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>> oh, here we go. >> oh, kyra. what a laugh to start the day. >> happy monday, peeps. happy monday. [ laughter ] >> kyra, have a good show. we start off with presidential politics and the two states that will be critical in choosing the new president. -- the new presidential nominee. mitt romney is considered the heavy favorite. iowa is still up for grabs just 10 weeks before it hosts the nation's first caucuses. gingrich kicking off his day with a town hall. rick santorum holding several meet and greets across the state. both are touting their conservative credentials and seizing on the latest stumbles by herman cain. paul steinhauser has the big picture from washington. shannon travis on the campaign trail in iowa. paul, let's start with you. as romney files to get onto the new hampshire ballot, how strong is his lead? what do you think? >> very strong in the granite state. about 15 minutes from now, he'll be in concord, the state capital, and make it official there by putting his petition in. this is the last week to get on the ballot in new hampshire. romney the overwhelming favorite there. one of the reasons, he used to be governor of neighboring massachusetts. he also owns a home in new hampshire. this is the most recent poll in new hampshire. romney at the top at 38%. cain at 20%. paul at 13%. everybody else in single digits. john sununu, who was the republican party chairman, endorsing romney. and we don't have to worry about the primary going to december. over the weekend, nevada moving its caucus to the 4th of february. here's how it looks in january. iowa on the 3rd. and we think that the new hampshire will go on the 10th, and of course the 4th of february now for nevada. rick perry this week, he's going to unveil his plan for a flat tax. this could ignite a bit of -- i guess we should say stalled momentum. >> i think perry is hoping for a little 9-9-9 magic that herman cain got when his tax plan got out there. tomorrow in iowa, perry will introduce his flat tax on both carp rat rates and on personal income. cain of course with that 9-9-9 plan that he's been touting for so long, and now the new 9-0-9 plan. that 9-9-9 plan, 9% personal income and corporate and sales tax. romney is really calling for basically maintaining the current tax system. he wants to extend the bush era tax cuts and eliminate the death tax and lower corporate tax rates. and one more thing. i'm not sitting on a seat. i'm sitting on a desk so i don't have the problem that ali had this morning. >> the magic chair is what we call it. all right. paul, great to see you. let's get to iowa. and the latest threat to herman cain's latest surge. shannon trafficvis is in davenp. how much did cain hurt himself when he appeared vague on abortion? >> well, it's monday. herman cain hopes this controversy is behind him. but it wasn't quite put to bed. he came to iowa on saturday to try and put this abortion controversy to bed, but not quite. let's just bring our viewers up to date. last week he was on piers morgan and he made some comments that seemed to suggest that while he was personally against abortion, that he might not be against the legal -- making abortion illegal in the country. he came to this iowa faith in freedom event on saturday, and he basically said, you know what? i am against abortion. he's pro-life. and he's against -- he's for overturning roe v. wade. but outside, some people put some mysterious flyers on cars basically saying that herman cain was pro choice. it's a mysterious flyer. we tried to contact who distributed the flyers. but we couldn't get through to anybody. and it seems like one of those political dirty tricks that we've seen so many times before, kyra. >> well, gingrich and santorum are struggling. the polls show they are still struggling in iowa too, right? >> yeah. they are pretty in the polls, although you talk to their campaigns and they say they are rising in the polls. they are basically barn storming the state. i think we have a few graphics to show their travels. santorum has vowed to visit all 99 of iowa's counties, kyra. i don't know what number he is up to so far. but it looks like he's spent 62 days in iowa, according to the des moines register. and he's been here for man any other candidate. gingrich has three events here today. santorum has seven events today. again, they are hoping to appeal to the evangelical christians who come out in numbers here in iowa, and maybe even newt gingrich, some of the economic conservatives with his new contract with america, which proposes an optional flat tax. that seems to be the big popular thing in the republican party, that flat tax, kyra. >> shannon, thanks. we'll have another update in just about an hour. you can get the latest news on our website, now to overseas. eastern turkey digging out from a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. the country's strongest in more than 10 years. diana is right there at the area, at least 55 buildings have collapsed not far from where he is. d dian diana, what about the search for survivors right now? >> reporter: surtthe search for survivors continue as the rescuers continue to go through the rubble. there were two towns that were badly hit. van and ercis where i am. and rescue workers have built a tent city for all of those people who were made homeless when their buildings collapsed and all of people who were too scared to go back to their buildings tonight because there are constant aftershocks and because they are worried that the foundations of their buildings aren't stable enough to withstand it. so here you can see behind me they are gathering up food. stew is being made for them. there is bread, water, hot tea. and temperatures at night here are really very, very cold. so the red crescent has had to bring in blankets, tents with heaters, all of those things because people say we cannot go back to our homes. we don't know when we'll be able to go back to our homes, whether it's a week or a month. winter is coming. the state has to look after us. and this is a very small town. it's a little more than 100,000 people. so literally everybody here knows somebody who is missing or someone who is lost, kyra. >> what about aid? is it going to be able to get in there? is it going to get tougher? and of course people are going to want to help. what can they do? >> well, the red crescent has a donation page on its website. so it is possible to contribute that way. turkey as a government has said it doesn't actually need help from elsewhere, that it can handle the situation on its own. and remember this country is situated on fault lines which crisscross it. in 1999, there was a huge earthquake in which 17,000 people were killed. so turkey is no stranger to this kind of seismic activity. and although the numbers are horrific, there are at this stage a little over 200 people dead, turkey says it can cope with it on its own. but it does thank other governments for their offers of help, and actually there are teams -- we are very near the iranian border here. there were teams helping with the search and rescue from israel who came just to see what they could do. aid is coming through. it's slow to come through. the tent times on the first night aren't really available. people were sleeping in cars. they were very, very cold on the streets. but tonight should be a better situation for people who don't have homes to go to, kyra. >> diana, thank you. we'll follow the story along there with you. and the state department is reporting this morning that there have been credible threats now against the u.s. ambassador in syria. ambassador robert ford has been pulled out of the country now and is back in washington. our max foster is joining us from london. so explain the situation and what do we know, max. >> back in the u.s. over the weekend. and we are getting some information from the state department about what's going on here. and we heard from mark toller from the state department, the spokesperson there, talking about robert ford saying that he had received credible threats against his personal safety in syria. and it got to the point where this has become too difficult. he has got, i think it's fair to say, ambassador ford, a very good reputation, not just in u.s. political circles but also with anti-government protesters in syria. he has been outspoken about his support for their right to demonstrate in syria. but also he's been very -- he has spoken out against the government crackdown on those protests, which hasn't made him popular with pro government protesters. so we have the situation, for example, last month where he was meeting a prominent opposition figure in syria. and pro government protesters burst into that meeting and completely disrupted it. we don't know how much government support there is behind this, but people are assuming there is some. he's been withdrawn from the country. he is back in the u.s. but the embassy, kyra, has stayed open. it only reopened earlier this year after years of no diplomatic relations. but it is still open. but obviously, the tension between the u.s. and syria right now is at a high. >> well, yeah. and max, after we saw in libya and what happened to gadhafi and the anti-demonstrations that picked up after that, and the talk about, ok, is this leader next, now we're getting these threats toward the ambassador in that -- to that country. so are other americans being threatened as well? and is this becoming a bigger concern? >> well, there are republicans who didn't want an ambassador going back into syria because they didn't want to be seen to be supporting it in any way. and it is under the state department rules still seen as a state sponsor of terrorism. but at the same time, it's a crucial player in that region. so a lot of democrats and other people around the world want to see a u.s. presence there, because they say let's deal with them anyway. let's try and find out what is their thinking. so it's seen as a crucial role. but when it comes to personal threats against the ambassador, they have to pull him out. but diplomatic relations haven't been completely ceased, because the embassy is still open. but it is a concern. a lot of these regimes are difficult to deal with. the question is, do you try and deal with them and make things better or not? >> all right, max. thanks. coming up, we're talking to a man who has been advising the rebels in libya. now that gadhafi is gone, he feels more comfortable talking about it. so we're going to ask him how they build a new country after 42 years under a dictator. and remember how hot and dry texas has been? it's almost seemed mother nature was trying to make up for it in one night. so, how was school today ? i have to be a tree in the school play. good. you like trees. well, i like climbing them, but i've never been one. good point. ( captain ) this is your captain speaking. annie gets to be the princess. oh... but she has to kiss a boy. and he's dressed up like a big green frog ! ewww. ( announcer ) fly without putting your life on pause. be yourself nonstop. american airlines. quick look at stories from across the country. this week is getting off to a soggy start in north texas. a storm with strong wind, rain, and hail slammed the dallas area overnight. some gusts hit 70 miles per hour. about 16,000 customers lost their power and crews have been cleaning debris out of that road. former louisiana prison inmate eating his first shrimp po boy as a free man. dna testing exonerated henry james of rape about 30 years after he went to prison. he could get up to a quarter million dollars as payback for his years behind bars now. >> i can't undo what's been done. all i can do now is just put it behind me and take the rest of my life i have and try to move forward and think positive. and mourners pay their respects to dan wheldon a week after he was killed in a wreck in an indycar race. indycar is investigating that crash and hopes to have some results in the next few weeks. libya started its first full week as a liberated nation, but there are a lot of questions this morning. it's still not clear if moammar gadhafi's fatal head wound came in the cross fire or from close range. we're going to talk more with cnn's dan rivers. gadhafi's body still on public display there. dan, what are you hearing? >> reporter: exactly that. we are hearing that his body has been placed back on public display after the autopsy yesterday. we spoke to the chief pathologist yesterday, and he wouldn't give details but did tell us that gadhafi died from a gunshot wound to the head. we have no details on whether that was at close range or hit in the cross fire as the transitional government are maintaining. but it's quite a lot of surprise that they have then chosen to put the body back on public show at this cold storage facility on the edge of town, rather than burying it or handing it over to gadhafi's tribe as they said they were going to do. you know, clearly, they have an issue with quite the mechanics of how they are going to do this in secret if that's what they're going to do. there are still long lines of people queueing up to see him. >> dan rivers. as you head to misrat awe'll talk to you along that journey. meanwhile, mike newton has been serving as a legal adviser to the rebels in libya and helped iraq with its post saddam justice system and helped build the case against milosevic in kosovo. you have been conculting with them in secret. >> the libyan leaders reached out in a quiet way to a number of experts and organizations and took a number of very concrete, constructive steps to comply with the rule of law. and so that's not stuff you advertise. you just do it. >> tell me what kind of advice you actually have been giving them and how did you communicate and how often? >> they had a number of specific questions regarding the precise regulations, what we would call the laws and customs of war, for conducting hostilities lawfully. and my hope is that exact same spirit now translates into the post conflict reconstruction. what is the law, how do we build a libya that protects human rights for all tribes, all people, all regions of the country, and how do we demonstrate that. what do we do to demonstrate good faith to the international community. and i hope that spirit very strongly carries through, and is very strongly demonstrated in practice. >> like we said, they have been reaching out to you for advice. did they tell you the truth about gadhafi's death? do they believe that they know for sure? >> at this point, nobody really knows. that's why there have been calls are investigations and documentation. but at this point, i think they are really focused on really two time frames. one, there's a short-term time frame to demonstrate very concrete, tangible progress to the libyan people that says, this is not the old secret state of secret police and no freedom of speech and no freedom of press. and then the longer term process of constitution building and consensus building and institution building to build a libya that protects the rights of every libyan is just now beginning. and so i think they're focused forward. >> on that note about protecting rights and focusing forward, libya's transitional leader says that islama sharia law will be, quote, unquote, the basic source of all law, but insists that libyans are moderate muslims. so what does this mean? i mean, your first reaction, we know sharia law, is that women will not be treated equally. >> that's a good question, kyra. and what it hints at is that an ultimate solution to a long-term, lasting, stable societal peace built on the widespread respect for human rights has to be built from the ground up. my hope is that in president obama's statements the other day that he publicly committed to the united states taking the lead. and i hope that we provide very lean, very tailored, very focused assistance so that those promises -- you know, the libyans made a lot of sacrifices to build a better libya. and in fact, now it's time to deliver on those promises. i hope they have very short-term, concrete projects all across libya for all tribes, things like water relief, rebuilding assistance, things that very quickly demonstrate this is not gadhafi's libya anymore. now cooperate with us while we build a better libya for the long-term future. >> i hope we can talk more as you continue to advise the rebels. mike newton, thanks so much. >> thank you, kyra. coming up, janet jackson chooses court over concerts. and the rest of your showbiz headlines. and prince harry enjoying the nightlife in the states, of course. what happened when he crossed paths with a california waitress and a little bit of booze? [ sam ] my first ride lasted just 30 seconds. another reminder of what i couldn't do. ♪ the accident could have been my excuse to quit. i made it my reason to go even harder. ♪ [ male announcer ] helping people achieve without limits. at the hartford it's what we do... and why we're the founding partner of the u.s. paralympic team. show your support at let's get to your showbiz headlines. janet jackson ditched her concert tour for the conrad murray trial she postponed several trials in australia to be with her family in l.a. the manslaughter trial could wrap up this week. john mayer has undergone surgery for a vocal chord issue. the singer says he's held off, hoping for an ezer fix, but didn't find one. now he can't talk at all for at least a month. he says he needs to recover from the operation. and will ferrell has been awarded the mark twain prize for american humor. such a big honor, as you can see, he couldn't handle it. the actor comedian promptly dropped the award, busting twain's head into two pieces. he said he was humbled by the prize and picked up all the pieces. most brits like to give the queen a wave when she passes by in her chauffeured limo, but one australian decided to greet her in a different manner. max foster has the revealing details. >> very good, kyra. very good. i have seen lots of strange reactions when people meet the queen, but i think this is the strangest one. apparently, it was very spontaneous. a young guy, 22, liam warringer, was in australia. and apparently the queen waved at him, and his natural reaction was to drop his pants, allegedly. this is a legal process now. he dropped his pants and mooned at her. i'm not sure what she thinks of it. no word from the palace on that. but he has been charged with creating a public nuisance and willful exposure. he will appear in court on friday. he can't say much more than that. and i think we shouldn't even be laughing. someone is taking it very seriously. >> how did the queen react? do we know? >> she would have just looked the other way gracefully and ignored it completely. apparently he was running down the road next to her car. i don't think she could have missed it. and i was going to miss this part of the story out, but i'll mention it just because it's in all the papers. it's not my exclusive. but he had the australian flag in the cheeks of his bare backside. that's sort of what the local papers are talking about. and they are trying to give it a political edge, because he's linked with the occupy movement. >> or just a very patriotic aussie. >> absolutely. >> prince harry, there for a little bit of combat training in the states but it looks like the party prince couldn't stay away from a cute little cocktail waitress and a couple of bottles of booze. surprise, surprise. >> this is the party prince. although tabloid newspapers are desperate to get anything on him partying. san diego seems to be where he is going out when he is out there, and this is the headline from the sun. harry, cocktail waitress spend night together in 80 pound hotel room. and then you read into the headlines and hthey undo themselves on the way. he did meet a waitress, jessica donaldson, but her quote, harry is a real prince charming. i am flattered, but there's nothing more than that. he went to a bar, had a few drinks, spoke to a waitress, and that's headline you get out of it. two months ago, standard & poor's cut its rating on the u.s. debt and the stock market immediately tumbled. now there's talk of another downgrade. how soon could it happen? >> well, kyra, it could happen by late november or early december. this is according to a top economist at bank of america, merrill lynch. he believes there's a high probability that the u.s. will get hit with another downgrade by moody's or phish. currently the two ratings agencies give the country the top rating of aaa, but that could change. and the reasons could be the same for the first downgrade, too much debt and stalemate in washington. they were supposed to come up with a plan to cut $2.1 trillion. merrill lynch essentially doesn't believe it's going to happen. but investors are not focused on that today. they are focussed on the economic data and strong corporate earnings. we are expecting a slightly higher opening today. and coming up, rick perry gets some food for thought during dinner with donald trump. what he is saying and why, right after the break. the postal service is critical to our economy-- delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. to bring you a low-priced medicare prescription drug plan. ♪ with the lowest national plan premium... ♪ ...and copays as low as one dollar... ♪ ...saving on medicare prescriptions is easy. ♪ so you're free to focus on the things that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go to for details. what's vanishing deductible all about ? guys, it's demonstration time. let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductible. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100. where am i going, carl ? the next year... that was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side checking top stories now, more than 230 people are dead and thousands injured after a massive earthquake struck eastern turkey. rescuers are using heavy machinery and their bare hands to search for survivors. more than 80% of voters cast ballots in an historic election in tu niecnisitunisia. and tropical storm rina has formed in the tropical caribbean. it's expected to move across the gulf of mexico and it could threaten the u.s. maybe you thought that the whole birther thing was dead and buried. well, rick perry is not so sure. in an interview with "parade" magazine published yesterday, the governor says that dinner with donald trump kind of got him thinking. joining us for our weekly political chat, contributors lj granderson and will cain. i want to read part of this interview if you don't mind. governor perry asked if he believes that president obama was born in the united states. and he says, quote, i have no reason to think otherwise, but i don't have a definitive answer. the interviewer says, but you have seen the birth certificate. the governor's reply, i don't know. have i? all right, guys. what's the deal? lz. >> i can't -- i just can't -- i don't understand why these people -- these birther people continue to try and drive this topic as an issue, as think issue to get president obama out of the white house. every single time they open their mouths, i just find myself laughing historysterically, bec he's done enough for you to run on. you don't need to dig up something that says he's not american. it's ludicrous to me. >> will, we have seen the birth certificate. we've seen it. it's out there. it's done. it's over, right? >> well, yeah, right. you know, kyra, you said i wonder what donald trump might have said or how that dinner might have gone. i have a guess. rick perry is now a desperate candidate. imagine sitting there with donald trump and he's like, i'm getting hammered. i even pulled out the mitt romney illegal employed aliens. i'm getting nowhere. and donald trump says, you know, rick, i was pulling 26% back in may, and you know what i was pushing. and rick perry is kind of like, hmm. this is a desperate candidate. he is finding issues he hopes can get him back on the map, back on the radar. >> he goes on to say that it doesn't matter and it's a distractive issue. so why would rick perry even, you know, back into this? >> because will's absolutely correct. he is a bit of a desperate person. the last debate he threw everything he could to try to get the stick. and i heard a lot of boos in that crowd, and i don't think they were booing romney. i think they were booing him and his approach and his line of reasoning. you know, they should have vetted the guy before they propped him up as the leading gop candidate. this is another mistake from boehner. this another mistake within the upper echelon of the gop party to see if he was really ready for this. and now he is making them look like idiots again. >> well, we'll see what's next. lz and will, thanks. president obama is headed to nevada, a state hard-hit by the housing crisis. that makes it a fitting backdrop for the latest plan to help the economy and the americans struggling in it. athena, tell us about the plan. >> reporter: as you mentioned, nevada is really ground zero for the housing crisis. 1 in 118 housing units were in foreclosure as of september, the highest rate in the nation. and until the housing market continues, it will continue to weigh down the economy. so what the president will talk about today is new rules for federally guaranteed mortgages, those backed by fannie mae and freddie mac. this would make it easier for homeowners to refinance, even if they are way underwater, owing a lot more than what they are worth, owing more than 125%. the idea is it will help people in the hard-hit states like nevada and arizona, like california to refinance and save some money. you know, vice president biden spoke about this a little bit with candy crowley with state of the weekend this morning. let's listen to this. >> there are about 6 million people who are at 6% mortgages, above 6%. they could refinance at 4%, if the fees were waived, and we're able from a federal level to have some impact on that. >> reporter: and so the idea here for the white house is to say, we can't wait. we can't wait for the republicans in congress. they are going to take whatever steps they can, executively or administratively to make changes to the programs to try and help people. that's the idea, kyra. >> also, there is a part about helping with student loans, right? >> reporter: that's right. in denver, on wednesday, the president is expected to announce a plan that would help and make it easier for college graduates to repay federal loans. the idea here is that while college tuition rates are going up, the white house still wants to encourage people to go to school, because as you often hear, we have outeducate the world to compete in the world economy. you often hear the president say that. we'll hear more about that on wednesday. baseball is a game of tradition, but here's one tradition that just didn't last. managers wearing coats and ties. so why do modern day managers dress down and suit up? we'll talk about it with bob greene. and a missing toddler. will new video lead to clues about her disappearance? i don't want healthy skin for a day. i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] don't just moisturize, improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. it's clinically proven to improve your skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy, beautiful hair, try nourish plus haircare. only from aveeno. ♪ and the flowers and the trees ♪ ♪ all laugh when you walk by ♪ and the neighbors' kids run and hide ♪ deep inside you, there's a person who refuses to be kept deep inside you. ♪ but you're not ♪ you're the one be true to yourself. what's healthier than that? in football, it's sweats and a logo jacket. maybe a polo shirt. in basketball, a nice pressed suit, well, most of the time. and then in baseball, it's the uniform. the jersey, the stir ups, the whole she bang. why is it that baseball is the one sport where managers suit up? author and cnn contributor bob greene wrote about this topic for what happened to the day of connie mack? >> well, it's one of those parts of american life, one of those quirks, that you seldom think about, it just seems always to be there. but you're right. national football league coaches don't wear jerseys and helmets and shoulder pads. and national basketball association coaches don't wear shorts and gym shoes. but forever, it seems, baseball managers have worn baseball uniforms just like their players. so i thought i would find out. and i spoke with a fella named john thorn, the official historian of major league baseball. and he said that back in the very early days of baseball, the manager was a guy who took care of paying the bills and making the train schedules, but he made no decisions on the field. the person who made the decisions on the field was called the captain. and he was a player. in uniform. so when the 20th century rolled around, baseball has been here a long time, and the managers became the guys in the dugouts who in the most part were no longer players, they just kept wearing the uniforms. >> are sure it's not because they're going through a mid life crisis and they just want to look studly? >> that's one of the things that mr. thorn told me. he said no matter how old you get, inside you still think you're a baseball player. but there's nothing -- there is nothing in the rule book of major league baseball that i can find or mr. thorn could find that says a manager has to wear a baseball uniform. it only applies to the players. and some people think that it's becauses mo becauses mo because managers have to go onto the field to argue with the umpire or make a pitching change. but the manager is never on the field while the ball is in play. so it really comes down to the idea that -- well, i talked to bob casts on, the broadcaster about it, who loves baseball. and he said the answer is, that's baseball. and he said as far as he's concerned, that's baseball is always a good enough answer for him. >> we'll be checking them out in texas as we watch the world series tonight. bob, thanks. you can read bob greene's piece, why baseball managers wear uniforms at the search for a little girl with a big smile as family and friends hold a candlelight vigil, police pouring over what they hope will be a new lead into the disappearance of lisa irwin. and scattered across the pacific, debris from japan's deadly march quake and tsunami. and we'll tell you where it's showing up. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa auto repair? gary... he hung up. ...why do we have so many a's in our name? so we're listed first in the phone book. ya know, gives us an edge. you know fedex can, give us an edge. how? well, fedex ships auto parts from factories around the world, they clear em through customs, and that'll help us fix cars faster. great idea. you know you got a bright future here at aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... [ male announcer ] supply chain solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. i'm not a line item on a budget. and i'm definitely not a pushover. but i am a voter. so washington... before you even think about cutting my medicare and social security benefits... here's a number you should remember. 50 million. we are 50 million seniors who earned our benefits... and you will be hearing from us... today and on election day. ♪ today and on election day. so if i didn't know better i'd say you're having some sort of big tire sale. yes we are. yeah. how many tires does ford buy every year? over 3 million. you say you can beat any advertised price on tires? correct. anywhere? yes. like this price? yes. riously? yes what about this one? i'll beat it. this one? s we will. right, i only have one more question for you...this one? (laughing) yeah. get $100 rebate when you buy four tires. 100 bucks! only at your ford dealer. 3 million tires. 