that republicans will perceive the smart ones with that in mind. the next step is this budget conference kmeept with house to and senate come together with the two budget proposals and they try to merge them. the heads of that effort paul ryan and patty murray. i want to have a budget agreement that works for the country. i want to have a budget agreement that gets this debt and deficit under control that does right by future generations and helps us grow this economy. we ll try to figure out if we can find an agreement to do that. our job in the next eight weeks is to find out what we can agree on. we ll look at everything in front us and know it s a challenge but we believe we can find common ground. it sounds good. hope springs eternal. maybe the difference between this group, the difference between this group and other previous supercommittees. one nobody is pretending there will be a grand bargain. they have trimmed the problem down to a more manageable size.