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john fugelson and john cain. a lot to talk about this morning. that was in unison, i like it. we'll ask the congresswoman about it. this morning mitt romney turning his full attention to the general election after sweeping yesterday's gop primaries in connecticut, delaware, new york, pennsylvania and rhode island. >> a better america begins tonight. tonight is the start of a new campaign to unite every american who knows in their heart that we can do better. the last few years have been the best that barack obama can do. but it's not the best america can do. tonight is the beginning of the end of the disappointments of the obama year. >> but romney hasn't quite clinched the number of nominations just yet. right now he has 764 of the 1,144 needed. newt gingrich 141 and ron paul 75. romney supporter congresswoman mary bono mach. nice to see you this morning. >> you, too. >> rick santorum was holding on for a long time and the cultural conservative kind of vote for so long now and he was on piers morgan last night and i want to talk about whether or not he is endorsing your candidate. listen in. >> am i mishearing things? you just endorsed mitt romney? >> if that's what you want to call it -- >> am i wrong? karen, you know your husband, has he just endorsed mitt romney? >> not at this point, no. we're working through it and talking about it. >> she's sort of clarifying his position on this. congresswoman, do you want senator santorum's support here? >> i'm sure rick will be there all along. i have no idea what was said last night, piers was doing all the talking, as usual. rick will come around. rick recognizes that our best shot in november is going to be mitt romney. that we need mitt romney desperately to turn our country around. i'm confident rick will get there. of course, it will take a little time to get over all the hard work he has done. but i know he'll be there in the end. >> also that lingering concern about the comment from santorum on the campaign trail that your candidate was a worst choice than the president. you can get over that. >> well, look, all sorts of things are said in the heat of the battle of a campaign. it's unfortunate. as you know, negative campaigning have really taken over all campaigns in america. but rick is going to recognize and i'm sure, you know, what is interesting about mitt romney. he's the kindest candidate i've ever met. four years ago i met him right after rudy giuliani dropped out of the race, i was backing rudy way back then and he was very forgiving of me and very kind of wanted to move forward back then. i am sure it will be the same thing now. >> paul saying monday he won't step aside, even if romney clinches the nomination very soon here and gingrich spokesman says the decision on that campaign's future could come in a few days. we heard that before reassessing and reassessing, again. gingrich saying, he's still sticking on the issues that he disagrees with obama and sounding very much like a candidate. listen. >> one of the reasons that we are determined to go all the way to tampa is to fight for a platform that does have these kind of issues in it. >> is newt gingrich a distraction at this point? >> no, newt is, look, he's a great thinker. he has a great mind for american politics. he has a great mind for taking the country in a different direction. he recognizes, i think, at this point in time, that his voice is still quite important in american politics, maybe just not as our presidential nominee. >> ron brownstein. >> good morning, ron brownstein from national journal. speaking of coming together, governor romney campaigned with senator rubio. senator rubio developing a proposal a version of the dream act that would allow young people brought here illegally to stay here legally and is that something you want to see governor romney and the house republicans more broadly embrace? >> well, i think it's a very important topic and i'm glad that senator rubio is leading the way here. we really need to do something with immigration, there's no doubt about it. i think marco has a great voice to do just that. i'm personally very encouraged and i look forward to watching as he rolls this out and working with him to bring some kind of common sense legislation forward. >> can we talk about student loan interest rates. a rare moment of agreement between your president and your candidate. president obama to extend interest rates when they expire in july. your candidate supported that move on monday. listen. >> particular with the number of college graduates that can't find work or only find work well beneath their skill level. i fully support the effort to extend the low interest rate on student loans. >> but back in december he was whistling sort of a different tune. this was an exchange caught on tape by a liberal pack back in december with a student who was worried about higher interest rates. listen. >> federally subsidized loans and they're at 7.9 to 8% interest. >> a student in dental school who have federally subsidized local and at 7 to 8.9%. he said that's a good question. hopefully you get a job. "new york" magazine taking that moment and saying it's another romney etch a sketch moment. >> but the real question here is, while president obama is out on the campaign trail while he's visiting these colleges, is he truly delivering the speeches that he should. that he's borrow oing 40 cents on every day for the spending that he's doing. is he talking about the need to reign in government spending and is he explaining to these students that their futures do matter and what his policies are doing is truly, if you would, it's hold to a large federal government that is fill would waste, fraud and abuse. >> both of those candidates now support, you know, this interest rate move on student loans that will cost $6 billion that we'll have to borrow money to do that. your candidate supports it, too. >> as i said, i'm going to support it, too. i have to look at the final details, of course, but a temporary extension and, now, it's an important time. look, more kids right now are either underemployed or unemployed since they've been taking these numbers. i think there's a real crisis with our youth. my point is president obama used to be making the case and he needs to recognize himself that these are among the hardest hit people from the very policies that he's put into place over his term. >> congresswoman mary bono mack. thank you. we start with breaking news this morning. there is new hope for missing british girl madeleine mccann. authorities are saying she may still be alive. she will be 9 years old this may. she was last seen in portugal on a family vacation since then, a number of unconfirmed sightings. for the second time in five days, a passenger jet departing new york has been forced to make an emergency landing because of a bird strike. the latest incident happened last night at westchester county airport, just outside new york city. a jetblue flight bound for west palm beach forced to turn back 15 minutes after taking back when two geese slammed right into the windshield and damaged it. none of the 54 passengers onboard were heard. listen to it from the cockpit transmission. >> jetblue 571, we have to come back. we hit two big geese. >> jetblue 571, roger and, standby. jetblue, 571 make right traffic runway 1-6. >> would you like to declare an emergency? >> we are declaring an emergency. >> very calm. exactly how you want your pilots to sound. just last thursday a delta flight out of kennedy airport made a quick turn around after birds were sucked into an engine right after takeoff there. and the first u.s. case of mad cow disease in six years confirmed in california. it has people concerned about the safety of the food supply. a random test discovered the disease in a dairy cow in central california. the carcass has been quarantined at baker commodity's rendering plant and it will be destroyed. officials say no meat from the cow was bound for the food supply, still, at least one major south korean retailer has suspended u.s. beef imports in response to the case of mad cow disease. and two more members of the secret service have resigned. the latest casualties of the colom been prostitution scandal. two other cleared of serious misconduct. a total of nine agent are now out of a job. the first criminal charges filed for the gulf oil disaster. bp engineer is accused of destroying 200 text messages related to that spill. he was designed to estimate the size of the spill and they say the text indicate the leak was far worse than the company reported at the time. he faces up to 20 years in prison, if convicted. 11 people were killed in that incident. state police in louisiana joining the fbi and investigating allegations that new orlean saint general manager mickey loomis eavesdropped. that was beginning in 2002. the saints deny the allegations calling them 1,000% false. at 8:00 eastern, we'll talk to the espn reporter that actually broke the story. minding your business, u.s. markets poised to open higher this morning shaking off concerns about europe. corporate earnings continue to be a bright spot pushing stocks up across the board. apple's earnings, in particular, crushing wall street's estimates. apple ceo tim cook report that company profits doubled in the first three months of the year. strong iphone sales playing a major factor there. the company sold on average, listen to this, 385,000 iphones per day in the quarter. that's about 16,000 iphones per hour every hour for three months. if that is not enough, apple stock is up almost 10% in premarket trading this morning. >> 10%. this is a stock no one ever gets tired of looking at that stock chart because you're up 5% over ten years. tim cook who runs that company, he said it was mind boggling. when you heard a ceo say the earnings were mind boggling. 