Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

inside. the shot killed cinematographer halyna hutchins and injured director joel souza. a cast member for the movie says sets by nature are dangerous environments, though they had no direct knowledge of the events that led up to the shooting. cnn correspondent lucy cavanaugh is in santa fe where the investigation is under way. what more are you learning? >> reporter: well, sheriffs tell us tele not be updating the public before monday. we know they are combing through the scene, trying to gather evidence. the affidavit indicates that they seized a lot of the film material, cell phones, cameras, anything that could shed light on what exactly took place that fateful thursday afternoon and we are getting more details from the affidavit. we understand that the team, the crew was on the film set of "rust" at the bonanza creek ranch early on thursday afternoon. alec baldwin was wearing his western-style costume. he was inside the church, presumably preparing to film a scene. we understand according to the affidavit the assistant director was outside of the building, three prop weapons were laid out on a cart, prepared by the armorer, the person in charge of the prop weapons. the assistant director grabbed one, walked inside the structure, handed it to alec baldwin and shouted "cold gun", which is meant to indicate there are no live rounds in the weapon. we understand that alec baldwin took the gun and fired, miss halyna hutchins was shot in the chest. she was pronounced dead upon arriving to the hospital where she was airlifted. the director of the film, 48-year-old joel souza was shot in the shoulder ands was taken to a local hospital. we're not sure about his condition, but presumably he is recovering in hospital. alec baldwin's western-style costume was covered in what appeared to be blood, according to the affidavit. he changed out of those clothes and according to the sheriffs here, he has been cooperating fully, but of course no charges have been filed as of yet. >> and then, lucy, we're hearing from the armorer who is generally the person who handles the weapons on the set for the movie, and the armorer in this movie spoke previously about another production. what are you learning? >> reporter: that's right. the affidavit named her as hanna gutierrez. we understand she's 24 years old. she was trained by her father, who was a legendry gunsmith. he started training her when she was 16 years old. we understand based on this podcast that she worked previously in another production with nicholas cage, a movie called "told way" where she served for the first time in her career as head armorer and she shared doubts she had about her ability to do a job in that production. take a listen. >> dad has taught me everything, but a lot of things, you know, i kind of just caught on by myself and everything. >> observation? >> yeah, just observation, watching him do things or just knowing how the firearms work. i think loading blanks was the scariest thing to me, because i was, like, oh, i don't know anything about it. but he taught me that and eventually by the time i was trying to figure out how to make a specific blank go when you want it to, rather than it hitting the empty cylinders and everything. >> reporter: now, being inexperienced or young or nervous about the job by no means indicates that her job wasn't performed well in this case. we still don't know what happened, whether this was a freak accident, what other factors contributed to this fatal shooting. we simply don't have those details. what it does speak to is some of the concerns the production members had about safety on the set, covid protocols as well as gun safety, this is according to news reports in the la times. >> thank you so much. appreciate that. so safety measures on film sets can be the difference between life and death. earlier i spoke with ben simmons, who was a firearms instructor on movie sets, and asked him to break down what those protocols are generally, and here's what he had to say. >> usually you would try and avoid using a real gun unless you have to, and it would be a discussion between those in charge on the set between the director, the actor, the stunt coordinator, the armorer, the person providing the gun and responsible for the safety. you would have a discussion and a rehearsal about where the gun would be pointing. and you rehearse and the actor would be able to point the gun in the right direction at the time. there would be various checks the armorer would do to make sure the gun was clear, the right ammunition was being used, when a gun is being handed from person to person, generally what should happen is the gun should be checked each time. so those are the kind of safety rules that are normally brought into place on sets. >> still lots of questions today about the safety measures taken on the "rust" set there in new mexico, the alec baldwin movie. "the new york times" reporting that hours before the deadly shooting at least a half dozen camera crew workers walked off the set to protest working conditions, including gun safety procedures and other concerns from where they were staying in proximity to the shoot. in a statement obtained by the entertainment news website "deadline" they said the safety of our cast and crew is the top priority of rust productions and everyone associated with the company. we were not made aware of any official complaints concerning weapons or prop safety on set, we will be conducting an internal review of our procedures while production is shut down. we will continue to cooperate with authorities in their investigation and offer mental health services to the cast and crew during this tragic time. cnn has reached out to the production company for comment, but we have yet to hear back. joining me right now is jeff harris, an attorney who represented the family of sarah jones, a camera assistant who was killed while filming "a midnight rider" back in 2014. so glad you could be with us today. >> thank you, fredricka, glad to be here. >> what are your initial thoughts in terms of how this investigation will be carried out? what are some of the questions that are going to be asked? what are likely some of the discoveries that need to or will be made as it pertains to this "rust" fatal shooting incident? >> well, my initial thought when i first heard about this, and i feel the same way now, is there is literally no way that this can happen if the crew is following standard safety protocols that have been in the movie industry since at least the '80s. attached to the call sheet is a safety bulletin, any time you use firearms on set, and it outlines exactly what you're supposed to do and you can't have an accidental discharge like this if the safety policy is being followed. so that's obviously the first question, why wasn't it followed, and there can be a myriad of reasons why, but most of the time on a movie set when safety protocols are not being followed, it's because there's a sense of complacency, people get into a mode where they keep doing things over and over again and they've got this sort of attitude that, hey, we've got this, we deal with firearms every day, and then mistakes get made. so that's really the first question i have, is why weren't these protocols followed. they're clear, they're simple, straightforward, and they would have been attached to the call sheet. >> when you said protocols that were put into place around the late '80s, are some of those protocols that are being respected today, a direct result from the 1993 brandon lee shooting death on set. have there been, i guess, a more stricter set of protocols put in place involving firearms, weapons on sets particularly because of what happened to brandon lee? >> yes, and it happens any time there's an incident on a movie set, labor gets together, management gets together and they work together to figure out -- so what the industry tries to do is learn from experience. if something bad happens on a movie set, implement whatever protocols or procedures need to be implemented to ensure that it doesn't happen again. and since we've had two firearms related incidents in the movie industry many years ago, i believe that the safety protocols and procedures that the industry has in place are good ones. they're effective. there are hundreds of movie shoots that take place every day where people are using firearms, shooting blanks, and it is extraordinarily rare for an incident like this to take place. and so we know when something like this happens, when we have good policies, if it happened it's because people weren't following them. and sometimes that comes from the top down, and i don't know enough about this shoot to know. but we are sort of anecdotally hearing there were complaints from the crew was under stress and pressure. >> and then now from your legal hat, do you feel like, based on what is being publicized thus far, that you see that there will be a legal case to follow, a criminal case that might follow, a civil case to follow? >> i absolutely believe that there will be a civil case. i don't know that anybody could look at this and not conclude that there was negligence on the part of someone, because you don't hand an actor a weapon and the actor thinks it's a cold weapon, it actually has a blank in it. and then there's also reporting that it may be what people are describing as a live round. i'm not sure exactly what they mean when they say that. generally speaking in the movie business, if it's a live round it's a blank. there's been reporting that maybe it's a ballistic round, a bullet, and there's zero reason why you would ever have a live ballistic round on a movie set. so if