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to be a dictator, are you? >> i said, no, no, no. ot other thanher th day one who's america's favorite dictator. >> we are talking about opening up all women and girls to examinations. >> hey there. what's under the hood?? >> oh, christmas is a big deal in our household. >> merry christmas, everybody. gavin newsom cancels christmas plus. >> andrew jackson famously buid americans are not a perfect people, but we are called to a perfect missio n ,like storming the beaches of normandy, like stepping foot on the moon, like taking out bin laden. well , here's another man on a mission. joe biden. joe his mission isn't to stoptoo inflation, crime or migration. >> the missionp is to stop trump money. i expect so. run. but look, he is running and i just have to run right now. no, biden just admitted he's too old for this. if the democratio olc bench was. so thin, he'd retire and sniff hair. >> plus, only joe biden knows how to use the fbi and the cia during an election. >> but later, biden realized he'd made kamala look bad, so he changed his mind. >> do you think there is any democrat who could beat donald trump other than you? probably 15. you do believe other. t the on >> i'm not the only one to read it, but i will see. who else d>> rep else coo you ta defeat donald trump as president? >> biden knowsld, you know, the only way to beat trump is ifbeat t he doesn't campaign. that's how he beat him the last time. time. big tech do the dirty work. even jimmy fallon gets itn gets on saturday night at madison square garden. >> kiss played their final concert and unveiled new digital avatars of thel co d that will continue to tour. >> oh. that'sat's pre pretty much whate white house is going to do with biden during next year's campaign. >> so if biden does beat trump, then what? well, then he resignsrris t and hands. kamala the keys to the white house. that'shes to the the plan.den is >> biden isn't running for a second term. n'g r a sehe's running to beat d then running away. artic biden hasn't articulated a second term agenda. he hasn'ul nd term t laid out a vision fort the next four years. >> have you notice fars.d that democrats just need him to make it one day pastast th the election when they can celebrate e the first female president? thfthis is worse than a handof . this is a bait and switch. but trump saysa bait biden won'e it. >> i personally don't think he makes i t. okay, i haven't said that. i'm saving it for this big town hall f. i never really. i personally don't think it matters. i think he's in bad shape physically. do you remember when he said member wi'd like to take him bed the barn? if he took me behind the barne i and i went like thisnd the bar? i believe he follow her. i believe he folloi believw. >> who knows? i personally don't think he makes it physicallyi pers. ' i watched him at the beach. he wasn't able to lift a big chair, which is mean beat for. children to lift. you can lift it like that. possmentallyand ment, i would sy he's possibly equally as bad and maybe worse. ocrats >> s go how are the democrats going to convince you that to ce you thy who can't lift upr chair should win reelection? well, by telling you thatt the the guy who can lift the beachgu chair will start a civil war. >> when i look at trump, here's where i think that all of his a supporters shoullld take something into consideration. i think that he so did this, d e that he could potentially cause civil war in this countrnty. >> all right. so the democrats realized trump would start world warrealy three wasn't really working because biden's already led us to the brink. and plus, the democrats realize nobody really careanratss aboutt goes on in other countries. >> here we just care about what goes on here her. >> and they've been trying to convince you that coy. atould destroy democrac see, but no one really knows what that means. so they settle thatns, sod on a new hoax, a goo and it's a good one.d and you're going to hear itthan more than russia collusion for a while. >> so brace yourselves r. trump, if he wins, is never leaving the white house. >> trump will be a dictator and will never have another election until he's dead. >> and the n don jr becomes president. >> sorry about that, eric. so at last sorr night's townhall, of course, hannity had to ask him about it. >>to you are promising america tonight you would never abuse poweu would r as retributn against anybody except for day one. anyb yeah, except he's going crazy. except for day one. meaning? i want to close the border and i want to drill. that's radical. that'sdrill, dri real. that's not. that's not retribution. i'm going to be. i'm going to be. you know, he keeps this guy.or he says, you're not going to be a dictator, are you? i said, no, no, no? . other than day one, we're closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drillinga after that. >> i'm not kidding. it's only dictatordictats foron one