Feel free to do that as well our lines are all open right now we don't have any calls waiting some going to give out the phone number and you could possibly be the 1st to get in or at least you'll get online if you call at this time the number is 844-484-5737 that's 844-484-5737 if you'd like to be on the program I'd like to announce that. This Saturday night I will be speaking in point to park in Southern California at a little church called The Way fellowship in going to park that's in Orange County California we do this supposedly once a month I say supposedly because we're really scheduled to have these meetings once a month but my travel sometimes interfere with the schedule and so it's been a little while I don't know if it's been 2 months or even 3 since the last time but each time we meet we're going through a successive book of the bottle so we're going through the whole Bible like one book per evening and that means that I'm giving a. Real thorough introduction to the book and an overview of the book and of course that makes a lot easier for you to make get something out of it when you read the book on your own if you're interested in joining us we're doing the book of Esther this Saturday night at 6 o'clock in born to park if you're interested in joining us well we'd be very happy to have you do so you can go to our Web site the narrow path dot com and click the tab that says announcements there you'll find all the places I'm speaking that are open to the public and that is one of them and you'll find out where it is where it is and all of that although I just told you you will actually be able to see a map and have an address and things like that at the narrow path dot com under announcements All right let's talk to d.c. From Southern California d.c. Welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling. Thank you so much I do listen to you quite frequently and I learned a lot my question is and 1st. Chronicles 21 and 2nd Samuel 24 when you do the comparison Mary and we guards to David san. When he took the census right and I'm trying to understand why was that financial and Chronicles but not his others. Well that's a good question because that show about that meticulous scene yeah I mean. The books of Samuel tell us that they would send with that Sheba and killed her husband but Chronicles doesn't mention that one which seems maybe more heinous than the scent of number of people and yet Chronicles does include the number of the people what well you asked a question I didn't expect to hear about it because there's a lot of questions that come up over this this juxtaposition of the passage and Samuel and the one in Chronicles which are parallels because of differences in the way the story is told in them but your question as to why did Chronicles include it and. This angel did not I can't really say for sure but I would say there's a probable reason that can be given and that is that the writers of Chronicles are focused much more on the concerns of the priesthood and the temple than anything else in fact it is thought by scholars that it was someone of the Levites possibly Ezra who wrote the books of Chronicles and there's a tremendous focus in these books more than in the other books of the Old Testament on the activities of the priests in the census of the priests and the Levites and all the things I related the temple Now this particular story is related to the temple whereas Davidson with the Shiva was not Davidson and by she was a horrible personal crime and sin on his part but it was not the sin that really had a direct impact on the temple the temple in fact in exist in the days of David was built by his son Solomon after he died but the Temple was built on the site that was purchased by David at the end of the story so the story actually tells the . It gives the account of how David acquired the piece of property that later became the temple site what leads up to it is very confusing. I mean he took a census of the people and for some reason that was wrong it's not made clear why it was wrong there's nothing inherently sinful about taking a census of people even of Israel because Moses was told to take a census of the people when they came out of Egypt and then another census when they're ready to enter the Promised Land and that was not sinful so why it was sinful for David we are not told but it was and it resulted in a plague ultimately skipping to the end of the of on the people for 3 days and at the end of the 3 days the plague ended when David purchased a threshing floor for a man named ornon Orana and different in the different texts and offered sacrifices there in the plagues stopped there well that that threshing floor. It is said to be the very place where the temple was later build and David purchased it well the man offered it to David for free but David said I'm not going to offer to the Lord that which cost me nothing so David actually purchased it so David then own that land and was able to his son Solomon was later able to build the temple I think the inclusion of the story therefore in Chronicles is in keeping with the general interest in the book of Chronicles of. Dealing with things related to the temple because that is related to the temple and not only that was that 2nd question outages I just finished reading 1st and 2nd Samuel and I'm now completing the 2nd came 1st and 2nd Kingdom started complete then and that was my 2nd question why certain things indicate would go a little exchange of all the different variations of the different teams why are they someone mentioning Chronicle hoopla Mart and so I think you have allowed your email service allows me to kind of pull it all together this election cycle temple. Right and what you find is that as you go through the books of kings you're going to have the history of the kings of Israel the Northern Kingdom alongside the history of the kings of Judah the southern kingdom and the right account in the accounting Kings is going to bounce back and forth between the 2 kingdoms and tell of each Kings career whereas Chronicles doesn't even deal