that happened, then you're transcending into the levels of criminal negligence, which is a higher standard than civil negligence. it's inexplicable to me how you have a bullet on a movie set. >> do you see it as helpful or potentially damaging alec baldwin tweeting out his thoughts, and saying, yes, this was a tragic accident in a statement, and that he's fully cooperating with investigators? what are your thoughts about hearing from alec baldwin himself at this stage publicly like this? >> i don't fault him for that. i think he's doing what anybody who is compassionate would do. he's concerned about the family. it sounds to me from the initial reporting that he was handed a gun that he thought was a gold weapon and there's got to be an explanation of how that happened. i never fault people for being compassionate human beings, but at the end of the day, if he has any civil culpability, if he did something wrong, that will be sorted out both in the criminal investigation and the subsequent civil investigation. >> and to the case that you were involved in back in 2017, a jury issued a multi-million dollar verdict for the death of sarah jones for negligence involving multiple parties. you represented her family. are you looking at this from the point of view of similarities, different circumstances, but similarities meaning putting a magnifying glass on the potential dangers that come with any movie making? >> yeah, i have a special place in my heart for the folks on the crew. it's a tough job. i think people who don't understand the movie industry think it's more glamorous than it is. they work long hours, under sometimes tough conditions, sometimes they have people yelling at them to do things quickly. so i worry that incidents like this are caused by putting these young overworked, sometimes underpaid crews under way too much pressure. and the industry right now, there's constant clambering for more content and you have a lot of young crews out there working really hard and there has to be a focus on safety. because they're doing dangerous stuff. i mean, you're blowing up cars and you're fake shooting people and you're doing things that are sort of inherently dangerous, so the industry itself has to continuously, constantly focus on safety to make sure that things like this don't happen. that's really been my focus and it's been the focus of the clients that i've had. the families are very much focused on safety in an industry that they love. it's just tragic that another bright light has been shut out by another incident and i wish it wouldn't happen and we've got to learn from it and we've got to do whatever we need to do to make sure it never happens again. >> so terribly sad, whether it was 1993, 2017, your case, and of course this week. jeff harris, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. take care. coming up, the discovery of brian laundrie's remains is only prompting more questions. how did he die? what did his parents know? and what's inside a notebook found near his remains? more on the investigation coming up next. plus, the supply chain crisis is leading to a spike in prices for some products. why economists warn they may be here to stay. oh, man. carvana lets people buy a car-- get this-- from their couch. oh, how disruptive. no salesman there to help me pick out the car i need. how does anyone find a car on this site without someone like us checking in? she's a beauty, huh? oh, golly! 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>> well, we use wood in a number of applications, but the most visible and apparent challenge are oak barrels, especially in an area like napa valley where oak is necessary to make some of the best wines in the world and we're very fortunate, we have a production team that plans very far out and had the foresight in terms of glass. for wood, we had a blessing in disguise because we had those devastating fires in 2020, which, in turn, made us not make wine in 2020, but we had barrels that we had for 2020 and now we're able to use them in '21. so the wood shortage that would have impacted this year didn't because we had barrels left over from last year we couldn't use. >> for so many wineries, this is bad coming from all angles. so no bottles or a shortage of bottles, a shortage of the wood for these wood barrels, and explain to me how difficult it would be for any winery to make adjustments on a dime. i mean, this is going to be a lot of money to make other adjustments, if you're without those two vital resources, spanning what amount of time would it take for any winery to make other adjustments, and what are the other alternatives when you're without those two critical things? >> from a glass perspective, it is a challenge. what's going to happen with a lot of wineries and when they can get glass, they will just have to take bottles or the packaging will be different. so i see in the near future that wineries will have fewer options in terms of packaging. so in terms of turning on a dime, we can't do that. so when we plan far out, like our wine making team did, we were protected and had the glass we needed. they bought in advance. i had an idea of doing some special holiday packaging. i wasn't able to do that because that was six months out. so really unless you plan 12 to 18 months out, sadly we don't grow bottles on our vines. we grow grapes. and then pricing, pricing has gone up in what you can get. glass has gone up. if you think about wood, it's not just the barrels, it's the pallets that ships everything, so all of a sudden all your costs are going up and that goes right into your bottom line. >> and so how much is it going to cost for that bottle of wine for thanksgiving or christmas or whenever, this weekend? >> it depends on who you ask. our philosophy is always to overdeliver and that's what we do, but you will see some increases in prices across the board, for sure, because margins are really getting eaten up from all sides. >> all right. these elements are critical to the making of your wine. everybody still needs their wine. i'm just drawing on my visits to sonoma valley and observing how meticulous the wine making is, so i can't imagine how much more difficult it is without these very critical ingredients. stephanie honig, all the best to you. i still want to say cheers. it's going to get better, right? >> it will get better. all up from here. thank you so much for having me. >> half glassful. >> come and see us in napa valley one of these days. >> i look forward to it. thank you so much. appreciate that. prices of products across the u.s. are skyrocketing as the global supply chain crisis intensifies, grocery items, gas, all getting more expensive as demand outpaces supply. alison kosik reports consumers may not get any relief for a while. >> reporter: sticker shock continues at the supermarket as just about everything is getting more expensive. unilever and dove soap announced it had to raise prices 4% over the summer and warned that increases would continue into next year to deal with costs of the supply chain chaos. that follows procter & gamble, which makes pampers diapers and tide detergent, saying it's raising prices on products to combat rising costs. also hiking prices, nestle, which sells everything from coffee to gerber baby foods to cheerios. the ceo says prices will rise 2% to offset the costs of transportation. you're also seeing higher prices at the gas station. the national average is well above $3.30 per gallon. this is happening as the global economy recovers from the pandemic. prices are going up because demand is surging and there isn't enough supply. our supply chain, the actual movement of products from point a to point b is under huge pressure. the raw materials that go into the stuff we buy aren't as plentiful. production slowed during the pandemic, causing a shortage, and higher prices for producers. that's just as consumers all at once are demanding more stuff. there's also a shortage of workers along the supply chain, so it's hard to keep up with the extreme high demand for the products that we're ordering online. for example, there aren't enough truck drivers to move the goods so cargo ships packed full of stuff on sitting, lining up at ports, waiting to unload. that means higher shipping and delivery costs for companies and companies are passing down those higher costs to consumers. how long will these higher prices stick around? we may have to get used to it for a while. moody's analytics warned that stress is only intensifying and shows no signs of fading any time soon. >> alison kosik, thank you so much. still ahead, the manhunt is over for brian laundrie, but the questions remain. ♪ ♪ ♪ easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. sustainability is essential to creating a better tomorrow. that's why cisco is committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2040. and we believe our smart buildings solutions can help. providing power to reduce emissions, intelligence to eliminate waste, and collaboration tools that help the workplace and the planet. between meeting human needs and a sustainable future, there's a bridge. cisco, the bridge to possible. the lexus es. every curve, every innovation, every feeling. a product of mastery. get 1.9% apr financing on the 2021 es 350. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. the manhunt for brian laundrie has ended, but now that his remains have been found in a florida nature preserve, questions continue. law enforcement experts say items, including a notebook and backpack discovered near laundrie's remains may be key pieces of evidence. authorities hope those items can shed light on the circumstances surrounding his disappearance and the death of his fiance, gabby petito. let's bring in polo sandoval with more on this. you're there outside of the family's home, the laundrie family home. what are you learning? >> reporter: fred, it's all about a flurry of unanswered questions here. we are about six weeks since gabby petito was reported missing, of course her body found about a week later and on the week that the manhunt for gl brian laundrie officially came to a close with the discovery of his remains, there are many critical questions left unanswered. one of them is how brian laundrie died. we learned yesterday from officials on the ground that the skeletal remains that were recovered in florida, laundrie's remains to be handed over to a forensic forensic person for more details. there was a notebook and clothing as well that authorities are hoping to take a closer look at. then there's another critical question, which is exactly what brian laundrie's parents have been able to share with investigators here. they have expressed, told officials, at least their attorney that they were concerned when he left their house that he seemed upset. the attorney didn't say exactly why, but that was about six days before gabby petito's body was found some 2,300 miles away. there's still a lot of pieces missing in this puzzle and they are certainly hopeful that brian's parents will be able to provide some of those. we have seen mr. laundrie step out of his home a couple of times to set up a couple of no trespassing signs, not answering any questions publicly. but the laundrie family attorney, fred, assuring folks that they have been cooperating with this investigation since day one. >> polo sandoval, thank you so much. happening overnight, a shooting near a college campus leaves one person dead and seven others injured in georgia. it happened at a party near georgia's fort valley state university. officials say the person killed was not a student at the school, though some of the wounded were. the school was on lockdown today and its homecoming parade was canceled. the lockdown has since been lifted. soon we will hear from former president obama on the campaign trail in virginia. we'll bring that to you live as it happens. plus, a game-changer in the fight against covid, when younger children have access to a vaccine. where does it go? 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>> reporter: terry mcauliffe just took the stage. president obama is up after him. i'm told, according to a source close to the former president, that he intends to tell voters here this is a tight race, that they should not take anything for granted, there is a chance this will come down to the wire. polling shows that with a neck and neck race between mcauliffe and youngkin. and obama is also intending to tell voters the reason they came out and supported him in 2008 and 2012, the same things are on the ballot in this election. democrats are worried that their base, their voter base is not as engaged, enthused about this election as they were as the elections over the last decade in virginia, especially the last election when trump was on the ballot. that is a concern among democrats and mcauliffe, speaking behind me, is leaning on top democrats to come out and try and boost that engagement. that is not what you're seeing on the republican side where youngkin has not leaned on trump. trump has not come to the state to rally for youngkin. there's a real reason for that. trump is unpopular here. he lost this commonwealth by ten points in 2020. so that is a vast difference between what democrats are doing. they are nationalizing this race and obama intends to do that again today as he takes the stage in just a few minutes, fred. >> we'll check back with you. thank you so much. of course, the candidate right now speaking and then soon the former president obama will be taking to the stage. we'll take it live to you. coming up, a miami private school is making bogus claims about the vaccine and it's now warning vaccinated children to stay away. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. ♪ (peaceful music) ♪ (battle sounds from phone) ♪ ♪ (battle sounds stop) ♪ ♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit how did panera come up with the idea to combine their famous mac and cheese with their iconic grilled cheese? 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>> yes and i sent an owner i'm in complete support of the policy. >> parents say the letter also declared that children who get the vaccine could potentially trand transmit covid to other children, which is not true. the school released a statement saying it's for precautionary measure. the owners of the school are layla and david. this spring, after layla sent out another e-mail declaring that teachers who get vaccinated can't come near the students, she told cnn -- >> there were all sorts of stories that came out that said potentially unvaccinated people are being impacted by being around vaccinated people. >> there is no such evidence. the sent ner academy has one building for kindergartners and -- most aren't yet eligible for vaccines, but soon will be. one child who will be is the daughter of this woman. >> you're very relieved she's not this that school. >> very. >> they pulled their first grade daughter of the academy last spring without getting their tuition back because they got more and more scared of the increasing anti-mask views at the school. >> they encouraged the students to take their mask off. >> did your daughter tell you? >> she told me. why are you teaching me this, but the school is saying this? >> you must have been infuriated. >> it was a very stressful time. >> it's a nondenominational school. records from the federal election commission show that layla and david donated large amount of money to republican candidates and organizations. for example, both made donations to the trump victory committee. their donations, a half million dollars a piece. she's active on social media. this strange one, they told us the sun will give you skin cancer, but in reality, it prevents skin cancer. of course, that's untrue. neither would agree to talk to us, but some of the parents we talked to at the school say they respect and admire her. however, many parents have pulled their children out. their respect, if it ever existed, gone. >> you don't indoctrinate. you educate. >> the mother says when her daughter started at the school, it was owned by someone else. she says the sentners took over shortly before the pandemic begin. gary tuckman, cnn, miami. all right. the cause of death of a couple and their baby daughter who died on a hiking trail has been released. officials say hypothermia with possible dehydration from environ environmental exposure led to the family's deaths. hypothermia refers to heat related conditions. they were found on a trail near yosemite national park in august. the family's dog was also found dead. its cause of death is still undetermined. we're going to take you to virginia now. in fact, there is the former president, barack obama, who has just walked out on stage there in richmond. he is stumping for terry mcauliffe, a little elbow bump there. in a tight gubernatorial race there. we're going to listen in right now. >> hello, richmond! it is good to be back in virginia! although i have to say that unlike some other states, i'm in virginia all the time because it's pretty close by to where i live. i -- i -- it is good to see y'all on this beautiful day. i am so grateful to the young democrats at bcu for hosting us today. it's good to see some young idealism and work. young activists getting out and doing work. i could not be prouder of you. it's thanks to extraordinary young people like you that i was able to get elected to the u.s. senate. you helped deliver virginia twice for me. i'll always love you for it. you delivered for terry mcauliffe and now i'm asking you to do it one more time. by electing terry the next governor of the commonwealth of virginia. in fact, i love you, too. i do. over the years, actually, you guys have come through for a lot of great leaders. many of whom are here today. your outstanding governor. your next lieutenant governor -- your current and future attorney general, mark herring. my dear friend, first person outside of illinois to endorse me for president of the united states, your great senator, tim kaine. congressman donald mckeechen is here. speaker of the virginia house of delegates -- the great mayor of richmond. these are leaders that you've come through for multiple times. and in ten days, you've got to chance to do it again. you've got a chance to elect terry and holla and mark and to keep virginia moving forward. before we start anything else, i want to remind you and everybody who's watching, you don't have to wait until november 2nd to cast your ballot. you can vote early. right now. either by mail or in person. if you don't -- don't, don't be lollg gallon. don't be sitting on the couch saying, i'll get to it later. you can vote early right now. if you've got a ballot at home, you can return it by mail. or you can hand it in at your local registrar's office or take it to a drop off location today. don't leave it on your desk. if you're like me, your desk is cluttered. you end up spilling stuff. you're like, oh, man, i got to start all over again. get another ballot. do it now. you'll feel good. you'll feel good about exercising the franchise. or you can vote early in person today. go to to make your plans. millions of virginians voted early last year. let's do it again this year. don't wait. you agree, don't you? yes, you do. all right. now. now that we've got that very important piece of business out of the way, let me tell you a little bit about terry. and why i know he will be a fantastic governor again. first thing to know about terry is as you just witnessed, he's very persuasive. if i told michelle i wanted to run for the same office after a few years away, she would have said something i cannot repeat. the rough translation would have been no. now, i don't know the conversation that terry had with dorothy, but dorothy, thank you, because i could not be happier that terry's back on the ticket. he's persuasive. and the reason i couldn't be happier is because i know he will make you proud as governor because he's already done it. he did it the last time. you know, there are times where you don't know. let's face it. when you elected barack obama, you're like, i don't know. that, that -- maybe you knew, but i have to say, i look at those, i look at some of that old footage, i'm like, man, he looked really young. i can't believe they trusted him to do all that stuff. he looks like he's 25 years old. that was before the gray hair. some of you who are very young don't remember, but i used to have black hair. but, but with terry, you know. he's done it. and you know this about terry. he knows how to work hard. this guy is the energizer bunny. he does not sleep. he does not stop. he started his own business at the age of 14. paving