day, guys. he'll just sit and sign executiv guys. will sie orders e biden did. remember, on day one, they hand biden the pen and he signsazilli a gazillion executive orders. he has no idea what's in theonon >> remember, he opens the border and he kills the keystone pipelinthe on day one. so trump's going to do trump the opposite. he's going to close the borderer and he's going to drill, baby, anl on day one.p know trump knows exactly what he's doing. he's teasingat the press,just t and they just took the bait. >> this is what's so dangerous about what trump just said. >> not that it was new, right? imagin not the, you know, a jeffreyu ne dahmer, a serial killer. you never have a serial killer out on the street and sa him ont y, hey, you're going to kill again. it's like only day one. how i'll eat people on day one.s >> then after that, i promise you can trust. this is clearer than min ce can't, right? >> this is clearer than what adolf hitler laid out in mein kampf. it's mucd out muchh clearer thar did. my adolf hitler was at least sense enough not to say theselya things explicitly. what he wat s going to do on dao one. >> he just did on day one. look how unhappy these people look. msnbc needs to relax. fox and don't you dare laugh at trump's jokes. they are funny . there is a sickness among, unfortunately, some of our fellow americans regarding authoritarianism and totalitarianisf our fem. they want it because really what he promised that he would be a dictator on day one, he got applause.t well, and that's on fox news. and make n >>o mistak he e of it,of t a large chunk of thoseho people in that audience cheering when donaldsaid i w trump said, i'll be a dictator on day one. well on, they want that. >> so democrats clap for the guy who arrests his opponent and fires you for not getting facts tell firess y, car to drive, wants to censor you and take your guns. doeska censoy. >> and does anybody think trump's organized enough to be a dictator? di he never mobilized the national he nnap the riots. he never locked up hillary. he let every governor do what they wanted during covid. and do dictatorsted duri even py golf? >> but what the democrats are doin g is sinister.ou sla when you slap a dictator labelp on a politician, it's a wink or the and a nod to antifa or the guy g who showed up to kavanaugh's we. house armed and dangerous. >> but trump's going to have so much fun with thisso dictatorshp hoax. watch hi m start wearing a crown als . and this is just like a slick way also of calling you deplorable. dirt >> you dirty little dictator lover. is goinglittle to have to do a t of deprogramming. >> but like every hoax, this t is going to backfire. >> liberals are sohill stupid the way that they handle trump. we know you should shut up with a narcissist. neutral energy. yeah. you know. trump you think he'd go away?e i you know what i think he was? i think he was a one hit wonder. huh? right. he wrotete thewist a the twist,e that was it. he was on the casino circuit, and then you idiot liberals wrote him twist again when you indicted himn and yo. >> and now he's a martyr. and now he's coming back. g jimmy but remember the guy who biden said, if you don't ifo vote for me, you ain't black. charlamagne tha god. well, even he now admits trump might be a dictator. but there's someone worse. o >> let's get right to the good news. donald trump is definitely notth neident ag going to be president again. the bad news is because he's going to be dictatonewscau that sounds bad, but don't forget, don't forgetth we stillg have joe biden standing between him in the white house. >> yeah. so it's actually even worse. adam carolla is a comedian, author and host of the adam caroll host ofa show. >> adam, i can see trump reallyg getting into this, going outoing to the rally, getting a throne, you know, getting one of those r robes with the purple, the jewelsob and the g thiscr is going to go crazy. w t yeah. you know what he needs? he needs that bi heds?hat big ty that president camacho rode in. oh, idiocracy from that moment. yes, mr. president. camacho, that would be the e coolest thing ever. it's always funny to hear cnn, msnbc in the news get everything wrong intentionally. that's kind of interesting because back in the dantentiono they would get things wrong by mistake. now they misinterpret thingsthem intentionally, siso trump makes an off the cuff joke. he baits then off-thm and they t it in earnest, which is insane s ,saying itor sort of reminds mes of mitt romney putting women in binders. remember, they took that literallyn they. the in think about the insanity rog, i storedn sayinsa women in binders and then running with it. >> did he mean that literally?y? i thought it was a bunchg to of women that he was going to interview for the jobfor the >> it was pretty insane news. ipeople when he said he put thm e, m hands like, oh, lik like, like he had themcu handcuffed. >> like they were in binders, like, like, i don't