with the Kings of Israel at all it just deals with the Kings who are descended from David in Judea which is again where the temple was and so the people of Chronicles. The writers of Chronicles are writer of Chronicles whoever it was it's thought perhaps to been Hazara. Was very concerned about Jerusalem which is where the temple was and that would account for a lot of that selection of information that is included as opposed to that which he does not include which other writers do and in their parallel story telling. Ok that makes it look like I'm I'm struggling with understanding the common logical water update the site began to lead to the Old Testament and if recommended by the worst source that you have maybe on your site that I can refer to that will help me to pull it out to be able to read it as sequential order Yeah there certainly is if you go to my website and. That is the narrow path dot com and then you click on the link that says resources slash links Ok here at the narrow path dot com go to resources slash links if you look down at the various links that we have there and there's one in particular that's exactly what you're looking for and it is a chronological Bible put together by a friend of mine who's actually on our board of directors but he's been working on this for years and he updates it every years ago through again it's at his site Genesis history dot org Or you can just go to the link there it's he's got what's called a one year parallel chronological Bible in $365.00 readings Ok His name is Frank the reamer and. If you want to go directly to his site it's Genesis history dot org slash Cron-O. Bible dot h.t.m.l. If that is too much for you to remember just go to our site the narrow path dot com go to Ok sources and links and go to the bottom of that page you'll see the link to his chronological Bible Ok got it thank you so much and God bless you all right God bless you too and thanks for calling bio. Ok our next caller is Vinnie calling from Connecticut then he welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling. One of my stand out from you I look kind of a little quick question on why the might be a little more about. Jesus when he was on the cross Crouch had some people preach that he wanted to give up this duality attach What's your thoughts on that well there's nothing in the Bible that ever said he gave up his Deity so anyone who says that is only speculating and fact the Gnostics held that very view now that Gnosticism was a heresy in the 2nd 3rd century especially that really troubled the church in many of the Church Fathers wrote treatises against it we even begin to see perhaps beginnings of its ideas even in the end of the 1st century you know in places like collage and the 1st Epistle of John there's references to certain false teachings which may be the beginnings of gnosticism but not to say isn't taught that there is a difference between the man Jesus and the divine Christ and they would say that when Jesus was baptized and the Spirit came upon him that's when the divine Christ upon him and that at his death when he was crucified the divine Christ departed from him and that's why he said My God my God why have you for saken me this is anyone else you know it's not right yeah I just said it a little well. Yeah I see what you're saying here is all right it's not I'm saying what I'm saying what I'm saying is that's a heresy and that's that's what the Gnostics thought Jesus is not distinguished from the Christ he is the Christ the Word Christ means the anointed one he is like I know this predicted so so Jesus is the Christ and he was Christ when he was born and he was Christ when he died to he didn't he didn't give up anything about his identity on the cross. Ok so you're saying that the law. Is very serious. The idea that Jesus gave up his deity on the cross would be heretical for sure now the idea that he gave up the idea that he gave up some of his divine attributes at his incarnation when he was born that would not be heretical we do see that Jesus did give up some of his divine attributes when he's born for example his omniscience and his omnipresent and the and his immortality that Jesus was mortal God is immortal God and Jesus was only in one place of time God is everywhere at once so when Jesus when when the word became flesh and dwelt among us this was God taking on human form or Flippy and says that he existed in the form of God but he took on Himself the form of the servant in doing so he didn't give up his deity but he certainly surrendered some of his divine privileges and attributes in order to be a human a true human being but he was a true human being who is also truly God in human form so. If anyone wanted to say well he gave up some of his deity I wouldn't say he gave of his deity but he did give up some of his privileges naturally it's of duty but it wasn't at the cross it was had his incarnation when he was born and I believe that's what that woman the Senate what's her name I feel are needed after which. She felt that he had to give up. To up his former studio across well maybe she was saying that he gave up his deity early or gave up some of the privileges of deity earlier when he became a man so that he could in fact perform his duty on the cross it does say in Hebrews chapter 2 I live I guess it is. It says that he became for a little while lower than the angels for the suffering of death so that may be what she was discussing but that's not saying he says he was made a little lower than the angels It means he took on a form of man which was. Mortal so that he could dominate and that's not giving up his deity but it certainly is giving up some of the privileges of deity that he had had before he took on human form for us and separated from the car to which say well I'm I don't know what separated from the Godhead really means I realize that when Jesus said My God my God why have you for sake of me many have understood this to mean that God turn turned his back on Christ because the sins of the world are placed on Christ on the cross and Jesus was feeling the