these are all rowdy friends. n the only normal people ink you new york. thank you all for coming. now, tonight, illegaall fol i immigrants. they are literally thanking your presidentrants arking you,n as senate democrats are now poised to abandon ukraine, all in a desperate bid to stop a border security bill froborde. law. >> now we will reveal the extreme measuresg to some democrats are willing to take in order to keep your southern border wide open. plus, the far left, you know, riot at america's onceonce p prestigious universities like lid. r we have a young kid from harvard and in the studio audience. it is now worse than ever now, three pompous college presidents. they just testified that threats of or calls for global islamic war are no big deal depending on the context. depeg on thebut don't dare say nice about donald trump on a college campus because you will likelcampusy get kickef that campus. now, right on cue, you have the privileg cuee college studes from harvard working as interns at joe's white house. >> the internsite hous talk aboe inmates running the asylum. joe wrote a letteg r to president joe biden demanding that israel stop fightingmandin back and defendig themselves after they were victims of terrorism. lves aftre none of them, of course, hadr na the courage to sign their name. typical college student fromom harvard. we'll have reaction with louisianaill have senator n kennedy is here tonight. but first, another brazen lie from e your. >> take a look. there is polling by the associated press that shows that almost 70% of americans, including 40% of democrats, believe that you acted eitheclur illegally or unethically in regards to your family's business interests. >> your f can you explain to americans, to americans, submit to this impeachmentteracd inquiry why you interacted with so many of your son and brothers or business associates? >> i'm not going to comment. i did no?not commt. f li i was just a bunch of lies, didn't interact with myassoci associates. >> i did not. s, really? >> no interaction with hunter's business partners? ng rig well, that's what you're going to go with. joe biden is lying, right tohtyr your face. according to records just released from the house, waysidn and means committee, biden emailed with one of hunter's main business partners and associates, the so-called moneyman, a guy by the name of eric sherwin. , a whopping 327 times, includig 54 emails just between joe and j eric. joe as vicoee president at the time, most of those emails occurred when joe biden again was serving. all these communications were conducteerving as d with an alias email account, something you're not supposedunt. to do in orderdiscv to prevent future discoveryto te in like a court of law, according to the house ways and means committee. and jaso hans commn smith. sherwin was the architect of the biden family's of shell corporations. they have identified dozensem. of them used to distribute foreign funds. ed ttethese were not real busina as far as james coburn is concerned. mes coand 2018, that text messa. remember, hunter biden allegedly crediting faerwin for helping him pay his father's quote, bills? "my quote my dad has been using most lines on this account, which through the gracious offerings of eric sherwih thn i have paid for the past 11 years. in other words, based on that text years. im hunter, implicating his own father, received foreign money fromown fath places like china and russia and romania and ukraine and kazakhstan, with the help of eric sherwin. o then pops used the funds to pay his bills, all whilebill joe, and eric emailed back and forth hundreds of times. but eric sherwinck and f is jusf the many hunter business partners that interact with, as tony bobulinski called them, the big guy. now, this is a picture of joejut biden who just said he'd never met with. he said, met i never spoke with hunter, his my brother or anybody that matter about their foreign business dealings. see that picture there? yeah , that's hunter'ss hu kazakhstan business partners after a dinnernterause ext, theo prestigious cafe milano, people from harvaré md knowd knw that location. >> now, here's another picture a of with hunter's mexican partners. and here's a picture of jocan en biden golfing with hunter's fellow burisma board member devon archerg with hsma ward. then vice president biden event wrote archer a letter, quote,o i hope i get to see you again soon with hunter. thhopeyou agaion wit you enjoye. thanks for coming. p.s. happy you guyors comin are together. archer testified that joe biden took dozens of calls with hunter's foreign associates and business associates. quote, biden was on the phone to bolster the brand. the biden brand, and it wasn't hunter. archer then testified that burisma executives at the big oil and gas giant out of ukraine that they demanded that hunter call d.c. to lobby anti-corruption efforts in ukraine. and, of courseanticorr efforts . now, archer also detailed yetarr another dinner at the prestigious cafe milano. if you went to harvardmilano, ks all about it. with hunter's russian backers, this timn backere the dinner was with the former first lady of moscow. >> her name elena, and they joei big guy, joe biden himself. and that's not all. another biden business associate, tony bobulinski, says a he met twice with joee biden ahead of an unusual businessn ahea partnership withr number one geopolitical foe. numberright now, which is called china. and inh is c a 2017 whatsapp me, you may recall hunter purportedly usinoug his fatheroh to shakedown his chinese business associatee downs, quoty i am sitting here with my father and would like to understanandd the commitment was has not been fulfilled. mmitmenti make certain that betn the man sitting next to me and every person that he knowsga and my ability to hold a grudgeh that you will regret not following direction. i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. that would be joe biden. magicall y, few days later. was wow. $5 million was wired to a bank account associated with hunter. hunter admitteaccod? he had no experience in energy, oil, gas or coalergy in any way, shape or form. so he's dealing with the number one energy conglomerate in china and get millions and is making millions out of ukraine with burisma. now, hunter biden is now threatening to defy a house subpoena. it is unclear if he will it i show up for his deposition or joe's brother will show up brote of.decemb' hunter december 13th. if hunter is a no jordanif hunte and. they are planning to initiate contempt proceedings and president's son could actually face real jail time as a designated fad sacrificial lamb, as was reported last week. reporteit might be a risk thati is willing to take in order to savlling e his father. lear but let's be clear about three things. one, joe biden did, in fact, interact with hunter's business associates, and he did it over and over and oveanr, over again. two, according to hunter, joe biden financially benefited from the foreign money y distri the bidene brand. number three, joe bidebiden brnw lying about it once again. he lied to you. the american people, before, as a candidate, as a president, and including yesterday. , wh if biden did nothing wrong, why would he be lying? sadlwould hey, this is a familir pattern with joe. when faced with any joe biden lies and he lies over . and over and over and over again. take a look. ice pr >> mr. vicese president, how may times have you ever spokens ov to your son about his overseas business dealings? >> i've never spoken siness d my son about it overseas. >> bernie sanders sounds to most folks like a crisis. lok >> well, look, it's way down now. and we've now gotten control. >> are you committed to making sure that the troops stay until everthe tr y american who wants to be out is out? >> yes. this day, 30 years ago, nelson mandela walked out of prisonssia and entered into discussions about apartheid. i had the great honor of meetinge grea him. i have a great honor of beingr arrested with our u.n. ambassador on the streets of soweto, trying to get to see him on robben island. se the various shotsarious s that people are getting now cover, that you're okay. th not not going to you're going to get covid if you have these vaccinations. yeah. and wages for working familiesls have gone up while inflation has come down. >> haveinflat 65%. >> be crystal clear, no one making less than $400,000lly a year will pay a single additional penny in ta ax. all these things that were in the and the build back better planings tha. now, no one on earth believes those blatant lies, but many in the media mob, they're more than willing to ignore them. why? becausgnore joe biden's a democ. instead of investigating joe's so-crent corruptioocrat.n while some so-called journalists in the media mob, they would rather basnalist ih james colmer daring to hold biden accountable. watc h. >> you're calling it an influence peddling scheme and you don't even knoe callinw definitively whether or not it's a loan. no, you know, you don't know definitively a financiallylook illiterate and you live like a smart guy on tv. like gulisten, i'm a i'm a ban. you know, i've been involved in a bank board for for a long time. the money that the bidens paid joe biden back with came from influence peddling. when they made the depositk th and wrote the check the same day, they had like a $2,000k on balance. i think one account they were overdrawn in and they betited t they deposited the same amount of money. hethey wrote to joe biden. there's no question. only being paid taxes, ro disputing that being paid back from a loan. >> i don't think there's any statutalone.e is ne that says bd back from a loan, the use of that money, that's a loan. >> right.e mone so it does matter if you take money from a drug dealer. dey to aoan mone drug dealer and that drug dealer pays you back, sir. that's dea money that he sold. drugs. >> then you're complicit . joining us now to respond, house oversight committee chairman james colmer and,s co house ways and means committee chairman jason smith. >> gentlemen, welcome back. appreciate i andans commt. all right, jason, let me let me start with you tonight. >> and you brought the whistleblower was back in and we learned an awful lot in the last 24 hours. capg everu bring everybody u to speed? >> absolutely. sean, it's great to be with you. t to you.we had a seven hour heg and the whistleblowers provided over hearing 56 pages of new