Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20161124 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20161124

one of the busiest travel days of the year has certainly lived up to its expectations. it seems as though everyone was trying to get somewhere this evening. aaa predicts this will be the busiest holiday for travel in nearly a decade but for millions traveling to see loved ones the final destination justify all that trouble. good evening and thanks for joining us i'm iain page. >> i'm dawn timmeney in for lu lucy. we have been watching travel headaches and delays all day long. let's get straight out to fox 29's chris o'connell at the philadelphia international airport, and chris, i know you tweeted some videos tonight. huge lines of people waiting for their rides. >> reporter: yeah, thank god we're on the opposite end when the limos coming on the other end where the arrival deck is now, packed full of people. we couldn't even get our truck down there. if you were one of those 48 million travelers this weekend, you are not alone. this could be a record breaking year. here at the airport, allotted of people coming in today on the roads as you see it was absolutely packed. a lot of people taking off work early, taking the day off. the rush hour was a very early rush hour tonight. 43 million americans are going to be hitting the roads driving more than 50 miles this holiday. we spoke with many travelers. they don't mind the backups. they don't mind the traffic as long as they are going home for the holiday weekend. that is what people are here to do. here at the airport, things are slowing down a little bit. some of those flights most of the later flights are now getting in but a very big point to talk of tonight. this is a very big night for college and high school reunions. a lot of drinking going on out there. local law enforcement kept telling us today tell your viewers to be careful. there's a big speed and dui enforcements out tonight by local law enforcement. so be aware if you're celebrating the holidays tonig tonight. but very busy in the air, very busy on the roads, guys. >> chris, thank you. on your radar tonight we got a forecast to be thankful for. kathy orr is here with your holiday forecast. >> that wicked wind that we had over the weekend, that lingered into the work week. >> yes. >> that is gone. right, dawn. you remember that. you can see in old city philadelphia looking pretty good out there and it's pretty busy as well as chris mentioned it's a big night for the kids home from college to reunite. take a look at ultimate doppler where we do have spotty showers in the poconos. some spotty snow showers. some of this not making it to the ground just yet but eventu eventually of course during the day tomorrow it will. when we wake up tomorrow morning for your thanksgiving, 28 in the poconos. 39 in philadelphia. 31 degrees in millville. 34 degrees in pottstown. so it will be a cool but seasonal start to the holiday. airport travel delays none along the east that's got news. once you get through the great lakes there were delays earlier. but all the precipitation is moving into canada at this point. so no issues in chicago. still 30 minute delay in minneapolis with lingering snow showers there. the rest of the country to the south and the west looks good late tonight. coming up, we'll take look at your seven day forecast. timing the rain for tomorrow. black friday forecast of course the day after and the weekend weather when everyone comes home back from the holidays. i'll see you later on in the broadcast. >> all right, kathy, thanks. you can stay prepared while you travel this holiday download our fox 29 news app. you can check out life radar images and get weather and news alerts sent right to your phone. the app is free and you can download it from the apple or google play stores. to a developing story you heard about first on fox 29. right now philadelphia police are trying to find whoever is behind a violent attack that happened inside a center city parking garage. investigators say a woman in her 20s was sexually assaulted. >> the attack put that victim in the hospital and fox 29's dave schratwieser is live at the scene in center city for us tonight. dave? >> reporter: iain, customers at this huge underground garage be 19 love park tell us tonight they were stunned by this incident. police say that the suspect used an unknown object to strike the victim in the head and then sexually assaulted her. crime scene investigators and detectives from the special victims union were called to this center city underground garage on thanksgiving eve after police say 27-year-old woman was brutally attacked and sexually assaulted here. >> i really don't understand how -- how this could happen it's underneath the courthouse. you figure it would be safe for people to come park here. >> i feel unprotected because there's never any police down there. >> reporter: violent assault took place just before noon on parking level three in this garage right across from city hall. the municipal