absence of God That is a possibility. Certainly the Bible does say that he did take our sins upon himself and therefore no not if not I want to stick to say the father turns not on but what I want to guess is the Bible doesn't necessarily mean that Jesus' words are conveying the fact that God really had turned his back on him because he's quoting Psalm 22 and David is saying the same words at the beginning of song 22 and yet he's just speaking about how he felt God for saken he really wasn't and as you read further on in some play too he mentions that God would not really for sake him but he was just expressing his sense of God's absence which was perhaps. A lack of the felt presence of God rather than the actual presence of God being gone. Interest and Ok thinking about thank you very much had no minds cleared up no . Ok Vinny good talking to you think thanks for your call Alou from Los Angeles welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling. A few to listen to this one was also the New Testament. But on the whole armor of God walk in the spirit question is what is the. Christian what do you put on the. Any other question a little what this Eckerd version of the Bible and I'll hang up to listen to you on the radio Ok as far as the best and most accurate version of a bottle I I honestly don't know that there is one that stands out above all the others there are some versions that are more accurate than other versions. And when I say accurate I mean more more word for word accurate when we talk about accuracy of Bible versions we have to ask accuracy in what sense are we talking about that each word in the English corresponds with the word in the Greek If so there are certain Bibles who sort translations that have aimed at that in translation if we mean by accuracy that the the phrases in the in the English version accurately convey the ideas that are in the Greek phrases of the original And then there are other versions that have aimed at that that is they're not trying to go word for word accurate they're trying to go fought for thought accurate I prefer a word for word accurate translation and there are no translations that have have 0 g. Facts and that respect but there are certainly translations that aim at word for word accuracy and others that do not a Among those that make that their aim. There'd be a group of Bibles not just one certainly the King James in the New King James and at that the e.s.b. Also does the New American Standard Version does I think the Hallman Christian Standard Version does. And some would say the are a sphere or the new Ares v. Does but that the new Ares v. Certainly does not. I mean if they claim that they do they make too many compromises to be worthy of trust on that matter but. Of the Bibles that are readily available that I know of the ones that truly aim at a word for word accuracy and approximate it in their result would be the King James the New King James the New American Standard the e.s.b. And I would say probably holding Christian Standard Bible would be there too I'm not I can't really speak from experience for the last recommendation I believe I've heard that that is their philosophy I haven't used that version anough to really have discovered how well they do now among the versions that don't aim at accuracy of word for accuracy but they're going for thought for thought correspondence the n.i.v. Would be the best known. The New Living Translation would be another well known one and there's a whole slew of others most modern translations in fact aim at thought for thought or dynamic equivalence in their translation rather than word for word I prefer a word for word translation so you've got really a choice among different options one thing I don't like about the e s v and it surprises me about it the is v. Is a pretty good translation but. Historically English translations. When the translator has had to insert a word that sometimes they do have sort of word that's not in the Greek. Because the Greek by itself seems to be implying the presence of word that isn't there and to and to leave it out of the English translation would make it very very incomplete sentence and so many times there are words implied in the Greek that are not actually found in the Greek text and usually historically King James Version was the 1st to do this and others have followed it when translators have added a word that they believe is implied in the text and usually with it with good reason they usually put it in italics if you've read a bible that has a lot of individual words in italics The reason is because the words that they I tell us eyes they are telling you there's not actually a Greek word in the original that corresponds with this word but we think it belongs here but they let you know they let you know by italicize ing it that it's not the Greek text I've knows the e.s.p. Doesn't bother to do that which is very surprising to me because I think it's very helpful to know which which words are not in the text the translator adding and the e.s.p. For some reason have chosen not to do that and that surprised me when I found that to be true now as far as how do you put on the armor of God How do you walk in the spirit while the armor of God that Paul lists and efficient chapters 6. Is really nothing very mysterious He says you have the belt of truth you've got the breastplate of righteousness you've got a shield of faith you've got a helmet of salvation What's he doing he's talking about things that are not very mysterious truth. Salvation righteousness faith these are very common subjects in Scripture in general what Paul is doing the fusion 6 is taking those things which are normal subjects normal privileges and. Which we say assets that the Christian possesses and he's speaking of them in the form of armor because among other ways to look about that at the Christian life one very real genuine way to look at the Christian life is as a war we're at war against demonic powers Satan's. Ploys are sometimes physical but the worst of them are really spirit of deception. Something doubt sowing condemnation