know. that's how dumb and insane they are. but obviously they don't believe what trump's saying. they misinterpret it and they do it on purposeth and, which essentially makes them liars. but what are they doing to their credit ability? i it's like if every time, likeu e if you were a co ap and everye time you heard a car backfire, you thought it was a gunshot it was a, you'd be a bad cop. that's what they're doin g. >> do you think that they deep down, no, he's kiddingknow. dictator on day one. and they just do that to kinday. of rile up everybody? o they actually think after four years he's just going to sit in the oval and dar e come everybody to come yank himya out of they know he's kidding? remeeac remember, they wer screaming. he told people to inject bleach into their veins. he tolh their. d them to drink fish tank cleaner, good people on both sides. e on good people on both sides has it right in the sentence bot on both sides. why would he say both sides? they knodes.sides?w what they'r, but they've lost all credibility. they havlost allbut here's the . so they're like, if he becomes president again, he's goingy ths to destroy this nation. he was the president. this. is like being at at a shareholders meeting for nabiscao and saying if you let this guy be the ceo of this company again, he's going to destroy nabisco. and then someone goes, he was the ceo of nabisco forab four years and we thriveisco. >> yeah, i mean, the business stock price was through the roof and everybody was getting fat and happ y. adam cole, barely any broken nilla. wafers don't>> and you hate it they break? can't they just make the box ey stiffer? epperi i'm going to talk to pepperidge farm. yes. thank you so much, everybodydg go check out the podcast. >> adam carolla, fox news alert. . >> white house reporters. finally, after monthwhite hos ar biden about his bribery scandal. >> listen. there is polling by the associatedibscandal. press thats that almost 70% of americans, including 40% of democrats, believe that you acted eitheng r illegally or unethically in regards to your family's business interests to yo. can you explain to americans, im americans to put this impeachment inquiry why you interacted with so many of your son and brothersand why orrother business associates? >> i'm not going to comment. i did nos t. and it is just a bunch of lies, interacts with man y of their associates. >> i did not realize. >> so why would joe biden lie we when our producers just found four photos of biden with his son, shady business partners? i mean, we just googled it 5 minutes ago. there's ago.s four picturesr pi right there golfing at the white house anctur thhe's at the vp's house and he's at dinner. you know, the one the last dinnere last, that's the one whe hunter drove home in a porsche hunter's business. >> associates visited the obama-biden white vis. over 80 time biden used an alias email to talk to hunter's businesses ,see it 327 times. that guy. and it's biden saying he never met tony. bubba belinsky, biden's own lawyer, admitted he met these people. the democratd hes admitted biden talked to him on the phone and they neve r once spoke about any business dealings. as he described it. it was all casual conversation, it a. es >> is the weather. oh, the weather, yes. if everything is legal, then why is biden lying about it? >> this impeachment is going to be fun at harvard. silence is violence, but actual calls to violence, free speechmi . >> meet the traveling trio, >> meet the traveling trio, the thrill seekehase. searcher, and oh, it's the to protect their money with teeth. whoa. last card is in keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searchers the exp findg his identity and hoping to protect it. bee these . the explorer. she's looking to dive deeper all while chase looks out fo onr her. because 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was kicked out of half the ivies just for asking questions. conservative professors have dien fired forsking men and won are different. >> at harvard, students are punished forfferent. usingos the wrong pronouns. students were given safe spaces after trump's election, you know, to mourn and grieve when black lives matter blew up, they said. silence is violence. remember nc that. but now actual calls to violence aren't violence. >> that's just free speech. at m.i.t. it calling for the of jews violate emmett's code of conduct or rules regarding bullying and harassment. yes or no? if targeted individuals not making public statements t, i have not heard calling for the for jews on our campus. but you've heardgeno chants fore intifada. i've heard chants whicard thathn be anti-semitic depending on the context. does calling for the of jews violate penn's code of conduct m when it comes to bullying and harassment? >> yes or no? it can be harassment. the answer is yes. and dr., at harvard, doess calling for the of jewsr violate harvard'ths rulesr ha of bullying and harassment? yes