Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170220 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170220

boulevard. police say four sourcesou assaulted and robbed man in an n apartment and then left thet anh scene s so faren no suspectsu description is available.ptio we'll stay on top of thisn top t story as it continues to to develop. deve >> meanwhile an overnight fire i in that montgomery county ripsge through a garage along noblelon hooks drive in that geantown.n. a misplaced fire pit ashesashes placed in a trash can are tore blame. several homes are also ao damaged. saying melted on two of theo ofe homes in the picture.mes in thep thankfullyictu no one was injurs here. also in montgomery county police are searching for an monf missingor a germantown man. man. friends of 22-year-old michael lewis degenovo last saw himaw when he got on metro train. trn. he functions at the level of a seventh greater. if you have seen this man give authorities a call.seenauthor >> take a loitoks .a take a lo. this man is considered armedcon and dangerous wanted forr murder. >> police say he shot andice killed a man over in melanie alnwick is live with lih all the details.all the good morning, mel. >> reporter: good morningmo bice. one of the things arlington county policehe t want everyoneo know this is the type ofypeof incident where there's nohere'so danger to the community ato thy large to this very quietto t neighborhood in what thehiy calc the williamsburg section of arlington county on north pronor 29th street.29th street but the house that we're we' talking about is right hereght where you see a number of carse in the drive t police were out here much of saturday -- much of sunday afternoon collecting pressed pr that spilled out onto thent sidewalk and the street areaet from what we understand from frm reports that there was a.m.a.. party at this house and -- a - a party at this house and thered t was maybe 40 people inside and there was aa fight that we we believe spilled out into the front of the house and that isn when the shooting happened.d. 23-year-old michael gray of of manassas was discovered by police suffering from gunshotf wounds. we're told the officersr the offics started cpr right away, right there on scene until paramedics arrived and whenrrivn paramedics got here they tooky k over they rushed michael grayaeg to inova fairfax hospital butpit unfortunately he did notunatelyt survive. he was not able to be revised rv a very difficult scene asas arlington county police worklic to process all the informationon talk to all the witnesses andtnd also we did get thatdge information later about theion suspect that they are lookinglag for. again, his name is jason allen johnson, he's 37 years old. o. he's from -- they say he's he from that washington, d.c.shin they are looking for him. him. they're charging him with him wh murder and they do say he was ha last seen making his wayway toward maryland and again, agin, considered armed and dangerous. so anyone with information isint asked to get in touch with wth arlington county police.ty poli back to you guys.o you gu >> melanie alnwick reporting ali this morning t a dckraft offt president trump's new traveltral ban isn't much different fromfem his first.rst. this draft targets the samehe seven mostly muslim countriesco but it does make exceptionsexcet for people with u.s. visas vias even if they haven't used havend them. the president could sign thesige order tomorrow.tomorrow. by a federal court.cout. defense secretary jimetary j mattis making announcement. mattis said on the unitedaid ond states -- said the united- saidn states doesit not intend tointed seize iraqi oil shifting awayl y from an idea proposed by u.s. u. president donald trump.nald tru. his comments may provide reassurance to the iraqis as the pentagon considers ways to accelerate the campaign against isis.sis >> you would have clarifyingld h comments he made this weekend at a rally ine made florida.loi. the president indicated some kind of horrific incident kindi of happened in sweden.ed but in reality nothing of suchuh magnitude had occurred. occurr his remarks even prompted theome swedish embassy in d.c. to to reach out to the state sate department to confirm thatm that nothing had happened.d. sweden's foreign minister saysen it is not aware of any such incident. >> last night president trumpt p tweeted this response saying say my statement to what happenedo h in sweden was related to ato a story broadcast on fox concerning immigrants andmigran sweden president president obama'ssi legacy is fondly remembered by by c-span. >> president trump ranked 12 on the list of 43nt t former presidents right betweenbe woodrow wilson and james and jas monroe. >> who took the top spot? well, for the third greer athir row president abraham lincolnami came in number one followed by george washington, franklin drad roosevelt rounding out the top three. >> teddy roosevelt came in at number four and dwight d. dgh eisenhower. on onents were scored leadership qualities includingng economic management vision andns setting an agenda as well as relations with congress. >> ♪♪ >> i am intrigued to know whoowo was at the the bottom. >> right. >> if i'm being honest. >> all >> okay. the 5:05 is our time right now. now. and so, i think the groundhogheg is overrated.veed. >> as do i. >> didn't the ground hog saye six more w if this isn't an early springsp i don't know what's.wht's. >> as maureen mentioned maybe ma you enjoyed saturday more evenev though we didn't make to it 70mi because of the lack of theof thl we did have a little bit ofe a f wind on your sunday temperatures now though haveow e fallen back a bit. there's a noticeable chill inbl the area. 47 in washington.shington not bad but it is cool. co. 33 for manassas.assas. that's chilly. 