sowing fear I mean these kinds of things are the ways that the devil really controls people and torments people and and gains his advantage over people now against these things we have spiritual resources against doubt we have faith like a shield against condemnation we have righteousness like a breastplate you know against doubt we have the shield of faith you know as Paul is taking. Not mysterious things but the ordinary things of the Christian life experience and he's simply speaking about them in terms of how they serve us in the context of a spiritual battle over over what's true over our souls and. And so it's not really very mysterious when he says take the shield of faith that's just another way of saying Have faith. You know put on the helm of salvation that just means you know and be saved and know you're saved really. You know be bound to the truth like your belt is bound around your waist you know have righteousness which protects your heart from condemnation like a breast plate I mean this is he's just using metaphors of armor in a context where he's talking about the Christian life is like a battle now in another setting the Christian life might be compared to something other than about like a family you know your brothers and sisters in Christ and God is your father that's another metaphor like a marriage you know Christ is the head of the church as the husband is the head of the wife that's a marriage analogy so salvation has many earthly analogies that the Bible uses to compare it to and when comparing it to warfare these things that we've been describing are compared to Armor because certainly righteousness and truth and faith salvation they do protect us against the spiritual attacks of the enemy so it's not really mystical I realize that some teachers want to make it very mystical Sometimes they even say you know when you get up in the morning you should put on and they actually suggest pantomiming the action of putting on a helmet Sam putting on the helmets of Aisha and then pantomime the action of putting on shoes and someone putting on the shoes of the readiness of the gospel of peace and and pantomime putting on a belts and putting on the belt of truth certainly that's not what Paul has in mind Paul's not telling you to act out something like a pantomime he's talking about you need to really have faith you really need to know you know count on your salvation and your righteousness and and hold the truth these are the things he's really saying. It. It's using the metaphor of putting on armor because in a battle armor will protect dangers as far as walking in the spirit is concerned that's another subject to I'd say Paul gives the bettors the best description of walking in the spirit in Romans 8 he tells us that you know the righteous requirements of the law are fulfilled in us who walk not according the flesh for according to Spirit in Romans 8. 4 or an. Then he talks about being talked about the need to be led by the Holy Spirit who talks about the need to be empowered by the Spirit and these are basically if you read Romans 8 I'd say this is Paul's longest discourse on the subject of walking in the spirit and I think that's where you can find help. I do have lectures on all those things on our website so you're welcome to go to the narrow paths dot com and see where I've given complete lectures on each of these subjects I just kind of peruse the available lectures they're all free you can just listen to on your computer at the narrow paths taught com Jonathan from Eugene Oregon Welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling. I seem. To say that it's just about I see you already gone through your 1st like burst in March and it's just a simple question 1st. And I just have already said every dollar you shall be lifted up and every now and then. Is that talking about humility. You know I didn't know the music was going to start and down actually correct me if you'll hold on to the break I'll be glad to talk about. Ok so please stay tuned and I'll come right back to you after after the break we have to take a 32nd break and then we're going to come back and talk to Jonathan and the rest of you we have another half hour broadcast but at this point we do take a breather and let you know that the narrow path is a listener supported ministry if you're listening to us on a radio station the reason is because we're paying that radio station usually a lot of money to carry the show we don't sell anything sort of getting money that way we don't have sponsors we'll get money that way just listeners of morning if you'd like to help us stay on the air you'd like to keep us on the station listeners so you can write to the narrow path p.o. Box 730. California 9 to 593. Resurrection radio is on loan at 670 calle t.t. Dot com and presented in crystal clear digital h.d. On am 670 calle t.t. Commerce City Denver for more than 15 years business equipment service has been a leader in supplying companies with premium high quality pre-owned office competition our success is due to the satisfaction of customers throughout the front range we are so confident you will like our pre-owned copiers and printers we are willing to deliver one to your office for church so you can try it before you absolutely. It's what Jesus prayed for but it does mean uniformity it means bringing the rich full flavor of our diversity to the table enriching one another it means leaving some differences in place but those differences. In comparison to the track and support in the city of Christ there is a core theology that hostess to gather that makes us one and then there's tribal theology to domination of theology but if we came together around Christ and bade him fulfilling our obligation to the last command that he gave us the great commission of the world might believe simply because of the compelling nature of our love for one another this is Doug small with Project pray for one crowd dot com . We'll go to the Excel or church radio broadcasts exhilarate church is located in Amarillo Texas at 2615 paramount if you'd like more information