11 major brands, fiona's kind-of-nice. i don't know why you're not here. checking stories across the country, a loaded handgun tumbled from a bag being loaded into a flight at los angeles airport yesterday. and police questioned the gun's owner and allowed him to board a later flight. a tsa spokesperson says the agency is not responsible for determining if weapons are in checked luggage. in eastern kentucky, a man in the red river gorge fell 50 feet. it took rescue crews four hours to get him out. he is expected to recover. and seven months after japan's devastating earthquake and tsunami, a 20-foot boat is found by a russian research ship. crew members say they also saw furniture, even appliances floating in the water there. well, it's been 20 days since a kansas city, missouri, girl vanished in the dark, and police are hoping that new surveillance video will help in the search for the missing 11-month-old. sandra endo is joining us now from kansas city, where another vigil was held for lisa irwin last night. sandra, what are you hearing this morning? >> reporter: well, kyra, we asked officials about that new surveillance video which cnn has obtained, and it was taken from a gas station less than a mile and a half from baby lisa irwin's home it. shows a man or unidentified person walking down the street at about 2:15 in the morning of october 4, the day lisa irwin disappeared from her home. now authorities aren't specifically commenting about this new surveillance video, but they say they have all the surveillance video from the surrounding area and of course the investigation is ongoing. but the speculation around this video, it means it could match up with witness testimony. people have said they saw a man walking in the dark, carrying a baby in a diaper the morning of her disappearance. so clearly it could be a clue into this investigation. now yesterday, we saw an emotional deborah bradley and jeremy irwin, the parents of baby lisa, arrive to their home, and they took part in a prayer vigil for baby lisa. right now, we haven't really seen them in the media in recent days because they have been living with relatives just a short distance from here. but they did return back here for that vigil, and they are just staying optimistic and they are hoping lisa will return. kyra? >> well, are parents going to talk more with investigators at this point? >> that's an interesting question to ask, because depending on who you talk to, it's unclear whether the parents are talking and how much they are cooperating with investigators. we hear from some officials who say they have a lot of questions for the parents still, and the parents haven't been answering those. however, relatives of the family we have spoken to say they have been in constant contact with authorities, and investigators. so clearly, still a lot of questions surrounding this whole entire case. but the main point for everybody involved is to find baby lisa. >> all right. sandra endo. we'll keep following the case. it's a chemical that be found in everything from water bottles to cans of peas, and according to a new study it might cause behavioral problems in our kids. senior medical correspondent lisa cohen is joining us to tell us exactly what the study found. >> this study looked at a chemical called bpa which has been in the news for a couple of years now. and what they found is pregnant moms who ingested the highest amounts of bpa were the most likely to have daughters who would later have behavior problems sometime before the age of 3. and it was really an incredible finding, because the more they got of this, the higher the likelihood that a kid would have a problem like autism or attention deficit disorder. >> so where do you find that? what products? and how do you avoid it? >> well, let's look at the collection of products we have here. it's in all sorts of plastic products. food products and bottled -- water bottles, rather. and a lot of people don't know this, but tin cans have a lining on them. they have a plastic lining because of course you don't want your food to taste like tin. so there's a plastic lining, and a lot of those have bpa in them. so what you want to do is take a plastic and palestinilastic and over and see if there's a number 7 on the bottom. 7 is the one that is most likely to have bpa. 3 also sometimes has bpa. and here are a couple of other hints for avoiding bpa if that's something you want to do. you can just avoid tin cans altogether if you're pregnant and worried about this. you can dispose of bpa plastic that has scratches in, because that can help the bpa leach out. the same reason you don't want to microwave bpa, it helps it leach out. and also look for bpa free products. now the folks who make plastics, kyra, say that we are worried about nothing and all the plastics are fine. >> so we're basically talking about when they're pregnant. obviously, avoid things like this with baby food in them or something we give directly to our child when they are born. >> it's the biggest concern for the pregnant woman, because a fetus is small. so it's more of a concern for the smallist among us. the fetus is the biggest concern. then childrebabies, then childr then adults. denver quarterback tim tebow finally got a chance to start a game, and he was horrible at the beginning. but the way he finished, that's what counted. you'll see if in sports. pictures here out of concorde, new hampshire. you can see mitt romney among the crowd here. he's actually at the secretary of state's office filing his presidential papers this morning. we are monditoring it. if indeed we see more than just a conversation, we'll give you the play by play. stories making news lighter today. next hour, funeral services get under way for civil rights icon fred shuttlesworth. 10:45 eastern, arraignment is schedule for american-iranian man. 2:30 eastern, presidential candidate newt gingrich holds a town hall meeting in november ven port, iowa. following lots of developments next hour. let's check in first with shannon travis. hey? >> hey, skyra. mysterious political tact against him may just keep the con stro controverver tro controversy alive. i'll have more on that. temperatures develop and the tent cities housing those who survived sunday's massive earthquake here in southeastern turkey, search and rescue workers continue to search desperately for life in amongst the rubble. we'll have more on that. i'm max foster in london. i'll have the reaction from the family of an american man who was killed in a shark attack off western australia over the weekend, kyra. >> thanks so much, guys. also next hour, steve jobs' secrets. two weeks after his death the apple co-founder's authorized biography is out. what he wanted people to know and why. to future generations. at northern trust, we know what works and what doesn't. as one of the nation's largest wealth managers, we can help you manage the complexities of transferring wealth. seeking to minimize taxes while helping maximize what's passed along. because you just never know how big those future generations might be. ♪ expertise matters. find it at northern trust. exclusive to the military. and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. from free checking to credit cards to loans, our commitment to the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. ♪ visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. usaa. we know what it means to serve. and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at what a day -- what a day -- what's the saying? >> i know what you're trying to say. >> what a difference a game makes. there you go. >> i knew where you were going with that. >> you knew what i was thinking. >> saturday night, right, the st. louis cardinals scored 16 runs to beat up on the texas rangers including albert. sunday night they couldn't do anything. the pre-game peaitch. honorary pitch from goenlg bush. nolan ryan can't catch it or watch. here's something else. washington loves. catcher mike napoli, three-run blast in the sixth inning. the rangers starter was dominant probably little mustache helped as well. there it is. rangers win, 4-0. the series tied at 2-2. game 5 tonight. sunday night football. the saints and colts a blowout of historic proportion. saints' quarterback drew brees, five touchdown passes. three of them in the first quarter. he completed 31 of 35 passes. the saints rolled up the yards, rolled up the points no nfl team has scored more in a game since the 1970 afl-nfl merger. i would say the colts miss peyton manning. of course, he can't play defense. oakland's new quarterback hasn't played all season. enters the third quarter. palmer does the same thing. brandon flowers goes the other way for a touchdown. palmer ast through three interceptions. chiefs, 28-0. quarterback tim tebow, first start of the year. the debate is going to get more heated. he was terrible until the final minutes of the fourth quarterback. two touchdown passes in the final minutes. then he runs a two-point conversion himself to tie the game with the dolphins. the broncos win it in overtime. miami is still winless. boy, everyone is talking about tim tebow and the job he did as quarterback for the broncos. nascar drivers remembering racer dan wheldon. decals on cars, after a moment of silence the engines roared at tallade talladega. clint bowyer got his first win of the season. carl edwards finished 11th, padding his lead in the chase for the sprint cup. of course, before the race we saw a lot of drivers giving what it seemed like extra big long hugs to their significant others and wives. i think it really was a moment where everyone took a step back from racing and thought about the impact of their lives and really the dangers that are out there when they're racing. >> yeah. i think one of the most powerful things for me when i see them all get to the from the prayer groups before the race, i've seen it at nascar, i've had a chance to go to indy, do too. they know what's ahead. >> living on the edge. >> they sure are. it's a shame. but a beautiful vigil they had for him, though, honoring him over the weekend. >> he was really loved across the racing world. >> jeff, thanks. all right. we have been monitoring mitt romney this morning. these are -- actually it's still happening but we lost our live signal. this was a few minutes ago. turn around the tape quickly for you here. you can see mitt romney at the secretary of state's office there in concorde, new hampshire, making it official. got his name on the ballot for the new hampshire primary. it is just at the top of the hour. thanks so much for staying with us. we're going to start this hour with the search for survivors from a deadly 7. 