35 for culpeper.lper. fredericksburg good morningburgn 39 degrees but there arerees believe it or not still somell e 50's out there. cumberland maryland at 52 degrees,5gre martinsburg 51 andmartinsb gaithersburg and leonardtownnd d maryland both checking in at at 50 degrees this hour. satellite and radar very quiet t across the eastern half of the t country. we are going to be dealingoi with a goodng amount of sunshini for your presidents' day so if yo duay have outdoor plans we're looking good. only difference between today be and yesterday is going to be a e northerly breeze which will b keep things a little coolerre but 63 degrees for a daytimeytim high not bad at all considering presidents' dayngre we're used to snow prettynow pre much. that's a check of theec forecast. let's get it over to erin como now with a checgekt it of traffic. you by toyota.ic visit buy a fora.for special offers. >> 5:06. overall a much quieterqui presidents' day commute monday morning. rning. however 66 on the eastbounde ead side by sudley road you can c see some slower moving slower m traffic. volume is picking is good newpicks iint's not majortr delay. i would say just least theusas house about five minutes early y to get from gainsville tons centreville. i'll let you know if we getou ke any slowdownst there tere westbound traffic lookingook pretty good.pretty good. aside from that slowdownslowdown overall around the beltwaynd the we're in b really good shape she through college park, 95 to georgia avenue the southern attt speed through lanham notr seeing any problems ouand inner loop and outer loop through t oxon hill. moving along just fine, noe,o lane closures after an earlierar crash on the outer loop inloop oxon hill by 210. 20. 395 and 295 looking great iningn both directions. di if you happen to be taking bw parkway today we have onehav crash blocking the right lanetht not causing any major slowdowns. it's at i-195. - you can keep it to 95 to get around that one.t back to you holly and maureen. >> heartwarming surprise for f one local college studentcollegd caught on we'll share the sweet moment sw coming up. coming >> another round o uf powerfulwl storms ripping throughms r california prompting floodingtid and evacuation orders.on orders. >> taking a live look outside ot as we head to break on thisbreai monday morning, 5:08 is the is e time and 47 degrees.7 deee happy presidents' day.y >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> is he ♪♪ >> back at 5:08. californianow california many residents dealing with more rain this morning. this moing. >> yeah, this latest round of o powerful storms prompting morepe flooding and evacuations. fox's kelly wright has the he details. >> we've had a couple calls of f people trapped in theirltrapped vehicles on their roofsr ro waiting for assistance. >> reporter: several peopler: se are dead as californians clean a up after heavy flooding overloog the weekend throughout the the state. state. rescue crews helped with wih evacuations in the middle ofddlf the night.n in the northern californiaal town of maxwell. >> it has nothing to do it it oroville spillway situation.itu. this water is water thatter tha accumulated from the foothe hills and works its way east out of the foot hills. >> reporter: more rain is onterr the way as thee storm headsm h direct towards the state.stte. crews have been releasingelasing water at the oroville dam andove have made repairs to thehe damaged spillway.pillwa >> we've b hard to reduce the at level leve behind the lake. la >> reporter: high water levels may prompt evacuationsuas again after dam was threatenedha last week.k. >> i am going to watch and ifd it gets close to overflow i'mer' not going to wait for them toemo say it will never happen, takep my leave. >> reporter: heavy rain also ain hit southern californiacaliforn causing mudslides in the losthls angeles area and flooding thedi fresno area which damaged a a levy. le >> finally got some dry level.v the problem, it was so wet anded slushy out there, don't get meee wrong it's still muddy butill mt we're able to get our heavy equipment in there and we're taking dirt off a field nextfie to where the problem >> reporter: many in fresno n are prepared to leave their thei homes if the levy doesn't hold. >> i have a suitcase paint thepn brunt of the latest storm isates impacting southern californiatha and will last through monday. northern california can expect rain through thursday.thursy. in new york, kelly wright fox news. >> a hollywood biopic falling fa flat in its in itdebut. details >> the first the best inthe basketball taking center stagege for an historic all-star game.t. all the highlights the playerspy take something heat for hisor hs game time that's next. ne >> let's take a live look lo outside as we head to break on e this presidents' day. 5:11 is our time right now, no, 47 degrees. we are back right after this. t. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> back at 5:13 now with aith a little all-star action. anthony davis scored and a all-star game record 52 pointsc as the western conferencec squad defeated the east 192 to 182 on sunday night. davis broke the record of 42cor2 points set by wilt chamberlainmn back in 1962. russell westbrook was gunningwe for his third straight straight all-star m.v.p. honors.hors. he scored 41 points includingncl seven 3-pointers westbrook'stere highlights included an alley-oop dunk set up byy-oop d formerup b teammate kevin duran. >> heartwarming surprise for f george washington university gymnastics player thisay morning. george the mascot needed a belated valentine so he picked senior chelsea ranieri.a it was a employ so chelsea's chl brother who came home from theth military could surprise her. he. look at that.t t i love those.tho >> love that, too., all right. also happening today, someome members of the washingtonwas capitals and their wives willirw host wish upon a.a. this is an events organized byay the players to benefit be make-a-wish foundation from 2:00 to 3:30. 3:0 capitals fans will be able tol l enjoy golf pacific northwest gaming withcif proceeds from ticket sales allro go tm o make a wish midatlanticc i like that. that. >> who was the fashion person athe >> i didn't see it.