about the church and we want to invite you to download our app which is available on all Apple and Android devices the ad has everything you need right in the palm of your hand you can listen to previous sermons preached by Pastor Jerry as well as get information about Excel or a church and our upcoming events on today's program pastor Jeremy is teaching a series titled Is Faith many Christians are waiting for God to go to work in their lives but they don't realize that God showing up hinges on faith in this series Pastor Jerry reveals the difference in the fear based decisions versus the faith based decisions as he lays out what it means to truly be in faith we encourage you to open up your heart and receive from God today stop allowing past failures to paint the canvas of your imagination instead here's how you get a clean canvas of pre-sold series on this repent it's a clean slate. A clean slate if you repent you turn to God and you don't say you're sorry because. I'm guilty and going to cost me that's not repent it's repentance means you're sorry you offended God because he's holy and because you're sorry you finished God you didn't realize you also offended someone else most people just focus in on this right here ripping as can happen to your realty you truly are in your heart broken they used stand against a holy God. And you some I said well that's never happened to me well and used to happen to you have how do I get there you put yourself up on the law of God and you realize before the law of God broken every commandment. So if you. Ever told a lot sure it was said the name of God is a just a word to say some things that's only if you're saying the name of Jesus but no he said. G.-o. D. He just a God's name in vain that's called blasphemy. Oh my God I can't believe you would say that. Say you're just a blasphemer at heart you know realize it it's what I'm talking about and if you just keep hold yourself up there you'll be broken before long because you realize I broke every law and if God is going to let me into his heaven he's not let me and be a lawless I'm not justified by the law I'm just a father by the Blood of Jesus but because I'm just a father by the Blood of Jesus doesn't mean I'm lawless in my living No the blood of Jesus causes me to want to say somebody praise God for that. Does not lend rebels in his heaven what do you think and. Why would you even think such a thing who told you of a God like that was a charlatan that was a faker trying trying to build a crowd for themselves there is no God with heaven that you want to go to. As lead rebels and he's led obedient people in a man now how are you going to obey by faith how you can obey practicality you going to stop allowing the past failures to paint on the canvas of your imagination your future me show you go I wasn't finished with a broom Genesis Chapter 15 some as I thought it was Abraham or get in there just hang on right now he's a pro. After these things the word of the Lord came to Abraham in a vision he said Do not be afraid a bomb I am oh I like this 1 2 I like this I am your shield your exceeding great reward What does that mean when you looked at a Peter compensator he's your salary maker. Why does that get you excited and shout I don't understand let me just read you this I don't have it on the screen I'm just prompted by the Holy Ghost to reach of this here's why I get excited in case you're all here sucking on your thumb one and 1. 23 hours 13 Christ has redeemed me from the cars the lobby made of cars fours for encourages everyone hangs on the tree that the blessing of Abraham might come into Chantelle so Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith what I'm saying to you this is. One of the promises that belongs to me it's a lord is my shield and my exceeding great salary make her. Come on somebody do you believe that. If you don't are you Christ. I'm a Christian well then you must have not been living my faith faith see it's not faith to read that and say ball that be not. What you mean it being us this is talking about you I just showed you in the Bible this is talking about you this is a blessing of Abraham that's available to us by faith. Hey man through Christ Jesus said I am. Protected by God and provided by him. You have got to show for that praise God. That's a good verse but Abrams said Lord God what will you give me saying I go childless you know what's interesting at this point amid walking in the same blessing I talked about offering He has riches like you and believe in fact one is nephew Lot lefty one of the things they're fighting about is how much they head because the blessing was just cause an overflow with their flocks and their herds which makes money silver in the gold kings would try to give. Money to Abraham he said no keep it here I mean give me a. Lace for my shoes because God made me rich not you I don't want you taking credit for you know God doesn't want your company taking credit for your riches. Ok I made a step on somebody right there didn't mean to thank God for a means of provision. A man but God and once the servant are you listening company boss whatever more than you serve Him This is a price to a Christian living right here while you give me a broom says Sing I go childless what childless. And there my house s.l.e.s. Or Damascus I want to say this in this church. God's blessings come on in this church in another wave of babies. It won't be in my house. But it will be in your house. You hear me it'll be in your house you know what I'm saying it'll be in your house yeah it'll be in your house back there too. Oh it saw it there in your house praise the Lord. It is a blessing to have children. It's a blessing to have children Taylor's watch your mum video let me tell you it is going to happen for you you and Matt. And anyone else out there believe in God. Take hold of God's Word Press in with that praise God stand on the word and don't be moved I don't care what the doctor says I don't care what he says soon you'll find yourself in my shoes trying to figure out why I make this thing stop. Talking about