Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

back in 2019. also today, new photos just in to cnn showing baldwin meeting with helena hutchins husband and son in new mexico. in a statement the actor said his heart was broken for them and he's fully cooperating as police investigate. helena hutchins died there from the gunshot wound there on the set. cnn correspondent lucy kafanov is in santa fe, new mexico. lucy, what more are you learning about the safety issues and accusations? >> reporter: that's right, fred. we remember from the affidavit, the police affidavit, that david halls was listed as the assistant director who picked up one of the three prop weapons left outside of the structure where the team was filming that fateful thursday by the head arm oher. he picked up the gun. he walked it into the building. he handed it to alec baldwin shouting cold gun which should have meant that the we op or the prop weapon had no live rounds. now, we are learning as you point out more details. sources tell cnn that david halls was a subject of several complaints over safety as well as his behavior on two productions back in 2019. they included disregard for safety protocols and pyrotechnics, fire lanes and exits were reportedly illegally blocked, consistently blocked, sources say. there was also, according to some sources, instances of inappropriate sexual behavior. one pyrotechnician who worked with halls on hulu's "into the dark" series said he failed to hold safety meetings and failed to announce the presence of a firearm to crew, standard protocol or should be at least on most movie and television set. this source tells cnn and i quote the only reason the crew was made aware of the weapon's presence was the assistant propmaster demanded dave acknowledge and announce the situation each day. this is what the one source told cnn and another one, another crew member told cnn when halls did hold the safety meeting he was short and he was dismissive. this person also told cnn he would tell crew that guns used would be the same as the production always uses and would question why they had to have the safety meetings. now cnn did reach out to halls for comment. no response as of yet, fred >> and lucy, mourners of this, you know, shooting held a vigil for helena hutchins last night. you were there. what were people saying? >> yeah. this was in downtown, albuquerque. it was, you know, a very sad event. most of the folks who had gathered at this vigil were part of the film and television industry that was organized by a union that represents film and television employees so a lot of folks knew people on the set. this was a very close-knit community so the death of one member really affects them all. we spoke to one woman. she's a production coordinator. she wasn't on this particular set, but she said that she, quote, knew everyone in the room and she was devastated by this loss. she also hopes that new safety measures will be taken more seriously. take a listen. >> i just hope all this talking does something. i hope that my talking with you gets amplified and we -- we get the changes that we need for a safe investment i'm sure you know we're about to strike this past monday for safer conditions, and if the world didn't believe us about what's going on, maybe they believe us now. >> people should be able to go home after performing their job. >> yeah. >> a child should have a mother. >> a child should have their mother. that, of course, was a reference to the surviving son of helena hutchins, a young boy who is now left without his mom. i should say that we spoke to several other people at that vigil, fred, and one woman was actually hired as hair drers on the production of the film. she said that she backed out over the last month over contract negotiations but also concerns about safety. one of the biggest things for her, she said, was the fact that the crew production people were going to be housed in albuquerque 50 miles away from santa fe where this film was actually being shot, and that adds to long days and potentially safety concerns, so a lot of worry here, a lot of hope here that things will change for the industry, but also grief over the loss of a shining star in the industry. helena hutchins. >> but it also underscores, lucy, still so many unanswered questions. we still don't know, you know, all the details about all the roles played, all the protocols that may have been met or what things may have been dismissed. the investigation is still in its early stages. lucy kafanov, thank you so much for that. so let's talk more about some of what we do know. joining us right now steve wolf, a stunt coordinator and theatrical firearms safety expert. so good to see you, and, of course, there are things i want to ask you that relate to things that we don't know, but you can help us on a movie set, some of the protocols that would be met, some of the things that could be, you know, replaced i guess with, you know, with other concerns. every movie production is different. so give us an idea. when it comes down to the handling of a prop such as a gun, now we're learning that the assistant director may have been the one to hand alec baldwin the -- the prop is this unusual? is it usually the arm oher which was initially reported or does everyone have, you know, shared roles on a movie set. >> there is some overlap, but ultimately it -- it comes down to the prop master or the weapons master to ensure firearms safety. they are the ones who are responsible for getting the guns, getting the ammunition, loading them properly, unloading them properly. storing them safely. so, you know, if the buck has to stop somewhere, it's got to be with the prop master or the weapons master on the job, the a.d. often functions as a backup layer of safety so the prop master will say, look, here's the gun. you can see there's nothing in it. you can see that this is a blank. can you tell that because if it were live ammo it would look like this. that's a bullet on there. there's no bullet here. we're going to go ahead and put this in here, we're going to close it and now it's hot. the weapons master can demonstrate that, the a.d., assistant director can see that one more time. i want to make sure everything is clear. okay. got it. we're good. okay. everybody, picture is up. >> and is that going to happen in front of the actor? does all of that happen that you just demonstrated just seconds, minutes before handing the prop over to the actor? >> that's supposed to happen right before, and then, you know, if -- if the actor were told that the scene was for them to take this gun, put it against their head and press the trigger, i'm pretty sure the actor themselves would also say, wait, let me see this also, you know, i want to know that there's nothing in there, that nobody is going to get hurt. when you have a gun in your hand, you're responsible for what happens with that gun, so there's also an onus on the act ork the gun handlers, to make sure that the gun is safe. there are three ways that they messed this up here. first, they took a gun that was capable of having live ammo introduced into it, live round, gun, okay. on a prop gun this wouldn't happen. if i switched this out for the prop gun and try to put this in here, it doesn't fit in there, so if you have an actual prop gun, not just a gun that's being used as a prop, you wouldn't be able to introduce live ammo into it. >> let me stop you there. what is a prop gun? we're hearing that terminology interchangeable, a gun that's a real gun but won't be used with real bullets. that's on set. that's a plop gun. you're making a distinction that a prop gun would not be able to accommodate even that blank. so help us understand what a prop gun is. >> that's correct. it wouldn't be able to accommodate a live round, so you can see the length of this. >> yeah. >> versus the length -- i'll put these side by side so you can see them. the length of them is different, right? >> okay. when there's a bullet on the end of it it's longer, so on a period piece from the 1800s bullets are going to be loaded into a revolver, and as you can see right through the revolver here, and i can see you, i don't know if you can see me. >> i can. >> but we can see through here, and the cylinder on a real gun, the cylinder, called the individual chambers. the cylinder is able to accept the full length of the casing and the bullet. when you modified a real gun to turn it into a prop gun you weld a small washer inside here that if you tried to put a bullet in stops the bullet so the bullet can't go in all the way. if the put can't go in all the way the gun can't be closed and the gun can't be closed and fired. >> is it possible -- >> i misunderstood on the bullet versus the blank. it will accommodate a blank but is it possible that a projectile could come from a blank, so say -- >> yes, it is. >> say it's not a gun that accidentally had a live round in it but instead had a blank, still a projectile, could come out and harm someone? >> absolutely. so this is a blank. there's no bullet on the end of it, right? it's just, you know, a casing with a primer on the back. if you put that in here and close it, when you discharge that, lots of hot gas under tremendous amounts of pressure will come out of here. if there's anything in the barrel, it will be propelled out. if there's anything in the cylinder in front of the blank, it will also be discharged. what happened in the brandon lee case in 1993. there was a bullet lodged in here that they didn't know about. when they stuck the blank behind it, the blank fired the bullet out of the gun, so -- so that's correct you know, area two, right. don't put -- don't have live ammo on set. >> and what's rule number three. >> don't point guns at people unless you want to see a hole in them. pretty straightforward. there's so many ways to cheat camera angles that you never have to point a gun at someone and it's never going to be in the story line that you point the gun at the director of photography. no excuse for that and i can't believe that today, here we are in 2021, that there's anyone who has not heard that said don't point guns at people unless you want to shoot them. you know, i'm just the actor, i don't know, you know. i mean, when you get to this car, you can see the fuel gauge you know whether there's