Prima ediţie a târgului Artişti şi artizani la MNŢR se va desfăşura de vineri până duminică, între orele 10,00 - 18,00, la Muzeul Naţional al Ţăranului Român.
Vor fi prezenţi artişti şi artizani care prin arta lor contribuie la recuperarea şi revitalizarea meşteşugurilor tradiţionale incluzând revalorificări contemporane ale acestora, informează un comunicat de presă transmis de instituţia muzeală.
Potrivit sursei citate, vizitatorii vor putea admira şi cumpăra produse realizate după vechi tehnici şi meşteşuguri aproape uitate: vase din ceramică, mobilier pictat, obiecte din lemn, podoabe din sticlă sau din ceramică, bijuterii din argint, jucării, icoane pe sticlă sau pe glajă, gravuri, picturi, ţesături, dar şi decoraţiuni din lavandă.
New Delhi [India], May 19 (ANI/PRNewswire): Pass Ki Dukaan, envisages a holistic ecosystem of a hyper-local market network which will provide some leverage to small-shop owners as they resist the take-over of the Indian market by global giants.
The creation of such a network would not have been possible without the foundation laid by Marg with its previous products which addressed the fundamental issue of reducing logistical costs incurred in cumbersome daily operations such as billing, inventory management, payment, ordering, financing and other solutions, so that retailers could focus on leveraging their businesses.
Marg has identified and solved the three fundamental issues of small retailers. First, Marg, through its e-ordering app enables small retailers to digitally place orders for distributors and within a year almost five million orders worth Rs 21,000 crores were placed and these orders are bound to grow exponentially in the future.
After uproar, Beaverton candidates talk diversity, sex ed May 06 2021
The Beaverton School District hosted a virtual forum for candidates to answer live questions over Zoom.
Candidates for the Beaverton School Board answered questions from the community during a virtual forum hosted by the Beaverton School District, Wednesday, April 28.
Four seats on the School Board are up for election on May 18, and all four are contested by two candidates. Every candidate was present for the forum.
The event started off with introductory remarks from incumbent Susan Greenberg and opponent Jeanette Schade running for Zone 1, followed with statements from Karen Peréz-Da Silva and Fuhua Xu, hopefuls to win an open seat for Zone 2. Schade previously faced a backlash after protesters learned her platform opposes critical race theory and comprehensive sexuality education.
There is a greater need for Indian banking sector to become technology enabled and develop tools like APIs (Application Programming Interface) to compete with fintech companies in the credit business, former finance secretary, S. C.
Garg said in an ASSOCHAM e-summit yesterday. In his inaugural address in an ASSOCHAM National E-Summit & Awards - Banking and Financial Lending Companies, Garg stated that banking in the digital era will have to fintechalise and public sector banks need to be generally readying themselves for the new age banking as it would improve performance and strengthen their finances. Garg also said that banks need to be able to match efficiency and service of the fintech companies in the retail loans as well.