The Supreme Court on Friday appointed former Delhi High Court judge, Justice Jayant Nath as the Chairperson of the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) on a pro-tem basis. In the last.
The Supreme Court on Friday nominated former Delhi High Court judge, Justice Jayant Nath, as an ad hoc chairman of the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC), pending further orders."We nominate Mr Justice Jayant Nath, former Judge .
The Supreme Court on Thursday said that it will appoint an ad hoc chairman of the DERC after it was told that the Delhi Lt Governor and Chief Minister failed to reach consensus on who should head the electricity tariff regulatory body.A bench, .
The Supreme Court on Monday urged the Delhi Government and the Lieutenant Governor to find an amicable resolution to the deadlock regarding the appointment of the Delhi Electricity Regulatory.
NEW DELHI The Supreme Court on Monday asked the Lieutenant Governor and Delhi Chief Minister to "sit together" and "rise above political bickering" to mutually decide on the name of the Chairman of Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC).