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Transcripts For SFGTV 20140430

understanding of this item was called for by supervisor wiener. thank you mr. chairman. just today, you may recall several months ago actually i think it was in neighborhood services and safety and we transferred it to budget, we held a hearing to review the overall budget of animal care and control as well as its staffing levels. animal care and control is one of our basic municipal functions. this agency is our safety net for animals in san francisco. the agency runs a shelter that does not pick and choose which animals it act accepts. accepts any animal that is brought that. this is a very important agency and we ve not done a great job making sure it s adequately staffed. we heard in detail a few months ago about the needs of the agency and its budget shord coming. there are not enough, for example, enforcement officers to go out in the field and deal with animal welfare issues. the shelter itself, for a period of time, chosed. i think one or two days a week becau


Transcripts For SFGTV 20140501

national animal control a association and we basically found the lit erature for guidelines on animal care are pretty robust. there are lots of add viesz about vice about how to take care of animals well. there weren t a lot of materials talking about workload and resources attached to it. how do you determine how many officers you need or how many shelter care attendents. and for cleaning within our own agency. we found that we provide about fine minutes or so, not up to the standard. then the other ult what we found is icc does a great job. they provide more services than most. they have better outcomes than most but that do so with fewer resources which indicates they re quite efficient. that said, based on what we found we think they should have additional resources to better perform. they are about a 4.8 million annual operating budget. this indicates the budget at fte has been very static at . if you look at the blue line that s their operating budget like supplies, con


Transcripts For SFGTV 20140504

specifics of the proposal. we reviewed the literature that was available for the standards and guidelines to basically determine what are the recommended levels of staffing for animal care and field services. what were smart, best or emerging practices in the field and from that we looked at a number of the major organizations, such as vets, national animal control a association and we basically found the lit erature for guidelines on animal care are pretty robust. there are lots of add viesz about vice about how to take care of animals well. there weren t a lot of materials talking about workload and resources attached to it. how do you determine how many officers you need or how many shelter care attendents. and for cleaning within our own agency. we found that we provide about fine minutes or so, not up to the standard. then the other ult what we found is icc does a great job. they provide more services than most. they have better outcomes than most but that do so with few


Transcripts For SFGTV 20140505

this item today. we serve san francisco residents with placement solutions and employers with hiring solutions. we strongly support ucss acquisition of block 33 and 5. and 35. we ve provided employment services and now through uewd. as general manager of mission hiring hall i ve had direct involvement in placing san francisco residents and i must say through ucsf and project managers i ve definitely witnessed their support of local hire and equal opportunity for san francisco residents. ucsf implemented the community outreach program back in 2011 where we ve led the collaboration and worked closely together with other cbo s in the southeast community to place san francisco residents. residents on mission bay hospital, mission hall, block 25a. through this process we ve connected with various employers and union halls to put people to work and establish relationships. it s not easy working with subtracts and union, but through this process it s been a pleasure. to date we ve r


Transcripts For SFGTV 20140505

and victims all the time. all the while they keep public safety foremost in minds. [inaudible] just like to remind you this really isn t just about animals. as is mentioned people who abuse animals often neglect and abuse spouses and children. not just the most heinous will save human lives too. please support this additional budget proposal for acc. thank you. thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors, my name is nancy stafford, i m . we support the increases for the acc budget, especially the vicious and dangerous dog court, a trend setting program that has proven to be an important asset to the community. i have personal experience with the court. i testified on behalf of a client. my client called me extremely worried because she had been summoned to court. i assured her that the hearing officer was fair and knowledgeable and her dog would not be taken away or arbitrarily youth ewe youth niezed. the incident appeared to be a misunderstanding and the two own


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