gas in there or not. it's simple to see either air or ammo. >> it is unusual say you're shooting a move and the actor is pointing the gun at the camera which i understand that's where the cinematographer sometimes could be, right alongside the camera, because that is a shot that is necessary for the movie-make, and in this case it was point -- and we don't know if it was. this is just another hypothetical because there's still so much that we don't know about the circumstances of the shooting. >> that's right. >> but we see it time and time again, a gun may be point right at the camera and right alongside a camera is a cinematographer, a director and any number of cast members so that's possibly pointing at a person, right? >> so, one thing you do is you put a 45-degree mirror, the camera points here, the mirror is here. from the camera's point of view it looks like they are looking down the muzzle, but the gun is pointed a full 90 degrees off camera. the second thing you can do if you don't have a mirror to shoot that with is that you set up your camera, you do what's called a lockoff shot which means the camera is initiated. everyone walks away and then the gun is brought up. the shot is discharged at camera. the gun is then secured and then the crew walks back in and turns the camera off. >> i see, so there's lots of ways to accomplish that direct-on shot if that's what you're going for. >> we don't know if that's what was happening. >> steve, before i let you go. >> yeah. >> would there be any circumstance, is it common for a movie set to require to have live rounds? >> unless you're actually filming a science show where you're showing what bullets do when they come out of guns or the bullet -- a bullet impact on something, there is no reason to have live ammo on a set. >> all right. steve wolf, this is invaluable information. you taught us so much. thank you so much. great to see you. >> fredericka, thanks so much for having me today. >> thank you. still to come, ready for rollout. dr. anthony fauci updates the timeline on when young children will be able to get their covid vaccines. plus, emotional testimony from kobe bryant's widow. what vanessa bryant revealed about how she found out her husband and daughter had died. i. i mean, i'm a food critic. i literally eat for a living. this can be a game changer. do you know what the future holds? 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set yourself free with fleet. gentle constipation relief in minutes. little fleet. big relief. try it. feel it. feel that fleet feeling. all right. welcome back. tens of millions of young children around the country could have access to covid vaccines as soon as next week. this morning dr. anthony fauci laid out the expected timeline. >> so if all goes well and we get the regulatory approval and the recommendations for the cdc it's entirely possible if not very likely that vaccines will be available for children from 5 to 11 within the first week or two of november. >> all right. nadia romero with me now with more of this. i mean, that's pretty quick if that's indeed the case. but it still has to go through the approval this week. >> that's right, and first things first. on tuesday. that's when the fda vaccine advisers will hear the pitch from pfizer. i mean, it wasn't long ago that we were talking about parents so concerned about putting their kids back in school. it showed a 240% increase in covid cases in kids from july through september, and that was blamed on in-person learning. now we're talking about potentially having access to a vaccine 5 through 11 if everything goes through. just how soon could kids ages 5 to 11 get a covid-19 vaccine? on the current timeline, it could be as soon as november, but, first, the fda and cdc must soon off. tuesday an fda advisory committee is scheduled to meet to discuss whether to recommend authorization for the pfizer vaccine for kids 5 to 11. >> it's going to protect then. also it will add population immunity to our broader population and will help bring infection numbers down. it is going to be one more important step towards getting to the end of this pandemic. >> kids make up about a quarter of all covid cases in the u.s. nationwide data shows covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths all declining. health experts point to the vaccine. >> if we add children to that mix, we can get our numbers way higher up and hopefully prevent any any more variants from coming. >> pfizer officials will not only have to convince fda advisers for emergency use authorization. ultimately it's up to parents of kids ages 5 to 11 to allow them to get the vaccine. a recent keiser family foundation found a third of parents this that age range said they would take a wait-and-see approach and another third of parents say they would let their parents get the vaccine right away. >> talk to your pediatrician if you have questions, but we know that 6 billion kids have had covid. over a million in the last six weeks. they can get it. they can spread it. >> so you heard about that timeline, right, as soon as next week. we also heard from a former fda and pfizer board member this morning who did an interview who said as soon as those fda vaccine advisers, if they recommend emergency use authorization, the company will start shipping out doses right away, even before the cdc has their vote, just in case, so, fred, they could get things out quickly because they want to get the shipments on the way in case they get that approval from the cdc. it's already out there and available at your pediatrician's office. >> is there anything parents need to know or look out particularly after this fda meeting? >> there was so much talk about myocarditis, inflammation of the heart happening in children connected to the vaccine and so many parents were concerned about it so the last study that pfizer did, 2,500 participants ages 5 through 11, they found not a single case of inflammation of the heart, not a single case, so that was something that parents were worried about. didn't see it. remember, pfizer also decreased their dose by a third and they are using smaller needles so they have worked things out to figure out how to better treat our children. >> if parents have any more questions, ask their pediatrician because that's the person they are closest or probably most trust as it pertains to the medical welfare of your kid. >> absolutely. >> nadia romero, good to see you. >> thanks so much. all right. coming up, down to the wire. democrats pull out all the stops in a neck and neck gubernatorial race in virginia. we'll take you there live. 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do you believe that her plan will come to fruition this week? >> i know folks that working very hard to reach a consensus, but, again, i'm troubled that the one issue that i have been concentrating on which is bringing relief for immigrants who were there, what we needed them during the pandemic, delivering our food to our doorsteps and making sure they work the farms to bring the food to the table as well as take care of our elderly and frail, that they may not be included in this deal and that they will be left behind. i think it will be a great travesty if that occurs. that the folks that really came through for us in the pandemic are left behind while we try to bed back better. those are some of the disappointments that you anticipate, and as a progressive are you disappointed that president biden is willing to give up tuition-free community college and cut paid leave from 12 down to four weeks time? >> i am disappointed about that as well, of course, you know. free community college is an important piece for my 14th district that includes harlem and north manhattan and the northwest bronx as well as paid leave, but i tell you nothing could be more egregious that we're really afraid in our homes during the bad months of the pandemic and those folks came knocking on the doors to deliver the food for us, and now we can't included them in the build better deal. i think that's really egregious, and i hope that they are included and there's pathways to do that. you know. i know that the parliamentarian has not been cooperative, but there's an additional proposal on the table right now, and at the very end the parliamentarian is an adviser to the senate, not an elected adviser to the senate, someone that could be reversed at any time. >> so some of those things near and dear to your heart like immigration reform are not included in the package like you would like it to be, would you still consider ittin a achievement if it is voted on, if it is embraced as the best package deal possible for moving forward? >> look, i like a lot of the things in the package. you know, i worked very hard to include a lot of the provisions in that deal. i would like to see immigration and public housing is an important one for me as well so a dramatic deep cut to public housing would be a big deal for me immigrants that have waited 35 long years, fredericka and now is an opportune moment, best moment to bring them in. we ear going to leave them out in the cold once again. that i don't know if i can live with. >> today president biden is meeting with moderate senator joe manchin in delaware. manchin has been vocal about his opposition of much of the climate actions in this bill and he's also expressing concerns about expanding medicare to include dental and vision. are you comfortable with one senator possibly nixing some of the most popular aspects of the bill or at least wielding so many power? >> i'll tell you. it's much more than just that. i think it's disempowering our president as he gets ready to go to glasgow and make a good argument for the rest of the planet to -- to come online with these green deal agreements that we want to put in place. i think it's important that we lead by example, and so if we go to europe and say that the rest of the world has to be aligned with our principles and our guidance with regards to the environment and we're not agreeing to them ourselves, that's a real bad message to set out there so it's much more than one person wielding power than the construct of government or of congress here. it has global implications as well. >> congressman, thanks so much for joining us this sunday. >> thanks, fredericka. >> appreciate