2 mag any feud earthquake in turkey. one of the most dvs stated cities. more than 230 people have been killed. more than 1300 injured. turkey's prime minister says 55 buildings collapsed there in ercis. of course, now comes the funerals. meanwhile, rescue teams are trying to reach some of the smaller villages in that area. let's get straight to diana. what are you hearing from search teams right now? >> reporter: well, the interior minister came to ercis and said all the villageses in the vicinity had been reached around assessments had been made there. but that conflicts with reports we've heard from other journalists. so the situation in the villages are still unclear. as far as ecis is concerned there are search and rescue tea teams piling through every bit of rubble from the 55 buildings collapsed there. continuing to hope that they will find survivors. checking for signs of life with dogs, with diggers holding moments of silence to try to see if there's anything knocking or screaming or calling. but people that we have spoken to have been hand ing there watching and hoping and praying all day their relatives might be called out alive. last night we heard noises but today it's been much more of a battle, really. so hope fades. here i'm at one of the tent cities which has been put up for all of those people who were looking for shelter for the night. it is, of course, set to be an extremely cold night. it's november here in this quite premoat region in southeastern turkey and nights get very cold. the red cross has brought in blankets, tents, all that kind of thing and a lot of warm food to feed people, also, kyra. >> you talk about the food. we see the tents. what about medical aid? >> reporter: well, we went to the hospital in the town where i am earlier, and the building itself couldn't actually be used because it was made so unstable as a result of the earthquake. so they were having to treat people on sunday in the courtyard, the courtyard was just a mass of surgical gloves, needles, and behind it had just been turned into a morgue. so basically medical facilities have been -- medical aid has been flown in from the capital. they've been having to fly people out on helicopters to hospitals in neighboring provinces. so the medical situation is extremely tense really, kyra. >> diana nagnay for us. moammar gadhafi is the first leader to be killed in the arab spring. his end has actually made syria a much more volatile place. plo te protesters there chant that syrian leader will be the next to go. now the u.s. has brought ambassador robert ford back home from syria because of the threats to his safety. let's talk more about that with cnn. what are you hearing this. >> kyra, the opposition finds him very popular but the regime finds him a threat and we're hearing that what the regime has been doing is on their state-run tv sending out messages that ambassador ford was hiring death squads to go against the regime and this is going to cause the u.s. hope fears, some militia is going after ambassador ford. there's been longstanding concerns and they finally pulled him. >> do we have any idea when he will be going back, if at all? >> well, the state department is kind of reviewing this in a statement they just put out recently they said it will depend on our assessment of syrian regime-led incitement and the security situation on the ground. we hope that the syrian regime will end its incitement campaign against ambassador ford. syrian officials are telling me they do want him to go back. he's their eyes and ears on the ground. he's a link to the opposition. they're pulling him temporarily. they want a cooling off period. they're sending notes to the syrian government, they hope they will adhere to their international obligations under the vienna convention. >> thanks so much. let's talk about presidential politics now and a state that will be critical. shannon travis is in davenport, iowa, for us. herman cain's recent surge is under attack. he's pounding on recent comments he's made about abortion. what do you think? how has cain hurt himself among conservatives? >> he's certainly trying to repair his standing with conservatives. now on one particular issue, abortion, kyra. let's set this up quickly. last night he went on piers morgan on cnn. he explained that he is pro life. but some comments that he made to piers left some people to say maybe he's pro-life but maybe he's not for overturning rowe v. wade. he came here to des moines on saturday to clear that up and said, i am for keeping -- make abortion illegal. after this event, it was a gathering of 1,000 conservatives, people went to their cars and there was a flyer on the car saying, hey, herman cain is pro-choice. there was a dead fetus on it. it seems like a really bad political attack that we've seen so many times in the past. herman cain certainly hopes that this doesn't hurt him. his comments and that he's cleared that up. but at least from this attack and even some words from michele bachmann and perry who are also saying, you know, his position on abortion is muddled. it may not be the end of it. >> before you go, santorum and gingrich scrambling to win support from voters now. they show they are still struggling in iowa, right? >> reporter: yeah, they are still struggling. that evangelical vote here in iowa is a key block. they would like their vote. but they've been blanketing iowa. santorum, they've been keeping track of candidate appearances across iowa. santorum has been here the most. 62 days in iowa. 159 events. gingrich, 40 days and 72 events. there's hope that they can find favor with a lot of those christian voters and maybe see some more traction in the polls, kyra. >> shannon, thanks. let's talk about our troops. they're going to be home for the holidays but what does that mean for iraq? what's next? is this really the best move for president obama that's heading into an election year. let's talk about that with retired army colonel. just generally, general, good move or bad move at this point? >> tactically, it's a good move because we're going to get our troops home and we're going to complete the mission on the ground. strategically i think it's a mad move. there are what lined places in the region. my suspicion is there's great celebration going n. on right now and i think we've really got to wonder which way iraq will be leaning three ways from now. will they be leaning towards iran or the west? >> i want to get to iran in a second. you bring up a good point. politically this benefits, obama, is what you're saying. iraqis are not ready to handle all the security threats. they still aren't. >> no, you're exactly right. but their own admission their plan was to be ready by 2020. they're very well prepared to handle the internal insurgency threat but they needed a few more years before they could handle the external threat. they don't have an air force. they have very limited number of armored va eed vehicles. their borders are fairly porous. they still have a long term plan to work with them on this but that plan will be delayed if we don't have the troops on the ground to do the training for the iraqi security forces. >> you mentioned iran. i mean, there are huge concerns about iran and its influence. we already know how involved iran has been with supplying weapons to insurgent there's in iraq. is this what they've been waiting for? that's probably music to their ears that troops are coming home. >> i think that's right. i think in tehran, they are probably considering this an abandonment in iraq the way the u.s. left afghanistan after '89. this is an opportunity for iranians to extend their influence inside of iraq and extend their revolutionary firfer through iran through iraq to syria to southern lebanon. >> you know, it's pretty obvious this is going to 15save billion of dollars as this happens. as a military commander does this happen to you in a time when americans were out of work and our economy is totally in the tank? >> well, we've got to understand that the defense costs are part of the overall costs of the government, which are spiraling out of control. but the question i would ask is, is it better to spend some money now rather than far greater amounts of money in the future if, in fact, we have to return to the area once again. >> so you're actually saying that if this becomes disastrous in a number of different ways, that troops could be headed back? >> that's a decision for the president to make, but i wouldn't think that we would axw axwa abandon totally iraq. i could see a scenario where u.s. troops may have to go back to iraq. >> wow. mark, thanks for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. for 30 years louisiana inmate said that he didn't commit the crime. now finally, science proves what he's known all this time. -i love this card. -with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, we earn more cash back for the things we buy most. it's 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. that's 1% cash back on oscar. ...tony. oscar! 2% back on whatever she'll eat. 3% back on filling up this baby. 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[ male announcer ] apply online or at a bank of america near you. we're talking 3% back on gas. aspercreme breaks the grip, with maximum-strength medicine and no embarrassing odor. break the grip of pain with aspercreme. quick look at stories across country. this week is getting off to a soggy start in north texas. rain and hail slammed the dallas area overnight. some gusts hit 70 miles per hour. but 16,000 customers lost power. crews have been cleaning up debris of the roads you see here throughout the night. former louisiana prison inmate eating his fresh shrimp po boy as free man. he would get up to a quarter million dollars as pay back for his years behind bars. but listen to how he feels about that. >> i can't undo what's been done. nine years, put it behind me and take the rest of my life i have and try to move forward and think positive. >> and mourners pay their respects to dan wheldon a week after he was killed in that fiery car crash during indy race. indy car is investigating it in hopes to have results in just a few weeks. in texas, a family tries to make sense of that horrific shark attack that killed their loved one halfway around the world. it was the second fatal attack in two years. max foster in london has de details. tell us more about this man that was killed, first. >> reporter: well, he was from texas, 32 years old. wasn't living here in australia at the time. he was scuba diving off on area of western australia which is very popular. it's a tourist spot. his friends were there. he just got very, very unlucky. there are investigations taking place, but we understand it was a great white shark. that's what the the investigators think carried out the attack. it shocked everyone in australia but no one more so than his family. here are his two sisters speaking. >> i think it was just the wrong place, wrong time because he was very wise. i would trust him with anything to do with being on the water. always had complete confidence in his skills. >> he was an extraordinary person. he was one of a kind. like my sister said, he's more than just a quick news spot, he was our brother. we loved him. he will be missed. >> reporter: the body is, kyra, on the way back to the united states, as we understand it. a big debate right now in australia starting this course for a call of great whites off the coast of australia. something very difficult to do but people are m calling for that in a serious way. others say if you're going to dive in these waters you're taking a risk and you need to live with that risk if you're going out there. it's a big debate. it's a tragedy, never the less. >> so there's basically a shark hunt that's going on now? >> well, they're calling for a shark hunt. key newspapers and politicians calling for a cull because great white shouldn't be that close to these tourist areas or the tourist areas should be closed down. they don't want to do that because it will affect tourism so they're talking about going out and killing these great whites. incredibly hard to do. they say it's going against nature. you shouldn't be dive ing there in the first place. gabby giffords is moving ahead in rehab. we'll tell you how she's doing now. plus, kim kardashian lands a role in a big-named director's film. we'll have details in showbiz. what's this? it's progresso's new loaded potato with bacon. it's good. honey, i love you... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. word that country legend loretta lynn is admitted to a hospital. just another big name singer is released "showbiz tonight" a.j. hammer has details for us. tell us more. >> loretta lynn does have pneumonia. she canceled a concert in the kentucky theater. he was hospitalized and getting treatment. lynn's website confirmed she does, in fact, have pneumonia. she's in the beginning stages of disease. she's doing well. and hoping to be back on stage in november. although she will be canceling several other upcoming shows. now, john mayer is on the mend recovering from throat surgery. he's been struggling with a granduloma, inflammation near his vocal cords. he announced on his website that while he was hoping to avoid an operation he was ultimately forced to have it removed surgically. as he recovers from the operation, he's on complete vocal rest for a month. now, we all know that might be a little bit tricky for the normally talkative mayer. but he's not frustrated by the forced silence and he's going to travel the country, look and listen. it's the right attitude about it. >> there you go. not bad to look and listen sometimes. right? reality queen kim kardashian heading to the big screen. tell us about this part that he's landed. >> i'm looking forward to this. this is the biggest role she's ever had. he's going to co-star in tyler perry's film "the marriage counselor." it's about a marriage counselor who has an affair. she plays the best friend. timing of this is interesting considering all the stories swirling around right now about kardashian's own marriage to nba player kris humphries. thus newlyweds may, in fact, need their own marriage counselor right about now. just reports. >> the scoop continues. all right. now, a lot of people talking about j.lo. what's the deal with this breakdown apparently she had on stage? >> i love j.lo and i like her more and more every time she goes on stage and does something a little different. she's just keeping it very real. she got a little tearia on stage as she was looking back over her past relationships. here's the deal. she was performing on saturday night. she told the crowd she was singing the last song i wrote about love which led to an accusic verse of "if you had my love." she added, a whole lot has changed since then and then sang "it beats no more." dancers came out on stage acting out hero immigrant tick past behind her. dancers who looked like lopez dancing with dancers who looked like her ex-husband, diddy, and marc anthony. pretty cool in the end. she wrapped up the song telling the crowd, i took a little trip down memory lane. she started to cry and got a big ovation from her fans. she got so emotionally the she had to walk off stage momentarily to compose hers. b he's putting it all out there. i give her credit for that. >> people love that. thanks, a.j. if you want any information, breaking in the entertainment world, a.j. has it every night. "showbiz tonight" at 11:00 p.m. president obama will make a stop in l.a. this week but is his star in hollywood falling faster than lindsay lohan's? kareen wynter gives us a look at the latest reviews. >> reporter: in 2008 hollywood stars firmly embraced barack obama. lately, they've been loosening their grip. disallusioned by his actions in the office. >> i no longer hope for audacity. >> reporter: matt damon has become one of the most vocal criti critics. i believe there is more there. >> mr. obama, good luck to you. i still know who he answers to. who his boss is. >> reporter: he finds much defaut mt. president's leadership. >> he listens to the voices who shout a loudest and reckless right wing forces. >> reporter: sheen argued the president is concerned art hollywood's full support. >> you're talking about a very special man. i adore him. >> reporter: celebs are putting their support in written form, as in a check. in recent months the obama re-election campaign gotten grand from steven spielberg and wife kate capshaw. michael douglas chipped in 2 grand. >> why are you forcing me to take a picture? >> reporter: will ferrell who dropped by the white house friday ante'd up 5k. >> he is probably going to run against a very conservative republican who is just not going to be that palatable to the vast majority of people in the entertainment business. >> so while some stars may voice complaints about obama -- >> i for one would like to see him be a little bolder, be a little more outspoken about the issues that we voted him in for. >> reporter: come election time, they may return to the fold. kareen wynter, cnn. we have the political panel -- political panel buzzing. does the prospect for joe biden run for president, something else we're going to talk to coming up next. ♪ if you've just signed up for medicare or will soon, there's no time like the present to consider all your health insurance options. does medicare alone meet your needs? would additional coverage be better for you? well, now is a good time to take a look at an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. get started by calling for your free information kit and guide to medicare. as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. a medicare supplement insurance plan helps cover some of it. that could save you up to thousands of dollars a year in out-of-pocket costs. and you can visit any doctor who accepts medicare patients. with medicare supplement insurance, you'll find a range of plans to choose from to fit your needs and budget. there are no networks. no referrals to see a specialist. and you could get a pretty good idea what your out-of-pocket costs will be every month. plus, these plans travel with you anywhere in the u.s. don't let this time go by without considering if an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan is right for you. it's as easy as a phone call. rates are competitive. and these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans exclusively endorsed by aarp. remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. medicare supplement insurance plans help pay for some of the rest. you could save up to thousands of dollars a year in out-of-pocket costs. and you can choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan could be an option to get the coverage you need at a competitive rate. so don't wait another minute. be sure to call today. call now for your free medicare guide and information kit about aarp medicare supplement insurance plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. checking top stories now. this could be the final week in the trial of michael jackson's doctor. conrad murray's lawyers could begin presenting their case later today. fred shuttlesworth served alongside the martin luther king jr. gabby giffords now in asheville, north carolina, undergoing intensive rehab. giffords is in the ninth month of recovery after being shot in the head. political buzz, rapid fire look at the topics of the day. thr 3 secoquestions, 30 seconds on clock. first question. george will says that mitt romney is the gop's michael dukak dukakis. wait dukakis only won ten states in '88 and rode around in that tank. is he psychic or out of touch? >> i think more than anything what he's doing is expressing the extreme frustration from conservative voters that mitt romney can't get more than 25% of their support. i also think it indicates the fact that this is somebody who is trying to -- who is trying to form himself as a staunch conservative when, in fact, he's not. and they should be frustrated. this is somebody who has governed as a lib caeral to mod republican. earned the flip-flop of the earn award and political jujitsu positions to conform to that conservative paradigm. >> george will is never out of touch. he's always right, to answer your question directly. i've been thinking a lot object something my fellow panelist dana said. extreme disappointment with mitt romney and would not vote for him and it would be a sellout of conservative principles or failure should mitt romney win it p here's what i think, they were having a discussion on this week in context of herman cain's popularity. we've already failed. there was a huge enthusiasm for conservative principles. the tea party represented that and you have a very vulnerable president barack obama. mitt romney is the alternative because there's no competent viable option. taken. >> dana? >> already failed to find that alternative conservative. >> i don't know if i completely agree with will on that. which i agree with and i'm shocking myself here. i'm agreeing so much with maria on the things that she said. i'm scaring myself. but, no, i would have to say this, dukakis was -- he was a loser. i'm not saying that as personal attack. i'm saying this politically speaking. mitt romney has run for president half his life. he's never won, obviously. so i think in that respect, they're a little bit comparable. i don't even know why we would be talking if romney if the need is discussing about how rer man cane is surging in the polls. i would rather be the rch's dukakis with the democrat's obama. w. the fast and furious. >> dbachmann first insisted thi wasn't true. why is she the last to know, will? >> i'm not going to indict her for not know that happen but i will indict her for running through six chiefs of staffs, five legislative directors. one of them is walking through this building. i could probably find ed rollin for you. he's somewhere around here. michele bachmann is not a viable alternative to mitt romney. that's the bottom line. >> maria. >> she didn't know because she is michele bachmann and i think that that has been one of the problems with her being -- or the lag of her become a viable candidate. look, clearly she may not believe in evolution but her staff believes in survival of the fittest which is why they are abandoning her campaign and going to try to fix their own political futures by joining a team that is a little bit more viable than her. >> dana? >> michele bachmann just doesn't translate