documentations. president biden has said thatt he is not he has not knownhe anything about his son, hunter n biden's business dealings. well, we have 327 emails that prove otherwise. in fact, 54 emails came from president biden and his fake alias accounts to hunter biden's business associate, eric schwerin, who was the architect of all of these shell corporations that hunterfr biden used to pass millions of dollars throughout out through foreign entities and then to a lot of his family members. >> let's talk about what are in talk ab. ls how does it specifically implicate the president himself? i meanspecif, we know hunter sae that he gave half his income to pops. we know he complained about paying for pops his home repairs. we knot paying forw that 10% wai from the big guy. bribe and we also know the bribery statute does not mandate that if he is vice president, takes an action that benefits somebody in his family, that wouldnefibody and bribery , wouldn't it? it would be one of the emails that that the whistleblowers uncovered was an email fromrs u kevin morrisncov to the tax preparer of hunter biden's that that said that they needed to take care of hunter biden's tax problems which was about $2 million at that time, and said if they didn't, it wouldd be they would be facing great personal and political risk. onalthe political risk of that, sean, was the fact that it was y three weeks before super tuesday in in february of 2020, that political risk was the election of joe biden. >> all right. let me ask you, james comer, both you and jim jordan on judiciary have nowhold h threatened to hold hunter biden in contempt of congress. and i believunn ine that includs joe's brother, james biden. if they fail to show up for the after the subpoena that you sent them. twhat actions will you take? well, we'll hold him in contempt. i mean? we've issued lawfulsubpe subpoenas. >> hopefully they'llnas. bothe conf show up. i have more confidence that jim biden's going to show up than i doce tha. . hunter, you're seeing today rhetoric from the democrate seee on the house oversight committee openly encouraging hunter biden not to show up. i mean, the democrats have the democrats on the oversight committee have obstructed this credible investigation just as much as the biden legal team, just as much as is the mainstreaml team media in ae these government agencies who are supposed to be investigating. but we'r agencie going to hold hunterden biden accountable if he doesn't show up for the subpoena. untable sean, we looked in the , donald trump's immediate familyt testifiee d in depositions on the january six committee for 18 hours, 18 hours, donald trump's family showed up for depositions when they were subpoenaedbpoenaed by the janua6 committee. but the bidens think they're, you know, the ballhe doesn'td apply to them, that they're special and they aren't going to show up are. there is i mean, there's more evidence now about hunter biden than most criminals that have to show up for depositionsrimins in big time legal cases. so he's going to ble there or we're going to hold him accountable. >> exit question for both of you exit qu, jason smith, dom you believe that your committee and chairman commerce committee and chairman jordan's committee comehnow accumulated enoug that at least on a prima fascia level case can be made that joe biden was involved in briberyid vice president, that he tookanoo a specific official actionk e fr in exchange for a benefit financially for his family. >>a be we have over 1100 pages of documentation that that came from the two irs whistleblowers that came before the ways two rs that e. erou there's numerous examples. and those 1100 pages that show a that, in fact, joe biden had had helped his son in in in aof lot of business dealings. >> in fact from the sense of i believe that they've used air force more like a corporate jet flying his son to ukraine and mexico. it's quite it's quiteisturb disturbing of the official acts that the whistleblowers have tiedinal acts istleblo to instal conduct. >> and your same question. james comer. hmm. yeah. look >> yeah., we had the fbi 1023 ft that alleged bribery, but yetree the fbi refused to investigate it. now we find that we're more informantd vestigats that accused the bidens of accepting bribes. at what happened with burisma, with firing the prosecutor, shokin, who was investigating burisma? quid that was a quid pro quo. remember, the democrats impeacheo qud donald trump forbt asking about joe biden's quid j pro quoeo. joe biden committed the ultimate quid quo with our tax dollars leveraging $1,000,000,000 in tax dollars to get a prosecutor fired who was investigatin dolg your . and then you look at what he's done with china. we believe he's compromiseddollr of the millions of dollars he's taken from china and his son continue to get paids s ta, didn't he? all right. thank you both, chairman colmer and chairman spencpaid.e, weandh appreciate it. >> all right. we head over to the senate side he capitol complexai smith. where just yesterday, fbi director christopher wray, he was grilled over how the fbi has been politicized and the doj weaponize used and his bureau weaponized. >> take a look. i think the department of justice has been profoundly