90% market growth and it's crazy. that's why the stock is up so much. if only apple, if only apaal can lift the entire u.s. economy, right? >> they could have afford to give their chinese laborers a second -- it's day two of president obama's three-state swing to college campuses. part of a big push for the youth vote, which included a stop to one of late night's most popular sh shows, "late night with jimmy fallon." >> what we said is simple. now is not the time to make school more expensive for our young people. >> oh, yeah. you should listen to the president. ♪ or as i like to call him >> a good move? >> culture infiniti and amend some alliances with voters on the election year. on one hand you have a cultural and on the other hand pretty tough economic situation for people coming out of college and that's the big opportunity for mitt romney in 2012. >> good location and very good timing. >> i hate to be hypercritical and i'll turn it to you for the entertainment. i wish the president had been a more, a bigger participant in the joke aspect of it. he was being himself. >> you know what happens if he does that, then he gets criticized. >> people like me criticize him for everything. >> we have come a long way. we expect to see our candidates in these kind of pop culture venues. which is not true. >> i can't wait to see president romney on pawn stars. >> we'll play more of the president on jimmy fallon coming up a little bit later. ahead on "starting point" new developments after cops cleared the way for sports cars to peel out on a new jersey highway. we're talking to one of those officers attorney who says, look, he was only doing his job. then, the latest disgusting publicity stunt from the guy who brought you a website from cheaters. this time tim tebow is the target. if you're headed to work, check out the rest of the show online on our live blog from my playlist, rolling stones "jumping jack flash." every communications provider is different but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company. ♪ we link people and fortune 500 companies nationwide and around the world. and we will continue to free you to do more and focus on what matters. all right, flying down the road at more than 100 miles per hour with the police escort. two state troopers in new jersey are suspended after allegedly escorting dozens of luxury cars on a dangerous high-speed run to atlantic city last month. the video you're looking at shows a similar incident back from 2010 which officials are also investigating. char charles is the attorney and one of the troopers suspended this week in connection with last month's joy ride. first of all, what happened last month? >> what happened last month is what happens frequently. you have these escorts given on the road, funerals, security details. >> escorting a celebrity. >> escorting a celebrity. you have giant stadium, people going back and forth. you have these charitable events. you go to the charitable events and you see these high-end cars and people buy these cars, something they do to give back to the community. brandon jacobs, this is a guy -- >> the giants -- >> giants runningback plays for the nfl. and he sticks around for charitable events and knows my client through that. kids hospitals, fund-raisers, calls up my client and says, can we do an escort? >> does your client have permission to do that. >> let's be clear on this. >> wait, before you talk about it, what is safe about going 100 miles per hour with a line of luxury cars down the garden state parkway where you have other people driving and saying, wow, ten amazing cars going 100 miles per hour. >> first of all, that is a fair question. >> what is the answer? is that safe? >> i would suggest it's not safe and has to be looked at, but don't throw my client on to the pr fire because you have to try and tap down the negativity. this goes on routinety. you have the 2010 video. >> if you just call up the cops and get a nice ride somewhere? >> i think that goes too far. what this comes down to, you have community leaders and people get involved and one thing the state police have done for years. my client has been ordered to do this for years my client set this one authorized to do so. these are done by the local station commander. he stepped forward, brandon jacobs calls out and says we have these guys and we're going to lay out our charitable foundation, what we're going to do and he said -- >> this is what i think is hard for a lot of us to wrap our heads around. we've seen police escorts for situations like funerals, as you mentioned. we expect to see that. but i don't understand what, how you get a police escort under situations like this. is it being a celebrity? is that the standard that kind of -- >> 100 miles an hour is not an escort, it's a drag race. >> this is the other thing. death race 20 12, everyone got from point a to point b -- >> i haven't called it that. >> granted, i'm not going to arg argue with you that the posted speed limits and you have pace, all of us, in all due respect, we all go above the speed limit, depending upon what the road is. south jersey parkway, middle of the day, not a lot of traffic. now, you're getting to something where -- we'll get to an investigation at some point where you get the ez pass at this exit and then you'll get the speeds in between and you'll figure that out. but why is my client suspended? we went in on monday ready to give a statement and the newspaper came out on sunday morning, i'm sure the powers at be were all choking on their eggs and bacon. we go in to give a statement and answer these questions. >> this is an institutional problem and i understand your argument that your client is being thrown under the bus for this one instance. >> your client is no way authorized to let civilians disobey the speed limit. >> as troopers we cannot require the public to obey laws that we are not willing to uphold for everyone equally. i will not tolerate this egregious breach of public safety and those responsible will be held fully accountable. do an investigation and change the rules. >> do an investigation. no discipline. he has a stack of accommodations and awards this big. nothing in this file negative. say let's look at our policies and procedures and what happened in that particular case and let's look at it. the first thing i said, these are very rare. that was monday morning. i'm getting all the information a in my own investigation. >> from talking to your client, was an escort necessary in the first place? what convinced him it was necessary. what convinced him it was necessary to travel at that speed? >> first of all, we don't know what speed they were traveling. first, okay. >> that's probably 150. >> above the posted. absolutely. above the pace of the traffic? sure. here's what i'm talking about in terms of necessary. should my client's career be ended over -- >> i'm asking what your client has said to you about why it was necessary for the caravan to travel at a speed above the speed limit? >> here's the technical stuff. you have a trooper car in the front and trooper car in the back. sometimes they get too much space and they close it up a little bit and they slow down. let's get to the investigation on that. let's not turn around and jump to conclusions that everyone is out there running a road race. they all sat in the left lane. that other 2010 video is of someone else who jumped in and joy riding in it. i'm not suggesting that this is an invitation to that type of stuff. a guy with 25 years who jumps into burning cars. the colonel had to admit that yesterday. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for your time. >> thanks, guys. ahead on "starting point" the nba not giving world peace a chance. it's going to cost the lakers big time. the founder of a dating website for cheaters. you expect so much out of a dating website for cheaters. dirt on mr. clean tim tebow. here's a little george michael "faith." [ man ] when i went to get my first new car, my dad said to get a subaru because they last. ♪ he drives a legacy, but i'm nothing like him. i got the new impreza. maybe i should have picked a different color... [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza. experience love that lasts. ♪ who's she? downy unstopables. here to shake up your fresh. toss these little scent boosters in before you wash. and the fresh scent will last until you're ready to wash again. downy unstopables. the fresh too feisty to quit. now it's time to get real. the publicity of is at it, again. nole bederman is offering $100 for anyone that can prove they had sex with tim tebow. son of missionaries vowed that he is a virgin and waiting for marriage, even though he might be the most eligible bachelor in the country right now. we think tebow should turn the tables and offer an award to anyone who can actually find a real woman. you expect so much more from a website. >> offering $1 million to anyone who can find -- >> i must say, if mrs. bederman is watching right now, give me a call. >> she's a woman with incredible confidence, apparently. either his mother or his wife. >> now, prostitution is illegal, right? >> yeah. >> this would be some form of entrapment, wouldn't it? >> it's actually called publicity. it's actually a million dollars. paying nothing to get a million dollars. ahead on "starting point" a showdown a deciding factor on election day. arizona tough immigration crackdown heads to the supreme court today and other states with similar laws are watching. we'll talk to a republican lawmaker who was key in getting this legislation passed. want to be less cramped and cranky on your next trip. we have news you can use and it doesn't mean leaving your kids at home. a new study has pinpointed the perfect seat on the airplane. which seat to get on a standard airplane. you're watching "starting point." if you are one of the millions of men who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it raises your testosterone levels, and... is concentrated, so you could use less gel. and with androgel 1.62%, you can save on your monthly prescription. 