>> i maybe russell westbrook.sell web >> it's still coming. we've got nor all-star news to s come. t >> i'm going with westbrook.h his fashion is cam newtonnesque but on the b ball court. >> who is always on par fashion, mr. mike thomas.mas. >> only in d.c. could we be talking about the capitalsg abca doing a golf tour outdoor in february. spring like weather ahead ah one exception being tomorrowbeiw with clouds.. we've got more 70's on the one seven-day rea a very unfebruary-likefebruary-l february is what we're having're around the region today oroday o rather for this month. mon satellite and radar here lotsreo of quiet conditions up and and down at the eastern seaboard ea here so more sunshine come your way for thiso mo afternoonf temperatures outside right now o 47 degrees under clear skies. se no win winds are calm so wind chillsd c are exactly what theactly wha temperature is, 47 degrees 47 es this hour. this h as weour go around the region,r th nothing overwhelmingly coldy cld like you would almost expectstet to see here or somewherer some around the region in february.e. columbus at 33.lumbus at 33. that's actually above normaloven for them.them. 37 for that detroit.37 fet binghamton new york is 31. here in d.c. once again 47.n 7. same deal for richmond.ichmd. beckley west virginia 37. raleigh 46 so again, as weaswe work our way through the day da today, high pressure kind ofighu sliding in across the centerhe of the country.try. we'll have a northerly wind.a ne the last couple days we had a ha southerly wind that wasrly winds pumping in more warmth and we were getting to those 70's. today with the northerly windnoe we'll stay in the 60's but ie 6 don't think many will complain. co lots of sunshine coming ourmplai way late cromin on this afternof some of our northern suburbsouro stay in the upperrt he50's and d we work from d.c. southwardouhwd that's where you'll get your'llr 60's, low to mid 60's this afternoon. so your forecast day today,ay to again plenty of sunshine thisshs afternoon, 63 degrees for yourrr high hm winds out of the hm north, that's the onenorth,hat'h difference between today andce n yesterday that's going to lead to us not hitting those 70-degree temperatures.egree t we work our way eminto thisto evening. we'll keep the mostly clearostly skies around for the mosthe most part. overnight tonight more clouds me will start to roll in. to roll i we'll get a little chillier aslh well with temperaturesmperures dropping into the lower 40's. 4s quick look at the fox5t the accuweather 7-day forecast, fo 'cause, yes, we're on the rise s again after tomorrow.toow. 67 on wednesday and then 70's 7' back for the end of the workd ok week. that's a check of theat's a chee forecast. erin you loving thisthi springlike weather to . >> i love this weather.we sleeveless dress bright purple good colors for an early early spring. >> there you go.ou flowers blooming. >> we have breaking news offs bf the top out of alexandria.exand. 700 block of north howardr street there's a big waterg main break there.there if you're approachingpaching alexandria hospital usedria hose seminary road. we have a crew on the way buty t again watch for problems againen howard road at 700 block blck closed in alexandria.lexia aside from that as we move thee our rails presidents' dayils service for metro this morning r they opened up at 5:00 lasting a through midnight.mid trains operating on a saturdayay schedule. parking at metro lots and a garages free for the holidayfree so that's good news. off peak fares in thatf effect:also keep ipn eamindn ind metrobus is running on a oa saturday schedule as well.ay sch no othered delays reported buto we are still dealing with safewt track. it's continuing through therouge 28th impacting the blue line. l. no train service rosslyn toosso the pentagon arlingtongton cemetery station does remainrean closed. again we'll keep you updated upd on that breaking news out ofnewf alexandria. maureen and hollily, back tod ht you. >> erin thank you. y let's take a look at the stories you're engaging withgint the most this morning on this mo social media.soal >> whiz is back with ourz is bwr realtime news track tear. n heyew wisdom.i >> good morning to you. goo first up activists gathered ind new york city toists oppose o president trump's travel ban. b. that target seven countriesseveo with a large muslim population. more than a hope to people filled new york's timesha sn que on sunday waving american flags holding signs saying noo muslim bn. the i am muslim too rally.rl next up, a dallas teacher who was fired when her past as a asa pornographic actress was w exposed on social media sayssme she was a teenaged victim of sex slavery and she wants hernt te the dallas morning news nws reports that risa woodward wasas dismissed september 13th from3tm her job at balls springsls middle school.ool. dismissal letter cites thattter her work as an adult contentslts media that was availablev oleine was the reason for hers s being next up, lifetime's muche'sm hyped britney spears movie britney forever after flopped fd big advertisement it aired ontie saturday night and socialrday n media showedig noht a mercy. mey people tweeted theirt dissatisfaction with the moviete many of them saying britneyy deserves better. finally, steph curryry and his head band are gettingget roasted by the internet after ar curry decided to wear thear the accessory at last night's nbahta all-star game in new orleans and of course the memes prettye much made so there youch m go.go. those are your much talkedur mue about topics this morning.mon >> what's wrong with his headhis gland just never wears one anden i guess people looked at it it and said that looks odd.d. >> the memes wrote i need to know what they'rehey'e saying. >> let me look up those memes. no, they're not writingiting themselves. >> if he never wears it and it d then puts it on 'cause it looks kind of weird because the way his head is shaped atsh fashion faux pas.s. like when lebron james used to o wear ahead band. band. >> he needed one because his hairline was way back here.was h >> and he doesn't wear one anyny more. this is all about fashion and fashion citizens banksh subjectiveio and so are memes.m >> steph you just do you.teph i think you look y fine. fne thanks whiz. >> still ahead, anxiety from your phone. why beeping distanced from your device could causeause serious health effects.ffects. >> a maryland neighborhoodaryl counting their blessings aftergr this massive fire ripped ripped through one home. why they're thanking one police officer in particular forththeyff ichis heroic it.her >> live look outside as welook t head to break.break. 