politicized undebeenr attorney general merrick garland, and i think the fbi has as weli thinl. and unfortunately, i think you've been unwilling to stand up to senior career officialslld in the fbi who's allowed the fbi to be politicized >>d responsive ability to the fbi not to allow it to be a partisan tool and a partisanby weapon. the testimony and by the way, the fbi's done nothing the we fn have not and i will not have you open an investigatiod i wiln whether the attorney general lied under oath to congress and whether the attorney general obstructedto to we >> i'm not going to go downo god that road here. i know you're not.. that's the point. nobody thinks you've opened an investigatiobon because you're not willing to lie. >> joining us now with more, texas senator ted cruz is with us. >> senator, thanexas k you. just to dovetail off our last segment, you asked wray, you know, he wouldn' ifanswer you question if the fbi tried to ascertain joe and hunter loden'he fs when that whatsapp message that i read in opening monologue was sent. also, you rip wray, for nottion answering questions about the hunter investigation and. the b >> you ripped him forurha how the bureau has been politicized and weaponizeds beer what is your take? is this fbe?i director involved in a cover up for the bidens? is this a dual justice system? is t systethought lady justice e blind. >> well, i think she's blind, deaf and crippled right now. >> and i think it is a sad is aa situation. this department of justice, thisd situ fbi is the most poli, it is the most partisan. ize we it is the most weaponized we've ever seen. as you noted in your opening heo monologue, you playedsa that whatsapp where hunter says, i'm sitting next to my and he threatens a chinese communist with retributionthreaten from dy unless he sends millions of dollars. now, gary shapley,s one of the two irs whistleblowers, said the investigators had a veryey one o obvious way to c. they wanted the data was hunter sitting next to joe biden. you both of them have phones. you can ascertain where they were the instant that text message was sent. gary shapleye in said the bidenj blocked that investigation, said you're not allowed to get hunter or joe biden's repstou ao data. you're not allowed to inquire. no questions about the big guyle . so i asked chris wray, did d the fbi try to get the data to determine whether this was in facdetet a bribery shakedowne chris wray his answer was, well, i'm going to talk to youon about an open investigation. it's the biggest lie. it's thestigatio biggest shell . they claim it's an openth investigation,ey cla but they'ro investigating anything and refuse to investigate anything. and when there's are not accountability, look, we've got major whistleblower saying the attorney general hasl committed multiple felonies and the attorney generals, the fbi stonewalls. and chris wray's answers osse yesterday were disgraceful. he believes he owes nos no accountability to congress and no accountability to the american. and one of the things i shared with him as i travel the countri sh y, i am regularly approached by fbi agents who are horrified by what's happening in their agency, their honorable men and women. they want to they want to defend the rule of law. la guys. to catch the rul and instead the political instj is turningg them into a cover up patrol forn biden white house. >> i want to get your reaction, senator, if i can. to get youand this these commeny christopher wray talking about how he's never seen the terror threat on every the terlevel, as bad as it is , saying, you know, blinking lights are everywher e. now this why has he and why hasn his silence been deafening when it came to joe biden'sg when i,a eight plus million illegal immigrantss 8 mill and now we kw where they're coming from. iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, china, russia. tens and tens of thousands. can you did you ever get an answer out of him? h now he's finally warning us. after all these people are here unvetted thr, that the terror threat has never been greater in history. is yourwhat is your reaction ty to me, that's a dereliction of duty. i know know he he was busy looking atd you know, into moms and dads at school board meetings and going after pro-life protesters, people that were prg it peacefully. >> and i know it is, you know,in really looking harowd that hunth biden laptop and morning big tech. why hasn't he been dealing with that threat issue less than the fbi hae?squesti stonewalled on these questions for a very long time. and it was, you know, about a year agoong that chris wray was going before congress, say the biggest threat we havegest i is crazy white nationalist. come on. it's not like there'y whitnatioo of running around. they're idiots and bigots. unbut you want to know what the biggest threat is? it's hamas terrorists and hezbollah terrorists comingt across our southern border seeking to carry outming acr ter attack. and i got to tell you, when w agwas down at the border jusas t a few weeks ago, our border patrol agents are very worried about it. we've god abt war in israel. >> and when i see chris wray finally the fbi finally acknowledging that terror threat, what that tells sean is they are seeing so