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>> that is weird. that is really weird. >> what do you get out of that? >> i was recently assigned a middle seat and then they asked me if i wanted to pay $75 to sit on a window or an aisle. and i paid the $75. my pet peeve, though, the two colleagues who are traveling for a meeting and they're talking over you. >> you have the elbows in your ribs, too. >> i don't want to call 31e. that is home base. it's not a complete red eye flight. zoraida, thank you. the highest court in the land takes up the question, who can enforce immigration law. in just a couple hours sb 1070. arizona's immigration law goes before the supreme court. among the issues up for debate, whether states can require police to check the status of suspected illegal immigrants who they arrest or stop for other reasons. the lower courts have said this is not okay, but, apparently, most americans think it is. a new poll from quinnipiac find that 20% support the arizona law. a republican candidate for u.s. congress and he's been watching this whole thing very, very closely. welcome to the program. >> thank you. thank you for having me. >> the way that is stand on this law. the people who oppose it say it is racist and the people who support it say, we are enforcing immigration laws because the federal government has failed. is the supreme court going to be able to move the conversation beyond those two polls? >> i think so. as a matter of fact. what is most constructive is the justice department mentions nothing about this racial profiling. and the reason why they didn't sue on the issue of race is simply because the bill itself on four separate occasions specifically prohibits racial profiling and, in fact, goes above and beyond the underlying federal law upon which it is based. the issue before the court today is a mere technicality of whether or not this bill is preempted by federal law. they will not be discussing so-called racial profiling today in the court. >> kurt, this is will cain. i think we need to underline that. while the justice -- why you guys, i'm assuming you guys is arguing that the federal government is not enforcing its immigration policies, the justice department and at least one federal appeals court has said you're dealing with an issue under federal purview and if all these states start adopting immigration policies, they're wading into foreign policy. how do you respond to that? >> the constitution does provide the federal government with -- >> the supreme court has ruled on this, as well. that it is federal jurisdiction. >> yeah, they've ruled it is federal jurisdiction, but since 1976, the supreme court says that the states have an equal role in enforcement of immigration laws. what we did in 1070 is we created no new immigration regime or scheme. we just simply took the federal law and are applying state penalties to federal law. we've created no new federal law and no new immigration scheme. >> we're showing right now on the screen what this law does. this allows or requires law enforcement to verify the status if police suspect that somebody iss eundocumented, but that's during the course of another stop. it would be a crime for a noncitizen to be without registration papers. it would also make it illegal for somebody who is not in the country legally to apply for a job. it would authorize police to arrest anyone they believe has committed a deportable offense. these are the things when you poll people like the quinnipiac poll, yeah, people support it. >> if i could just make a slight modification to how you described the bill. it does not require police officers to check immigration status. it gives police officers discretion for violation of another stop or crime and only if it does not impede the investigation of another crime. so, this actually gives officers discretion. the policy of sanctuary cities does just the opposite. so -- >> which is a related but different topic. mexican immigration to the u.s. a pew hispanic research center report this week that showed that basically you have net zero from 2005 to 2010. you had 1.4 million mexicans immigrated to the u.s. and then 1.4 million left. after 40 years of mass migration to the united states, that has slowed. is that vindication, is that because of laws like this? is it because of a weak economy, you know, job market trumps everything else? what is it? >> well, in my opinion, the recession has proven to be the most efficient deterrent to illegal immigration that we could possibly imagine. it's very difficult for us, especially in the state of arizona where we lost over 300,000 jobs during the recession to say this specific piece of legislation caused this slow down in illegal immigration. the likelihood is that it's a large part because of the economy. but you have to know that sb 1070 is only 1 of almost a couple dozen bills that the state of arizona has passed dealing with illegal immigration in an attempt to step in where we faeel the federal government has not. >> good morning, mr. adams. if a law-abiding latino citizen made an illegal u-turn and an officer stopped him and asks to see his immigration papers, proving to present proof of citizenship for one race of citizen would cause americans to think that this is a racist law? >> yeah, if the law actually did that, i wouldn't have voted for it. then i would have killed it in my role as speaker of the house. the law doesn't do that. i agree with you. that would be an unconstitutional law and an immoral law. in the scenario you just gave. if i was pulled over by a police officer, they're going to ask for my driver's license and my i.d. and the moment i would introduce that, whether i was hispanic or not, they could not under this law ask any questions about immigration status. what i really want america to understand is that in the state legislature in arizona, we agonize over the details of this law. we have a strong hispanic heritage and culture in our state. our history is connected in many ways to mexico. and we want to be certain that this law would be applied appropriately and focus specifically on the problems. >> now, the supreme court will weigh in and we'll get the final word on that. kirk adams, former arizona speaker of the house and republican candidate for u.s. congress. >> thank you for having me. too harsh or not harsh enough. the nba coming down on metta world peace. a teenager turning to facebook to help the alleged drunk driver who killed her sister stay in jail. this morning a setback pap hear from the family coming up. you're watching "starting point." [ female announcer ] ready for a taste of what's hot? check out the latest collection of snacks from lean cuisine. creamy spinach artichoke dip, crispy garlic chicken spring rolls. they're this season's must-have accessory. lean cuisine. be culinary chic. wow. this is new. yep, i'm sending the dancing chicken to every store in the franchise to get the word out. that could work. or you could use every door direct mail from the postal service. it'll help you and all your franchisees find the customers that matter most -- the ones in the neighborhood. you print it or we'll help you find a local partner. great. keep it moving, honey. honey? that's my wife. wow. there you go. there you go. [ male announcer ] go online to reach every home, every address, every time with every door direct mail. ♪ [ multiple snds ng melodic tune ] ♪ [ malennounc ] at northrop grumman, makthworld a feplace. th's value performance. northr gruan. we first showed you the nasty elbow hit yesterday. here it comes. ouch. now the nba has decided to susend metta world peace for seven games. he could miss the entire first round of the playoffs. it floored james harden and left him with a concussion. world peace responding on his website, i apologize to the oklahoma city thunder fans and the okc organization. i look forward to getting back on the floor with my teammates and competing for the lakers fans." >> in the second round, if they make it. >> laker fans are hurt, too. >> yeah, kind of hard to imagine why he is back one day before james harden, at the least. you can change the name, but you can't change the guy. >> if wolf blitzer neck elbowed dr. sanjay gupta, he would be suspended -- >> how did you know that? did they put that video on youtube? blair underwood a street car named desire and that fabulous, famous stella. he's going to join us live. a teen's fight for justice on facebook after her sister is killed by a drunk driver. the family, this very brave family joins us, next. you're watching "starting point." you don't see a lot of people lining up to reinvent radio. >> there's very few things about my job that are intuitive to me. the one thing that really is intuitive is just working with sound. >> he invented a new way to think about the oldest broadcast media. >> winning the peabody was great, but the genius thing. >> he's sort of like the gershwin of journalism or something. i don't know, just a very amazing thing. >> i think the sound is something like when you're on the edge of a dream. >> if they want to call that genius, i think that they should. a route map shows you where we go. but not how we get there. because in this business, there are no straight lines. only the twists and turns of an unpredictable industry. so the eighty-thousand employees at delta... must anticipate the unexpected. and never let the rules overrule common sense. this is how we tame the unwieldiness of air travel, until it's not just lines you see... it's the world. sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. a teenager on facebook is fighting to keep her sister's alleged killer behind bars. >> if you don't know me or my family or my sister, we can save lives. this isn't supposed to happen. we need to stop drunk driving and we can start here. this guy needs to get what he deserved. >> many showed up at a bond hearing yesterday wearing a t-shirt with her sister's name on them. a driver was charged with vehicular homicide. his bond a record $1 million and that's where she wanted it to stay but the judge decided to lower it. >> i want to tell you that i have heard you via the press, both tv and print. but this is not a popularity contest. in this courtroom, we're going to follow the law. >> the family joins me now. her big sister, mother, father, and uncle and family attorney. this has been a terrible two weeks for all of you. the loss of your little sister is just unnecessary and it just hurts everyone but you have taken facebook and you have tried to use that as an outlet to rally people behind this. tell me what gave you the idea to do it. >> well, as a strong believer in god, i think that there is a purpose that i survived the crash and that's to be an advocate for drunk driving and i just wanted to get the word out there for my sister and also for anyone else because i do think we can save lives by having this case turn out the way we want it to. >> it's clear that the judge knows about this public response to your movement and recognized that but he said it's not a popularity contest. how