5:20 is the time, 37 degrees 37 your more fox5 news morning afteri the eak.k. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> a montgomery county familytg lucky to be alive after massive fomierre tore ckty htorh their home this weekend.we >> neighbors counting theirrs cn blessings after police wentngs f door to doorter to wake everybo up because of fear the firef fei would spread.d. >> fox5's lindsey watts reports. >> you're kind of shocked then, you know. everyone is is 'rthae t okay, everybody is out of thatfa house and you pray that youray house doesn't go up in flames next.. >> reporter: like other othe neighbors on the block sheors e only found out about it after at a bang on her door.door. >> your house isn't on fireisn' yet but it's not safe. s >> reporter: montgomery county police officer johnficer roark was first on scene hewa says the people who lives hfiee were already out. >> the wind was whipping theas p flames it was getting bigger. bi >> reporter: he knew he had kne to evacuate everyone surrounding homes.g hes. >> i say thank you. great job and much appreciatemup of reporter:her house didse di end up getting burned. >> it was moments away. >> reporter: fireporter: investigators say it's not uncommon for discarded cigarettes to spark major spaajr fires. >> we see this from time to time when the fire started on theee tn the outside catches t siding on fire and it burnsit br very quickly and fast and hot.d >> reporter: neighbors haveor already starteted r:a go fund me page for the family who lost lst everything. >> they were only here three one weeks so obviously upset andet a distraught but it can bet an be rebuilt. they'll move forward.rwa. everybody will. >> reporter: neighbors say that the family iors testaying n a hotel now and that they're the very grateful from all of the te support from the communitycomuny after this loss. in clarksburg, lindsey wattsey t fox5 local news >> ♪♪ >> all right. 5:25 bout coming up on this monday morning.oring mike thomas back with ourith presidents' day forecast.idents >> yeah, it's a good one on maureen. ,et ou want to get outside get out and about and enjoy enjy today, today is a good day todao do it if you weren't able tobleo do it all weekend long.end ng. now, if you're heading out and t about early this morning stillni need a medium jacket thisket thi morning. reagan national is at 47, 47 dulles 45, bwi marshall 44.hall4 consider our average high this time of year is 48 degrees andrd again that 47 at reagan at national not seeming so bad tobo start the day as satellite andtd radar and here quiet q conditions eastern half of the e country. will be headed for a good goo amount of sunshine today andtod the temperatures will warmaturem back up well above average av with temperatures here in d.c. . expected to top out in theth 60's later on today.t here's a look at your planner.a. 56 degrees by 10 o'clock this os morning. we'll keep dry conditionsition around all day long. mostly sunny, 60 by 1 o'clock1 o this afternoon and by 4 o'clock, 62.62. 63 degrees with conditionsondtis very warm for this time ofis tif year. there's a lookat the region today. today. 60's d.c., kind of south and an west. west. maybe some upper 50's sticking g around but all in all aall gorgeous presidents' dayeou coming our way fors prthisr ths monday. it if you're able tou're able o have the day off.have the day o that's a check of the a check oe forecast. ith a looklo back w at the roads. roa >> that's right, 5:26. 526. we'll start you off withff ith breaking news we're tracking new in alexandria.s xand a water main break at the 700th0 block of north howard street. sr that is closed right now.ight n traffic is going to have tohaveo detour we have crews at thatthat location. affected with lowerh lor water pressure than usual as usa they work to get that back toth normal. norm aside from that you can sees 395 looking good bottom of thebm beltway and inner loop movingopo along just fine to and fromto am the wilson bridge thise wi bri morning. as we zoom out for a wide viewei of the district maryland and virginia, a lot of green on the miasm it is presidents'i day.s' a lot of folks off work andolksn school so from you in fact so f headed to work this morning, traffic is looking very nicee on 295 and northbound cominghboc up from oxon hill to the 11thheh street bridge.reet bridge. all of our area bridges areges and in great shape. sha key bridge rosslyn intoy brid georgetown looking good, gw parkway very quiet as well. any questions at erin fox5esti d.c. on twitter. twiter. metro is on time right now onnon an adjusted schedule.chee. holly and maureen.aureen. >> 5:26 right now.>> 5:26 right president trump taking to twitter to clarify comments hecl made at a rally this weekendartd in florida as he gets set to to unveil a new version of hison o travel ban. we'll have the details next at 5:30. >> but first, have you seeneen this man? police are tryingtryg to track him down after partypa at a northern virginia housenia turned dead technological.tecic we're live with the latest. >> outside live on this presidents' day. 5:27 is our advertisement verti we're at a pleasant 47 treest re for february that going to be a pretty nir cefenie holiday mike thomas we'll talk more about weatheruth and traffic and all the newsficl you need to knl ow to get youeto out the door when we come back. you're watching fox5 news watchw morning. don't go anywhere. >> ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ahead on fox5 news morning,no clarifying his comments. >> you look at what'sifyi>> you happening last look at w night n sweden. >> president trump defendingdenu those contmproversial d remarkss that caused so much confusionosn following his weekend rally in florida. fl uber under under fi. the company opening an urgent at investigation followingesti disturbing claims of sexualsxual harassment by a formerer employee. em andpl bye-bye bao bao.o. d.c.'s beloved panda one daye da away