does anything serious get done? >> the goal is to get that done by the end of february and that will be another way of -- >> chris: the payroll tax cut. >> the payroll tax cut extension. another year of avoiding -- it would now you be nearly 30% cuts to medicare providing doctors and also an extension of the unemployment insurance that has gone on and on. >> chris: no deficit reduction or tax reform. no programs to get americans back to work. >> the only thing they anticipate being able to work on is the avoiding the phoney trigger from the supercommittees a failure that results to a lot of cuts that scares people in both party. even though you could fix it in the lame duck session they don't kick in until january 2013 they feel the pentagon has to begin its planning and that is the only immediate matter on their table for this year. >> chris: paul as a financial maven in our group here, that is a compliment. that is what we call a

Related Keywords

Chris Wallace ,Way ,Anything ,Cuts ,Goal ,Payroll Tax Cut ,Payroll Tax Cut Extension ,The End ,30 ,Thing ,Us ,Programs ,Tax Reform ,Deficit Reduction ,Extension ,Unemployment Insurance ,Doctors ,People ,Lot ,It ,Results ,Party ,Trigger ,Supercommittees ,Failure ,Lame Duck Session ,Paul Ryan ,Pentagon ,Compliment ,Group ,Table ,Matter ,Maven ,2013 ,January 2013 ,

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