and this reconciliation package. and all sorts of supercommittees and other gangs of six, seven, and eight, in between there. nobody s ever seen anything like this. and so there s an impulse out there to say look, stop trying to overanalyze kyrsten sinema, it s quite simple, she raises a ton of corporate money and she s doing the bidding of her corporate donors. no. that analytical framework doesn t work because so many other politicians who take so much corporate money aren t behaving this way. that s correct. you need more. you need more. that is a great point. i mean, and i ve been saying that to people also, like yes, clearly that s part of it and we should say that there s this leaked e-mail where no labels, the director of no labels praised her work for heroic efforts on the infrastructure bill. it is also the case i will note that when you don t talk to actual constituents, which she appears not to, then you do only hear from donors, which is really a problem. but even the
that republicans will perceive the smart ones with that in mind. the next step is this budget conference kmeept with house to and senate come together with the two budget proposals and they try to merge them. the heads of that effort paul ryan and patty murray. i want to have a budget agreement that works for the country. i want to have a budget agreement that gets this debt and deficit under control that does right by future generations and helps us grow this economy. we ll try to figure out if we can find an agreement to do that. our job in the next eight weeks is to find out what we can agree on. we ll look at everything in front us and know it s a challenge but we believe we can find common ground. it sounds good. hope springs eternal. maybe the difference between this group, the difference between this group and other previous supercommittees. one nobody is pretending there will be a grand bargain. they have trimmed the problem down to a more manageable size.
puff marsh mallow man? when you think about it, aren t all marriages kind of gay? i mean as a man when you get married what you are saying is i will never touch another woman as long as i live. now, let s put jewelry on each other and dance. not that it is any of my business, mr. gingrich but why are you waiting until tuesday to drop out of this. joust just do it. it is time to mitt or get off the pot. the president finally agreed to a spier pac which vice president biden was excited about until he found out it wasn t a piper box with all time types of chips. supercommittees are are to committees what supercuts is to cuts. time for the fun part of the evening. i would like everyone to look under your seats and you will find a copy of keith olbermann
puff marsh mallow man? when you think about it, aren t all marriages kind of gay? i mean as a man when you get married what you are saying is i will never touch another woman as long as i live. now, let s put jewelry on each other and dance. not that it is any of my business, mr. gingrich but why are you waiting until tuesday to drop out of this. joust just do it. it is time to mitt or get off the pot. the president finally agreed to a spier pac which vice president biden was excited about until he found out it wasn t a piper box with all time types of chips. supercommittees are are to committees what supercuts is to cuts. time for the fun part of the evening. i would like everyone to look under your seats and you will find a copy of keith olbermann
does anything serious get done? the goal is to get that done by the end of february and that will be another way of chris: the payroll tax cut. the payroll tax cut extension. another year of avoiding it would now you be nearly 30% cuts to medicare providing doctors and also an extension of the unemployment insurance that has gone on and on. chris: no deficit reduction or tax reform. no programs to get americans back to work. the only thing they anticipate being able to work on is the avoiding the phoney trigger from the supercommittees a failure that results to a lot of cuts that scares people in both party. even though you could fix it in the lame duck session they don t kick in until january 2013 they feel the pentagon has to begin its planning and that is the only immediate matter on their table for this year. chris: paul as a financial maven in our group here, that is a compliment. that is what we call a