The affluent neighbourhood of Beacon Bay was brought to a standstill on Tuesday afternoon when a high-speed chase turned into a shootout and a collision near the onramp to the N2.The accident happened at high speed as private security guards chased a vehicle they believed was stolen from a farm in Mooiplaas.The fleeing vehicle smashed into a taxi, injuring 16 passengers.
Sinoyolo Nkilana, who lives with a bullet in his waist, is ready to study at the University of Fort Hare in Dikeni, thanks to education MEC Fundile Gade’s generosity.Ntabankulu-born Nkilana’s hopes of going to the university dwindled when his parents were unable to raise the registration fee of R3,500.
A father has taken his frustrations of struggling to get a truck company to pay for damages caused to his daughter’s vehicle to the Road Freight Association (RFA).
The Cavendish banana, which is eaten by 47 per cent of the human population worldwide, is under the attack by a fungus called Panama disease (Fusarium wilt) tropical race 4 (TR4).
Two nurses face fraud and corruption charges for allegedly faking the birth of twins at a provincial hospital to enable a relative to pocket the child support grant.