from her grand journey toro china and what a sendoff itdoff will be.will be. fox5 news morning starts right now. >> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 >> good morning to you.oo thank you very much ford uch fo joining us. i'm wisdom martin.rti >> i'm holly morris. holly mor today is monday february 20th,r, also presidents' day.also presi >> mike thomas erin comodente ti keeping an eye on the skyn co ad the roads this morning.mor we're going to check in withingc them in five minutes.five minu >> first though at 5:30 30 alexandria police on the scene c of a robbery and assault.assaul. this happened on the 2900he 290 block of main line boulevard.ou. police say four suspectsr su assaulted and robbed a man inbbn an apartment and then theyhen th fled the scene. s so far no suspect descriptionser are available. we'll stay on top of this story as it continues to develop. also happening right now h at 5:30, take a, who apat thisas man. he is considered armed and dangerous and he's wanted forter murder. >> police say he shot andolice killed a man over the weekend we in arlington.l melanie alnwick is live withve t the details.d mel. >> reporter: good morning, guys, yeah, still a lot of shock and beale wilderment inmen the williamsburg neighborhood. the house we're talking amasbbo is the one her several cars in the drive way still and the on sunday police e were all over this street. they were bringing bags ofbas of evidence out of that house andu you could see the evidence ev collection in the front yardfrod there, up to 53 different evidence markers there.the you also see what looks likeooke perhaps a jacket on the frontt h of the house there on the theree front walkway.front wa what we do understand is thatish there was some sort of a f dispute at a party that wase ata happening at this house and a a man was shot. shot. we believe it was in the neck.ek the person who is deceased hises name is michael gray, he's, e's from manassas, he's 23 years23 old. we do not have a photograph ofpf michael to show you.michl to s we have the a photograph of the suspect. his name ios jason allen johnson, 37 years old said to sa be of washington, d.c.f washingt he'son wanted for murder in this case. he is five-five, 145 pounds45 ds and police say he was lasts last seen to be heading towardard mala definitely he is considered by i police to be armed andand dangerous. they're asking anyone who hashos any information about hisis whereabouts, any informationny in the icase, to please contact arlington county police butnty t they also want the community com at large to know that thisw hi does appear to be an isolatedsod incident, not random, nodom no threat to the larger community. live in arlington melanie alnwick. >> president trump clarifyingen comments he mat de at a rally il florida. last night he tweeted this: >> saturday he indicated somes kind of horrific incident had happened in swede don't crowd i of supporters.ppters. take a listen. listen >> you look at what's you loo happening ink germany.ger you look at what's happeningwhat last night in sweden. sweden, who would believe this, sweden, they to large numbers, they're havinge g problems like they never thought possible.posible. >> his remarks even prompted r the swedish embassy here insy he d.c. to reach out to the state e department to confirm nothing happened. >> new this morning some peoplehaew t have the president could sign theideo order tomorrow.orrow. his first one was thrown out wa by a federal court.s federal cu >> we're learning more about moa the death of north koreart korea leader kim jong un's halfun' brother. security footage shows arity f s careful and deliberate attack on kim jong nam last week. wee two women approached jong namprd and one appears to holdappears l something over his mouth for ais few seconds.onds meanwhile malaysia has recalled its ambassador northb korea amid rising tensions between the nations.e nations. >> checking our other top top stories this morning d.c.ies thg police are still looking forooki whoever opened fire inoeve southeast yesterday afternoonera injury a woman. it street. police say the woman was toaknen to the hospasital in criticalcra condition. police are looking for ace couple of men asereen in l thee area. one of the suspects reportedlyuy was wearing a white baseball b cap. >> police in fauquier county are trying to figure out e inwht led to app deadly shootinghoo near it happened early sunday snday morning at a home on meetsme et road. police say they found the bodyud of a man inside and later arrested richard mcdonald. m he's being held without bond.ut >> let's talk to mike thomas th about the weather.her. phenomenal this weekend.eekend. >> the weekend what did youhat do. >> you know what i did? we launched model rockets in the park. the >> okay. >> i went and said buy to baouy bao at the zoo. >> we grilled outside. w >> okay.e >> that sounds like a summer weekend. >> i know, right. >> we had a little basketballd and had kliids come over andverd played in the backyard.b it was all good.good >> that's what you should dos wh this weekend. it was beautiful it's going tott be a b'seautiful day today. tod. thursday, friday, you wantou your 70's back.0's ba. >> yeah. >> you got tem week. satellite and radar outsideou this morning, not showing much h in the way of cloud cover. c we are going have a good good amount of sunshine coming oure r way later on today so there's sh some good news for you. you. temperatures around the regionea to start, though, there areh, tr some cold pockets out there.s oh so, still need the jacket thisjs morning especially manassasg esy check you out m at 33 degrees, culpeper 35, fredericksburgederg 38 des.ees. although we do have pockets of f somewhat milder air.ilder some 50's this morning in in martinsburg. 