or no? it can?, dependingcan be on the context. >> just so we're clear at we ar harvard, calling a man a man is harassment. but if you say kill ale l the jews, it's not. >> depends on the context. isn't kill all the jews what hitler said? can you say kill all the blacks? can you say kill all the ? >> i highly doubt it. can someone explain how democrats are calling for but trump's hitler? i can't figure is hi that one o. >> here's how the new york times described the hearing. are you ready? republicans try to put harvard and mit and penn on the defensive about antisemitism. >> yeat and h, the ivy league'sl okaying kill all the jews chants is really a story about republicans pouncing. here's a dirty little secret. a this isn't about free speech. this is about monee speechy. age >> the ivy league is flooded with cash from america's enemies, foreign donors, many of them foreign governments, ve have given over 13 billion b to our top schools, and they wanta a return on their investment and most of that money comes from the middle east. >> purposees froms funding from foreign entities and governments which support its middle east studies department fo. correc correct. we receive funding from a variet y of sources because weety of have alumni from all over slumn the world. but that is correct, right? the middle eastern studies department. , the we receive funding from there.yo yes or no? are you not aware we're the middle eastern studies department receives funding? wedepartme receive funding fromm i am asking you a yes or no question. you are under oath in fronte un of the united states congress. you are giving lip serviceder ve provided your attorneys. it's a yes or no question. harvard receives funding from foreign entities and governments which support its middle eastern studiesmdies department. correct. we have alumni all over >> we beenand we'v correct to that slander. what amount of support is that i reported to the federal government? i'd have to actually look at our filingsave to. i don't know. as a person university, you don't know? noent ofniversitt that particul. it's $1.5 billion over the past three years. >> oh, that's a lot of money. harvard universityears. city, wa jewish is treated like a recreational sport, tookrvar in nearly 200 million just from saudi arabia alone. >> and over the last four years, mit has taken nearlyha 20 million from the saudis. but that shouldn't come as a surprise because mit took eps a million bucks from epstein and didn't give it up until they were forced to. >> our universities are for sale. and professor joe biden of upenn has personally the benefited. by the way, what did biden actually do it? upen w, idenn. giv >> can you give us some insight into why joe biden was paid almost $1,000,000 by upenn? what were his responsibilities when he was at upenn? did he teach a classhe tea? i appreciate the question. president biden was professor of practice at university of pennsylvania fortwo a little over two years. president biden had a wide varietbiden hay of obligations. he was in many different classes. did he have he was he held diffe seminars. he was in many different classes. he interacted with thousandscla. e ti of students over the time he was there. he invited speakere s. >> four hundred thousand dollars a year to take selfies ses and help the ivy league school book speakers. i don' boot believe that in the immediate years after the penn biden center opening,i foreign donations tripleand with most of that cash from coming from china and without missing a beatna, chinese donors linked to hunter funneled over 0 100 mil to upenn as well. >> it's almost like our enemies are running a foreig n influence operation through the ivy league. charlie hurt joins me now. j charlie, how hard was it to just answer that question? not hard at all, unless you're trying to hide the answer. and you're exactly right. that's exactly what thesees h universities have revealed themselves to be. they are a massiveave foreign operation conducted. and of course, our enemies,game. they look at the long game, china looks at the long game. lonthey look at this thing.theh they've been doing this for decades. and it's why, as you point out, they have given hundreds of millions of dollars to these universities. they influence what the outcome of if t. squall >> and all of this squabblining that we've done the last couple of years about election interference. this is this is absolutely noa p different. it's actually at sort of a deeper level. these are the futureerel of vot. this is election interference. this is academic interferencerfe with the exact same goal, except probably ten times more effective. you will never again brainwashar these kids because these kids are being taught at some base, by extension, by those crazy lunatics that were sittingarings in front of those hearings orfendin defg hate speech and or defending the idea of of talking about against israel. and you will not undo