The Allahabad High Court ordered a man accused of committing rape on the pretext of marriage to not put the alleged victim's photo as his display picture on WhatsApp or Facebook as a condition for his release on bail.
The Supreme Court on Friday appointed former Delhi High Court judge, Justice Jayant Nath as the Chairperson of the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) on a pro-tem basis. In the last.
"Protocol facilities which are made available to Judges should not be used in a manner that is liable to result in inconvenience to others or to bring public criticism of the judiciary," the CJI said in his letter.
Terming it “dereliction of duty”, high court’s registrar (protocol) sent a letter in this regard to the general manager, North Central Railway, Prayagraj, on July 14 | Latest News India
A letter was sent by the Registrar (Protocol) of the Allahabad High Court to the General Manager of the North Central Railway, Prayagraj stating that the judge recently had a poor experience on the Purushotam Express.