much evidence. i think we're at a eviden greater riskater t for a major terror attack now than we've been anerattacky time september 11. and i got to tell you, i did a classified briefin g from the administration, the number of special interest from fro dangerous terrorist countries has skyrocketem d underthey s joe biden, and they still refuse to secure the border. >> and if anythingtio secure ths to any american, he will have blood on his hands. yes, wne have been warning.on y >> absolutely right. by the way, congratulations, your book, by the way. we wilwe'll put it up. >> it is called onward woke how to defeat cultural marxism in americawoke. u. senator ted cruz, thank you. when we come back, there's an internal revolt in joe biden'set white house. plus, a nete w record at the southern border as democrats fight against new border security measures. we stay with us. we're glad you're here in new york. we're glad you're here at home . thank you. a must in your medicine cabinet call coming on. zach cam is the number one cold shortening brand. highly recommended people love , diet cam's unique zinc formula. who >> zach can shorten that cold. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? 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you think they'd let us do that in china? i don't think so. meanwhile, illegal immigrantmean telling fox news, quote,wh i loe you, joe biden, as he hoped to be released into the u.s. and he probably will and why wouldn't he?? because biden is the one that told them to come. we have the tape. we played it many times yesterday. republicans senators were reportedly shot down whendres trying to address the border during a classified briefinge , prompting some of them to storm out. and south carolina senator linsey t apparently mige have dropped an f-bomb on a general. r lind he is here to explain. senator linsey graham of the great state of southseam carolia and, you know, merry christmas. very quick. you know, did turn over the tables of the money changers. >> right. and, you know, i would say, i wo anger?techni but i would call that righteous indignation. wequ you write what younant righteously indignant here. i am not good.ll i you know, i all i can sa cy is that worried about america. >> okay. here's what i'm worried about. if you wans what it to secure the border, elect donald trump, everything else is all tale k. so we're going to have an election in 24. you better vote for somebody who know yo vots how to do the job. what did i hear in this briefing that?ng ove >> america is being overrun, that we've lost control of our borderrrsts. 33,000 people become in the last three days. ithey fbi director told us he's been there all of his life. been the's never seen threats as level since october the seventh. the attack israel, the amountl of radical islamic groups who want to attack america is at an all time high. ehe bomlike i've been episod 24 and the bomb is ticking and we're not going to get therb .ree in time.ther so, president biden, if you're watching this show, if, p you're awake. >> you better come up with a solution to a broken bordear a before a bunch of people get killed. this is a national securit by disaster in the making. and yes, i did drop the f bomb. g to do it tonight,i' but i've had it with trying to help other countries withoutn first helping your own countryg . now, senator, i think most of america agrees with you andie i certainly do. it is certainly a cleay dor and present danger. i mean, why would we everborder taking people at our southern border unvetted from iran,om afghanistan, and the number one state sponsor of terror, the home of the taliban, the home of the muslim brotherhood in egypt, we're taking in people from russia , our number two geopolitical che, china, our number one geo political foe. what the are they thinkinour nl you know this i would tell you this, senator, and i pra y y to god that i'm wrong. i get to come on this program one day and say i was wrong. int i would tell you, i am 100% certain terror cells have come in illegal joe biden, immigrants one day will commit acts of terror on our soil. >> am i wronfg? >> well, i've been saying thisur for a year. on your show. you see the is being hit by a slow moving truck in kansas. n' you can see it coming. don't blame the border patrol. these are patriots . they're doing the best that can. they can. joe biden has abandoned the bordern. . s in pla he's got policies in place that incentivize people to come to ourhanince country.r coun why they're coming? because joe biden's administration wants them to comtre bideadministe. >> and now it's caught up with them. the american people, 76% said get control over your border. >> and here's what i want the audience to know tonight nt the aud. will if we don't do it soon, we're going to get hit soon. don't believe me. that's what the fbi said. that's what everything i see and hear say s joe biden, you better fix this quick. yo you got to have american blood on your hands, my friend. you better secure our border. you bettere our , anybody, untio that. >> all right. thank you, senator graham. we appreciate. ch coming up next, chaos abroad as americans now come under attacks americ, the world becoms a more dangerous place. and