The Delhi High Court has said that when a woman makes an informed decision to engage in physical relations, consent cannot be deemed misconceived unless there is clear evidence of a false promise of marriage. Consent for Physical Relations Not Misconceived Without Evidence of False Promise of Marriage, Says Delhi High Court.
The Bombay High Court recently discharged a man accused of rape by false promise to marry observing that offence was not made out as he had been ready to marry the complainant but couldn t due to the.
The Court found that the case before it was neither a case where the promise of marriage was "false" to begin with nor was such promise the sole reason for the complainant entering into physical relations with accused.
In a recent case, Madhya Pradesh High Court reversed a rape conviction on the ground that there was no cogent proof that the consent for sexual relations was obtained by giving a false promise of.
The Court also pulled up a lawyer appearing for the person accused of cheating a judge’s sister for revealing the identity of the victim and the judicial officer in his pleadings.