Sâmbătă, 28 August 2021 - Cateva zeci de mesteri populari sunt prezenti pana la finalul acestei saptamani in centrul municipiului Radauti la cea de-a 38-a editie a Targului Ochi de Paun. Evenimentul este organizat de Primaria municipiului Radauti si Muzeul Etnografic Samuil si Eugenia Ionet, este deschis pana duminica, 29 august, si se bucura de prezenta a aproximativ 40 de olari si mesteri populari din intreaga tara si din strainatate.
FOTO 1 - Sâmbătă, 28 August 2021 - Cateva zeci de mesteri populari sunt prezenti pana la finalul acestei saptamani in centrul municipiului Radauti la cea de-a 38-a editie a Targului Ochi de Paun. Evenimentul este organizat de Primaria municipiului Radauti si Muzeul Etnografic Samuil si Eugenia Ionet, este deschis pana duminica, 29 august, si se bucura de prezenta a aproximativ 40 de olari si mesteri populari din intreaga tara si din strainatate.
certainly as it affects the delta variant and older populations like those in nursing homes, there should be updated data on that so we can understand why there s a conversation right now over boosters. the bottom line, steph, there is no question that getting a shot is still your best bet at preventing optizations and preventing deaths. stephanie? peter that phrase the waning efficacy of the vaccines doesn t sound good. does this recommended booster point to any sort of failure of the vaccines in any way? well, not really, stephanie. i think the whole, this whole arg discussion needs to be reframed. here s why. when these vaccines were rolled out in december and january, they were given with a three to four-week interval between the first and second immunization. that would not be the schedule you would recommend if you want to create longlasting, durable protection. it was done for, to get as many