here at home, biden can't even a his own interns in his on white house. straight ahead, a full reportncing cardis travel. there is nothing like it. but with my moderate to severe but with my moderate to severe eczema, it hasn't been easch now i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from withicun so you can have clearer skin and noticeably less itch. less itch. serious allergic occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or tell your doctor about new or worsenintion. as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint ache ys, pain, or a parasitic infection. >> don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent . >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. >> sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. relaxium sleep is studied and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster ,stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. join the hundreds of of people who have experienced the relief and health benefits from getting great night's sleep and get relaxium sleep academy has been a miracle for us since coming in. >> the risk is improved our marriage. i don't even how we lived for 30 years without it because now i know this man differently than i knew him before. it'll regulate your natural sleep cycle, relax your body and calm the mind for better sleep through the whole night. call today and get your very own risk free bottle of relaxium sleep relaxium. sleep doesn't have any harmful chemicals. like many prescription sleeping pills with relaxium sleep, you can expect to start sleeping better the very first night. >> the very first night the change that it had was unbelievable. if you're at home and you're not getting calm enough to go to sleep, take relaxium sleep. it'll work. i promise you it'll work if you're like i was and you've got trouble sleeping at night. take control of your health. stop struggling with restless nights sleep like you were meant to with relaxium. i'm telling you, relaxium is the real deal. mike huckabee is so confident that relaxium will work for you. he's asked us to give away 1000 bottles, calling it a risk free bottle of relaxium sleep. now it's guaranteed to work or your money back. call 800 3848706 or visit. try relaxium icon that's 800 3848706 or visit. >> try relaxium ecom. ce i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insuranc a fixede through the c? 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because they have been taughhat this. we now know that many of ourat young people believe in diversity, equity, inclusion and the right to kill jews. and they don't. the inconsistency of that. they don't see the irony that.the re anacd i think the reaction of most fair mindedsition americans to that position certainly my reaction is pass me the buck. i agree with you. i age biden, i would call all of my and and tell themtell i'm sure they're, upset they should go buy an emotional support pony. >> but they're fine. don't i don't think president biden will do this. wouli can't imagine.rkin i can't imagine working for aney employer. it's okay to disagreere with boss, but i can't imagine working for an employer writing him a formal letter like it to nbc and then daring the employer to do something about it. ething a and probably the whiteand pr house will do nothing about itob ,just like they have done very little to deter our throughout the world. >> let me ask you about china, for example. we see them confronting our fighter jets in airspace.ata they confront our navyl in international waters. the spy balloon. unfair trade practices.. we don't have free and fairwe dtrade, intellectual property theft, spy balloons. jol of this combinedectual p. and joe biden has done nothing. what does that saye ? n? joe biden, do you think in any way it might be connected to all the money ill the the biden family made out of china? well, what it tells me is that>l the bidel,n association would rather would rather debate whether can breastfeed than protect the interests of this country. look, reality has a way of bruising people that don't respect it. and the sad reality is that our enemies china, russia, north korea, iran are notn, scared of president biden. presi and for good reason. it was president biden who abandoneded afghanistan.ghas it wasta president bidenen w who removed the sanctionhos on russia's nord stream two pipeline. it was president bidenth who killed the fbi china initiative. it was president biden who has refused to give ukraine the weapons that it needs to win. it was president biden. who removed the sanctions on venezuela. it was president biden who refuses to respond to the recent attacks on our own american troops by iran. and syria. and iraq. and the red sea. i think if president biden hadst been president whe bn japanckedp attacked pearl harbor, he would haveea appointed a task force to see what we did to offend them. let me ask and senator, let me, aslek you this. can you name a single thing, a single policy that joe biden has implemented that has benefited the american people because? b i cannot i can't i'm trying i want to be fair to the president. i don't hate anyone, but i just i can't. and our enemies see what a majority of the american people