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Everyone , Hello Again , Fredricka Whitfield , Movie , Person , Set , Alec Baldwin , Shooting , Affidavit , Evidence , Investigators , Wounded , Safe Prop Gun , Rounds , Another , Baldwin , New Mexico , One , Sets , Rochelle Wa Wolinski , Halyna Hutchins , Environments , Shot , Nature , Cast Member , Fred , Investigation , Way , Sheriffs , Santa Fe , Lucy Cavanaugh , Cnn , Knowledge , Events , Tele , Lot , Place , Anything , Scene , Cell Phones , Cameras , Film Material , Public , Crew , Rust , Details , Film Set , Team , Fateful , Bonanza Creek Ranch , Armorer , Assistant Director , Prop Weapons , Costume , Charge , Building , Church , Cart , Western , Three , It , Cold Gun , Structure , Gun , Hospital , Weapon , Chest , Director , Film , Condition , Shoulder Ands , 48 , Course , Blood , Charges , Clothes , Production , Weapons , That S Right , Father , Legendry Gunsmith , Hanna Gutierrez , 24 , Training , Time , Head Armorer , Career , Podcast , Told Way , Nicholas Cage , 16 , Everything , Things , Job , Observation , Ability , Me Everything , Doubts , Listen , Dad , Firearms , Thing , Loading Blanks , Blank , Means , Cylinders , Safety , Case , Don T , Wasn T , Factors , Freak Accident , Production Members , Death , Life , Difference , Gun Safety , News Reports , Film Sets , La Times , Covid Protocols , Protocols , Ben Simmons , Movie Sets , Firearms Instructor , Discussion , Actor , Stunt Coordinator , Rehearsal , Direction , Checks , Person To , Ammunition , Questions , Kind , Lots , Reporting , The New York Times , Camera Crew Workers , Conditions , Gun Safety Procedures , Concerns , Shoot , Statement , Cast , Proximity , Deadline , Entertainment News Website , Company , Procedures , Complaints , Rust Productions , Priority , Review , Jeff Harris , Authorities , Production Company , Comment , Mental Health Services , Family , U S , Sarah Jones , Filming , A Midnight Rider , 2014 , Some , Terms , Discoveries , Thoughts , Shooting Incident , Safety Protocols , Movie Industry , Safety Bulletin , Discharge , Sheet , Safety Policy , 80 , People , Question , Reasons , Complacency , Most , Myriad , Sense , Wasn T It , Mode , Mistakes , Attitude , Sort , Weren T , Call Sheet , Result , Brandon Lee Shooting Death On Set , 1993 , Movie Set , Yes , Incident , Management , Brandon Lee , Labor , Something , Industry , Experience , Doesn T , Incidents , Two , Ones , Hundreds , Shooting Blanks , Policies , Down , Anecdotally , Stress , Pressure , Hearing , Hat , Anybody , Someone , Negligence , Actor A Weapon , Part , Reason , Round , Business , Bullet , Zero , Criminal Negligence , Levels , Tweeting , Stage , Accident , Saying , Him , Doing , Explanation , Both , Something Wrong , Culpability , Human Beings , Back , Parties , Jury , Dollar Verdict , 2017 , Circumstances , Similarities , Dangers , Magnifying Glass , Point Of View , Heart , Folks , Movie Making , Crews , Stuff , Clambering , Cars , Focus , Families , Clients , Light , Wouldn T 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Congress , Attack , Freedom To Vote Act , Say , Act , Matter , Amazon , 2016 , Mother , Couple , Tuition , Assistant , Care , Nurse , Brother , Registered Nurse , Spreadsheets , Filipino , Kayak , Ocean , Candidates , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Glass , Wildfires , Supply Demands , Wineries , Shortage , Barrels , Mix , Business Insider , Winemaker , Glass Bottles , Guest , Alternative Packaging Isn T A Solution , Stephanie Honig , Options , Cans , Boxes , Radio , Kcbs , Wine , Packages , Types , Can , Put , Bottles , Bottling Line , Glasses , Standpoint , Wine Making Practices , Infrastructure , The Fly Doesn T Work , Winery , Product , Science , Problem , Wood Shortages , Process , Wood , Challenge , Oak Barrels , Area , Applications , Napa Valley , Production Team , Wines , Oak , Fires , Foresight , Turn , Blessing , Disguise , Which , 2020 , Wood Shortage , We Couldn T Use , 21 , Dime , Adjustments , Wood Barrels , Angles , Money , Amount , Those 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Problems , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Blood Cell , Disease , Breathing Problems , Change , Chest Pain , Skin , Yellowing , Bleeding , Cough , Eyes , Tiredness , Loss , Appetite , Dizziness , Urine , Bruising , Chills , Breastfeeding , Grapefruit , Treatment , Fever , Rash , Boost , Governors , High Stakes , Former , President , Candidate , Terry Mcauliffe , Race , Campaign , Barometer , Pipeline , Dan , Voters , Source , Expectations , Chance , Wire , Youngkin , Polling , Ballot , Young Democrats , Election , Elections , Voter Base , Base , 2012 , 2008 , Trump , Republican , Concern , Engagement , Side , State , Commonwealth , Points , Ten , Miami Private School , Claims , Car Vending Machines , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Spot , Offer , Battle Sounds From Phone , Value , Shipping Manager , Battle Sounds Stop , Find Themself , Cheese , Mac , Inventions , Grilled Cheese , Flavor Fullest , Panera , Mess , Teeth , Joe , , Health , Gateway , Mouth , Joe S Treatment 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Owners , E Mail , Teachers , Layla , David , Students , Sorts , Can T , Stories , Daughter , Kindergartners , Woman , Sent Ner Academy , Grade , Mask Off , Show , Records , Federal Election Commission , Trump Victory Committee , Donations , Piece , Organizations , Skin Cancer , Social Media , Reality , The Sun , Respect , Don T Indoctrinate , Sentners , Someone Else , Hypothermia , Baby Daughter , Cause , Hiking Trail , Environ Environmental , Deaths , Exposure Led , Trail Near Yosemite National Park In August , Fact , Dog , Richmond , Stumping , There , Elbow Bump , Hello , States , Work , Idealism , Activists , Bcu , Thanks , U S Senate , Electing Terry , Governor , I Love You , Leaders , Many , Lieutenant Governor , Guys , Mark Herring , Friend , Tim Kaine , President Of The United States , Congressman Donald Mckeechen , Illinois , Virginia House Of Delegates , Speaker , Mayor , Mark , November 2nd , Mail , Don T Be Lollg Gallon , Couch Saying , Registrar , Office , Desk , Leave It , Spilling Stuff , Drop Off Location , Plans , Franchise , Millions , Virginians , Don T You , Terry , Michelle , Translation , Dorothy , Conversation , Ticket , I Don T Know , Footage , Hair , Guy , Age , Energizer Bunny , Paving , 14 ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

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inside. the shot killed cinematographer halyna hutchins and injured director joel souza. a cast member for the movie says sets by nature are dangerous environments, though they had no direct knowledge of the events that led up to the shooting. cnn correspondent lucy cavanaugh is in santa fe where the investigation is under way. what more are you learning? >> reporter: well, sheriffs tell us tele not be updating the public before monday. we know they are combing through the scene, trying to gather evidence. the affidavit indicates that they seized a lot of the film material, cell phones, cameras, anything that could shed light on what exactly took place that fateful thursday afternoon and we are getting more details from the affidavit. we understand that the team, the crew was on the film set of "rust" at the bonanza creek ranch early on thursday afternoon. alec baldwin was wearing his western-style costume. he was inside the church, presumably preparing to film a scene. we understand according to the affidavit the assistant director was outside of the building, three prop weapons were laid out on a cart, prepared by the armorer, the person in charge of the prop weapons. the assistant director grabbed one, walked inside the structure, handed it to alec baldwin and shouted "cold gun", which is meant to indicate there are no live rounds in the weapon. we understand that alec baldwin took the gun and fired, miss halyna hutchins was shot in the chest. she was pronounced dead upon arriving to the hospital where she was airlifted. the director of the film, 48-year-old joel souza was shot in the shoulder ands was taken to a local hospital. we're not sure about his condition, but presumably he is recovering in hospital. alec baldwin's western-style costume was covered in what appeared to be blood, according to the affidavit. he changed out of those clothes and according to the sheriffs here, he has been cooperating