I m boys and girls moms and dads this is it Carol and I m a golden hello everyone and welcome to Day We have another episode in our series on King David you can find the story in the Old Testament of your Bible in the book of 2nd Samuel chapter 5 we call it a camel to success. And David was 37 years old when he began to reign over all Israel members of my court some of you have been with me since the days of the cave of Adullam some of you held your positions under King Saul but all of us together have a solemn duty to perform for Israel God s chosen people. God covenant with Abraham Isaac Moses and many others of our forefathers to make of his people like great people like the sands of the sea a number come to us as the stars in the heavens the most powerful people on Earth and the greatest of all nations if we obey his will and keep our part of the Covenant these things shall come to pass we will keep His commandments and walk in His statutes. Our 1st duty is to choose a site better
Feel free to do that as well our lines are all open right now we don t have any calls waiting some going to give out the phone number and you could possibly be the 1st to get in or at least you ll get online if you call at this time the number is 844-484-5737 that s 844-484-5737 if you d like to be on the program I d like to announce that. This Saturday night I will be speaking in point to park in Southern California at a little church called The Way fellowship in going to park that s in Orange County California we do this supposedly once a month I say supposedly because we re really scheduled to have these meetings once a month but my travel sometimes interfere with the schedule and so it s been a little while I don t know if it s been 2 months or even 3 since the last time but each time we meet we re going through a successive book of the bottle so we re going through the whole Bible like one book per evening and that means that I m giving a. Real thorough introduction to the book a
As we explore the Word of God together if you have a Bible question you can call the toll free number and we ll do our best to get to it in our time we still have a couple of lines open that number one more time is 800 God says that s 804637297 my name is Doug Batchelor. Listening friends pass a Doug let s begin with the word a prayer your father once again as we open this program we ask for you to be with us we ask for wisdom as we search the pages of scripture Francis be with those who are listening pray that you place each person asking Jesus name a man and then pass that you open the program by talking about a rare and very precious treasure that had been lost for you know a certain period of time and then discovered. What were you referring to when you spoke about a rare treasure that had been lost and then found in the Bible or we read about it in the Bible you know there s an interesting story I think most everybody knows that Moses not only receive the 10 commandments from the
Man or woman even though you are ungodly as you trust in Jesus Christ who justifies the on godly his faith is counted as righteousness and so you see we are declared innocent while we are on godly but still being worked on him by his grace through the Holy Spirit through Faith here s another verse Romans 3 that by the way was Romans 4 verse 5. Romans 3 says this for all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God while at the same time being justified that is declared innocent freely by His grace that s astonishing isn t it I added at the same time because it s implied in the in the verb here it says For there is no difference for all have sinned that s the past tense all sinned it should read as an arest past tense that sinned in Adam and fall short of the glory of God That s the continuous tense continually fall short of the glory of God being justified that is while being justified or while at the same time being declared innocent justified freely by His grace and so
You re listening files and we re doing it again this year and we re here to announce because we re actually looking for prayerful support to begin right now the year we ve selected the time machine will stop in 1901 this year Christmas in America will be the year 1901 it will go looking for the manger in 1901 looking forward to that and it s coming up soon you can find out more about it on our website the public square dot com and also a.p. Roundtable dot org she keep your eye on getting tickets for the upcoming Christmas in America series from the public school more about it next time you join. Your body mind and soul search to decay in 6 of the pale t t k o t t h d come or sit him f. a $95.00 blood and screaming the water at $670.00 k l t t v dot com. Means my current. Bright Future American. Crawford Broadcasting Company for God and country. All over a t.v. Set it to slow the. Letter o. a Rigid. As it were a load. Welcome to through the Bible I m your host Steve sweats inviting you