say. >> this may not be fair or unfair, accurate or inaccurate. our enemiefair os, a majority of americans, just like the president, is older than time. esiden his family has corruption problems and the vict e president his vice president is weak and people act accordinglta . >> we cannot have you onav enough. let's give a big hand,e you ve . appreciate the appreciate you being with us, as always, senator kennedy. all right. >> coming up, you're not going to believe what the president of harvard. he >> we will point him out in theg next segment. you, penmen mitt, said aboutbout anti-semitism on their campuses. we their outrageous remarks. we'll get reaction from the great victor davis hanson. o >>m we continue. i'm jonathan larson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. >> if your age 50 to 85 andife >> if your age 50 to 85 andife looking to buy life insurancinse on a fixed budget, remember the three p's? 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gain, >> again, it depends on the context. it does not dependitn the on the context. the answer is yes. and this is why you shouldansweg resign. >> these are unacceptable answers across the boardthese .i be now, you think their rhetoric would be the same if it was any other quote p identity group that they were targeted at this academic to condemn antisemitism has caused nationwide outrage, from particularly from billionaire harvard alum guy by the name of bil billilum byl ackman, whoz criticized the anti-israeli protestsedli at harvard. e since the beginning, ackman wrote a very lengthy post on x calling on the three university presidents to resign in disgrace. but now harvarpresidents td president claudine guay is now claiming her testimony wasstoodn misunderstood and insists anti-semitic students will be held accountable. are you penn president? and that particular case is also walking back her statemen rticulare t here with reaction, hoover institute institution senior fellow, our frienooved victor davis hanson. this is not new toservativ conservatives, but this might be be new to other people. >> and thiw s might be a new lo. >> what's your reaction? victor davis hansoion, vicn wile frank. >> shawn, those three presidents simply lied. they suspend studentpresidens te for what they call hate speecheo and they they they will suspend you if you make an off color joke that is detrimental to orm trans or latinos or black sow t. they know that. and why are they lying? and it's because they puare thet their finger in the air and they say the jewish camplationnger in d , ivy league campuses, for example, has dropped by all example the way n to ten or 12%. they're not a large constituency. we've got a lot of full tuition paying middle east students. and more importantly, we have now rebranded jews as part of the white oppressor, victimizer, class and it's just. a matter of math. the dei and foreign students rule n universities and they don't want to get on the wrong side of them. so they li e right under right under oath. they lied because they do not have that standard applied across the board and they know it. >> sean, an what is happeneds happ in this country where there should be uniteden in moral cly and yet among the liberal elite ,these are top universities. we have more relative wisdom, we have moral ambiguity. there is n.o moral ambiguity in terms of what happened to israel. they wers of what happene the va terrorist attack that killed, you know, so many people, over 1400 people, hundreds taken hostage. we had children beheaded. we had women . why is there any ambiguity? e l4 because we in the last 40 years, we've had this post-moderyearsn theology that's taken over the universities that say everything is relativ e peopwhat is moral or is defined as people who are oppressed is e and what's a is people who are of a particular race, mostlyop w white, christian, ma, heterosexual, and they have power and they've corruptedave o the entire idea of ethics theyr rality in the universitywe . and then the other factor, sean, is they're flush in cash. they don't carctor is there. they've got billions of dollars in endowment income, supposedlei is a nonprofit, nonpartisan institution that's not taxedsas and they've got almost $2 trillion line of credit from the federae almol government t to subsidize loans. >> that's unreal. victor davis hanson, we loveeint having you. thank you, sir, for being with us. when we come back. watch ouack,t. joh climate alarmist and extremist john kerry is coming to your air conditionekerry isr and your refrigerators. i love my air conditioner. i love my refrigerator and i love my gas stove. next, i see hot ice works fast . heat makes it less year. heat makes it less year. the power of contras you can rise from pain i see on saturday night the biggest game is on fox prime time, the pac 12 and big east cuba as two of the nation's iconic programs square off does better than this. a dim both please ucla in an early season statement game as they look to take out justin moore and leno. look the countdown saturday at 70 on fox the biggest games all fox prime time hoops. >> get ready, the most epic game show ever created. welcome to the floor 81 trivia contest in my category. thought famous sidekicks. i'm taking on barbecue. go head to head. oh, that's a draw. >> get brisket, banana pudding, corn bread. the winner takes of their opponents squares until only one survived chicken pass. but light it up. who will conquer the floor? 