BJP has appointed Vinod Tawde and Deepak Prakash as election in-charge and co-in-charge respectively for Bihar. Baijayant Jay Panda and Dushyant Kumar Gautam appointed as election in-charge for Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Laxmikant Bajpai becomes election in-charge for Jharkhand. Other appointments include Biplab Kumar Deb for Haryana, Mangal Pandey for West Bengal, Mahendra Singh for Madhya Pradesh, Vijay Rupani for Punjab and Chandigarh.
Hyderabad: Mocking Congress, BJP national general secretary and Karimnagar MP Bandi Sanjay on Tuesday said the trailer of the grand old party in Karna.
TN BJP president K Annamalai said that the BJP Front, along with alliance parties, will sweep all 39 Parliamentary constituencies in Tamil Nadu in the upcoming general election.