Eating a balanced breakfast is important as it kick-starts your metabolism, your blood glucose metabolism is much better throughout the day, and it boosts your energy levels and also helps you make better meal choices throughout the day.
Most often, carbohydrates (sugar, starches and fibres) are among the foods that we start avoiding in case of diagnosis of diabetes. We start considering all carbs as an enemy, but this is definitely not the case.
Guess what can come as a roadblock in the journey towards a leaner and fitter you – frequent hunger pangs and an insatiable appetite for food! Isn’t it annoying when you feel hungry right after a heavy meal and that gnawing feeling of an empty abdomen stays with you all day long, pushing you to pick more eatables and snacks to quell a ravenous appetite. Well, there are various tips and tricks to stay fuller for longer, so that you remain in calorie deficit, and get to lose weight successfully. So, let’s get started:
1. Fill Half of your Plate with Veggies: If you are eating from a plate, fill one quarter of your plate with a healthy protein source and one-quarter of your plate with whole grain (like quinoa, brown rice), and fill half of your plate with vegetables. It’s the easiest way to feel full without going out of a calorie deficit.