Guess what can come as a roadblock in the journey towards a leaner and fitter you – frequent hunger pangs and an insatiable appetite for food! Isn’t it annoying when you feel hungry right after a heavy meal and that gnawing feeling of an empty abdomen stays with you all day long, pushing you to pick more eatables and snacks to quell a ravenous appetite. Well, there are various tips and tricks to stay fuller for longer, so that you remain in calorie deficit, and get to lose weight successfully. So, let’s get started:
1. Fill Half of your Plate with Veggies: If you are eating from a plate, fill one quarter of your plate with a healthy protein source and one-quarter of your plate with whole grain (like quinoa, brown rice), and fill half of your plate with vegetables. It’s the easiest way to feel full without going out of a calorie deficit.
Are you a “self-confessed” foodie who absolutely loses “self control” around delicious delights, and hence think dieting to lose “extra” weight is not your cup of tea? Foodies (only those who want to reach a certain number on the weighing scale), you should absolutely read this post because it will help you change your mindset towards both food and weight loss. Love for food need not be love for unhealthy food, neither would you need to develop a disdain towards food in general in order to reach your goal weight. Most weight loss diets wrongly promote food deprivation and crash dieting as the only means to shed extra layers of fat, and that’s what prevents most foodies from even trying to make an attempt in that direction. However, in reality, a correct weight loss diet would actually encourage you to eat healthy and eat really well and that’s the concept Rati Beauty diet follows – putting you on the right kind of food without food deprivation or crash dieting. So,
Making that extremely important decision to lose weight and get into the shape you have always dreamt of, is a resolution that will bring along multiple and surprising benefits, not limited to how well clothes fit and how lab profiles have fallen back to the correct range. The correct kind of diet and weight loss strategy can make you feel energetic with improved stamina and mood, but if you start to feel grumpy and cranky all the time while dieting, then you need to find out why. People report being “hangry” (angry because of hunger), experiencing mood swings and brain fog for the initial few weeks after they have started out on a weight loss diet and that’s quite normal because the body is adjusting to calorie cutting, but when mood swings become a normal occurrence, it would become be prudent to take action so that constant irritability and fluctuating mood does not push you off the weight loss wagon. In this post, we will explain in detail how to beat dieting related mood s
Let’s admit it, weight loss is on everyone’s mind right now, as we step into the New Year with resolutions to get fitter, healthier, and a few pounds lighter. To help you achieve that, we have listed down 32 foolproof fat loss tips so that you don’t have to resort to slimming belts, pills or detox drinks that hardly work. So, let’s start:
1. Follow Weight Loss diets on Rati Beauty App: Lose weight by eating the right kind of food and without starving all through the day. Find out how scores of people have lost oodles of weight by following healthy diet on the Rati Beauty app.