Thousand births is gonna result, 19 per hundred thousand births will result in deaths. so, at baseline there s a threat. can i do abortions or provide abortions or firfer portions for all of those patients? does the threat have to be 30%? 50%? does it to be dying in front of me? there is just no clarity on that whatsoever. our medical judgment will not suffice, because they ve clearly told us in these laws that are medical judgment does not suffice. we have to follow their laws. this is a little bit of a downstream effect, but i m curious for your response, i guess, in the spirit of transparency i should reveal that my mom is a gynecologist, was an obstetrician, i have some familiarity with this. as a career, you know, recruiting future people to the profession, strikes me that with this type of legal uncertainty, the potential for criminal prosecutions, it s gonna be a lot harder to convince people to enter the ....