51 degrees, 50 in gaithersburg, 52 up towards up s cumberland maryland.cumberla man 63 degrees your daytime highme h here today for presidents' dayie warm and beautiful 63 degrees 63 and then as we wo rk our way oua into tomorrow, we get more m cloud cover and because ofcoande that, we'll keep things on the e cooler side at 56 but after that, it's all up from thereom r as we head towards next next weekend with temperaturesend wia again back in the 70's by they t end of this week. wek we'll have that seven-dayt s forecast coming up in just a minute.. for now let's get to erin comoo with traffic.r >> dealing with breaking out of alexandria.ndria. a water main break closing the 700 block of north howardho street. crews at that location.lo you can always take seminaryem road around around that use caution as you head out inou alexandria this morning andi watch for somea lower water pressure if you live in thate a area. bottom of the beltway lookingf h good. you can see plenty ofe ginrgeen the inner loop and the outeroo loop. sameter story 395 from the bottf of the beltway all the way uprop through the pentagon to then to 14th street bridge.bridge. taking a wide view of our presidents' day commute i likeel what i'm seeing on 66. not seeing any issues 270 from frederick to the spur.ederick back to you. back >> 5:37 is the time.time thank you very much erin como. o still ahead a check of ourof other top stories includinginclg the dramatic rescue of acue of a two-year-old boy caught onght o cram. >> later r-addicted to your device? when i separation anxiety from your phone may actually be afrom serious health concern. concer >> ♪♪ >> back now at 5:40. police in chicago arrestin>>g bn this man in connection withnn the shooting death of a death oa two-year-old boy. 26-year-old devan swan wasvan a targeting the boy's uncle wholew was also killed when he wase as caught in the crossfire.ossre. a pregnant woman was alsoegna injured in the shooting andntins the whole hothing otwinas partir streamed on facebook live as the woman was on recording.cor. >> an incredible moment caughtet on camera. take a, who at this video. vdeo. police in oregon rescuing an rea two-year-old b missing from his home forng fro hours. he was found nearby in pile ofl brushes. a rescue dog eventually helpedh to locate the boy o it isate ths still unclear exactly how ow or -- how he managed to get away or how he managed to want o off. >> to new jersey where investigators are still to looking into the cause iogaf aoa small plane crash thatall planet happened in a residentialst neighborhood in bayonne.hood in. no one was seriously injured. ij the pilot is in the hospital hos but by looking at the mangledg plane some say it is a miracle l he even survived s the faa and n ntsb are investigating.ating. >> liftoff. nasa's moonshot pad back inpad k business as the space-x rocketat blasted off from kennedy space c center's launch yesterday.aunch. the falcon rocket is on itslconc way to the ikenternational spacl station with a load of sth a loa supplies. now the launc h pad was last a used for nasa's final shuttle se mission nearly six years ago. go the d.c. region gaining its newest millionaire thisilli weekend and we've got thee got e details next. >> and it was neither one oft nn us. >> yes. >> and the count down to baown bao's big farewell now just one day away. what's on tap for her finaler fn day in the nation's capitol. c. >> live look outside right nowh as we head to break.o brak. time right now 5:41. 5 back in a moment.mont. >> ♪♪ >> ♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years, we have received 6 times more awards than cable, urth year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet, on the most awarded network. get this amazing offer: 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. >> ♪♪ >> back at 5:44 right now and the lights are back on at the 5 washington monument after itafti went dark for about an hourn ho last night. n national park service says it si doesn't know what caused thet ce outage. this is the third time the th monument has gone dark this tis year. >> all right.>> all rht. 5:44 is the time right now. now. mike thomas back with a checkh of the forecast. fabulous weekend.fabu >> what a day wloe're going goig have. >> and it's going to be greatat today. today. >> it's going to be greats today. >> we'll have a pretty good week. >> generallygoin have d speakina hiccup.hi tomorrow is a hiccup. hic it's the mid-50's.mid50 >> that's a good problem tom have that.. >> lots of complaints flying c tomorrowompl afternoon. as we get towards the end of the week, 70's are back. ba. >> i love that.e th >> where is winter? theth ground hog was wrong hog was wng admittedly we were kind ofly wef wrong. if you like the warmth you've ye got it. t it. 71 degrees reagan national,tiol, dulles 69. dulles 6 look at that average high isighs 48 degrees so well above wherewe we should be and how warm is war this month so far? yesterdaysta was our third day at 70 plus70 for the month.. that's tied for the secondthe s most of all time.l time it's the most 70-degree dayse ds we've had in february here in now, the most we've ever had was six in 1950.19 we could make a run at thatt t depending on how this weeks pans out. more details on that in thein t seven day in a minute. mi let's get to your weatherather headlines. head sunny and warm, what waslywhat s call it warm later thisater this afternoon for your presidents'r' day. temperatures in the 60's. no the as warm as yeatsterdayura but still pleasant.e more clouds tomorrow meanloud cooler temperatures but we'res u only talking t mweid-50's here n washington then the warmth isth back for the second half of t the week.he seek wednesday, thursday, friday well above where we should bewe for this time of year and possibly this warm littlerm spell we're in is going to endid with some thunderstormom activity as we rolle through thr your day on saturday.n saturday so, that's kind of the nextext big thing we're keeping an eyene on. satellite and radar very quietde around our immediate areaediater here. clear skies reported right nowrt at reagan national,n temperatures in the 40's out there and for some of our locations temperatures haveaturv even fallen back into thek intoe 30's. manassas and culpeper checkingcg in just above freezing at 33 degrees. 33 38 for fredericksburg. dder near d.c. icthough we're hanging i don't and to our uppe at 47. 47. 50 now in leonardtown. 