Dos hospitales madrileños participarán en los ensayos clínicos de la vacuna contra el Covid-19 desarrollada por la compañía catalana HIPRA, a los que la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS) dio luz verde este miércoles.
Así lo ha detallado la directora general de Salud Pública de la Comunida
Tanto el Gobierno como Hipra calculan que el suero se producirá en octubre y, en el mejor de los casos, podría empezar a comercializarse a principios de año
Agenţia pentru medicamente din Spania a autorizat prima rundă de studii clinice pentru vaccinul anti-COVID-19 dezvoltat de compania spaniolă Hipra, a anunţat miercuri premierul Pedro Sanchez, relatează Reuters
horrifying. they gave some examples. a man had been found walking down a residential street with a friend when officers drove up, shined a light on him and ordered him to freeze because he had been fidgeting with his waistband. the man ran. the officers fired 45 rounds, including 28 rifle rounds, several rounds struck the man, killing him. officers found no gun on the man, however officers reported recovering a handgun nearly one block away. the gun recovered in the vicinity was determined to be fully loaded an inoperable and forensic testing determined there was no gunshot residue on the man s hands. chicago s independent police review authority, or ipra, which we have talked about on the show before, found the actions of the officers justified. this was not uncommon according to the report. in many of these cases, ipra generally accepted the officers versions of events which were later undercut by video evidence. another one, in one case officers justified using force by claiming a