the damage that these colleges and universities have done. >> if a country that doesn't mially like the jews much gives bill millions and millions of dollars to a schoolons of d l of a sudden is okay with their students not liking the jews muc very much. >> dh?o you think it might havee something to do with the university professor not wanting maybe jeopardize another check from the countryne that doesn't like the jews very much? oh, absolutely. and then that aside. if you just were america'ss insiy and you wanted to destroey america from the inside, this is exactly how you would do it. so even if you're china and you don't particularly care about israel or not ly care t, s want to dismantle america. this is the way you do i tt. stk and this is the mistake i think that they made. and i think those hearings wer e some of the best hearings i've seen in memory and because of what they revealed. but the other thing that i think that thesein college presidents miss out on is the enormous amounout ont of por that the federal government, if goe itted to exercis against these universities, know the student loan or the entire student loan program goes through the federal thro, the enormous amounts of federal grants that are given to these universities, millions and millions of dollar s worth. and then you're talking about harvard with a $30 end billion endowment. these endowments aren't taxed. nt.taxed.if lawmakers if a smart politician wanted to make an issue out of this and go after these universities, it would become it would snowball. and there's one guy i know,woul charlie, who would be able to break this downd be into sime terms and i mean, take it all the way home. i have a feeling that politics this might be somethin gtrum dictator donald trump can do on day one. >> you either close the ball, b drill, baby, drill and rip upd those endowments. >> unless they get straight, iut . >> it would be like animal house took over the entirewoulde university system from washington, d.c. and wingtone w all love day. >> one's going to be fun. it's goingbe to be really >> charlie hurt, everybody. thanody.k you. well, aoc has a new hoax and it involves. some of the best traditions start under a tree. >> it's where we gather as a family. family. >> it's where we experience y. it's where we caught it's where we caught our personal besas startt. and this tree is where its wond all begaern this christmas. an your tred gee. share the tradition of visiting santas wonderland at bass pro shops and cabela's and getrh your free photo with santa. best pro shops and cabela's. >> rsv is out there for those 60 years and older protect rsv is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory its ing in people 60 years and older. rsv does not protect everyone to the v those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients, those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the 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nfl plus i guess like local and primetime games on my phone and i catch ever touchdown every sunday afternoon on nfl red zone. >> catch it all it starts screaming nfl plus today playing start at 699 a month. >> democrats not so great at governing, but fantastic at hoaxes. the hoaxesverning, fantast are d to distract you from how bad they are governing somethingbaei not going their way. boom. hoax. . rachel maddow is one of theagica most talented magicians they have. >> she remembensr, rode the russia hoax to a $20 million a year contract. >> only has to work mondays. >> where can i get that deal? one of her earliest hoaxes was when ohio wanted to ban abortions. if you could hear the baby'snn h heartbeat in the. she claimed ohio was mandating vaginal probes. >> so if you want to get contraception that you maybeyoui have had for your whole life in ohio, maybe it's a totally normal life of your existence as an adult woman in ohio. welcome to your mandatory vaginal probe at the insistence of the state, even just to keep your iud seriously? >> seriously? well, aoc seems to have plagiarized the maddow hoax th. esterday's hearing the congresswoman claimed that those of us who want to stop boysnt from going into girls locker rooms will soon be giving everyonelo b who goes into the locker room exams. >> we're seeing here in this guy's under the guise of not o only trying to further marginalize trans women and girlnls, we are talkingal about opening up all women and girll wos to examinations n they are under age. that's right.ntiall >> potentially just because someone can point to someoney and say, i don't think you're a girl. >>t someone brings it here to y eye. >> we can all witness the very moment ver a hoax gets its wing. but of course, congresswoman, letting peeping toms in theckerr girls locker rooms isn't perverted at all. >> anyone againsoot it is the, because they're going to have to make everyone undressth. >> no one actually knows who's a boy or a girl without seeing them completely naked. h >> tom, who's beenas at then at school since kindergarten and who's grown his hair out and wants to play field hockey varsity, has so scrambled our ability to see gender that we're just going to have to make everyone who wants to play a field hockey stripant we can check their beforeca naming our starters again. >> typical left-wing hooksical l accuseef you of what they'reguil guilty of guys invading girls locker roomsty aren't the . it's the people trying to stop it. >> jimmy fallon is a fox news contributor and cancel culture dictionary. oh, bang. well, show the book. get it over. get this book and out of the w. >> this is a home run. homer water. examinationuns mandated by the state at public schools. i did not see this hoax coming.i >> this is a good one for aoc.eo it's imaginative. and you understand you don't it'ss from her. >> this is a woman so dumb. she studied for a covid test. okay dum. o so to see her get out theres and make this play, which is what i'm soplh is by on the , is obviously the catering to people whose emotions are their facts. this stuff carries to stupid people intellectually lazypeople people who just want to feel like they're better than us. this works. wike they n usbut the ohio state senate st famously passed a bill lase t year, said, we're not obviously going to do this. we're going to require a birth certificat.we wilrthe if you wad sports. and that's why i'm a good guest. as you know, i'm a guy who has paid aot and not paid his rent from betting youth sports over here. >> i can talk to you., waters. >> so when you see someone trying to come>> whee some intos locker room and you can tell by the adam's apple and thedo yu deep baritone voice, that guy, do you think to yourself, wait k a second, maybe i don't know who a guy is any more. >> i'm going to have to make everyone get naked before coming into this. that'sev . tell >> that's the thing i wanted to tell aoc. there are so many other ways to to know. >> like as a former new york city cab driver, any time you pick up a woman who's like, you're cute. >> do you like surprises? cutyoi don't actually need to k the infrastructure to get to the bottom of this, right? >> like it's crocodile dundee. >> all right, aoc, great hoax. >> nice try. i think we can do better thanha. that. can't do better than cancel cultur e dictionary, though. >> big win for the american people where books are sold. thank you. check it out >> gavin newsom canceled.cel christmas. but why? eyes feeling dry, tired, stressed. >> get a boost of moisture with below true hydration. boost eyedrops for comfort throughout the day. they're preservative free, gentle and made with naturally inspired ingredients. stay bio true to your eyes a must in your medicine cabinet. cold coming on is the number one cold shortening brand highly recommended. people love scams, unique zinc formula insurance colds. >> zakim shorten that cold. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of 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persuasion. this is whatuasion. you tell a e about crossing the street so he doesn't get hit by a car.ine or >> send a blank check to ukraine or we'll have to send troops to di have to e in poland polan . and now here it is. if you don't buyd. a tesla , you'll die. >> fox has obtained a new internal memo from the democrats where they claimdo if republicans undo the electric car mandates countless deaths, then white hunter ditches fisker. and by ford raptor, it gets 14 miles to the gallon. e mi joe biden doesn't even have ane electric car. an egot a corvette to wear. >> keeps the classified documents. >> so we're moments away from92d the 92nd annual california state capitol tree lighting. >> there's a slight breeze in the air. transsexual nutcrackerbreeze ise in the state capitol building and a black disabled santa everywhere. or at least that's what it would have been like this year in california. but something is this holiday season. >> gavin newsom doesn't have sea his usual trademark christmas spirit. usual tradem has given up. >> there will be no in-persontrl christmas tree lighting ceremony in california. >>ig ifornia. why? well, because pro-palestinian protesters said they were goingn to protest the tree lightingg and gavin buckled. instead of hiring extra security to, you know, protect s the sacred christmas traditionac . >> newsom is hosting the event w online, saying he's going to zoom the tree lighting. >> now, we're being honest. from time, stunned by gavin'ins lack of gumption. since when do protestersio determinn.e how christmas is celebrated in this country? >> i mean, if any city is usedts to protesters, it's new york and what did we do when hundreds of palestinian protesters tried to disrupn t the rockefeller tree lighting last week? we stood our grount d and despie our odds, we successfully defended our christmas cheer. the tree stood tall. new yorkers celebrate it ristmas and the christmas lights, odd tourists from