to new hampshire. eiowa is where she would have more succeks success. she had more success with a straw poll. that's near bachmann country. new hampshire would reject someone who is as conservative as michele bachmann. i think she's kind of had the deck stacked against her from the beginning. but i think she gave eight good -- the good old college try and she was one of the more conservative alternatives out there. >> guys, 20 seconds each on this one. let's listen to exclusive conversation between candy crowley and joe biden. >> i wonder when you look around if you ever thought, um, four year years, 2016. you tried two times to run for president. >> i've not -- my one focus now is getting the president re-elected. that is the focus. i don't make up my mind on that later. i'm probably the best shape i've been in my life. i'm doing pretty well. i'm enjoying what i'm doing. as long as i do, i'm going to continue to do it. we'll find out -- let's get the president reelected. >> reporter: okay. possibility. you're not close that door? >> i'm not closing anything. >> got to love how candy gets in there. joe biden for president at age 74? too young, dana? >> i don't even think age is the thing that's the concern. i think it's competency in this that concerns with joe biden. i pray that he runs. i pray of the strongest prayer that joe biden runs for office because that would be a dream come true. >> maria? >> hey, you know, 74 is the new 54. so, look, i think that anything is possible. and, you know, at least he's not ruling anything out and when you're a politician that's probably the smartest thing to do. you shouldn't rule anything out because we've all seen people who rule things out. it always comes back to haunt them. i'd like to see a joe biden/bowl dole ticket, myself. >> will? >> i think both of these ladies summed it up best. when you're a politician, maria said, joe is a politician. and i would beg you, joe, listen to maria, listen to her, run. we would love that. run in 2016. it would be wonderful. >> we all agree. >> here's a better question. will he be your vice presidential candidate in 2012? >> i've seen dana in prayer mode here. this is a new image that i have of -- yeah, there you go. next thing we know, she'll be joining the con vent. coming up, all the secrets steve jobs wanted you to know. his authorized tell-all biography out just weeks after his death. we're going to talk to an author about another book about the apple honcho. nge chicken women men and uh pandas... elbows mmm [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry, try it yourself. there's a moment where everything comes together. where there's magic. and you now understand what nature's been hiding. ♪ at dow we understand the difference between innovation and invention. invention is important. it's the beginning. it's the spark. but innovation is where we actually create value for dow, for society, and for the world. ♪ at dow, we're constantly searching for how to use our fundamental knowledge of chemistry to solve these difficult problems. science is definitive. there is a right answer out there. [ male announcer ] the same 117 elements do the fundamental work of chemistry. ♪ the difference, the one element that is the catalyst for innovation, the one element that changes everything is the human element. ♪ i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. loaded handgun, from a bag being loaded on to an alaskan airline flight in los angeles airport yesterday. police questioned the gun's owner and allowed him to board a later flight. tsa spokesperson says the agency is not responsible for determining if weapons are in checked luggage. in eastern kentucky a man climbing with friends in the red river gorge fell 60 feet. he is expected to recover. seven months after japan's devastated earth ququake and tsunami a 20-foot boat is found floating towards hawaii. crew members say they saw furniture and appliances in the water. listen to at this time bits from the biography tr trickled ahead of the release but we got some huge insight on "60 minutes " minutes" last night. he released some of the taped interview. listen to jobs' take on money and its effects. keep in mind this is a man worth about $7 billion. >> i saw a lot of other people at apple and especially after we went public, how it changed them. and a lot of people thought they had to start being rich. so they -- they would -- i mean, if you went out and bought rolls royces and they bought homes and their wives got plastic surgery and i saw these people who were really nice, simple people turn into this bizarro people. i made a promise to myself. i said, i'm not going to let this money ruin my life. >> he knows a lot about steve jobs' life as well. he wrote the best-seller "inside steve's brain." even you learned things about this interview. i was pretty riveted. from not want wanting money to change his life to remaining confident in his life and his mission. what do you think? can we attribute to to how he found out he was adopted. his parents handled that discussion beautifully. >> yeah, jobs is so private that, you know, nobody knows almost anything about his personal life nor his work life. and so there are -- you know, there's a lot of stuff to come out. >> about when he went to his parents, when some kid was hassling him at school saying, you were abandoned? >> yeah, because he was adopted. and so he was in tears. he ran to his parents. they told him very carefully that, no, he was chosen. he was special. they picked hip om out especial. from there on he felt chosen. this may go a long way to explaining his extraordinary confidence. >> another part of the interview was interesting. he found out who his biological mom was and went and talked to her and found out about his sister, mona simpson, a novelist. together, mona and steve wanted to find out who their biological father was. they discovered he was a restaurant manager where jobs actually frequented in silicon, valley. they didn't know each other. when mona went to meet the dad he said, yeah, you know, even steve jobs would come in here and, boy, he was a great tipper. the story goes on like this. >> when i was looking for my biological mother, obviously, you know, was looking for my biological father at the same time. and i learned a little bit about him. and i didn't like what i learned. and i asked her to not tell him if we ever met and not tell him anything about me. >> do we have ever find what it was he didn't like about his father? and we didn't, okay. so we really don't know why then he didn't want his father to know who he was. that sort of remains a mystery. >> yeah, yeah. it is. it's a shame. i'd love to know what it was he found out. his father was a hardworking work aholic just like he was. but, of course, he had given him up for adoption. maybe he just couldn't forgive that. he didn't say that. it would be great to know. >> when you find out that you're dying. i'm always fascinated on how people face faith, god, and how they see their own -- where they're going to go with anywhere once death comes. let's take a listen to what jobs said in this "60 minutes" interview about that. >> i remember sitting in his backyard in his garden one day and he started auking at god. he said sometimes i believe in god, sometimes i don't. i think 50/50 maybe. ever since i've had cancer, i've been thinking about it more. i find myself believing a bit more. i kind of -- maybe it's because i want to believe in an after life. that when you die, it doesn't just all disappear, the wisdom you've accumulated, somehow it lives on. then he paused for a second and he said, yeah, but sometimes i think it's just like an on/off switch. click. and you're gone. he said, he paused again and said, that's why i don't like putting on/off switches on apple devices. >> i just thought that was fascinating. did that strike you, the fact that he didn't want on/off switches because it reminded him of death. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. no, it was very powerful moment. terrible. you know, it's hard to -- to understand that, you know, that, you know, he felt that he had accumulated a lot of wisdom, a lot of experience and it was just gone. and he couldn't bear that. >> what other profound revelations did you discover from listening to this interview? >> well, last night they talked a little bit about his cancer treatment and why he didn't get an operation for nine months. and walter isaacson suggested some magical thinking about that. if he thought he ignored it it would go away. that wasn't really explained very well in the interview. a bit of a mystery why did jobs wait nine months to get the cancer operated on in the meantime it spread. he suggested that jobs spent a lot of his career thinking magically that he had a lot of faith in products that he was inventing in inventing these technology '. and this is what made him such a great leader because he would have faith before anyone else would and be able to view that faith in other people and this magical thinking had been the hallmark of his career and perhaps that has something a little bit to do with delaying his cancer treatment. that his own reality distortion field which he was famous for he applied a little bit of that thinking to when it came to his own cancer. >> i tell you what, those recordings and interview with walter was outstanding and i know a lot of people will be buy that book. that's for sure. he was a fascinating man. thanks for your time. still ahead, shocking real reality of the arab uprising. cnn goes in-depth to explain.blm ! luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade and check my investment portfolio, research stocks, and set conditional orders. wait, why are you taking... oh, i see. hey max, would it kill you to throw a guy a warning bark? [ dog barks ] you know i wanted a bird. 