52 for cumberland.u kind of depends on where youeper live this morning that you'remoh waking upat to some cool to cold temperatures but by thisut by afternoon we'll warm thingsn back up.we'l up. now, high pressure is slidingpr just down to our south and to at our west. our we that means a northerly windorthl for today. that's the difference betweenen today and yesterday betweenday n the 70's and just the 60's.60's. so, today we're heading foreadfr the 60's here. some of our northern suburbsthes will stay in the 50's todayhe 5 but stiltl generally veryally vy pleasant and remember, those, te temperatures we kind of measure in the shade so underhar the sunshine it's going tot's gt feel even warmer than that. th get out there and enjoy youroy y presidents' day.presid it's going to bene a beautifulel one. lots of sunshine. sunshine temperatures here inmp washingtoner up to 63 it could even be some mid 60's 6 just south and west of town sowo again another warm day here to o kind of wrap up the holidayo weekend which was gorgeous bygey the way. your fox5 accuweather 7-day7-ay forecast if you like warmu likem temperatures in february this is the seven-day forecast foress you. 63 today. there's your hiccup dayour hiccy tomorrow, 56 degrees. now there could be a shower ors morning but by wednesday wednesd afternoon we're breaking the'ree clouds up, we're getting up topo the 60 and then 70's come backmc on thursday, friday. we'll be close on safturday buti with a cold front swingingining through decent shot at somesome thunderstorms in theunde that's the weather. erin como isthat's back with a o at traffic on this presidents't day.y. hopeful al little quiet.le uiet. >> actually in terms of of getting into the districtto thet quieter n alexandria we'releriar tracking a water main breakain r closing the 700 block of north h howard street.howard street. that's between jordan anddan ad seminary road. if you need to access alexandria hospital since howard street is closed use ue seminary road to get around arud that o.e. 395 moving along fin. outside the beltway not seeing i any problems throughms through colesville, 95 north and southbound route one and bwd w parkway in both directions.irect if you have an early flight tofo catch traffic on the way tohe wt bwi looking very nice right nict now. same story as you make your way top reagan national and dulles. erating on ag on presidents' day and schedu through midnight trains on a a saturday schedule.hed keep in mind metrobus operating on a saturdayturday schedule. fo you have any questions for your metro commute or commute on the roads at erin fox5 d.c.ic on twitter. twi we'll keep you posted on thisedn presidents' day monday.idents' . wisdom and holly back to you.o . >> in today's health watch new study finds gastric bypassstrics surgery offers benefits beyondnf weight loss. they had a reduced risk off type two diabetes relatedrela health problems and their needrd for medication reduced.educed almost a quarter of gastric gasc patients show diabetes remission. remission. >> scientists say beingcien separated from your phone fortir even a few minutes can be as as bad as post traumatic stressmate disorder. the study says we're living inlg a digit cal culture wherere we've become reliant on our phones. young americans spend about fiveican hours on their phonesep some users display signs of digital not surprised at that.surprised. >> it's kind of in a bad placepe because you kind of need your yr phone a lot now.e a lo >> i know.t >> it does everything. >> i panic a little bit when itt can't find it. >> that's true. 'cause you gt'os ttr all your y contents in there, you use it i for navigation.avigation >> i start calling it and then i'm like darn it's on vibrate i can't hear it.i t hear then i get more --e - >> so we understand this. all right. l right. 5:50 is the time right now. no let's take a look at thelook ate stories you're engaging withgg the most this morning onhi social media with ours mo realtm news tracker. >> maureen is back with ah a check of what is hot on the the web. >> good morning. could there be a place in t>>hee white house for chris christief after all? chri the new york pot seems to think so.seems tohink . according to the post the newhew jersey governor has told tld friends and staff that he'sf th' taking a role with the trump administration but a spokesmansn for christie refuted the the claims calling them untrue andua the white house says it hasys is not offered christie a position. posi next up, uber under fire fie again. a this time over claims off sexual harassment at the harasse company's san franciscoan francs headquarters. a former engineer wrote a bloglg post detailing what she systemic sexual harassment atua the company. susan fowler calls uber "a " organization in complete unream lengthing chaos."cha." she says her first day on thehe job she was openly propositioned for sex by her manager. she says -- that manager was never punished and superiorsn told her it was probably justlyt an innocent mistake on hiss part. uber's ceo says the companyh will that open anwi investigation into the a video of a violent altercation involving darrelloll rivas. in the video you can hear a a man bragging about knocking kno two guys out cold.o guys out col the identity of the many of thmn bragging is unclear but right r now rivas is the only persony po charged with a crime in the case. police confirmed the video isde from that february 12th anary 1n incident involving rivas andnri he was arrottd on multiplemulle felony charges includingncluding robbery and assault but he is hi adamant he only acted inin self-defense. no one won the massivessiv powerball jackpot over thekpot weekend but someone insomeone in the maryland lotteryot says ays 1 million-dollar winning wining ticket was sold at a convenience store innvst sykesville. 