services building and family court. the area was packed with holiday revelers enjoying the day before thanksgiving. the garage is located under love park and used primarily by city workers. laura's car was parked right at the crime scene. >> it does make me nervous a little bit. the fact it was on my car makes me extremely nervous. extremely scared. >> it concerns me now. >> reporter: we caught up with kia as she left the garage just after 6:00. she was startled by the news of the attack. she says the underground garage can be a scary place. >> when i do go down there and i see a lot of men, homeless men, um, they kind of stare at you. >> reporter: vick testimony was taken to jefferson hospital where she was interviewed by detectives. trying to get a good description of the suspect. back at the scene, police photographed the secluded corner where the assault took place. as they collected evidence customers worried about their safety. >> i walk as fast as possible. i do have other people that, um, i work with that sometimes walk with me. >> i hope they do catch the guy. i really do. >> reporter: tonight police tell us there are surveillance cameras near the skit but not in the actual garage. police also say tonight that the victim may have accompanied her attacker into the garage when things turned violent and he assaulted her then sexually assaulted her. dawn? >> all right, dave, thank you. two teenagers are recovering after shooting in east germantown. police say a 17-year-old boy was shot in the thigh and 18-year-old was shot in the shin. it happened along east chelten avenue after 8:00 tonight. two teenagers are in stable condition. so far though no one has been arrested. frustration tonight in overbrook for the grieving family who lost a little girl to a hit-and-run driver. >> they are pleading with anyone tonight if they know anything to come forward. >> stand up, speak up! >> police joined neighbors and friends of eight-year-old jay anna powell and marched through the streets tonight. someone hit her with her along lansdowne avenue last friday and kept going. she died ton night her heart broken mom remembered her young daughter at the spot she was hit not even week ago. >> she's loving, she's caring, anybody that met her fell in love with her. she was smart, intelligent. she wanted to be a lawyer. honor roll student. she was wonderful. >> today investigators released this picture of the car they say hit that little girl. they say it's a silver nissan maxima or altima. another family feeling the same pain tonight loved one killed by driver had didn't stop. 34-year-old john, what hit and killed around 11:00 last night along route 70 in toms river. police believe a vehicle like this one infinity x50 was the first car to hit. investigators say several other cars then hit him but those drivers did stop. he died from his injuries. the transition to the trump white house is moving along. tonight, in a recorded thanksgiving address donald trump called for unity. the video appears to have been taped at the same time as the video released earlier this week. meanwhile the president-elect has named his first two female nominees to his cabinet women who had unflattering things to say about donald trump during the campaign. billionaire from michigan betsy devoss nominated for education secretary she leads the american federation of children and supports charter schools and voucher programs. some couldn't verve tiffs criticized her claiming she supports common core education standards but she tweeted she does not. south carolina governor nikki haley his choice for un ambassador. she was an outspoken trump critic during the campaign as governor she has been praised how she handled the last month of charleston church shooting but has limited international experience. >> homelessness in the panhandling that sometimes comes with it have been part of center city for philadelphia as long as anyone can remember. several mayors have tried to find a solution to the problem largely without success. >> well now comes the new effort for mayor jim kenney ross administration. bruce gordon has the story. >> reporter: if you live or work in philadelphia, chances are you've seen evidence of homelessness and have been asked for been by a panhandler. >> people come across kind of ask you for money or whatever. some of them okay. some are not so okay. >> all these years i've been in the city sad. seems like there's more out of the here now. >> reporter: there are fewer homeless men and women on the streets. construction projects at love park, dilworth park, vine street rousted the homeless from their usual havens an over overlooking the construction at love park eva says she hears about it from the business community, civic groups and just plain folks. >> what were they saying to you. >> they just are seeing more visible the number of people homeless who appear to be homeless. people who appear to be panhandling and more aggressively. >> reporter: now a new partnership between the city and local businesses aims to make a bad