safety of fishermen but potential lip to the environment and fish stocks. >> we're worried about the fish stocks and marine life. it's bound to interfere and frighten them. it would frighten me. >> reporter: fishermen like carlton had planned to go fishing off the irish coast like he always does despite warning from the russian embassy in dublin that doing so could be dangerous. we look out for our ships and things like this, keep a look out for the russian navy. hopefully we don't see them. >> reporter: at one pub locals worried about the russian military. >> fishermen in general are very anxious about the whole thing. >> people are worried, yes. it is affecting our fishing, it's affecting our safety of people. >> reporter: fishermen turned diplomats, representatives met with the russian ambassador last week to express their concerns about russia firing rockets where they normally fish. when you went in to speak to the russian ambassador, what did you say to him? >> first of all -- >> reporter: if you had a message for vladimir putin, what would it be? >> maybe go out to deeper water where it wouldn't affect the fish stock as much. >> reporter: saturday night that's just what happened. the russians saying after appeals from the irish government and the fishermen themselves russia would move its ships further out to sea away from the irish fishing boats. the news reaching this community by tweet. how do you feel? >> shocked really like. i didn't think little old us in the irish south and west would have an impact on international diplomacy. >> cheers. >> reporter: the news a relief for the whole community here. you must have felt a great deal of relief, happiness. >> everybody did. our stocks, our livelihoods. >> reporter: hopeful to have a good catch this week? and not catching any russian ships? >> definitely not, or any ships. >> that was our donie o'sullivan reporting there. peyton manning makes a confession on "saturday night live." he hasn't watched any playoff games this year. so what is he watching besides this show? >> oh, my god, collin, this show has everything. >> the answer is next here in the "cnn newsroom." ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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Doctor , Treatment , Team Doctor , Guise , Prostate Exams , Prostate Exam , Players , Age , 49 , 20 , Reach Anderson , Children , Sexual Misconduct , Accusations , Relatives , Campus , Office , Sexual Assault Prevention , Resources , Support , Center , Efforts , Education , Awareness , History , U Unpoliced , Prevention , Uncontrolled , University , Institutions , Systems , Help , Protection , Liability , Board Of Regents , Protest , House , Programs , Evening , Front , October 8th , 8 , 7 , Reports , Rape , 600 , 500 , Trauma , Student , Positive , Any , Sexual Assault , Place , Sexual Abuse Serious , Trainers , Tenure , 36 , Athletes , Who Empowered , Decision , Access , Student Health , Conspiracy , Motion , Director , Men , Athletic Program , Thousands , African American , Majority , Society , Quote , Attorney , Women , Assessment , Gender , Race , Compareded , 1817 , Groups , Discrimination , Marginalization , Scholarship , Income Area , Middle , Makeup , Mental Health , Pressure , Families , Communities , Anything , Weakness , Work Men , Producers , Pain , Position , Feelings , Team , Warrior , Warriors Don T Cry , Anyone , Warriors , Organization , Brains , Mold , Socialogical , Human Being , Gymnastics , Gymnasts , Say , Nasser , Let , Privileged White Gymnasts , Young , Fear , Big , Strong , Light , Life Changing , Info , Blood Clots , Ton , Diabetes , Carbsteady , Glucerna , Blood Sugar , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Service , Business Owner , Data Plans , Network , Line Activation Fees , Term , Gig , Contracts , Internet , Comcast Business , Connecticut , Teen , Police , Drug , Hartford , Drugs , Possession , Son , The Coronavirus Called Ba 2 , Variants , Commissioner , Former , Fda , Strain , Immunity , Times , Denmark , 1 5 , Person , Vaccines , Preliminary , Medical Analyst , Variant , Lookout , Pamela , Hi , Thing , Fact , Meaning , Individuals , Studies , Booster Dose , Opinion Piece , Worst , Half , Blame , Cdc , Health Officials , Vaccine , Advisers , Boosters , Disease , Essential , Hospitalization , 57 , Infection , Doses , Others , Transmitting , Definition , Answer , Restaurant , Questions , Moderna , Johnson , Pfizer , Three , Masks , Family , Table , Mask Walking , Wear Masks , Drink , Sit , Lot , Drinking , Layout , Feet , Booth , Six , Close To You , Hostess , Ones , Bar , Wearer , Eating Maskless , Leana Wen , Fisher , Diplomacy Skills , Advice , Ireland , Fishermen , Water , War Games , Fish Stock , Coming Up , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Itching , Burning , Joints , Stinging , Painful , Tremfya , Kind , Adults , Medication , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , 16 , Infections , Risk , Reactions , Ability , Patients , Dentistry , Insurance , Dentistry Work , Corner , Treatment Plan , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Aspen Dental , Changes , Talk , Bill , Broker , Our Schwab Financial Consultant , Walk In , Carl , Nina , Mary , Calls , Hm , Car , Woman , Windshield , Someone , Safelite , Wheels , Schwab , Decompression Zone , Four , Experts , Safety Systems , Technology , Glass , Camera , Kisqali , Singers , Thriver , Safelite Repair , Fulvestrant , Aromatase Inhibitor , Pill , Hr , Liver Problems , Breathing Problems , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Death , Blood Cell , Eyes , Chest Pain , Rash , Breastfeeding , Change , Appetite , Yellowing , Chills , Bleeding , Fever , Loss , Dizziness , Urine , Tiredness , Bruising , Banking , Phones , Grapefruit , Doing , Wonder , Bouquet , Girlfriend , Bank Of America , Yoga Studio , Thinking , Photographer , Track , Ring Fund , Zen , Father Of The Bride , Power , Combo , Sandpaper , Stop Banking , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Preservatives , Biotrue , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Coast , Livelihoods , Exercises , David And Goliath , Ambassador , Drills , Defense Minister , Goodwill , Gesture , Safer , Result , Fishing Grounds , Fishing Ground , Imagination , Around , Latest , Donie O Sullivan , Rocket , Rockets , Military Exercise , Head , Safety , Backyard , Concern , Waters , Environment , Lip , Castletownbere , Stocks , Fish Stocks , Fishing , In Dublin , Warning , Carlton , Ships , Military , Russian Navy , Representatives , Fishermen Turned Diplomats , Yes , Firing Rockets , Saturday Night , Wouldn T , Appeals , Sea , News , Community , Fishing Boats , Tweet , South , Impact , Deal , Everybody , Catch , He Hasn T , Reporting , Playoff Games , Confession , God , Saturday Night Live , Break , Worries , Nutrients , Sugar , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Asthma , Surprise Parties , Yoga , Dupixent , Du More Beginners , You Guys , Aww , Du , Types , Asthma Attacks , Add On , 3 , Steroids , Breathing , Breath , Lung Function , Anaphylaxis , Shortness , Asthma Treatments , Numbness , Limbs , Tingling , Asthma Specialist , Don T Change , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Vacation , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , Slash Classroom , App , Vrbo , Take A Look , Tongue , Cheek , Favorite Show , Games , Teams , End Zone , Job , Lots , Touchdowns , Season , Game , Episode , Golly , Fun , Emily In Paris , Romance , Tapestry , Feminism , Food Porn , Endorsement , Culture , Wow , Mob , Up Next , Grandma , County Of Macomb , Lorraine Banks , Yep , Unbelievable , Journey , Ohhh Cool , Discount , Policies , Farmers , Discounts , Auto Insurance , Coverage , Wife , Jet Skis , Burke , Boat , Hon , Honey , Forty Five , Bum , Sup , Dad , Garage , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Pa Dum , Seventeen , Carvana , Moms , Customer , Respect , Care , Feel , Birthday , Move , Student Loan Debt , Money , Rates , Fees , 000 , Allies ,

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