KSEEB SSLC Result 2022 Karnataka: The scorecards will be published on the official website of Karnataka SSLC (Class 10th) and candidates, who appeared for the exam, can check by logging in at- karresults.nic.in and kseeb.kar.nic.in (now sslc.karnataka.gov.in).
Covid-19 4th wave likely to occur in August, says Karnataka Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar - Experts have predicted that India is likely to see the fourth wave of Covid-19 in August, health minister K Sudhakar said on Monday.
After health minister K. Sudhakar said on Sunday that 'modern' Indian women want to stay single and are unwilling to give birth, C.T. Ravi claimed that this 'mindset' was particularly prevalent among 'IT workers'.
However he clarified that not "all women are like this". Ravi made the comments with reference to Karnataka Health Minister K Sudhakar's statements which he made on Sunday (October 10), saying modern women do not want to get married and give birth to babies, whci isn't good