We come to you live from the governor of the mansion in montgomery, alabama, wartime political candidate George Wallace. Elected governor of alabama and four times, George Wallace lived here for 20 of his life. Before we begin our conversation on George Wallace and his legacy and introduce you to our guest, here is a look at his political style. If you cannot decision at harvard between honesty and being over active, you should come down to alabama and we will show you some lot down there. Both National Parties in the last number of years have about down to every group of anarchists that have roamed the streets of San Francisco and los angeles. [applause] now they have created themselves a monster and the chickens are coming home to roost all over this country. I love you, too. I sure do. I thought you were a she. You are a he. In california, a group of anarchists laid down in front of his automobile. If you elect me president , if i come to arkansas it will be the last thing ever. We
The contenders. We come to you live from the governor of the mansion in montgomery, alabama, wartime political candidate George Wallace. Elected governor of alabama and four times, George Wallace lived here for 20 of his life. Before we begin our conversation on George Wallace and his legacy and introduce you to our guest, here is a look at his political style. If you cannot decision at harvard between honesty and being over active, you should come down to alabama and we will show you some lot down there. Both National Parties in the last number of years have about down to every group of anarchists that have roamed the streets of San Francisco and los angeles. [applause] now they have created themselves a monster and the chickens are coming home to roost all over this country. I love you, too. I sure do. I thought you were a she. You are a he. In california, a group of anarchists laid down in front of his automobile. If you elect me president , if i come to arkansas it will be the last
Exploring the human stories and constitutional dramas behind 12 Historic Supreme Court decisions. Number 7 59. Since row against weighed. Quite often, and very famous decisions, are ones that corked took that were quite unpopular. Let us go through a few cases that illustrate very dramatically and visually, what it means to live in a society of 310 million different people who helped stick together because they believed in the rule of law. Good evening and welcome to cspan and the National Constitution centers landmark cases. Tonight, we are going to be examining a 1944 war powers case of the Supreme Court. It is the story of korematsu v. United states. Aaa iaea detained through the course of the war. Mr. Korematsu said that was wrong. We have two people helping us learn the story. Peter irons is the civil rights attorney and editor of ten books including justice at war, the story of the japanese american internment cases. In the course of researching his book on this case, he found th
The speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 223, the nays are 194. The amendments en bloc are adopted. Without objection, a motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the question amendments en bloc number on amendments en bloc number 3 printed in house report 116459 offered by the gentlewoman from new york. The clerk will redesignate the amendments en bloc. The clerk en bloc number 3, consisting of amendments 74, 76, 15, 25, 36, 68, 101, 89, 90, 95, 96, 112, 120 and 124 printed in house report 116459 offered by mrs. Lowey of new york. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentlewoman from new york. Members will record their votes by electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial pu
The coronavirus has changed so many norms and patterns of gathering as family, community, and here in congress. Send out your spirit that those who find themselves at odds with their colleagues might continue the Productive Work that must be done and which does not draw contentious attention, and addresses well the issues which are pressing upon our nation. Lord, have mercy. Continue to bless the men and women who attend to those who are sick, the number continuing to grow throughout our country. Keep our Health Care Professionals safe and inspire those who labor to find treatments and cures for this dangerous virus. May all that is done be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 4a of House Resolution 967, the journal of the last days proceedings is approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from california, mr. Takano. Mr. Takano i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for whi