it. always good to see you. the high-stakes virginia governor's race is now in the home stretch. voters will head to the polls in just nine days to cast votes in this closely watched race between terry mcauliffe and glen youngkin. for more on that lets bring in dan mericka. yesterday some pretty big rallies and both sides brought out a pretty good crowd. >> yeah, a big event here today in charlottesville where behind me the dave matthews band performed and stacey abrams spoke on mcauliffe's behalf. it's interesting the difference between the final messages and the similarities. a lot of voters said i don't want virginia to become california and that's what they expect will happen if terry mcauliffe is elected and serves a second term as governor and here at a dave matthews band concert surrounded by mcauliffe voters that you heard folks worry that the commonwealth of virginia will become more like texas, more like georgia, more like states that have had years of republican control and abrams spoke direct throw that from georgia obviously. take a listen to what she said about the future of the commonwealth if youngkin wins. >> if you want to figure out what could happen to you in nine days if you don't get out and vote, pick up a newspaper that talks about georgia. if you want to know what happens in nine days if we don't get out and vote, look at what's happening in texas. if you want to know what happens to virginia, if we don't vote, if you don't turn out on november the 2nd, then remember what you felt like in november of 2016. >> reporter: you know, this is a race obviously to lead the commonwealth of virginia, but there are national implications as well. for democrats it could be validation for the biden administration and the biden agenda and for republicans a chance to prove they are viable in a state that they haven't done well over the last decade and to get up off the mat after a 2020 loss. that's why you see so much focus on this race, and that's why as the polls close on november 2nd and the polls are so close, a monmouth university poll showing youngkin and mcauliffe basically neck and neck. that's why this is such a critical ration, and it's bigger frankly than just the commonwealth of virginia. it's a national race at this point that's garnering national attention across the country. >> dan, thanks so much. we'll check back with you. all right. still ahead, heartbreaking testimony from kobe bryant's widow about how she learned of his death from social media and details of her desperate calls to try and reach him after the crash. what can i du with less asthma? 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>> yes, they are miserable, fred, and they are going to get worse and you alluded to what the concern are, and this is whered the caldor fire came roaring through here with fire. i'm here between sacramento and south lake it a home. you can see thence pro. the hills have been stripped of their vegetation in many places. you see the dead freeze, and when rain at a sustained level hits these hillsides for long periods of time, it can cause a slushy, arby mess. below me the south fork of the american river. they are also paying very careful attention to the river levels. fortunately this is an odd omen, nothing that happened. we had so little rain up here that the soil is a little dry. that could mitigate some of the flood issues because of that. then you see the cars leaving the south lake tahoe area. head london knights coming to us, but very few cars are going away from us. now they have issued a flood burning here, the weather service saying this is a dangerous and life-threatening situation. do not attempt to travel unless you're fleeing an area that's subject to flooding. so far so good, the big concern later on this afternoon, when they say some of the mountain communities in california could get up to 13 inches of rain and the winds could kick up to 13 miles per hour. i'm paul vercammen. back to you, fred, what might all of this mean for california's water supply, if anything? >> as we look down here, what california needs are winters that are wet and rainy and snowy and they will get know in the mountains east here and as one expert put it northern california is california's water fountain. it's critical to drinking water and other water and what they crossed their fingers for is sustained rain, gentle rain that will happen, but what they say with this bomb so klein, that northern california could get 10% to 15% of its rainfall in this storm season alone. they are not sure what's coming down the road. not sure if there's going to be a sires of storms. it is going to be a big one. will help with that drought situation but, again, fingers crossed that it doesn't cause massive mud slides. >> back to you now, fred. >> fingers crossed indeed. paul vercammen, thanks so much. turning now to spain where lava continues to pour from the cumbra viau volcano. the eruption started last month on la palm island with multiple laugho floes force more than 6,000 people to evacuate and devastating nearly 2,000 acres of land. spain's prime minister says the volcano shows no signs of slowing down. we're back in a moment. ♪ (music quieter) ♪ (phone clicks) ♪ ♪ >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. ey drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and wi their insurance, itas no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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"can the this weekley is a investigates the current debate about decriminalizing sex work and uncovers a surprising experiment during the civil war to legalize the world's oldest profession. >> we remember the civil war for tales of bloodshed and struggle, but a little known fact is that it also ushered in the largest boom in prostitution our nation has ever known. drawn to the growing number of soldiers, thousands of sex workers flooded red light districts across america. >> so there are multitudes of reasons why women are becoming sex workers during this time period. there are women who are losing their husbands to war and now how are they going to support themselves and their children? some out of pure necessity. >> joining us now is the host of "this is life" with lisa ling. there she is. today, lisa, prostitution is legal in several counties in nevada, and as we just saw in the clip, it was also legal in nashville, tennessee during the civil war, and we just heard your guest talking about it really came out of a necessity. so talk to us about these pros and cons uncovered in the efforts to legalize sex work from the 1800s experiment. >> well, fred, you're right. and when you think back, when you look back at history, it's really fascinating because as you heard in the clip, prostitution before the civil war was never explicitly illegal until after the civil war. before then it was more of a public nuisance and it was policed using laws regarding vagrancy or public intoxication, but at the outbreak of the civil war women and prostitution swelled to numbers never seen before, but what happened as a result is venereal disease bake prevalent. two of five men taken to the hospital were sick with venereal diseases and it became a huge problem such that the army acted the first legal framework for prostitution in the u.s., and you ask did it work? well, it required women to register and receive a license to submit to health screenings and even quarantine if they were found to have any diseases, and it was considered a success. it reduced all of those numbers. the numbers of venereal diseases and soldiers didn't have to spend so much time in quarantine because of all these regulations. however, when the war ended and the union army left, the system was basically abandoned and eventually by 1910 and the man act prostitution was declared illegal throughout the united states. >> and the debate continues, you know. the current debate now has taken a few turns here and there, but what is the argument for making sex work legal today? >> so it is an extremely vociferous debate, and right now there are many arguing for decriminalization which includes a number of members of congress. but even this idea of decriminalization has two distinctive camps. there's full crim and those in favor of partial -- full decrim and those in favor of partial decrim which is known as the nordic model and full decrim would remove laws against the selling and buying or managing or pimping of sex work and the only country that refers to now is new zealand. partial dekrimization, so sorry, only removes laws against the selling of sex, so the buying and pimping would continue to remain illegal. >> complicated. >> that's why we'll be tuning into your hour long show to break it all down. lisa ling, thank you so much. good to see you. >> thanks, fred. >> be sure to tune into an all new episode of "this is life" with lisa ling airing tonight at 10:00 p.m. only on cnn. ♪ darling, i, i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪girl, i don't know, i don't know,♪ ♪i don't know why i can't get♪ applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. with clean, fresh ingredients, panera's new chicken sausage and pepperoni flatbread is a mouthwatering explosion of yes. craft? 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what are the things that get you excited in life? i watched dramas to help me express my emotions. i also enjoy taking walks. being active really helps me. pets can also be a source of comfort that you need. number one thing of course, and it's not just because i'm a therapist is to seek professional help. there's no one right answer except doing what's best for you and prioritizing that. >> hello, everyone. thanks so much for joining me this sunday. i'm fredericka whitfield. all right. new questions are emerging in that deadly shooting on the set of alec baldwin's film "rust" that kills cinematographer helena hutchins. cnn has now learned about past allegations involving the movie's assistant director david halls, two people who worked closely with him tell cnn that he was accused of several safety complaints on two productions back in 2019. this as we're seeing new photos of baldwin meeting with hutchins' husband and son in new mexico. in a statement the actor says his heart is broken for them and is fully cooperating as police investigate. cnn correspondent lucy kafanov is in santa fe for us. lucy, where does the investigation stand? >> reporter: well, the investigation we know that authorities have combed through every inch of that movie set property. we actually talked off the record to one