open heaven. Praise God See it's easy for people to criticize my 6 literally any almost anybody I meet brand new almost anyone has a comment to make about it Miss and well meaning gentlemen this way bless their hearts you know I'm not mad at all their loyal does you have a T.V.'s and for sure. Allow us to rely on they were like Oh bless you they're ready for me to move on I only have 4 of them with me then 2 by the way is there like man you've got 2 more no. Votes you have a t.v. . Yeah I love. You. With your cell makes me on. Yeah sure it does. I've learned not to be on comfort that your top though. You know what that is and child you will know it is a reality and blessing you will know the truth a true fact of the matter it's not faith. It's not faith. And God is not into childlessness he's into multiplying and filling the earth glory to God there is a pressure no tell me it's not this way there is a pressure on every Us woman that if she has more than 3 children. People start looking at you what's wrong with you. See people they say well this isn't this is an uplifting me you know because you're already the Lord of your own life. You're not walking Facey you talk about faith to some people and it's like a hidden that would go there they don't care nothing about it they thing will mob their way your Without a good my perception is I've got to that's enough for me. Because it's still all about you. And there's some people that never did and more than 2 or 3 Understand. And I understand you may not want to have 15. Understand I mean go into position I'm not I don't want to go through that again that's where I am that's not everybody's story here that's where I am and you may reach the end there may be reasons for that and I'm not a sinner trying to make you feel bad but I'm trying to get you to see through this story right here is faith to believe God for shop you have all the money in the world where kings could offer you things you say no thanks. But if I don't have a kid there's a problem because you said you would bless me father and neighbor said Where's my kid I'm childless you've given me no offspring like a verse 3 here said look you've given me no offspring indeed one born in my house that would be my heir What is he thinking he's thinking generational. I said he's thinking generational he's not just thinking about he put all my lord he put on me prayer j. Bears all me here no bless me bless me no he's my wait a minute I'm blessed blessed blast but I don't have someone to hand this to. Wow someone that's my hair. Being God look at this pay close attention he says you give me no offspring with a verse for the word the Lord came to him saying this one shall not be your error in other words aliens are of Damascus that's not fair let your servant. But one will come from your own body. This is the 2nd time in 2 chapters you see God talking to his 70 plus year old man about a baby coming when his wife's been bearing their old through their past child bearing age already forced on the Lord said. For he even called me from his father his past child bearing age so God's blessing is started accelerating quick you got to get that picture in your mind. He said one from your own body would be easy to sit there and say this something 70 something wrinkled or he's sure. It will be here I don't know I don't believe what happened it wouldn't have happened. When God speaks his word it's up to you whether or not you have it because what you believe or will you not is that faith there is a look at verse 5 he brought him outside he said looking down toward the heavens and count the stars if you are able to number them. He said What a joke as a joke I like a sense of humor you ever stood there to try to count the stars I have I lose count about 35. I think I counted that one already got a start over that time there are smooth enough I'm just good. I really have tried to get them before. And I think to most of that's overwhelming that's not if you live in the city never been I'm a country boy. Well basically. From the country. To. Country. But out there I would. Always been a creation. Germy . This happened to later. Millions. He's trying to get to say the only way this is going to happen is. True. But you've got to. You've been listening to the radio broadcast and morning. As well as when. Evening at 7 pm we look forward to meeting you there he soon of the. World would it's 670 killed t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age do you am sick 70 Kayleigh t.t. Comers that he didn't use. Welcome to guns because we use a teaching ministry in Tucson a.z. Conditional love. This life teaching series on the unchanging love of God is being broadcast exclusively for am radio listeners and no here's the injury. When the Assyrians conquered some area in the northern tribes of Israel they sent colonists back from Syria who populated that area and they didn't understand the ways of God and because of it they were being destroyed and so the Assyrian king sent back some of the priest that taught the Assyrians how to worship the God of Israel and offer sacrifices and go through the motions to appease the God of Israel but they were not true Israel lives they were it was just a form of religion but it wasn't the real thing and so there was a corrupted religious system and then these people that were sent back in are married with the Assyrians which the Jews were forbidden to do so there was a racial and a religious prejudice between the Jews and the Samaritans the the Jews hated the Samaritans because they were half breeds and they worshiped a form of worship of God They had their own temple in some area and because of this Samaritans and Jews wouldn't even talk to each other and so Jesus was at this well in some area and this. Womyn came to get water and he asked her for a drink that looks like a totally innocent thing but I guarantee you and no Jews would have ever asked the Samaritan woman to give him a drink that was terrible prejudiced against that the very fact that he humbled himself and the as somebody that according to the Jews standard