1 million of nine or 2 million-dollar winnerswinns around the country.he coury. the jackpot for wednesday'sdns powerball drawing is now at at 40million dodo. back to you >> sending myself ckan e-maile-i right now buy powerball ticket k 'cause i always forget, right.ri >> i know unless we do it as as an office pool.e o i'm with you.ith y >> oh, you can -- you can - >> and get your individuals asis well. >> oh, yeah. >> just as a backup >> never know. >> all right. en.nk you maureen >> uhuh.h. >> 75:52 is the time.. pandemonium in the d.c. area as the count down to bao bao'sts departure tomorrow.tomorrow. >> the national zooational celebrating with special special events planned every day. planny fox5's alexandria limon has lims a look at her weekend of farewells. >> reporter: people fromter: pem near and par visiting the t national zoo to say goodbye to t a very special panda that at they've loved since her birth. >> emotional. i know she's going to go to china so she can breed andd produce baby bao baos for us but it is >> reporter: but thtteir t affection for giant pandasan goes back longer than baoo bao's birth three years ago. >> most of us came togetherto because of tyshawn and we were w at the zoo every weekend andd nd we fell in love with him and then we got to know about panda conservation and pandasads international. >> reporter: and it goes far it beyond the national zoo'szo grounds to china.grounds it allto started when bao bao'ss brother tyshawn left the zoo o for china.chi >> but i do go to china and ia i will get to see him again so a i'll get to see her,, too, oo along with ty. >> i travel with them once aal h year to china t them o go visite giant panda bases and workand with the keepers, the keeperse scie.tists. we take medical we work with them to see what w we can do to help. >> reporter: therte organization pandas international brought theght he diverse group of men and womendn together and now they'rethy'r trying to help save species because there are onlyon 500 giant pandas living in in captivity and only an estimate estimated 1800 left in thein the world. the biggest problem is thes th growth of human populationlation encroaching on their habitats.ha >> and they're losing thelos bamboo with all the the development and just we need ne to educate people so that -- th so that our children anddrenand children beyond will be able ae to see these adoring >> reporter: at the nationalonal zoo, alexandria limon fox5fo5 local news.loca >> you know, we went tol thethe zoo on saturday to say bye-byeby to bao bao. it's so in funny because i was trying to explain to haydenpl how special it is that we haveae pandas. he doesn't know a z oo withoutout panda so he was like --like -- >> what's the big deal.e big de. >> yeah, what's the big deal.ig anyway it's special for sure. ur we are on eagle watch ea again. >> this time at the national arboretum where eagle parentse s mr. president and first ladyrsty welcomed a new e nest last night. the d.c. regionne was captivatet last year by the same eaglesages especially when their two wo eaglets hatched named freedom and liberty.bety. >> here's a live look.lo more than 60 million peopleon pe watched last year during that tt five month period. period. mr. president pacific northwest the first lady are the first pair tom nest at thett national arboretum since 1947.1. >> that's pretty cool. >> have no doubt we willno doubl become obsessed yet again.aain. >> right. we always do.we always do. we love the animals in the dmv. dmv. >> but their nest is an amazing structure. >> yeah.. wonder who constructed that. did he do it by himself or did he do it too.too. >> they're not as cruel as youcu are. >> some parents actually takentl care of theilyr kids wisdom. wi. >> some animals love theire ther young, don't put them to work. . can't wait for eagle watch h part two here in d.c.d satellite and radar u quiet. not a lot of cloud cover outvert there which means lots of sunf s once again today.oda temperatures warming up wellp w above normal today.oda 56 degrees by 10:00 a.m. here in washington.ashington lots of sunshine by 1 o'clock o' up to 60 degrees we go ando and then by 4 o'clock in the afternoon, 62/63 degrees.63 deg. 63 for your presidents' day. d mostly cloudy, 56 degrees foresr your tuesday afternoon so itrnoo will be a little cooler at 56 a but then off we go with theith t temperatures up through thethe 60's and into the 70's we gogo by thursday and friday. f all right, that's a quick lookcl at the forecast.he fore erin como is back with a checkck of traffic this morning.r >> that's right.>> that'right. 5:56. happening right now inw i alexandria virginia northnianorh howard street closed with acla water main break.water ma break. that's right at north jordan jon street. crews are working hard out e wo there.rking ha big hole in the ground try toyto get things under control. c looks like no more water wa spewing but they are working ark hard to get that road cleared up. to avoid ho seminary road.seminary r that's a good alternate for g you the. looks like it will be shutood down for most of theke m iorning rush. we'll keep you updated on this t one. keep it to fox5 news morning.mon we have your presidents' dayesid commute covered this monday moay morning. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪. >> this is fox5 news morning.orn >> straight ahead at 6:00 a a man shunt under way for thisr ws man much he's wanted fored fo murder after a house party in in arlington trn >> plus another water mainanot break in alexandria.xanda. this one causing issues by the e hospital. we are live on the scene ason you can see t right there with h what it is that you need to know. your firstour tu live look at 6 o'clock hour,ho, it's monday, february 20th.bruat happy presidents' day to you.too weather and traffic coming up on the 5s at 6:05 goodod monday to you, i'm allison seymour. >> and i'm steve chenevey.'m stc welcome to fox5 news happening right now that watera main break shut down part of a busy road in alexandria.e this is seminary and howardd hod road headed towards alexandriaea customers in that area maymay have low water pressure.essure. repairs expected to take ake several hours still.ill. give yourself a little extra l e time to get around.roud. fortunately it's a very light rush hour with the federal holiday. >> ♪♪ overnightoveoping in alexandria, a man was assaulted then robbed by a robba group of people. people. the alarming crime happened overnight in alexandria. it happened in an apartment onmn

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