fully, but of course no charges have been filed as of yet. >> and then, lucy, we're hearing from the armorer who is generally the person who handles the weapons on the set for the movie, and the armorer in this movie spoke previously about another production. what are you learning? >> reporter: that's right. the affidavit named her as hanna gutierrez. we understand she's 24 years old. she was trained by her father, who was a legendry gunsmith. he started training her when she was 16 years old. we understand based on this podcast that she worked previously in another production with nicholas cage, a movie called "told way" where she served for the first time in her career as head armorer and she shared doubts she had about her ability to do a job in that production. take a listen. >> dad has taught me everything, but a lot of things, you know, i kind of just caught on by myself and everything. >> observation? >> yeah, just observation, watching him do things or just knowing how the firearms work. i think loading blanks was the scariest thing to me, because i was, like, oh, i don't know anything about it. but he taught me that and eventually by the time i was trying to figure out how to make a specific blank go when you want it to, rather than it hitting the empty cylinders and everything. >> reporter: now, being inexperienced or young or nervous about the job by no means indicates that her job wasn't performed well in this case. we still don't know what happened, whether this was a freak accident, what other factors contributed to this fatal shooting. we simply don't have those details. what it does speak to is some of the concerns the production members had about safety on the set, covid protocols as well as gun safety, this is according to news reports in the la times. >> thank you so much. appreciate that. so safety measures on film sets can be the difference between life and death. earlier i spoke with ben simmons, who was a firearms instructor on movie sets, and asked him to break down what those protocols are generally, and here's what he had to say. >> usually you would try and avoid using a real gun unless you have to, and it would be a discussion between those in charge on the set between the director, the actor, the stunt coordinator, the armorer, the person providing the gun and responsible for the safety. you would have a discussion and a rehearsal about where the gun would be pointing. and you rehearse and the actor would be able to point the gun in the right direction at the time. there would be various checks the armorer would do to make sure the gun was clear, the right ammunition was being used, when a gun is being handed from person to person, generally what should happen is the gun should be checked each time. so those are the kind of safety rules that are normally brought into place on sets. >> still lots of questions today about the safety measures taken on the "rust" set there in new mexico, the alec baldwin movie. "the new york times" reporting that hours before the deadly shooting at least a half dozen camera crew workers walked off the set to protest working conditions, including gun safety procedures and other concerns from where they were staying in proximity to the shoot. in a statement obtained by the entertainment news website "deadline" they said the safety of our cast and crew is the top priority of rust productions and everyone associated with the company. we were not made aware of any official complaints concerning weapons or prop safety on set, we will be conducting an internal review of our procedures while production is shut down. we will continue to cooperate with authorities in their investigation and offer mental health services to the cast and crew during this tragic time. cnn has reached out to the production company for comment, but we have yet to hear back. joining me right now is jeff harris, an attorney who represented the family of sarah jones, a camera assistant who was killed while filming "a midnight rider" back in 2014. so glad you could be with us today. >> thank you, fredricka, glad to be here. >> what are your initial thoughts in terms of how this investigation will be carried out? what are some of the questions that are going to be asked? what are likely some of the discoveries that need to or will be made as it pertains to this "rust" fatal shooting incident? >> well, my initial thought when i first heard about this, and i feel the same way now, is there is literally no way that this can happen if the crew is following standard safety protocols that have been in the movie industry since at least the '80s. attached to the call sheet is a safety bulletin, any time you use firearms on set, and it outlines exactly what you're supposed to do and you can't have an accidental discharge like this if the safety policy is being followed. so that's obviously the first question, why wasn't it followed, and there can be a myriad of reasons why, but most of the time on a movie set when safety protocols are not being followed, it's because there's a sense of complacency, people get into a mode where they keep doing things over and over again and they've got this sort of attitude that, hey, we've got this, we deal with firearms every day, and then mistakes get made. so that's really the first question i have, is why weren't these protocols followed. they're clear, they're simple, straightforward, and they would have been attached to the call sheet. >> when you said protocols that were put into place around the late '80s, are some of those protocols that are being respected today, a direct result from the 1993 brandon lee shooting death on set. have there been, i guess, a more stricter set of protocols put in place involving firearms, weapons on sets particularly because of what happened to brandon lee? >> yes, and it happens any time there's an incident on a movie set, labor gets together, management gets together and they work together to figure out -- so what the industry tries to do is learn from experience. if something bad happens on a movie set, implement whatever protocols or procedures need to be implemented to ensure that it doesn't happen again. and since we've had two firearms related incidents in the movie industry many years ago, i believe that the safety protocols and procedures that the industry has in place are good ones. they're effective. there are hundreds of movie shoots that take place every day where people are using firearms, shooting blanks, and it is extraordinarily rare for an incident like this to take place. and so we know when something like this happens, when we have good policies, if it happened it's because people weren't following them. and sometimes that comes from the top down, and i don't know enough about this shoot to know. but we are sort of anecdotally hearing there were complaints from the crew was under stress and pressure. >> and then now from your legal hat, do you feel like, based on what is being publicized thus far, that you see that there will be a legal case to follow, a criminal case that might follow, a civil case to follow? >> i absolutely believe that there will be a civil case. i don't know that anybody could look at this and not conclude that there was negligence on the part of someone, because you don't hand an actor a weapon and the actor thinks it's a cold weapon, it actually has a blank in it. and then there's also reporting that it may be what people are describing as a live round. i'm not sure exactly what they mean when they say that. generally speaking in the movie business, if it's a live round it's a blank. there's been reporting that maybe it's a ballistic round, a bullet, and there's zero reason why you would ever have a live ballistic round on a movie set. so if that happened, then you're transcending into the levels of criminal negligence, which is a higher standard than civil negligence. it's inexplicable to me how you have a bullet on a movie set. >> do you see it as helpful or potentially damaging alec baldwin tweeting out his thoughts, and saying, yes, this was a tragic accident in a statement, and that he's fully cooperating with investigators? what are your thoughts about hearing from alec baldwin himself at this stage publicly like this? >> i don't fault him for that. i think he's doing what anybody who is compassionate would do. he's concerned about the family. it sounds to me from the initial reporting that he was handed a gun that he thought was a gold weapon and there's got to be an explanation of how that happened. i never fault people for being compassionate human beings, but at the end of the day, if he has any civil culpability, if he did something wrong, that will be sorted out both in the criminal investigation and the subsequent civil investigation. >> and to the case that you were involved in back in 2017, a jury issued a multi-million dollar verdict for the death of sarah jones for negligence involving multiple parties. you represented her family. are you looking at this from the point of view of similarities, different circumstances, but similarities meaning putting a magnifying glass on the potential dangers that come with any movie making? >> yeah, i have a special place in my heart for the folks on the crew. it's a tough job. i think people who don't understand the movie industry think it's more glamorous than it is. they work long hours, under sometimes tough conditions, sometimes they have people yelling at them to do things quickly. so i worry that incidents like this are caused by putting these young overworked, sometimes underpaid crews under way too much pressure. and the industry right now, there's constant clambering for more content and you have a lot of young crews out there working