The agency. Were not saying not give them positions. The positions, existing positions and in this case in specific positions that they are being requested which are vacant, can be filled from existing positions rather than creating new positions. Let me just continue my presentation. Lets have you finish first. So weve identified, supervisors, on page, the bottom of page 10 of our report, the last paragraph there where it says that hsa has a total of 157. 2. The department provided us with updated information and we now would revise that number to 152. 2, or 5 positions less than the 157. 2, and these are across the relevant classifications that were talking to today. On page well, i can go now to our recommendations. First of all our first recommendation on page 12 is to reduce this requested supplemental appropriation by 1349. 58, as i understand the department concurs with our recommendation. Thats recommendation no. 1. On recommendation no. 2, were recommending with respect to all of these positions that instead of a hire date of april 1st that it be may 1st. As i understand it, the department concurs with that recommendation. So it is the third recommendation that we have a disagreement on. And in that third recommendation, based on the new information provided by the department that there are 5 positions which we had previously identified as being vacant which are in fact filled positions, therefore we concur with the hsa on the need for those 5 positions so were withdrawing 5 positions from our recommendation. However, we continue to recommend a total reduction in the annualized positions by a total of 22 instead of 27, resulting in the reduction from 68 to 46 instead of 68 to 41. And we continue to recommend that those 22 positions be deleted. I might also add, supervisors, you are going to get a budget in a very short period of time and if the department can justify the need for those 22 positions at that time well take another look at it and report back to you. So those are our recommendations and we would be happy to respond to any questions. So, mr. Rose, i get no. 1, no. 2 ill get back to you, but i want to ask mr. Rourke about that. So you are not discussing about reducing 22 more. Is what you are saying is those positions, each one of those actually has equivalent fte slot that exists today that are not being filled . In some cases there are existing vacant positions and in other cases, supervisor, we find that the positions are not justified. Again, we made a budgetary review like we do during the annual budget and we saw that there was not a need based on workload for certain positions. We have a disagreement. And again i want to emphasize i understand this is state funds, but we look at it from the perspective of justification because its still taxpayers funds. Thank you, mr. Rose. Mr. Rourke, as you are up here, first of all i get pushing from april to may 1. At best well get this through early may now. We could probably push to june 1. Just on an honest realistic, you get funding today, really given the articulation, i get it, i get the frustration, how soon can you on board people . Many of the positions are actually the fte that appear as vacant, whats appearing as vacant is the Permanent Civil Service position, for example the 2905 Civil Service position was showing as vacant when in fact that position is filled by a temp person. Theres actually a body in the seat. What we hope to do is theyve already been trained, they are already doing the work, is transition that person into the Permanent Civil Service position. We have enumerated how many are filled with temps, how many have been txed into another position. Do you agree with that . Supervisor, we got detailed information yesterday show wag we identified as vacant, what they identified as vacant, and we reviewed all of that. It is true some are filled by temporary positions but that doesnt mean that you need a new fte in the annual salary ordinance to hire that temporary position. That temporary position could be filled with the vacant position they are currently filling. Im not mr. Rourke, how does that work, you have a temporary position, you want to move a person from a temporary position to a permanent position, do we still have room in our budget funding there to fill any other temporary position that could continue to arise . We dont have, if you go classification by classification, enough vacancies without adding new fte, enough vacancies to do that transition as miss campbell said. A lot of our positions have been txed to entirely different classifications. As you roll through the 7 or 8 more more different classifications. So you are going to see as you are moving some people from temps to. Into the new fte as authorized by the supplemental. So you will see. They go away. They go away. Can someone from the Controllers Office verify this is the process for temporary positions versus permanent positions . I think its a crux that we have here today. We have temporary positions that and we have permanent positions we want to create with the aso amendment and we have money for that. Once staff from a temporary position moves to a permanent position, that temporary position would no longer be around any more. Im concerned that were getting double counted here from the budget analyst, i want to verify whether were getting double counted or not, hoping you might be able to clarify how this process might work. Im lisa sandler with the Controllers Office. With this particular supplemental we have not looked yet at the portion mr. Rourke is speaking to about what positions are currently being filled by temp positions so i couldnt speak to that. I think your question was to process . How does it typically work . There are a lot of temps in the department. Mr. Rourke says the positions we will be creating could be filled by many of the temporary employees, so i want to make sure that as that process happens that a temporary employee is moving to a permanent position, that were going to see the temporary position go away where its not going to be placed in the budget where there