situation better. providing moorhouseing options and job training for the homeless. pushing for alternatives to cash donations to panhandlers and moving those mass outdoor feedings indoors pairing them with other needed social services. >> when people eat a meal we want them to be able to sit down and enjoy the company of other people and not be standing up in a line. um, so -- >> reporter: human dignity. >> exactly. >> reporter: report when that new love park opens to the public do not expect a crack down to keep them out. >> we're not going to criminalize homelessness and that is never been our policy and it won't be our policy going forward. >> reporter: you're to the going to try to roust these folks if they decide the now love park is their home. >> no, we're not. >> reporter: it seems clear this newest like those in the past had require resources, money, to make the fix. that's where the business community comes in. will they put their dollars where their concerns are? we'll see. in philadelphia, i'm bruce gordon, fox 29 news. this little guy survived being shot 10 times and he's still managing to smile. he just got the star treatment at the sixers game and he has quite a story to tell. >> i'm going to tell them i watch your basketball game and i got this hat. >> love it. how this brave little boy just carried on an inspiring tradition. plus -- you haven't stopped smiling. why? >> i just so happy. >> thanksgiving of course is tomorrow but kids in one local neighborhood are already thankful that a local grandma just got the help she needs to keep feeding them. why we have you our viewers to thank. ♪ >> well-deserved show of support for a philadelphia a night's sixers game. the s-year-old honored for his bravery after surviving a shooting. he's fought back to get back to his normal. >> his courage makes him the perfect recipient for the strong kid award. shawnette wilson was there at tonight's game as had he was honored. i know you have a sweet spot for this little guy. >> reporter: dawn, you know i was going say you guys absolutely know i just adore this kid. he was so excited tonight that he could barely day seated in his wheelchair. his family says he was excited about this for quite sometime his mom says that he's been afraid to leave the house since he's been shot but tonight sixers gave him the courage to do it. >> the beaming face of a precious little boy still recovering after he was shot 10 times last august. tonight six-year-old ma hatch brown was all smiles as the guest of the sixers for their game against the grizzlies. >> i'm going to see the basketball game. >> reporter: staff ushered him on to the court during the pre-game he was honored with a strong kid of the game award alongside team mascot franklin. >> he also received a bag of goodies including a team hat he's proudly wearing. >> they let me hold the basketball. >> how fun was that? >> was it fun. >> i tuck a picture with the basketball. >> reporter: best he says his own personalized jersey. he was so excited to show me that he stood up from his wheelchair. >> his mom and grandmother say the award describes him perfectly. >> like last week he said i want to run. you got to walk first. he said i'm not getting back in that wheelchair. >> it means a lot to him. but like it means, like, the world to me because he be scared to come outside. anything that he be wanting to do outside of the house is a plus. it's a blessing. >> team officials say the strong kid of the game award started last season. he's the tenth to be recognized. >> smiling ear to ear and really looking forward to celebrating as a hero at tonight' game. >> he can't wait to tell his grass mates about his big night and he had a has a message for the sixers. >> go, 76ers! [ laughter ] >> reporter: and the strong kidder of the game award is given out to children who show that they've overcome obstacles or shown great determination and again he's the tenth child to receive this award. dawn, back to you. >> can't help but smile when you hear his story. thanks shawnette. two people are recovering tonight after a scaping an early morning fire at their north philadelphia home. the flames broke out in the 3,000 block of north swanson street in the fair hill neighborhood. the victims were taken to the hospital with minor burns. fire investigators say the fire started in a bedroom but no word on exactly what spark it. governor tom wolf getting some praise today from the philadelphia branch of the naacp for vetoing a controversial bill. lawmakers in the state house and senate approved house bill 1538 late last month. it would prevent public officials from releasing the names of officers who shot and killed a civilian for 30 days after the incident or once an investigation is completed. well today the naacp says governor wolf made the right decision in vetoing the legislation. they called the bill dangerous. the naacp along with many citizens we have respect and high regard for the life of law enforcement officers. we feel they are part of our community. they risk their lives daily