all over the world tourd. gavin can't say the same. in fact, bending the knee to palestinian protesterng thes >> huge sign of weakness. no of wet only is he locking sat claus up in the basement, he's showing the world that all it takes, d are a few p people chanting and some picket signs to intimidate chane him eh to just crawl back inside. how's newsome going to stand up to russia? >> how is he going to stand up to iran? if gavino to be president? pre he's going to have to dosi bettr . >> let's bring in former professional boxer david nino thdrigue bz as david. >> this does notis look tough to me. >> no, you know, you should. be callingyou sh him gavin the grinch, right? the grinch stole christmas. that'sole christ his new nicknan >> that's a nickname to me. i don't know why he's so afraiae of a few protesters. we have thousands of them crawling ovest r manhattan every day of the week. >> you know? yeah i mean, could you imagines? trump doing something like this? this would never happen. i don't see. you know, with newsom, i don't see a candidate for presidencyad . see a candidate for low testosterone. okay. that's what i ser low teste here. and him doing this on zoom is like an infomercial for low testosterone. all right. i have a doctor you can talk to. we can fix this problem. this is embarrassing and don't need of these people. >> yeah, kobe's over. >> what do we get? we're going to pretend like we need to keep our safe social distance from the palestinians. of course. i mean, gavin newsom wants go be president, and he's goin to hold a christmas tree lighting ceremony virtually because someone might show up and yell something. >> yeah, shows fear. it shows weakness. it shows weakness. itfirst and foremost. and i believe it's a jab at christianity. iflieve it's a you want to knows truth about this, this is a jab at christianity and it's a j jut show fear. i mean, this guy could never be a world leader. look can nevworl what he's doin. this is a to me, very much so. t part of the agenda, ifhe you wat to know the truth. tht newsom, the grinch, stole christmas. that's what i'm labelingat's wha is gavin the grinch. >> gavin the grinch. you wouldn't do this for kwanza.ouldn't a. oh, he would stand strong in the streets and celebrate kwanzaa. however they celebrate it. i don't know. no one knows. but this is not right. >> he's declared a war fi christmas and anybody who knows me, i'm goinggh to fight this to the bitter end. thve, than tthk you. >> you got it. thank you. so we're now buying art from monkeys streaming. now on fox nation, an all new episode of the groundbreaking series featuring exclusive interviews with the families who were robbed of millions. the whole thing was just unbelievable. felt betrayed. we were a dollar sign. the fall of the house of murdaugh. the missing millions. streaming now on fox nation and stream. the whole story. this wouldn't be written in hollywood because it's so unbelievable. you believe the killer is still out there. the fall of the 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times", puffprosecut e about sherman. shd. rs definitely worke >> let's do some cooler. le >> fox news contributor and author nuff said a new book and i what you said books are. >> tyrus first all tyrus. the biden administration has has delayed banning menthols a lot of black americans smoke menthols and they don't want to anger the blackt want american voter before the election. do you. >> do i smoke menthols? no. no, i do not. no, i do not. and i feel like if this was the the rock that pushed the the straw that broke ths back.'ushed th no, no one plug for cameles a cigarettes at all. >> this is ridiculous. you're more of a camel guy. i'm neither. that is, most americans don't smoke anymore. if ii think if it was 1975, goig they might have a thing going on. >> is this smart politics? because they say 85% of black people are black smokers. smoke, menthol and blacs yeah. you know, this is that stuffreo. that they it's like a stereotype. ay you know, they're also going to say they can't, you know, preempt an nba basketball game because we'd be in uproar. i would riot like this is ridiculous. it's like white people, like mayonnaise an. yeah, that's like the same thing, actually. you can't have a tuna fish sandwich without it. oh, i'm offended. >> are you white? my mother was. oh, wait, you're biracia youave is that a thing? i had no idea.? but no it's not. >> i'm. i'm black. but. but my. my birthing person who. grew >> who grew me was white. whi you're like obama. yeahte, that. >> and you have nothing else in common. you have a lot of things in common. >> you want obama? yeah, sure. we don't have enough>> we noug o both like fox news. that's right. love fox news. all right, we've lws another tha chimps are now painting and it's making them a lot of money. >> some of these works of ar ofs go for as much as $10,000 at art basel. >> would you pay $10,000 for monkey art? listen, if it was a