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the been to day everybodyy. at school dance. >> you know, when n i wasth in college back in the day, we had something calledda mouse courses. these were classes you took thesn easywere sure to get in easy degrees deemed mickey mouse courses were things like golf management, media or cultural studies. and of coursee intro to fox and friends. re even today there are courses on tree climbing. harry potter, taylor but. the biggest mickey mouse major of them all genderouse studies according to yale daily news, over 90% of women in gender studies majors at the ivy school receive a grades. is yeah, and apparently 80% of your grade is based on how much you hate your parents much >> and the only way to fail is by saying a woman has a . meanwhile, students who major in science, technology, engineering, mathematics major, they receive the fewest a's. think about that the next time th n over a bridgeur in your car. kind of redundan ct, but it's what we already knew. >> the more useful your skills are to society.e more u, the too is to succeed in your field. but being useles s is and easy rewarding. >> don't i know itan? i was an english major and all i learned was who smelt it dealt it. shakespeare. othello. but as our society hasespeare, y to enable students stupid ideas, now we're getting more o ed f them. it's cause and effect. we've incentivized faulty s. nking and it' just look outside. these mindless and unstable protestsst look are in full bl. because you if you adopt the latest trend, you are rewarded and the reward is mental instability. so who's behind all this? well, according to new research ,liberal parents are the least likely to adopt parenting practicee s linked to adolescent mental health. and they're also least likely a to effectively discipline their kids. meanwhile, conservative parentls do the opposite. in other words, tough love works. whetheposite. r it's parentsscipli disciplining children or ignoring catt when she's cryinng ,now could be the brats but it starts with parents. >> tell their kids, hey, we're your friends. because friends care more about being liked that being respecteg d. th is and so what you end up with isle a coddled kid who expects every whimd kiexpect to be satisfied,h then gives bored, rudderless students way to claim they're oppressed and important. and boy, do they. today, many young people arepl embracing identity over individualism. e ar their instead of leading, i according to the oregon department of education the number of students who've decided they're non-binary has jumped dec almost 57% fromst 57% the previous year. this f a state that used to know how to identify a . i don' i don't get it. >> so why are all these people making this claim all of a sudden? it can't b thise as simplee as as wanting to use both the men's and the ladies room depending on the lin e. but how did they all arrivey al at this new realization about themselves at the exact same time to reject millions wh years of evolutio time?n? >> i mean, while you're at it, why not declare yourself free from the laws of gravity and floalf fret everywhere? well, it's evidence of a social and psychology?, legallouris contagion. all those things flourish among the impressionable and the weak. now, kids are already that way. their brainst way. or as formles as joy bejar and momo. >> but perhaps the liberal style of parenting made them even weaker, unable to developoe their own self and demanding othersvethei to accept a manufad one. they just choose a costume. it's likthustom.e thousands of u suddenly deciding they're batman, but fattersa kid and without the cool costumes. and if you question it, you're questioning who they are. >> how dare you? even if it's just thoughhow darr one semester and you hope it's just that because thu doltu t iss is thing even m, the delusion could be irreversible. you end up with the worse sion t scenario castrating a child because of gender dysphori a, which is nuts. >> no pun intended. to a new >> according to a new study, gender dysphoria is not a thing to be remedied with a scalpel, but a symptom of mental illnesms . now, this isn't some fringe research. it's from the journal of european psychiatry r. ropeas published by cambridge university press. researchery s looked at more than 3000 people over a 20 year period who sought help gender dysphoria. and they concluded that psychiatric needsnder dys s persist regardless of medical gender reassignment, which undermines all those arguments we hear for transitioning. ar you know, by standing in thew way of surgery that's going to lead to suicide. you're putting childreilon at risk. >> so we must take a child's self-diagnosis seriously, perform irreversible surgery to sterilize him. to thiis serio ands decrease thd risk of suicide. d