But how hard has the journey been, and has amerIca really left the Race Issue behInd . James earljones, welcome to hardtalk. Welcome to our theatre. Well, thank you very much. The wyndhams. The wyndhams theatre, where you, for weeks, have been treadIng the boards In a pretty exactIng role In the Play DrIvIng mIss daIsy. A lovely role and a great pleasure to be In hIm. Well, Ijust Wonder whether It Is any harder these days to get up for all of the rehearsIng, all of the preparatIon, all of the gruellIng physIcal endurance you have to have for a daIly play . Everybody works, you know. Even the PrIme MInIster works, the presIdent works. Everybody works or plays eIther one and then sleeps. So thats all, thats all we do. And Its not hard to go to work wIth thIs play. Its really such a pleasure doIng It, and wIth Vanessa Redgrave and Boyd GaInes especIally. I just wonder If thIs play partIcularly resonates wIth you, because Its set In atlanta, In the south, durIng the era of segregatIon. And
Whether it is any harder these days to get up for all of the rehearsing, all of the preparation, all of the gruelling physical endurance you have to have for a daily play? everybody works, you know. Even the prime minister works, the president works. Everybody works, or plays either one and then sleeps. So that s all, that s all we do. And it s not hard to go to work with this play. It s really such a pleasure doing it, and with vanessa redgrave and boyd gaines especially. I just wonder if this play particularly resonates with you, because it s set in atlanta, in the south, during the era of segregation. And, of course, you were born and raised in your very earliest years in mississippi during the era of segregation. Does this particularly have meaning for you? mmhm. Yeah, i. . . I can say, honestly, i know a lot about it, and i wish others knew about it and that s partly why it s important to do plays like this. And, luckily, we have a play here. . . . . Which is not about polemics.
[music] i titled it the Promised Land because even though we may not get there in our lifetimes, even if we experience hardships and disappointmentsalong the way , i at least still have faith we can create a more perfect union, not a perfect unit but a moreperfect union. [music] good morning and welcome to a very special edition of Washington Post live. Im michelle noris, opinion columnist for washington pos and founding director of the race cd project and for this special conversation this morning i enjoyed by my dear friend elizabeth exander, poet, scholar and president of theandrew w mellon foundation. Good morning elizabeth. Good morning michelle, its wonderful to be together. It is wonderf to be together and together we both welcomed our guest for ts conversation, the 44th president of the United Statesbarack obama. I assume you recognize that guy there, good moing. Hey guys. The Washington Post brought outthe big guns for this. Are so excited to see you. I am very gratef that you
A running into various forms and finally burst. Shes very scary as she was in the. Shooting. People running and screaming. Hello welcome glad you joined us here on our international weve got lots for you busy couple of hours and day. Amounts all because ballots are now being cost all across the u. S. And arguably the most divisive president ial battle in the countrys modern history its the most expensive election of all time thats for sure and its happening in the midst of a pandemic thats claimed almost a quarter of a 1000000 american lives well these are the latest pictures from polling stations in 2 of the key swings. State wisconsin and North Carolina 4 years ago donald trump won both on taking wisconsin was considered a Tipping Point for the president that basically gave him a crucial need in the Electoral College count but things could be a bit different this time around with the polls pointing to like conviction for joe biden in the state. And a sign of growing anxiety businesse
I title this a Promised Land because even though we may not get there in our lifetimes even if we experience hardships and disappointments along the way, i at least still have faith we can create a more perfect, not a Perfect Union but a more Perfect Union. Good morning and welcome to a special edition of Washington Post lives. I michelle lewis, opinion columnist for the race card project and for the special conversation this morning im joined by my dear friend elizabeth alexander, poet, scholar and president of the Andrew W Mellon foundation. Good morning. Wonderful to be together. It is wonderful to be together and we both welcome our guest for the conversation. The 40 fourth president of the United States, barack obama. Assume you recognize the guy in the middle. Washington post brought out the big guns. We are excited to see you. Im grateful you took the time. This is a News Organization so we have to begin with a little news. Overnight we learned astrazeneca has joined two other D