did you feel when the judge lowered the bond? >> i mean, it's not what we wanted but at the end of the day i do respect him because it is the law. he has to follow that. you know, it's not really what we wanted. >> kirk, i want to ask you. you were driving the minivan. you are grieving one little girl and so proud of the other. >> definitely. the role bree is taking up to assist and become an advocate for this cause is fantastic and she's super strong and we're definitely very proud of her. >> i know that -- if you could tell me a little bit about the legal process from here on out and what you're expecting. the bond has been lower. do you know if the driver -- do you expect him to meet that bond? what are you bracing for next? >> we're not too sure. we're looking at all possibilities of that happening of course. hence the reason why everybody was a little upset. the bond was lowered for legal reasons and we have to respect the law and that's what bree is doing here to try to get the word out that everybody respects the law so that this doesn't happen again. >> kirk, your family is now the face of drunk driving really. and as painful as that is to you, it's a reminder that this is something that happens every day. you were driving the minivan. can you tell us about that day and the accident? >> it was a typical morning that i would take the girls they would come over to my house a couple times during the week. i was taking them to their mom's house so they could get ready for school. so we would leave pretty early to avoid traffic and so on. there was never a rush. we always leave on time. we were driving the typical route that we always take and as we approached the crossroads to my surprise i just saw a flash and then an extremely loud what sounded like an explosion. thank god both of my daughters were sleeping so rest in peace she didn't feel pain and that's very comforting for us. bree immediately woke out of a sleep screaming what happened? what happened? i turned to her. i asked if she was okay and for the most part she was with the exception of her leg. she was very unselfish and didn't say she had any pain at the time. she didn't feel anything i suppose. immediately turned back when we didn't hear anything from kaly. >> just a tragedy. >> with we looked back we saw the devastating. everybody has seen the pictures of the minivan. >> it's hard to imagine that your family went through that. thank you so much for coming and telling your story. thank you for doing this on facebook. i think in some cases many people when there's a tragedy like this you don't have an outlet beyond your own family. but bree being able to bring awareness shows how social media and facebook is literally changing the world but changing even how we grieve and how we look at justice. thank you so much. i'm sorry i couldn't talk with all of you. thank you for coming and telling us your story. ahead on "starting point," birds force another emergency landing. the evidence splattered on the windshield of a jetblue flight and the fbi now getting involved in the saints spygate scandal. did the general manager spy on opposing teams. the reporter who broke that story joins us live. you're watching "starting point." [ man ] may ford. hi, yeah. do you guys have any crossovers that offer better highway fuel economy than the chevy equinox? no, sorry, sir. we don't. oh, well, that's too bad. [ man ] kyle, is that you? [ laughs ] [ man ] still here, kyle. [ male announcer ] visit your local chevy dealer today. right now, very well qualified lessees can get a 2012 equinox ls for around $229 a month. [ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. mad cow found in the u.s. people want to know if the school supply is safe. is madeleine mccann alive? plus the fbi now involved in the new orleans saints spygate. did the team spy on opponents? the reporter who broke the story joins us. his new role is being called steamy and sexy. can blair underwood live up to "stella"? he joins us live. it's wednesday, april 25th. "starting point" starts right now. ♪ >> every playlist should have a lot of stones. "start me up." soledad is off today. we have ron brownstein. john fugelsang, political comedian, and will cain columnist at the >> i feel like we're about to kickoff like at the start of a football game. >> it's a good song. we start this morning with mad cow disease popping up in the u.s. for the first time in six years found after a random cow in central california. it immediately triggered questions about the safety of the food supply. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joins us now from atlanta. good morning. we hear about mad cow even apparently in isolated case it causes great concern because of the disease that can be transferred from cattle to humans. >> the disease is devastating. i actually did a story with a woman who had the human form of this disease and it's horrible. all she could do is moan. there was no treatment for her. this is an illness to prevent at all costs. let me talk about why this individual cow is not a threat. this cow that was found in california was a dairy cow. this cow was never going to be consumed. if it's milk was drunk, it's not an issue because mad cow disease cannot be transferred through milk. i want to talk about how they detected this cow. they found it was sick through random testing. it showed no signs of being sick. that cow's parts could have been ground up and put possibly into feed for chicken or livestock and then you or i could have eaten that in turn. that makes people nervous. there are rules that say that you can't put the infectious parts of an animal into feed for humans or for other animals. so for example you won't find cow brains on the menu in any u.s. restaurants because cow brains, if that animal was infected, could get someone sick. as you can see, there are safeguards for keeping mad cow disease out of the u.s. food system. is it 100%? well, probably nothing is 100% but i should note no one in this country has ever gotten mad cow disease from eating meat that came from this country. >> the case you studied before was someone who moved to this country from some place else and contracted it somewhere else. you know that this is something that industry and food safety people do not want to happen so they spend a lot of time making sure it doesn't. >> a single case could be devastating for the patient and for the industry. >> elizabeth cohen, thank you so much. time now to go to zoraida for the other big stories of the morning. good morning. >> good morning, christine. we start with breaking news this morning. her case captured worldwide attention and now there's new hope for missing british girl madeleine mccann. madeleine was 3 years old when she vanished in 2007. this morning u.k. authorities say she may still be alive but refuse to say what evidence they uncovered to suggest this. police released a new age progression image showing what madeleine may look like now. she would be 9 years old this may. madeleine was last seen in portugal on a family vacation. for the second time in five days, a bird strike forces a passenger jet in new york to make an emergency landing. this latest incident involved a jetblue flight last night from westchester county airport headed to west palm beach. the pilot was forced to turn around just 15 minutes after takeoff when two geese slammed into the windshield and damaged it. one passenger described the impact. >> the plane started swerving immediately right after the two hits. he was rocking the plane back and forth. we knew something was going on. i'm going to die. i'm not going to see my family. i'm not going to get home. >> none of the 54 passengers on board were hurt. flying down the road with a police escort. two state troopers in new jersey are suspended after allegedly escorting dozens of luxury cars on a dangerous high-speed run to atlantic city. this was all last month. the video you're looking at shows a similar incident from 2010. earlier we spoke to an attorney for one of the suspended officers. he compared the police escort to something cops would do for a funeral procession and suggested his client was just doing his job. he also threw nfl running back brandon jacobs under the caravan. >> this is a guy that plays for the giants running back. plays for the nfl. some of these guys scoot off to the caribbean in their off-season. he sticks around and does charitable events and that stuff. he knows my client through that. kids hospital. fundraise fundraisers. calls up my client and says can we do an escort. some of the guys -- >> does your client give permission to do that. >> sure. >> mitt romney promising to deliver a better america if he wins the white house in november. the former massachusetts governor sweeping to victory in all five gop primaries last night and last night he tore into president obama. >> because he has failed, he will run a campaign of diversions and distractions and distortion. that may have worked at another place and in a different time but not here. and not now. it still is about the economy and we're not stupid. >> romney closing in on the 1,144 delegates that are needed to secure the nomination. cnn estimates he has 764 after last night. even though he's out of the race, rick santorum is finding it difficult to get behind mitt romney. the former pennsylvania senator and his wife talked to cnn's piers morgan last night. >> he's the person that's going to go up against barack obama it's pretty clear. we need to win this race. >> that's an endorsement, isn't it? unless i'm mishearing things. you just endorsed mitt romney. >> you can call it whatever you want. >> am i wrong? karen you know your husband, has he just endorsed mitt romney? >> not at this point. no. we're working through it. we're talking about it. >> you got to give piers credit for trying. santorum is meeting with romney on may 4th and newt gingrich says he's staying in the race but concedes it may be time to reassess his candidacy. love them or hate them, the kardashians are not going away. a new tv deal worth $40 million. the kardashians sign on for three more seasons. last season averaged 3 million viewers per episode. i know you love this show. >> i have never seen this show. i only know who the people are by hearing other people talk about them. >> you approve of the money they're making? >> it is america. it's capitalism. whatever. whatever. i just don't get it. maybe i'm a nerd and boring. i don't get it. >> opposite of that actually. >> zoraida, thank you. >> am i boring i don't get that? >> you don't need to keep up with the kardashians. you can slow down and watch the car wreck. >> stock tables and i don't have time. investigations now the new orleans saints eavesdropped on opposing teams. it's alleged that mickey loomis used a secret electronic device for nearly three seasons starting back in 2002. the saints are denying these allegations saying it's 1,000% false. not 100%. 