for public safety, however, to begin a practice of keeping names secret from the citizens of our city, we feel is to build a secret police force. >> philadelphia's police union blasted the governor's veto saying it shows a quote callus disregard for the safety of officers in a spine less caving anti police hate groups. republican state representative martina white is vowing to reintroduce the bill. well local soldier has won the war against local together company. >> last night we told you about staff sergeant timothy kohler over the weekend his car was towed from a recruiting center near broad and cecil b. moore. sergeant kohler was parked in a space designated for the recruiting center but he said his car was towed any way. despite showing up then in uniform to pick up his car from impound he was still charged more than $200. sergeant kohler filed a claim against george smith together but today the operations manager met with kohler and refunded him the towing feature and court costs. fox 29 getting results. ♪ south philadelphia high school is showing its thanks for law enforcement ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. roman catholic high school held its annual blue mass of thanksgiving this morning. the school uses this event to show its appreciation for all first responders and the sacrifices they make to protect the public. the cooks in your family could be in a bit of a panic thanks to extra family in the house. our fox 29 crews caught locals on land minute dash at this west oak lane shop rite and the store has come up with creative way to use left overs. >> one of things that we sell as platter is our turkey, we take stuffing and we take cranberry sauce and put it on one of the king hawaiian rolls and it serves as a fabulous after thanksgiving meal. >> good luck with your dinner and thanks to shop right for having us in the store this busy morning. they are a fox 29 sponsor. seniors at one university were ready to cut loose and the theme of the party was party in the usa but school officials weren't feeling festive and made them change the theme. the controversy that spark next. >> great art can evoke emotion but you may fine it hard to grass grasp the death of emotion that means peace. how this art project is helping women recover from life and death battle. now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. get ready for the big parade tomorrow with shut down of a number of streets. ben franklin parkway, jfk boulevard that's where the parade and the big balloons will be blown up and start jfk boulevard up the parkway around the art museum circle also bring the closures of the kell and martin luther king drive from probably late tonight into all day tomorrow till the end of the parade. if you are going to be coming to the parade tomorrow, the best way to do it is mass transit both mark frankford and broad street subway adding extra special thanksgiving day servi service. have great evening and happy thanksgiving, everybody! ♪ (my hero zero by lemonheads) zero really can be a hero. get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. this black friday at the volkswagen sign then drive event. >> now your winning lottery numbers. ♪ tight security in place in new york city ahead of tomorrow's big thanksgiving day parade. police barricades are all set up outside macy's where performers will impress the crowd and countless others watching from home. earlier this month, threats did surface from isis militants calling for pebble to carry out attacks at the event. police and city officials are reassuring residents and visitors that they will be safe in manhattan during the famous parade that of course is a thanksgiving day tradition. loyal la university in maryland being crit sided for what some call an over reach by administrators. >> the school tried to get student government to change its america themed senior even the celebration was called "party in the usa" in least contentious election results administrators thought the party could end up dividing students and urged student government to change the name. but the student government says it chose the name long before the election and the party was held last week without incident. >> the theme was meant to bring everyone together and the fact that trump won the election i think kind of through them all off, and i think if hillary had won there wouldn't have been all this controversy surrounding it. >> in e-mail to students the university's president says the administration's response to the party theme was mischaracterized and says the school was respon responding to concerns that some students plan to use the theme to create an unwelcoming environment. two more turkeys will get to live out the rest of their days without being worried about becoming the main meal on someone's thanksgiving day tab table. president obama pardoned tater and his buddy to the today. his nephews filled in. tater and to the will now retire at a sanctuary at virginia tech. thanksgiving is tomorrow but kids in one local neighborhood are already