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Everyone , Set , Shooting , Details , Thanks , Fredericka Whitfield , Hello , Alec Baldwin , People , Movie , Film , Assistant Director , Productions , Cnn , Safety Complaints , Warning , Allegations , David Halls , Rust , Two , Actor , Heart , Vigil For Helena Hutchins , Son , Meeting , Statement , Photos , New Mexico , 2019 , Safety , Lucy Kafanov , Police , Issues , Gunshot Wound , Santa Fe , One , Fred , Reporter , That S Right , Prop Weapons , Affidavit , Police Affidavit , Accusations , Three , A Plop Gun , Cold Gun , Rounds , Structure , Prop Weapon , Building , Team , Arm Oher , We Op , Behavior , Learning , Sources , Subject , Complaints , Safety Protocols , Instances , Pyrotechnics , Exits , Disregard , Consistently , Fire Lanes , Crew , Safety Meetings , Pyrotechnician , Presence , Halls , Firearm , Series , Into The Dark , Hulu , Reason , Source , Assistant Propmaster , Television Set , Protocol , Weapon , Dave Matthews Band , Situation , Person , Crew Member , Safety Meeting , Guns , Production , Response , Comment , Same , Now Cnn , Mourners , Event , Downtown , Last Night , Albuquerque , Lot , Folks , Union , Part , Television Industry , Vigil , Community , Death , Most , Member , Television Employees , Woman , Loss , She , Safety Measures , Production Coordinator , Quote , Room , Something , Talking , Changes , Investment , Listen , Job , Child , Mother , Conditions , Home , The World Didn T , What S Going On , Course , Reference , Mom , Things , Fact , Concerns , Hair Drers , Contract Negotiations , Shot , Industry , Safety Concerns , Hope , Worry , 50 , It , Questions , Protocols , Roles , Don T Know , Grief , A Shining Star , U S , Some , Investigation , Stages , Steve Wolf , Movie Set , Stunt Coordinator , Theatrical Firearms Safety Expert , Idea , Gun You Weld A Small Washer , Handling , Arm Oher Which , Weapons , Overlap , Firearms Safety , Prop Master , Ones , Somewhere , Buck , Ammunition , Nothing , Blank , Ammo , Backup Layer , A D , Bullet , Wall , Everything , Front , Everybody , Picture , Head , Scene , Trigger , Nobody , Hand , Also , Onus , Act Ork The Gun Handlers , Wait , Prop Gun , Ways , Round , First , Safe , Wouldn T , Doesn T , Out , Fit , Bullets , Real Gun But Won T , Distinction , Terminology Interchangeable , Length , It Wouldn T , Side By , End , Revolver , Period Piece , 1800 , Cylinder , Casing , Individual Chambers , Way , Put , Say , Projectile , Back , Someone , Primer , Anything , Gas , Amounts , Lots , Pressure , Barrel , Case , Brandon Lee , 1993 , Number , Don T Point Guns , Area Two , Don T Have Live Ammo On Set , Hole , Rule , Don T Put , Camera , Director , Anyone , Excuse , Story Line , Photography , 2021 , I Don T Know , Fuel , Car , Cinematographer , Gun , There , Air , Move , Point , Circumstances , Thing , Cast Members , Mirror , Muzzle , Camera Points , Point Of View , 90 , 45 , Lockoff , Camera Off , Show , Circumstance , Bullet Impact , Science , Information , Children , 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Pfizer , Fda , Vaccine Advisers , Pitch , Wasn T Long Ago , On Tuesday , Kids , Cases , School , Increase , 240 , Vaccine , Access , 19 , Fda Advisory Committee , Authorization , Population Immunity , Pandemic , Infection Numbers , Deaths , Population , Hospitalizations , Step , Data , Numbers , Health Experts , Officials , Variants , Mix , Third , Emergency Use Authorization , Approach , Advisers , Keiser Family Foundation , Pediatrician , Six , A Million , 6 Billion , Company , Doses , Morning , Shipping , Interview , Board Member , Vote , Shipments , Just In Case , Inflammation , Myocarditis , Office , Didn T , Study , 2500 , Dose , Trust , Needles , Remember , Neck , Stops , Democrats , Welfare , Kid , Wire , Coming Up , Race , Virginia , Jar , Coins Clinking , Jimmy Cliff , Wind , Gusts , Suitcase Closing , Ding , Plans , Unitedhealthcare , Aarp Medicare Advantage , Visits , Care , Prescription Drugs , Provider Network , Uh Huh , Copays On Tier 1 , 0 , , 2 , Advantage , Premium , 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, Proposal , Senate , Immigration Reform , Achievement , Package Deal , Housing , Immigration , Public Housing , Provisions , Cut , Cold , We Ear , 35 , Much , Climate , Opposition , Vocal , Actions , Medicare , Delaware , Power , Senator , Aspects , Argument , Deal Agreements , Rest , Planet , Example , Glasgow , Europe , Message , Environment , Regards , Principles , Guidance , Implications , Construct , Government , Congress , Voters , Polls , Governor , Votes , Terry Mcauliffe , Home Stretch , Glen Youngkin , Nine , Here Today In Charlottesville , Crowd , Sides , Rallies , Dan Mericka , Messages , Don T Want Virginia , Behalf , Similarities , Difference , On Mcauliffe , Stacey Abrams , California S , Term , Concert , States , Commonwealth , Control , Georgia , Texas , Republican , Youngkin Wins , Newspaper , We Don T Vote , Validation , 2016 Reporter , 2016 , November The 2nd , November Of 2016 , Republicans , State , Chance , Focus , Administration , Mat , Haven T , Biden Agenda , 2020 , Poll , Ration , Showing Youngkin , Monmouth University , November 2nd , Attention , Social Media , Calls , Asthma , Crash , Walks , Dupixent , Du , Teamwork , Yardwork , Treatment , Types , Add On , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Asthma Attacks , Lung Function , Reactions , Steroids , Numbness , Chest Pain , Breath , Anaphylaxis , Shortness , Tingling , Limbs , Rash , Asthma Treatments , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Don T Change , Dream , Virus , Shingles , Shingles Doesn T Care , Distance , Groceries , Chicken Pox , Bubble , Shingrix , 3 , Ingredients , Vaccination , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Side Effects , Muscle Pain , Headache , Injection Site , Shivering , Redness , Swelling , Stomach , Tiredness , Fever , Pharmacist , Bout , Little Gal S Lovin , Social Media Posts , Phone , Notifications , Court Transcripts , Confirmation , Deposition , October 12th , Paes Peace , Caldwell Pope , Lawsuit , Helicopter Crash , Los Angeles Sheriff S Department , Nba , Guyana , 13 , Bryant , Images , Lewis Miller , Department , Employees , Crash Site , Body , Bar , Los Angeles County , Transcript , Court , Post Traumatic Stress Disorder , Suffering , Winds , River , Trial , Cherrive S Department , Flooding , Bomb , Mud Slides , Paul Vercammen , Debris , Northwest , Cyclone , Snow , Wildfires , Concern , Yes , Caldor Fire , Fire , Whered , Rain , Freeze , Hills , Places , Level , Hillsides , Thence Pro , Vegetation , South Lake , Sacramento , Arby Mess , Odd Omen , Levels , American River , South Fork , Area , Flood , Cars , South Lake Tahoe , Soil , Weather , London Knights , Mountain , Communities , Water Supply , Mean , Gentle Rain , Fingers , Expert , Northern California , Drinking Water , Water , Mountains , Water Fountain , Rainfall , Storm Season , 15 , 10 , Big One , Storms , Drought Situation , Road , Sires , Spain , Lava , Eruption , Cumbra Viau Volcano , Land , Prime Minister , Volcano , Laugho Floes , La Palm Island , Signs , 6000 , 2000 , Phone Clicks , Kimberly , Ey , Health , Befe Clearchoice , Salite , Clearchoice , Dental Disease , Dental Implants , Teeth , Bunch , My Life , Biktarvy , H I V , Amount , Lab Test , Adults , Pill , Cure , Sex , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Can , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Research , Medicines , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Hepatitis , Rifampin , Hepatitis B , Dofetilide , Diarrhea , Nausea , Symptoms , Nightshift , Zzz , Flu , Mucinex Nightshift , Rhythm , Debate , Life , Episode , Lisa Ling , Weekley , Experiment , Civil War , Struggle , Profession , Tales , Bloodshed , Decriminalizing Sex Work , Man Act Prostitution , Sex Workers , Soldiers , Nation , Boom , Thousands , Red Light Districts , Women , War , Necessity , Reasons , Husbands , Multitudes , Counties , Host , Saw , This Is Life , Nevada , Sex Work , Clip , Pros , Cons , Guest , Efforts , Nashville , Tennessee , Laws , Intoxication , Vagrancy , Outbreak , Nuisance , The Civil War Women And Prostitution Swelled , Sick , Venereal Disease , Result , Hospital , Men , Five , Diseases , Problem , Prostitution , Army , License , Health Screenings , Quarantine , Success , Regulations , Left , Union Army , The System , 1910 , Turns , Decriminalization , Arguing , Members , Camps , Favor , Decrim , Selling , Nordic Model , Pimping , Partial Dekrimization , New Zealand , Down , Complicated , 00 , Darling , Classical Music Plays , Cadillac Lyriq , Um Uh , Brass Band , Regina , New Orleans , Coast , Cadillac , Palm Springs , Heartiness , Explosion , Chicken Sausage , Flatbread , Pepperoni , Craft , Panera , Spreadsheets , Delivery , Kayak , Ocean , Workers , Record Number , Jobs , Burnout Doesn T , Stress , Burnout , Experts , Journalism , Field , Bottom Line , Interest , Pets , Dramas , Emotions , Coping Mechanisms , Best , Therapist , Answer , Right , Helena Hutchins , Authorities , Record , Movie Set Property ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

