Dealing with limited shoulder mobility or want to make overhead triceps extensions more challenging? Try these triceps extension variations, which can be tailored to any fitness level and goal. Plus, find triceps extension variations such as skull crushers, bent-over triceps kickbacks, and triceps push-downs.
This 30-day arm challenge is designed to build strength in your biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, and beyond. Try this 30-day arm challenge, featuring bodyweight and weighted exercises, to increase muscle.
A Top Trainer Shared His Perfect Pull Workout Routine
Athlean-X s Jeff Cavaliere breaks down his ideal plan for this essential portion of your workout split. Apr 27, 2021
In a new series of videos, Athlean-X founder Jeff Cavaliere C.S.C.S. is demonstrating his preferred way of programming a typical push, pull, and leg day workout split in order to achieve hypertrophy at each stage. Cavaliere recommends programming your workouts as a pull day, a push day, and a leg day, followed by a rest day before doing a second pull day, push day and leg day to complete the week, otherwise known as an asynchronous split.