thankful a local grandmother just got the help she needs to keep feeding them. why we have you our viewers to thank. >> and our kathy orr is tracking your thanksgiving forecast. >> oh yeah. we're watching the clouds rolling in with a few spotty sprinkles. more showers for your thanksgiving and looking ahead to the rest of the holiday weekend we'll take look at that seven day coming up. >> all right, kathy. here's a look what's coming up at 11:00. >> all right. we made the turduckin. how big sacrifice was it? how long did we have to stay up last night? was it worth it? all that coming up. ♪ there's new information tonight in a deadly schoolbus accident in tennessee. police say that a toxicology report now shows that the bus driver jonathan walker did not have drugs or alcohol in his system. walker is charged with vehicular homicide. a sixth child has now died in connection with that crash. investigators say walker was speeding around a narrow winding road when the bus crashed and wrapped around tree on monday in chattanooga. walker also left a designated bus route. happening now, the end to one of the busiest travel days of the year as we take a live look at the ben franklin bridge. looks pretty nice out there. >> look pretty. >> i'll be on that bridge in about an hour heading home. today lived up to expectations but long waits and tie ups for drivers around our area. >> the spirit of thanksgiving is a life and well in kensington neighborhood where some people doubted that anybody really even cared about them. we showed you their struggle one week ago. >> one feisty grandmom is fighting city hall. anybody else getting in the way of feeding her hungry children in community stricken by pover poverty, drugs and violence. >> joyce evans went back to report on good news all made possible by you our viewers. ♪ >> the generosity has been overwhelming. it's been wonderful. ♪ >> reporter: it keeps oncomin oncoming. >> coloring books, art supplies. fresh fruit. pastries, bread, every day. someone was calling, someone was knocking, neighbors were like a lady came on the block and dropped some things off. it was everybody. >> reporter: including a philadelphia police officer. not patrolling the neighborhood looking for folks up to no good. >> came with a whole trunkful of food and so he had gave us about three cases of these juice, all sorts of snacks. >> reporter: an officer pulled. >> pulled up on sunday morning. >> reporter: that's not all. >> that gofundme had been up a little over two years and we raised 4,000 and now there's 9,000 in there. >> reporter: can't touch any of that yet. but -- >> we're loaded with cheese sticks and everybody was great because they brought us a lot of dry goods. >> reporter: are you open for business again. >> we're open for business. we're open for business. >> reporter: no announcement necessary. miss montana nikau's door was open. >> you haven't stopped smiling. why? >> i just so happy. >> reporter: not the only one thrilled to be here. >> what do you like best about it? >> that she's here to watch us. >> reporter: the bad news came during our first visit to 3125 reach street. >> i actually don't have nothing to give them. >> reporter: is he was able to scrounge up just enough for the kids who came inside thinking that the summer meals program miss monica had run for the past two summers had been extended to go year round but now she's closed. >> yeah. >> you want her to open back up um-hmm. >> reporter: these little faces why monica refuses to take no from city hall harrisburg or washington, d.c. after she was denied usda funding for her project to feed hungry kids and provide a fun, save place for learning if only for couple of hours a day. >> we've been living in a depressed situation for so long on this block. but her kensington row house does not meet qualifications of the at risk after school meals program. the school year version of the summer program she just ran out of the same house. >> it shouldn't be as much of a fight, you know, in order to do something for your community now we have a foundation to get the things done that the city wants done so that we can qualify for usda. >> reporter: now she's open again. thanks to an outpouring of support from our viewers. miss monica can continue to fight through all of that red tape and her struggle to get the kids fed and off the streets. >> we want a little snack. so then it's time to come down to miss monica's place. we be so happy and it be really fun. >> she didn't give up. that encourage us not to give up. she's a blessing to the neighborhood. >> reporter: neighbor and parent has been volunteering here since the very beginning. >> let the spirit of christmas early around here, you know. >> reporter: per fact time to make tree other than nam. arts and crafts donated by generous fox 29 viewers. >> i tell you the city really proved that this is a city of brotherly love. joyce evans -- >> thank you! -- fox 29 news. ♪ >> thanks to you our viewers for helping out. neighbors have started a petition drive door to door and online