The incident took place at Raheja Navodaya residential society in Sector 92 on Monday. The police said the workers died of asphyxiation and a private company had the tender to clean the tank.
Earlier this month, a primary survey of 55 condominiums was done on the orders of the district administration. Of these, 23 were shortlisted for checks on cracks in plaster, plaster falling off the walls, and water seepage, among others.
The Department of Town and Country Planning (DTCP) in Gurugram has issued notices to developers, requesting them to submit building drawings of their projects to begin structural audits. The audit is aimed at assessing the integrity and stability of 23 high-rise residential societies within the region. The structural audit cost will be shared between the developers and RWAs.
The structural audit process of 23 highrise residential societies, which was to begin last week, got delayed as developers are yet to furnish building drawings, officials said.
New Delhi [India], March 17 (ANI/Mediawire): If you look at the appreciation and growth index of Delhi-NCR, you will be amazed to know that plot rates in most areas of Gurgaon have appreciated by over 1000 times in the last 30 years and over 2 times in the last 2 years.