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back in 2019. also today, new photos just in to cnn showing baldwin meeting with helena hutchins husband and son in new mexico. in a statement the actor said his heart was broken for them and he's fully cooperating as police investigate. helena hutchins died there from the gunshot wound there on the set. cnn correspondent lucy kafanov is in santa fe, new mexico. lucy, what more are you learning about the safety issues and accusations? >> reporter: that's right, fred. we remember from the affidavit, the police affidavit, that david halls was listed as the assistant director who picked up one of the three prop weapons left outside of the structure where the team was filming that fateful thursday by the head arm oher. he picked up the gun. he walked it into the building. he handed it to alec baldwin shouting cold gun which should have meant that the we op or the prop weapon had no live rounds. now, we are learning as you point out more details. sources tell cnn that david halls was a subject of several complaints over safety as well as his behavior on two productions back in 2019. they included disregard for safety protocols and pyrotechnics, fire lanes and exits were reportedly illegally blocked, consistently blocked, sources say. there was also, according to some sources, instances of inappropriate sexual behavior. one pyrotechnician who worked with halls on hulu's "into the dark" series said he failed to hold safety meetings and failed to announce the presence of a firearm to crew, standard protocol or should be at least on most movie and television set. this source tells cnn and i quote the only reason the crew was made aware of the weapon's presence was the assistant propmaster demanded dave acknowledge and announce the situation each day. this is what the one source told cnn and another one, another crew member told cnn when halls did hold the safety meeting he was short and he was dismissive. this person also told cnn he would tell crew that guns used would be the same as the production always uses and would question why they had to have the safety meetings. now cnn did reach out to halls for comment. no response as of yet, fred >> and lucy, mourners of this, you know, shooting held a vigil for helena hutchins last night. you were there. what were people saying? >> yeah. this was in downtown, albuquerque. it was, you know, a very sad event. most of the folks who had gathered at this vigil were part of the film and television industry that was organized by a union that represents film and television employees so a lot of folks knew people on the set. this was a very close-knit community so the death of one member really affects them all. we spoke to one woman. she's a production coordinator. she wasn't on this particular set, but she said that she, quote, knew everyone in the room and she was devastated by this loss. she also hopes that new safety measures will be taken more seriously. take a listen. >> i just hope all this talking does something. i hope that my talking with you gets amplified and we -- we get the changes that we need for a safe investment i'm sure you know we're about to strike this past monday for safer conditions, and if the world didn't believe us about what's going on, maybe they believe us now. >> people should be able to go home after performing their job. >> yeah. >> a child should have a mother. >> a child should have their mother. that, of course, was a reference to the surviving son of helena hutchins, a young boy who is now left without his mom. i should say that we spoke to several other people at that vigil, fred, and one woman was actually hired as hair drers on the production of the film. she said that she backed out over the last month over contract negotiations but also concerns about safety. one of the biggest things for her, she said, was the fact that the crew production people were going to be housed in albuquerque 50 miles away from santa fe where this film was actually being shot, and that adds to long days and potentially safety concerns, so a lot of worry here, a lot of hope here that things will change for the industry, but also grief over the loss of a shining star in the industry. helena hutchins. >> but it also underscores, lucy, still so many unanswered questions. we still don't know, you know, all the details about all the roles played, all the protocols that may have been met or what things may have been dismissed. the investigation is still in its early stages. lucy kafanov, thank you so much for that. so let's talk more about some of what we do know. joining us right now steve wolf, a stunt coordinator and theatrical firearms safety expert. so good to see you, and, of course, there are things i want to ask you that relate to things that we don't know, but you can help us on a movie set, some of the protocols that would be met, some of the things that could be, you know, replaced i guess with, you know, with other concerns. every movie production is different. so give us an idea. when it comes down to the handling of a prop such as a gun, now we're learning that the assistant director may have been the one to hand alec baldwin the -- the prop is this unusual? is it usually the arm oher which was initially reported or does everyone have, you know, shared roles on a movie set. >> there is some overlap, but ultimately it -- it comes down to the prop master or the weapons master to ensure firearms safety. they are the ones who are responsible for getting the guns, getting the ammunition, loading them properly, unloading them properly. storing them safely. so, you know, if the buck has to stop somewhere, it's got to be with the prop master or the weapons master on the job, the a.d. often functions as a backup layer of safety so the prop master will say, look, here's the gun. you can see there's nothing in it. you can see that this is a blank. can you tell that because if it were live ammo it would look like this. that's a bullet on there. there's no bullet here. we're going to go ahead and put this in here, we're going to close it and now it's hot. the weapons master can demonstrate that, the a.d., assistant director can see that one more time. i want to make sure everything is clear. okay. got it. we're good. okay. everybody, picture is up. >> and is that going to happen in front of the actor? does all of that happen that you just demonstrated just seconds, minutes before handing the prop over to the actor? >> that's supposed to happen right before, and then, you know, if -- if the actor were told that the scene was for them to take this gun, put it against their head and press the trigger, i'm pretty sure the actor themselves would also say, wait, let me see this also, you know, i want to know that there's nothing in there, that nobody is going to get hurt. when you have a gun in your hand, you're responsible for what happens with that gun, so there's also an onus on the act ork the gun handlers, to make sure that the gun is safe. there are three ways that they messed this up here. first, they took a gun that was capable of having live ammo introduced into it, live round, gun, okay. on a prop gun this wouldn't happen. if i switched this out for the prop gun and try to put this in here, it doesn't fit in there, so if you have an actual prop gun, not just a gun that's being used as a prop, you wouldn't be able to introduce live ammo into it. >> let me stop you there. what is a prop gun? we're hearing that terminology interchangeable, a gun that's a real gun but won't be used with real bullets. that's on set. that's a plop gun. you're making a distinction that a prop gun would not be able to accommodate even that blank. so help us understand what a prop gun is. >> that's correct. it wouldn't be able to accommodate a live round, so you can see the length of this. >> yeah. >> versus the length -- i'll put these side by side so you can see them. the length of them is different, right? >> okay. when there's a bullet on the end of it it's longer, so on a period piece from the 1800s bullets are going to be loaded into a revolver, and as you can see right through the revolver here, and i can see you, i don't know if you can see me. >> i can. >> but we can see through here, and the cylinder on a real gun, the cylinder, called the individual chambers. the cylinder is able to accept the full length of the casing and the bullet. when you modified a real gun to turn it into a prop gun you weld a small washer inside here that if you tried to put a bullet in stops the bullet so the bullet can't go in all the way. if the put can't go in all the way the gun can't be closed and the gun can't be closed and fired. >> is it possible -- >> i misunderstood on the bullet versus the blank. it will accommodate a blank but is it possible that a projectile could come from a blank, so say -- >> yes, it is. >> say it's not a gun that accidentally had a live round in it but instead had a blank, still a projectile, could come out and harm someone? >> absolutely. so this is a blank. there's no bullet on the end of it, right? it's just, you know, a casing with a primer on the back. if you put that in here and close it, when you discharge that, lots of hot gas under tremendous amounts of pressure will come out of here. if there's anything in the barrel, it will be propelled out. if there's anything in the cylinder in front of the blank, it will also be discharged. what happened in the brandon lee case in 1993. there was a bullet lodged in here that they didn't know about. when they stuck the blank behind it, the blank fired the bullet out of the gun, so -- so that's correct you know, area two, right. don't put -- don't have live ammo on set. >> and what's rule number three. >> don't point guns at people unless you want to see a hole in them. pretty straightforward. there's so many ways to cheat camera angles that you never have to point a gun at someone and it's never going to be in the story line that you point the gun at the director of photography. no excuse for that and i can't believe that today, here we are in 2021, that there's anyone who has not heard that said don't point guns at people unless you want to shoot them. you know, i'm just the actor, i don't know, you know. i mean, when you get to this car, you can see the fuel gauge you know whether there's gas in there or not. it's simple to see either air or ammo. >> it is unusual say you're shooting a move and the actor is pointing the gun at the camera which i understand that's where the cinematographer sometimes could be, right alongside the camera, because that is a shot that is necessary for the movie-make, and in this case it was point -- and we don't know if it was. this is just another hypothetical because there's still so much that we don't know about the circumstances of the shooting. >> that's right. >> but we see it time and time again, a gun may be point right at the camera and right alongside a camera is a cinematographer, a director and any number of cast members so that's possibly pointing at a person, right? >> so, one thing you do is you put a 45-degree mirror, the camera points here, the mirror is here. from the camera's point of view it looks like they are looking down the muzzle, but the gun is pointed a full 90 degrees off camera. the second thing you can do if you don't have a mirror to shoot that with is that you set up your camera, you do what's called a lockoff shot which means the camera is initiated. everyone walks away and then the gun is brought up. the shot is discharged at camera. the gun is then secured and then the crew walks back in and turns the camera off. >> i see, so there's lots of ways to accomplish that direct-on shot if that's what you're going for. >> we don't know if that's what was happening. >> steve, before i let you go. >> yeah. >> would there be any circumstance, is it common for a movie set to require to have live rounds? >> unless you're actually filming a science show where you're showing what bullets do when they come out of guns or the bullet -- a bullet impact on something, there is no reason to have live ammo on a set. >> all right. steve wolf, this is invaluable information. you taught us so much. thank you so much. great to see you. >> fredericka, thanks so much for having me today. >> thank you. still to come, ready for rollout. dr. anthony fauci updates the timeline on when young children will be able to get their covid vaccines. plus, emotional testimony from kobe bryant's widow. what vanessa bryant revealed about how she found out her husband and daughter had died. i. i mean, i'm a food critic. i literally eat for a living. this can be a game changer. do you know what the future holds? 