to take the cost out of qualifying for public money if you want to help monica and her kids we've got some information for you on our website just head to well you you've seen the donation bins all over. where do all those toys end up? >> well, today we got a sneak peek inside a local toys for tots distribution center. volunteers are hard at work in horsham township sorting through thousands of donated toys. eventually end up in the hands of children in need this holiday season. the glenn glenside chapter of toys for tots spending its fir year in this new space along gentlemen balance they are road that space donate beside very generous local businessperson. >> he's willing to not take rent for gigantic spot like this where he can probably rent it because we have at least 90% rental occupancy in horsham for this kind of space. he was kind of enough to give us and donate toys for tots this space. it's a wonderful thing. >> the toys at this location will go to children in bucks and montgomery counties. last night the glenside chapter brought smiles to the faces of more than 12,000 boys and girls. this surveillance video starts off showing a scene you might see a lot of on television but then this armed rob bro takes a turn we did not expect. what happened when the business owner fought back and the fight spill out on to the street? >> it was a nightmare for these parents. one minute their son was playing with a balloon in their swimming pool the next minute he was unconscious under the water. what doctors say happened. what do we want our kids to learn? how to game a test... or test themselves in a game? how to master an exam... or examine a master? how to be robots... or build robots? the njea believes students deserve a well-rounded education- including arts, music, technology, and so much more. that's why we're working with parents and communities to reduce the emphasis on high stakes testing. because when you limit the tests, they can test the limits... of their potential. ♪ check out this heart stopping vitter yo at a venice california. a store simons market sharing this video with us. check it out. the guy in the hoodie walks up and pulse a gun on the clerk and demands money. owner said i having that wrestles the gunman out of the store. they struggle outside before this robber takes off. thank until physical no one was seriously hurt. police are still trying to track down that man. warning from a florida mom tonight her son nearly drowned after sucking helium from a balloon. >> the little boy is fine but this video may be difficult to watch. surveillance video shows 10-year-old little bill his name is josh he was sucking helium from a balloon while he was in the swimming pool much his mom was just feet away. he went under the water to sneak up behind his mom and talk in a high-pitched voice from the helium but never came back up for hour. he was under the water for two minutes much his mom had to jump in and save him. >> i mean she was hysterical she thought he was dead. >> i was sucking in helium. and that's it. >> scary. doctors told the family that a combination of suckin sucking se helium and holding his breath may have caused him to pass out. he's just fine after several days in the hospital. government is pushing for apps to be locked out on your phone while you're driving. the us department of transportation issued voluntary guidelines for makers of mobile devices. officials say drivers could still be able to make calls but the phones and automaker systems would lock out the annal to text or brows the internet while driving. navigation systems would still be okay to operate. feds say this could help reduce distracted driving crashes. well, domino's trying out a new way to deliver pizzas in japan film wait until you hear this. taking a page from santa's book they're using reindeer. we're not joking. michigan based chain is attemp attempting to train reindeer northern japan these photos show animal trains trying to balance a thermal pizza container on reindeer' back. yup. record-breaking snowfall is expected in that area. domino's is trying to think out of the box to get pizza delivered on time despite the snowy weather. great art provokes emotion but you may fine it hard to grasp the depth of emotion in these pieces. how this art project is helping women recover from a life and death battle. >> kathy orr is tracking your forecast. >> we have the clouds. a few sprinkles. more spotty showers during the day we're looking at a thanksgiving spotty shower sprinkle but what about the rest of the holiday weekend? and the temperatures. we'll take look at those with the seven day coming up. ♪ think of your fellow man. ♪ lend him a helping hand. ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪ ♪ take a good look around... ♪ ...and if you're lookin' down, ♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪ ♪put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart. (avo) the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety million dollars to help real people like these. >> wisconsin guy gets little surprise after hitting a deer. police officer responds to call yesterday after the man put the deer in the back of his pick up thinking it was dead. well video shows when the guy opens the hatch to show the officers the deer the deer jumps um and runs away. i guess it wasn't dead. it ran into the woods recent fused to give a statement. >> ha, ha. >> all of us know someone touched by cancer and there are different ways to cope. one woman is using art to ease the pain of recovering. she calls it bodies of courage. >> fox's linda has look at mesmerizing art projects getting national attention. >> reporter: with each brush of her fingers. >> i think you just go with what you're thinking report roar visionary lease shoulder gets one step closer to her goal. >> i went to school for business and marketing. but her goal is neither money nor material things. it's..., she finds it by painting pain away. not her oh pain the pain felt both literally and physically by her canvass. >> i'm having pain. >> oh, no. >> sises the side i had the surgery on. >> right there. >> today leslie henry breast cancer survivor is lisa's live work of art. >> i need to cover my scars. i think that is the most important thing to me today. >> they've been prodded and poked and, you know, so this is a chance to be, you know, to be free of that and you're not prodding and poke you're just car revved and made colorful. >> reporter: lisa and faces of courage founder peggy sherri started the bodies of courage project six years ago. they're little art project grew wings and took flight. today they've painted over 40 breast caps sorry survivors. ♪ >> reporter: each survivor has her own story did you depicted in her own unique pictures stories of shock, disbelief, fear. disfiguring surgeries, harsh medical treatments, long recovery times. >> i saw the pictures and i said wow i want to do that. >> reporter: lisa spends six to 10 hours painting and photographing the women. it's a day that transforms more than the cancer patient's scars. >> good job. >> reporter: it makes over their minds each stroke strengthening the survivor's self image. >> you got a smile on your face. >> it's fun. >> what is the general reaction when they see you. >> they want to run out naked. >> reporter: because they feel that good? >> yeah. >> reporter: if you've gone through something traumatic and you want to celebrate life and yourself i think it's a good thing to do. >> reporter: pictures put into a calendar. each image anonymous. >> i like to do close ups. you can't tell what you're looking at. >> reporter: only the are a at this time and her model knows the real story and the real reason behind each photo. >> empowering and making me feel more beautiful. >> reporter: but together the images form a powerful message. >> i think a beautiful person is having empathy for others and understanding what they wept through, and just helping them to embrace life, enjoy live. ♪ >> sadly many of the parents pants in the body of courage project have lost their battle with cancer but the artwork and their messages will live on for generations. kathy what's on our holiday radar tonight? >> we're just talking about some clouds iain a few snow showers in northeastern pennsylvania but a lot of that not making it to the ground. we have cold temperatures poconos 31. philadelphia 45. it's 38 in wrightstown and 40 degrees in atlantic city at the airport. winds are calm in reading and wilmington, millville, dover, wildwood and ac. for the rest, we have an easterly breeze that just 5 miles an hour in philadelphia. so wind not an issue. fair weather high pressure building off the coast we'll watch this area of low pressure going in this ward with a few spotty showers ahead of this front. not a lot of rain. less than a tenth of an inch but as we time the out you'll see tomorrow morning is when we will be seeing some of this moving in so clouds at 7:00, 8am even 9:00 a.m. and spotty showers by 11, 12, 1:00 but not everyone will be seeing them and then it's just cloudy and those clouds will linger into the day on friday as you possibly could be hitting the malls and those big sales. look at the overnight item which are. we're going for 38 degrees in the city. 34 in the suburbs. mostly cloudy with seasonably cool. during the day tomorrow so much 54 some scattered showers most cloudy with an easterly wind that will be on the light side. going shopping black friday early in the morning for those 4:00 a.m. deals. it will be cool in the 40s but then the 50s for the lunch hour and the afternoon. kick off forecast at the linc monday night 44 degrees as green bay comes to town. skies will be partly cloudy with a westerly wind at 8 miles an hour. a good night for that monday night football. your seven day forecast from the weather authority calls for highs in the 50'ss forty four friday mostly cloudy for the temple game saturday partly sunny and breeze zoo 54. sunday when everyone is on their way back home, no weather issues in the northeast and mid atlantic. more sun, 51. monday looks good. 56. tuesday 60. and by the time wednesday rolls around a chance of a few showers average i'll for this time of year is 52 degrees much that's 13 degrees above normal at the end of the month that's pretty good. >> kathy the eagles trying to get nelson agholor's mine right. doug pederson talks about reducing his workload plus the 76ers go to double overtime witness grizzlies. frustration and minute restrictions killing this team's chance of winning much that's coming up next in sports. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local ed jump record, fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month online for the first year. cable can't offer that. only fios can. zero really can be a hero.ds) get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. this black friday at the volkswagen sign then drive event. >> ♪ the sixers sticking to the process no matter what. both gentleman joel embiid and okafor under minute restrictions and both guys getting frustrated you could see it in several game this year and it came out tonight against the grizzlies. we start in the fourth sixers down by a lead drive to the rack and he hits a three to tie the game. after an exchange of three throws it goes overtime and in eot with seconds left joel embiid misses the jumper to win the game but then he's told he can't go back in. minute restrictions and you could see the frustration right there kicking the chair. let the kid play and because of it you'll lose. that's karma. come on you got to let the kid play. got to let him go to work. it's just 27 minutes he's young. they go on to lose, of course, 104-99. to the flyers they've been inconsistent all year. they haven't found a groove yet. they only had one winning streak so far this season. tonight they're looking for second taking on the lightning in the third period the flyers up two-one. three on three right here. the lightning with a shot it's deflected goes off the board but alex right there to cash in the flyers well they get the game tied up 12 seconds later look at this. again no room to breathe. ryan callahan finish the goal. lightning would tack on another goal. the flyers lose four-two. to the second ranked villanova taking on charleston in the first half. off the menstruation darrell reynolds right here with the dunk. and one nova cruises in this one beating charleston 63-47. improving to six-zero. to the eagles they're still trying to a way out to get nelson agholor out of his own head on sunday he admitted to his problems being all in his mine all his teammates had one thing to really say to him. stay off of social mode ya. sunday was his worst game of the season a couple glaring mistake the biggest one was getting called for an illegal formation for lining up wrong which cost the eagles a touchdown. this week doug pederson trying to make things a little easier for agholor. >> i don't want to expos him to anything that will hurt him there, you know, as an individual, as a human being, because i know, you know, i just know that that this is also about life and it's about him as a person and it's not so much about football any more and i want to make sure that nelson is right, um, as a person, as human being. >> this game is on monday but you can see still get a preview on "game day live" sunday at 10am howard eskin, gary cobb, dave is it a dare row and my elf will break down their chances of beating the packers. once again let the kid play. you can see the frustration in his face. kicking a chair, of course. he's a kid. he wants to play ball. you're taking him out because of minute restrictions? >> yeah. >> there's nothing wrong with him. he's healthy. he's running. >> and they lost. >> and they lost. >> that's what you get. >> yeah. so there. [ laughter ] >> yeah. little rainfalling on our thanksgiving day? >> yeah, we have a few spotty showers out there. otherwise temperatures are going to be pretty seasonal across the region with ranging from lower to mid 50s so it will be pretty decent talk took more about that seven day forecast coming up at 11:00 o'clock. also looking ahead to black friday and monday night if the ball. >> sounds good, kathy. let's check in with iain page standing by with what's coming up at 11:00. >> dawn it may not be something you talk with your teens very often but start. experts say more and more young people are dealing with stalking that could pose problems plus your wake up weather and seven day forecast. >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11. tonight at 11 hitting the road on one of the busiest travel days of the year. conditions out there lived up to the reputation. travelers didn't just need their patience on the roads the skies were as pretty crowded as well. good evening and thanks for joining us i'm iain page. for millions of americans, today's travel was just a necessary thing to get to a beloved holiday tradition. let's get right out to fox 29 chris o'connell at philadelphia international airport tonight. chris? >> reporter: iain

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