was infinitely below them show that he put a respect on her and he honored this woman by just even make in him self vulnerable and saying Would you help me would you give me a drink of water and she responded by saying Al could use a juice ask water of maybe a woman of some area and he says if you knew who I really was you would have asked me and I have given you water and you would have never thirst again. And she says you don't have anything to draw water with the whales the power you going to get this living water. And Jesus begin to start interacting with her and he says Whoever drinks this water is going to thirst again but the person that drinks of the water that I give will never thirst again and he started speaking about spiritual things and I don't know if she understood completely but she finally realized that he was talking about something more than just the physical h 2 o. And she says Lord evermore give me this water and he said Go call your husband. And I can just imagine her hanging or in saying I have no husband that's all she said was I have no husband and Jesus said you've correctly said I have no husband because you've had 5 husbands and the one you're living with now is not been. Here's a little parentheses of p.s. But for those who have been influenced by our modern society and think that is shacking up with the person is Ok and it doesn't matter where the you get married it's just a piece of paper it doesn't mean anything Jesus hears saying this woman I guarantee you is shacking up with this guy and having sex with men Jesus said He is not your husband. Cohabiting with a person does not make you married Jesus said you aren't married he is not your husband you've had 5 husbands but this one that you're living with now is not your husband and when he said that this woman was just overwhelmed she says you must be a prophet. And she and then she went into a theological question the Jews say that we have to worship in Jerusalem but we say that you can worship there you know what that's like the foot washing I was talking about earlier somebody will start you over do you feel it wise do you do it with this way do you do it that way that's not the issue Jesus said You don't even know what your worship when he says The time is come that you have to worship God in Spirit and in truth God is a spirit you have to worship and he turned it right back to her personal relationship with the Lord this is something that people will do constantly is when they start getting under conviction they have to try and deflect the attention away from them to some theological issue and discuss it don't go there just keep their feet to the fire keep talking to them about their personal relationship to the Lord and he just ministered mercy to this one he couldn't condemn her and he could have said you sorry thing you're living in sin but instead he honored this woman he reached out he made him so vulnerable he asked a sinful woman the hill. Which he didn't have to do that he did that intentionally to humble himself. He reached out and he showed mercy. And he accepted this woman and he ministered salvation and she began after all of the things he had said when he operate in this world of knowledge she said I know that Messiah is coming and when he comes he'll tell us all things and Jesus said I speak of the you and he and man she ran off to get her husband to get I mean the guys she was living with to get her friends and bring them out and the entire city came and got born again but here's Jesus minister and to a woman who I am sure was rejected by the Jews the basis of prejudice but then she was also rejected by all of her friends because of her lifestyle everybody knew what an ungodly woman this was and yet Jesus didn't condemn or he reached out to her and he ministered or same thing happen to the woman came in and put the I want men on his feet and wiped them with their hair in the fair say the religious person if he knew if he was really a prophet he would know what kind of a woman this was and so Jesus proved he was really a prophet not by exposing the woman but by exposing the ferrous see and say Simon let me speak to you and he does Rand Simon's male he didn't embarrass the woman but he embarrassed the religious hypocrite. Man Jesus operates in love Jesus is merciful towards you God is not holding your sins against He is not made it she's. He's been misrepresented and I'm trying to represent him correctly and say God won't she you to receive this love this unconditional love and if you ever understood how great it did you've been forgiven you would have no problem forgiving the trivial debts that people have against you. That is absolutely true. So what we need is a revelation of God's intense love for us. We don't need God to change everybody else people are trying to pray you know God get rid of everything all obstacles no problems in my life that's not going to happen we live in a fallen world Satan's got more than enough people there's always going to be somebody who hate choose I hate to pop your bubble but that's just true. Jesus said beware when all men speak well of you for so spoke they of the false prophets that were before you I've got thousands of people that hate me but I've got tens of thousands of people that love me and you know what is just a choice are you going to look on the good are you going to focus on God and the good things that are happening or you going to focus on the bad you need to receive God's love and you'll reach a place where it doesn't matter who cares what somebody else think God Almighty King of Kings Lord of Lords loves me he didn't just tolerate me he loves me he died for me we sang at that this morning I am a friend of God what an honor thank God Almighty is your friend who cares if somebody else doesn't like you. It's insignificant. You need to receive God's unconditional love for you and if you were to really walk in the love of God you could just reach a place where you're in a bubble it doesn't matter they can be she trying to kill you and you're just thinking about back and go to be with