hebut same lead author of that study also found that gender transition treatment wasn't linked to a lower suicide rate . so it makes you wonder what happened to first, do no harmfirst do. >> now, can you really blame these kids? this is what they're being taught at schools whs in cultur this is the adults in their lives, the people they've been told to trust have abdicated tru their roles as teachers and parents. and fost hadvocater adults.r it's also for attention as well. for the likes, forl m whatever makes them happy. the best part is nobody can prove they're wron nobodg. gs and it's all based on feelings, and there's no way to disprove a feeling. it's completelther no way unsci, but anybody who contradicts them is a transphobean. it's kind of ironic. they claim that gender and race gends. definea tr but if you disagree, you're the bigot. look, every kid feels like ann s outsider sometimes. >> but until nowid, our societym didn't seek to make it permanent. soak it's up to everyone parents, teachers, doctors, and anyone with a working, brain to incentivize faulty thinking, stop rewarding the latest dumb trends give people young people treatments. actually works when they need help. he, get rid's saked of gender studies as a major. let us work it out, shall we?he okay. her skills with the press but lives in distress outnumbered kayleigh mcenany. the only thing this hungerthe collons is that crowd. comedian adam hunter custodian's often mistaken for a mop. cust of mistnew times best sellr contributor had to add. he trims his beard with a riding mower. "new york times" best selling author, comedian and former nwa auth gary kelly. >> welcome to the show. you look fantastic in leather. and i can say that knowing h.r. is watching. i dareising., i dare you.e to >> did you ever have to take a gender studies coursake e? >> no.o. i paused because it was woven intoi all of the international relations courses you think you'd be learning about, like how to avertlationscourses.u lee in israel and ukraine. >> but that stuff was all over then. yeah. so insteadnd of learningand peac about war and peace, you learn about pronouns and where to be. >> i am old enough to where that wasn't a part of this. >> so there's this thing. >> i don't know if you have this new term social contagion . right. social contagion. so there's this explosio n of dysphoria and nonbinary kids 4,000% explosion,he the state of new jersey and coms comes after, what, the last at three years. you have corporationthrees pushg this. you have blue states pushing this. you have hollywood blew state' g this. and then social contagion takes fire. and then sea sudden, everyon is nonbinary. but what really got to mes in oregon, kindergartners identifying as non-binary. my four year old came down hom the stairs yesterday. we just got home. i go, go change i e, go change likehe a girl. >> by the way, i named her before this whole social just in case. >> yes, she's a girl.e very smartis>> very . very smart. i was at at the time i said, hey, go change it to something g comfortable. come ou she comes down in a mermaid outfit like half dressedtf ju like a keys july uniform, myt a dead of winter outfit. so my point is, she's supposedpo to know her genderse when she can't even dress appropriately for the weather. >> that is true. that i fors true. >> i remember the good old days when social contagion was chlamydi da. >> adam? yes. adam, you have kids? y ou havi do. yeah. are you worried at all? i mean, you know d , when i was a kid, he-man was a cartoon, and now it's a gender pronoun. i mean, you're going to have to start having to genderomb an parties. you know, like one in the and one when you're ten. yed whens. but it is. i mean, my my daughter asked me. she's like can boys get pregnant? and i'm like, no, unless you watch cnsaid no n. but. >> but i think it is howk you know, as far as disciplininasg of the kid like, it is hard. it really is hard. like we decide we're not going to our baby g . her. we're going to taser. that's good. goo d.but i do think parents needg s to be tougher. yeah, i think it will be a gender. tougher.r course. i did but i'm happy those people are getting a's because they're going to get five stars at uber and it would it be if men could get pregnant because now it's like people aren't going to be sure iw t sure if it belly or a baby bump that cat. , >> do you think is it fair to blame liberal parentss it fa. i mean, it feels like these kids are becoming more andre more willing to become followers or followingling a trh than they ever have before. is that because of their ise of thes? e that's a loaded question. well , as a childless 35-year-old woman who lives in a big city, who also doesn't even have a friendls, has kids, i don't have kids because i don't want decide how toe kids