The Delhi Police has issued a traffic advisory for commuters due to the closure of the Sarita Vihar flyover for repair work for 50 days. The flyover will be closed from June 7 to July 25, 2023. The following routes will be closed during the closure period, check roads to avoid. , Delhi News, Times Now
New Parliament Opening LIVE: PM Modi is scheduled to inaugurate the new four-storey Parliament building on May 28. The issue snowballed into a major controversy, with the opposition parties arguing "President Murmu (head of the state) and not PM Modi (head of the government), should perform the ceremoney
The five-day exhibition at the Yalahanka Air Force station complex on the outskirts of Bengaluru will see the participation of 809 defence companie s and delegates from 98 countries. aaa
The action of Delhi Traffic Police against the old vehicles plying on Delhi Roads is to ensure that no such vehicles are seen on roads and 80 teams have been organised to seize these automobiles.