choice between 200, barton 100. biden's noah's ark biden's or cs ark, we might have a conversation, but this co.this is ridiculou s. mon >> they're making a lot of money. really? really. ally?they're making a lot of mo. no, their handlers are making a lot money. >> tyrus, i stand corrected. i miyou. >> i've never said that on the show. no, nor should you. i misspokepoke. . >> the chimps are not making money. they are. you know. what are they? it's thee, it' zookeepers.s the zos. all right. how old is too oldok ? a bachelor party, tyrus? because i only asked this question because my produceri o who happens to be the same one who rides a scooter with a helmet a, he took off. not one, not two, but three days of work to go to a to go bachelor party. he's in his thirties. and th.e third day of workwa he took off was the recovery day. >> wow. okaye re first of all, the ages varies depending on how many seconds afteon howr you're marr. >> because once you're married. bachelor parties, it's not his bachelor party. >> it doesn't mean you can't go to any more. if you were in a if you haves bd steady relationship, you can't go. oh, i see what you mean. you know what i'm saying? th today you're not married. >> you can't go.part bachelor party. bachelor party? no, noy. . >> do not seek that treasure you stay away from. okay, so because my female woul' producer is telling me she wouldn't uphold that rule, she would let everybody. >> okay, that is a bear trap.trp it's a. huge bear trap. >> it's set. i'll use my book for that in the book. oh, sure, honey. forhoney, you can go. >> oh, i see. and as you walk out the door, i can't believe you. how could you just set up? it's a setup. it's got to beit's a s smart.e. when you get home from vegas, you're not getting there. your cell phone'one is rs ringie >> as soon as you get in the uber. please don't call us during bachelor partiese don't . that l >> no. can we have that rule? no. no phone calls you get to. they're going to call. call. they're going to call. we're not going to answer it. okay, sure we are yes, sure. >> yeah. guys, i got to take this. you misspoke again. >>oke agai one shows. >> i might be out of a job. tyrus, thank you so. the safest place for you is at your job. fair. so bachelor parties, we'reabout going to have a lot of texts about this because i'm not so sure tyrus is right about this.ght be tyrus might be. >> let's just say he might have ptsd from a bachelor party that he wentba or wasn't allowed to go to. >> he might be projecting. i want to hear what the ladiesin think. i want to hear what the guys think. so tomorrow night, we're goinggw to hear from america about bachelor party code wille. acheo not really bachelorette party. we don't care what you guys dore . >> ohould r shouldwe we? mpshir >> dave from pelham,e. new hampshire jesse dictator's dictf. rememb jo don't you remember whener kim jong un shot angn 18 for 18 holes? >> very ry goodan from california. >> i've never voted fo ri have a dictator before. >> first time for everything. well, i guess you could i gun, and thenticia they just don't leave. think it's happened before? i think mike from rochester, new york biden should tap aoc to become. aoc >> are god. >> he shouldn't tap anybody for anything. stuart from bel air, california. stewart fromh, how sophisticaten going to celebrate christmas is gh laundry?we are >> we're going to have the footage of the virtual christmas tree lighting tomorrow night on the show. >> so definitely watchght on. >> nancy from santa rosa, r california. newsom needs to growosa,le some jingle bells. >> man, that gets called him low ti . t think >> i don't think anybody has called newsom low t before. we don'tdnewsom to get into. >> why? stuart from bel air again. b bel air bachelor partiesties are are for the married guys, not the bachelor. there you go. i'm waters. this is my watte

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Christmas Traditionac ,Gavin Newsom Wants Go Be President ,Event ,New York ,Protestersio Determinn E ,Gavin Ins ,Gumption ,Black ,Disrupn T The Rockefeller Tree Lighting ,Palestinian ,Cheer ,Grount D ,Christmas Lights ,New Yorkers ,Odds ,Despie ,Sat Claus Up In The Basement ,Weakness ,No ,Same ,Fact ,Sign ,Tourists ,All Over The World Tourd ,Knee ,Palestinian Protesterng ,World ,Pre ,Him ,Signs ,Gavino ,Picket ,It Takes ,Dosi Bettr ,Iran ,Him Gavin ,Callingyou ,Boxer ,Notis ,David ,David Nino Thdrigue Bz ,Nicknan ,Nickname ,That Sole ,Grinch Stole Christmas ,Testosterone ,Candidate ,Teste ,Presidencyad ,Zoom ,Infomercial ,I Don T ,Problem ,Doctor ,Distance ,Kobe S Over ,Jab ,Goin ,Yell ,Itfirst ,Christianity ,Truth ,Ifhe You Wat ,Iflieve It ,World Leader ,Agenda ,Nevworl ,He S Doin ,Aj Jut Show Fear ,Grinch ,Tht Newsom ,Wha ,Stole Christmas ,Labelingat ,Kwanza Ouldn T A Oh ,War Fi Christmas ,Bitter End ,Goinggh ,Thve ,Monkeys ,Episode ,House ,Stream ,Dollar Sign ,Interviews ,Series 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