raise kids. >> and i'm so scared of doing it wrong. h in h >> so for me to weigh in hereer on that, i mean, like i know how you keep a child, like, alive, it no, it seems so there's so much that you cany on kill it so easily just on accident. no, it's true. it's true. if. you forget how many cracksny are on my phone screen. drink >> you know, you're going to like think what if it drinks poison on accidents poisaccide? something like that. so, i mean, i think it's just i'm not be like, well, yeah, well, as a child was a 35r-old year old woman. i think the way that you're raisinwoi singg your kids is wrong. a >> ilif the kids are alive, i'm impressed by you. yeahve, it's a good point. tires, however you are different. >>d you have a plethora of fans. well, yeah, i got cornucopia. basket? yes. you've got a benetton ad that'ss really impressive. . >> capallyke but, kat, don't worry., they're clever. you set little traps for them and they always find ways to get out of them. so i've been told of. well, this all goes back to the parenting, that friendship. i want to be your friend. yoi was not even on a first name basis with my mother ever. like i recently found out in, ws like, my thirties what her real first name was. i hai had no idea. so i was like, wow, if i have known that, i would have madei better jokes. but quietly on the insidwoulhav because you just didn't do that. but we we they can't havt.e botr ways, especially the really lis. ngliberal one the new munchausen is there's something wrong with my kid. yeah. and they want their children to mak wro e. child there's a reason why that's when a child commits a crime. they're not chargecod an adult because the first offense is what their chilnse is td. they're young. they not they don't really know what they're doing yet. soy know ware you can't hold te same accountability as you would an adult. but under their was yoy of, thinking you can and you should. and of course, if they're theirg little darling assaulted somebody at school and they were chargedhool and as an adul, they would be outraged and like, how could you do this? ohhow can you do t, well, they'h to decide whether they stand or wht. they p they're old enough to decide what's wrong. right. in termsdecide w assaulting peo. so you can't have it both ways. right. so and see that. >> oh, yeah. you hit them with that. yeah. they. nicely put. nicely puticely pu. >> you know, get that and outnumbered. no, i have seven pages of notes for you, greg. oh, all right. we shall move on. up next, biden's polls make them sweat, so they pretendt trump's a threatso. >> is it good if you'll be in the new york area and, like tickets to, see gutfeld. go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to joinse our studio audience. disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with far sicke r becauserinary they're places you'd rather be more secure t. >> it can cause serious sideeati effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal. ngl infectdehydration, urinary r yeast infections and low r. a rare life threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum coulan allerd of >> stop taking for a second. call your doctor right away. if you have symptoms. this infection. an allergic reaction or ketoacidosis. first thing. >> do you have too much body fat? 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(engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) beginning to end shop now at show allegiance .com hey girl. thank you hack say democracy is through if we elect trump part two and no one is more complaining than a scorned. liz the word's officially out a trump win will lead the worldr to world war three and spell doom for everybody. yeah, in case you haven't noticed, the trump apocalypse theme is kicked in, kicked the caba l into high gear as if someone above gave the bat signal to procee batd with thei. big mission and the mission to tell the media tech industriesion to and governmentt that all actions are permissible. after all, if you're fighting hitler are, nothing's off the te or on the table. never can remember how thatt goes. >> the atlantic magazine dedicated its entire upcomin gue to trump as evil, with 27 articles exploring what would f. pen i gazeb he wins. and no, it's not inflation. global meltdown to dissolving borderit's nobal, rampant streeh we already got thanks to their preferred choice. >> ballocks. come quiet. david frum writes of the dangert ahead and how trump will bring a more focused agenda of retaliation against his adversaries. anotheocused aa.r like minded td is journalism ready? and says trump could render itco irrelevant, but can something already irrelevant rendered's lk irrelevant? that's like limp bizkit up. sorry, brad. another writer says it'll be four more years where women would once again be