will be a position in the aso and money in the aao, so can you confirm what actually happens . My understanding of the kai temporary positions work, theres funding in the budget for the temporary positions but i have to go back and look at how exactly the ftes are written. I dont want to tell you the wrong thing but i can get back to you about that. Mr. Rourke we fund the temp salaries through our Salary Budget. We have our 10 million in salary savings, that is where we fund the temp positions. The reason we have so many temps is to meet that workload demand. An example would be, pick a 2903 classification eligibility worker, if we dont have an existing list but we know we have bodies coming through the door that need to be classified for benefits, for those willing to take a temporary sixmonth job we will fill that position while we are con dupblting the exam. Its a way to meet our operational needs without having to go through the hr process mr. Rose spoke of. Im concerned we have this broad discretion within the department to have temps rise and fall but never quite go away and you have a way to manage your budget to have salary savings at year end or not and it seems, you know, the control should be a bit tighter than what they are. Well, i cant speak to the citywide control. The control for us is our Salary Budget and the control is also the temp positions are limited to 6 months so thats a good control for the dhr as well as for budgetary control. Mr. Rosen, when you look, you mentioned a number of positions you are recommending are based on lack of demand. Do you look at just the amount of ftes being used or do you also look at temp positions being used to fill certain parts of the demand as well. What we did is look at the workload justification for having a new position there. For instance, in harvey wants me to give an example. Basically in some of the units in our attachment we say there is insufficient workload justification. We look at what they currently have in temples of positions and how many cases they handle and maybe what some of the enhanced requirements are under the new legislation and determine if they really need additional bodies to do it. I understand that kind of analysis. When you look at the number of positions do you also look at the temp poeptions they have . What we are hearing is theres a ton of temp positions filling kind of back filling demand for services but the question is if you are only looking at ftes and equivocating and doing your math that way, were not looking at what the demand is because were also seeing what the parttime people are doing. If you say you have 10 positions to do 100 cases, whether those are filled with temp workers or permanent workers isnt the issue. If they say they need 15 people to work those cases, we are saying you havent shown why you need 5 extra bodies to do the work. If i can give an example, our supplemental request asks for two 9702 Employment Training specialists. We currently have budgeted 19. 15 fte we currently have filled 9, so you just look at those numbers and say theres 10 vacant positions, why are you asking for two more . Then you go across we have 17 temp exempt 9702 positions, so results in an adjusted count of negative 8. Its difficult to get this data and we shared it with them a few days ago but thats what were looking at sort of were budgeted for 19, we have 9 permanent but were being filled by temps so really the vacancy number is artificial. I think we can simplify this quite a bit. We had two different arguments. One is the one we just explained to you, we looked at workload, whether its being filled by permanent or temporary. Taken unfilled position and assign it to that task. That was the other side of our recommendation. When they gave us new information yesterday we in fact looked at five of those positions and we said youre right, those sht really vacant, you really do need the additional bodies, you need the additional positions. Those were in cal fresh and we have a revised recommendation today so we took that information and revised our recommendations so we think our recommendations are pretty sound at this point. So if i could just ask a little bit of a different line of questioning, so understand all the comments about these are taxpayer dollars, they are taxpayer dollars and i fully agree with that. As a city we have to look at things maybe a little different lens at times. Some your comment about this is all state and federal funded Going Forward starting in theory with july 1, i mean is it the case that not only the positions you are looking to fill to meet demand, i guess the argument would be its better to have state dollars fill it than general fund dollars, but no. 2 the future if you dont pull down from the state when they literally offer it to you, is it your experience in the past that that hampers future allocations . I absolutely understand both sides of the argument about its all taxpayer dollars and it all affects us and it does but i think sometimes as a city we have to make choices. Its like the central subway money, some people would say thats a lot of money but if you are going to pull 80 percent of the money from federal sources its not like if we didnt pull it, the federal government would give the money back to the taxpayers, they would spend it and give it to another city. Were not going to put it back in peoples pockets, its going to go somewhere else. Thats exactly right. As it happens it will go to another county, a county that can demonstrate it has spent the money and it has the need for additional funds. Many counties, including ours, overspend our allocation. We may get 10 million for a certain program, medical is a good example, we may spend 12 million and its a Public Policy decision that we negotiate at the board and the board and the mayor say, yeah, well, its worth an additional 2 million in county funds to support medical. What obviously is the Legislature Approves the budget, the entire appropriation goes to social services who then decides how to apportion it among 56 counties. They look at fte, that all