That does it for us, you can catch rachel maddows new special From Russia With Love this friday, 9 00 p. M. Eastern right here on msnbc. You want to see it. But for now, im signing off. For all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me. See you at The End of tomorrow. When Joe Biden first dropped out of the president ial race, the earliest signs we saw of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris, the first indications that she might change the fundamental dynamic of this race was this headline. Tens of thousands of black women mobilize to Support Kamala Harris. We were built for this moment. Black Women Rally around harris. When we vote, we make history. Black female Leaders Rally around Kamala Harris. The very same day that president biden announced he was withdrawing from the race, a group called win with black women held an Organizing Call that was quickly flooded with Support. 40,000 people logged on putting online meeting at capacity. While another
Much humanity, in a piece of sound you just played, you see the anguish on her face and you hear it in her voice. Yeah, again, like i said, she is very good in unscripted settings. I think it is pretty clear at this point, and so, i think it is great to see her in those settings. Thank you, my friend. So, when joe biden first dropped out of the presidential race, the earliest signs we saw of enthusiasm for kamala harris, the first indications that she might change the fundamental dynamics of this race were these headlines. Tens of thousands of black women mobilize to support kamala harris. We were built for this moment, black women rally around harris. When we vote, we make history. Black female leaders rally around kamala harris. Very same day that president biden announced he was withdrawing from the race, a group called women with black women held an organizing call that was quickly flooded with support. 40,000 people logged on, putting the online meeting at capacity. While another
I yes, It appears theres no arbate around my appeal. Happy wednesday, everyone. So people are accusIng last NIghts Debate moderators of teamIng Uy Wednesp Trump whIe lettIng kamalas slIde. Trueator, trump was constantly under attack by the moderators. So much so youd thInk were workIng from a slanted Roofyo Belt lIke an ambush. You knowd than, wIth Kamala Ande moderators jumpIng all over trump. I havent seenlIke three on one. That dIsturbIng sInce I was at that golden gIrls trump afterparty. I just watched It. Its what I lIke to do. Understandably, the moderators were heavIly crItIcIzed for theIr bIas. TheIr DavId MuIr seemed completely crmoved by the crItIquesbI. In a bIased factcheck of trump, muIr claImed crIme Is usIng dIscredIted data from the fbI. Wow. DavId so gullIble, he probably stIll belIeves those photos I took them really were for a charIty calendar act. Jokes on you. MeanwhIle, Kamala HarrIs referred to january sIx as the greatest attack on amerIcan democracy sInce the cI
[applause] [applause] greg: yes! yes. It appears there is no debate around my sex appeal. Happy wednesday, everyone. People are accusing last night s debate moderator of teaming up against trump while letting kamala slide. He was under so much attack you would thank the moderators were working from a slanted roof. It felt like an ambush with kamala and the moderators jumping on trump. I have not seen a three on one so disturbing since i was at the golden girls after party. I just watched. Out is what i like to do. Understandably, the moderators were heavily criticized for their bias, but they seemed completely unmoved by the critiques. In a biased fact check of trump mirror claimed that crime was down using discredited data from the fbi. David probably still believes that those pictures i took of him really work for a charity calendar. Jokes on you. Meanwhile, kamala harris referred to january 6 as the greatest attack on american democracy since the civil war. She said there s the day
Thank you all. Thank you, thank you so much perrys. Went to welcome it to this session on behalf of humanitys tennessee. Tennessee Arts Commission and a built University Thoughts my honor to host the conversation today between two nonfiction authors who have created what reads as fiction. These are non fiction novels. And i can tell you that by the end of them youll either be rooting for the heroes, hating the villains or weeping with relief that justice is finally been done. So let me introduce you to our authors for today. We have an Investigative Reporter with an author writing arguably about the birth of investigative reporting. So let me bring to the stage the author of citizen reporters, ss mcclure, ida tarbell, and the magazine that re grows america, stephanie bolton. And also joining us today chris hanvey who won a Pulitzer Prize for his reports for the New York Times on how some lawyers and doctors rigged the system to deny benefits to coalminer stricken with black lung diseas