targets. tell that to the women.he afghanistan, ukraine and israel. and then there's liz cheney,te r who says a vote for donald trump may mean it's the last electionay ever get to vote in a vote for donald trump may mean the last election that you ever get to vote in. and again, don't say that lightly. and it, i think, is heartbreaking that that's where we are. but people have to recognize that a vote for donald recogni trump ise a vote against the constitution. >> it's like a homely roseannean . >> but it's weird to see a cheney wreckless, you know,e. without shooting a guy in the face where it was nothing but love between liz andnk rachel. >> liz cheney. wow. thanks for being here. thank you. nice to meet you. really nicr bein nice to e meet you. >> is this is weird for you as it is for me? it's pretty weird. yeah s this a, it certainly is. >> the power of the fact that somebody who is where you are on the political spectrum and somebody who'whersi i am on the political spectrum are able to sacay this is a five alarm fire. >> a five alarm fire. where is jamaal bowman five whn you need him and he thinks fou only lost her primary by 37 points? so for more, we got a surprise. we're going live to liz cheney herself. welcome to the show, liz. great to seeto the see. how >> liz, how you doing there? you're you're you're you're really concerned?are real. trump i'm very >> i want to first sayerned. congratulations on being the number one late night show. i was so nervous leaving the house, i was like, should i wear show. lue blaz my blazer or should i wear my blue or blazer? >> and i'm concerned about trump. i said, raise the alarm. i say it's five alarms. you know, i saidi sa that, gregs because that's the most alarms y . i'm trying to sell a book. if i say you put it out with a fire extinguisher, nobody cares. i'm selling a book. it's oath and honor. pick it up wherever. >> buy your super boring books k . >> what do you do with all your free time? liz? i'll te i'll tell you what. you know what i've been doing. somebody put a lot of work, this book, and i've beenve reading it been . >> i mean, studying. i feel like if i've been just thinking a lot.te greg, if trump goes into that white house, he's not coming outhog out.. there's not going to be another election. that said, i don't know if election. biden's coming out of the white house either, but it's just for different reasoneither.s. >> he's not very good at exiting. >> like, i feel like if trump gets the presidency like a year in, he's goin a yeag to find biden in the basement walking wac. ainst a wall like an np you know what? i'm tired of you, liz. like jamie lynn. >> st.o i just noticed this. we go way back. yeah, but honestly, i, i hate to keep plugging the book for greg. >> it's 340 pages. it was0, it was ghostwritten by some of the guys that joe e bides with when he was on stage. >> nice. all right, i'm done go away. nice talking to you, greg uh, . adam, have you ever had a womanv hate you the way liz cheney hates trump? >> i. hmm. that's a tough one. but i have. i definitely have. y ha i mean, andy, has never looked better, but it's just crazy because, like, they're saying that trump is going to get back at his enemies. but that's exactly they're doing right now. you know, i mean, he might be ourhe might first president, elected from jail. yeah, which would be nuts his because all of his speeches would be like, sd be you have a collect call from inmates for two three. but yeah, i don't know. i mean, they're worried about. he's not even in there yet. yeah, i mean, biden's fighter, i mean, he's fighting dementia. >> on is a fh, but also and thef the articles said that he is the only adultis the room, which is biden's wet dream. >> yeah. you know. oh, ha ha ha. yo, i don't even know. i don't even know what that means. >> i have no idea what he could say after the show. t >> tyrus, isn't it obvious that everythings bein being orchestrated, it's like a bad signal? okay, now we dg? it'so it. >> you know what's funny is, sodent when he was the and he hadol ofh control of the military and could have called for martial law to figure this ma out and got everyone in nice uniforms and had tanks rollinceg in the air force flyig over. and he didn't do that. yeah but now that he's out, yeah, he's going to do it again. no do it. s that think what we've learned with president trump is that he is there he's like a fortuner teller for what they're going to do. exactly. so they're basically tellingwarn us what's going to happen. they're warning us what they're going to dg what tho if trump wins. we're not leaving. yeah. and this and we're going, we ton everybody in jail and never be able to vote again. because to be honest, if .ote oni could one more time ant was for president trump and then i never had to vote again, i