1,000% false. they say you got it wrong. so tell me about your sourcing and tell me about what your reporting found that they were doing in there. >> well, about a month ago we started down the path to reporting a story about the bounty scandal. excuse me. and in the course of that early reporting where we attempted to drill down and get a better context on that bounty story, we heard some information about this alleged eavesdropping. that was about a month ago. we spent several weeks trying to nail down that information to corroborate it and to vet sources. the timetable increased for us late last week when we heard on friday that the u.s. attorney in new orleans had received the information and then taken that information to the fbi in new orleans so we worked hard over the weekend to try to fill in any last holes in the story and we were able to break the story on monday. but this is something we've been working on for the past month. >> tell me what it is exactly that your sources say was happening so the stadium was wired so that new orleans staff could listen to the opposing coaches and know what they were doing giving them presumably an edge. >> correct. the information we have is that the previous general manager, randy mueller, asked for the installation of a box in his suite within the superdome so he could only listen to the saints coaches. mueller was fired in 2002. according to the sources we have spoken with, at that time the box was rewired so that it was only tapped into the opposing coaches so that then general manager mickey loomis could allegedly eavesdrop during games and hear the realtime in-game communications between the coaches up in the booth to the coaches down on the field. now there are several different lines that go from those assistants up in the booth down to the coaches on the field. it's not clear precisely what line he tapped into but our sources are telling us that he had a switch and that he could switch back and forth between the offensive and defensive coaches and in the past few days i've talked to a number of people and they say it's very important because if he just had the realtime plays, there's a lot of jargon that nfl teams use with respect to the plays that they call. but if he could tap into the head coach, they may have talked about more big picture strategic things. if we score a touchdown here we'll kick an onside kick. that type of thing. >> clearly it's important stuff. i want to read what the head coach said. he called it ludicrous, juvenile and irresponsible of the report. and former saints coach also cast doubt saying at no time during my tenure as head coach of new orleans saints did mickey and i discuss monitoring opposing coach's communication nor did i have any moj of this. to my knowledge, this concept was never discussed or utilized. >> i think one of the odd details in the story so far is it was the saints general manager, randy mueller, intercepting communication. do you have any information that mueller was passing that to the saints coach who would have information for that. i don't know what a general manager would do with that information during a game. did he pass that info on to his own coaches? >> just to clarify, randy mueller was the general manager from 2000 to 2002. he's the one who according to sources listened to his own coaches. mickey loomis just to clear fie that point. but your point is valid. we did not suggest -- we did not report, i should say, that the saints gained a competitive advantage by doing so. we didn't report that nicky loomis listened to the device. we just know that according to sources who we found to be credible that the device was rewierr rewired. it wasn't wireless. it was rewired in 2002 so loomis had the capability to listen in. what our sources are telling us, at loomis' direction, the device was rewired in 2002. mickey loomis has been characterized to us as a salary cap wiz and not an xs and os football guy. what could he really do with this information that he received in realtime to give them an edge. it's a great question. >> real quick because we're short on time. did your sources explain to you why they were sharing this information with you? >> well, you know, i think it would be -- if i got too much into their motivation, it might come dangerously close to outing them. i do know that this is information that's been out there for several years. obviously it is coming out now. ultimately i think the individuals that we spoke to recognize that it was wrong. i think the reason it came out now is because all of the people involved are mindful of the fact that it might not only have violated the rules of fair play, it also may have violated state and federal laws and when everybody became cognizant of that, that upped the ante for them and increased their desire to get the information out. >> john barr, the man who broke the story and not popular among new orleans saints fans, john barr, thank you so much for that. ahead on "starting point," how to connect with america's youth. slow jam the news couldn't hurt. we'll check out president obama's late-night performance. feeling less pain at the pump, aren't we? or are we? america's top teacher called herself -- >> did you say earl? >> we're talking about teacher of the year. 12-year-old goofball the president calls her. that's what makes her effective in the classroom. we'll meet her next. come on. i'm getting in touch with my inner texan. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays, creating fans from berlin to beijing. what can we help you build? nice shot kid. the nba around the world built by the only company that could. cisco. not in this economy. we also have zero free time, and my dad moving in. so we went to fidelity. we looked at our family's goals and some ways to help us get there. they helped me fix my economy, the one in my house. now they're managing my investments for me. and with fidelity, getting back on track was easier than i thought. call or come in today to take control of your personal economy. get one-on-one help from america's retirement leader. how about that apple? seventh grade english teacher rebecca milwaukee award teacher of the year by president obama. >> she's got high expectations for her seventh graders and for herself but she also knows that school can be fun. and that fits a personality that she describes as a 12 yearly goofball dying to get out. i have to say, she was a little goofy when i met her. >> rebecca was from 53 finalists and joins us this morning from washington. congratulations. i'm going to do a little editorializing here and tell you the largest profession in america is teaching. 3.2 million of you. it's the most important job in this country. you stand in front of those kids and the relationship they have with you is what's going to determine whether or not they are successful and they make this country successful. congratulations on being recognized for your success in the classroom. >> thank you so much. earl? earl? >> i've been told. thank you. thank you, mrs. milwaukee. it's oil i'm told if i'm going to do it or just black gold, texas tea. >> when i was in the other room getting my glam on i heard something about mad cow and i thought that's how you were introducing me. i was like, hey, come on! >> she is goofy but not mad. what is it that you do? what's your philosophy for keeping expectations high for yourself and students as the president mentioned that you think is successful in the classroom? >> i didn't start out as a teacher. i came into teaching from the business world and in that community results matter. you have to be on your game. you have to get your job done. you have to be good at what you do. that's how you rise to the top. i took that idea and that kind of unusual business model into the classroom and it's about getting results with kids. i know that my number one job is to help build their skills and make them 21st century communicators. i'm their english teacher. there's nothing that says that while we have very hard work to do that it can't be engaging or lively or real and relevant and right now. i just try to tack onto what it is kids are into and what they're passionate about whether it is justin bieber or the black eyed peas or facebook or whatever it is and i use that and kind of piggyback on that and take that to the lessons and skills that i need them to know. >> you can tell you have met will cain on this program who has a question right now. >> you may have given me the answer to my questions. give me specifics. you're accused of unconventional teaching tactics. i'm kidding with you. what are specifics? bringing pop cultural references into the classroom. what are you doing that's unconventional that's working? >> i make sure that kids are front and center in their own learning and taking ownership of what it is that they want to know and then i help explain to them what it is they need to know. we'll do things like we do a lot of small group activities. they'll partner together. we do a lot of projects. big on project based learning. one of the assignments i had my kids start the year with is they all designed an app for a smartphone that an incoming middle schooler could use to help navigate school life and whether it could be an academic app that could help with homework or study tools, whether it would be a bully locater or cafeteria lunch rating system, those kinds of things. they have to design the app and do the thumb nail write up and graphic. those are real world schools. they may go to work as a computer programmer or graphic designer and a job they could have so i design projects that give them an outlet for work that they may do when they grow up. >> let me show you quick before ron jumps in. i want to show you failing grade -- you look at rankings of the u.s. and it's abysmal. 