really hard and there has to be a focus on safety. because they're doing dangerous stuff. i mean, you're blowing up cars and you're fake shooting people and you're doing things that are sort of inherently dangerous, so the industry itself has to continuously, constantly focus on safety to make sure that things like this don't happen. that's really been my focus and it's been the focus of the clients that i've had. the families are very much focused on safety in an industry that they love. it's just tragic that another bright light has been shut out by another incident and i wish it wouldn't happen and we've got to learn from it and we've got to do whatever we need to do to make sure it never happens again. >> so terribly sad, whether it was 1993, 2017, your case, and of course this week. jeff harris, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. take care. coming up, the discovery of brian laundrie's remains is only prompting more questions. how did he die? what did his parents know? and what's inside a notebook found near his remains? more on the investigation coming up next. plus, the supply chain crisis is leading to a spike in prices for some products. why economists warn they may be here to stay. oh, man. carvana lets people buy a car-- get this-- from their couch. oh, how disruptive. no salesman there to help me pick out the car i need. how does anyone find a car on this site without someone like us checking in? she's a beauty, huh? oh, golly! 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>> well, we use wood in a number of applications, but the most visible and apparent challenge are oak barrels, especially in an area like napa valley where oak is necessary to make some of the best wines in the world and we're very fortunate, we have a production team that plans very far out and had the foresight in terms of glass. for wood, we had a blessing in disguise because we had those devastating fires in 2020, which, in turn, made us not make wine in 2020, but we had barrels that we had for 2020 and now we're able to use them in '21. so the wood shortage that would have impacted this year didn't because we had barrels left over from last year we couldn't use. >> for so many wineries, this is bad coming from all angles. so no bottles or a shortage of bottles, a shortage of the wood for these wood barrels, and explain to me how difficult it would be for any winery to make adjustments on a dime. i mean, this is going to be a lot of money to make other adjustments, if you're without those two vital resources, spanning what amount of time would it take for any winery to make other adjustments, and what are the other alternatives when you're without those two critical things? >> from a glass perspective, it is a challenge. what's going to happen with a lot of wineries and when they can get glass, they will just have to take bottles or the packaging will be different. so i see in the near future that wineries will have fewer options in terms of packaging. so in terms of turning on a dime, we can't do that. so when we plan far out, like our wine making team did, we were protected and had the glass we needed. they bought in advance. i had an idea of doing some special holiday packaging. i wasn't able to do that because that was six months out. so really unless you plan 12 to 18 months out, sadly we don't grow bottles on our vines. we grow grapes. and then pricing, pricing has gone up in what you can get. glass has gone up. if you think about wood, it's not just the barrels, it's the pallets that ships everything, so all of a sudden all your costs are going up and that goes right into your bottom line. >> and so how much is it going to cost for that bottle of wine for thanksgiving or christmas or whenever, this weekend? >> it depends on who you ask. our philosophy is always to overdeliver and that's what we do, but you will see some increases in prices across the board, for sure, because margins are really getting eaten up from all sides. >> all right. these elements are critical to the making of your wine. everybody still needs their wine. i'm just drawing on my visits to sonoma valley and observing how meticulous the wine making is, so i can't imagine how much more difficult it is without these very critical ingredients. stephanie honig, all the best to you. i still want to say cheers. it's going to get better, right? >> it will get better. all up from here. thank you so much for having me. >> half glassful. >> come and see us in napa valley one of these days. >> i look forward to it. thank you so much. appreciate that. prices of products across the u.s. are skyrocketing as the global supply chain crisis intensifies, grocery items, gas, all getting more expensive as demand outpaces supply. alison kosik reports consumers may not get any relief for a while. >> reporter: sticker shock continues at the supermarket as just about everything is getting more expensive. unilever and dove soap announced it had to raise prices 4% over the summer and warned that increases would continue into next year to deal with costs of the supply chain chaos. that follows procter & gamble, which makes pampers diapers and tide detergent, saying it's raising prices on products to combat rising costs. also hiking prices, nestle, which sells everything from coffee to gerber baby foods to cheerios. the ceo says prices will rise 2% to offset the costs of transportation. you're also seeing higher prices at the gas station. the national average is well above $3.30 per gallon. this is happening as the global economy recovers from the pandemic. prices are going up because demand is surging and there isn't enough supply. our supply chain, the actual movement of products from point a to point b is under huge pressure. the raw materials that go into the stuff we buy aren't as plentiful. production slowed during the pandemic, causing a shortage, and higher prices for producers. that's just as consumers all at once are demanding more stuff. there's also a shortage of workers along the supply chain, so it's hard to keep up with the extreme high demand for the products that we're ordering online. for example, there aren't enough truck drivers to move the goods so cargo ships packed full of stuff on sitting, lining up at ports, waiting to unload. that means higher shipping and delivery costs for companies and companies are passing down those higher costs to consumers. how long will these higher prices stick around? we may have to get used to it for a while. moody's analytics warned that stress is only intensifying and shows no signs of fading any time soon. >> alison kosik, thank you so much. still ahead, the manhunt is over for brian laundrie, but the questions remain. ♪ ♪ ♪ easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. sustainability is essential to creating a better tomorrow. that's why cisco is committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2040. and we believe our smart buildings solutions can help. providing power to reduce emissions, intelligence to eliminate waste, and collaboration tools that help the workplace and the planet. between meeting human needs and a sustainable future, there's a bridge. cisco, the bridge to possible. the lexus es. every curve, every innovation, every feeling. a product of mastery. get 1.9% apr financing on the 2021 es 350. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. the manhunt for brian laundrie has ended, but now that his remains have been found in a florida nature preserve, questions continue. law enforcement experts say items, including a notebook and backpack discovered near laundrie's remains may be key pieces of evidence. authorities hope those items can shed light on the circumstances surrounding his disappearance and the death of his fiance, gabby petito. let's bring in polo sandoval with more on this. you're there outside of the family's home, the laundrie family home. what are you learning? >> reporter: fred, it's all about a flurry of unanswered questions here. we are about six weeks since gabby petito was reported missing, of course her body found about a week later and on the week that the manhunt for gl brian laundrie officially came to a close with the discovery of his remains, there are many critical questions left unanswered. one of them is how brian laundrie died. we learned yesterday from officials on the ground that the skeletal remains that were recovered in florida, laundrie's remains to be handed over to a forensic forensic person for more details. there was a notebook and clothing as well that authorities are hoping to take a closer look at. then there's another critical question, which is exactly what brian laundrie's parents have been able to share with investigators here. they have expressed, told officials, at least their attorney that they were concerned when he left their house that he seemed upset. the attorney didn't say exactly why, but that was about six days before gabby petito's body was found some 2,300 miles away. there's still a lot of pieces missing in this puzzle and they are certainly hopeful that brian's parents will be able to provide some of those. we have seen mr. laundrie step out of his home a couple of times to set up a couple of no trespassing signs, not answering any questions publicly. but the laundrie family attorney, fred, assuring folks that they have been cooperating with this investigation since day one. >> polo sandoval, thank you so much. happening overnight, a shooting near a college campus leaves one person dead and seven others injured in georgia. it happened at a party near georgia's fort valley state university. officials say the person killed was not a student at the school, though some of the wounded were. the school was on lockdown today and its homecoming parade was canceled. the lockdown has since been lifted. soon we will hear from former president obama on the campaign trail in virginia. we'll bring that to you live as it happens. plus, a game-changer in the fight against covid, when younger children have access to a vaccine. where does it go? 