hate thosmp ver had e lines anyways. so it's like i'm good with it because he would do his term and i'.o d be i'm out.needs yeah. this isn't a guy who needs to work. wos. ithat's what killto you know what? i get why he's doing it? because a principle so supportive for that. but again, all they're doing is tellingt. us whatust pu they're going to do. >> they just put trump in front of it. de yeah. so be aware that all of a sudden when it loses, theresomeh are then it will be something funny with the election. thening funny it will be all tr things going on. and just until we figure ithint we're just going to martial law up for a while. so beware of the fortune that they're telling get. >> it's exactly what they did in 2016. they went crazy putting on their little hats in thepussc street, rioting, rioting in d.c. do you remember? >> it's not exactly the same thing becaus exactly e. >> in 2016, liz cheney voted01 for trump and then 2020 she for voted for and then also she votede also with him more than 90% of the time. so, yeah, i think in some cases it could theoretically be heartwarming to see, you know, two people on opposite sidecally bes of th, i guess, like liz cheney and rachel maddow getting along. but it's less heartwarming when you realize the only way it's possible is if you have a common hatred. it's not it's not's as heartwarmin notg, but just hearing about the constitution aring abbeing important from a t >> yeah, i can't i can't do it. i yeah.eah. ka kelly, i've been talking to the man, and if he wins, you going to end up going back? >> oh, my goodness. what a question, greg. how dare you put me on the spot ? i loved working for him. he's a great guyi love and, a lb of fun to be around. but these people all driven li animus. >> liz cheney, i've got to run and potentially run third party to stop trump.joe bide joe biden tonight at a boston fundraiser said, i'm not sure if i'd running if trump weree not running. so his whole campaign is basedno on animus. and it just gives me déja vu to my cnn days, where i wa vs the one conservative with ten people yelling at me, where they would be like, if trump wins, this monster is going to personally win intoe your home, pull the little heaws one by one off your kitten. and that's what he's going to do to you. and then they marshal out the 24 contributors to ther atlantic to tell us why we can't vote for trump in this line. i just got to say it. they said he would be criminal chief and quote, for that matter, the vice president under trump could murderresident president in thel office and then immediately pardon herself. this is thce and immede they're, i love it, i love it. they all have severe hold on. >> so if i was vp, i could murder someone. apparentlyld. mr. trump, if you're looking, i'm in. all right. sa i like how you say animus. i thought you were saying.i animusth that works, too. yes, that works. all right. comings too.. they're cutting greenhouse gas except from the air out of kerry's . . >> israel is under the war against israel began s of precious children in this orphanage. bomb shelter. ess isra we're praying for god's help, praying to our vinamilk no, our father, our king, countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost, loved ones. thousands of rockets have isra to become in their own to become in their own homeland ouisraeli families are in crisi. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on of christians and jews is on the ground reachin all ages children, mothersit, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. survivors. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and thare worke hot m. that they so desperately need. >> our teams are working on the ground often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderlncredibly families who arg in bomb shelters. fellthis would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the the friends of the internationa of christians and jews to stand with our friends in. israel let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their intereste ue because we believe it's what god would have us donc. >> i simply can't stress enough the of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life saving difference. . it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan or visit our website. now to make your donation. >> i'm excited. announce that we're having our biggest christmas sale ever. you get our brand new six piece my tiles for only 2998 or rejuvenate your bed with a mypillow mattress topper as low as 9999. or how about mypillow bedsheets for as low as 2498. >> there's something for everyone. duvets, quilts down, comforters ,pillows, bolster pillows, and so much more. i know mypillow products make for the perfect christmas gifts ,so i'm going to extend my money back guarantee until march 1st, 2024. >> now is the time to go to my pillow .com or call the number on your screen. use the promo code and you'll receive free shipping on your entire order. that's right. not only will you get the best offers, mypillow bed sheets, toppers, my slippers, and so much more. >> but for a limited time, your entire order ships absolutely free. it's our biggest christmas sale ever. get all your shopping now while quantities last for some shopping for. but don't. the unexpected can happen to any of us. that's why? 