Hello and welcome to b.b.c. Introducing in Oxford s. Nice to see you in these parts. That was a wolf s with heartbreaker. Too will sing a long track is the new single and it s available on Spotify I choose band camp and Sound Cloud. Wolf saw Casto and we while and you can get the latest info on them at Facebook dot com slash Wolf s the band. Saw you on tonight s b.b.c. Traducing ops and I m going to interview flights of Helios. That debut album is out it s a long time coming but it s been worth the wait. So I found out that and it will be debuting a couple of new acts Beth Thornton and Tom Vincent remember you had them 1st. Run from night shift is going to recommend a track and he recommends a classic this week. And next up this is . Oh yeah that song is only 2 minutes 13 seconds we got our money s worth also good name checking of the callee wage always get extra points for on the show. It was South help with trope they headlined the salad on the 23rd of March for the release of the
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28 and tomorrow plenty of sunshine a bit warmer and breezy in the afternoon Friday s high 59 Clear tomorrow night low 30 for Saturday plenty of sun Saturdays also 59 and mostly sunny Sunday with a breeze in the afternoon high 52 m Accu Weather dot coms some for 100.7 The 100 points of the word. Colorado 3 a service of Salem Media Group $100.00 The word insight for living is sponsored by tried for a living ministries. David was seeking the heart of his heart was open to be responsive to God He meditated upon the things that he saw around and everything that David Saul he saw all the things are printed in it all the footprint of God behind and a man whose heart is after the heart of God is a man whose priority is own deep abiding personal warm intimate fellowship with. The stories of great people in the Bible you assume that you could never be what they were today in touch with Dr Charles Stanley will once again look at David not as one who is beyond us but one who is like. Stay with us
And get us out of there and we ll ask you to change or want to you ve been listening to Beth more with a quick word that and the team are thankful for the grace gift to serve you your letters prayers and support of final cut of this program to request this month s thank you gift tax the word gifts of 57682 again text g i f c to 57682. I m lucky in Denver polar bears. Are 7 of them were the worst part of the Salem media for a wedding is a big event no matter where you go no matter what the people getting married believe about. A big event is a wedding. What in planning is a big business but the wedding itself is so much more than what many people make it out to be Catherine strode art and her mother Linda Schiro talk about the Christ center wedding a wedding that reflects the council to everybody. And by the way a wedding that can be performed by a Christian minister. It can be in the wedding of 2 people who are still not believers it s still possible to reflect the telling about that