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set yourself free with fleet. gentle constipation relief in minutes. little fleet. big relief. try it. feel it. feel that fleet feeling. all right. welcome back. tens of millions of young children around the country could have access to covid vaccines as soon as next week. this morning dr. anthony fauci laid out the expected timeline. >> so if all goes well and we get the regulatory approval and the recommendations for the cdc it's entirely possible if not very likely that vaccines will be available for children from 5 to 11 within the first week or two of november. >> all right. nadia romero with me now with more of this. i mean, that's pretty quick if that's indeed the case. but it still has to go through the approval this week. >> that's right, and first things first. on tuesday. that's when the fda vaccine advisers will hear the pitch from pfizer. i mean, it wasn't long ago that we were talking about parents so concerned about putting their kids back in school. it showed a 240% increase in covid cases in kids from july through september, and that was blamed on in-person learning. now we're talking about potentially having access to a vaccine 5 through 11 if everything goes through. just how soon could kids ages 5 to 11 get a covid-19 vaccine? on the current timeline, it could be as soon as november, but, first, the fda and cdc must soon off. tuesday an fda advisory committee is scheduled to meet to discuss whether to recommend authorization for the pfizer vaccine for kids 5 to 11. >> it's going to protect then. also it will add population immunity to our broader population and will help bring infection numbers down. it is going to be one more important step towards getting to the end of this pandemic. >> kids make up about a quarter of all covid cases in the u.s. nationwide data shows covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths all declining. health experts point to the vaccine. >> if we add children to that mix, we can get our numbers way higher up and hopefully prevent any any more variants from coming. >> pfizer officials will not only have to convince fda advisers for emergency use authorization. ultimately it's up to parents of kids ages 5 to 11 to allow them to get the vaccine. a recent keiser family foundation found a third of parents this that age range said they would take a wait-and-see approach and another third of parents say they would let their parents get the vaccine right away. >> talk to your pediatrician if you have questions, but we know that 6 billion kids have had covid. over a million in the last six weeks. they can get it. they can spread it. >> so you heard about that timeline, right, as soon as next week. we also heard from a former fda and pfizer board member this morning who did an interview who said as soon as those fda vaccine advisers, if they recommend emergency use authorization, the company will start shipping out doses right away, even before the cdc has their vote, just in case, so, fred, they could get things out quickly because they want to get the shipments on the way in case they get that approval from the cdc. it's already out there and available at your pediatrician's office. >> is there anything parents need to know or look out particularly after this fda meeting? >> there was so much talk about myocarditis, inflammation of the heart happening in children connected to the vaccine and so many parents were concerned about it so the last study that pfizer did, 2,500 participants ages 5 through 11, they found not a single case of inflammation of the heart, not a single case, so that was something that parents were worried about. didn't see it. remember, pfizer also decreased their dose by a third and they are using smaller needles so they have worked things out to figure out how to better treat our children. >> if parents have any more questions, ask their pediatrician because that's the person they are closest or probably most trust as it pertains to the medical welfare of your kid. >> absolutely. >> nadia romero, good to see you. >> thanks so much. all right. coming up, down to the wire. democrats pull out all the stops in a neck and neck gubernatorial race in virginia. we'll take you there live. 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do you believe that her plan will come to fruition this week? >> i know folks that working very hard to reach a consensus, but, again, i'm troubled that the one issue that i have been concentrating on which is bringing relief for immigrants who were there, what we needed them during the pandemic, delivering our food to our doorsteps and making sure they work the farms to bring the food to the table as well as take care of our elderly and frail, that they may not be included in this deal and that they will be left behind. i think it will be a great travesty if that occurs. that the folks that really came through for us in the pandemic are left behind while we try to bed back better. those are some of the disappointments that you anticipate, and as a progressive are you disappointed that president biden is willing to give up tuition-free community college and cut paid leave from 12 down to four weeks time? >> i am disappointed about that as well, of course, you know. free community college is an important piece for my 14th district that includes harlem and north manhattan and the northwest bronx as well as paid leave, but i tell you nothing could be more egregious that we're really afraid in our homes during the bad months of the pandemic and those folks came knocking on the doors to deliver the food for us, and now we can't included them in the build better deal. i think that's really egregious, and i hope that they are included and there's pathways to do that. you know. i know that the parliamentarian has not been cooperative, but there's an additional proposal on the table right now, and at the very end the parliamentarian is an adviser to the senate, not an elected adviser to the senate, someone that could be reversed at any time. >> so some of those things near and dear to your heart like immigration reform are not included in the package like you would like it to be, would you still consider ittin a achievement if it is voted on, if it is embraced as the best package deal possible for moving forward? >> look, i like a lot of the things in the package. you know, i worked very hard to include a lot of the provisions in that deal. i would like to see immigration and public housing is an important one for me as well so a dramatic deep cut to public housing would be a big deal for me immigrants that have waited 35 long years, fredericka and now is an opportune moment, best moment to bring them in. we ear going to leave them out in the cold once again. that i don't know if i can live with. >> today president biden is meeting with moderate senator joe manchin in delaware. manchin has been vocal about his opposition of much of the climate actions in this bill and he's also expressing concerns about expanding medicare to include dental and vision. are you comfortable with one senator possibly nixing some of the most popular aspects of the bill or at least wielding so many power? >> i'll tell you. it's much more than just that. i think it's disempowering our president as he gets ready to go to glasgow and make a good argument for the rest of the planet to -- to come online with these green deal agreements that we want to put in place. i think it's important that we lead by example, and so if we go to europe and say that the rest of the world has to be aligned with our principles and our guidance with regards to the environment and we're not agreeing to them ourselves, that's a real bad message to set out there so it's much more than one person wielding power than the construct of government or of congress here. it has global implications as well. >> congressman, thanks so much for joining us this sunday. >> thanks, fredericka. >> appreciate it. always good to see you. the high-stakes virginia governor's race is now in the home stretch. voters will head to the polls in just nine days to cast votes in this closely watched race between terry mcauliffe and glen youngkin. for more on that lets bring in dan mericka. yesterday some pretty big rallies and both sides brought out a pretty good crowd. >> yeah, a big event here today in charlottesville where behind me the dave matthews band performed and stacey abrams spoke on mcauliffe's behalf. it's interesting the difference between the final messages and the similarities. a lot of voters said i don't want virginia to become california and that's what they expect will happen if terry mcauliffe is elected and serves a second term as governor and here at a dave matthews band concert surrounded by mcauliffe voters that you heard folks worry that the commonwealth of virginia will become more like texas, more like georgia, more