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>> yes. yes.? what? why do you think that's the case? because i want it to be i mean, thisay is the best day. eric swalwell. yes, because, honestly, this the other thing we can unite around besides, you know, mayb ee stil hatred if we still have, like,l people , regardless of our o politics, we could realize that was funnyf oupolitics. >> yes. like, that was. this is th.this ie only anyone s seen from what was this summit? yes. like, all they do is they do they do summits all day, every day. >> right. the budget summits. a bunch of summi.but this is alm it. he should come out and do a press conference and admit it. >> yea ih, well, it would be soa much more popular if he said, listenid liste, i did. >> america, i swear to you, you'd be far more popular. yes. because he's talking about likpe some weird, like, control stuff. commie that he somehow humanizes all of that. >> you know, greta is going to have to upstage him now. she's going to have to have e tires. isn't the real story. it's not that he. but it it is that this doesn't happen more often. no. and the real story. can we pleas>> theeal store thaa please, for one second? because kerry didn't dseo. oh, you think he did not do it? think it's. run it back. how yo i will show you who did it.okay do not run it. i will.i coul okay. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. i've flown a private jet in d a meeting i could have done on zoom. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. th. when it goes to the three of the them, the guy with the glasses. look g at him. >> look at his bicycle. >> yeah, it's the guy with the glasses. oh, the. the old ma the n with the glasses. are you kidding? watch his body reaction. you can see the heart on hishesa back. you can see his back. watch his back. ck it. >> go. let it go. the i wish i had mad the. >> do you think maybe that was e the guy in the glasses on the grassy knoll? guyhe did look at it, but ago t was the gu y in the glasses. it's a second farter and carrying her. didn't knorry and w what to do. >> they just kept going. yeah. adam what's he look down like? oh, man. l ikit's guy. look, no one looks to the sideo and down like this. 't know. >> i don't know. it's hard to say. he did it. d tohe did have a face. adam? adam, where do you land? i thin k is his is so tight. i'm surprised. cold and come out. . but i could relate to this, actually, becausi e one time i . so loud, i woke my wife up and she was safe at home. yeah. oh, so, you know, if you want to set safety, that's usually, you know, i'm your hero. i don't know. there was a kid in my high school, the cop, as and put it in your face. >> yeah, whereas there was tha always that kid. yeah. it's amazing. it'szing up to be at the summit. >> yeah. ,man. i could talk for about . yo, kayla, you were in the white house press this jim acosta, a probably a rapiosta prod farter. >> luckily, i was far enough away not to smell hair. yeah, but what's>> in there? chatter about his. wasn't that a big unspoken?wasn it was all ready't. token they reddit forums. >> you're on reddit and i'm dead now. >> i've got to. to echo kate, i will say say yes because i want it to be. so i will echo her on that at. n all girls catholic school. we didn't do the like cup thing. so that's new to me. i will say cup. . >> but my problem with this and first of all, i think it is him, tyrus, because he looksa down and shame that is a look l of shame downward when he does it. >>d but my problem i'm a big fan of carl's. i wanted to be a cow when i grew up, when i wa cows.o be . they've been blaming the cows for far too long. like cr far to first it was the. burps are the problem, then the cow flatulence and like, no ,stop blaming the cowss. and their. how much does he contribute to climate change with the amount that he's passing in gas? that i passings my question. >> we've cows. he does it in his private jet. yeivate jes. ould b there you go. in his private life, we should be focusing on the carbon. but prinn th t and not the carbon footprint. >> china has nothing on those co2 emissions from, kerry. yeah, a lot of chatter about that. but print got chatter. well h, he didy he say he was an of wind power because they. oh, thank you. thank you. it's a little applause forp pa a tearuse.. >> oh, i love you.. all right. up nexupt for a snack and stay for the smack. we're a busy family of six and moving into a new house and empire made it really easy. they brought samples of our house, quality product and installation, our schedule. >> we're really happy that we got the whole upstairs carpeted. and it looks great, feels great, and we're happy with everything. so everything's come together really nice and we've gotten a lot of compliments from our friends and family, and the house really feels like home now. >> eight hundred 98 to 300 and five today. >> how about that first half? 