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preorder your copy now at fox news books .com where are you president joe biden's war on your appliances is now heating up. >> now this week, john kerry announced that he's a radical. what a shock anyway, that the us has committed to a 68% reduction in cooling related emissions by 2050. >> now, not even your refrigerator is safe from joe biden. meanwhile, the biden administration, if the electric vehicle mandate has completely backfire d now, biden's infrastructure package included billions for a nationwide, electric vehicle chargingto 68% network, and two years later, they have not built a single charge irelated r. ,ge irelated typical government failure. here with reaction, she's the hostit of outnumbered co-host emily compartio and with the washington examiner, opinion editor harry maguire. my i want my stove. i want my air conditioner and i want my refrigerator and i want joe biden and the government off my back. >> that's all we wan thet for christmas. >> is that too much to ask? no. here's the thing about johr is n kerry, that that personally offends me as an american is that he can parrot and squawatk all he wants as he takess his private jets to these conferences. but the realitprivt to ty that r americans last year had their air conditioning disconnect it because of these astronomical prices. stephanie perlman in arizonariz died in her home over a $51 bill that she had incurred debt over for her air conditioning. so the reality, as he loftily says, these narrativesnarrativ that just sort of kneeer and capitulates to this liberal left has real life consequences for hardworking americans. and for those of ue co fors hav that actually have to pay bills and actually have to survive and thrive in this environmentp . . notice kamala harris, the vice president, cooking>> s on a gas stove? >> yes. okay. yes. kelly,s what your take? why this obsession and what is the alternative that is readil y available at a cost point that americans can meet? >> well, kerry is one of those individuals with an uncanny ability to never be int po doub, but always be wrong. so, in other words, your average fear mongering he's average fear mongering but he's also a hypocrite. just like kamala harris, he jets around on his wife'shype private jet all over the world while daring to lecture the rest of us and >> the stove that we use about the cars that we drive and that we drive and >> yes, exactly. and i think it just goes e to show that climate alarmisxac is all about control. >> they want to be ablet th to dictate what yoey wu eat, what you drive, how you live your life while they get to live by completelvey differe standards. >> that is such a good point because most of his adult lifedn ,he's been flying around on a private jet, of course, totall y insulated from actual real life and that other way i'm all in favor of private jets. i don't believe in their climatfavor ofe alarmism. >> i think it's all a bunchhe of , right. and that's what it is. hot aiir cr. that's right. that's right. that's the difference is you're not a hypocrite. it'sir.s the charging thing, you know, reminder that the biden administration has as a prerequisite for every contract that it undergoes, that it meets diversity and inclusion. d sos. think of that as you're talking to union members and hardworkint asg americans wr somehow have to battle the fact that, oh, this box wasn't checked. sohashed american lost my job. so it's people who are trying ve it's people who are trying vehicles. they can't find one. the one they do find is in the dark, broken oes, theyinone, you know, the practicality, the transition elements. that's totally pract lost on ths administration that just has to do with talking points and not really three thousand dealers wrote joe biden saying please stop forcing these electric vehicles on our lots because nobody wants them foaskr lost $4.5 billion last year on their ev line.t why are they forcing them to do5 something, make a product nobody wants? >> i'm from detroit, so these auto dealers who wrote. joe biden are from the state of michigan. line.the big three are in michit and it's going to destroy michigan's economy because no one wants them. no one wants to buy them. they're impractica tl. >> it's an unrealistic transition that the united states just is not ready readr. u want just is not ready i one? i don't. i'm happy with my mach one. >> my 72 mach one. right. yeah. i'll take. all right. we kayleigh, we appreciate it. emily, great to see you. >>ily, great to see you. day. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with sean: a programming note live audience show tomorrow ticket for free. let'ow ts go to hannity indeed., please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. today's any time. every time. all the time. m hannity .com.xnews. in the meantime, let notco your heart be trouble. be greg gutfeld is up next to put a smile on your face. have a great night night

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