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>> reporter: terry mcauliffe just took the stage. president obama is up after him. i'm told, according to a source close to the former president, that he intends to tell voters here this is a tight race, that they should not take anything for granted, there is a chance this will come down to the wire. polling shows that with a neck and neck race between mcauliffe and youngkin. and obama is also intending to tell voters the reason they came out and supported him in 2008 and 2012, the same things are on the ballot in this election. democrats are worried that their base, their voter base is not as engaged, enthused about this election as they were as the elections over the last decade in virginia, especially the last election when trump was on the ballot. that is a concern among democrats and mcauliffe, speaking behind me, is leaning on top democrats to come out and try and boost that engagement. that is not what you're seeing on the republican side where youngkin has not leaned on trump. trump has not come to the state to rally for youngkin. there's a real reason for that. trump is unpopular here. he lost this commonwealth by ten points in 2020. so that is a vast difference between what democrats are doing. they are nationalizing this race and obama intends to do that again today as he takes the stage in just a few minutes, fred. >> we'll check back with you. thank you so much. of course, the candidate right now speaking and then soon the former president obama will be taking to the stage. we'll take it live to you. coming up, a miami private school is making bogus claims about the vaccine and it's now warning vaccinated children to stay away. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. ♪ (peaceful music) ♪ (battle sounds from phone) ♪ ♪ (battle sounds stop) ♪ ♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit how did panera come up with the idea to combine their famous mac and cheese with their iconic grilled cheese? 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>> yes and i sent an owner i'm in complete support of the policy. >> parents say the letter also declared that children who get the vaccine could potentially trand transmit covid to other children, which is not true. the school released a statement saying it's for precautionary measure. the owners of the school are layla and david. this spring, after layla sent out another e-mail declaring that teachers who get vaccinated can't come near the students, she told cnn -- >> there were all sorts of stories that came out that said potentially unvaccinated people are being impacted by being around vaccinated people. >> there is no such evidence. the sent ner academy has one building for kindergartners and -- most aren't yet eligible for vaccines, but soon will be. one child who will be is the daughter of this woman. >> you're very relieved she's not this that school. >> very. >> they pulled their first grade daughter of the academy last spring without getting their tuition back because they got more and more scared of the increasing anti-mask views at the school. >> they encouraged the students to take their mask off. >> did your daughter tell you? >> she told me. why are you teaching me this, but the school is saying this? >> you must have been infuriated. >> it was a very stressful time. >> it's a nondenominational school. records from the federal election commission show that layla and david donated large amount of money to republican candidates and organizations. for example, both made donations to the trump victory committee. their donations, a half million dollars a piece. she's active on social media. this strange one, they told us the sun will give you skin cancer, but in reality, it prevents skin cancer. of course, that's untrue. neither would agree to talk to us, but some of the parents we talked to at the school say they respect and admire her. however, many parents have pulled their children out. their respect, if it ever existed, gone. >> you don't indoctrinate. you educate. >> the mother says when her daughter started at the school, it was owned by someone else. she says the sentners took over shortly before the pandemic begin. gary tuckman, cnn, miami. all right. the cause of death of a couple and their baby daughter who died on a hiking trail has been released. officials say hypothermia with possible dehydration from environ environmental exposure led to the family's deaths. hypothermia refers to heat related conditions. they were found on a trail near yosemite national park in august. the family's dog was also found dead. its cause of death is still undetermined. we're going to take you to virginia now. in fact, there is the former president, barack obama, who has just walked out on stage there in richmond. he is stumping for terry mcauliffe, a little elbow bump there. in a tight gubernatorial race there. we're going to listen in right now. >> hello, richmond! it is good to be back in virginia! although i have to say that unlike some other states, i'm in virginia all the time because it's pretty close by to where i live. i -- i -- it is good to see y'all on this beautiful day. i am so grateful to the young democrats at bcu for hosting us today. it's good to see some young idealism and work. young activists getting out and doing work. i could not be prouder of you. it's thanks to extraordinary young people like you that i was able to get elected to the u.s. senate. you helped deliver virginia twice for me. i'll always love you for it. you delivered for terry mcauliffe and now i'm asking you to do it one more time. by electing terry the next governor of the commonwealth of virginia. in fact, i love you, too. i do. over the years, actually, you guys have come through for a lot of great leaders. many of whom are here today. your outstanding governor. your next lieutenant governor -- your current and future attorney general, mark herring. my dear friend, first person outside of illinois to endorse me for president of the united states, your great senator, tim kaine. congressman donald mckeechen is here. speaker of the virginia house of delegates -- the great mayor of richmond. these are leaders that you've come through for multiple times. and in ten days, you've got to chance to do it again. you've got a chance to elect terry and holla and mark and to keep virginia moving forward. before we start anything else, i want to remind you and everybody who's watching, you don't have to wait until november 2nd to cast your ballot. you can vote early. right now. either by mail or in person. if you don't -- don't, don't be lollg gallon. don't be sitting on the couch saying, i'll get to it later. you can vote early right now. if you've got a ballot at home, you can return it by mail. or you can hand it in at your local registrar's office or take it to a drop off location today. don't leave it on your desk. if you're like me, your desk is cluttered. you end up spilling stuff. you're like, oh, man, i got to start all over again. get another ballot. do it now. you'll feel good. you'll feel good about exercising the franchise. or you can vote early in person today. go to to make your plans. millions of virginians voted early last year. let's do it again this year. don't wait. you agree, don't you? yes, you do. all right. now. now that we've got that very important piece of business out of the way, let me tell you a little bit about terry. and why i know he will be a fantastic governor again. first thing to know about terry is as you just witnessed, he's very persuasive. if i told michelle i wanted to run for the same office after a few years away, she would have said something i cannot repeat. the rough translation would have been no. now, i don't know the conversation that terry had with dorothy, but dorothy, thank you, because i could not be happier that terry's back on the ticket. he's persuasive. and the reason i couldn't be happier is because i know he will make you proud as governor because he's already done it. he did it the last time. you know, there are times where you don't know. let's face it. when you elected barack obama, you're like, i don't know. that, that -- maybe you knew, but i have to say, i look at those, i look at some of that old footage, i'm like, man, he looked really young. i can't believe they trusted him to do all that stuff. he looks like he's 25 years old. that was before the gray hair. some of you who are very young don't remember, but i used to have black hair. but, but with terry, you know. he's done it. and you know this about terry. he knows how to work hard. this guy is the energizer bunny. he does not sleep. he does not stop. he started his own business at the age of 14. paving