goes into their calculation and they say, okay, San Francisco, you get x for example the cal works program, the 278 million additional dollars, lets look at their Historical Program on cal works, wow, they have a robust program, they spend a lot of their money just as an aside were not spending just to spend. Were not saying well we get it so lets figure out how to spend it. When we get the new mandates we roll it down to our program analysts, okay, what is it going to take you to meet this new client demand. We need a unit of workers, we need an analyst and we need a unit of clerks. We do an iterative process within the department. Its not as if the need isnt there and we are just spending it, the need is there and the reason i made the comment about state and federal because were fortunate, finally, we havent been the last 5 or 6 years, where we didnt get funding. Now they have the money to do it and they are providing it to counties. So if we dont spend it that means maybe contra costa gets more money. If we dont draw down the money from the state and we still have to meet a mandate. Thats right. Either we meet our mandates not as well or we dont meet our mandates or in the case of ihhs, which is a great example, we have a mandate to reassess every ihhs consumer once a year. We are reassessing 48 percent of our ihhs consumers every year because we dont have the case workers to do it. Theres a 31. 5 million allocation from the state, our recommendation is to reduce it by 134,000 for certain administrative costs. I believe the department agreed to that. The positions are not being funded by the 31. 5 million, they are being funded by salary savings in the budget. I know there will be a budget for 13foerb coming forward in which there will be a new appropriation at that time. Colleagues, any questions . Further discussion . Before we go to Public Comment, madam clerk, can we call item 2. Item no. 2 is an ordinance appropriating approximately 31. 5 million in order to support in home supportive services, cal works and other Program Expenditures in fiscal year 20132014. Madam clerk, why dont we move on to Public Comment . Anyone wish to comment on items 1 or 2 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor avalos, if you want to talk. I dont know what to say. I feel like were pretty far apart. I dont in any way want to hamstring the Human Services agency on Core Missions and clearly theres a need for ensuring that people can access the Many Services that are provided, cal fresh, medical, and income support as well as all the job training. But i feel like its pretty far apart between the recommendations from the budget analyst and the department. One idea im thinking is there a way to perhaps, you know, put money on reserve, on Budget Committee reserve, and get a report on actual hiring of new staff to implement these new programs and Service Integration and, you know, theres a part that we want to hire for the current fiscal year and the bulk are going tor hired for the next fiscal year maybe in the summer we can get a report on how things have gone for the current year and we can base release of funds on those remarks from trent rourke to clarify, just to get specific what that would entail would be approving a salary ordinance for this fiscal year, given we have such a short period of tie, i think putting it on reserve it would just be back in a few weeks but it would be i think next years the hsa position ordinance increasing that. Thats almost. So i have a mind. Sorry, theres another option to thin for a week to see if everyone can figure this out and ill throw that out theres a different option. We can do that too. Again, im sensitive to timing and implementing, im sorry mr. City attorney if i screwed up my explanation there of my thought process. Deputy City Attorney john gepner. I wanted to be sure i was understanding supervisor avalos comment. You can place funds on reserve. If you want to consider future aso amendments you can do that by continuing the item or as supervisor farrell says, approving the positions for this fiscal year, considering the position begin in next years aso which you will be considering. I just dont know how to land on the number of positions in the aso to move forward today, but we do have money that is from the state, we know its a certify night amount that would cover the services and the positions. So what i was thinking was approving some portion, if not all, of the positions and then put money on reserve and get a report from hsa then that we can release the funds for, to cover the positions. You know but i also, im concerned theres a wide disparity between what the budget Analysts Recommendations are and hr, a lot of positions that are before us. Supervisor, if i could, we actually in terms of putting funds on reserve, because we are using salary savings dollars, as miss campbell said, its not the appropriation that matters, its the aso amendment, its the actual Position Authority we are asking for the current year. And the reason were doing this now and not in the budget year, the budget process next month, if we get new fte in the budget we are not able to hire, there are point 75ft e6789, we are not able to hire until october, we hire in october, they get training, they are not drawing down until january or february. If we get authorization we are hire now or by mi june, get them trained and have them online by midsummer. Thats a 5 month difference. So irrespective of not drawing down the federal and state dollar for 5 months were not serving clients and thats the sense of the urgency for us is to get the authorization for those new positions. So im fine with the whole doing it now versus in budget season, given what you talked about. That makes imminent sense. I think where i feel uncomfortable, we dont come across very often where theres such a wide gap and to either fall on one side or arbitrarily land in the middle, which is never the right thing to do, again i think the discussion here about, you know, again, part of the discussion becomes do we need to do anything, aside from getting us individua