Jesus. It's no big deal. Hey man if I win I win and if I lose I win I can't lose for when. God is form a zoo can be against me and nobody if God loved me enough that he spared not his only son but gave him up for me how much more will he also within freely give me all things and nothing is going to separate me from the love of God And once you get that added to it I tell you what it just transforms your life Faith begins to work once you know that God Almighty is for you it's not hard to believe you just hope springs out of it we use that version of 1st Corinthians 13 that God's kind of love hopes all things believes all things endures all things. Bares all things God's kind of love never fails. Brothers and Sisters God has given us everything that it takes to be absolutely victorious The problem isn't that God hasn't given the problem is been that we are receiving we have been operating at a deficit because we haven't experienced God's kind of love I've got a lot more to share about this but I just got to quit and will continue tonight a man and I tell you God loves you. Some of you say well I don't feel it well then your feelings are wrong. Who cares how you feel well how I want to feel it just pull your thumb out of your mouth and grow up and start saying that you know what God loves me and there's nothing I can do about God loves me period. God loves me talk to yourself speak to yourselves tell yourselves about how much God loves you and then tell him how much you love him for loving somebody as sorry as you a man and just praise him and not near and tell you it will solve your problems. A man Father we love you and we thank you for your great love for us and I'm just praying that the Holy Spirit would take these things that I've said today and get across to your great. Father for those who got bitterness and unforgiveness and hurt in their heart because of what some person did Father I pray that the love of God would just flood them right now that they would be overwhelmed with your love and it would drive all of this unforgiveness. And bitterness out of them. Thank you Jesus Father that we would let other people go that we would just let it go it's not important. And Father we've been forgiven such a great debt that we would forgive others the trivial things that have been done. Father that your acceptance of us would be sufficient that we wouldn't become co. Dependent upon people and have to have people to validate us that you would be enough. Thank you Jesus Father I just pray these things for my brothers and sisters and here that you open up our heart and help us to see and I had the depth the link the breath of the love of God into experience that we might be fill with all the fullness of God. Father we agree and way receive it. We thank you Father way believe that the Holy Spirit is sent to shed a broad the love of God in our hearts and we welcome that ministry we welcome this revelation in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ namely a man let me ask again if there's anybody here who doesn't know Jesus. That's all the time we have for today that we sure and tune in again and see him through continues to teach on the unconditional love of God this 5 part series titled as I have loved you is a fail on cd or d.v.d. For a gift of any amount ask for series are 1077 when you make a donation to into one make ministries. I'd like to remind you that today is the last day that we're going to make this product available to you and I really believe it's important for you to get to us now we are going to continue to offer the whole album in the teaching but the individual teachings we offer wanted to time and we do this for people who could not or would not send in an offering to get to the entire teaching We offer each individual cd in the sense available wanted to time my partners have enabled me to do that and today will be our last day to offer this individual teaching so please listen to our nails or as he gives the information about how you can get these materials and then call our right today . The 4th cd and the sound poem is also available for a don't. Of any amount however for those who are not able to give Andrew and his partners will provide this single teaching free of charge all you need to do is request r g $26.00 titled God's love is unconditional when you write or call in we'll be pleased to send it to you. Our address is p.o. Box 3333 Colorado Springs 80934 or call 719-635-1111 again that's 719-635-1111 or go to our website at any hour at w w w w when my next we hope to hear from you to Dave. Infusing your day with the light of God's word good to get am 67 k. O. t t K o t t h d Culver City dump them in no effort at 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 k l t t dot com. From nonuse Ron. Welcome to the broadcast outreach of Living God ministries with Aaron budge and Aaron discovered Jesus is His Messiah while preparing to be a rabbi he now teaches for several organizations and is the teaching pastor for a living God ministers strongly distinguishing between the old and new covenants Aaron presents the Scriptures from the day and historical frame of reference join Aaron now as he reveals the reality foreshadowed in the new life who can now experience because of what the Lord Jesus accomplished for us yeah. I'm presenting a series of programs on the Sermon on the mountain today's program is a continuation of previous broadcast Now this program is the 4th program in this series in in this 2nd program I gave a brief summary of Farah. Sakal Judaism I also referred you to the program that I did titled do not do according to their talk a note which is a history of Farris a call Judaism and in today's program I'm going to expand on the philosophy of Farris a call Judaism now the most important thing to understand about the philosophy of ferrous a call Judaism is that they decided to add laws to the existing law of Moses these laws would be the laws that you would follows so that you would ensure that you would never come within the boundaries of possibly violating any of the laws of Moses for example.