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>> you know what? it's. it's. what's it sexist against sex restaurants? this isn't a restauranist agaito it's a front. no one goes there to eat. this is a place for sick, dirt y to get beat up by women. oh, what? the steaks. phenomenalup by wo like.. but, you know.did did you see anyone sitting at a table? were it was an alley, you know, he was just standing there and they got in lines to smack hianding te onlym up. >> the only thing on the menu is safe words that look that is really beating them off. i mean, beating them up is a mistake. it's a mistake, i admit. >> yeah. that restaurant's next door. ye is. >> kelly, do you think that the appeal lies in the fact that it's a trend and people just love trends? >> they want to be part of the trend? i mean, so i mentioned i had nos seven pages of notes, this or my notes for this topici don' question mark, because i don't understand this and my only one talking point was this is sexist because it's only womes sexist becn we did not cos on outnumbered. so i'm woefully unprepared and do not understand the story. yeah. if it was a restaurant wheredo y men were beating women, i don't think we'd be doing this segment. i will say that the one thing i will say is at least it's not the customer beating up the waitress i that went over. my head. a waff i've never been to a waffle house. i can't say that enough. adamuse. would you ever go too to something like this? no. i mean, know, openness was a will smith. >> yeau know wh, but, i mean, it for $2. they'll slap you for $5 or kick you and actually called. >> hello, kitty. japanese. all right. so, i mean, it's just a lot you know, normally i go to taco bell where you hite they you hit you after you leave. >> yes. we but it is true. you have had many, many interesting evenings and nights after dining at taco bell. kat,nd night i. >> to start a restaurant, kat where customers can manage, just fee d me, right?wh why not just go the way you can pay for that privately? ou want. you really want to know, but i want it to be my restaurant. >> i, the thing is, this actually was a regular restaurant, and then it was in dangearr of closing.f clos and i just want to meet the person whose idea was. >> yeah, okay. like, hear me out instead of closing. how about? t instead, you can havehave o and waitresses slaurp you for $2 and then you can pick whichthats one. if you want to pick which razor slaps you, that's an extra dollar and $0.40. >> and everyone said yes, okay n . and then it worked. that is inspiring. you workedworked at market? yes, i do. do you think i never got to hate anyone? no i didn't. any >> do you have any regrets? about that? would it have been better if i go r if it to hit people? hit >> yeah. a lot of things would be, yeah ,well, i got really nothing else to say about this. >> so let's just linger awkwardly. i say in america, it's the customer hitting the waitress. >> yeah, right. so at least this is reverse in the waitresses get to take their revenge on the customers. >> yeatake theh. all right, well, it's japan. that's notapan america. >> that's all i got. up next, what's the going rate for an outstandinggoin date? >> i knew that the time is now. okay here we go. we're giving you fox nation's once a year sale. just in time for the holidays. get our lowest price of the year to start streaming our biggest shows. i'm rob lowe. and this is liberty or death. boston tea party with the biggest stars. perfect. just perfect. and your favorite fox personalities. start streaming fox nation today for just 1999, a year, our lowest price of the year for a limited time. >> only sign up today. hi, it's christina. again, i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bath remodel that you don't want to miss. >> you already know jacuzzi has been making water feel great more than 65 years. >> and now they're bringing you this special offer. we're waiving all installation costs and postponing all for one year. jacuzzi, bath remodel has a design you'll love at a price you can afford. and best of all, they can install it. and as little as one day with no stress and, no mess. are you ready to see your new shower? 