14th in raining. 17th in science. 25 in math. i argue that they aren't doing what we do in public schools. it's just different here. it's a different society. we do a lot more and we expect a lot more out of our public schools. when you see rankings like that, what do you think of your profession and ability to help kids do better with the rest of the world? >> every teacher i know is on a quest to get better. that's uniquely american quality is this thirst for improvement for innovation and moving forward to being better. we're very used to our unique position on this planet as free nation and innovative nation and they are committed to making sure that kids can stay competitive. when you talk to one teacher and another teacher, they feel an obligation and responsibility to do their best work with kids. now, do i have the funding to do that best work? do i have everything i need to prepare kids for the 21st century? i wish i could say yes, but i don't. i don't let that stop me. i've dug deep into my hearpurse. i hope you're not listening. the average teacher spends $400 of his or her own money on kids. >> we spend twice as much per student today than we did in the '70s. >> i said that's a cute starting number. honey, again, turn off the tv. it's so much more than that. i can't tell you. i've fed children. i've transported kids to practices and to plays. and i've bought supplies for my classroom. >> the kids know too. that's why you got to the white house. >> we can do better than that and we are doing better. i just know that great minds and good people are at work in education all over this country. i'm proud to represent teachers. i'm so thankful and honored what a day yesterday was. the president called me a goofball. >> nice to meet you. thank you so much. we'll talk to you again soon. she's the national 2012 teacher of the year. ahead on "starting point," president obama slow jamming on student loans with jimmy fallon. >> now is not the time to make school more expensive for our young people. ♪ oh yeah president going late night to grab young voters. we'll have highlights. you're watching "starting point." fiona here was just telling me that ford dealers sell a new tire like...every five seconds, how's that possible? well, we purchase 3 million a year. you just sold one right now didn't you? that's correct. major brands. 11 major brands. oop,there goes another one. well we'll beat anybody's advertised price. and you just did it right there, what's that called? the low price tire guarantee. wait for it, there goes another one. get a $100 rebate, plus the low price tire guarantee during the big tire event. look at that. it's happening right there every five seconds. your not going to run out are you? no. what we've said is simple. now is not the time to make school more expensive for our young people. ♪ oh yeah ♪ you should listen to the president ♪ ♪ or as i like to call him the prezzy of the united sazy ♪ >> the president is courting young voters and took time to answer some questions from twitter. >> this first one, bubba says -- >> what does bubba have to say? i woke up wondering that. >> due to economic pressures influence on voters could likely see a -- forget it, are you going to legalize weed or what? [ applause ] >> i figured that's what he was going to ask. >> sounds like something he would be interested in. >> we're not going to be legalizing weed or what any time soon. >> weed or what. >> notwithstanding the answer, easier for obama to kind of culturally connect with young people. harder for him to make an economic case after four years that are pretty tough. it's classic example of people who run presidential campaigns a choice or a reverend up. choice, good for him. referendum more difficult. >> how do you do it from a comedian standpoint. >> he's the most relaxed guy in the room which is why he can pull it off more than previous questions. as far as weed question, he gets asked that. those questions aren't going away because he ran saying he wouldn't harass clinics for medicinal marijuana. >> how did we get to decriminalization of marijuana? >> it's an issue young people care about. >> all right. ahead on "starting point," we interrupt this program for bears crashing the 11:00 news. watch as they sent the weatherman running. boone pickens, a texas oil man, says he can save america from foreign oil. his solution in this time of sky high gas price, i'll tell you. billy joel covering the disney classic "when you wish upon a star." "starting point." i love cash back. with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, we earn more cash back for the things we buy most. 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. no annual fee. that's 1% back on... wow! 2% on my homemade lasagna. 3% back on [ friends ] road trip!!!!!!!!!!!! [ male announcer ] get 1-2-3 percent cash back. apply online or at a bank of america near you. ♪ ifif y youou'r're e lolookokinio a bankgeget t totogegethther, yoyou u cacameme t to o ththe. bebecacaususe e heherere a at, wewe'r're e ononlyly a abob. fifindndining g yoyou u ththe e isis a allll w we e do. wewelclcomome e toto h hot. ♪ >> that's "let's groove" from actor blair underwood's playlist coming up later. time to go to zoraida sambolin for the other big stories. >> good morning to you. two more members of the secret service are out, resigned in the wake of the colombia prostitution scandal. a total of nine agents are now out of work. president obama last night discussing what they did on "the jimmy fallon show." >> a couple knuckleheads shouldn't detract from what they do but what these guys were thinking, i don't know. that's why they're not there anymore. >> the president said he was pretty mad when he found out what the agents were doing before his visit. a former close aide to john edwards will be back on the witness stand for a third day of testimony this morning but this time he'll be cross examined by the defense. the prosecution's star witness, andrew young, telling the court yesterday about detailed plans edwards made with him in order to hide an affair with his pregnant mistress, rielle hunter. young testifying about a day when he says hunter made so many frantic calls to him he told her "somebody better either be pregnant or dying." young says her reply was "nobody's dying." there was a one in three chance that it was his child when he found out she was pregnant. one world trade center will soon be the tallest building in new york city. the port authority says construction is moving quickly and it could surpass the empire state building's height as soon as monday. one world trade will be the tallest building in the western hemisphere at 1,776 feet when completed. a news station in pennsylvania gets crashed by a bunch of bears. have you seen this? the meteorologist took off when a mama bear and her three cubs wandered into the station's backyard weather studio. take a look. >> obviously we had very little notice that kurt was not in the backyard. >> this is live video from the backyard right there. there are two bears. >> this is why he's not out there right now. i don't blame him. >> the bears eventually found their way back into the woods. >> that's a great story. thanks. relief at the pump this week. it may not last long. this morning gas prices are down six cents from a week ago. two cents lower than a year ago continuing yesterday's trend when for the first time in 2 1/2 years the current price dropped below the price a year earlier. analysts expect they could increase again before memorial day weekend. they do every year, right? t. boone pickens joining us now. nice to see you. nothing more political than gas prices. they sling barbs at each other on the campaign trail. come on, a president can't control the price of gas. we have a world market for that so we don't have the president controlling the price of gas. do you think this will blame who for who can lower prices? >> they don't have anything else to talk about. >> last night mitt romney was talking about the president's all of the above energy strategy and made fun of it. >> i have a hard time sometimes understanding what he means when he says he's for all of the above when it comes to energy. and then i finally figured it out. he's for all of the energy sources that come from above the ground. the wind and the sun. now, i like the wind and sun too. but i also like the energy that comes from below the ground, the oil, the coal, the gas, we're going to get them both. >> you like wind and solar and natural gas. who has -- >> i like all american. >> you like independence from foreign oil. >> exactly. >> who's got the best plan of those two guys? >> i do. >> are you running for president, sir? >> i'm telling you, i've got the best plan. it's a simple plan. the first thing is quit blaming someone for the price of gasoline. that's all set by cartel, which is opec. that's it. and they have the swing all. they produce 31 million barrels a day. they are going to call the shots. they've already told you they have to have $100 a barrel because of social commitments within their country paying off the people. >> i talked to fedex using more oil than we are going to use. we complain what we pay at the pump he's saying what you are saying. get used to it. the needle is not being moved by the united states. what about the keystone pipeline. also very political. should we do it? >> of course you should do it. the saudis claim they have 215 billion barrels of oil. they don't. probably 150, 175. there's 250 billion barrels in alberta and that's the pipeline. that's keystone. >> we're down from 60% on foreign oil to 45% in 2011, what's been improving that number and what's been driving and what do we do to move it down further? >> demand is down. the economy is down. if you want is it step down on the economy, you can cut demand more. industry in the united states has done an outstanding job. the oil and gas industry in this country has gotten out there, found oil, found gas. we had the cheapest -- just a second. we had the cheapest energy in the world. the cheapest. nobody is cheaper than we are. >> real quick, the other after 20 years of stalemate we have been increasing fuel economy standards. what's the role that's playing? >> that's great. anything that conserves helps