like states that have had years of republican control and abrams spoke direct throw that from georgia obviously. take a listen to what she said about the future of the commonwealth if youngkin wins. >> if you want to figure out what could happen to you in nine days if you don't get out and vote, pick up a newspaper that talks about georgia. if you want to know what happens in nine days if we don't get out and vote, look at what's happening in texas. if you want to know what happens to virginia, if we don't vote, if you don't turn out on november the 2nd, then remember what you felt like in november of 2016. >> reporter: you know, this is a race obviously to lead the commonwealth of virginia, but there are national implications as well. for democrats it could be validation for the biden administration and the biden agenda and for republicans a chance to prove they are viable in a state that they haven't done well over the last decade and to get up off the mat after a 2020 loss. that's why you see so much focus on this race, and that's why as the polls close on november 2nd and the polls are so close, a monmouth university poll showing youngkin and mcauliffe basically neck and neck. that's why this is such a critical ration, and it's bigger frankly than just the commonwealth of virginia. it's a national race at this point that's garnering national attention across the country. >> dan, thanks so much. we'll check back with you. all right. still ahead, heartbreaking testimony from kobe bryant's widow about how she learned of his death from social media and details of her desperate calls to try and reach him after the crash. what can i du with less asthma? 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>> yes, they are miserable, fred, and they are going to get worse and you alluded to what the concern are, and this is whered the caldor fire came roaring through here with fire. i'm here between sacramento and south lake it a home. you can see thence pro. the hills have been stripped of their vegetation in many places. you see the dead freeze, and when rain at a sustained level hits these hillsides for long periods of time, it can cause a slushy, arby mess. below me the south fork of the american river. they are also paying very careful attention to the river levels. fortunately this is an odd omen, nothing that happened. we had so little rain up here that the soil is a little dry. that could mitigate some of the flood issues because of that. then you see the cars leaving the south lake tahoe area. head london knights coming to us, but very few cars are going away from us. now they have issued a flood burning here, the weather service saying this is a dangerous and life-threatening situation. do not attempt to travel unless you're fleeing an area that's subject to flooding. so far so good, the big concern later on this afternoon, when they say some of the mountain communities in california could get up to 13 inches of rain and the winds could kick up to 13 miles per hour. i'm paul vercammen. back to you, fred, what might all of this mean for california's water supply, if anything? >> as we look down here, what california needs are winters that are wet and rainy and snowy and they will get know in the mountains east here and as one expert put it northern california is california's water fountain. it's critical to drinking water and other water and what they crossed their fingers for is sustained rain, gentle rain that will happen, but what they say with this bomb so klein, that northern california could get 10% to 15% of its rainfall in this storm season alone. they are not sure what's coming down the road. not sure if there's going to be a sires of storms. it is going to be a big one. will help with that drought situation but, again, fingers crossed that it doesn't cause massive mud slides. >> back to you now, fred. >> fingers crossed indeed. paul vercammen, thanks so much. turning now to spain where lava continues to pour from the cumbra viau volcano. the eruption started last month on la palm island with multiple laugho floes force more than 6,000 people to evacuate and devastating nearly 2,000 acres of land. spain's prime minister says the volcano shows no signs of slowing down. we're back in a moment. ♪ (music quieter) ♪ (phone clicks) ♪ ♪ >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. ey drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and wi their insurance, itas no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, salite replace. ♪ [ kimberly ] befe clearchoice, my dental health was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease. clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. [ kimberly ] i feel so much better. i feel energized to go outside and play with my daughter. i can ate anything. like, i don't have to worry. clearchoice changed my life. constipated? set yourself free with fleet. gentle constipation relief in minutes. little fleet. big relief. try it. feel it. feel that fleet feeling. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ no matter what you bring to the table, there's no place like wayfair. with mucinex nightshift you've got powerful relief from your worst nighttime cold and flu symptoms. so grab nightshift to fight your symptoms, get your zzz's... and get back to your rhythm. feel the power. beat the symptoms fast. all right. tonight, lisa ling is back with an all-new episode of "this is life. "can the this weekley is a investigates the current debate about decriminalizing sex work and uncovers a surprising experiment during the civil war to legalize the world's oldest profession. >> we remember the civil war for tales of bloodshed and struggle, but a little known fact is that it also ushered in the largest boom in prostitution our nation has ever known. drawn to the growing number of soldiers, thousands of sex workers flooded red light districts across america. >> so there are multitudes of reasons why women are becoming sex workers during this time period. there are women who are losing their husbands to war and now how are they going to support themselves and their children? some out of pure necessity. >> joining us now is the host of "this is life" with lisa ling. there she is. today, lisa, prostitution is legal in several counties in nevada, and as we just saw in the clip, it was also legal in nashville, tennessee during the civil war, and we just heard your guest talking about it really came out of a necessity. so talk to us about these pros and cons uncovered in the efforts to legalize sex work from the 1800s experiment. >> well, fred, you're right. and when you think back, when you look back at history, it's really fascinating because as you heard in the clip, prostitution before the civil war was never explicitly illegal until after the civil war. before then it was more of a public nuisance and it was policed using laws regarding vagrancy or public intoxication, but at the outbreak of the civil war women and prostitution swelled to numbers never seen before, but what happened as a result is venereal disease bake prevalent. two of five men taken to the hospital were sick with venereal diseases and it became a huge problem such that the army acted the first legal framework for prostitution in the u.s., and you ask did it work? well, it required women to register and receive a license to submit to health screenings and even quarantine if they were found to have any diseases, and it was considered a success. it reduced all of those numbers. the numbers of venereal diseases and soldiers didn't have to spend so much time in quarantine because of all these regulations. however, when the war ended and the union army left, the system was basically abandoned and eventually by 1910 and the man act prostitution was declared illegal throughout the united states. >> and the debate continues, you know. the current debate now has taken a few turns here and there, but what is the argument for making sex work legal today? >> so it is an extremely vociferous debate, and right now there are many arguing for decriminalization which includes a number of members of congress. but even this idea of decriminalization has two distinctive camps. there's full crim and those in favor of partial -- full decrim and those in favor of partial decrim which is known as the nordic model and full decrim would remove laws against the selling and buying or managing or pimping of sex work and the only country that refers to now is new zealand. partial dekrimization, so sorry, only removes laws against the selling of sex, so the buying and pimping would continue to remain illegal. >> complicated. >> that's why we'll be tuning into your hour long show to break it all down. lisa ling, thank you so much. good to see you. >> thanks, fred. >> be sure to tune into an all new episode of "this is life" with lisa ling airing tonight at 10:00 p.m. only on cnn. ♪ darling, i, i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪girl, i don't know, i don't know,♪ ♪i don't know why i can't get♪ applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. with clean, fresh ingredients, panera's new chicken sausage and pepperoni flatbread is a mouthwatering explosion of yes. craft? yes! heartiness? yes! living life to the flavor-fullest? heck yes. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit a record number of workers have quit their jobs this year. some experts say burnout during the pandemic is one of the many reasons, but burnout doesn't have to happen if you're staying well. stress is a part of life. burnout not necessarily so. >> i was in journalism. i actually loved it, but the bottom line, is i wasn't managing my stress. i was ignoring it. so even in my early 20s i want into burnout and left the field. you can love what you do, but go into burnout because you're not managing your stress effectively. stress is where you're very overwhelmed and you're still believe it or not hopeful that you can change that, where burnout you're more hopeless. you lost interest in the things that you used to enjoy. you don't feel like you're valued at work. you're doing too much, or not feeling challenged. no one is immune to burnout, so the best way is to manage our stress each day. what are your coping mechanisms? what are the things that get you excited in life? i watched dramas to help me express my emotions. i also enjoy taking walks. being active really helps me. pets can also be a source of comfort that you need. number one thing of course, and it's not just because i'm a therapist is to seek professional help. there's no one right answer except doing what's best for you and prioritizing that. >> hello, everyone. thanks so much for joining me this sunday. i'm fredericka whitfield. all right. new questions are emerging in that deadly shooting on the set of alec baldwin's film "rust" that kills cinematographer helena hutchins. cnn has now learned about past allegations involving the movie's assistant director david halls, two people who worked closely with him tell cnn that he was accused of several safety complaints on two productions back in 2019. this as we're seeing new photos of baldwin meeting with hutchins' husband and son in new mexico. in a statement the actor says his heart is broken for them and is fully cooperating as police investigate. cnn correspondent lucy kafanov is in santa fe for us. lucy, where does the investigation stand? >> reporter: well, the investigation we know that authorities have combed through every inch of that movie set property. we actually talked off the record to one