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Everything , Things , Job , Observation , Ability , Me Everything , Doubts , Listen , Dad , Firearms , Thing , Loading Blanks , Blank , Means , Cylinders , Safety , Case , Don T , Wasn T , Factors , Freak Accident , Production Members , Death , Life , Difference , Gun Safety , News Reports , Film Sets , La Times , Covid Protocols , Protocols , Ben Simmons , Movie Sets , Firearms Instructor , Discussion , Actor , Stunt Coordinator , Rehearsal , Direction , Checks , Person To , Ammunition , Questions , Kind , Lots , Reporting , The New York Times , Camera Crew Workers , Conditions , Gun Safety Procedures , Concerns , Shoot , Statement , Cast , Proximity , Deadline , Entertainment News Website , Company , Procedures , Complaints , Rust Productions , Priority , Review , Jeff Harris , Authorities , Production Company , Comment , Mental Health Services , Family , U S , Sarah Jones , Filming , A Midnight Rider , 2014 , Some , Terms , Discoveries , Thoughts , Shooting Incident , Safety Protocols , Movie Industry , Safety Bulletin , Discharge , Sheet , Safety Policy , 80 , People , Question , Reasons , Complacency , Most , Myriad , Sense , Wasn T It , Mode , Mistakes , Attitude , Sort , Weren T , Call Sheet , Result , Brandon Lee Shooting Death On Set , 1993 , Movie Set , Yes , Incident , Management , Brandon Lee , Labor , Something , Industry , Experience , Doesn T , Incidents , Two , Ones , Hundreds , Shooting Blanks , Policies , Down , Anecdotally , Stress , Pressure , Hearing , Hat , Anybody , Someone , Negligence , Actor A Weapon , Part , Reason , Round , Business , Bullet , Zero , Criminal Negligence , Levels , Tweeting , Stage , Accident , Saying , Him , Doing , Explanation , Both , Something Wrong , Culpability , Human Beings , Back , Parties , Jury , Dollar Verdict , 2017 , Circumstances , Similarities , Dangers , Magnifying Glass , Point Of View , Heart , Folks , Movie Making , Crews , Stuff , Clambering , Cars , Focus , Families , Clients , Light , Wouldn T , Remains , Parents , Gl Brian Laundrie , Notebook , Coming Up , Take Care , Prices , Products , More , Economists , Supply Chain Crisis , Plus , Spike , Car , Man , Carvana , Salesman , Checking In , Couch , Site , Anyone , She S A Beauty , Music , Color , Manager , Golly , Laughter , Vo , Phone Beep , 100 , Hr Software , Phone Clicks , Music Quieter , 11 , Report , Business Software Working , Expense , Phone , Social Security Number , Machine , Jams , Wife , Hr , Eleven , Each Other , Employees , Story , Demo , Thousands , Hr Data , Software , Female Narrator , First Off , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Hon , World , Pain , Hope , Step , Surgeries , Surgery , Mercy Ships , Ravette , 9 , 19 , Number , Psoriatic Arthritis , Suffering , Screen , Joints , Don T Wait , Adults , Help , Symptoms , Infections , Reactions , Risk , Patients , Tremfya , Vaccine , Infection , Doctor , Voice , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Living , Emerge Tremfyanttm , Country , Vote , Freedom , Voices , Call Congress , Attack , Freedom To Vote Act , Say , Act , Matter , Amazon , 2016 , Mother , Couple , Tuition , Assistant , Care , Nurse , Brother , Registered Nurse , Spreadsheets , Filipino , Kayak , Ocean , Candidates , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Glass , Wildfires , Supply Demands , Wineries , Shortage , Barrels , Mix , Business Insider , Winemaker , Glass Bottles , Guest , Alternative Packaging Isn T A Solution , Stephanie Honig , Options , Cans , Boxes , Radio , Kcbs , Wine , Packages , Types , Can , Put , Bottles , Bottling Line , Glasses , Standpoint , Wine Making Practices , Infrastructure , The Fly Doesn T Work , Winery , Product , Science , Problem , Wood Shortages , Process , Wood , Challenge , Oak Barrels , Area , Applications , Napa Valley , Production Team , Wines , Oak , Fires , Foresight , Turn , Blessing , Disguise , Which , 2020 , Wood Shortage , We Couldn T Use , 21 , Dime , Adjustments , Wood Barrels , Angles , Money , Amount , Those Two Vital Resources , Perspective , Alternatives , Packaging , Wine Making Team , Idea , Holiday Packaging , Advance , 18 , Six , 12 , Pricing , Grapes , Vines , Pallets , Costs , Wall , Bottle , Bottom Line , Increases , Philosophy , Sides , Board , Margins , Everybody , Making , Visits , Elements , Sonoma Valley , Ingredients , Cheers , Best , Wine Making , Napa Valley One Of These Days , Half Glassful , Alison Kosik , Supply , Gas , Grocery Items , Skyrocketing , Relief , Unilever , Sticker Shock , Supermarket , Summer , Dove Soap , 4 , Procter Gamble , Diapers , Supply Chain Chaos , Tide Detergent , Nestle , Coffee , Gerber Baby Foods , Gas Station , Cheerios , Transportation , Economy , Average , Ceo , 30 , 2 , 3 30 , Pandemic , Demand , Materials , Aren T , Point A To B , Supply Chain , Movement , Isn T Enough Supply , Consumers , Producers , Workers , Example , There Aren T , Cargo Ships , Shipping , Sitting , Truck Drivers , Goods , Ports , Companies , Delivery , Moody S Analytics , Manhunt , Signs , Tools , Mobile App , Simplicity , Chase , Essential , Sustainability , Cisco , Collaboration Tools , Emissions , Solutions , Buildings , Power , Waste , Intelligence , 2040 , Planet , Workplace , Bridge , Curve , Innovation , Meeting Human Needs , The Bridge , Lexus Es , Planning Effect , Feeling , Apr Financing , Mastery , Dealer , Es 350 , 350 , 2021 , 1 9 , Picture , Fidelity , Plan , Investing Strategies , Advisor , Wealth , Whatever , Healthcare , Road , Items , Florida Nature Preserve , Law Enforcement Experts , Pieces , Backpack , Fiance , Disappearance , Gabby Petito , Polo Sandoval , Laundrie Family Home , Body , Missing , Flurry , Close , Officials , Ground , Laundrie S , Florida , Look , Clothing , Didn T , House , Puzzle , Mr , Brian , Miles Away , Laundrie Step Out , 2300 , Times , Assuring Folks , Trespassing Signs , Day One , Laundrie Family Attorney , College Campus , Others , Party Near Georgia , Seven , School , The School , Student , Lockdown , Lockdown Today , Homecoming Parade , Fort Valley State University , Barack Obama , Children , Virginia , Covid , Campaign Trail , Game Changer , Fight , Access , Victim , Gravity , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Theory , Somewhere , Wheel , Fine , Bermuda Triangle , Lincoln , Move , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Fees , Rates , 500 , 00 , Pill , Blood Sugar , Stop Rybelsus , Sunshine , You Are My Sunshine , Diabetes , Don T Take Rybelsus , 3 , Sulfonylurea , Sugar , Food , Ways , Majority , A1c , Lost , 7 , 8 , Isn T For Peopl , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrin Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Side Effects , Neck , Vision Problems , Changes , Stomach Pain , Lump , Reaction , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Provider , Dehydration , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Vomiting , Nausea , Diarrhea , Possibl , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 10 , 0 , Ideas , Dark , Breast Cancer , Thriver , Flexibility , Fulvestrant , Women , Aromatase Inhibitor , Hr , Kisqali , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Blood Cell , Disease , Breathing Problems , Change , Chest Pain , Skin , Yellowing , Bleeding , Cough , Eyes , Tiredness , Loss , Appetite , Dizziness , Urine , Bruising , Chills , Breastfeeding , Grapefruit , Treatment , Fever , Rash , Boost , Governors , High Stakes , Former , President , Candidate , Terry Mcauliffe , Race , Campaign , Barometer , Pipeline , Dan , Voters , Source , Expectations , Chance , Wire , Youngkin , Polling , Ballot , Young Democrats , Election , Elections , Voter Base , Base , 2012 , 2008 , Trump , Republican , Concern , Engagement , Side , State , Commonwealth , Points , Ten , Miami Private School , Claims , Car Vending Machines , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Spot , Offer , Battle Sounds From Phone , Value , Shipping Manager , Battle Sounds Stop , Find Themself , Cheese , Mac , Inventions , Grilled Cheese , Flavor Fullest , Panera , Mess , Teeth , Joe , , Health , Gateway , Mouth , Joe S Treatment Plan , Dental Implants , Clearchoice , Better , Alberto , 5g , Data , Family Plans , Group , Verizon , Mo , 25 , 5 , Constipated , Friends , Save , Handle , Low , Mo All In , Visible , Constipation , Big Relief , Fleet , Little Fleet , Shots , Breakthrough , November , Drive , Nadia Romero , Kids , Households , Age Group , Effectiveness , Research , Pfizer , 90 , Dose , Third , Needle , Study , Wait , Views , Approach , Experts , Safe , Messages , Family Pediatrician , Confiden , Teadeal , Child , Vaccines , Vaccinations , Anthony Fauci , Family Unit , Benefit , Dr , Same , Cdc , Whole , Timeline , Little , It Wouldn T , Authorization , Vaccine Advisers , Fda , Winter Holidays , Grandma , Christmas , Hanukkah , Private School , One Miami , 30 , Gary Tuchman , Sentner Academy , Danger , Fear , Family Decision , Son , Miami , Fox News , Scientist , Opinion , Sir , Information , Saving Lives , Scientists , Alex , D Due Respect , Letter , Owner , Support , Policy , Spring , Measure , Owners , E Mail , Teachers , Layla , David , Students , Sorts , Can T , Stories , Daughter , Kindergartners , Woman , Sent Ner Academy , Grade , Mask Off , Show , Records , Federal Election Commission , Trump Victory Committee , Donations , Piece , Organizations , Skin Cancer , Social Media , Reality , The Sun , Respect , Don T Indoctrinate , Sentners , Someone Else , Hypothermia , Baby Daughter , Cause , Hiking Trail , Environ Environmental , Deaths , Exposure Led , Trail Near Yosemite National Park In August , Fact , Dog , Richmond , Stumping , There , Elbow Bump , Hello , States , Work , Idealism , Activists , Bcu , Thanks , U S Senate , Electing Terry , Governor , I Love You , Leaders , Many , Lieutenant Governor , Guys , Mark Herring , Friend , Tim Kaine , President Of The United States , Congressman Donald Mckeechen , Illinois , Virginia House Of Delegates , Speaker , Mayor , Mark , November 2nd , Mail , Don T Be Lollg Gallon , Couch Saying , Registrar , Office , Desk , Leave It , Spilling Stuff , Drop Off Location , Plans , Franchise , Millions , Virginians , Don T You , Terry , Michelle , Translation , Dorothy , Conversation , Ticket , I Don T Know , Footage , Hair , Guy , Age , Energizer Bunny , Paving , 14 ,

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