the economy and the price of fuel. you're getting ready to have the gasoline price hang onto your hat. >> keystone, most of that oil would go to china and india. we're exporting so much oil right now while prices are so high. >> we're not exporting. we're exporting product. they are coming into our refineries and it's coming out of their high price getting into that and shipping it out of the united states. we're not exporting oil. we're exporting product. >> it's interesting. natural gas prices have been going down and down and how to use natural gas in this country. i was talking about how they use that in long haul trucks and how to use that but in north carolina you have oil fields switching from natural gas to oil. >> they're not switching. they're moving away from drilling dry gas wells and drilling oil wells. not just in north dakota. all over the country. fred smith knows more about energy than i do. >> would more domestic production have a material effect on the price americans pay at the pump? >> will more? >> would more u.s. production domestic production of oil significantly affect the prices americans pay at the pump? >> sure it would. yeah. you see we're 10% under the rest of the world today on oil prices. it's $120 a barrel. we're $105. >> isn't the paradox that higher prices make it more attractive to drill for some of the tougher oil which is what is increasing our domestic production? >> you look at the northeast, some of the refineries are trying to refine this messy oil and it costs more to refine that stuff. >> that isn't right. the northeast refineries are in horrible shape because they have to compete with the gulf coast refineries. gulf coast refineries are processing light sweet crude coming off of production out of the basin and out of texas, out of west texas. >> it's easy to refine stuff. >> it is. here you have the eastern refineries. they're processing heavier crude and it costs more. so they are taking in foreign price crude and it's about -- that's why those refineries are for sale. >> i want to switch gears quickly. we want to get to this. big talking point for the president is about fairness and rich people paying their fair share. i'm happy to inform you that you are rich. >> i feel very uncomfortable because they keep saying that. i'm 84 years old next month. after i was 70, i paid $665 million in taxes. >> 665 million in taxes over 13 years. >> yes. i feel i've been -- in the last two years i haven't made any money. >> what's your tax rate? your effective tax rate? do you know off the top of your head? >> i have losses from '08 and '09 and didn't pay taxes last year. i don't get a salary. so if i sold something and i would get -- >> you don't agree with this buffett rule that we can start on the road to fixing america's financial problems by making rich people pay a greater share of wealth in taxes. >> redo the tax code. that's what we need to do. quit picking roon t ining aroun it. redo the tax code. do a value added tax and go from there. we'll get more taxes out of it and now we pieced it together where you have special interest and i don't like to say all of the subsidies that the oil industry gets, come on. the oil industry plays the same thing as ge and other manufacturing companies. >> this is something i advocated for. reform the tax code. simplify it make it easy to understand and do away with credit and exemptions. whether or not we're talking about oil, we could talk green energy subsidies, would you be okay with that if plays in that industry say do away with my credits and subsidies and we'll be fine. one of the beneficiaries of the complex tax code has been various aspects of the energy industry. i'm saying you're in the energy industry and you advocate for a simplified tax code and you're fine with that? >> sure. i'm fine with that, yes. don't have the idea that you're going to replace foreign oil or any other oil with wind or solar. they do not move an 18 wheeler. only thing you're going to move an 18 wheeler with is diesel or natural gas. that's it. we're oversupplied with natural gas. it's $2. beijing is 16. the mid east is 15. europe is 13. and this summer you will see $20 natural gas in japan. >> boone pickens, we have to leave it there. i could talk gas and oil -- they are making fun of me. bp capital management. nice to see you, sir. ahead on "starting point," blair underwood is in the house. we'll talk about his new role on broadway taking on the role that marlin brando made famous. jennifer lopez, pit bull "dance again" from blair's playlist. [ male announcer ] when a major hospital wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. [ director ] cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. >> you quit that howling down there and go to bed. you shut up. you're going to get the law on you. >> stella! >> they'll haul you in. you stinker. >> stella! >> the thing about that scene is what he's saying and when he's not saying something he's unforgettable. that scene is iconic and now actor blair underwood is taking on "a street car named desire" with a new twist. >> stella! stella. >> wow. blair's performance nominated for a drama league award. >> no pressure. >> how many people can do that? you have a great shot at this iconic role. >> i saw you yelling "stella" on the teaser. >> she turned to three of us and said don't talk during this segment. i got to tell you, she's right. this is an intimidately handsome man. >> you are taking on this famous role. how do you reinterpret stanley at the same time you dropped his last name. it's a very polish last name. how do you reinvent this character? >> the best way i know to approach something like this is to start from scratch. you have the comparisons here but in 1947 when they did this play, they started from this incredible literary masterpiece so we are just building upon that. there are permissions we got to remove that. >> they changed the name of the restaurant too. >> yes. it was a segregated restaurant in the 1940s so we changed it. >> it was not segregated. >> sbag raintegrated and up andg still today. i should say beyond that it's the same script. same story. same play. it's just projected to a different prism. >> it's an almost every man experience. you can dig into that character and find the every man. >> it's one of the reasons it's one of the most icon roles in american theater. i see stan as a man child. he's a brute. he's animalistic. in that moment right there when he's yelling stella is after he's beaten his wife. she's pregnant. that's a cry from the heart. don't leave me. that's desperate. >> we were talking in the break about previous mixed race role in the past. for this one i guess the question transcends race. how do you approach stanley to make him a sympathetic character? >> to tap into the why of why he is the way he is. why so desperate for her? where does that come from? it's not in the script. you have to create that back story. was he left alone? relationships with other women. his mother. that kind of stuff. that we now look at and analyze. a lot of that analysis. >> we have more with blair underwood after the break. we leave you with another track from his playlist. i like it. nice. ♪ t we're back with blair understood. we're talking about how you are stanley on broadway for this. what a path that must have been for you to try to interpret tennessee williams in a different way. >> it's amazing. we were talking about tennessee williams and just how as a man of the south and as a gay man of the south and as being an outsider, he understood especially the french quarter. he understood the mixture of the culture. >> think about doing this today. man like stanley is more marginalized by the economy today than he would have been in 1947. i wonder how that hovers over this in your mind. >> what a great question. he is that blue collar kind of guy. we spoke of desperation from him towards stella. the beginning of this play, stanley and stella are expecting a baby. as a father of three, there's that sense of protection of the family and that whole nesting side that comes in. everything is heightened. when the economy is bad and when it's 1940s or today and you are threatened by someone taking an insurance policy that is that plantation and all of those things threaten his reality and he from a very animalistic, man perspective -- >> home is the one place he has power in his life. >> that's his kingdom. >> opportunity and lack of opportunity and trying to preserve your opportunity. eight shows a week. it is hard work. nice to see you. >> only 16 weeks. that crew did it for two years. we're doing it for 16 weeks. >> come backstage. >> don't ask me twice. end point with our panel is coming up next. middle of nowher, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. 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1 62 , Gel , Prescription , Products , Application , Testosterone Levels , Sites , Testosterone Replacement Therapy , Dosing , Signs , Child , Women , Doctor , Children , Contact , Changes , Application Sites , Puberty , Body Hair , Exposure , Acne , Increase , Prostate Cancer , Risk , Sperm Count , Prostate , Breast Cancer , Feet , Side Effects , Breast Feeding , Swelling , Ankles , Breasts , Problems Breathing , Insulin , Medicines , Medications , Body , Sleep , Blood Clots , Blood Clotting , Legs , Enlarged , Corticosteroids , Conditions , Ten Dollars , Generation , Commitment , Protection , Auto Insurance , Level , Usaa , Vietnam , South Pacific , Iraq , 1968 , 2003 , 1943 , Veterans , Families , Equal , Military , Auto Insurance Quote , Zoraida Sambolin , Tensions , Missiles , Eye , Experts , India , Pakistan , Disruption , War , Countries , Famine , Missile , Test Range Missile , Federal Appeals Court , Andrew Young , Cross , Aide , Plans Edwards , Defense , Affair , Witness , 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Technicality , Will Cain , Kurt , Immigration Policies , You Guys , Foreign Policy , Constitution , Purview , Role , Jurisdiction , Enforcement , 1976 , Scheme , Immigration Regime , State Penalties , Immigration Scheme , Crime , Screen , Iss Eundocumented , Law Enforcement , Registration Papers , Offense , Noncitizen , Immigration Status , Police Officers , Modification , Quinnipiac Poll , Another , Discretion , Violation , Officers Discretion , Policy , Opposite , Sanctuary