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those are the averag you e person estimates that a good date shouldat a goo cost $196. >> thoughts? so the men think a good dates to 20. the women think a good date one. 70. which is ironic because everyone blames the woman. the woman needs the nice steakhouse i. blame. so not true. also, 37% say they will go on fewer dates next year because of the expense. so lowering of the birth rate. s >> thanks. joe biden. uh huh. there you go. that's not going on dates. >> lower the birth rate. well, yes, theoreticallyd, you you get married, you have a kid there steps. >> but you're so old fashioned ,adam. i don't even know. are you married? i am married. do you even know what people do on dates? i don't known . she wi my wife doesn't know either because she can yell at me. ohll, i get so mad. i mean, i just. i just hate you. i always liki just he the guy tt for the first time because you're the guy, and she's an escortheth. >> but. but it's hard. it's 100. 100. you w >> it's $100 a day. 96 bucks for the weed you're to smoke afterwards because, ilrwas >>u know, you can score. >> you know, i remember whenoung i was a young guy you could have 20 bucks in your pocket. you know, you get like four beers and a couple of shots and you'd be good cat. those were the days. now you got to fork out what the money. you know what i'm thinking is the hundred dollar bill, the new 20. under joe america. >> yes, it is. yes. thanks, joe. yeah. see, i don't>> i atually. i'm actually. okay. so i'm actually not impressed by material things. no, you're not. which isn't really me bragging, because people say.ich isn'e brs >> that's low maintenance. that makes me way higher maintenance because. >> you can't just buy me something if you want to impress me orimpres you wante to think that you care, you actually have to show me you care with your behavio mr. >> that .t su yeah. it's hardecks.r. >> that's a lot of work. e >> i'd rather just throw money>i at the problem. i'm well aware a. >> yeah, i would. what is that? you know, we throw money?at right here at tyrus. >> do you think this is first of all, this study is unfairhi becausgh?e they need to define what is a good date, because i think men, we have a much different definition of what a good date is. and it doesn't matter how much money we spend as long as the end isn't. >> happy ending. yeah. sog. where women don't thinkn do that way, no flowersn'. but.son wh and the reason why men say 200 is somewhere somehow in the magica soml of men's mind, we tk if we spend $200 of our hard earned money. mm. well, she owes earned m it to us. mm-hmm. and then it's a good date. dat so $196 is a good date. if96 she's giving you is a a $5 rebate. >> yeah. tell me, one fella who won on a date whose wife's not here on a date, spent over $200 and got a kiss on the cheek and on the way in. when the boy sawcheek? the next, how was the date? >> oh, it wae s wonderful. the meal was fabulous conversation. oh fabulous., i can't wait to se her again. >> or he'lor tl go bro on her b. >> way to hundred bucks. i can't get back to ours. talking about nsynbackc and everything else. >> like, really exciting, like, ant of guys just lie and they're like, or, yes, we do that too. but i'm talking about your close friend kings. >> i find some of the best dates free, right? you know, like when i chaperon at the prom, everyone pause for 7 seconds so we can edit that out. >> that, you know, i like doing that, you know, but it's not double down. >> go to a music museum is free. >> when is the last time>> you went to a museum? whestit's life here tonight. >> yeah, i think the last time i would do a museum, i was hiding there because then now they'd. no one would find me there whein . >> you go to the park? yeah. i mean, look, you can have a nice date like travi ta pas mt taylor swift dad and went to her concert. and. what are you talking to about? >> our publicist looked it up.p yeah? yeah, that's me. upi'm a delusional girl whosionl believes it's flowers and sunshine and roses g and. it should be under 200 bucks. yeah, he probably spent 200,000r bucks. >> let's be real. yeah. yeah. all right. well, i thinobably spek solved l that we solved nothing with this story. >> they just need to tell us what the definition of is a good date. >> yeah. all righ nition of a goodt. ..what >> don't go away. >> don't go away. we'll be right a advil. let's dive: in. >> but what about your back? 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i have no idea. >> but we like to we like to keep everything a mystery i'm sure they could just go to a website or just shout at a clour ond. all right. we're out of time. thank you. clearly, adam hunterthl.a., >> laura: good evening, i'm laura ingraham, this

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