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>> well, currently there aren't many other retails that offer them better than the one that walmart is going to be taking off. best buy, for example, that will price match for 60 days from the purchase. bed, bath and beyond doesn't have a limit off ethe price mat time frame. that's becoming evident is that retailers are rolling out all the stops this holiday season to get consumers to shop. longer return pol licies and lengthier price matchings all because we're expecting a fairly weak holiday season. a new report came out that said majority of consumers indicate that pricing will be the deciding factor on when to open their wallets. so clearly the retailers are gearing up for what could be a tough holiday season. >> how are the numbers right now? >> the dow is up by 52 points. that's a jump of about 0.4%. we have decent economic reports coming out on thursday. also, we've had some nice earnings coming out. namely of caterpillar, stock is popping up more than 4%. a little bit of mna action. what a difference a game makes in the world series. cardinals put up 16 runs on texas last night. if t. rangers at home for game four. former president george bush throwing out the first rich. guess what, yep, look at this. nolan ryan admits it. here's something else that washington lofs. catcher nike napoli three-run blast. rangers starter was dominant. gave up just two hits over 8 1/3 innings. series tied at 2-2. game 4 tonight. quarterback drew brees had five touchdown passes. three of them if the first quarter. completed 31-35 passes before coming out of the game. saints rolled up yards, rolled up points. they won, 62-7. no nfl team has put up more points in a game since the 1970 afl/nfl merger. think the colts miss pes peyton manni manning? the dental exams to even adult diapers. next hour, we tell you what will expect when it comes to your health care coverage. plus, martha stewart is in the house. we're doing to talk about holiday decorating. we'll also have martha about her daughter's new book, especially the part where her daughter says she grew up with a glue gun pointed to her head. your new progresso rich & hearty steak burger soup. 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Distance , Will Return , Haven T , Contact , Authorities , Chemical , Study , Water Bottles , Problems , Baby , Cans , Peas , Bpa , Lisa Cohen , Moms , More , Age , Amounts , Daughters , Kid , Behavior Problems , Likely , Finding , Likelihood , Autism , Attention Deficit Disorder , Products , Food Products , Collection , Sorts , Lining , Tin Cans , Tin , Palestinilastic , Hints , Bpa 3 , 7 , Scratches , Bpa Leach Out , It Leach Out , Plastics , Fine , Folks , Make Plastics , Fetus , Baby Food , Child , Woman , Smallist , Tim Tebow , Chance , Sports , Adults , Secretary Of State , Concorde , Pictures , Office , Conversation , Fred Shuttlesworth , Services , Arraignment , Civil Rights Icon , 45 , Town Hall Meeting , Shannon Travis , Developments , November Ven Port , Skyra , Tent Cities , Southeastern Turkey , The Con Stro Controverver Tro Controversy , Tact , Shark Attack , Max Foster In London , Steve Jobs , Biography , Apple , Secrets , Co Founder S , Wealth Managers , Complexities , Taxes , Northern Trust , Transferring Wealth , Military , Expertise Matters , Commitment , Veterans , Usaa Bank , Credit Cards , Families , Checking , Values , Military Oath , Set , Ones , Bank , Equal , Jobs , Businesses , Cleaner , Country , Scientists , Technicians , Engineers , 400 Billion , 400 Billion Dollars , Domestic , Natural Gas , Smarter Power , Difference , Saturday Night , Saying , Louis Cardinals , The St , 16 , Runs , Texas Rangers , Pre Game Peaitch , Mike Napoli , Starter , Loves , Pitch , Blast , Winning , Goenlg Bush , Something Else , Nolan Ryan , Saints , Colts , Mustache , Series , Win , Blowout , Sunday Night Football , 5 , Quarterback , Drew Brees , Quarter , Touchdown Passes , Proportion , 35 , Five , 31 , Team , Peyton Manning , Points , Play Defense , Afl Nfl Merger , 1970 , Touchdown , Season , Interceptions , Brandon Flowers , Palmer , Chiefs , Oakland , 28 , Dolphins , Two Point Conversion , Everyone , Broncos , Racer , Job , Decals , Moment Of Silence , Miami , Nascar Drivers Remembering , Race , Clint Bowyer , Drivers , Carl Edwards , Engines , Tallade Talladega , Chase For The Sprint Cup , Wives , Racing , Thought , Step , Others , Thugs , Lives , Dangers , Shame , Prayer Groups , Indy , Living On The Edge , Nascar , Signal , Racing World , Jeff , It Official , Tape , New Hampshire Primary , Top , Mag , Feud , Dvs , Rescue Teams , Cities , Prime Minister , Funerals , 1300 , Villages , Interior Minister , Villageses , Diana Nagnay , Search Teams , Assessments , Conflicts , Journalists , Vicinity , Ecis , Signs , Dogs , Search And Rescue Tea , Diggers , Silence , Calling , King , Noises , Battle , Shelter , Warm Food , Red Cross , Hospital , Result , Courtyard , People On Sunday , Needles , Morgue , Mass , Facilities , Gloves , Hospitals , Capital , Provinces , Helicopters , Place , End , Arab Spring , Plo Te , Regime , Doing , Tv Sending , Opposition , Death Squads , Messages , Concerns , Militia , Fears , Statement , Security Situation , Incitement Campaign , Assessment , Incitement , Tears , Notes , Eyes , Link , Obligations , Vienna Convention , Attack , Davenport , Standing , Piers , Keeping , Overturning Rowe V Wade , Des Moines , Event , Car Saying , Gathering , 1000 , Michele Bachmann , Cup , Words , Doesn T Hurt Him , Position , Vote , Key Block , Keeping Track , Appearances , Favor , Christian , 40 , 72 , 159 , Troops , Move , Holidays , Traction , Mission , General , Retired Army Colonel , Celebration , Suspicion , Places , Ways , Second , West , Insurgency , Aren T , Security Threats , Admission , Iraqis , 2020 , Borders , Air Force , Armored Va Eed Vehicles , Influence , Training , Security Forces , Tehran , Music , Insurgent , Coming Home , Iranians , Opportunity , Abandonment , Left , 89 , Work , Firfer , Military Commander , Southern Lebanon , Costs , Tank , Defense Costs , Out Of Control , Make , Decision , Science , Scenario , Inmate , Mark , Axw Axwa Abandon , Crime , Cash , Card , Credit Card , Bankamericard , Gas , Everywhere , Hoops , Oscar , Tony , Cash Back , Simple , Grip , Odor , Spain , Aspercreme , Roads , Pay , Indy Race , Car Crash , Nine , Hopes , Sense , Wasn T Living Here In Australia , 32 , Great White Shark , Tourist Spot , Scuba Diving , Sisters , Confidence , Sister , Skills , News Spot , Brother , Risk , Whites , Waters , Call , Coast , Tourist Areas , Shouldn T , Shark Hunt , Newspapers , Politicians , Great White , Tragedy , Cull , Tourism , Gabby Giffords , Nature , Rehab , You Shouldn T Be Dive Ing , Kim Kardashian , Plus , Big Named Director S Film , Potato , Progresso , Bacon , Soup , I Love You , Honey , Oh My Gosh , Loretta Lynn , Pneumonia , Concert , Showbiz Tonight , A J , Hammer , Kentucky Theater , Stage , Shows , Stages , Treatment , Disease , Granduloma , Inflammation , Mend , Vocal Cords , Throat Surgery , Know , Talkative Mayer , Attitude , Screen , The Marriage Counselor , Film , Marriage Counselor , Marriage , Timing , Affair , Best Friend , Nba , Kris Humphries , J Lo , Breakdown , The Scoop , Newlyweds May , Relationships , Little Tearia , Dancers , If You Had My Love , Love , Verse , The Last Song , On Stage Acting Out Hero Immigrant Tick , Accusic , In The End , Dancing , Ex Husband , Lopez , Diddy , Marc Anthony , The , Song , Trip , Fans , Ovation , Memory Lane , Entertainment World , Credit , Kareen Wynter , Star In Hollywood Falling , Reviews , Stop , Lindsay Lohan , Actions , In 2008 Hollywood Stars , Audacity , Disallusioned , Matt Damon , 2008 , Critics , Luck , Vocal Criti , Leadership , Boss , Voices , Defaut Mt , Forces , Wing , Art Hollywood , Grand , Celebs , Kate Capshaw , Campaign , Check , Re Election , Written Form , Steven Spielberg , Picture , Michael Douglas , Up 5k , 5k , Republican , Complaints , Entertainment Business , Majority , Stars , Issues , Bolder , Fold , Joe Biden Run , Panel , Prospect , Health Insurance Options , Needs , Coverage , Insurance Company , Unitedhealthcare , Kit , Doctor , Medicare Supplement , Plans , Patients , Networks , You Don T , Specialist , Referrals , Phone Call , Medicare Doesn T Cover Everything , Aarp , Option , Guide , Information Kit , Insurance , Trial Of Michael Jackson , Lawyers , Martin Luther King , Conrad Murray , Recovery , Giffords , Topics , Shot , Rapid Fire , Political Buzz , Jr , Asheville , North Carolina , George Will , First Question , Michael Dukak Dukakis , Thr 3 Secoquestions , Wait Dukakis , Frustration , Ten , 88 , Conservative , 25 , Positions , Jujitsu , Flip Flop , Lib Caeral , Disappointment , Object Something , Paradigm , Panelist , Principles , Discussion , Context , It P , Popularity , Sellout , Failure , Enthusiasm , Alternative , Tea Party , Adana , Need , Loser , Dbachmann First , Rch , W The Fast And Furious , Thi Wasn T True , Rer Man Cane , Last , Staffs , Directors , Six , Maria , Ed Rollin , Somewhere , Bottom Line , Survival Of The Fittest , Being , Revolution , Staff , Eiowa , Just Doesn T , Futures , Straw Poll , Success , Deck , Succeks Success , Old College Try , Alternatives , Eight , Focus , Um , 2016 , In My Life , Shape , Anything , Competency , Possibility , Too Young , 74 , Prayer , Dream Come True , 54 , Politician , Rule , Ticket , Ladies , Bowl Dole , 2012 , Image , The Secrets , The Con Vent , Book , Apple Honcho , Uh Pandas , Nge Chicken Women Men , Hiding , Wanchai Ferry , Elbows Mmm , Invention , Innovation , Value , Spark , Dow , Chemistry , Knowledge , Society , Element , Elements , Catalyst , 117 , Human Element , Back On The Road , Pricing , Brakes , Airline Flight , Tsa Spokesperson , 60 , Furniture , Earth Ququake , Hawaii , Release , Bits , Insight , Tr Trickled , Effects , Public , 6 Billion , 7 Billion , Plastic Surgery , Rolls Royces , Promise , Money Ruin My Life , Best Seller , Inside Steve S Brain , Work Life , Stuff , School Saying , Hassling , Hip Om , Especial , Mom , Father , Mona Simpson , Restaurant Manager , Silicon , Each Other , Dad , Valley , Tipper , Mother , Mystery , Hardworking Work Aholic , Adoption , God , Backyard , Listen , Garden , Cancer , Don T , Auking , On Off Switch , Switches , Devices , On Off , Terrible , Cancer Treatment , Experience , Revelations , Listening , Walter Isaacson , Career Thinking , Wasn T , Technology , Inventing , Great Leader , Career , Hallmark , Anyone , Reality Distortion Field , Recordings , Walter , Reality , Uprising , Arab , Sure , Blm , E Trade , Research Stocks , Blanket , Investment Portfolio , Wait , Bad Boy , Guy A Warning Bark , Bird , Dog Barks , Investing Unleashed , Gillette Fusion Proglide , Grain , Comfort , Fusion Proglide , Thinner Blades , Microcomb Guides Hair , Grain Closeness , Program , Campaign Event , Remarks , Bill Gates , Las Vegas , Countries , Casualty , Ousted , Cost , Change , The Middle East , Leone Lakhani , Revenues , Economies , Terms , Many , Stand , Spending , Reduction , 56 Billion , Yemen , Instance , Recovery Process , Funding , The International Community , 84 , 77 , Meeting Back , Institutions , Pledges , World Bank , G 8 , 8 , Ims , North African , 60 Billion , 160 Billion , Laptop Bag , Walmart , Store Chain , Competition , Muscles , New York Stock Exchange , Leone , Communities , Business , Employee , 8 Billion , 7 8 Billion , Opportunities , Investment Strategies , Mountain , Goals , Mountains , Ante Show , Holiday Season , Sale , Item , Receipt , Store , Gift Card , Competitor , Form , Refund , Price Match Program , Promotion , Sad , Expansion , November 1st , Gift Cards , Sales , 52 , 0 4 , 8 1 3 , Height , Risers , Little , Seating Situation , Chairs , American Morning , Alina ,

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