Cities , Pew Hispanic Research Center , Mexican , Left , Mass Migration , Mexicans , 1 4 Million , Zero , 2005 , Job Market , Vindication , Opinion , Everything Else , Estate , Recession , Deterrent , Jobs , 300000 , Likelihood , Piece , Law Abiding Latino Citizen , Dealing , Bills , Attempt , Adams , Officer , Citizenship , Citizen , Immigration Papers , Proof , U Turn , Speaker Of The House , The Law Doesn T , Police Officer , Scenario , Driver S License , My I D , State Legislature , Ways , Culture , History , Problems , Heritage , Mexico , Word , Former , Speaker , Enough , Kirk Adams , Metta World Peace , Family , Drunk Driver , Teenager Turning , Sister Stay , Jail , Setback , Taste , Pap , Season , Crispy Garlic Chicken , Collection , Cuisine , Snacks , Spinach , Dip , Spring Rolls , Accessory , Culinary Chic , Lean Cuisine , Mail , Store , Dancing Chicken , Service , Franchise , Franchisees , Yep , Customers , Honey , Partner , Neighborhood , Ones , Snds Ng Melodic Tune , Address , Value Performance , Northrop Grumman , Makthworld A Feplace , Malennounc , Ith , Northr Gruan , Games , Susend Metta World Peace , Elbow Hit Yesterday , Seven , Fans , James Harden , Ground , Playoffs , Concussion , Teammates , Floor , Oklahoma City Thunder , Okc Organization , Name , Laker Fans , Least , Wolf Blitzer , Youtube , Sanjay Gupta , Blair Underwood , Sister , Driver , Facebook , Teen , Fight , Famous Stella , Street Car Named Desire , Fabulous , Radio , Next , Sound , Broadcast Media , Peabody , Journalism , Genius , Gershwin , The Edge Of A Dream , Industry , Lines , Twists , Employees , Route Map , Delta , Eighty Thousand , World , Unexpected , Unwieldiness , Air Travel , Dry Cleaning , Pancakes , Reservation , Invoices , Shoes , Corner , Sushi , Side , Marriott Hotels Resorts , Office , Invoice Process , Smoothie , Xerox , Lives , Drunk Driving , Teenager , Isn T , Fighting , Bars , Killer , Many , Bond Hearing , Bond , Judge , Record , T Shirt , Homicide , Popularity Contest , Tv , The Press , Sprint , Courtroom , Father , Family Attorney , Uncle , Big Sister , Outlet , Loss , All Of You , God , Advocate , Purpose , Believer , Crash , Movement , Minivan , Little Girl , Bree , Cause , Process , Everybody , Possibilities , Upset , Reminder , Face , Accident , Girls , Morning , House A Couple Times , Mom , Route , Brush , Crossroads , Explosion , Flash , Daughters , To My Surprise , Spain , Peace , She Didn T , Sleep Screaming , Leg , Exception , Anything , Tragedy , Kaly , Devastating , Pictures , Cases , Social Media , Awareness , Teams , Evidence , Scandal , Spy , Ford , Jetblue Flight , Birds Force Another Emergency Landing , Saints Spygate , Crossovers , Sir , Highway Fuel Economy , Chevy Equinox , Hi , Lessees , Dealer , Equinox Ls , Chevy , 229 , 29 , Dennis Allstate , Insurance , Voice Of Dennis , Yup , Allstate Value Plan , Car Insurance , Dollar , Mad Cow , School Supply , Is Madeleine Mccann , Opponents , Spygate , Team Spy , New Orleans Saints , April 25th , Wednesday April 25th , Start Me Up , Stones , Soledad , Football Game , Columnist , Song , John Fugelsang , Political Comedian , Blaze Com , Elizabeth Cohen , Atlanta , Humans , Human Form , Cattle , Individual , Illness , Threat , Treatment , Costs , Milk , Feed , Random Testing , Parts , Livestock , Chicken , Sick , Animal , Animals , Someone , Cow Brains , Example , Restaurants , Safeguards , Food System , Menu , Eating Meat , Food Safety , Patient , Stories , Christine , 3 , Madeleine , Showing , 2007 , Jetblue Flight Last Night , Passenger , Pilot , Impact , Hits , Hurt , Officers , Funeral Procession , Plays , Some , Caribbean , Off Season , Running Back , Fundraisers , Fundraise , Kids Hospital , Governor , Victory , White House , Massachusetts , Distractions , Distortion , Diversions , Delegates , Romney Closing , Person , Endorsement , Staying , Romney On May 4th , May 4th , 4 , Candidacy , Kardashians , Tv Deal , 40 Million , 00 Million , Seasons , Viewers , Episode , 3 Million , Whatever , Capitalism , Nerd , Investigations , Car Wreck , Don T Have Time , Stock Tables , New Orleans Saints Eavesdropped , Device , Mickey Loomis , Path , Reporting , Sourcing , False , Information , Context , Bounty Scandal , Eavesdropping , Timetable , Vet Sources , New Orleans , Weekend , Holes , Coaches , Sources , Staff , Box , Edge , Installation , Suite , Superdome , Correct , Realtime , Booth , Communications , Assistants , The Field , Switch , Offensive , Head Coach , Picture , Jargon , Touchdown , Coach , Report , Onside Kick , Communication , Concept , Knowledge , Doubt , Tenure , Moj , General Manager , The Story So Far , Info , 2000 , Advantage , Nicky Loomis , Rewired , Capability , At Loomis , Rewierr Rewired , It Wasn T Wireless , Xs , Cos , Salary Cap Wiz , Football Guy , Motivation , Outing , Individuals , Fair Play , John Barr , Desire , Ante , Couldn T Hurt , Slow Jam , Teacher , Pump , Performance , Aren T , Oh Yeah , Classroom , Come On , Goofball , Energy Development , Inner Texan , Energy , Natural Gas , Technologies , Producers , Environment , Domestic , Recycling Systems , Emissions , Footprint , Air Quality , Conservation , Wildlife , Power , Nice , Planet , Beijing , Replays , League , Cisco , Intelligent Network , Berlin , Shot Kid , The One , Track , Control , Investments , Fidelity , Goals , Help , America S Retirement Leader , Rebecca Milwaukee Award Teacher Of The Year , Expectations , Graders , Seventh Grade , English , Personality , Fun , Congratulations , Editorializing , Finalists , Rebecca , Washington , 53 , Teaching , Profession , Relationship , 3 2 Million , Earl , Success , Milwaukee , Soil , Room , Glam , Black Gold , Texas Tea , Keeping Expectations , Philosophy , Community Results , Top , Skills , Results , Business Model , Number One , Communicators , 21 , Justin Bieber , Lessons , Piggyback , Black Eyed Peas , Pop , References , Teaching Tactics , Specifics , Me Specifics , Center , Learning , Ownership , App , Projects , Smartphone , Group , Assignments , Activities , Big On Project Based Learning , Schooler , Kinds , Middle , Bully Locater , Cafeteria Lunch Rating System , School Life , Homework , Tools , Schools , Computer Programmer , Graphic Designer , Graphic , Thumb Nail , Rankings , Grade , Math , 17 , 14 , Society , Ability , Quest , Quality , Thirst , Improvement , Innovation , Nation , Responsibility , Funding , Obligation , Hearpurse , 400 , 70 , Supplies , Practices , Teachers , Minds , Education , Teacher Of The Year , Jamming , Me A Goofball , Highlights , Tire , Dealers , Fiona , Price , Oop , Brands , Price Tire Guarantee , Anybody , Tire Event , Price Tire , Rebate , President , Prezzy , United Sazy , Bubba , First One , Twitter , Weed , Pressures , Applause , Connect , What , Reverend , Comedian Standpoint , Referendum , Marijuana , Weed Question , He Wouldn T Harass Clinics , Bears , Solution , Gas Price , Weatherman Running , Sky High , West Texas , T Boone Pickens , Disney , Billy Joel , Cash , Classic , When You Wish Upon A Star , Gas , Fee , Everywhere , Credit Card , Hoops , Bankamericard , 2 , Cash Back , Road Trip , Friends , Bank Of America , Homemade Lasagna , Ththe E , Wewelclcomome E , To O Ththe , Bankgeget T Totogegethther , Wewe R , Fifindndining G Yoyou , Yoyou U Cacameme , Ifif Y Youou R , E Lolookokinio , Bebecacaususe E Heherere , Ononlyly A Abob , Allll W , Isis , Toto H Hot , Let S Groove , Agents , Wake , Colombia Prostitution Scandal , Thinking , I Don T Know , Couple Knuckleheads Shouldn T , Third Day , Witness Stand , Visit , Court , Order , Prosecution S Star Witness , Reply , News Station , Bunch , 1776 , Backyard , Meteorologist , Notice , Station , Mama Bear , Backyard Weather Studio , Cubs , Take A Look , Into The Woods , Gas Prices , Relief , Trend , 2 1 , Analysts , Memorial Day Weekend , Prices , World Market , Barbs , Who , All Of The Above Energy Strategy , Wind , Energy Sources , The Sun , All American , Coal , Plan , Simple Plan , Independence , Barrels , Barrel , Set By Cartel , Shots , Gasoline , Opec , 31 Million , Fedex , Needle , Saudis , Keystone Pipeline , 215 Billion , 175 , 250 Billion , Pipeline , Keystone , Alberta , 2011 , 45 , Demand , Oil And Gas Industry , Cheapest , Playing , Fuel Economy Standards , Conserves , Stalemate , Hat , Gasoline Price , Most , Fuel , Keystone , China , Refineries , Product , Natural Gas Prices , Trucks , North Carolina , Drilling Dry Gas Wells , North Dakota , Drilling Oil Wells , Fred Smith , Production , Material Effect , Oil Prices , The World Today , Isn T The Paradox , 105 , 120 , 05 , Northeast , Isn T Right , Basin , Gulf Coast , Light Sweet Crude , Share , Talking Point , Sale , Gears , Fairness , 665 Million , 65 Million , 84 , 13 , Tax Rate , Head , Haven T , Salary , Losses , Didn T Pay , 09 , 08 , Taxes , Rule , Wealth , Fixing America S Financial Problems , Tax Code , Tax , Value , Roon T , Ining Aroun , Subsidies , Oil Industry , Age , Manufacturing Companies , Credit , Exemptions , Energy Industry , Credits , Beneficiaries , Aspects , Don T , Solar , 18 , Mid East , 16 , , Summer , Bp Capital Management , Japan , 0 , Marlin Brando , Broadway , Pit Bull , Jennifer Lopez , Dance Again , Hospital , Bottom Line , Lac , Duck , Employee Benefits , Aflac , Lullaby And Good Night , Forbusiness Com , Monica , Director , Cut , Payment , Citi Simplicity Card , Penalty Rate , Simplicity Card , Bigger , Fees , Worries , Bed , Yelling Stella , You Stinker , Scene , Twist , A Street Car Named Desire , Pressure , Drama League Award , Teaser , Segment , Don T Talk , Character , Reinterpret Stanley , Comparisons , Play , Scratch , Masterpiece , 1947 , Restaurant , Permissions , Sbag Raintegrated , Up Andg , 1940 , Script , Prism , Man Child , Icon Roles , Man Experience , American Theater , Break , Brute , Cry , Why , Back Story , Relationships , Analysis , On Broadway , South , Outsider , Mixture , Tennessee Williams , French Quarter , Blue Collar , Like Stanley , Hovers , Desperation , Sense , Baby , Stanley , Nesting , Beginning , Plantation , Insurance Policy , Reality , Opportunity , Perspective , Life , Kingdom , Black , Eight , End Point , Crew , Panel , Nowher , At T , Equipment , Asset , Bell , Network , Cat , Smarter Thinking , Accord , Honda , Lawyer , Mary Ma , Each Other , John , Exits , Row , Run Dmc ,

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