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Everyone , Set , Shooting , Details , Thanks , Fredericka Whitfield , Hello , Alec Baldwin , People , Movie , Film , Assistant Director , Productions , Cnn , Safety Complaints , Warning , Allegations , David Halls , Rust , Two , Actor , Heart , Vigil For Helena Hutchins , Son , Meeting , Statement , Photos , New Mexico , 2019 , Safety , Lucy Kafanov , Police , Issues , Gunshot Wound , Santa Fe , One , Fred , Reporter , That S Right , Prop Weapons , Affidavit , Police Affidavit , Accusations , Three , A Plop Gun , Cold Gun , Rounds , Structure , Prop Weapon , Building , Team , Arm Oher , We Op , Behavior , Learning , Sources , Subject , Complaints , Safety Protocols , Instances , Pyrotechnics , Exits , Disregard , Consistently , Fire Lanes , Crew , Safety Meetings , Pyrotechnician , Presence , Halls , Firearm , Series , Into The Dark , Hulu , Reason , Source , Assistant Propmaster , Television Set , Protocol , Weapon , Dave Matthews Band , Situation , Person , Crew Member , Safety Meeting , Guns , Production , Response , Comment , Same , Now Cnn , Mourners , Event , Downtown , Last Night , Albuquerque , Lot , Folks , Union , Part , Television Industry , Vigil , Community , Death , Most , Member , Television Employees , Woman , Loss , She , Safety Measures , Production Coordinator , Quote , Room , Something , Talking , Changes , Investment , Listen , Job , Child , Mother , Conditions , Home , The World Didn T , What S Going On , Course , Reference , Mom , Things , Fact , Concerns , Hair Drers , Contract Negotiations , Shot , Industry , Safety Concerns , Hope , Worry , 50 , It , Questions , Protocols , Roles , Don T Know , Grief , A Shining Star , U S , Some , Investigation , Stages , Steve Wolf , Movie Set , Stunt Coordinator , Theatrical Firearms Safety Expert , Idea , Gun You Weld A Small Washer , Handling , Arm Oher Which , Weapons , Overlap , Firearms Safety , Prop Master , Ones , Somewhere , Buck , Ammunition , Nothing , Blank , Ammo , Backup Layer , A D , Bullet , Wall , Everything , Front , Everybody , Picture , Head , Scene , Trigger , Nobody , Hand , Also , Onus , Act Ork The Gun Handlers , Wait , Prop Gun , Ways , Round , First , Safe , Wouldn T , Doesn T , Out , Fit , Bullets , Real Gun But Won T , Distinction , Terminology Interchangeable , Length , It Wouldn T , Side By , End , Revolver , Period Piece , 1800 , Cylinder , Casing , Individual Chambers , Way , Put , Say , Projectile , Back , Someone , Primer , Anything , Gas , Amounts , Lots , Pressure , Barrel , Case , Brandon Lee , 1993 , Number , Don T Point Guns , Area Two , Don T Have Live Ammo On Set , Hole , Rule , Don T Put , Camera , Director , Anyone , Excuse , Story Line , Photography , 2021 , I Don T Know , Fuel , Car , Cinematographer , Gun , There , Air , Move , Point , Circumstances , Thing , Cast Members , Mirror , Muzzle , Camera Points , Point Of View , 90 , 45 , Lockoff , Camera Off , Show , Circumstance , Bullet Impact , Science , Information , Children , 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Pfizer , Fda , Vaccine Advisers , Pitch , Wasn T Long Ago , On Tuesday , Kids , Cases , School , Increase , 240 , Vaccine , Access , 19 , Fda Advisory Committee , Authorization , Population Immunity , Pandemic , Infection Numbers , Deaths , Population , Hospitalizations , Step , Data , Numbers , Health Experts , Officials , Variants , Mix , Third , Emergency Use Authorization , Approach , Advisers , Keiser Family Foundation , Pediatrician , Six , A Million , 6 Billion , Company , Doses , Morning , Shipping , Interview , Board Member , Vote , Shipments , Just In Case , Inflammation , Myocarditis , Office , Didn T , Study , 2500 , Dose , Trust , Needles , Remember , Neck , Stops , Democrats , Welfare , Kid , Wire , Coming Up , Race , Virginia , Jar , Coins Clinking , Jimmy Cliff , Wind , Gusts , Suitcase Closing , Ding , Plans , Unitedhealthcare , Aarp Medicare Advantage , Visits , Care , Prescription Drugs , Provider Network , Uh Huh , Copays On Tier 1 , 0 , , 2 , Advantage , Premium , 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, Proposal , Senate , Immigration Reform , Achievement , Package Deal , Housing , Immigration , Public Housing , Provisions , Cut , Cold , We Ear , 35 , Much , Climate , Opposition , Vocal , Actions , Medicare , Delaware , Power , Senator , Aspects , Argument , Deal Agreements , Rest , Planet , Example , Glasgow , Europe , Message , Environment , Regards , Principles , Guidance , Implications , Construct , Government , Congress , Voters , Polls , Governor , Votes , Terry Mcauliffe , Home Stretch , Glen Youngkin , Nine , Here Today In Charlottesville , Crowd , Sides , Rallies , Dan Mericka , Messages , Don T Want Virginia , Behalf , Similarities , Difference , On Mcauliffe , Stacey Abrams , California S , Term , Concert , States , Commonwealth , Control , Georgia , Texas , Republican , Youngkin Wins , Newspaper , We Don T Vote , Validation , 2016 Reporter , 2016 , November The 2nd , November Of 2016 , Republicans , State , Chance , Focus , Administration , Mat , Haven T , Biden Agenda , 2020 , Poll , Ration , Showing Youngkin , Monmouth University , November 2nd , Attention , Social Media , Calls , Asthma , Crash , Walks , Dupixent , Du , Teamwork , Yardwork , Treatment , Types , Add On , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Asthma Attacks , Lung Function , Reactions , Steroids , Numbness , Chest Pain , Breath , Anaphylaxis , Shortness , Tingling , Limbs , Rash , Asthma Treatments , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Don T Change , Dream , Virus , Shingles , Shingles Doesn T Care , Distance , Groceries , Chicken Pox , Bubble , Shingrix , 3 , Ingredients , Vaccination , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Side Effects , Muscle Pain , Headache , Injection Site , Shivering , Redness , Swelling , Stomach , Tiredness , Fever , Pharmacist , Bout , Little Gal S Lovin , Social Media Posts , Phone , Notifications , Court Transcripts , Confirmation , Deposition , October 12th , Paes Peace , Caldwell Pope , Lawsuit , Helicopter Crash , Los Angeles Sheriff S Department , Nba , Guyana , 13 , Bryant , Images , Lewis Miller , Department , Employees , Crash Site , Body , Bar , Los Angeles County , Transcript , Court , Post Traumatic Stress Disorder , Suffering , Winds , River , Trial , Cherrive S Department , Flooding , Bomb , Mud Slides , Paul Vercammen , Debris , Northwest , Cyclone , Snow , Wildfires , Concern , Yes , Caldor Fire , Fire , Whered , Rain , Freeze , Hills , Places , Level , Hillsides , Thence Pro , Vegetation , South Lake , Sacramento , Arby Mess , Odd Omen , Levels , American River , South Fork , Area , Flood , Cars , South Lake Tahoe , Soil , Weather , London Knights , Mountain , Communities , Water Supply , Mean , Gentle Rain , Fingers , Expert , Northern California , Drinking Water , Water , Mountains , Water Fountain , Rainfall , Storm Season , 15 , 10 , Big One , Storms , Drought Situation , Road , Sires , Spain , Lava , Eruption , Cumbra Viau Volcano , Land , Prime Minister , Volcano , Laugho Floes , La Palm Island , Signs , 6000 , 2000 , Phone Clicks , Kimberly , Ey , Health , Befe Clearchoice , Salite , Clearchoice , Dental Disease , Dental Implants , Teeth , Bunch , My Life , Biktarvy , H I V , Amount , Lab Test , Adults , Pill , Cure , Sex , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Can , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Research , Medicines , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Hepatitis , Rifampin , Hepatitis B , Dofetilide , Diarrhea , Nausea , Symptoms , Nightshift , Zzz , Flu , Mucinex Nightshift , Rhythm , Debate , Life , Episode , Lisa Ling , Weekley , Experiment , Civil War , Struggle , Profession , Tales , Bloodshed , Decriminalizing Sex Work , Man Act Prostitution , Sex Workers , Soldiers , Nation , Boom , Thousands , Red Light Districts , Women , War , Necessity , Reasons , Husbands , Multitudes , Counties , Host , Saw , This Is Life , Nevada , Sex Work , Clip , Pros , Cons , Guest , Efforts , Nashville , Tennessee , Laws , Intoxication , Vagrancy , Outbreak , Nuisance , The Civil War Women And Prostitution Swelled , Sick , Venereal Disease , Result , Hospital , Men , Five , Diseases , Problem , Prostitution , Army , License , Health Screenings , Quarantine , Success , Regulations , Left , Union Army , The System , 1910 , Turns , Decriminalization , Arguing , Members , Camps , Favor , Decrim , Selling , Nordic Model , Pimping , Partial Dekrimization , New Zealand , Down , Complicated , 00 , Darling , Classical Music Plays , Cadillac Lyriq , Um Uh , Brass Band , Regina , New Orleans , Coast , Cadillac , Palm Springs , Heartiness , Explosion , Chicken Sausage , Flatbread , Pepperoni , Craft , Panera , Spreadsheets , Delivery , Kayak , Ocean , Workers , Record Number , Jobs , Burnout Doesn T , Stress , Burnout , Experts , Journalism , Field , Bottom Line , Interest , Pets , Dramas , Emotions , Coping Mechanisms , Best , Therapist , Answer , Right , Helena Hutchins , Authorities , Record , Movie Set Property ,

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